Din en 61936
Din en 61936
Din en 61936
Language: German *
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Title (english): Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. - Part 1: Common rules (IEC 61936-1:2010,
modified + Cor. :2011); German version EN 61936-1:2010 + AC:2011
Document type: Standard
Publication date: 2011-11
The European document EN 61936-1:2010 "Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. - Part 1: Common
rules" has been adopted without any modifications into this standard. EN 61936-1:2010 supersedes,
together with EN 50522:2010, the previous CENELEC harmonization document HD 637 S1:1999 and
therewith the previous DIN VDE 0101 (VDE 0101):2000-01. As in EN 61936-1:2010 the normative
regulations for erection of earthing systems are significantly less extensive and thus less detailed as in
HD 637 S1, CENELEC decided to prepare the new European Standard EN 50522:2010 simultaneously
which covers, in addition to EN 61936-1:2010, the current set of regulations of HD 637 S1 for earthing
systems and which has been adopted as DIN EN 50522 (VDE 0101-1). As mentioned in the standard, the
specifications of the standard apply for a nominal frequency up to and including 60 Hz. Until a
corresponding standard is published, the standard content shall also be used analogously for direct
current systems with nominal voltages above 1,5 kV. The responsible committee is K 222 "Errichten von
Starkstromanlagen ber 1 kV und deren Erdung" ("Erection of power installations exceeding 1 kV and
their earthing") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies)
at DIN and VDE.
Languages: German
The document has been replaced
DIN EN 61936-1:2014-12
DIN VDE 0101:2000-01
Document: References
Document: Referenced in