Task 1 6
Task 1 6
Task 1 6
Form What are the characteristics that define the form of a feature article? Does
each of these examples follow the typical conventions of this form or do they break
them? Look at stylistic features such as title, layout, paragraphing, punctuation style,
language, colour, photographs etc. Are they different for the South Australian paper
than for the local one and if so, why?
Purpose What are the purposes (e.g. to inform, to entertain, to promote) behind
the creation of these examples? Remember there may well be more than one! How
effective is each in achieving their aim?
Audience Who is the probable audience for each example? How can you tell?
What different techniques do we see that support this?
Context In what context did this communication example arise? How does its
social context affect its style and content? How may a different social context have
altered it?
Make sure you compare the two examples within each paragraph don't just write on one
text and then the other. Your discussion should centre on similarities as well as differences
between the two examples and should include specific examples to support your
REMEMBER: You must cover all four aspects: form, purpose, language, audience and
social context.
A written response of up to a maximum of 1000 words.
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Knowledge and
Perceptive analysis of a
range of ways in which
authors use the
conventions of different
text types to influence
opinions and decisions in
familiar and unfamiliar
Appropriate use of
language to convey
mostly complex
meaning in a range of
unfamiliar contexts.
Comprehensive and
analytical understanding of
the ideas, experiences,
values, and beliefs
explored in a range of
familiar and unfamiliar
Analytical understanding of
the ideas, experiences,
values, and beliefs
explored in a range of
familiar, and some
unfamiliar, texts.
Descriptive analysis of a
number of ways in which
authors use the
conventions of different
text types to influence
opinions and decisions in
familiar texts.
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Analysis of complex
connections between
personal ideas,
experiences, values, and
beliefs, and those explored
in familiar and unfamiliar
Analysis of simple
connections between
personal ideas,
experiences, values, or
beliefs, and those explored
in familiar texts.
Analytical understanding of
some ideas, experiences,
values, and beliefs
explored in a range of
mainly familiar texts.
Knowledge and
Achievement of a level
of fluency in writing
and speaking in
personally relevant
situations, using
appropriate style and
structure for a narrow
range of familiar
audiences and
Analytical understanding of
the ideas, experiences,
values, or beliefs explored
in a familiar text.
Recognition of a simple
connection between a
straightforward personal
idea, experience, value, or
belief, and that explored in
a highly familiar text.
Development of
understanding of the ideas,
experiences, values, or
beliefs explored in a highly
familiar text.
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Reference to simple
connections between
uncomplicated personal
ideas, experiences, values,
or beliefs, and those
explored in familiar texts.
appropriate use of
language to convey
simple meaning in
familiar contexts.
development of
fluency in writing and
speaking in personally
relevant situations,
using appropriate style
and structure for a
narrow range of highly
familiar audiences and
appropriate use of
language to convey
literal meaning in
highly familiar