Nike Case Study
Nike Case Study
Nike Case Study
Christopher R. S
Inbasekaran .S
Jones Jebaraj .D
Dinesh Babu .D
P h ilK n ig h t w a s b o rn Fe b ru a ry
P h il K n ig h t 2 4 , 1 9 3 8 in Po rtla n d , O re g o n ,
th e so n o f a la w ye r a n d fu tu re
n e w sp a p e r p u b lish e r. K n ig h t
a tte n d e d
C le ve la n d H ig h S ch o o l in
Po rtla n d a n d th e n th e
U n ive rsity o f O re g o n in
E u g e n e , where he was a
m e m b e r o f P h iG a m m a D e lta
(" FIJI " ) fraternityand earned a
jo u rn a lism d e g re e in 1 9 5 9 . H e
w a s a m id d le -d ista n ce ru n n e r
a t th e sch o o lu n d e r tra ck
co a ch B illB o w e rm a n a n d ra n
a p e rso n a lb e st 4 : 1 0
m ile , w in n in g va rsity le tte rs fo r
Bill Bowerman
February 19, 1911
Portland, Oregon, U.S.
December 24, 1999 (aged 88)
Fossil, Oregon
Track and field coach, founder of
Nike, Inc.
with CRM.
Benefits expected by Nike for
implementing the supply chain
•To increase the scope of operations
•To help take orders from the customers and
inventory management
•To reduce order-to delivery time by about 50
•To always ensure that supply always meets
the demand as per the prevailing marketing
•Improper Implementation
•No Sampling Process
Nike was founded in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by
Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight .
In 1966 Blue Ribbon Sports opened it's first retail
outlet selling sportswear , including the Japanese
made Onitsuka Tiger running shoes .
In 1971 graphic design artist Carolyn Davidson
created the famous Nike 'Swoosh' logo and sold it
to the company for $35 . 00 USD .
In 1972 Bill Bowerman used his wife's waffle iron
to mold the sole of a shoe that has better traction ,
creating a shoe called the 'Moon Shoe' and
distributed it to four track & field athletes at
the 1972 Olympic Trials .
That same year the first line of Nike footwear hit
the stores .
In 1978 Blue Ribbon Sports is renamed Nike Inc .
The 1972 Nike 'Moon