Control System Objective Type Questions
Control System Objective Type Questions
Control System Objective Type Questions
1. In an open loop control system
(a) Output is independent of control input
(b) Output is dependent on control input
(c) Only system parameters have effect on the control output
(d) None of the above
Ans: a
2. For open control system which of the following statements is incorrect ?
(a) Less expensive
(b) Recalibration is not required for maintaining the required quality of the output
(c) Construction is simple and maintenance easy
(d) Errors are caused by disturbances
Ans: b
3. A control system in which the control action is somehow dependent on the output is
known as
(a) Closed loop system
(b) Semiclosed loop system
(c) Open system
(d) None of the above
Ans: a
4. In closed loop control system, with positive value of feedback gain the overall gain of
the system will
(a) decrease
(b) increase
(c) be unaffected
(d) any of the above
Ans: a
5. Which of the following is an open loop control system ?
(a) Field controlled D.C. motor
(b) Ward leonard control
(c) Metadyne
(d) Stroboscope
Ans: a
6. Which of the following statements is not necessarily correct for open control system ?
(a) Input command is the sole factor responsible for providing the control action
(b) Presence of non-linearities causes malfunctioning
(c) Less expensive
(d) Generally free from problems of non-linearities
Ans: b
10. A car is running at a constant speed of 50 km/h, which of the following is the feedback
element for the driver ?
(a) Clutch
(b) Eyes
(c) Needle of the speedometer
(d) Steering wheel
(e) None of the above
Ans: c
11. The initial response when the output is not equal to input is called
(a) Transient response
(b) Error response
(c) Dynamic response
(d) Either of the above
Ans: a
14. Any externally introduced signal affecting the controlled output is called a
(a) feedback
(b) stimulus
(c) signal
(d) gain control
Ans: b
15. A closed loop system is distinguished from open loop system by which of the following
(a) Servomechanism
(b) Feedback
(c) Output pattern
(d) Input pattern
Ans: b
16 is a part of the human temperature control system.
(a) Digestive system
(b) Perspiration system
(c) Ear
(d) Leg movement
Ans: b
17. By which of the following the control action is determined when a man walks along a
path ?
(a) Brain
(b) Hands
(c) Legs
(d) Eyes
Ans: d
18 is a closed loop system.
(a) Auto-pilot for an aircraft
(6) Direct current generator
(c) Car starter
(d) Electric switch
Ans: a
19. Which of the following devices are commonly used as error detectors in instruments ?
(a) Vernistats
(b) Microsyns
(c) Resolvers
(d) Any of the above
Ans: d
20. Which of the following should be done to make an unstable system stable ?
(a) The gain of the system should be decreased
(b) The gain of the system should be increased
(c) The number of poles to the loop transfer function should be increased
(d) The number of zeros to the loop transfer function should be increased
Ans: b
21 increases the steady state accuracy.
(a) Integrator
(b) Differentiator
(c) Phase lead compensator
(d) Phase lag compensator
Ans: a
22. A.C. servomotor resembles
(a) two phase induction motor
(b) Three phase induction motor
(c) direct current series motor
(d) universal motor
Ans: a
23. As a result of introduction of negative feedback which of the following will not
decrease ?
(a) Band width
(b) Overall gain
(c) Distortion
(d) Instability
Ans: a
24. Regenerative feedback implies feedback with
(a) oscillations
(b) step input
(c) negative sign
(d) positive sign
Ans: d
Ans: a
31. On which of the following factors does the sensitivity of a closed loop system to gain
changes and load disturbances depend ?
(a) Frequency
(b) Loop gain
(c) Forward gain
(d) All of the above
Ans: d
32. The transient response, with feedback system,
33. The second derivative input signals modify which of the following ?
(a) The time constant of the system
(b) Damping of the system
(c) The gain of the system
(d) The time constant and suppress the oscillations
(e) None of the above
Ans: d
34. Which of the following statements is correct for any closed loop system ?
(a) All the co-efficients can have zero value
(6) All the co-efficients are always non-zero
(c) Only one of the static error co-efficients has a finite non-zero value
(d) None of the above
Ans: c
35. Which of the following statements is correct for a system with gain margin close to
unity or a phase margin close to zero ?
(a) The system is relatively stable
(b) The system is highly stable
(c) The system is highly oscillatory
(d) None of the above
Ans: c
36. Due to which of the following reasons excessive bond width in control systems should
be avoided ?
(a) It leads to slow speed of response
(b) It leads to low relative stability
(c) Noise is proportional to band width
(d) None of the above
Ans: c
37. In a stable control system backlash can cause which of the following ?
(a) Underdamping
(b) Overdamping
(c) Poor stability at reduced values of open loop gain
(d) Low-level oscillations
Ans: d
38. In an automatic control system which of the following elements is not used ?
(a) Error detector
44. The temperature, under thermal and electrical system analogy, is considered
analogous to
(a) voltage
(b) current
(c) capacitance
(d) charge
(e) none of the above
Ans: a
46. In liquid level and electrical system analogy, voltage is considered analogous to
(a) head
(b) liquid flow
(c) liquid flow rate
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
47. The viscous friction co-efficient, in force-voltage analogy, is analogous to
(a) charge
(b) resistance
(c) reciprocal of inductance
(d) reciprocal of conductance
(e) none of the above
Ans: b
48. In force-voltage analogy, velocity is analogous to
(a) current
(b) charge
(c) inductance
(d) capacitance
Ans: a
Ans: c
52 signal will become zero when the feedback signal and reference signs are equal.
(a) Input
(b) Actuating
(c) Feedback
(d) Reference
Ans: b
53. A signal other than the reference input that tends to affect the value of controlled
variable is known as
(a) disturbance
(b) command
(c) control element
(d) reference input
Ans: a
54. The transfer function is applicable to which of the following ?
(a) Linear and time-in variant systems
(b) Linear and time-variant systems
(c) Linear systems
(d) Non-linear systems
(e) None of the above
Ans: a
59. By which of the following the system response can be tested better ?
(a) Ramp input signal
(b) Sinusoidal input signal
(c) Unit impulse input signal
(d) Exponentially decaying signal
Ans: c
(d) resistance
Ans: b
64. The frequency and time domain are related through which of the following?
(a) Laplace Transform and Fourier Integral
(b) Laplace Transform
(c) Fourier Integral
(d) Either (b) or (c)
Ans: a
65. An increase in gain, in most systems, leads to
(a) smaller damping ratio
(b) larger damping ratio
(c) constant damping ratio
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
66. Static error co-efficients are used as a measure of the effectiveness of closed loop
systems for specified ________ input signal.
(a) acceleration
(b) velocity
(c) position
(d) all of the above
Ans: d
67. A conditionally stable system exhibits poor stability at
(a) low frequencies
(b) reduced values of open loop gain
(c) increased values of open loop gain
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
68. The type 0 system has ______ at the origin.
(a) no pole
(b) net pole
(c) simple pole
(d) two poles
(e) none of the above
Ans: a
69. The type 1 system has ______ at the origin.
(a) no pole
(b) net pole
(c) simple pole
(d) two poles
Ans: c
72. Velocity error constant of a system is measured when the input to the system is unit
_______ function.
(a) parabolic
(b) ramp
(c) impulse
(d) step
Ans: b
73. In case of type-1 system steady state acceleration is
(a) unity
(b) infinity
(c) zero
(d) 10
Ans: b
74. If a step function is applied to the input of a system and the output remains below a
certain level for all the time, the system is
(a) not necessarily stable
(b) stable
(c) unstable
(d) always unstable
(e) any of the above
Ans: a
75. Which of the following is the best method for determining the stability and transient
response ?
(a) Root locus
(b) Bode plot
(c) Nyquist plot
(d) None of the above
Ans: a
79. In order to increase the damping of a badly underdamped system which of following
compensators may be used ?
(a) Phase-lead
(b) Phase-lag
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Either (a) and (b)
(e) None of the above
Ans: a
80. The phase lag produced by transportation relays
(a) is independent of frequency
(b) is inverseh'proportional to frequency
(c) increases linearly with frequency
(d) decreases linearly with frequency
Ans: c
81. In a stable control system saturation can cause which of the following ?
(a) Low-level oscillations
(b) High-level oscillations
(c) Conditional stability
(d) Overdamping
Ans: a
(a) Acceleration
(b) Speed
(c) Speed and acceleration
(d) Displacement
(e) None of the above
Ans: b
93. When the initial conditions of a system are specified to be zero it implies that the
system is
(a) at rest without any energy stored in it
(b) working normally with reference input
(c) working normally with zero reference input
(d) at rest but stores energy
Ans: d
94. Which of the following is an electromechanical device ?
(a) Induction relay
(b) Thermocouple
(c) LVDT
(d) Any of the above
(e) None of the above
Ans: c
96. If the gain of the critical damped system is increased it will behave as
(a) oscillatory
(b) critically damped
(c) overdamped
(d) underdamped
(e) none of the above
Ans: d
97. In a control system integral error compensation _______ steady state error
(a) increases
(b) minimizes
(c) does not have any effect on
(d) any of the above
Ans: b
98. With feed back _____ reduces.
(a) system stability
(6) system gain
(c) system stability and gain
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
(c) Acceleration
(d) Any of the above
Ans: d
102. The transfer function technique is considered as inadequate under which of the
following conditions ? (a) Systems having complexities and non-linearities
(b) Systems having stability problems
(c) Systems having multiple input disturbances
(d) All of the above
Ans: d
103. Which of the following is the output of a thermocouple ?
(a) Alternating current
(b) Direct current
(c) A.C. voltage
(d) D.C. voltage
(e) None of the above
Ans: d
104. A.C. servomotor is basically a
(a) universal motor
(b) single phase induction motor
(c) two phase induction motor
(d) three phase induction motor
Ans: c
105. The first order control system, which is well designed, has a
(a) small bandwidth
(b) negative time constant
(c) large negative transfer function pole
(d) none of the above
Ans: c