Resumewy 220
Resumewy 220
Resumewy 220
307 699 7808
Started and managed a small business creating custom t shirt designs for individuals and group events.
Gained insight into building professional relationships, managing projects, and finding creative ways to fill
customer needs.
Sands Wild Water River Trips (Front Desk), July 2014 - Sept 2014 (seasonal)
Communicated with the public and with co-workers to work out trip logistics and prevent problems in a very
fast-paced, high-stress environment.
Prioritized other tasks constantly, as my attention was often needed somewhere else at a moments notice.
Was cross-trained in Sands reservation office to better understand the entire operation and explain any curiosities
or delays to guests.
Trained one other person in this position.
Baggit (Sales Representative), June 2013 - September 2013;May 2014 - August 2014 (seasonal)
Built trust with customers and listened to their needs and curiosities and found creative solutions.
Managed the store when the manager was out of town, taking the initiative to start and complete projects,
communicate with vendors, and improve the store ambience to appeal to customers.
Trained four other people in this position
The Inn at Jackson Hole (Guest Services), June 2013 - September 2013 (seasonal).
Built relationships with guests for the duration of their stay and tailored each guests experience for them by
serving their varied individual needs.
Presently studying at LDS Business College in Salt Lake City UT, A.A.S. in Business, Business Management emphasis.
Courses Ive taken include:
Professional Communication
Organizational Leadership
Business Law & Ethics
Intro to Social Media Marketing
Mac OS X Yosemite
Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010