Russia Done
Russia Done
Russia Done
Europe? [2 pts.]
Russia and Europe had different religious views. Russia to their best
avoided European Catholics.
9. Which event in your reading do you believe had the most impact on modern
Russia? Why? [2 pts.]
The most impact on modern Russia was Peters decision to westernize and
help improve Russia.
10. Write a one-paragraph expository essay explaining which of Peter's actions
reveal that he saw
himself as the highest authority in Russia. [3 pts.]
As Peter the Great westernized Russia and help modernize it by importing
goods and transmitting ideas to and from Russia. As he took it upon
himself to improve Russia he made many accomplishments throughout.
Through westernization he also had schools built and St. Petersburg was a
city he had built in a swamp. Another powerful action was that Peter
created reforms to abolish the ruling of the church and to make it under
his control. This was so people would follow his words and not a religion.