Advanced Digital Signal Processing: MS Electrical & Control
Advanced Digital Signal Processing: MS Electrical & Control
Advanced Digital Signal Processing: MS Electrical & Control
Submitted To:
Dr Aleem
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Question 1. Determine the Fourier series representation for each of the signals below. Give
your answer by specifying: (i) the fundamental frequency f0 (in Hertz) and (ii) a table listing
all of the nonzero Fourier series coefficients ak:
a. x1(t) = sin2
b. x2(t) = cos(t) cos(440t).
c. x3(t) = sin(1.6t) + sin(1.8t).
Question 2. Consider the periodic 25%-duty-cycle square wave s(t) shown in figure 1:
Question 3. Do problem 3.22 of Signals and Systems, Oppenheim and Willsky, Second Edition.
Question 4. Do problem 3.25 of Signals and Systems, Oppenheim and Willsky, Second Edition.
Question 5. Do problem 4.25 of Signals and Systems, Oppenheim and Willsky, Second Edition.