Guideline For Preparation of Project Report
Guideline For Preparation of Project Report
Guideline For Preparation of Project Report
(e) Distribution : One copy to the PS Faculty (the PS Faculty will submit this copy to the
Practice School Division), and one to the Host Organisation.
1.3 ELEMENTS (Inner Matter)
A formal report usually contains the following elements:
Title page
Abstract Sheet
Table of Contents
(vii) Main Text
(viii) Conclusions and/or Recommendations
We now elaborate these elements in some detail.
(i) Cover
The Cover is meant to protect the manuscript besides giving preliminary
information like (i) the title of the report; (ii) the Name & ID No. of the student; (iii) the
name of the organization; (iv) the date of submission, etc. (see appendix-A).
(ii) Title Page
This is the first page of the report. A PS report should contain the title of the
report; the Name(s), ID No(s) and Discipline(s) of the students; PS course No.; the name of
the organisation and the Institute. The format of this page is given in Appendix B.
(iii) Acknowledgements
It is presented on the second page of report for thanking the persons who may have
helped students during the work carried out by them. Customarily, in PS reports, thanks
are given to the following in the order given below :
The words, phrases and sentences used for writing the topics and sub-topics should
have a parallel grammatical construction. For this an example is given below.
2. Causes of Food Problem
2.1 Defective Distribution System
2.2 Lack of Proper Storage Facilities
2.3 Hoarding
2.4 Natural Calamities
2.5 Floods
2.6 Drought
(vi) Introduction
In Introduction, the problem is defined and introduced. The Introduction therefore
contains the purpose of writing the report and sufficient background material, including the
literature surveyed to present the reader a clear picture of the project work. A paraphrased
outline of the work should also form a part of the Introduction. In the Introduction of a
report the author discusses the scope, and the limitations of his work. It is also required to
discuss the sources, methods and procedure employed in collecting and organising the data.
The author is also expected to highlight the value of his work besides indicating the need for
writing the report.
A proper and effective Introduction should include a brief history of the problem
under discussion, coupled with the statement of the immediate problem under examination,
the reasons for undertaking it and a discussion of the methodology adopted. Generally for
PS project report, an Introduction may not be more than a couple of pages.
(vii) Main Text
The actual work, the method of treatment and the results are presented in this part
of a report. It may run into many sections and sub-sections under different headings and
sub-headings. That should be numbered and phrased appropriately. In order to maintain
consistency, you are required to follow the same pattern as given in the Table of Contents
of your report.
The main text contains the discussion on the experimental work done or the data
collected, the survey done, a description of activities, analysis and the results obtained. It
also includes illustrations and interpretations. This is the main body of the report. All
illustrations (graphs, diagrams, tables, figures, etc.) should always be accompanied by a
number and an appropriate title. This helps the reader understand the illustration in a better
way. It also helps the writer to refer to these in the subsequent discussion.
(x) References
All the references to books, journals, documents, web site links etc. should be given
in the section called References. Two examples of how to write a reference are given below:
Suppose you have referred to a paper entitled 'An Integral Equation Satisfied by the
Square of Weber's Parabolic Cylinder Function', whose author is S.C.Mitra, which
appeared in the Journal of London Mathematical Society whose volume number is 11, the
year of publication is 1936, and the article is published on pages 252 to 256; you would
write it as follows:
1. Mitra, S.C. , "An Integral Equation Satisfied by the Square of Weber's Parabolic
Cylinder Function" The Journal of London Mathematical Society, Volu. 11, 1936, pp.
Again, in case you have referred to a book on An Introduction to Linear Algebra by
Dr. V. Krishnamurthy and others which was published by Affiliated East-West Press, New
Delhi in the year 1976, the reference should be cited as given below:
2. Krishnamurthy, V. et al, "An Introduction to Linear Algebra," 1st edition, New Delhi;
Affliated East-West Press, 1976, p.25.
The serial number of the reference should correspond to the number of citation in
the text of the report.
(xi) Glossary
Glossary is the list of technical words and terms used by the author in his report. It
normally includes the meaning of the word / term and the page no(s) where it occurs in the
text of the report.
Write the first draft. Take reasonable care in the choice of words and sentence
structure; choose simple and familiar words. Similarly, write smaller sentences instead of
long ones with a number of clauses.
In case the project work is undertaken by a group of students then different sections
of the report are drafted by different members of the group. This is acceptable but these
sections must then be integrated into a final report and can be done best by a single writer
who can easily spot repetition, redundancy, and omission to make sure that the message
flows smoothly. The integration of the sections and polishing of the style is essential.
Unnecessary words and phrases must be avoided. The draft of the report should be given to
the faculty and also to the expert, who in turn will return it to the authors after making the
necessary corrections and suggestions.
In the light of these corrections and suggestions, prepare your second draft and now
see that it is in the desired format and structure. Having done so, send it for typing. But
your responsibilities do not get over because you have to proof-read the typed sheets;
correct the spelling mistakes if any, and check its total presentation before submitting it.
Seminar is an oral component of PS evaluation. It serves several important
purposes. Some of them are:
In this part, some essential principles of a good oral communication are discussed,
which are vital to the proper planning and presentation of a seminar.
The preparation for a seminar is two-fold. The first is to have a thorough
knowledge of the subject and a full understanding of it . The second is the selection of the
material for the presentation.
A thorough understanding of the subject matter gives confidence to the speaker;
liberates him from dependence on notes and enables him to concentrate on the audience.
To achieve this, speaker should have a command on the background material, should
identify the critical points in the presentation, should also have specific ideas, concepts and
thoughts. Having laid the foundation, it is easy to build the edifice. The knowledge of the
background of the audience helps the speaker in arranging the material in an agreeable
form. This is a part of the communication and not an attempt to be servile. The beginning
should be brisk and to the point. The audience should be told why they are there and what
the speaker wishes to accomplish. The ending should have well-stated conclusion. A
summary should also be given at the end.
Orderly progression through the material is the first element of organization. You
should move from a specific point to a critical idea. Emphasize the key issues and build the
logic to support them. Clarity of expression leads to understanding. Therefore always
organize your thoughts so as to make them look coherent and comprehensive. Keep the
break-up data ready for the critical points. Explanations should be tuned to the audience.
Beginning of the presentation should be interesting and the ending forceful. Aids like
transparencies and slides should be clear and concise as their purpose is to provide due
emphasis with a visual clue. A slide should therefore have only a few points. Do not read
continuously from the slide or chart. Keep the presentation short. It should be within the
attention span of the audience. End the seminar on a forceful note.
In the presentation a special emphasis needs to be given to the voice and body
language. The tone, voice modulation and expressive gestures are vital source of
communication since they convey definite meaning and message. Therefore avoid
monotony with lively presentation. Do not stay stiff and do not jump around either. Deliver
the thoughts with vitality. Indicate the mood changes. While the basic tone is one of
seriousness, an occasional smile is always refreshing. Similarly, a timely humorous remark
is always welcome as it rejuvenates the speaker as well as the listener. Be dynamic but not
excited. Feel as one among the audience. While you are an expert on the subject, you are
still their 'Comrade' . Be positive and confident . Explain your ideas and define your terms.
Ensure that each thought is complete in itself. You may be critical of ideas. However do not
be critical of people. Talk to the audience. Do not lecture. Accept questions and criticism
with grace for their positive value. Answer only those questions which you can handle. You
are on the stage like an actor. Rehearse and practice before a few critical friends of yours.
In a seminar, the use of visual aids is always important. Visual aids are used to
explain a concept or an idea to the audience or to demonstrate visually a verbal message.
The speaker may utilize as many aids as possible to communicate an idea to his audience.
It is essential that the use of visual aids be appropriate. It should also be noted here that
visual aids should only be used when they serve a useful purpose. While using a visual aid,
the overall objective should be kept in mind. It should serve the function of reinforcing the
understanding of the audience. There are many types of visual aids like:
All the above visual aids may not be available at a PS station; so whatever is
available, may be used. The visual aid which is available at almost all stations is the
black-board and chalk. Charts and line drawings can be made by the speaker himself.
In case charts and drawings are made for use as a visual aid, always keep in mind that:
The drawings and letters are large enough to be seen even from the last row of the
Two or more simple charts are better than a single complex chart.
Use of different colours, wherever possible, is advantageous.
Technical words
Key words
Problem Statement
Illustrating procedure
Avoid black-board glare. If necessary, cover the window and turn on the room light.
Get everything you need for the black-board together.
Write neatly in big letters so that the audience sitting in the last row can also read it.
Plan your black-board work in advance.
Write only the key points which are necessary to write on the board. Black-board is
not good for descriptive work. Don't crowd the black-board.
Keep the material simple; concise statements are more effective than the lengthy
Start writing from the left hand corner in straight lines. Normally the length of the
line should not be more than 3 to 4 feet. Do not write in a haphazard way.
Use common notations and nomenclatures only.
Stand on one side of the board. Do not cover the board by standing in front of it.
Underline the important points.
While using the black-board always maintain an eye contact with the audience.
Avoid talking to the black-board and always focus on the audience.
Clean the board regularly.
Use coloured chalks, if necessary to emphasize on certain points or issues.
Clean the board after the seminar.
The first impression which a speaker makes on his audience is through his
appearance. The speaker should try to look relaxed, confident, well-groomed and poised. If
the speaker does not bother to tell any one, no one will know he is nervous. Therefore,
avoid giving outward signs of nervousness. In order to improve your platform manners,
avoid the following:
Juggling or fidgeting with chalk, duster, table or any other object used in seminar.
Looking at your PS faculty and not making eye - contact with others in the audience.
The points given above create a crippling effect on ones performance and hence,
should be avoided. Some hints on developing pleasant platform manners are:
Establish rapport with the listeners. Frequent direct eye contact with different
members of the audience helps in establishing such a rapport.
Keep your hands relaxed and at your sides most of the time.
When you feel the necessity to take a step in any direction or to gesture, do so as
smoothly as possible.
Avoid doing things that are awkward or distracting to the audience, e.g., waving
your hand, swaying back and forth, throwing chalk pieces here and there.
Remember that the audience has nothing to do while they are sitting except
watching you. Consequently, they will look at whatever attracts their attention.
Every awkward movement, every distraction will catch their eye.
Be sure to avoid any mannerism which might divert the attention of your audience,
e.g., staring out of the window or over their heads, while speaking.
Speak to the audience and not to the podium, black-board or to only one man.
Relax; a little showmanship can be useful, but be careful not to overdo it.
Avoid exaggerated body language.
Employ only those gestures which do not draw the attention of the audience to
themselves and distract them from your message.
The effectiveness of the seminar is influenced by the way a speaker uses his voice. There
are five main features of the voice.
(a) Volume (b) Rate (c) Pitch (d) Articulation (e) Pauses
(a) Volume
The volume of the speakers voice should be such that the person sitting far away
from the speaker can hear him without any strain. Speaking too softly will impair the
concentration of audience and too high a volume will distract them.
(b) Rate
The rate refers to the number of words uttered per minute. Therefore the rate at
which a speech is delivered is also important. When a speaker talks too rapidly, the
audience strains to find where one word ends and where the next one begins. A slow
delivery may be boring, monotonous and vapid in effect. Therefore the speaker should be
careful to maintain a rate which is neither too fast nor too slow.
(c) Pitch
Pitch is the tone of sound depending upon the rate of vibration of the vocal cord.
The characteristic tone of a voice is its quality. The tone of voice used by a speaker is
therefore important. An unenthusiastic speaker will often appear bored to an audience. It is
necessary for the speaker to talk to the audience, not down at the audience. If he
remembers that he is speaking to a number of individuals, rather than to a unified group, his
tone will improve. An audience may infer from an unenthusiastic delivery that the speaker
is not interested in his topic and that the quality of the work is, therefore, questionable.
Perhaps the most important attribute a speaker can have is the ability to vary his
tone, speed and volume to emphasize key points and to avoid monotony. The speaker can
easily highlight key points by raising or lowering the volume; increasing or decreasing the
pitch; speeding up or slowing down the speech; and stressing the key word by pausing
before and after the word.
It is of prime importance that the speaker recognizes the need for variety in his
delivery and the need to emphasize the important points. Use of proper pitch, clear
enunciation and exact pronunciation are particularly important when speaking to a large
(d) Articulation
Articulation is the ability to utter the words in a distinct manner. For an effective
speech try to speak each word distinctly and, crisply. Slurring and mumbling of words must
be avoided.
(e) Pauses
Use timely pauses so as to appear natural and poised. Remember to pause at the end
of thought units and not in the middle. Avoid however, the vocalized pauses.
After the preparation for a seminar, it is suggested that a student rehearses his talk in
front of colleagues and /or PS faculty and asks for their comments and suggestions for
improvement or alternatively, rehearses in front of a mirror and seeks self-feedback.
A few significant tips are given below. These will help the speaker in preparing for
a seminar and will also make his presentation a lively and effective one.
(i) Planning
Gather the data and define the objective.
Have a well-defined title /topic for the seminar.
Prepare an outline, with a well-thought out Introduction, Main-body
Determine the key words /phrases which you wish to stress on.
Find out the time allotted to you and plan your entire presentation accordingly.
In other words, make a judicious choice of connected ideas of what you can present
in that allotted time.
Be clear of what you wish to skip. For example, after initiating an analysis, you
can directly come to the result, omitting the detailed steps.
Decide on the visual aids and also locate the places in your presentation where you
plan to use them.
Plan also what to write and where on the black-board.
If you wish to keep some matter on the black-board throughout the talk, choose a
proper location for such material.
You can also use slides/transparencies/ flip sheets.
A slide / transparency should have only a few points neatly and legibly written for
the audience to be able to read even from a distance.
Remember, a large number of visual aids is no substitute for your talk.
(ii) Presentation
To begin with, introduce yourself to the audience by telling
Give a brief outline of what you propose to present. Also tell the audience what
your own contribution was to the project.
Before you go into details, it is helpful to state the lead idea.
Look at your audience and establish eye-contact.
Talk forcefully, with proper modulation of your voice. Keep the interest of the
audience sustained and avoid monotony.
A proper stance, posture and habit of looking at the audience have to be cultivated.
Do not walk around and do not slouch.
Follow your plans but avoid being stilted.
Finish your presentation within the allotted time.
Conclude it and indicate what you chose to omit.
However, if you have run out of time , stop your presentation. Only summarize the
remaining part. Do not ignore the time signal.
Remember reading from pieces of paper, writing on the blackboard or
transparency with no deliberate intention of doing so, and general slouching not
only show disrespect to the audience but are also demeaning to the speaker.
(iii) Question time
Listen to the question and respond to it in a friendly manner.
If you don't know the answer to a specific question, say so. Don't make a guess.
While defending your point of view, look out for a new angle or another point of
view and show your appreciation.
Keep the answers as brief and precise as possible.
Be patient and tolerant when discussion is going on. Discussion is a part of the
Be specially polite during the discussion when you have to disagree.
After the seminar, discuss your presentation with other students and the PS faculty
and note down the errors of delivery. Note also how you can make your presentation better
next time.
In a Group Discussion (GD) a small number of persons (preferably five) meet
face-to-face. The group exchanges information through free oral interaction among
themselves on a topic or problem and try to arrive at a commonly acceptable decision or a
solution. The purpose of all group discussions is to provide an opportunity to participants to
think, listen and speak. This is a good method of helping members in crystallizing their
abstract thoughts into practical ideas.
GD helps in generating a variety of ideas on the topic under discussion, resulting in
a common view on the topic. It is believed that while one member presents his ideas, other
ideas get triggered off and the ensuing discussion slowly has the involvement and
participation of all the members of the group. It should be remembered that the group
should be able to define the problem at hand, analyze it from all angles and generate
potential solutions for it.
Members should desist from rigid views to pave the way for a lively discussion. It
is not necessary that one should persist in one's first idea throughout the discussion. It is
advisable not to pose any restriction about the area of discussion at the beginning, whoever
at this stage lateral thinking should be welcomed. The narrowing down of the area can
take place as the discussion progresses. There should not be an excessive stress on complete
agreement among members. What is needed is an exploration of ideas close to the topic
under discussion, and this requires participation of everyone in the discussion.
Like a seminar, GD is also an oral presentation of your ideas on the topic under
discussion. Therefore, vocal elements, your ability to think logically and present your
thoughts cogently are of crucial importance. If the topic has been announced a day or two
before, refer to books, journals, materials from the organization itself and jot down key
points and ideas. Think about your own point of view. Arrange your ideas in a logical
Each participant should briefly present his ideas before the discussion actually
begins. Platform manners and the use of voice discussed earlier would be helpful here too.
Each participant should be given a fair chance to express his ideas. The following
should be borne in mind for effective participation in a group discussion:
Listen carefully to others point of view and accept a plurality of views whenever it
is valid.
Grab the opportunity to explore wide ideas and discard them only when they have
no relevance to the topic.
Avoid converting the discussion into a dialogue or a debate
members talking.
Avoid being persistent and adamant regarding your point of view. Convince others
or get convinced by them.
Avoid using exaggerated body language.
Avoid interpersonal conflicts.
Dont deviate from the main topic, encourage participation of other members.
It is customary to have a summary of the GD by one or two members of group at
the end of the discussion.
Appendix D gives two lists of topics for Group Discussion. List I has those topics
which are related to the projects students usually do or that are relevant to the
organizations. List II has topics which should not be given for Group Discussion as they
are not related either to the projects or to the organizations.
(Specimen of Cover)
(Appendix -A)
(Title of the Project in Capital Letters)
Name(s) of the
(Month, Year)
(Title of the Project in Capital Letters)
Name(s) of the
Centre .........................
Duration ....................
Date of Start.................
Name(s) and
of the expert(s):
Name(s) of the
PS Faculty:
Key Words:
Project Areas:
Signature(s) of Student(s)
Signature of PS Faculty
Topics for Group Discussion
List I
Topics related to students' projects or the organization for Group Discussion:
1. Should we prefer high capacity or low capacity units?
2. Power plants and their impact on the environment.
3. Effect of industrial automation on paper industry.
4. The importance of industrial safety.
5. Technology development in an Indian bank.
6. Basic concepts used in satellite applications.
7. Benefits of computerization in India.
8. Current trends in computer based education.
9. Is automation needed in process industry?
10. Cement industry -- an overall perspective.
11. HPCL -- the plans for years ahead.
12. Measures to revive a shipyard.
13. Is the automation of an industry-good or bad?
14. Impact of multinationals on the Indian market.
15. Control of air and water pollution .
16. Need and importance of training in industry.
17. How far are exhibits and displays of the Birla Museum effective in communication?
18. Advertising and the new graphical packages.
19. NPL as the major contributor to the Indian industry.
20. R&D and the role of university-research labs in industries.
21. Public sector vs private sector.
22. The power of advertisements.
23. Interlinking space and defence programme: concerns for regional security.
24. R&D efforts in Indian policies and directions.
25. Information technology is an extension of the era of industrial revolution.
26. Privatization of Indian industries.
List II
(Topics not related to the projects or organizations and therefore Not to be given
to students)
1. Women's Liberation.
2. Linguistic chauvinism in India.
3. Why India does not produce champions in sports.
4. Aping of western culture -- pros and cons.
5. Freedom of press in India.
6. Marriages are made in heaven.
7. Should India be made a Hindu Rashtra?
8. Godman in India: can they be trusted upon?
9. Indian politics -- drama in real life.
10. Is perfect automation anti-social for India?
11. Invasion of Star TV on India.
12. Love marriages vs arranged marriages.
13. Will perpetuating caste and communal identities lead ultimately to national
14. Indian film music.
15. Do you support reservation policy?
16. Combating terrorism.
17. India's stand on signing NPT/CTBT.
18. Indo Pak relations -- a solution to Kashmir problem.
19. Is god a myth or a reality?
20. Abolition of the examination system will help in improving the standards of education.
21. Influence of cinema on society and youth.
22. Liquor and cigarette ads should be permitted on Door Darshan.
23. If India must survive her politicians must disappear.
24. Indian cricketers perform well on home soil only.
25. Ethics in business.
26. Industrial relations today.
27. Democracy vs communism.