2 KM FM Transmitter
2 KM FM Transmitter
2 KM FM Transmitter
With a matching antenna, the FM transmitter circuit shown here can transmit signals up to a range of 2
kilo meters. The transistor Q1 and Q2 forms a classic high sensitive preamplifier stage. The audio signal
to be transmitted is coupled to the base of Q1 through capacitor C2. R1, R3, R4, R6, R5 and R9 are the
biasing resistors for the preamplifier stage comprising of Q1 and Q2. Transistor Q3 performs the
collective job of oscillator, mixer and final power amplifier.C9 and L1 forms the tank circuit which is
essential for creating oscillations. Inductor L2 couples the FM signal to the antenna.
Circuit diagram.