Assignment 2 - Unit 6
Assignment 2 - Unit 6
Assignment 2 - Unit 6
Promotion Campaign
Mark Criteria
o 1B.2 - Identify the audience and purpose for the design of a graphic product.
o 1B.3 - Produce outline design(s) for the digital graphic products. Each design must
include outline product ideas.
o 2B.P2 - Describe the audience and purpose for the design of a graphic product.
o 2B.P3 - Produce designs for two digital graphic products with different
purposes and audiences. One design must be for a vector image and the other
must be for a bitmap image. Each design must include:
o requirements of the brief
o documented product ideas and/or prototypes
o a list of any ready-made assets to be used.
o 2B.M2 - Produce detailed graphic product designs, including reasons
why alternative ideas have been discarded.
o 2B.D2 - Justify the final design decisions, explaining how they will:
o fulfil the stated purpose and requirements in the brief
The Assignment
Your graphics need to be used to promote a new smartphone. The smartphone is aimed
at the 1625 age group and offers options to target both sexes.
You need to design two graphic products to be used in the campaign. Design one vector
and one bitmap graphic product, both including text. The graphics should include:
o a user guide line drawing(s) of the product illustrating the size and main features
o an advert including an image(s) of the product in use and compressed
appropriately for viewing on screen (the website used to advertise the
smartphone) and on paper (high-end magazine).
The brief will include further requirements.
Describe why the products will be fit for audience and purpose.
Provide a sources table for the ready-made assets.
Justify how this design meets the brief for your products.
Assessment Evidence
o Design documents or prototypes including description of purpose and audience, list
of ready-made assets, and illustrations of the products
o A sources table of ready-made assets.
Deadline/duration 3 weeks
Task 1 - Proposal
Download the attached proposal document and use it to explain the purpose and
intended audience for your vector graphic and your bitmap vector.
Make sure you record the source of all your ready made assets using the
attached sources table. Save your assets in a separate folder so that you can
use them for the next assignment.
Make sure you keep all of your sketches and their developments and include
them in your design documents.
This forms the evidence for Unit 6, P2
Task 3 - Merit criteria
For merit you need to produce alternative designs and explain why you have chosen
your final designs.
Your designs need to have a good level of detail for the merit criteria.