"If" by Rudyard Kipling - Quick Revision Notes
"If" by Rudyard Kipling - Quick Revision Notes
"If" by Rudyard Kipling - Quick Revision Notes
General Notes
- Most people think that the poem is about a father giving advice to his son on how to be a good
- The poem teaches the idea that success comes from self control, patience and honesty.
- It is a didactic poem (a poem that is used to give instructions)
- It has an ABAB rhyme scheme that mimics answers to a question - if this happens (A); do this (B)
- The rhymes are childlike to capture the young boy's attention.
*These annotations are mainly explaining what the lines mean.
Lines 1&2 - are about having self confidence, faith an conviction
Lines 3&4 - Try to tolerate opposing views without being arrogant. You must also make sure not to
be self-doubting.
Line 7 - be patient and honest, because in the end, the truth will come out.
Line 8 - don't be conceited or big-headed.
Line 9 - You should dream, but not let your dreams control you, as that will make you stubborn and
Line 10 - You should have thoughts, but not become an irrational slave to them
Line 11 - Kipling personifies "Triumph" and "Disaster" which makes them seem important and
Line 12 - Act the same in the face of triumph and disaster; when you have triumphed, don't boast
about it and get carried away, and when you have been faced with disaster, don't pity yourself too
much. Be calm in both situations.
Lines 13&14 - Have the courage to speak the truth, but also be prepared for people to twist your
Line 16 - teaching his son to persevere, even when he has lost everything
Line 17 - you must be able to take risks
Line 20 - even if you lose everything, you should not be disheartened and you should not complain.
Line 21-22 - show courage even when you are scared and give hope
Line 24 - He personifies "Will" to add interest to the poem. It also links in with "Triumph and
Disaster" in line 11
Line 25 - don't misuse your power
Line 26 - stay down to earth
Line 27 - hold your friends and enemies in the same esteem
Line 28 - Don't get too close to anyone in particular. Make many friends, and then there will be more
people willing to help you.
Line 29 - personifies the "unforgiving minute"
Line 30 - Pace yourself and be constant; don't run too fast or too slow.