Lesson Plan 4
Lesson Plan 4
Lesson Plan 4
causes of World War 1. The causes include Nationalism, Economic Imperialism, Rival Alliances,
Militarism and International Anarchy. I will ask students to pull out a blank sheet of paper and fold it
into four squares and write A, B, C, D on the squares. This will be an interactive bell ringer where
students will raise their piece of paper to answer the questions I will display on the board. I will display
the question and ask the students to raise their piece of paper to choose their answer. I will then call on
a students to describe why they choose that answer. The questions will be in multiple choice format.
The questions will be as follows:
1. What is this piece of American Propaganda most correlated too?
A. Nationalism
B. Militarism
C. Economic Imperialism
D. International Anarchy
2. What is this political cartoon representing?
A. Militarism
B. International Anarchy
C. Economic Imperialism
D. Rival Alliances
3. What is this picture depicting?
A. International Anarchy
B. Militarism
C. Nationalism
D. Rival Alliances
4. The United Nations would be the result of what fear?
A. Nationalism
B. International Anarchy
C. Militarism
D. Economic Imperialism
5. What alliance do the pink countries represent?
A. Allied
B. Central
C. Neutral
D. Europe
Hook: (1 minutes) I will state, Now that you have learned about the under laying causes of World War
1 and you are able to identify each cause, today we will apply those causes to understanding the
geographical placement of the powers.
Bridge/Learning Target: (1 minutes) I will state, After our activity today you as a student will be able
to say I can explain how the geography of Europe helped determine the alliances of World War 1.
The learning target will be written on the board and on their activity packet to remind them of the
goal of the lesson.
Link to previous knowledge
I will state, You will be able to apply your previous knowledge of the causes of World War 1 to
determine why the countries aligned with who they did in the war.
I will call on the students to briefly remind the class of what the main five causes of World War 1
are. (Nationalism, Militarism, Economic Imperialism, Rival Alliances and International Anarchy).
Strategy/Activity #1 (45 minutes) Task Rotation/ Stations
There will be four stations in this activity. There will be a mastery level station, understating level
station, analyze level station and evaluate level station in this activity. Since there are ten groups there
will be multiple stations for each station. There will be three station ones, three station twos, three
station threes and one station four. Each of these stations will be spread out across the classroom to
ensure that groups do not disturb each other. I will make it very clear that groups within the same
station are not to disrupt the other groups working. They are to work with their group and their group
only. I will state that out loud to the students before they begin on the activity. I will also assign the
groups to the station they will begin at before they start the activity. Chrome Books will be placed at
each station to help the students complete the activities in the packet. There will be assigned websites
for the students to type into the Chrome Books to help them answer the questions in the packet.
Station 1: Mastery Level
In the packet the students will receive there will be a blank map of Europe in 1914. The directions for
this activity will go as follows:
1. Type this URL into the Chrome Book:
2. Write the name countries on the map and label whether they were an Allied, Central, or Neutral
3. Color each alliance a different color to differentiate between the three powers.
4. Answer the HOT Questions below:
A. In your opinion, which group of countries was the most powerful and why? (Do not take into
account who actually won the war)
B. Do you think the outcome of the war would have been different if the United States had
joined the Central Powers instead of the Allied Powers? Why?
C. If a World War would happen in todays world, who do you think would ally with the United
States? Why?
This station is to help the students masters who were the players in World War 1. They need to know
these alliances by heart and having a visual representation of Europe will help them remember these
alliances. By combing a visual, words and colors to differentiate is much more powerful than just looking
at a list of who aligned with whom. Also being able to see the geographical placement of the powers
will help them achieve the learning target.
Station 2: Understand Level
In the packet the students will receive a fill in the blank note-taking guide that will go over the Triple
Entente and Triple Alliance. They will learn the importance of these alliances and how they played a part
in the formation of the World War 1 powers. I will already have the Prezi Presentation pulled up on the
Chrome Books because it requires a username and password. The information will be presented in a
Prezi Presentation that I have created. The directions for this station go as follows:
This is the link to the Prezi : http://prezi.com/mkj6m1a2vxss/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy
1. Read over the Prezi Presentation about the formation of the Triple Entente and the Triple
Alliance and complete the note-taking guide that follows along with the Prezi.
2. Answer the following HOT Questions about the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente.
A. What do all the Triple Entente countries have in common? (Think about the other causes of
the war).
B. What do all the Triple Alliance countries have in common? (Think about the other causes of
the war).
C. Do you think the obligation to step in if one country of the alliance were to be threatened or
invaded was a good agreement? Why or why not?
D. Do you think that these countries would align with each other in todays world?
The Triple Entente and Triple Alliance were very important parts of World War 1. Historians are still
debating on their impact on the war. I want my students to see what these previous alliances were
based on why they stayed together during the war as allies. They both have commonalities that relate to
the other causes of World War 1 such as Imperialism, Militarism and Nationalism.
Station 3: Analyze Level
This station will ask the students to analyze two different pictures. One is a political cartoon and one is a
piece of American Propaganda. They will both be pertaining to the causes of World War 1. The
directions for each analysis will go as follows:
1. Political Cartoon:
A. Type this URL into the Chrome Book:
B. Scroll down the page to the paragraph entitled Imperialism.
C. Examine the political cartoon within the paragraph about Africa.
D. Answer the following HOT Questions about the cartoon
1. What is the political cartoon representing? What is it trying to tell us about one of the
CAUSES of World War 1?
2. Why do you think Africa was such a coveted piece of land? Why do you think so many
countries wanted to claim it?
3. Is there any piece of land that different countries want to control in todays world?
2. Propaganda:
A. Type this URL into the Chrome Book:
B. Scroll down to the piece of Propaganda titled DESTROY THE MAD BRUTE
C. Examine the piece of Propaganda and answer the following HOT Questions:
1. What do you think the gorilla like character represents? Why does it look threatening to
2. What do you think the United States is trying to convey to its citizens to make them
enlist in the army?
3. How is Nationalism being conveyed in this piece of propaganda?
Being able to analyze political cartoons and propaganda is a good way to look into the causes of the war.
Countries portrayed their reasons for joining the war through both types of mediums.
Station Four: Evaluate Level
Students will watch a United Streaming video for this station. I will already have the video pulled up on
the Chrome Books because it requires a username and password. The video goes over the causes of the
war and how the causes helped form the alliances. The video also describes life during the war and what
the countries involved in the war used against each other. The directions for the evaluation goes as
This is the link to the United Streaming Video:
1. Watch the video segment on United Streaming about World War 1
2. Answer the following HOT Questions after watching the video.
A. Why do you think imperialism and industrialism sparked tensions between countries? Do
you think imperialism or industrialism is better? Why?
B. What are an advantage and a disadvantage of forming an alliance with another country?
C. How effective do you think trench warfare was on the western front?
D. Take a position on chemical warfare. Is using science to produce poison to use against other
people during wartime justifiable?
The students will be evaluating the choices countries made during the war time and how those choices
affected the alliances in the long run.
Closure: (5 minutes)
Reminder of Learning Target: I will state, After our activity today, you as a student will be able to
say I can explain how the geography of Europe helped determine the alliances of World War 1.
I will give the students the same pre-assessment as I did before the actual lesson, only now it will act
as a post assessment. I will be able to gauge their knowledge to determine if they achieved the
learning target set out for them. The post assessment will act as an exit slip and they will hand it in
to me as they walk out the door at the end of class.