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Course at a Glance Online
EDUU 511 Collaboration for Inclusive Schooling
Week One Topics: Exceptionality and Special Education, Research and Legal Considerations in Special Education, Inclusive Schooling
Course Objectives: CLO 1- Develop an understanding of the historical, legal, social, political perspectives regarding special education; (TPE 12) CLO 2- Examine state and federal laws (e.g., Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, California Education Code) related to special education and how they impact student placement and instructional programs for students with exceptionalities, with or without second language challenges; (TPE 12) CLO 3- Explore attitudes and beliefs towards inclusive schooling and identify strategies to overcome barriers to inclusion; (TPE 12)
Topics/Learning Activities Assignments Exceptionality and Special Education History and Origins of Special Education Examining the Research Base and Legal Considerations in Special Education Inclusive Schooling
Read: Chapter 1 from Exceptional Learners
Journal Blog: The Evolution of Special Education
Discussion: Inclusive Schooling: Are We There Yet?
(Initial post by Wednesday at midnight, Response to peers by Sunday at midnight)
Student Lounge Introductions
Planning Ahead: Clinical Experience: You need to complete 8 hours of field experiences which include 3 classroom observations and a parent interview so begin planning for it now. Week Two Topics: Evaluation and Identification of Exceptional Learners, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), Teacher Roles and Responsibilities
Course Objectives: CLO 4- Analyze school-based organizational structures and placements intended to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities, with or without second language challenges; (TPE 12) CLO 5- Investigate multi-tiered systems of support used by schools to determine appropriate research- based interventions matched to students needs and the roles and responsibilities of teachers in developing and implementing tiered interventions; (TPE 2, 3, 4) CLO 6 Develop and understanding of the Individual Education Program (IEP) and how to use assessment information in addition to knowledge of students cultural and language backgrounds, and their cognitive and physical abilities to identify students for referral to special education programs; (TPE 3) Topics/Learning Activities Assignments Evaluation and Identification of Exceptional Learners Prereferral Teams and the Referral Process Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and Response to Intervention (RTI) Individualize Education Programs (IEPs) Least Restrictive Environment Roles & Responsibilities of Teachers in Providing Special Education Services Relationship between General and Special Education Implementing Inclusive Teaching Practices
Read: Chapter 2 from Exceptional Learners
Journal Blog: The Individual Education Program Process
Discussion: What is a Multi-Tiered System of Support?
(Initial post by Wednesday at midnight, Response to peers by Sunday at midnight)
Planning Ahead: You have two major projects in this class an Inclusion Paper due in week 4 and a Disabilities Presentation which is due the week the topic is covered in class.
Week Three Topics: Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Accommodations, Modifications and Adaptations, Assistive Technology
Course Objectives: CLO 9- Utilize instructional practices that are culturally responsive, promote academic development and ensure that all students, including all categories of special populations such as students with disabilities, students on behavior plans, and gifted and talented students, have equitable access to the core curriculum; (TPE 4) CLO 10-Identify a wide range of services, instructional materials and technologies, including assistive technologies, that can be used to support children with special needs; (TPA 1, 4, 5) CLO 11- Develop skills in selecting appropriate accommodations and modifications for students based on specific learning needs; (TPE 2, 3, 7)
Topics/Learning Activities Assignments Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Differentiated Instruction Accommodations, Modifications and Adaptations Assistive Technology Computer Adapted Testing Read: IRIS Module Universal Design for Learning
Journal Blog: Universal Design for Learning
Discussion: How are assistive technologies being used to support students with disabilities?
(Initial post by Wednesday at midnight, Response to peers by Sunday at midnight)
Assignment: Classroom Observation #1
Week Four Topics: Collaboration and Co-Teaching, Working with Parents and Families of Students with Disabilities, Multicultural and Bilingual Aspects of Special Education
Course Objectives: CLO 7- Examine issues of language and learning as compared to issues of language disability; (TPE 7) CLO 13- Develop strategies for communicating with and supporting parents and families of students with disabilities; (TPE 8) CLO 14- Investigate collaborative planning and teaching practices between general education teachers, education specialists and other school professionals and develop the skills necessary to become an effective team member (e.g., communication, role negotiation, problem solving, conflict resolution, reflection); (TPE 9, 13)
Topics/Learning Activities Assignments Co-Teaching Approaches to Co-Teaching Roles and Responsibilities of Team Members The Collaboration Process Working with Parents and Families of Students with Disabilities Effects of a Child with a Disability on the Family Family Centered Model Early Intervention and Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP) Multicultural and Bilingual Aspects of Special Education Ethnicity and Exceptionality Assessment Issues Teaching English Learners
Read: Chapter 3 & 4 from Exceptional Learners
Journal Blog: Supporting Students and Their Families
Discussion: What is co-teaching and how can it benefit students with special needs?
(Initial post by Wednesday at midnight, Response to peers by Sunday at midnight)
Assignment: Inclusion Paper
Week Five Topics: Disability Categories, Common Core State Standards and Special Education, Learners with Learning Disabilities, Learners with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Course Objectives: CLO 8- Investigate the strengths, support needs, and learning and behavioral characteristics often associated with specific disabilities, with or without second language challenges, and identify strategies to accommodate students with disabilities in the general education classroom; (TPE 4, 8) CLO 9 Utilize instructional practices that are culturally responsive, promote academic development and ensure that all students, including all categories of special populations such as students with disabilities, students on behavior plans, and gifted and talented students, have equitable access to the core curriculum; (TPE 4) CLO 11 Develop skills in selecting appropriate accommodations and modifications for students based on specific learning needs; (TPE 2, 3, 7) Topics/Learning Activities Assignments Disabilities Defined IDEA Categories Common Core Standards and Special Education Student Expectations Support Services Learning Disabilities and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Identification Characteristics Educational Considerations Assessment of Progress Early Intervention Student Presentations on Learning Disabilities and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Read: Chapters 5 & 6 from Exceptional Learners
Journal Blog: Learning Disabilities and Intellectual Disabilities
Discussion: In what ways does the move to more rigorous Common Core State Standards impact students receiving special education services?
(Initial post by Wednesday at midnight, Response to peers by Sunday at midnight)
Assignment: Classroom Observation #2
Week Six Topics: Establishing Inclusive Classroom Environments, Learners with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Learners with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders, Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Course Objectives: CLO 8- Investigate the strengths, support needs, and learning and behavioral characteristics often associated with specific disabilities, with or without second language challenges, and identify strategies to accommodate students with disabilities in the general education classroom; (TPE 4, 8) CLO 9 Utilize instructional practices that are culturally responsive, promote academic development and ensure that all students, including all categories of special populations such as students with disabilities, students on behavior plans, and gifted and talented students, have equitable access to the core curriculum; (TPE 4) CLO 11 Develop skills in selecting appropriate accommodations and modifications for students based on specific learning needs; (TPE 2, 3, 7) CLO 12- Examine strategies for creating positive, inclusive educational environments in which each student feels valued and safe, has academic, social and emotional support, and in which each is enabled to make meaningful choices and work respectfully with others; (TPE 11)
Topics/Learning Activities Assignments Inclusive Classroom Environments Inclusive Strategies Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Emotional or Behavioral Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorders Identification Read: Chapters 7, 8 & 9 from Exceptional Learners
Journal Blog: ADHD, Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Autism
Discussion: How can teachers create a positive and inclusive environment for learning?
(Initial post by Wednesday at midnight, Response to peers by Sunday at midnight) Characteristics Educational Considerations Assessment of Progress Early Intervention
Student Presentations on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Emotional or Behavioral Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Assignment: Parent Interview
Week Seven Topics: Learners with Communication Disorders, Learners with Blindness or Low Vision, Learners with Special Gifts and Talents
Course Objectives: CLO 8- Investigate the strengths, support needs, and learning and behavioral characteristics often associated with specific disabilities, with or without second language challenges, and identify strategies to accommodate students with disabilities in the general education classroom; (TPE 4, 8) CLO 9 Utilize instructional practices that are culturally responsive, promote academic development and ensure that all students, including all categories of special populations such as students with disabilities, students on behavior plans, and gifted and talented students, have equitable access to the core curriculum; (TPE 4) CLO 11 Develop skills in selecting appropriate accommodations and modifications for students based on specific learning needs; (TPE 2, 3, 7)
Topics/Learning Activities Assignments Communication Disorders, Blindness or Low Vision, Gifted and Talented Identification Characteristics Educational Considerations Assessment of Progress Early Intervention Student Presentations on Communication Disorders, Blindness or Low Vision
Read: Chapters 10, 12 & 15 from Exceptional Learners
Journal Blog: Communication Disorders, Blindness or Low Vision, Gifted & Talented
Discussion: How can teacher best meet the needs of gifted students?
(Initial post by Wednesday at midnight, Response to peers by Sunday at midnight)
Assignment: Assignment: Classroom Observation #3
Week Eight Topics: Inclusion Revisited, Learners who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Learners with Physical Disabilities and Other Health Impairments, Learners with Low-Incidence, Multiple, and Severe Disabilities
Course Objectives: CLO 3- Explore attitudes and beliefs towards inclusive schooling and identify strategies to overcome barriers to inclusion; (TPE 12) CLO 8- Investigate the strengths, support needs, and learning and behavioral characteristics often associated with specific disabilities, with or without second language challenges, and identify strategies to accommodate students with disabilities in the general education classroom; (TPE 4, 8) CLO 9 Utilize instructional practices that are culturally responsive, promote academic development and ensure that all students, including all categories of special populations such as students with disabilities, students on behavior plans, and gifted and talented students, have equitable access to the core curriculum; (TPE 4) CLO 11 Develop skills in selecting appropriate accommodations and modifications for students based on specific learning needs; (TPE 2, 3, 7)
Topics/Learning Activities Assignments Inclusion Revisited Strategies for promoting inclusion Deaf or Hard of Hearing,Physical Disabilities and Other Health Impairments and Low-Incidence, Multiple, and Severe Disabilities Identification Characteristics Educational Considerations Assessment of Progress Early Intervention Student Presentations on Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Physical Disabilities and Other Health Impairments and Low-Incidence, Multiple, and Severe Disabilities
Read: Chapters 11, 13, 14 from Exceptional Learners
Journal Blog: Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Physical Disabilities, Low Incident, Multiple and Severe Disabilities
Discussion: Thinking Outside the Box: Inclusion Revisited
(Initial post by Wednesday at midnight, Response to peers by Sunday at midnight)