Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida
Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida
Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida
SUBJECT: Engineering Mechanics Paper code: NME 102
First Sessional Exam
Max marks: 30 Time: 75 min.
Note: Attempt any three questions from each section and
assume any data suitably if any.
Q1. State and prove Lamis theorem. (3)
Q2. State and Vaignons theorem. (3)
Q3. State the Coulombs law of friction and angle of repose.(3)
Q4. State the Newtons laws of motion. (3)
Q4. State and prove Law of Transmissibility of forces (3)
Q1. Two sphere rest in a smooth trough as shown in figure 1.
Find the forces at the points of contact. (7)
Q2. Determine the reactions at supports A and B in the
beam as shown in figure 2. (7)
Q3. A cylinder of weight 500N and radius 20 cm. is supported
against a vertical wall by a bar AB of length 80 cm. and
negligible weight. The bar is hinged to the wall at A and
supported at B by a horizontal rope BC. Determine the vaue of
angle that the bar should make with the wall so that the
tension in the rope is minimum. Also find the minimum tension
in string BC. (7)
Q4. Determine the range of values which the mass m may
have so that the 100kg block shown in figure 4 will neither
start moving up the plane nor slip down the plane. The
coefficient of static friction for the contact surface is 0.3. (7)