GENERAL Specification Piping Fabrication and Pressure Testing
GENERAL Specification Piping Fabrication and Pressure Testing
GENERAL Specification Piping Fabrication and Pressure Testing
11 100806 J RO Update Table for Piping Penetrations/Sleeves J RO DZO
10 060406 J RO Update J RO DZO
9 240902 J RO Change of Layout J RO DZO
8 130201 GvS Name Change J RO CvB
7 071100 GvS General Update J RO CvB
6 290799 J RO Change Name J RO CvB
Specification Sheet Revision
502 1 of 27 11
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3.1 General
3.2 Drawings
3.3 Pre-Fabrication
3.4 Welding Carbon Steel
3.5 Pipe support fabrication and installation
3.6 Flange jointing and bolting
3.7 Threaded connections
4.1 Remarksfor piping installation
5.1 Requirementsfor DuplexSteel piping (class..DS)
5.2 Requirementsfor Cunifer piping (class15UK)
5.3 Requirementsfor PolyEthylene piping (class15UP)
5.4 Requirementsfor hot-dip Galvanised piping (class15U)
5.5 Systemsthat require extra grade of cleaning
6.1 Scope
6.2 Flushing
6.3 Testing and test systems
6.4 Safetyduring pressure testing
7.1 General
7.2 Inspection on piping fabrication
7.3 Inspection on piping installation
7.4 Non Destructive Testing
Attachment I - Welding of ferritic/austeniticstainlesssteel
Attachment II - Weld HistorySheet.
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Thisspecification isintended to supplement and confirmgood working practice during fabrication,
assemblyand erection of piping onshore and offshore.
Thefabricationandassemblyshall beinaccordancewithspecificationsand"Approvedfor Construction
All pipingshall bedesigned, fabricatedandinspectedper subject General Specificationsandaccording
to PEDand/or NEN 3650.
If piping isactuallysubject to authorisation per PED:
- thiswill be clearlyindicated on the "Approved for Construction drawings,
- all required fabrication and testing approvalsfor subject piping shall be obtained.
All pipingshall beweldedandfabricatedper thisspecificationandasspecifiedbythelatest revisionof:
ANSI B31.3 : PetroleumRefineryPiping,
ASME : Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
ANSI B.1-20.1 : Pipe Threads, General Purpose
ANSI B.1.1 : Unified Inch Screw Threads
NEN-EN 13480 : MetallicIndustrial Piping All parts.
All materialsshall beinaccordancewiththelatest revisionof theCompanySpecification503- General
Specification for Pipe, Fittingsand Valves.
All surfacesshall be coated in accordance with the latest revision of the CompanySpecification 525 -
General Painting and Coating Specification.
All welding of duplexsteel shall be per subject attachment to thisspecification.
All pipesupporting shall bein accordancewith thelatest revision of theCompanySpecification 504-
General Specification for Pipe Supporting.
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3.1 General
Fabricationwill takeplaceaccordingto aQC-planpreparedbyfabricator. Thisplanistobeapprovedby
Company before start of fabrication. As a minimumthe QC-plan will include the applicable items
indicated in thisspecification.
During all stagesof the work all materialsused, shall be traceable and shall comply with all relevant
documentsand certificates.
Appropriatefabrication/ shop/ material administrationwill bepreparedandfollowed, systemsubject
to approval byCompany.
If pipesare to be cut into shorter lengthsthe identification marksshall be re-stamped on the outer
surface of the pipe witnessed by Notified Body(NoBo) prior to cutting.
All material shall be visually inspected upon arrival on the construction site for damage, corrosion,
proper protection and marking, and certification.
Any deviations shall be reported to Company. All material shall be stored according to the
recommendationsof theSupplier, until required for use.
Piping under fabrication for Companyshall befabricated and stored at all timesseparatefromother
pipingunder fabrication. Detailedrecordsof required, delivered, used, over andabortivematerialswill
be kept at all times.
Fabricationwill takeplaceunder suitableconditions(shop), at all timesspools/pipingwill bekept clean
(inside mainly for debris/dirt, outside especially for metallic contamination of other (piping) metal
If any construction isto be carried out in the vicinity of piping or equipment already installed then,
before such construction work commences adequate protection shall be provided to prevent any
damage fromweld spatter, arccutting dropletsetc.
Careshall betakento avoidoverstressing, damageor deformationinanyof thepipingcomponentsat
all stagesof the work. Shrinking or hot bending isnot allowed in anycase.
No field or other weldingor other hot work shall becarriedout before, where applicable, ahot work
permit hasbeen obtained.
3.2 Drawings
Piping fabrication shall take place from isometric and/or other drawings containing all required
information for material identification, fabrication, testing, coating, etc.
Pipinginstallationshall takeplacefromisometricand/or GAs, support andpenetrationdrawings, and
other drawingscontaining all required information.
Information for pipingfabricationandinstallationshall besubject to approval byCompany. Basedon
all drawingsthe exact asbuilt situation shall be recorded and made available to Company.
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3.3 Pre-fabrication
During all stagesof the prefabrication all used materialsshall be traceable and shall comply with all
relevant documentsand certificates.
During all stagesof the fabrication, all pipe spoolsshall be properly tagged with their unique spool
number. Labelsshall remainonthespool upto theinstallation. Labelsshall beselectedandattachedso
that during and after blasting and painting the spool number remainsreadable.
All piping shall beidentified at thebeginning and theend of each linewith low-stresshard-stamped,
clearly readable marking indicating line-number, pipe-class number, design pressure and max./min.
temperature, and if applicable PED/DADregistratie nummer.
Pipingspoolsshall beselectedsuchthat theycanbehandledinall stagesof theworkwithout damages
or overstressing and that tension free installation isensured.
Pipingspoolsshall befabricatedsuchthat dimensional inaccuracies dueto weldingareminimised. All
measuresshall be taken to ensure correct positioning and fit-up of the componentsto be welded.
Before lining-up, the weld endsshall be cleaned to remove all foreign particles.
Fit -up and tackwelding shall complywith the welding procedures.
Bulletsfromthe pipematerial shall be used for tackwelding.
Removal of bulletsshall be done bygrinding only.
3.4 Welding Carbon Steel
(For welding of duplexsteel see Attachment I to thisspecification.)
3.4.1 General
Fit-upandweldingfor pipingwill beper applicablecodesandspecifications, andshall further fulfil all
requirementsasdescribed in the welding procedures.
Further to obtainacleanpipingsystemtheweldingprocessfor theroot andfirst followinglayer will be
TIG- or MIG-based (to exclude the chance on slag on the inside of the weld).
3.4.2 Welding Procedure Qualification
Contractor shall demonstrate to Company and if applicable to NoBo, that welding procedures and
repair welding proceduresthat will beapplied havebeen qualified in accordancewith theapplicable
All welding shall be multiple pass.
All weld capsshall be multiple passfor WT of 8mmand above.
No welding shall be carried out before the Welding Procedure Specifications and the procedure
qualification recordsare completed and approved byCompany.
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3.4.3 WeldersCompetence
Contractor shall demonstrate that the welders have been rated adequate in accordance with the
applicable PEDprescriptions.
Each welder shall carryevidence of hisqualification with him.
Each welder shall stamp each weld directly adjacent to the weld metal made by himself with his
identification mark (low stressstamps).
3.4.4 Welding preparation
Internal and External surfacesto bewelded shall beclean and freefrompaint, slag, spatter, oil, rust,
scale, salt or other material that would be detrimental to either the weld or the base metal under
welding conditions.
Butt weldendpreparationisacceptableonlyif thesurfaceisreasonablysmooth, trueandall slagfrom
oxygen or arc cutting iscleaned fromflame cut surfaces. Discoloration (for carbon steel only) which
remain on a flame cut surface isnot considered to be detrimental oxidation.
When material subject to "NoBo approval" is thermally removed, the place of attachment, after
grinding, must be subjected to a complete surface examination. (This consists of welded-on-parts
accessories, surplusmaterial, etc. cut or gouged away.)
Complete weld preparation (inside diameter, alignment on inside diameter, root-opening, wall
thicknessetc.) shall be asdefined in the procedure qualification.
If theexternal surfacesof thetwo componentsarenot aligned, theweldshall betaperedbetweenthe
two surfaces. (Tapering 1: 4)
When bevelling on a weld (for instance to reduce misalignment) isobtained byweld reinforcement,
thisreinforcement must be subjected to a complete non-destructive examination.
3.4.5 Welding Consumables
Onlywelding consumablesfromControl Lasapproved "welding consumables" latest edition shall be
Electrodes shall be supplied in fully sealed packages and stored in a dry storage roomand handled
according to the manufacturer's recommendations. All manual type electrodes shall be properly
identifiableupto thetimeof usage, eachelectrodebeingdistinguishedbyproper coding. If thecoding
isdestroyed bybaking, handling, or other causes, the electrodesshall not be used.
Electrodesusedfor stainlesssteel shall not bestoredinheatingcabinetscontainingelectrodesof other
Wire spools for automatic and semi-automatic processes shall be stored in cabinets with supplier
wrapping not removed and remain clearly identifiable up to the time of usage. Unidentifiable wire
shall not be used.
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Each batch of wire shall be labelled with the information fromthe supplycontainer. The labelswith
batch number shall be recorded for reference in relation to the actual welding work.
Manual electrodesandwireshall beof thesametypeasthoseusedintheprocedurequalificationtests.
Welding approved currentsand voltageshall bewithin therangespecifiedintheweldingprocedure.
All unidentifiable, damaged, wet, rusty or otherwise contaminated consumables shall not be used.
Electrodeswith visible stainsaswell aspartiallyused electrodes(oncemelted) shall not be used.
All bottlescontaining shielding or backing gasshall have clear identification labels.
3.4.6 Weld numbering
The weld numbering shall clearlyshow the historyof a weld, including anyrepairsand/or re-welds
For every weld the following information shall be gathered and maintained up to date in summary
sheets, which shall bemadeavailableat regular intervalsand of which thefinal version shall become
part of the asbuilt package.
a. Weld number and type (Shop, Field or Offshore Hook-up)
b. Isometricdrawing number
c. Pipe spool number
d. Line number
e. Size of weld (Nominal Bore and Wall Thickness)
f. Weld procedure(s) and filler type and brand name if not on procedure(s)
g. Weldersname(s) and registration number(s)
h. Date welding
i. Base material type
j. NDT type(s) and resultsand report number(s)
k. Status(based on QC-plan)
A weld isconsidered complete after visual inspection and approval by Companyand completed and
approved X-rayexamination, for NoBo classified systemsalso after theapproval fromNoBo.
3.4.7 Production welding
Welding shall be performed according to Companyand NoBo approved Welding Procedures.
Proceduresshall be available at actual work location at all times.
Eachbeadshall bethoroughlycleanedof all scale, slagandother foreignmatter bychipping, grinding
and wire brushing prior to application of succeeding bead.
Anypiping material which isburned during welding shall be cut out and re-welded.
If lamination or split endsoccursduring welding the joint shall be trimmed to remove the defect.
Any bevelled edge that hasbeen damaged shall be repaired and (where required by the applicable
rulesfor welding) NDT-tested.
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Weldswhichdo not meet therequirementsof theweldingprocedure, whichareburnedor oxidisedor
otherwise found to be defective, shall be repaired or cut out at the direction of Company's
Immediately after welding the weld shall be thoroughly cleaned by removing all scale, slag weld-
spatter, etc..
At each welding location, at least one electronic backing gas detector and electronic temperature
meter shall bepresent. If thewelding procedurerequiresbacking gasand/or controlled pre-heat and
interpasstemperatures, no weldingshall beperformedwithout thepresenceand useof thesedevices
3.4.8 Repairs
If the results of the examination are not acceptable, the weld in question may be repaired once
accordingto adedicatedandapprovedrepair procedure. Eachrepair performedonthestrengthof the
abovemust benon-destructivelyre-examined, andthefinal result shall satisfythesamerequirements.
3.4.9 Post Weld Heat Treatment
If accordingto thePED-"Heattreatment of UnalloyedandLowAlloySteel/Pipes", PWHTisrequired, the
temperaturetimechart shall showthat theheat treatment hasbeenperformedinaccordancewiththe
3.5 Pipe support fabrication and installation
Pipesupportsshall befabricated and installed per drawingsand specifications(General specifications
504and the drawingsfor (typical) descriptionsof pipesupports, GS201for materialsand fabrication
techniquesand GS525for coating).
Pipe support drawings supplied by Company shall be checked for dimensions and completed for
construction details.
Additional pipesupportsshall bedetailedsimilar to thesubmittedsupportsandhavethenext support
number in sequence.
Pipesupport detail drawingsshall beon A4format and shall havenot morethan onetypeof support
and shall show asa minimum:
a. Pipe support number
b. Line number and size
c. Isometricnumber and piping plan number
d. Deck name, location key-plan with distance to grid-lines
e. Structural steel beamwhere support isattached
f. For main steel, the structural detail drawing- and weld number
g. Detailed support members
h. Indication of field weldsrequired on the pipe support
i. All fieldinstalleditemssuchasclamps, bolting, springsupportsetc. withclear identificationto
avoid mistakes
j. Special installation instructions
k. Anyfurther required information for fabrication and installation.
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Location for (field) supports for lines smaller than 2inch and drain tubing shall be designed by
Contractor and approved byCompany.
All supportsshall be installed such that piping systemarefullyand properlysupported. Each support
shall be capable to and actuallycarrythe load for which it isdesigned.
Painting on supportsshall bethesameasfor theadjacent structural steel. Painting or repair painting
shall not affect piping.
Securitylocksand tabsfor spring supportsshall not be removed.
Stainlesssteel or duplexpipingshall never beindirect contact withthesupports, duringinstallationthe
correct measuresshall be taken.
3.6 Flange J ointing and Bolting
3.6.1 Scope
Thissection coversthe bolt tension and bolting-up requirementsfor pipe and pressure vessel flange
jointsinall ratingsasspecifiedinANSI-B16.5andor API-6A (5000, 10000rating), for raisedflat faceand
ring type joint flanges.
For bolting-up requirements for non standard large bore flange-type connections (pipelines, vessel
heads, etc.) in all casesthe applicable drawingsmust be checked and followed.
Bolting materials shall consist of materials as defined in specification 503 (General Piping Material
3.6.2 Codes
The following codesare applicable:
- American Societyof Mechanical Engineers(ASME)
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code - Section VIII. Div. 1Appendix2.
Rulesfor Bolted Flange Connections.
- API-6A
3.6.3 Bolting-up Requirementsand selection of tools
Tighteningof boltsinflangeconnectionsisnormallydonebymeansof spannersandtorquewrenches.
Thismayresult in uneven stressdistribution in bolting and uneven gasket seatingpressure. Especially
whenappliedinhigher pressureclassesandlarger diameters, thismethodmayleadto flangeleakage.
Whenflangejointsareleakingadditional forceisoftenappliedto theboltsintheareawheretheleak
occurs. Thismayresult inmoredeformationof theflangeanditsfacing, thusincreasingthetendency
to leak.
An improved method of tightening isthe application of hydraulicbolt-tension equipment.
For the selection of the correct tool for bolt tension the tables3.6.3.A, 3.6.3.B in thissection shall be
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For the bolt tension and torque see table 3.6.7.A, in all casespayattention to therestricting notesat
thebottomof thetable, andcarefullycheckthetablesand/or graphsfor thispurposethat shouldat all
timesbe present with the selected tools.
Table 3.6.3.A
The following flange jointsshall be made up byhand using ring spannersof
appropriate dimensions. Lengthening of spannersbymeansof pipe, crowbars
or similar isprohibited.
150 LB(PN20) 1/2" up to and including 24"
300 LB(PN50) 1/2" up to and including 20"
600 LB(PN100) 1/2" up to and including 6"
900 LB(PN150) 1/2" up to and including 3"
1500LB(PN250) 1/2" up to and including 2"
2500LB 1/2" up to and including 1-1/2"
Table 3.6.3.B
The following flange jointsshall be made up byhand using torque wrenchesof
appropriate dimensions.
600 LB(PN100) 8" up to and including 14"
900 LB(PN150) 4" up to and including 12"
1500LB(PN250) 3" up to and including 6"
2500LB(PN420) 2" up to and including 4"
5000 PSI up to and incl. 6"
10000 PSI 1/2inch up to and including 2"
Table 3.6.3.C
The following flange jointsshall be made up bymeansof a hydraulicbolt-
tension (torque or stretch) device.
600 LB(PN100) 16" and larger
900 LB(PN150) 14" and larger
1500LB(PN250) 8" and larger
2500LB(PN420) 6" and larger
5000 PSI 8" and larger
10000 PSI 3" and larger
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Table 3.6.3.D
The following flange jointsshall be made up bymeansof a hydraulicbolt -
tension (stretch, e.g. "Hydratight", etc.) device.
ANSI 900&1500LB 2" and larger under water
API 5000&10000 2" and larger under water
ANSI 900 20" and larger critical connections
ALL If required per drawing
3.6.4 Flange Inspection and Preparation
Check the condition of the flange faces for smoothness, scratches, dirt, scale, and weld spatter
protrusions. Wirebrushcleanasnecessary. Deepscratches, dentsor combinationsof defectswill require
re-facing with a flange facing machine.
Check alignment of mating flanges. Use of force to achieve alignment isprohibited.
All threadsandbearingsurfacesshall befreefromsand, chipsor anyother foreignmaterial whichmay
influence the torque during tightening.
Check coating on flanges, all face-surfaceoutsidegroove(RTJ) or packingsurface(RFor FF), including
inside bolt holesshall be coated to specification.
3.6.5 Gasket / ring Inspection and Preparation
Only new gasketsshall be used. Damaged gaskets(including loose spiral windings) shall be rejected.
Gasket dimensions, gasket material andtype, shall becheckedtobeper specification. Non-specification
situations, unlessspecificallydefined on the drawings, are not acceptable.
3.6.6 Stud / nut inspection and preparation
Check thread on stud and nut. Minor damage of tread on stud well in between the nuts may be
repaired, including coating.
Complete coating must be in tact.
Nut to flangecontact surfaceshall becleanandsmooth, avoiddamageto coatinginconsultationwith
Studs area for nuts to be lubricated with approved lubricant. The same lubricant should be used
consistentlyon all jointsespeciallywhen controlled bolt tightening isrequired (see tables3.6.3).
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3.6.7 Installation Procedure - Tensioning
Install gasket and all boltsand nutsbefore anytensioning.
Note: It is recognized that applied torque to a nut member is only one of several ways to
approximate tension and unit stress in a studbolt. Tabulated values (table 3.6.7A)are
presented for convenience and guidance only. Some factors which affect the relationship
between nut torque and boltstressare :
- Tread pitch, pitch diameter, and tread form.
- Surface finish of thread facesand nut bearing surface area.
- Degree of parallelismof nut bearing area with flange face.
- Type of lubrication and coating of the treadsand nut bearing surface area.
- Table can be used as a guideline for general purpose application (shaded area). For non
standard applications dedicated calculation based on found materials, geometrys and
circumstancescan be made.
Developtherequiredbolt stressasper table3.6.7.A "Bolt torquevalues" inaminimumof threesteps,
following a tightening-up procedure asoutlined per figure 3.6.7.B"Bolt-up sequence description".
Note: if morethan 30% of thefinal bolt stressisapplied during thefirst step, seriousdamagewill
be done to the spiral-wound gasket and subsequent tightening cannot offset thisdamage.
Gasket shall be rejected.
Requirementsarebased on boltswith UNC/8UNThread; friction coefficient of 0.12or 0.13. Lubricant
with another coefficient of friction will requireinterpretationof tableor recalculationof bolt torque.
3.6.8 Toolsand Lubricants
All toolsusedfor tighteningshall fit thehexagonof boltsandnutswithout damagingthewidthacross
flatsand be suitable for matching nutsin accordance with ANSI B18.2.2.
HydraulicTorque Wrench Device
The torque bolt tensioning device, including adapters, shall be suitable for matching boltsize. Each
TorqueWrenchDeviceshall beaccompaniedwithaclear manual (inlanguageof personnel involved),
indicating clearlythe relationship between read-out hydraulicpressureand moment applied on nut.
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Table 3.6.7
Recommended bolt tension and bolt torque for ANSI B16.5flange connections
Torque required Nm Boltsize &
thread inch
Mach. oil
1/2 UNC 33 725 80
5/8 UNC 53 725 153
3/4 UNC 78 725 142 194 222 266 274 344
7/8 UNC 108 725 230 318 363 424 451 557
1 8UN 141 725 347 484 555 643 692 831
11/8 8UN 185 725 496 699 803 930 1004 1220
11/4 8UN 233 725 688 970 1116 1292 1398 1715
13/8 8UN 288 725 920 1302 1501 1737 1883 2329
11/2 8UN 348 725 1198 1703 1964 2272 2470 3073
15/8 8UN 414 725 1527 2178 2515 2910 3166 3985
13/4 8UN 486 725 1911 2734 3158 3654 3983 5029
17/8 8UN 564 725 2354 3377 3905 4516 4928 6256
2 8UN 650 725 2861 4113 4759 5505 6012 7653
11/4 8UN 834 725 4081 5892 6824 7892 8635 11027
21/2 8UN 1041 725 5606 8120 9413 10884 15282
23/4 8UN 1267 725 6760 9824 11386 14549 18596
Notes: - Tensioning to be done in (min.) 3stepsof 0.30, 0.65and 1.00* indicated bolt torque
- Calculation based on API spec. 6A - AppendixD
- Stressbasisis362MPa (being 50% yield of ASTM A320M - L7bolting)
- Friction factor asindicated dependson numerousaspects.
- For non-standard and verycritical connectionsdedicated calculationsmust be made.
3.6.9 Bolt-up Sequence
Thebolt-upsequenceindicatedinthefigureisasanexampleapplicablefor all typesof fasteningtools,
orientationcanbechangedto suit veryminor differencesindistancebetweenflangefacings(resulting
fromfabrication tolerances, not out-of angle welded flanges).
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3.7 Threaded Connections
3.7.1 Guidelinesfor the making of small-bore NPT connections
Threaded (NPT) piping connections and the application of various types of PTFE tape and thread
General rulesto check NPT thread connections(ANSI B1.20.1).
- correct selection of materialsfor services, pressure and temperature (specification!),
- check state and installation of cutting blocks(direction &following order)if maletreadis
cut on pipe, use cutting oil
- use of proper and undamaged thread on both male and female thread side,
- the proper use of suitable sealant or tape,
- correct installation and supporting of pipe,
- both male and female thread must be smooth, no burrs, cuts or other irregularities can be
- minor corrosioncanberemovedfromthethread, actuallycorrodedthreadcannot beaccepted,
- without tapeor sealant thepartsto beconnectedshouldallow4to5rotations, at least 4threads
should be engaged,
- withtapeor sealant it shouldbepossibleto makeuptheparts3to 4rotationswithout excessive
- unscrewan alreadymadeup thread connection after application of sealant, not even alittle,
- use extra sealant or tape to fixa doubtful thread,
- use excessive force to make up of (non-fitting) threads.
Special care isrequired for the mounting/installing of plugs.
Plugsareoften used numeroustimeson thesameor anewlocation andthereforethethreadscanbe
Threaded connections used for instrumentation (actual instrument, instrument air, and others) are
considered to be made per piping specifications.
For SS tubing connections, as widely in use within instrumentation and otherwise, the piping
specificationsare not to be used.
All instrument tubing systems to be made according to specifications and manufacturers
The Use of PTFETape
AlthoughPTFEtapecanbeappliedwithout problemsfor numerousapplications, it shouldberealised
that theapplication islimited bythephysical propertiesof PTFEtape. Thetablein thissection givesa
summary of the possibilities for various types of tape and sealant. This table is based on the
manufacturer recommendationsand practical experience.
At thismoment no "tailor made" code isavailable for all situations.
Most commerciallyavailable tapesare of "Giveg class0.2".
Based on experience it can be said that the use of PTFEtape can give acceptable results. The "Giveg
keurmerk" indicates that subjected tapes are fabricated controlled and the chemical properties are
checked. Therefore thismust be checked before use.
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PTFEtape shall be applied asfollows:
In the diameter range up to 1" the PTFEtape (thickness0.1mm) can be used (See table.)
Tapeto beappliedto malethread, startingawayfromandworkingtowardsthepipeend, withatape
overlap of 50%, wrap under slight tension to ensure that tape conformsto thread contours.
Only3to 4layerscan be applied, not more.
Do not use thistape for connectionsin pipe with a diameter above 1".
Alternative Thread Compounds
Asalternativeor additionto PTFEtape, numerousmoreor lessliquidsealingmaterialsareavailable. At
all timesthemanufacturersrecommendationsfor thesematerialsmust becheckedandfollowed. Some
(widelyused) examplesare included in table 3.7.1.A..
Anyother brand, not listed, shall be submitted to companyfor approval.
3.7.2 Material problemsin making threaded connections
The available piping specificationsoften leave the question for apractical solution for connecting or
matching two different materialsun-answered. Speciallyon equipment with variousmaterialsused,
problemscan occur.
Examples: - SSand duplexare verydifficult materialsto cut tread "in the field",
- Installation of threaded connections in duplex steel are very difficult, duplex-
duplexconnectionsmust beavoidedcompletely (themaletreadwill cut into the
female side, far before the required number of treadsisinstalled, "galling").
- Tools(cutting blocksand others) for SSmust be used for SS only.
Described problemsshould be identified and eliminated.
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Table 3.7.1.A, Table Thread Joining Components
Thread Sealant
Pipe Size
(Inch) *
PTFEtape 0.1mm
Giveg Class0.2
All ex. Breather
up to 1inch -20to +150
PermaBond A131&
adhesive/ sealant
All ex. low
temp. cyclic
up to 1inch -55to +150
Loctite 577hydraulic
For small diam.,
clean systems
up to 3/4inch -60to +150
Omnifit 222 All "general
up to 1/2inch -60to +150
ThreeBond All "general
up to 1/2inch -60to +150
ThreeBond 1346 Small diam.,
clean systems
up to 3/4inch -60to +150
Loctite 542 For small diam.
Clean systems
up to 3/4inch -60to +150
Omnifit 5ON All "General
up to 1/2inch -60to +150
* See specification 503for max. sizesthreaded connectionsvariouspipe classes.
3.7.3 Galvanic corrosion and threaded connections
A possible problemwith threaded connectionsisgalvanic corrosion. Screwed connectionsmade up
withdifferent materialscanresult inadifferenceinelectrical potential withtheright (wrong)medium
thiscan cause galvanic corrosion. The sharp edgesof the (usually male) thread can be affected very
quickly(without thepossibilityto detect thisfromtheoutside). Thiswill result inacompletecollapseof
the connection without warning.
Risk for galvaniccorrosion can and must beidentified during piping design, however could because
for problemsduring dayto dayoff-shore maintenance.
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4.1 Remarksfor Piping Installation
Prior to installationall spoolsandpipingcomponentsshall becheckedfor damageandabsenceof any
dirt inside.
Valvesand in-line items shall be checked for looseinternalsor foreign matters.
All components shall be identifiable, pipe spools shall be clearly labelled and piping items shall be
All flange facings, speciallygasket area's, shall be checked for damage.
All piping and pipe spoolsshall be i nstalled without imposing excessive stresses.
Where flangesdo not meet, additional field weldsshall be made.
No excessive pulling or jacking to force a systemin position isallowed.
Companyshall have the right to check potential stressin piping by unbolting or otherwise.
Flangeconnectionsto equipment shall beindividuallycheckedfor stress-freeassemblyandalignment.
Suppliersinstructionsshall be adhered to.
Pipesupportsshall beinstalled together with thepiping system. Whererequired temporarysupports
shall be used.
Pipe supportsshall be designed, fabricated and installed per the applicable general specificationsor
otherwise indicated requirements.
Piping penetrations/sleeves.
- Pipewill bein themiddleof theapplicablepenetration and will at no timebein contact with
the sleeve
- Penetrations/sleevesfor piping penetrationsshall be included on the structural (fabrication)
- Where practical piping penetrations can be combined, tailor-made (oblong) sleeves can be
drawn and used.
Sleevesin decks:
- Penetrationsshall not affect structural integrityof the deck.
- Sleeves130mmabove deck, 10mmin deck plate and 10mmunder deck (see table).
- Sleevesto be prefabricated and installed in deck during fabrication of deck and coated with
deck where possible.
- Sleevesin deck to bewelded aboveand belowdeck with fillet weld =WTsleeveto thedeck.
Material comparable to deck plate material.
Sleevesin grating :
- Penetrationsshall not affect structural integrityof the grating.
- Inremovablegratingpenetrationsto beavoided, possiblyhalf-sleeveswithopeningto sideof
grating can be used.
- Sleeves75mmabove grating, 30mm(or 50mm) in grating (see table).
- Sleevesto bewelded in grating during grating fabrication and to beHot-dip-galvanised with
grating where possible. Material asmaterial for grating
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Specification 502, Rev. 11 18 of 27
Sleeves/penetrationsin beams:
- Penetrations shall not affect structural integrity of the beam, calculation for each typical
application required, in general penetrationsnear the middle of the web
- Use of rings made from plate, fillet-welded to the web, on one or both sides, can be
- Sleevesto beprefabricated and installed in beamduring fabrication of deck and coated with
deck where possible. Material asmaterial for beams.
Penetrationsthrough rated walls:
- For penetrationsthrough gas-tight or firerated wallsthe rating shall not be affected by the
constructionor materialsusedfor thepenetration. Dedicateddesigntobemadeandapproved
for each application.
Field weldsshall be made after insuring that piping isinstalled in the correct position. Shrinking as
result of field weld shall becalculated for. Special careshall betakennot to damagealreadyinstalled
piping and equipment or affect their surfaces by grinding or weld spatter. Proper cover shall be
Installed piping shall complythe construction drawings.
Ventsanddrainsshall beinstalledonhighandlowpointswhereappropriate(All ventsanddrainsshall
be indicated on the isometricdrawings.)
Instruments, drain tubing, valve controlsetc. shall be installed after piping installation.
Threadnipplesshall befabricatedbyContractor of stocklengthsof pipe. Theendsof all fieldthreaded
pipeshall bereamed to removeanyburrs. If indicatedonthedrawingsnipplesshall behexagontype.
Threaded connectionsshall not be back welded unlessspecified or approved byCompany.
A sealing compound or tape approved by Company shall be used on all threaded connections. (See
applicable section of thisspecification.)
After completion of branch welds, the header shall be cleaned before the final weld or flange
connection eliminatesaccessto the inside of the fabricated section.
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Specification 502, Rev. 11 19 of 27
ProcessPipe diameter in inches Sleeve (pipe diameter) Length (grating 30/50)
3/4 6" Sched. 40 150mm (105/ 125mm)
1 6" Sched. 40 150mm (105/ 125mm)
11/2 6" Sched. 40 150mm (105/ 125mm)
2 6" Sched. 40 150mm (105/ 125mm)
3 8" Sched. 40 150mm (105/ 125mm)
4 8" Sched. 40 150mm (105/ 125mm)
6 10" Sched. 40 150mm (105/ 125mm)
8 12" STD 150mm (105/ 125mm)
10 16" STD 150mm (105/ 125mm)
12 18" STD 150mm (105/ 125mm)
14 18" STD 150mm (105/ 125mm)
16 20" STD 150mm (105/ 125mm)
18 22" STD 150mm (105/ 125mm)
20 24" STD 150mm (105/ 125mm)
24 28" STD 150mm (105/ 125mm)
When process pipe is insulated, the diameter of the sleeve has to be increased with the insulation
GDF Production Nederland B.V.
Specification 502, Rev. 11 20 of 27
5.1 Requirementsfor Duplex Steel (Class DS)
(Ferritic/austeniticstainlesssteel frommaterial type "Werkstoff Nr 1.4462").
Duplexpiping in general to be coated per General Specification 525.
5.1.1 Handling Duplex steel - See Attachment I to thisspecification.
Duplexsteel shall never beindirect contact withpipesupports. Duringinstallationthecorrect measures
shall be taken to ensure this.
5.1.2 Welding of Duplex steel
For therequirementsof weldingof Duplexsteel referenceismadeto theapplicableattachment tothis
Any welding of / to Duplex steel shall be performed in strict accordance with this document
(Attachment I).
5.1.3 Pickling and passivating of Duplex steel
After welding and beforecoating all duplexpipespoolsshall bepickled andpassivatedbymethodof
bath emersion (specification to be submitted byFabricator and approved byCompany).
Fieldweldsshall beavoided; incasefieldweldscannot beavoidedcompletely, adedicatedprocedure
for welding and treatment after welding shall beprepared byContractor and submitted to Company
for approval.
5.2 Requirementsfor Cunifer Piping (Class15UK)
5.2.1 General
Cunifer asper ASTM B466, isoften referred to as"Cunifer 10" or "offshore qualityCunifer". Cunifer
material can deviatefromstandard material specificationsfor dimensionsand shapeof speciallytee's
and flanges.
Cunifer isusedwithwt'sfar lessthanwt for comparableCSpiping. For thisreasonthespoolsarerather
vulnerable, therefor extra attention in handling and supporting isrequired.
Cunifer piping shall not be coated, CSparts (flange backing-rings, valves, studbolts & nuts etc. and
obviouslysupporting) are to be coated.
(Note: onlypossiblemethodto coat CSbacking-ringstospec. istocoat thesebeforeassemblingspools,
backing ringsare also delivered HD-galvanised, thisisin general also acceptable.)
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Specification 502, Rev. 11 21 of 27
5.2.2 Handling
Anydirect contact between Cunifer and carbon steel componentsshall be avoided.
Dedicated toolsthat have not been used on anyother material shall be used.
Earthing clampsfor welding and cutting shall be made of bronze.
Handlingequipment, suchasslings, hooksandlift truckforksshall beprotectedbycleanwood, clothor
plasticbuffersto avoid contact with the surface.
Cunifer shall bestored indoors, it shall beprotected frommoisture, dust, salt, iron particlesand other
mattersthat mayinitiate corrosion.
Cunifer shall never beindirect contact withCSpipesupports. Duringinstallationthecorrect measures
shall be taken to ensure this.
Supporting of Cunifer shall be based on (plastic) lined U-boltswith lining pieces.
5.2.3 Welding
Welding of Cunifer will be performed to requirements as laid down in the general welding
requirementsdescription in thisspecification, with the following additional remarks:
- welding processwill beanon-slag process(in general considering thesmall wallthicknessaTIG
process will be used), welding process and consumables will suit the Cunifer and welding
material producersguidelinesfor processing same.
- weld material and HAZ will have mechanical and corrosion qualities at least comparable to
original material.
5.3 Requirementsfor Poly Ethylene Piping(Class15UP)
PE-pipingingeneral requiresspecialiststo fabricateandinstall. Ingeneral material to beprocessedto
piping system to manufacturers recommendation for design, welding (fusing) supporting (entire
length), etc..
PE-piping not to be coated.
5.4 Requirementsfor Hot Dip Galvanised Piping (Class15U)
Spoolsclass15U will be HD-Galvanised (per specification 525) after fabrication of spools. Field welds
are not allowed. After galvanising and before installation flange facings to be checked for and if
necessarycleaned fromexcessive zinc.
5.5 Systemsthat require extra grade of cleaning.
Some systems require extra cleaning by means of pickling and flushing because of their process
function. This is always the case for the systems indicated below, and further as indicated on the
drawingsandfurther documents. Procedureto bepreparedbyContractor andapprovedbyCompany.
Systemsto be pickled and passivated asa systemfor processreasons:
- Hydraulical- and lube-oil systems
- piping upstream gas-compressors downstream last filter (note possible bypass loops to be
See also remarkswith testing and medium.
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Specification 502, Rev. 11 22 of 27
6.1 Scope
In this specification described method of flushing and testing is applicable for piping systems on
platformsand installations. For (subsea) transportlinesdedicated proceduresper applicablecodesare
6.2 Flushing
After installationandbeforepressuretestingpipingsystemsshall bethoroughlyflushed. Result shall be
a clean piping system. At least all debrisand contamination of the piping systemshall be removed.
Dependingontheuseof thepipingsystem, further requirementsshall beapplicable(hydraulicsystems,
fuel systems, etc.).
Flushing in general shall takeplacewith fresh water ; if water in thesystemisaproblem, alternatives
shall be used (air for air-system, oil for hydraulicsystem, etc.)
Flushing water used for CSshall not be used for SSor DS.
Water for SSshall not contain more than 20ppmchlorides.
Where in-line items can be expected to become any obstruction to flush-out debris, or where the
possibilityof damageto systemor in-lineitemsexists, theseitemsshall beremovedbeforeflushing(all
typesof valves, instruments, filters, etc.).
6.3 Testing and Test Systems
6.3.1 Procedure
Prior to initial operation, each installed piping systemshall bepressuretested in accordancewith PED
and Company standard practice to assure mechanical strength and tightness. Table 6.3.1.A is for
informationonly. DADspreparedper PEDgiverequiredtest pressure. All Pressuretestingshall bedone
in accordance with a Contractor prepared and Company approved hydro test procedure. A test
diagramshall be made for determining the test systems.
Test pressure shall be indicated on the AFC-drawings.
Contractor to check allowed test pressure for all componentsthat are included
Pressure test procedures shall be made in accordance with NEN-EN 13480 and Company standard
Ingeneral completesystemsshall betested. Pipingshall betestedintheinstalledpositionwithall pipe
supports fitted. If piping has to be dismantled additional supporting shall be provided to prevent
overstressing of the system.
Spring supportsshall remain in the locked position .
GDF Production Nederland B.V.
Specification 502, Rev. 11 23 of 27
Table 6.3.1.A.
Hydrostatic Test Pressures
Test press.
15 17.7 -20/+95 25.0
15C 17.7 -70/+95 25.0
15U 17.7 -20/+95 25.0
15UK 17.7 -20/+95 25.0
15UP 10.0 -10/+50 14.0
30 46.4 -20/+95 62.3
30W 43.8 -20/+200 59.0
30H 38.1 -20/+315 >> For ambient tempe-
rature, use 62.3Barg
60 92.8 -20/+95 122.6
90 139.0 -20/+95 182.7
90H 131.5 -20/+200 >> For ambient tempe-
rature, use 182.7Barg
250 386.0 -20/+95 503.8
15DS 20.0 -20/+100 28.0
30DS 51.5 -20/+95 69.0
90DS 148.0 -20/+180 194.4
250DS 418.0 -20/+150 545.4
15S 16.2 -20/+95 22.7
500S 351.7 -20/+95 459.2
Notes: - test mediumat ambient; temperature "ambient"
Ta defined as 12 Ta 25C.
Where practical, appurtenances(valves, small vesselsetc.) can be left in place aspart of the system.
In general instruments can be left in place, if necessary instruments can be blocked off at design
pressureandmonitoredwithaPI (applicablefor i.e. LG's). Alternativelyprocessinstrument connections
can be disconnected, systemto be tested can be blinded off (plug or cap).
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Specification 502, Rev. 11 24 of 27
At all timesthe following itemsshall be considered :
- the extra weight of vessel systemcontents(deck structure, supporting) if testing with water
- check for all itemson maximumallowable pressure or possiblyvacuum,
- check for all valvesto allowable pressure in open position and if applicable in closed position,
check required position ball / internals,
- check for the absolute absence of chance on damage of internalsappurtenancesor vessels
either bypressure, byweight or bymediumasresult of pressuretestingor presence. Filtersand
filter type vessel internals shall not be part of pressure test with water.
Operation and/or maintenance instructionson itemsinvolved shall be carefullychecked for required
position before, during and after pressure test.
Control, relief- andcheckvalvesshall beremoved. Temporaryspoolsmaybeusedtoavoid splittingthe
test system.
No test systemsshall be coupled bytubing.
6.3.2 Medium
Mediumfor testing shall be clearlyindicated in the testing procedure.
Ingeneral for pipingnitrogenewithHeliumshall beused. Onlyincasewheresuchtest isnot practical,
hydrateswill bepermittedsubject to approval Company. Corrosioninhibitorsshall beadded(200ppm
of a suitable and Companyapproved make, all to be clearlyindicated in pressure test procedure).
Fuel and instrument air piping shall be tested with dryair or nitrogen.
Drain systemsand vent relief systemscan be tested with a soap solution.
Lubeandseal oil systemswhichcouldbeimpairedbythepresenceof water shall bealternativelytested
in accordance with manufacturer's/company'srecommendation.
Test andflushingwater that hasbeenusedfor carbonsteel systemsshall not beusedfor stainlesssteel
or duplexpiping. Water for stainlesssteel or duplexshall not contain more than 20ppmchlorides.
6.3.3 Testing and recording
Pipingsystemsshall bethoroughlyflushedandfilledwithmediumselectedfor testing(seeabove). The
mediumshall have ample time for setting and to allow the entrapped air to be vented.
For system tests each pressure test shall be monitored by one recorder, a thermometer and two
pressure gaugesone of which isconnected to the highest point of the test system.
Recordersandgaugesshall becalibratedandcertifiedinaccordancewiththeNoBo requirementsand
approved and accepted byCompany.
The certificatesshall be kept readyfor inspection on site.
No testing shall be performed when ambient temperature isbelow 10degreesC.
The minimumtest pressure shall be measured at the highest point of the system.
The test systemshall be kept under pressure for settling until all entrapped air is dissolved into the
water. After approval of NoBo or Company the testing period starts and shall be recorded. The
pressure shall be maintained for the period mentioned in the pressure test procedure or as long is
requiredby NoBo or Company.
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If padsor saddleshavebeen installed at branch connections, ventholesshall becarefullyinspected to
reveal anyleakage during testing.
Ventholesshall be left open or plugged with a soft material not being able to sustain anypressure.
Each weld, flangeconnection and pieceof equipment shall becarefullychecked for leaksduring the
test. Anyleaksfound shall be corrected after de-pressurising the system.
After correction of leaksor defectsContractor shall retest the system.
If, during the test period, the pressure changes due to temperature variations of the test water a
correction calculation shall be part of the test report.
If theambient temperatureisconsiderablyhigher than thetestwater, careshall betaken that, dueto
expansion of the water, the pressure doesnot exceed the maximumtest pressure.
6.3.4 Preparation systemafter testing
After successful completion of the test, the systemshall be flushed and drained promptly and be
blown dry with compressed air.
The systemshall be filled with nitrogen if Companyrequiresso.
Care shall be taken that each high point isvented and each low point isdrained.
Draining shall beslowenough not to createavacuumthat possiblycan bedetrimental to thesystem.
Prior to blowing all bottomplugsshall be removed.
All duplexsystemsshall , after completion, prior to loadout, becleanedandflushedwithanapproved
solvent, dried with hot air and filled with nitrogen at 1Bar min. and sealed off.
System(s) shall beclosed with blind-platesand spades, fabricated fromplate/ supplied byContractor.
For duplexflangesstainlesssteel linersandspadesshall beused. Spadesshall bepaintedredandclearly
visible, all studs / nuts shall be installed, the original gaskets etc. shall be attached to the spade. A
checklist showing all spadesshall be made to enable off shore re-installation of the joints.
6.3.5 Alternative methods
If no pressure testing is possible, alternative/additional testing might be acceptable but only after
consultation of and approval fromCompany- and if applicableNoBo representative.
6.3.6 Inspection and witnessing
All test shall bewitnessedandapprovedbyCompany, andwhereapplicablebyNoBo" representative.
During the test the systemshall be accessible for proper and safe inspection.
6.4 Safety during Pressure Testing
Precautionsshall betakento ensurethat thepressuretest isdoneinasafemanner. It shouldbekept in
mind that a considerable amount of energyispresent in the test mediumunder high pressure.
Onlypersonnel directlyinvolved in the test shall be permitted in the vicinity.
Further if applicabletheuseof N2to fill systemsafter pressuretestinganddrainingthesystem, shall be
reason for extra attention, noteN2if inhaled in larger quantitiesislethal.
Systemsfilled with N2shall at all timesbe clearlymarked with appropriate warning signs.
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Specification 502, Rev. 11 26 of 27
7.1 General
Thenatureandextendof supervisionandinspectionduringfabrication, installationandtestingshall be
agreed between Company, NoBo (if applicable) and Contractor.
The general contentsagreed shall be laid down byContractor in a qualitycontrol plan.
7.2 Inspection Piping Prefabrication
Inspection on prefabrication shall guarantee asa minimumthe following items:
- check on use correct materialsand adherence to material control procedures,
- visual examination materialsbefore use,
- visual examination fit-up before welding,
- inspection on working (incl. welding) per specifications
- visual examination after welding
- inspection on dimensions (both dimensions from drawing as fabrication-results (square,
straddled, straight, etc.),
- Non Destructive Testing
- Heat treatment
- Coating
- Dimensional inspection to drawings
- Inspection asrequired for Class. Authorityfor piping where applicable
- Documentation incl. AsBuilt.
7.3 Inspection Piping Installation
Inspection on installation shall guarantee asa minimumthe following items:
- inspectionsasindicated for prefabrication where applicable
- handling, transport and storage of spools
- strain-free installation of piping
- extraattentionof closingsystemto avoidcontaminationof pipingsystemsandequipment tobe
- Non Destructive Testing field welds
- Coating inspection
- Supporting
7.4 Non Destructive Testing
7.4.1 Quantities
Weldsin piping shall be tested with NDT techniques.
In general the following scheme shall be adhered to.
- Weldson piping subject to NoBo approval must be 100 % NDT tested.
- Anyweld in class30and up must be 100% NDT tested.
- Weldsonpipingnot subject to NoBo approval andnot inclass30andupmust beas, aminimum,
10% NDT tested.
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Specification 502, Rev. 11 27 of 27
7.4.2 Typesand standardsfor NDT
NDTwill bedoneper approvedproceduresandstandardsandbyqualifiedpersonnel. Proceduresand
qualificationsshall bebasedonASMI (Vfor procedureandVIII for acceptance), andwill asaminimum
fulfil the NoBo requirementsaslaid down in the subject sheets. The locationsof theweld examined
shall be indicated on a drawing in such detail, that the precise location of each checked weld can be
traced. NDT on a weld will include type of check per table included.
NDT on weldsCSand Duplex
Radiographic Ultrasonic+
FP butt-weld *
FP K-weld *
Non FP-weld *
Scars/ burns *
Notes: - In all applications NDT-results must give clear view on the quality of the weld to be
examined. If necessaryNDT-technique will be adapted to suit this goal.
- For SS-types(including Duplex) MPI will be replaced byDye-Penetrant Inspection.
During fabrication and installation all relevant information shall be tabulated on the "Weld History
Sheet" attachedto thisspecificationor onanapprovedsimilar QualityControl Document, andshall be
issued to Company.
Theextent of further documentation to beissuedshall beagreedbetweenCompanyandContractor.
11 100806 JRO Update Table for Piping Penetrations/Sleeves JRO DZO
10 190406 JRO Update JRO DZO
9 230902 JRO Change of Layout JRO DZO
8 111200 CZY Name Change JRO CvB
7 071100 GvS Update paragraph 1.4 JRO CvB
6 040899 GvS Change Company JRO CvB
Sheet Revision
to Specification 502
1 of 20 11
GDF Production Nederland B.V.
Attachment I to Specification 502 Rev.9 Appendix I, page 1 of 1
1.1 Scope
1.2 References
1.3 Abbreviations and Description
1.4 Transport, Storage and Preparation
1.5 Documentation
2.1 Electrodes, Wire and Flux
2.2 Condition of Storage
3.1 General
3.2 Welding Procedure Specification
3.3 Welding Procedure Qualification
3.4 Procedure Qualification Record
3.5 Inspection of Procedure Qualification Test Welds
3.6 Quality Requirements
4.1 General
4.2 Making of Welds
4.3 Applicability of Welder and Welding Operator
4.4 Retests
4.5 Welder Qualification Record
5.1 General
5.2 Weather Protection
5.3 Handling and Usage of Welding Consumables
5.4 Welding End Preparation
5.5 Backing Strips
5.6 Welding Process, Position and Progression
5.7 Argon Gas Purging inside Pipes
5.8 Heat Input Preheating and Interpass Temperatures
5.9 Weld Interruption
5.10 Cleaning
5.11 Size of Welds
5.12 Distance between Welds
5.13 Socket Welds
5.14 Weld Finish
5.15 Post Weld Heat Treatment
GDF Production Nederland B.V.
Attachment I to Specification 502 Rev.9 Appendix I, page 1 of 2
6.1 General
6.2 Bending
6.3 Alignment and Fit-ups
6.4 Finishing of Surfaces
6.5 Protection of Pipe-Ends
6.6 Repair and Remedial Procedures
7.1 General
7.2 Methods of Inspection, Testing and Quality Requirements
GDF Production Nederland B.V.
Attachment I to Specification 502 Rev.9 Appendix I, page 1 of 3
1.1 Scope
This document as part of Specification 502 covers the requirements of weldingandinspectionof
duplex stainless steel shop and field fabricated piping.
Duplex stainless steel shall refer ferritic/austenitic stainless steel with a chemical composition
and mechanical properties as defined in VdTV Werkstoffblatt Nr. 418, DIN Werkstoff Nr.
1.2 References
The following specifications, codes and standards are to be considered where applicable. All
conflicts between the requirements of these relevant shall be referredto Companyfor resolution.
In case of conflicts between the documents listed and this document, the most stringent
requirement shall govern. The latest editions of the following standards and codes shall apply:
- "Pressure Equipment Directive" hereafter indicated as PED.
- ASMEBoiler and Pressure Vessel Codes, Section V, Section VIII Division 1 and Section
- List of approved welding electrodes of "Controlas"
- International Welding Institute
* IIW/IIS 492-75 Recommended practice for the radiographic inspection of
circumferential welded butt joints in steel pipes upto 2" (50 mm) wall thickness.
* IIW/IIS 62-60 Recommended practice concerningradiographic image qualityindicators
- DIN 54109, Teil 1, May 1976, and Blatt 2, October 1964.
"Bildgte von Durchstrahlungsaufnahmen an metallischen Werkstoffen".
- NEN 2512 (1977) Radiografisch onderzoek van lasverbindingen in staal.
- NEN 2517 - Radiografisch onderzoek van lasverbindingen in staal - Minimum beeld
- ASNT SNT-TC-1A None-destructive testing
- ASTM A 262-85 Recommended practices for detecting susceptibility to intergranular
attack in austenitic stainless steel.
- ASTM A 370-77 Methods and definitions for mechanical testing of steel products.
- ASTM E 94-84a- Guides for radiographic testing.
- ASTM E 165-80 (1983) Practice for liquid penetrant inspection.
- ASTM G 30-79 (1984) Practice for making and using U-bend stress corrosion test
- ASTM G 48-76 (1980) Test methods for pitting and crevice corrosion resistance of
stainless steel and related alloys by the use of ferric chloride solution.
- ISO 2560 Covered electrodes for manual arc welding of mild steel and low alloy steel -
Code of symbols for identification
- Specification no. 503, Specification for pipe, fittings and valves.
GDF Production Nederland B.V.
Attachment I to Specification 502 Rev.9 Appendix I, page 1 of 4
1.3 Abbreviations
BM : Base Metal
EFN : Extended Ferrite Number
GMAW : Gas Metal Arc Welding
HAZ : Heat Affected Zone
IIW : International Institute of Welding
NDT : None Destructive Test
PQR : Procedure Qualification Record
QA : Quality Assurance
QC : Quality Control
SAW : Submerged Arc Welding
SMAW : Shielded Metal Arc Welding
WM : Weld Metal
WPS : Welding Procedure Specifications
WPQ : Welding Procedure Qualifications
1.4 Transport, Storage handling and Preparation
The following recommendations shall be adopted in everystep in the manufacturingprocess to
reduce the risk of surface contamination of this type of stainless steel.
a. Any contact between stainless steel and carbon steel components shall be avoided.
Fabrication of pipe spool shall be carried out in a separate area.
b. Before transportation and field installation each pipe spool shall be protected with tape.
c. Only stainless steel wire brushes that have not been used on any other material shall be
used. Grinding wheels used for stainless steel shall not have been used for other purposes.
Earthing clamps for welding and cutting should be made of stainless steel.
d. Moisture shall be removed by carefully and controlled heating with a torch. Skin
temperature shall not exceed 150 C.
e. Acetone (or approved equivalent) may be used for cleaning stainless steel surfaces.
Caution: Acetone is extremely flammable.
f. Arc cutting shall be done by using only plasma arc process.
g. Contamination of Duplex stainless steel with zinc, etc. shall not be permitted.
h. Handling equipment, such as slings, hooks, and lift truck forks, shall be protected byclean
wood, cloth, or plastic buffers to exclude contact with the stainless steel surface. These
protection means shall be immediately replaced after any contact with carbon steel.
i. Stainless steel shall be stored indoors, or otherwise protected from moisture, dust, salt,
iron particles, and other matter that may initiate or cause corrosion.
l. If any construction activity is to be carried out in the vicinity of installed duplex or
stainless steel piping and/or equipment, adequate protection shall be provided to prevent
any damage before such construction work commences.
GDF Production Nederland B.V.
Attachment I to Specification 502 Rev.9 Appendix I, page 1 of 5
1.5 Documentation
The following documentation shall be supplied by the Contractor:
- Mill certificates of materials used if the material is supplied by the Contractor (See
specification 503 and "PED")
- Welding Procedure Specifications, Procedure qualification records and welders certificates
- Procedures and methods for assembly, fabrication and handling
- Procedures for repairs
- Inspection and QC procedures
- Non destructive testing records and radiograph films
- Drawings indicating material and NDT locations
- Hydrotest records, including instruments calibration data
2.1 Electrodes, Wire and Flux
Consumables from Company approved suppliers only shall be used (see Appendix to this
attachment). Consumables shall have a similar chemical analysis to that of the base material,
however, the nickel content shall at least be 7.7 percent.
The weld metal should have a corrosion resistance equal to, or better than, the base metal.
2.2 Condition of Storage
Electrodes, wire and flux shall be supplied in fully sealed packages and stored in a dry storage
room. All manual type electrodes shall be properly identifiable up to the time of usage, each
electrode being distinguished byproper coding. In the coding is destroyed by baking, handling,
or other causes, the electrodes shall not be used.
Consumables used for welding duplex stainless steel shall not be stored in heated cabinets
containing electrodes of other types, such as rutile or organic type electrodes or consumables for
welding other types of stainless steel e.g. AISI Type 316L.
Wire spool for automatic and semi-automatic processes shall be stored in cabinets withsupplier
wrapping not removed and remain clearly identifiable up to the time of usage.
Unidentifiable wire shall not be used.
Flux shall be supplied and stored, in accordance with manufacturers instructions.
Each batch of flux and wire shall be labelled with the information from the supply container.
The labels with batch number shall be recorded by reference in relation to the actual welding
All non-identified, damaged, wet, rusty or otherwise contaminated consumables are to be
scrapped. Electrodes (once melted) or with white spots on the flux shall not be used.
All bottles containing shielding gases shall have clear identification labels.
GDF Production Nederland B.V.
Attachment I to Specification 502 Rev.9 Appendix I, page 1 of 6
3.1 General
Detailed welding procedure shall be established and qualified in accordance with NoBo as per
PEDand as further as required in this Specification (see also OW291 of ASMESectionIX, Part
No production welding shall commence until the appropriate procedure tests have been
completed and approved.
Repair welding procedures are to be established and, where necessary, qualified.
3.2 Welding Procedure Specifications WPS
Awritten welding procedure specification together with test certificates indicating mechanical
properties and chemical analyses of both base materials and welding consumables shall be
submitted to the Company representative for preliminary approval.
No procedure qualification tests shall be performed until the procedure specification has been
granted preliminary approval by the Company representative.
Welding procedure specifications shall contain the following "applicable parameters" with all
explanatory details necessary (see also ASME Section IX, part QW-250):
- Material specification of base metals.
- Welding process.
- Wall thickness and diameter range usedfor procedure qualification (chemical analyses and
mechanical properties of the base material and welding consumables used for the
procedure tests shall be included in the welding procedure qualification record).
- Geometry of welding groove showing allowable tolerances.
- Root gap showing allowable tolerances.
- Welding position and direction.
- Filler metal classification.
- Specification of flex.
- Specification of flux.
- Gas shielding - flow, mixture, composition (to include back purging).
- Number and sequence of the important passes (indicate stringer or weave beads).
- Welding current range, voltage range and polarity.
- Travel speed or electrode runout length for each pass and range.
- Heat input range.
- Preheat and interpass temperatures.
- Method of cleaning, cutting and machining if applicable.
When any changes in these parameters are made, the welding procedure qualification shall be
set up as a new WPS, and shall be completely re-qualified.
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3.3 Welding Procedure Qualification WPQ
A qualified welding procedure specification is one which is tested to and has achieved the
requirements of this Specification, and has been witnessed and approved by the Company's
representative and the Certifying Authority.
The Contractor shall conduct the tests required to qualify each procedure and tests shall be
witnessed by the Company representative and the Certifying Authority. The results of previous
welding procedure qualification tests maybe accepted bythe Company's representative and the
Certifying Authority providing:
a. Welding specifications and resulting test certificates are authenticated by the original
documentation, or by certified copies.
b. The Contractor submits documentation, for the approval of the Companyrepresentative, to
demonstrate that all the appropriate test requirements, applicable parameters, welding
conditions, equipment and materials as used in the original welding procedure
qualification tests, comply with and fulfil all the appropriate test requirements of this
All services in connection with the establishment of welding procedures, welders performance
qualifications, related tests and additional corrosion tests shall be by the Contractor.
Qualification of a welding procedure is restricted to the Contractor or Subcontractor where the
test weld was produced.
Welding procedure and welders performance qualification shall be newand subject to approval
by Company's representative.
Welding procedure qualification tests shall be conducted to verifythe WPS's, and shall simulate,
as far as practical the conditions and materials to be used for production welding.
A qualified procedure is valid only for diameters and thickness in accordance with PED and
further rules.
3.4 Procedure Qualification Record PQR
The specific facts of the WPS and test results of the WPQ shall be recorded in the procedure
qualification record PQR, signed bythe responsible welding engineer, QAengineer andNoBo.
3.5 Inspection of Procedure Qualification Test Welds
The base material, welding consumables andweldingprocess shall be equal to those as specified
in the welding procedure specification WPS.
Dimensions of the weld samples shall be sufficient to provide for the required test pieces as
defined in the PED.
During welding, the welder's name and all data listed in the WPS shall be recorded.
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3.6 Quality Requirements
All weld samples for the procedure qualification shall be subject to NDT (radiographic,
ultrasonic testing and surface examination) and acceptance in accordance with this Specification
prior to mechanical testing. The acceptance criteria for mechanical testingshall be in accordance
with PED.
Across-section of the weld shall be made for microscopic and a macroscopic investigation. The
cross-section shall clearly show the weld metal, fusion line and heat affected zone. The ferrite
content shall be measured using a magna-gage equipment or an alternative tool approvedbythe
Company. At least 5 measurements shall be made. The ferrite content shall be expressed in a
extended ferrite number EFN and the average value shall be between 40 and 65 for the weld
metal and heat affected zone. Any single value shall not exceed a 10% of these values.
Hardness tests shall be carried out at one line 2 mm away from both surfaces of weld cross-
section and halfway between these surfaces. Zones of indentations should give three values in
the base material BM on both sides of the weld in addition to those in the weld metal WM and
heat affected zone HAZ.
The minimum distance between the indentations should be two and half times the width of the
previous indentation. The maximum allowable hardness measured is 305 HV30 (305 Vickers
hardness measured on 30 kg load). Maximum allowable hardness variation between any point
indicated may be 100 HV 30.
Charpy-V notch impact test shall be carried out when the wall thickness of pipe or fitting
exceeds 5 mm.
Three notch impact test pieces (standard specimen 10 x 10 mm) shall be taken in transverse
direction on the weld and shall be tested at V
-test temperature in accordance with Stoomwezen
requirements for an V
-assessment temperature of minus 20 degrees centigrade. The average
impact value shall not be less than 52 Joule with only one value lower, but not below39 Joule.
The dimensions, preparation and testingof the impact test specimens shall be in accordance with
ISO 2560.
Subsized specimen may be used when standard specimen cannot be prepared. In this case the
required values may be lowered accordingly.
4.1 General
Welders and welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements of the
PED in accordance with the applicable requirements and of this Specification. Where
radiography is specified only X-ray shall be used. Mechanical testing as required. By PED.
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4.2 Marking of Welds
The welder shall clearlymark the pipe adjacent to his weldwith the identification mark assigned
to him in his qualification certificate prior to starting the root pass.
Tack welding of components should not be marked.
Marking shall be done with weather-proof chalk (chloride-free crayon).
The use of stamps for marking the welds is not allowed.
The welder/operator who makes the root pass shall write his code at the top of the pipe; if,
however, two welder/operators weld the root pass, each welder/operator shall mark the top of
the pipe with his identification code on the side on which has worked. Subsequent
welders/operators shall write their identification codes below the first code in the sequence in
which they work. The identification marks may not be removed until after the welds have been
inspected both visually and non-destructively.
4.3 Applicability of Welder and Welding Operator Qualification
The Contractor shall ensure that qualified welders and welding operators are employed during
fabrication onlyon welding the type, process and position of weld for which their qualification
test so qualifies them. Proven previous qualifications can be submitted to Company for
acceptance. Awelder or welding operator mayalso be required to re-qualifyif inspectionduring
fabrication reveals that repairs are necessary due to unacceptable defects.
The Contractor shall maintain an accurate record of the performance of each welder which
should show the repair rate.
The repair rate should be indicated as a percentage of the total length of weld produced.
4.4 Retests
Retests are not accepted and only considered after consulting Company's representative.
4.5 Welder Qualification Record
A Welder's qualification record, which includes references or the corresponding WPS nr., the
applicable parameters and the test results, shall be issued for each welder or welding operator
and for each test.
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5.1 General
No welding shall be carried out before the welding procedures and procedure qualification
records are completed and approved and the welders have been qualified.
Preparation and welding of pipe components shall be in accordance with the appropriate
qualified welding procedure specifications. Manual electrodes, wire and flux shall be of the
same type and manufacture as those used in the procedure.
No welding shall be done until as much of the pipeline or piping system as will be stiffened
thereby has been properly aligned.
Every buttweld preparation, before welding, will be inspected and approved by Company's
The Company will have the right to carry out any concurrent test deemed necessarywhen any
deviation from this specification is made.
Attention is to be given to the necessity of achieving adequate firm support of the pipe
components in both the vertical and horizontal plane.
Alignment and fit-ups for two pipe components shall be in accordance with para. 6.3.
Current return cables of welding equipment shall be connected directly to the pipe on which
welding work is to be done using stainless steel clamps.
Marking of welds shall be in accordance with para. 4.2.
5.2 Weather Protection
Shelters giving adequate protection at all times to the weld area from wind, rain and moisture
shall be provided.
No welding shall be carried out when the weld surfaces are wet, moist or when the work area is
exposed to winds.
Following is required:
- Weld surfaces to be thoroughly dried by heating. High metal skin temperature shall be
avoided and shall not exceed 150 deg. C.
- Provisions to be made for maintaining a satisfactorysurroundingtemperature andfreedom
from the effects of wind.
- Provisions to be made to reduce distortion as could occur due to differences in temperature
between components.
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5.3 Handling and usage of welding consumables
Welding rods, electrodes, filter metals and fluxes shall be handled and used in accordance with
the manufactures recommendations.
5.4 Welding End Preparation
The equipment used for edge preparation andcleaning(e.g. plasma cutting, grinding, machining,
emery cloth, grit blasting using alumina shot, wire brushing using a stainless steel wire brush,
etc.) shall cause no detrimental metallurgical effects upon the edges to be welded.
Edge preparations may be made by shearing machining or hand grinding to an accurate form.
Preparation of weld edges by plasma cutting shall, wherever practical, be done with a
mechanically guided torch. Edges shall be left free of slag, spatter, scale, dirt, grease, salt,
protective coating or other foreign matter which might effect the quality of the weld and the cut
surface shall be ground to a smooth bright uniformsurface byremoving approximately0.5 mm
of metal. After grinding the weld edges shall be visually examined to ensure freedom from
Anybevelled edge that has been damaged shall be restored within the tolerances requiredbythe
welding procedure to be applied.
Restoration involving welding shall not be permitted.
The welding end preparation shall be carried out in accordance with minimum requirements
stipulated in Appendix II and shall be subjected to Company approval.
5.5 Backing Strips
Backing strips shall not be allowed.
5.6 Welding Process, Position and Progression
The welding process, procedures and specifications shall be subjected to Company approval.
5.6..1 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding GTAW (TIG)
To ensure a high-qualityweld with a smooth surface inside the pipe, GTAW-weldingis required
for the root-bead.
Manual and automatic GTAW process in the uphill progression only.
Special care shall be taken to protect the weld area from any draught, both externally and
99.998 percent argon backing and shielding gas is always required throughout welding.
Oxidation caused by the welding procedure and/or process shall not be allowed. Flushing with
argon before welding will be required. The oxygen content of the backing gas directly before
welding shall be determined with oxygen measuring equipment and shall be less than 0.05
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Attachment I to Specification 502 Rev.9 Appendix I, page 1 of 12
Between welding passes, the metal should be allowed to cool to approximately 150 deg. C.
For a high quality of welding, ferritic austenitic stainless steel material should be at a
temperature of at least 15 deg. C before welding.
Overheating may also cause cracks, and these, too, must be removed and repaired
(see paragraph 6.6).
When welding pipe, for best results weld short passes on alternate sides of the pipe. On pipe less
than 6 inch in diameter, each pass should be not over 2 inch in length for pipe 6 inch, or over in
diameter, each pass may be 3 inch in length.
5.6.2 Submerged-Arc Welding SAW
This shall be done in a flat position and the pipe shall be rotated. This process shall onlybe used
for filling and capping. Wire and flux shall be from the same manufacturer.
5.6.3 Shielded Metal Arc Welding SMAW
Electrodes shall only be used for filling and capping and only in the position recommended by
the manufacturer.
5.7 Argon Gas Purging inside Pipes
In order to avoid surface oxidation during welding process ferritic/austenitic stainless steel pipes
must be purged with 99.998 percent argon backing gas sufficiently to remove all oxygen inside
the pipe in the weld area. The usual way to achieve this is to seal off a small length of the pipe
on each side of the weld groove. This restricted volume is then purged with a suitable inert gas,
sufficient to remove all oxygen.
Devices and procedures shall be subjected to Company approval.
5.8 Heat Input, Preheating and Interpass Temperatures
Heat input during welding should be kept lowto reduce the danger of unwanted structures and
For this reason the degree of dilution must be kept low. Two layers with little weld metal
deposited are better than one layer with higher heat input and more deposited weld metal.
Preheating is usually not required. A limited preheating may be required in highly constraint
conditions and only considered after consulting Company's representative. The maximum
preheat and interpass temperature shall not exceed 150 deg. C.
5.9 Weld Interruption
Welding of each weld shall be a continuous operation unless the maximum interpass
temperature is reached.
Line up clamps shall not be removed nor shall the pipe be moved until the root and the second
pass have been completed.
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5.10 Cleaning
During welding any part of the weld metal of parent plate exposed to the air at elevated
temperature will become oxidised, the oxidation is ranging from light tinting to a black scale.
Oxide shall be removed after each welding root, otherwise preferential corrosion may result,
either from its difference in electrochemical properties or from its crevice action.
Upon completion of each welding pass, the weld shall be cleaned of spatter, slag and flux
After welding is completed, adjacent surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of all spatter and
deposits, pickled and passivated in accordance with an approved procedure by Company's
To ensure the corrosion resistance of pipelines and piping systems and the passage of pipeline
scrappers and other similar devices through the completed lines it is of particular importance
that the internal surface of pipes be as smooth as possible and free from all internal welding
beads, slag particles, weld spatter etc.
Special care shall be given to the selection of the cleaning equipment and the rules defined in
para. 1.4 shall be followed.
5.11 Size of Welds
All welds shall be continuous and multipass. They shall be properly sized to develop the full
strength of the thinner of the two pipe components joined.
5.12 Distance Between Welds
The number of welds shall be as small as possible. In general the minimumallowable distance
between circumferential welds is 3 times the external diameter of the pipe.
If any 3 m a maximum of 2 welds is allowed unless otherwise specified on the drawings.
5.13 Socket Welds
Socket weld fittings shall be used in special cases only with preliminary approval by the
Company's representative.
Where socket weld fittings or valves are used pipe sections shall be spaced approx. 1.5 mm
apart to avoid "bottoming" which can result in excessive weld stress. Approved welding
procedures are to be adhered to.
5.14 Weld Finish
Welds shall be left as welded and not be treated with a torch or by any mechanical means
outside the allowances of the welding procedure specification to change their appearance.
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5.15 Post Weld Heat Treatment
Post weld heat treatment is not permitted.
Any uncontrolled heating of the pipe may impede the corrosion resistance of the material and
shall be reported to the Company.
6.1 General
All measures shall be taken to ensure correct positioning and sizing of the components to be
Work shall not be performed when the weather and/or lack of sufficient protection does not
permit satisfactory workmanship or when conditions prevent adequate inspection.
If any fabrication is to be carried out in the vicinity of equipment already installed than, before
such fabrication work commences, adequate protection shall be provided to prevent anydamage
from weld spatter, cutting droplets etc.
Care shall be taken to avoid overloading, damage or undue deformation in any of the pipe
components at all stages of the work.
Care shall be taken to avoid any zinc contamination of the stainless steel e.g. by overspray of
zinc containing coatings.
Handling of the stainless steel pipe components shall be done with great care and the measures
outlined in para. 1.4 shall be followed.
6.2 Bending
Bending of duplex stainless steel pipe requires great care and procedures shall be approved by
the Company before any bending commences. It is usually required to heat treat the material
after bending (1050 deg. C/water quench).
6.3 Alignment and Fit-ups
Internal line-up clamps of appropriate material shall be used where possible
Only for tie-in welds such as riser tie-ins and for special welds e.g. joints connecting valves,
flanges and fittings external line-up clamps may be used.
When the internal diameter is 100 mm or less an external line-up clamp may be used.
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Inside diameter misalignment of the adjoining welding ends shall not exceed 1/8 of the wall
thickness with a maximum of 1 mm. If the misalignment exceeds the above value trimming at
the internal diameter of the thicker joint to a taper of 1 : 4 should be properly corrected.
Stainless steel spacing tools shall be used in conjunction with the line-up clamp to assure the
proper joint spacing which shall be in line with the applicable welding procedure.
Anylongitudinal welds in pipes shall be so positioned that the weld is at the top 120 of the pipe
and any two adjacent longitudinal welds shall be at least 45 apart.
6.4 Finishing of Surfaces
When fabrication is completed, all welds shall be ground as indicated inthe weldingprocedures
or on the drawings to allow proper radiographic or ultrasonic inspection, and to remove all
detrimental spatter, burrs, tack welds and other marks. Where so required the damage shall be
rectified in accordance with an agreed procedure.
6.5 Protection of Pipe Ends
Acircular tight cap, of a design which will not damage pipe ends shall be used tocover the open
ends of the pipe and shall be placed on the line at the end of each day's work to prevent entry of
foreign material. Caps shall not be removed until commencement of the following day's work.
The requirements to protect the stainless steel as defined in para. 1.4 shall be adhered to.
All open ends of pipe ate to be capped off and sealed once installation in completed. This
protection shall be in line with para. 1.4.
6.6 Repair and Removal Procedures
Defective welds shall not be repaired before approval of Company in obtained.
All repairs shall be executed by qualified welders according to approved procedures and all
requirements of this Specification shall be met.
The removal of weld metal or portions of the base metal maybe done bymachiningor grinding.
High metal skin temperature shall be avoided and shall not exceed 150deg. C. The unacceptable
portions of the weld shall be removed without substantial removal of the base metal and shall be
done in such a manner that the remaining weld metal or base metal is not nicked or undercut.
The grooves are to be free fromscale and to have acceptable contours, and shall be visuallyand
dye penetrant inspected prior to re-welding to ensure the defect has been completely removed.
Additional weld metal to compensate for any deficiency in size shall be deposited using
procedures as required in the making of the original weld. The surfaces shall be thoroughly
cleaned before depositing the additional weld metal.
Local repairs shall normally beinspected 100%by the method prescribed for the original weld
with due regard to confirming that the original defect has been removed.
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Every possible care shall be taken with repairs to minimise welding stresses.
If planar defects (cracks, lamellar tears, etc.) have to be repaired, every effort shall be made to
prevent propagation of the defect during its removal. Dye penetrant inspection shall be carried
out to check for the complete removal of the defect.
A weld with unacceptable defects may only be repaired once by Company approved repair
procedure. If the repair is not acceptable the complete weld shall be removed.
An unacceptable weld shall be repaired or replaced in accordance with all above clauses. Where
repair is selected, the following measures are required:
- Overlap or excessive convexity - remove excessive weld metal.
- Excessive concavity of weld or craters, undersized welds, undercutting - prepare surfaces
and deposit additional weld metal.
- Excessive weld porosity, excessive slag inclusions, heavy metal inclusions, incomplete
fusion or planar defects - remove unacceptable portions and re-weld.
7.1 General
Written NDT procedures approved by the Company shall be prepared. All operations shall be
performed in accordance with these procedures.
All personnel performing welding inspection or non-destructive testing shall be qualified, as
required by ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, to NDT Level II in the technique
to be applied, or to a Company approved equivalent qualification.
7.2 Methods of Inspection, Testing and Quality Requirements
7.2.1 Radiographic Examination (as noted or NoBo approved equivalent)
All radiography shall be carried out in accordance with the method described in PED and
Radiography implies the use of only X-ray tests. Gamma-ray tests may, in specific cases, be
accepted by an approved procedure. Cobalt-60 isotapes shall not be used.
Radiographs shall be supplemented by ultrasonic testing accompanied by dye penetrant testing
where there is reason to suspect planar defects such as cracks or lack of fusion.
Radiographs shall be made using a film equal to ASTM E-94 Type 1.
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Attachment I to Specification 502 Rev.9 Appendix I, page 1 of 17
Type Speed Contrast Grain Examples
1 Slow Very High Very Fine Kodak Industrex M
Kodak Industrex TMX
Kodak Industrex T
Agfa D2
Agfa D4
Prepacked films e.g. roll pack may be used.
Rigid or flexible cassettes may be applied.
Only lead screens shall be used.
Penetrameters of the wire type (DIN or IIW) shall normally be used.
As far as practical internal sources i.e. crawlers shall be used. This is possible for pipelines of 8"
diameter and larger. In cases where the source can not be placed inside the pipe the double wall,
single image technique shall be applied as much as possible. Measures shall be taken that the
stainless steel pipe shall not be contaminated by the inspection equipment.
The sensitivity shall be 2% or better. The film density shall be between 2 and 3. Denser
radiographs are acceptable if adequate viewer capacity is available.
A continuous numbering system shall be used for each individual sheet of film. Lead letters
should be affixed to each section of the weld being radiographed. The images of these letters
shall appear on the radiograph to ensure unequivocal identification of the section.
Markers, in the form of lead arrows or other symbols, shall be placed alongside of the weld so
that its position can be identified on the radiograph.
The film shall be processed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. The
radiographs shall be free from imperfections due to processing, or other defects which would
interfere with interpretation.
7.2.2. Ultrasonic Examination
Ultrasonic examination may be used in lieu of radiographic examination. The method shall be
selected such that the progress of the construction is not affected.
All ultrasonic examination work shall be carried out in accordance with the methods described
in PED or ASME, and per NoBo approved procedure.
Since the experience with ultrasonic examination of welds in duplex stainless steel is limitedthe
inspection procedure shall be qualified on a weld produced with the welding procedure to be
used for the project and with the IIW reference blocks VI and V2.
Welds shall be judged in accordance with para. 7.2.7.
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Attachment I to Specification 502 Rev.9 Appendix I, page 1 of 18
7.2.3 Dye Penetrant Examination
Dye penetrant inspection shall be carried out in accordance with ASTM E-165 or similar,
procedure to be NoBo approved.
Anyweld or area which is tested bymeans of dye penetrant testing shall be judged unacceptable
if any crack, regardless of size, is revealed.
7.2.4 Testpieces
A test piece may be requested to be made during normal production welding to allow a
metallurgical examination and corrosion testing of the deposited weld.
When NDT cannot be carried out or gives inconclusive results, a section of the component or
welded area shall be cut out and removed for testing and the joint shall be restored by welding
back in a piece of duplex stainless steel similar in quality, thickness and size to that removed.
Subsequent mechanical testing shall be carried out in accordance with this Specification.
7.2.5 Pre-Welding Inspection
All materials shall be subject to visual inspection for surface defects, laminations at ends, etc.
All preparations and repaired preparations shall normally be inspected.
7.2.6 Inspection After Welding
All weld surfaces shall be visually inspected and there shall be free of dents, cracks, craters,
pinholes, weld spatter, residual slag, pits, laps and other harmful surface defects.
All welds shall be fully radiographed.
When radiography is not practical or where the Company's representative requires a further
examination of a weld to assist in the evaluation of suspected defects, ultrasonic examination
and/or dye penetrant testing may be used.
7.2.7 Standards on Inspection
- Porosity (I.I.W. Codes-Aa and Ab)
The maximum dimension of any individual gas pocket shall not exceed 2 mm or 25% of the
wall thickness, whichever is the lesser. The sum of the diameters of the individual gas pockets
shall not exceed twice the wall thickness (2t) in any continuous 300 mm length of weld.
Cluster porosity is a series of gas pockets (5 or more) in a 25 mm length of weld. The
permissible diameter of each gas pocket shall be exceed 2 mm or 25% of the wall thickness,
whichever is the lesser. The sum of the diameters of gas pockets in a cluster shall not exceed a
length equal to the wall thickness. In any continuous 300 mm length of weld there shall be not
more than two clusters which shall be separated by at least 100 mm of sound weld metal.
Worm holes shall not be longer than the pipe wall thickness and shall be separated by at least a
distance equal to the length of the longest worm hole.
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Discontinuous wormholes in the weld penetration are permitted provided that theyare less than
1.5 mm in diameter and each uninterrupted section does not exceed two times the pipe wall
thickness in length and provided that the distance separating the individual sections of worm
hole is also at least two times the wall thickness. Worm holes running in a radial or roughly
radial direction are not permitted.
- Separated Slag Inclusions (I.I.W. Code - Ba)
Separated slag inclusions shall not exceed 3 mm measured in any direction or 25% of wall
thickness if this is less than 3 mm.
The total length of these inclusions in any continuous 300 mmlength of weld shall be less than
12 mm. The separated slag inclusions shall be spaced at least 50 mmapart, the interveningweld
being of good quality.
- Slag Lines (I.I.W. Code - Bb)
Slag lines shall not exceed 6.6 mm in length or 1.5 mm in depth and width. The total length of
slag lines in any continuous 300 mm length of weld shall be less than 50 mm. Individual slag
lines shall be separated from each other by a distance of at least 150 mm the intervening weld
being of good quality. Parallel slag lines shall be regarded as individual weld defects of their
widths exceed 1 mm.
- Lack of Fusion (I.I.W. Code -C)
Lack of fusion in the welds run is acceptable.
- Burn-Throughs (I.I.W. Code - D)
Anyindividual burn-through in a weld shall not exceed 12 mmin length. The sumof the lengths
of individual burn-throughs in any continuous 300 mmlength of weld shall not exceed 25 mm.
The total length of burn-throughs in each completed weld shall not exceed 500 mm. Individual
burn throughs shall be separated from each other by a distance of at least
150 mm, the intervening weld being of good quality. Burn-throughs shall under no
circumstances be sharp and shall not exceed a depth of 25% of the pipe wall thickness with a
maximum of 2 mm.
- Excess Penetration
The weld penetration must be sufficient, but not more than 2 mm in general.
Individual excessive penetration (droplets of weld material) due to local sag-through of the weld
pool is permitted up to a maximumof 3 mm. The total size of the penetration in one weld shall
not exceed 4%of the total weld length of that particular weld. The distance between individual
excessive penetration areas shall not be less than 50 mm.
- Incomplete Penetration (I.I.W. Code - D)
Sharp incomplete penetration is not accepted. Concave incomplete penetration shall not exceed
a length of 25 mm in any continuous 200 mm length of weld, the depth of this hollow
incomplete penetration not exceeding 10%of the pipe wall thickness with a maximumof 1mm.
Individual occurrences of incomplete penetration shall be separated from each other by a
distance of at least 100 mm, the intervening weld being of good quality. In double-sided welds,
root defects are not permitted.
- Cracks
Neither welds with cracks nor crater cracks caused by shrinkage are permitted.
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- Undercutting
Both external and internal undercutting shall not exceed 50 mm in length or 0.5 mm in depth
and it shall not be of a sharp nature.
- Combination of Weld Defects
If the total length of all weld defects mentioned in the preceding paragraphs amounts to 10%or
more of the total weld length, the weld shall be rejected. The weld shall also be rejected if the
total length of weld defects exceeds 50 mm in any continuous 300 mm length of weld.
- Weld Length
In the case of a total weld length of 300 mmor less the length of the permissible defects and the
required length of sound material between these defects shall be decreased proportionally.
7.2.8 Weld Rejection Report
The report on each rejected weld shall state the identification number of the weld and the name
of the welder/operator as well as the reason for rejection of the weld.
The International Institute of Welding code shall be used for indicating the reason.
7.2.9 Right of Rejection
Since non-destructive testing methods show only dimensions of defects, Company may reject
welds if the depth of the defects effects the strength of the weld irrespective of the fact that these
welds seem to meet the standards of inspection.
7.2.10 Assessment of Indications on Radiographs in the Pipe Material Adjacent to Welds Being
Welds and adjacent pipe material showing indications the pipe material next to the weld has
been damaged in any way whatsoever (e.g. arc burns, damage of a sharp or deep nature, weld
beads, defects in the longitudinal seam of longitudinally welded pipe, etc.) shall be
7.2.11 Retests of Mechanical Properties
If a test piece does not meet the requirements, the cause should be established where possible.
The tests shall be repeated on two pipes or components taken at randomfromthe same product
lot, to determine whether to reject or approve the whole lot. The contractor may consider
reheattreating the complete product lot. Above matters always to be performed in consultation
with Company.
APPR.: APPR.: APPR.: 1-Jan-00