Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Human resources and Economic Development: Size and growth, sex composition, age composition,
density of population and urbanization growth, population as retarding factor and population policy in India.
Infrastructure in the Indian Economy: Energy, power, transport system, road transport system, Rail-Road co
ordination, water transport, Civil aviation, communication system, urban infrastructure, science and
technology, private investment in infrastructure.
Role of Public and Private sector in Indian Economy.
Challenges before Indian Economy in 21st Century.
Poverty, Unemployment, Corruption, Regional Imbalance, Growth of educational sector.
Culture and Civilization:-
Concept of Culture and Civilization.
Study of engineering skills with special reference to Egyptian and Indus Valley Civilization.
Role of Engineers as agent of change with specific reference to change in Indian Society during 20th and
21st century.
Multiculturalism: Meaning, scope and significance especially in Indian context.
Ethics and social responsibility:-
Personal and professional ethics
Corporate social responsibility
Social capital, social audit.
Role of entrepreneurship in nation building.
Developing scientific and humanitarian outlook for the welfare of nation and society.
Text Books :
1. S. Shabbir, A.M. Sheikh, and J. Dwadashiwar (2010 reprint) A New Look Into Social Sciences, (5th edition,
2008), S. Chand and Co. Ltd., New Delhi
2. RuddarDatt and K.P.M.Sundharam, (67th Revised edition-2013), Indian Economy, S .Chand and
Company Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Edmund G. Seebauer and Robert L Barry (2010 reprint) Fundamental of Ethics for Scientists and Engineers,
Oxford University Press,
Reference Books:
1. P.C. Tripathi and P.N. Reddy, Principles of Management, (4th edition, 2008), Tata MacGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi
2. Martand.T. Telsang, Industrial and Business Management, (2001), S.Chand and Co. Ltd. New Delhi
3. Dr. V.H. Asudani: An Easy Approach To Social Science, (3rd edition, 2008), Aastha Publications, Nagpur
4. Tariq Modood, Multiculturalism (Themes for 21st Century Series)(1st Publication 2007), Polity Press,
Cambridge, U.K. ISBN-13:97807456-3288-9.
Development of Indian Economy
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Syllabus of Groups 1- Semester II and Group 2 Semester I, Bachelor of Engineering
Course Code : INP102 Course: Workshop
L: 0 Hr., T: 0 Hrs., Per week Total Credits : 02
List of Experiments
(A) Carpentry shop
1) Introduction of carpentry tools, equipments, machine, material & process.
2) Manufacturing of Carpentry joints.
3) Turning practice on wood working lathe.
4) Demonstration and practice on universal wood working machine.
(B) Fitting shop
1) Introduction of fitting tools, equipments, machine, material & process.
2) Manufacturing & fitting practice for various joints & assembly.
3) Drilling, tapping and pipe threading operations.
(C) Welding shop
1) Introduction of welding tools, equipments, machine, material & process.
2) Fabrication of joints like Lap, Butt, Corner, 'T' etc.
3) Fabrication of Lap joint by spot welding process.
(D) Smithy shop
1) Introduction of smithy tools, equipments, machine, material & process.
2) Forging of combined circular/square/hexagonal cross section.
Text Books:
1. Elements of Workshop Technology Vol -I by HajraChoudhari
2. A course in Workshop Technology Vol -I by B.S. Raghuwanshi
3. Production Technology (Manufacturing process) by P.C Sharma
Reference Book:
1. Workshop Manuals
2. Manufacturing Technology by P.C Sharma
3. Workshop Manual by Kannaiah Narayanan
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester III, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: MAT203 Course : Engineering Mathematics-III
L: 3 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs., Per week Total Credits : 7
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the student shall be familiar with an be able to
1. Form mathematical modal corresponding to engineering problems by using Differential Equations and Matrices
2. Solve these problems and analyze their physical and graphical interpretation by using Laplace and Fourier
3. Apply concepts complex analysis, partial differential equations, Integral Transforms in signal processing and EMF.
4. Understand the courses like Network Analysis, Signals and Systems with sound mathematical background
of mathematical transforms.
Laplace Transforms: Laplace transforms and their simple properties, simple application for L T to solve
ordinary differential equations including simultaneous equations. Solution of one dimensional Partial
differential equations by transform method.
Functions of a Complex Variable: Complex numbers, Function of a complex variable, Analytic functions,
Cauchy-Riemann conditions, Conjugate functions, singularities, Cauchy's integral theorem and integral
formula, Taylor's and Laurent's theorem, Residue theorem, contour integration.
Fourier Series Periodic Function and their Fourier series expansion, Fourier Series for even and odd function,
Change of interval, half range expansions, Practical Harmonics Analysis.
Fourier Transform Definition, Fourier Integral Theorem, Fourier Sine and Cosine Integrals, Finite Fourier
Sine and Cosine Transform,
Partial Differential equations: Partial differential equation of first order first degree i.e. Lagrange's form.
Linear homogeneous PDE of nth order with constant coefficient method of separation of variables.Application
to transmission lines.
III Semester
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Matrices: Rank of matrix, consistency of system of equations, Linear dependence, linear and orthogonal
transformations. Characteristics equations, eigen values and eigen vectors. Reduction to diagonal form,
Cayley Hamilton theorem, Sylvester's theorem, determination of largest eigen values and eigen vector by
iteration method.
Text Book:
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics: B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publishers, Delhi
2. A text book of Applied Mathematics Volume I & II: P. N. Wartikar& J. N. Wartikar, Pune
Vidhyarthi Griha Prakashan, (India)
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics: 8 ed., Erwin Kreyszig, Neekunj Print Process, Delhi.
2. Schaum's Outline of Complex Variables: 2 ed, Murray R Spiegel, Seymour Lipschutz, John J. Schiller,
Dennis Spellman, TMH, New Delhi.
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics: 2 ed , Jain, Iyengar , Narosa publication
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics: H K Dass, S. Chand Publications..
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester III, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET201 Course: Elements of Electromagnetics
L: 4 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs., Per week Total Credits : 9
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course, the students will be
1. Able to analyze and get the idea of vector and scalars conversion for different co-ordinate system also put
idea of vector analysis for conversion of Cartesian to cylindrical, spherical co-ordinate system and vice versa
2. Get the idea about scalar and vector magnetic and electric field and how to calculate force on steady and
moving charge.
3. Able to apply Coulombs law, Gauss law, Divergence theorem to electric field intensity i.e. field of 'n'
point charges, volume charge, line charge etc.
4. Able to find potential difference and potential of point charge.
5. able to apply effective analysis tool like Poisson's and Laplace equations to current, current density,
dielectrics and capacitances, metallic conductors.
6. able to understand the nature of dielectric materials like in parallel plate capacitance, two wire line
7. Able to understand steady magnetic field and magnetic forces, also nature of magnetic material. Also how
to apply BiotSavortslaw,Ampere's circuital law and Stroke theorem to magnetic circuit.
8. Understand the role of Maxwell's equation and boundary conditions.
9. Able to get elementary idea of electromagnetic waves.
Unit 1 : Vector Analysis
Idea of Vector & Scalars, Vector Algebra, Vector addition, vector subtraction, Dot product, Scalar product in
Cartesian co-ordinates system, conversion of variables from cartesian to cylendrics of cartetian to spherical
and vice versa.
Unit 2: Coulomb's law, Electrical field intensity and electric flux density
Coulomb's law, electric field intensity, field often, point charges, field due to continuous volume charge
distribution, field of line charge, field of sheet charges concept of flux density.
Unit 3: Gauss's law, Energy and Potential of charge system
Gauss's law, Application of Gauss's law, divergence theorem, defination of potential difference and potential,
potential of a point charges, potential field of system of charge, potential gradient, Energy density in
Electrostatic field.
Unit 4:Conductors, Dielectric and Capacitance and Poisson's and Laplace's Equations
Current and current density, continuity of current, metallic conductors, conductor properties and Boundary
conditions, Nature of Dielectric materials capacitance and capacitances, Capacitance of parallel plate
capacitor, Capacitance of two wire line, Poissons and Laplace equations.
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Unit 5: The Steady Magnetic Field and Magnetic Forces
BiotSavarts law, Ampere's Circuital Law, Strokes theorem, Magnetic flux density, Scalar and Vector Magnetic
potentials, force on moving charge, force between differential current elements, nature of Magnetically
material, Magnetization and permeability, Magnetic circuits, potential energy, and forces on magnetic
materials, Inductance and mutual inductances.
Unit 6
Maxwell's equations and boundary conditions, Elementary idea of Electromagnetic waves,
1. Engineering Electromagnetic:3 Ed.,Mc-Graw Hill, W.H.Hayt
2. Engineering Electromagnetics, Oxford University press
3. Engineering Electromagnetics by Jingular
Reference Books:
1. Theory and problems in Electromagnetics Shaums's series
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester III, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET202 Course: Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments
L: 4 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs., Per week Total Credits : 9
Course Outcomes
1. The students should be able to understand classification and comparison of Analog & Digital instruments.
2. The students should be able to understand the loading effect of instruments.
3. The students should be able to understand how to measure the low medium & high by using DC bridges.
4. The students should be able to understand how to measure the Inductance, Capacitance & frequency by
using AC bridges.
5. The students should be able to understand various types of detectors for AC bridges.
6. The students should be able to understand various types of AC & DC potentiometer to determine the
unknown voltage.
7. The students should be able to understand various types of instruments like moving coil, moving iron and
dynamometer type.
8. The students should be able to understand various types of digital instruments.
9. The students should be able to understand how to measure active, reactive power using dynamometer
type instruments.
10. The students should be able to understand how to measure energy in single and polyphase circuits using
indication type instruments.
11. The students should be able to understand the principle and construction of Instrument Transformer for
measurement of high voltage and current.
Classification of Measuring Instruments, comparison of analog and digital instruments, absolute and
secondary instruments, indicating type, recording type and integrating type instruments, loading effect of
instruments.Static and dynamic characteristics and performance of instruments, statistical treatment of
measurement errors. Gaussian error distribution, probability tables, combination of errors.
Measurement of Resistance: classification, Measurement of low resistance by Kelvins' Double Bridge,
Measurement of medium resistance by Voltmeter-Ammeter method, Wheatstone bridge. Measurement of
high resistance by Ohmmeter, Megger and Loss of Charge Method,
General theory of AC bridges, Measurement of Inductance: study of Maxwell, Hay's, Owen's, Measurement of
Capacitance: De Sauty's, Wien and Schering Bridges, detectors for AC bridges.
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Ammeter, Voltmeter, Principles of moving coil, moving iron and dynamometer type instruments, extension of
range using series and shunts, error due to extension of range.
Principles of Digital Measurement Techniques: Introduction, True RMS Measurement, Measurement of Active
Power, Reactive Power, Energy, Power factor.Digital measurement of insulation resistance.
General theory of extension of range using CT and PT, errors in instrument transformers, applications of
instrument transformers.
1. A Course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation: 11 ed., Sawhaney A.K.,
DhanpatRai& Sons, Delhi 1994.
2. Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments: 3 ed., Golding, E. W., Widdis, F. C., Wheeler's
Student Edition, 1994.
3. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation: 3 ed., Cooper, W.D., Helfrick, A.D., Prentice-Hall of
India, New Delhi 1991
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester III, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: CST211 Course: Introduction To Computer Concepts
L: 3 Hrs., T: 1 HrsP:0Hrs., Per week Total Credits : 7
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course, students will
1. Be aware of the basics of computers, functions of OS and DOS Command execution, WIN operation.
2. Be able to distinguish various topologies, different communication Channels, various data transfer scheme.
3. The students should be able to construct decision making, iterative statements, and inputting outputting
data from console.
4. Be able to use the functions, create and execute the functions.
5. Be able to store data in the form of file. Open, close and do manipulation on the file.
6. Be able to use types of arrays, declare, insert delete-manipulate array elements.
7. Be able to use various searching and sorting techniques.
8. Be able to construct program which allocates- deallocates memory run time and use Linked List data
structure and do various operation on Linked List.
9. Should be able to differentiate modular and object oriented programming and implement logic in the form
Introduction to Operating Systems, functions of OS, types of Operating Systems, Concept of Process and
DOS: DOS Concepts, Booting concepts, DOS commands, Batch file, AUTOEXEC & CONFIG files.
WINDOWS: History of Windows Operating System, System Structure, Features of Windows 2000, Windows
File System
Database System Concepts and Architecture, Relational data Model, ER Model
Introduction to ORACLE: SQL-the relational database standard, DDL, DML, TCL commands, PL/SQL
Basic Concepts in Computer Networks : OSI & TC/IP Architecture, Transmission Media, Network
hardware(Repeater, Router, Hub, Gateway, Nic), Network layer in the internet, IP protocol, IP address, client
server interaction
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C++: Features of object oriented programming languages, data encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism,
Abstraction, Concept of a class, instantiating a class ,Access control of members of a class, static and non-static
members, overloading a method.
Creation of classes, characteristics, methods, overriding, overloading, packages
Basic Concepts of Internets : Overview of Internet, history, HTTP protocol basics, HTTP request & response,
HTML, Javascript, XML, difference between static websites and dynamic websites, CSS(cryptography
techniques, worms and viruses, firewalls, security threats, digital signature and certificates)
1. Programming in C++: Balaguruswamy
2. JAVA 2 Programming Black Book: Steven Holzner, Wiley India.
3. Operating Systems: Tennonbaum.
4. Computer Networks: 3 ed., Andrew Tanenbaum, PHI Publication.
5. Web Technologies: Uttam K. Roy, Oxford University Press.
6. Computer Fundamentals: P.K. Sinha
Reference Books:
1. UNIX Commands: Sumitaba Das
2. Database System Concepts: Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth,S.Sudarshan,5 edition,MCGraw Hill
3. SL &PL/SQL for Oracle 10g black book : Dr. P.S. Despande, Dreamtech press.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester III, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: ENT206 Course: Electronics Devices & Circuits
L: 4 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs., Per week Total Credits : 9
Course Outcomes
1. Students will be able to understand the working of all the electronic semiconductor devices.
2. Students will be able to demonstrate their theoretical knowledge by doing practical.
3. Students will be ready to design any electronic circuit followed by breadboard testing to check its
4. Students will be able to put their ideas in making projects.
Unit 1: Semiconductor Diodes and Power Supplies :
Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors theory of PN junction, diode junction, capacitance, zener diode, vector
diode, Tunnel diode, Power supplies, Half wave and full wave Rectifiers, Voltage doublers, filters, ripple
factor, Zener and Emitter follower type series voltage regulators.
Unit 2: Junction Transistors :
Theory of operation, static characteristics, break down voltage, current voltage, power Limitations, Biasing of
BJT, different biasing arrangements, stability factor, Thermal runaway, power transistors.
Unit 3: BJT Analysis :
Small signal analysis of CE, CB, CC amplifiers and comparison, High frequency analysis, calculation of
frequency response, gain bandwidth product.
Unit 4: Power Amplifiers :
Classification A,B, AB, C classes, efficiency, Pushpull configuration (A,B,AB), complimentary symmetry,
Distortions and cross over distortion.
Unit 5: Positive and Negative Feedback Amplifiers :
Feedback amplifiers, classification, Practical circuits applications, advantages, Stability, Oscillators,
Barkhausen criterion RC, LC and Crystal Oscillators.
Unit 6: FET and it'sAnalysis :
Field effect transistor and 'MOSFET', Principle of operation and characteristic, biasing arrangement, small
signal analysis of CG, CS, High frequency Analysis.
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1. Integrated Electronics: Millman ,Halkias, Parikh,McGraw Hill.
2. Microelectronics Circuits: Adel S. Sedra,K.Smith,ArunChandorkar,Oxford University Press.
1. Electronics circuits Discrete and Integrated: Schilling and Belove, McGraw Hill.
2. An introduction to semiconductor Devices: Donald Nemen ,TMH.
3. Electronics Devices & Circuit Theory,9 edition, R. Boylestad, Pearson Education.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester III, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: CHT201 Course: Environmental Studies I
L: 2 Hrs., T: 0 Hrs P:0 Hrs., Per week Total Credits : 0
Course Objectives:
1) Main objective of the course is to make the students aware of environmental issues which often
2) It is envisaged to provide the students' with basic scientific background which is needed to understand
how the Earth works, how we, as human beings, fit into it, prerequisites to understand environmental
3) To adopt multidisciplinary approach which encompasses chemical sciences, biological sciences,
environmental engineering and sciences to protect the mother earth and environment.
4) Course is to develop concern for our own environment which will lead us to act at our own level to
surmount over the environment problems we face.
5) One of the objectives of the course is to make the students aware about importance of natural resources,
ecosystems, biodiversity and its conservation, environmental pollution, social issues and environment,
human population and environment.
Course Outcomes:
a) Students will get the sufficient information that will clarify modern environmental concepts like equitable
use of natural resources, more sustainable life styles etc.
b) Students will realize the need to change their approach so as to perceive our own environmental issues
correctly, using practical approach based on observation and self learning.
c) Students become conversant with the fact that there is a need to create a concern for our environment that
will trigger pro-environmental action; including simple activities we can do in our daily life to protect it.
d) By studying environmental sciences, students is exposed to the environment that enables one to find out
solution of various environmental problems encountered on and often.
e) At the end of the course, it is expected that students will be able to identify and analyze environmental
problems as well as the risks associated with these problems and efforts to be taken to protect the
environment from getting polluted. This will enable every human being to live in a more sustainable
Unit 1
Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies: Definition, scope and importance; Need for public
Unit 2
Natural Resources Renewable and Non-renewable Resources: Natural resources and associated problems. (a)
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Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams and
their effects on forest and tribal people. (b) Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground
water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems. (c) Mineral resources: Use and
exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies. (d) Food resources:
World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-
pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies. (e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs,
renewable and non renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources. Case studies. (f) Land
resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification.
Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.
Unit 3
Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem; Structure and function of an ecosystem; Producers, consumers, and
decomposers; Energy flow in the ecosystem; Ecological succession; Food chains, food webs and ecological
pyramids. Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystem (Forest
ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Aquatic ecosystems i. e. ponds, streams, lakes, rivers,
oceans, estuaries)
Unit 4
Biodiversity and its Conservation: Introduction Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity;
Biogeographical classification of India; Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical,
aesthetic and option values; Biodiversity at global, National and local levels; India as a mega-diversity nation;
Hot-sports of biodiversity; Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts;
Endangered and endemic species of India; Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of
Text Books:
1. Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control: N. W. Ingole, D. M. Dharmadhikari, S. S. Patil, Das
GanuPrakashan, Nagpur.
2. Environmental Chemistry: K. Bhute, A. Dhamani, A. Lonkar, S. Bakare, Celebration Infomedia, India.
Reference Books:
1. Text Book of Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control: S. S. Dara; S. Chand and Company Ltd.,
New Delhi.
2. Environmental Studies-From Crisis to Cure, Second Edition: R. Rajagopalan, Oxford University Press,
New Delhi.
3. Text Book of Environmental Studies: E. Bharucha, University Press (India) Private Ltd., Hyderabad, India.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester IV, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code : MAT242 Course : Electrical Engineering Mathematics
L: 3 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs., Per week Total Credits : 7
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the student shall be familiar with an be able to
1. Convert Physical models into physical system and then formulate the appropriate mathematical model.
2. Form mathematical modal corresponding to engineering problems, analyze it and solve the problem by
using basic mathematical tools and numerical computational techniques.
3. Convert mathematical models into block diagram/signal flow graphs and then find transfer function of the
4. The students should able to apply various tools to determine the absolute stability of systems by applying
Routh Criterion and to understand how the same can be applied to evaluate relative stability.
5. Basics of Fuzzy Logic
6. Apply Z Transforms for analysis of linear Discrete Systems and Digital Filters
Mathematical Modeling: Mathematical modeling of physical system like Mechanical system( basic
translational and rotational system), Electrical system ( basic RLC series and parallel circuits). Concept of
transfer functions. Transfer function of elementary RLC circuit, elementary block diagram of closed loop
system. Laplace transform of impulse, step, ramp and parabolic signals, Time response of first order and
general second order system for unit step, unit impulse, and ramp input signal. Concept of characteristic
equation, Determination of time constants.
Rootlocus techniques: Routh stability criterion, Root locus concept, construction of root loci( up to second
order system), Time constant and poles zero form of generalized characteristic equation. Construction
rules(without proof). Determination of roots for specified open loop gain, determination of open gain for
specified damping ratio. Concept of sinusoidal transfer function. Introduction to Polar Plots.
Ztransforms: Formation and solutions of Difference equations, Definition and properties, One sided Z-
transform: Definition and properties, z-transforms pairs, inverse Z-transform, correlation of Laplace transform
to Z- transform. Properties of Z- Transforms, z-transfer function, Convolution of two sequences, poles and
zeros. Solution of difference equations.
IV Semester
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Fuzzysets: Fuzzy sets and systems, crisp sets, overview of fuzzy logic and classical logic, fuzzy compliment,
union, intersection and combination of fuzzy sets, fuzzy operations, crisp and fuzzy relations.
Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Iteration method, Regulafalsi method,
Newton Raphson method, Convergence / rate of convergence of iterative methods, Solution of system of non
linear equations. Solution of system of linear equations, Gauss Elimination, Gauss Seidal method, Crout's
Numerical methods for Differential Equations: Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations by
Picards method, Taylor's series method, Euler's method, Modified Euler's method, RungeKutta methods,
Milne's Predictor corrector method, Solution of second order differential equation.
Text Books:
1. Control systems Engineering: J Nagrath and M Gopal
2. Fuzzy Engineering: Bart Kasko
3. Principles of control systems: Xavier and Babu, S Chand, New Delhi
Reference Books :
1. Introductory method of numerical analysis: 4 ed.,S. S. Sastry, PHI, New Delh.i
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics: 2 ed., Jain, Iyengar, Narosa publication
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester IV, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: HUT202 Course: Principals of Economics & Management
L: 3 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs., Per week Total Credits : 7
Course Outcomes
1. Students will be acquainted with the basics of economics
2. Students will develop the understanding of micro economics
3. Students will have hands -on experience of macro economics
4. Students will be acquainted with the basics of management
5. Students will develop the understanding of marketing management
6. Students will learn the working of financial management
Unit-I: Introduction to Economics
Meaning and Scope
Basic Economic concepts: Goods, Utility, Value, Wealth, Income, Saving, Investment, Equilibrium,
Static, Dynamics.
Unit-II- Micro-Economics
Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
Concept of Demand
Law of Demand
Elasticity of Demand
Concept of Supply
Law of Supply
Elasticity of supply
Indifference Curve
Types of Market (Perfect and Imperfect Competition)
Unit-III- Macro-Economics:
Concepts of Inflation and Deflation;
Business cycles;
Banks : Types,Functions of Central Bank and Commercial banks;
Monetary and Fiscal Policies;
Directand indirect taxes;
Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
Unit-IV-Introduction to Management
Definition, nature and scope of Management
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Functions of Management planning and Controlling
Human Resource Management: Job safety, Work stress and Human Resources Panning.
Unit-V-Marketing Management:
Meaning and nature of Marketing management
Marketing Mix;
Market segmentation
Advertisement and sales promotions
Channels ofdistribution.
Unit-VI- Financial Management:
Meaning, nature and scope of financial management
Profit and loss account,
Balance sheet,
Ratio analysis,
Depreciation and its methods.
Text Books:
1) K.K. Dewett; Modern Economic Theory; (43rd edition); S. Chand and Co. Ltd; NewDelhi
2) Paul A. Samuelson and William D. Nordhaus, (18 edition);McGraw-HillCompanies(2005).
3) Harold Koontz and Cyril O'Donnell, Principles of Management: An Analysis of Managerial Functions,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984
4) P.C. Tripathi and P.N. Reddy: Principles of Management; Tata MacGraw HillPublishing Co. Ltd.; New
5) K. Aswathappa; Human Resource Management, Tata-McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd. New Delhi
6) V.S. Ramaswamy and S Namakumari, Marketing Management: Global PerspectiveIndian Context,
MacMillian Publishers India Ltd, New Delhi.
Reference Books
1) K.K. Dewett and J. D. Verma; Elementary Economic Theory; (28th edition) S. Chandand Co. Ltd.; New
2) Rudradutt and K.P.M. Sundaram; Indian Economy ; (45th revised edition); S. Chandand Co. Ltd.; New
3) Martand.T. Telsang; Industrial and Business Management; S.Chand and Co. Ltd. NewDelhi.
4) T.Ramasamy; Principles of Management; Himalaya Publishing House, (10 edition)Mumbai.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester IV, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: ENT207 Course: Digital and Linear Electronic Circuits
L: 4 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs., Per week Total Credits : 9
Course Outcomes
1. The students will be able to use basic components to design digital circuits.
2. The students will be able to design different combinational circuits for various applications.
3. The students will be able to design various sequential circuits for different applications.
4. The students will be able to design and verify digital systems using combinational and sequential circuits.
5. Students will have attained the fundamental background in differential amplifier which is necessary for
understanding the working principle and Characteristics of the Operational amplifier.
6. Students will understand the basic Operational amplifier circuits with negative feedback.
7. Students will have practical understanding of basic Linear and non linear applications of Operational
8. Students will be able to assemble, test, troubleshoot and analyze electronic circuits using Operational
9. Students will be able to design practical electronic circuits using operational amplifier and timer IC 555.
10. Students will be able to use data manual and different Linear ICs for designing the electronic
11. Students will be able to use computer software circuit design tools to design and analyze the electronic
Unit 1:
Analog V/sDigital systems, Digital Codes and conversions, Boolean algebra, Logic problems.
Unit 2:
Logic gates, Karnaugh Map, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers.
Unit 3:
Sequential circuits Latches, Flip Flop, Conversion of one Flip Flop to another, Arithmetic Circuits - Adders
and Subtractors, Memory Organization.
Unit 4:
Differential amplifier, DC and AC analysis, cascaded differential amplifier stages, Opamp Configuration
inverting and non-inverting,
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Unit 5:
Op-amp Parameters & their analysis, Linear Applications like summing amplifier, V to I converter, Integrator,
differentiator & Instrumentation Amplifier. Non Linear applications like Clipper, clamper, Schmitt trigger,
Sample & Hold Circuit.
Unit 6:
Active Filter Design, Timer IC LM-555, VCO IC 566, PLL IC 565, LM324
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of digital circuits: A. Anand Kumar, Prentice-Hall of India
2. Modern Digital Electronics: 3 ed., RP Jain, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Op-Amps and Linear ICs: Fiore J. M, Thomson Delmar Learning
4. Operational Amplifiers Design & Applications: Tobey Graeme, Huelsman, McGraw hill
Reference Books:
1. Digital Integrated Electronics: H.Taub&D.Shilling, McGraw Hill.
2. Digital Electronics: Ryan ,TataMcGraw Hill.
3. Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits: 4 ed., Coughlin Driscoll, PHI.
4. Analog Filter Design: M. E. Van Valkenburg ,PHI
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester IV, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET203 Course: Electrical Machines-I
L: 4 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs., Per week Total Credits : 9
Course Outcomes
1. The students should understand the construction, working & connections for DC motors, induction motor
and transformer.
2. The students should understand the methods of speed control and starting for DC motors and induction
motors and its practical applications.
3. The students should be able to start and operate various machines under different operating conditions
such as load (o/p power) and input (voltage, frequency) or mechanical power i/p like torque & speeds.
4. The students should be able to test various machines to find its equivalent circuit parameters.
5. The students should be able to develop equivalent circuit and mathematical models in terms of phasor
equation &phasor diagram for transformers & induction motor.
6. The students should be able to find efficiency & regulation of transformer and access its performance at
different loads at different power factors.
7. The students should be able understand the steady state & dynamic performance of induction motors under
different torque and operating speed.
8. The students should be in a position to plot & understand various characteristic of DC motors, DC
generators and Induction motors.
9. The students should be able to carry out the mathematical analysis & to solve numericals for efficiency
calculation of speed at different torques for d.c. motor and induction motors; under different input/output
10.The students should be able to test various machine for polarity test and terminal markings; so that the
interconnections of winding can be done for different connections.
Unit 1 : 1 phase & 3 Phase Transformer :
Transformer operation and principle, O.C. & S.C. test on three phase transformer, determination of equivalent
circuit. Parameters, Regulation, Efficiency, Auto transformer, Magnetising current and harmonics.
Unit 2:
Polarity test, various connections with vector groups, Three phase to two phase conversion, parallel operation
of three phase transformer, methods of cooling, temperature rise test, maintenance of transformer, insulation
of transformer.
Unit 3 : D. C. Motors :
Basic principle & operation of DC motors (separately excited, shunt and series), Types of excitation,
Characteristics of shunt, series, speed control of DC motor (separately excited, shunt & series), Losses &
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Unit 4 : Three Phase Induction Motor :
Types of induction motor and production of torque, Torque-slip characteristics, No load blocked rotor test,
equivalent circuit & determination of equivalent circuit parameters, losses, efficiency, double cage motor,
operating characteristics & influence of machine parameter on the performance of motor.
Unit 5 : Operation of 3 Phase Induction Motor :
Starting of 3 phase I. M., Speed control of I. M. by pole changing, frequency control, rotor resistance by varying
supply voltage, braking regenerative braking, plugging, dynamic braking Crawling & Cogging.
Unit 6 : Single Phase I. M. :
Double field- revolving and cross field theory split phase motor shaded pole motor, equivalent circuit, Torque-
slip characteristics, AC series motor, Universal motor.
Text Books :
1. Electrical Machines: Dr. P.S. Bimbhra
2. Electrical Machines: AshfaqHussain
3. A Text Book of Electrical Technology: B. L. Theraja ( Vol. II)
Reference Books :
1. Performance & Design of A.C. Machine: M. G. Say
2. Electrical Machines: I.S. Nagrath& Dr. D.P. Kothari
3. Laboratory Courses in Electrical Engineering: Tarnekar, Kharbanda, Bodkhe&Naik
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester IV, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET204 Course: Network Analysis
L: 4 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs., Per week Total Credits : 9
Course Outcomes
1. The students should be able to write the equilibrium equation on mesh and nodal basis and apply the
matrix approach.
2. The students should be able to implement the source transformation and find the exact solution for circuits
and networks of all type.
3. The students should able to understand and apply the principle of duality.
4. The students should be able to understand various network theorems and use them for getting exact
solution of circuits and networks of all type.
5. The students should be able to understand the trigonometric and exponential Fourier series and find out
the Fourier transform and spectrum of a given circuit.
6. The students should be able to find out the initial and final conditions of a network for solving the circuit
using Laplace transformation.
7. The students should be able to draw the s-planes for a circuit and study the pole zero location to
understand the working controls of it. He/she should be able to find out the time domain response using s-
8. The students should be able to study the symmetry and reciprocity properties of a circuit by drawing the
two port network of it
9. The students should have understanding of application of Milliman's theorem for finding the voltage
between the generator and load neutral for unbalanced AC circuits and thereby find different parameters
of electrical circuits.
Unit-1 : (10)
Nodal and mesh basis equilibrium equations, matrix approach for complicated network, containing voltage,
current sources and reactances, source transformations.
Unit-2: (12)
Network Theorems, Superposition, Reciprocity, Thevenin's Norton's maximum power transfer,
compensation, Tellegen's theorem as applied to A. C. circuits.
Unit 3: (10)
Trigonometric and exponential Fourier series, Discrete spectra and Symmetry of waveforms, steady state
response of a Network to non sinusoidal periodic inputs, Fourier transforms and continuous spectra.
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Unit- 4: (12)
Laplace transform and properties, partial fractions, singularity functions, waveforms, synthesis, Analysis of
RCRI and RIC network with and without initial conditions with Laplace transforms, evaluation of initial
Unit 5: (10)
Transient behavior, concept of complex frequency, Driving points and transfer functions, poles, zeros of
immittance function, their properties, sinusoidal response from Pole- Zero locations, convolution theorem
and integral solution.
Unit- 6 : (10)
Two part Network parameters and inter-connections study of series and parallel resonance in A. C. circuits,
three phase unbalanced circuit and power calculations.
Text Books :
1. Network Analysis by Van Valkendurg.
2. Linear Network Theory by Kelkar and Pandit.
3. Circuits and Networks by A. Sudhakar and S.P.Shyam Mohan
Reference Books:
1. Network and System D.P.Royohoudhary
2. Network Analysis G.K.Mittal.
3. Electrical circuits Dal Toro Prontice Hall.
4. Network systems/ Analysis B.P. Gupta (S.Chand)
5. 3000 solved examples in Network Analysis, Shaums series
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester IV, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: CHT202 Course: Environmental Studies - II
L: 2Hrs., T: 0 Hrs P:0 Hrs., Per week Total Credits : 0
Course Objectives:
1) Main objective of the course is to make the students aware of environmental issues which often come
2) It is envisaged to provide the students' with basic scientific background which is needed to understand
how the Earth works, how we, as human beings, fit into it, prerequisites to understand environmental
3) To adopt multidisciplinary approach which encompasses chemical sciences, biological sciences,
environmental engineering and sciences to protect the mother earth and environment.
4) Course is to develop concern for our own environment which will lead us to act at our own level to
surmount over the environment problems we face.
5) One of the objectives of the course is to make the students aware about importance of natural resources,
ecosystems, biodiversity and its conservation, environmental pollution, social issues and environment,
human population and environment.
Course Outcomes:
a) Students will get the sufficient information that will clarify modern environmental concepts like equitable
use of natural resources, more sustainable life styles etc.
b) Students will realize the need to change their approach so as to perceive our own environmental issues
correctly, using practical approach based on observation and self learning.
c) Students become conversant with the fact that there is a need to create a concern for our environment that
will trigger pro-environmental action; including simple activities we can do in our daily life to protect it.
d) By studying environmental sciences, students is exposed to the environment that enables one to find out
solution of various environmental problems encountered on and often.
e) At the end of the course, it is expected that students will be able to identify and analyze environmental
problems as well as the risks associated with these problems and efforts to be taken to protect the
environment from getting polluted. This will enable every human being to live in a more sustainable
Unit I
Environmental Pollution: Definition, Cause, effects and control measures of Air pollution, Water pollution,
Soil pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, and Nuclear hazards. Solid waste
Management : Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes; Role of an individual in
prevention of pollution, Pollution case studies; Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and
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Unit II
Social Issues and the Environment: From Unsustainable to Sustainable development; Urban problems related
to energy; Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management; Resettlement and rehabilitation
of people; its problems and concerns, Case Studies; Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions;
Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust, Case
Studies; Wasteland reclamation; Consumerism and waste products; Environment Protection Act, Air
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, Wildlife Protection
Act, Forest Conservation Act, Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation; Public awareness.
Unit III
Human Population and the Environment: Population growth, variation among nations, Population explosion
Family Welfare Programme; Environment and human health; Human Rights; Value Education; HIV/AIDS;
Women and Child Welfare; Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health, Case Studies.
Field work
Visit to a local area to document environmental assets river/forest/grassland/hill/mountain; Visit to a local
polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural; Study of common plants, insects, birds; Study of simple
ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc.
Text Books:
1. Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control: N. W. Ingole, D. M. Dharmadhikari, S. S. Patil, Das
GanuPrakashan, Nagpur.
2. Environmental Chemistry: K. Bhute, A. Dhamani, A. Lonkar, S. Bakare, Celebration Infomedia, India.
Reference Books:
1. Text Book of Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control: S. S. Dara; S. Chand and Company Ltd.,
New Delhi.
2. Environmental Studies-From Crisis to Cure, Second Edition: R. Rajagopalan, Oxford University Press, New
3. Text Book of Environmental Studies: E. Bharucha, University Press (India) Private Ltd., Hyderabad, India.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester V, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET301 Course : Power Station Practice
L: 3Hrs.,T: 1 HrsP:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Outcomes :
Upon the completion of this course,
1. Student will be able to solve the load requirement and distribution problems along with all practical
parameters of generation capabilities.
2. Student will be able to draw and study the load curve, load duration curve, energy load curve, different
types of loads and their requirements.
3. Student will be able to work with generating units by preparing the operating schedule and calculate the
generation costs.
4. Student will be able to understand the practical aspects of working of modern thermal power stations, the
accessories and non-accessories systems of it.
5. Student will be able to understand the practical aspects of working of modern hydro electric power
stations, the important civil engineering systems, the hydrological, topological and topographical aspects
of it. He/she should be able to find out the actual electrical power potential at the particular site.
6. Student will be able to understand the practical aspects of working of modern nuclear stations, the nuclear
physics and different nuclear reactors with their merits and demerits.
7. Student will be able to understand the practical aspects of different sources of electrical energies e.g. solar
energy, wind energy, oceanic energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy and all such non-conventional
energy sources.
8. Student will be able to understand the voltage and frequency regulators and their workings, different
excitation systems and other practical switching devices.
Unit I : Sources of Electrical Energy : Coal, oil and natural gas, water power, nuclear fission and fusion. Recent
development in power generation
Generation : Different factors connected with a generating station, connected load, maximum demand,
demand factor, load factor, diversity factor, plant capacity and utilization factor, load curve, load duration
curve, load survey, base load and peak load station, advantages of interconnection. Depreciation of plant, load
Unit Ii : Thermal Stations : Choice of site, size and number of units, general layout, major equipment, essential
and non-essential auxiliaries, electric supply to auxiliaries, cost of generation, effect of different factor on costs.
Treatment on water, Tests on coal, Automatic control of different of different system. Advantages and
V Semester
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Unit III : Hydro station :Hydrology, stream flow, flow duration curve, power duration curve, mass curve
reservoir capacity, type of hydro plants and their field of use, pumped storages plants and their utility, surge
tanks, governing characteristics of turbine and hydro generators.Advantages and disadvantage, Automatic and
remote control, advantages and disadvantages.
Unit IV: Nuclear station :Principle of Nuclear energy, materials, types of nuclear reactors, breeder reactors,
location, material for moderator and control rods, cost economics
Unit V: Voltage control of A.C. generators: Methods of stabilizing exciter voltage, Automatic Voltage
regulator action. Tariff different consideration of Flat & two part economical choice. Transmission losses-
causes and effects, Bus bar arrangement, real and reactive power control
Unit VI: Non conventional techniques of energy production :
a. Solar energy- Introduction, Physical Principles of conversion of Solar radiation into heat. Solar energy
collectors, solar energy storage,
b. Electrical power generation and other miscellaneous applications of solar energy.
c. Wind energy Introduction, Basic principles of wind energy conversion, Wind Delta, energy estimation,
site selection, Basic component of Wind energy conversion system, Wind turbines and their analysis, Wind
Electrical generation, stand alone, and grid connected wind-electrical power systems, various applications
of wind energy.
d. Energy from Tides and Oceanic Waves :- Introduction, Basic principles of Tidal power, site selection
storage and plant layout for Tidal Power Plant, Introduction to Wave energy and its Energy plants, Wave
energy based power plants layout, Analysis of Tidal and Wave energy plants.
Text Books:
1. Electrical Power Stations: Car.
2. Generation of electrical energy:Dr. B. R. Gupta
3. Power plant Engineering:P. C. Sharma
Reference Books :
1. Electrical Power Station Control:H.P. Young.
2. Elements of Power Station Design:M.V. Deshpande.
3. Energy Conservation and Power Generation: L.D. Agrawal and G. K. Mittal.
4. Non Conventional Energy Sources:G. D. Rai.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester V, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET316 Course : Microprocessor &Interfacing
L: 4 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:2 Hrs. Per week Total Credits : 9
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course, the students will :
1. Understand the bus concept used in digital processors.
2. Understand the working and architecture of 8085 microprocessor.
3. Learn the memory interfacing techniques.
4. Demonstrate an ability to develop programs of 8085 microprocessor using assembly language.
5. Understand the concept of Interrupts and Interrupts service routines in 8085 microprocessor.
6. Execute data transmission using parallel and serial transmission methods.
7. Interface various peripherals like of standard latches, Buffers, Keys, display devices, ADC and I/O ports.
8. Develop skill to interface the peripherals like 8255 and 8253.
Unit-1: Approach to integrated system design using microprocessor. Organization of a computer with MPU,
Bus concepts, Memory organization, linear/absolute decoding.
Unit-2: Introduction of Intel's 8085A: Architecture, description. Instruction Set, Addressing modes, Timing
Unit: 3: Flag structure, concept of PSW, Stack and Subroutine, Simple and Nested subroutines, Push-Pop, Call-
Return instructions, Stack manipulation, (simple programming).
Unit: 4: Interrupt concept& structure in 8085, Interrupt Service Routines (ISR), advanced instructions of
Programming of 8085A.
Unit: 5: Serial data transfer, Synchronous andAsynchronous data transfer. Simple hardware to interface
standard Latches, Buffers, Keys,FND display devices as I/O ports to 8085A.Interfacing with ADC/DAC.
Unit: 6: Architecture and interfacing of 8255 to 8085 in simple I/O mode, BSR mode. Architecture and
Interfacing of 8253.
Text Books :
1. R. S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and Applications with the 8085/8080A,
Penram International Publishing.
2. D.V.Hall, Programming of 8085,McGraw Hill Publishing.
3. B. Ram, Fundamentals of Microprocessor and Microcomputers, DhanpatRai Publications.
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Syllabus of Semester V, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET302 Course : Electrical Machines-II
L: 4 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:2 Hrs. Per week Total Credits : 9
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course, the students will :
1. Understand the construction, working & connections for synchronous generator and synchronous motor.
2. Understand the concept of synchronization and parallel operation of synchronous generator and its
practical application in interconnected power system (grid).
3. Be able to start and operate various machines under different operating conditions such as load (o/p
power) and input (voltage, frequency) or mechanical power input like torque & speeds.
4. Be able to test various machines to find its equivalent circuit parameters and to develop mathematical
model in terms of phasor equation and phasor diagrams of synchronous generator and synchronous
5. Be able to carry out the mathematical analysis & to solve numerical for calculation of regulation at different
loads at different power factors.
6. Be able understand the performance of synchronous machines under steady state, dynamic and transient
7. Be able to know the construction principal of operation, working and characteristics of special purpose
Unit- 1: Three Phase Synchronous Generators: - Introductions, constructional features of cylindrical and
salient pole rotor, machines introduction to armature winding and field windings, MMF of armature and field
windings induced EMF.
Unit-2: Steady State Operation of cylindrical and salient pole rotor synchronous generator. Phasor diagram,
percentage regulation using emf/synchronous impedance method.
Unit-3: Principle of operation of synchronous motor, steady state operation ofcylindrical rotor and salient pole
synchronous motor, phasor diagram, damper winding. Synchronizing of generator with another generator,
parallel operation, experimental determination of parameters, short circuit ratio, losses and efficiency.
Unit- 4: Synchronous Machines On Infinite Bus, synchronization of alternator with infinite bus, parallel
operation and load sharing, power angle characteristic (P- curve) and V curve and inverted V curves for
synchronous motors and generators.
Unit-5: Measurement of Xd and Xq by slip test, transient behavior, sudden three phase short circuitand its
various component, transient and sub-transient reactances and their measurements, equivalent circuit diagram
under steady-state, transient, subtrasient, unbalance operation of synchronous machine and measurement of
sequence reactance..
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Unit-6: Introduction To Special Machines :AC series motors, universal motors, reluctance motor, hysteresis
motor, permanent magnet motor,
Text Books:
1. Electrical Machines:AshfaqHussain.
2. Electrical Machinery:Nagrath and Kothari.
3. Electrical Machinery: P.S. Bhimbra.
Reference Books:
Electrical Technology Vol. II: B. L. Thareja and et. al.
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Syllabus of Semester V, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET303 Course : Electrical Power System-I
L: 3Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits : 7
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course :
1. The students will have the knowledge of generation, transmission and distribution.
2. The students will be able to convert the quantities in per unit system.
3. The students will learn the different schemes of distribution both for ac and dc system.
4. The students will be able to calculate different parameter (like inductance, capacitance and resistance)
for overhead line and underground cable.
5. The students will learn different types of transmission line with their analysis.
6. The students will be able analyze the power flow problems.
7. The students will be able to differentiate between different types of insulators.
8. The students will be able to find the optimal method for voltage control in power systems.
9. The students will be able to find the load shared between alternators when operated in parallel.
Structure of electrical power system, brief exposition of generation, transmission and distribution aspects, use
of high voltage, idea about substation (indoor and outdoor), concept of real, reactive and complex power unit
system, load and their characteristics, voltage and frequency dependence of loads, overhead v/s underground
transmission, per unit system, representation of power system elements and per unit impedance diagram.
Concept of GMD & GMR, calculation of the inductance and capacitance of overhead transmission lines with
symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing, effect of earth on capacitance, transposition of line, bundle
conductor, double circuit three phase lines.
Unit 3: Elementary distribution schemes :
Types of cables, capacitance of single phase and three phase cable, grading of cable, DC Cables, power factor
and heating of cables.
Types of distribution system, comparison, feeders and distributors, numerical on AC and DC distribution
Unit- 4:
Representation of transmission lines, ABCD parameters of transmission lines, Voltage regulation and
efficiency of power transmission lines, Power flow equations and circle diagrams
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Unit 5:
Interconnection of system elements to form two bus system, Illustration of active and reactive power
transmission, Introduction to load flow studies in multibus system(Methods of solution not expected),
Introduction of frequency and voltage as system state indicators.
Unit- 6:
Elementary concepts of real and reactive power control, Steady state performance of turbine governors, load
sharing between generators, preliminary concepts of automatic voltage regulators for turbot generators,
Insulation of overhead lines, insulator string, efficiency, types of insulators.
Text Books:
1. Modern Power system Analysis:Nagrath and Kothari.
2. Electrical Energy System Theory:Elegard.
3. Elements of Power System Analysis: Stevenson.
Reference Books:
1. Elements of Power System Analysis: Stevenson Westinghouse Transmission and Distribution Handbooks.
2. Power System Analysis:Wadhwa C. L.
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Syllabus of Semester V, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET304-1 Course : ElectiveI, Electrical Machine Design
L: 3Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course, the students will
1. Understand the principles of magnetic and electric circuit design used in basic electrical
machines such as: transformer, induction motor, synchronous machine
2. Understand the different design factors & limitations in electrical machine design.
3. Understand construction and working principle, characteristic and output equation of different
types of electrical machine.
4. Understand different Engineering materials and it's properties (conducting, magnetic &
insulating) used in manufacturing of electrical machines.
5. Able to understand the principle of heating & cooling of electrical machines: modes of heat
dissipation, temperature rise-time curves, and methods of cooling of different rotating electrical
6. Understand complete design procedure of transformer: basic theory of transformer,1-ph, 3-ph,
shell type, core type ,different design formulae for overall design, oil tank & cooling tube design .
7. Understand complete design procedure of 3-phase Induction motor: basic theory of 3-ph IM,
design of different parts of stator & rotor (squirrel cage & slip ring type), finding the leakage
reactance & resistance of winding.
8. Understand complete design procedure of 3-phase synchronous motor: basic theory of 3-ph
synchronous motor, design of different parts of stator & rotor, field winding design.
Unit :1
Review of material used in construction of electrical machines: Classification of insulating material
depending upon permissible temperature rise, properties of transformer oil, standard specifications,
CMR and short time of machines, heating and cooling characteristics.
Unit: 2
Design of magnetic circuit: Review of magnetic circuit formulae, Magnetisation characteristics.
Design of electromagnets, magnetic pull or force, ampere-turn requirement, temperature rise, Design
of inductor, small chokes.
Unit: 3:
Transformer Design: Specific loading equation for voltage per turn for power and distribution
transformers, output equation.
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Unit: 4:
Principles of electric and magnetic circuit design. Estimation of performance characteristics from the
design data.
Unit: 5
Induction Motor: main dimension, output equation, loading constants estimation of axial lengths, air
gap diameter, winding design.
Unit : 6
Air gap lengths, rotor of IM, cage rotor and would rotor design.Calculation of no load current and
other performance from characteristics for design data.
Text Books:
1. Performance and design of A.C.machines:M.G.Say.
2. Electrical Machine Design:A.K.Sawhney in Dhanpatrai& Sons. Delhi.
3. Electrical Machine Design:Balbir Singh in Brite Students Publications. Pune.
Reference Books
1. Power Transforme:Vasytinki, P.S.G.College of Technology. Coimbtore.
2. Electrical Machine Design:M.V.Deshpande.
3. Principles of Electrical Machine Design:R. K. Agrarwal
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Syllabus of Semester V, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET304-2 Course : Elective I, Entrepreneurship Development
L: 3Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Outcomes
1. Qualities and Functions of an Entrepreneur.
2. Government policy towards Entrepreneur.
3. Small business environment of an Entrepreneur
4. Knowledge centre and assistance available to an Entrepreneur
5. How to organize and setup an Entrepreneur business model
6. Project report, finance and marketing models for a new Entrepreneur.
7. Problems encountered by a new Entrepreneur
a. Finance
b. Labour
c. Purchase
d. Manufacturing
e. Marketing
f. Branding
g. Government Taxes and duties.
Unit :1
Entrepreneurial traits types andsignificance. Definitions characteristics of Entrepreneur type's. Qualities and
functions entrepreneurship role and importance of entrepreneur economic growth. Competing theories
entrepreneurship .Entrepreneurial Development Programmed in India History Program in India History
.Support. Objective stages of performances. Planning and EDP Objectives.
Unit :2
Target group selection of center pre-training work, Policy towards SSI's .Entrepreneurial Behaviors
entrepreneurial motivation, achievement of management success. Entrepreneurial success in rural area.
Innovation and entrepreneur.
Unit :3
Establishing Entrepreneurial System. Search for business idea. Sources of ideas, processing. Input
requirements. Sources and criteria of farcing, fixed and working capital assessment Technical assistance.
Marketing assistance, sickness of units and remedial assistance Preparation of feasibility reports and legal
formalities and documentation.
Unit : 4
Small Business in Indian Environment - Economic, Social .Political Cultural and Legal Policies Governing
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Small Scale Units.Industrial Policies and Strategies relating to small scale sector; Technological know-how and
Appropriate Technology; Quality Circles and productivity, and linkage between Small and Big Business.
Unit : 5
Organizational Structure and other Characteristics of Small -Firms .Special Problems m the Management of
small Business in various Functional Areas like Finance. Marketing, Production and Personnel Sickness in the
small Scale Sector.Modernization of Small and Village Industries; Training Programmers and consultancy
Senders; Institution Assisting Export Promotion of Small Business m India; Export Promotion Councils Global
perspective of Small Business in selected countries.
Unit :6
Problems of Industrialization in underdeveloped countries with special reference to India .Industrial policy.
Regulations and control of Industries in India , Mechanics of setting of new enterprises -size and location,
optimum units-its meaning and determinants size of industrial units in India. Theory of industrial location
factors determining the industrial location. Regional distribution of industrial activity in India; Recent trends in
the localization of industrial activity in India, Regional planning of industrial activity in India; Feasibility
studies technical, marketing and financial. Managerial problems of new Enterprises production purchasing.
Financing labour and marketing problems .Facilities provided by different Institutions and Agencies in India
.financing facilities for new enterprise. Marketing and other facilities.
Text Books :
1. Entrepreneurship 6th edition. Robert D Hisrich:Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Kuratko- Entrepreneurship A Contemporary Approach: Thomson Learning Books
3. Small-Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship:Desai, Vasant Himalaya Publishing House, Delhi. (2003).
Reference Books :
1. Chary Business Gurus speaks: Macmillan
2. S.S. Khanka Entrepreneurial Development: S. Chand & Co.
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Syllabus of Semester V, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET304-3 Course : Elective I, Energy Management and Audit
L: 3Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Outcomes
1. What is the Energy scenario in the world, with special stress to India.
2. Financial implications of Energy Audits and Energy Management. Knowledge of ROI, ESCO, CUSU,
cash flow etc is discussed.
3. Details about Electrical Energy consumption, its uses, and its efficiency.
4. Details about Electrical Compressed Air Systems and HVAC, its uses, and its efficiency.
5. Details about Electrical Pumps and pumping systems, its uses, and its efficiency.
6. Energy efficiency funds available with International agencies like CDM, COP, UNFCC
7. Details of Energy efficient buildings, HVAC, pumping, inverters etc.
8. Other Energy sources economics
Unit I : Energy Scenario: Basics of Energy and its various forms: Material and Energybalance: Facility as an
energy system, methods for preparing process flow, materialand energy balance diagrams.
Unit II : Financial Management: Investment-need, appraisal and criteria, financial analysistechniques-simple
payback period, return on investment, net present value, internalrate of return, cash flows, risk and sensitivity
analysis; financing options, energyperformance contracts and role of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs).
Energy Monitoring and Targeting: CUSU, Energy Management Information Systems.
Unit III : Electrical system: Electricity billing, electrical load management and maximum demand control,
power factor improvement and its benefit, Electric motors: Types, losses in induction motors, motor efficiency,
factors affecting motor performance, rewinding and motor replacement issues, energy saving opportunities
with energy efficient motors. Star operation, voltage unbalance, energy efficient motors, softstarters with
energy saver, variable speed drives. Lighting System: Light source, choice of lighting, luminance requirements,
and energy conservation avenues. Diesel/Natural gas Power Generating systems: Factors affecting selection,
energy performance assessment of diesel conservation avenues. Waste heat recovery.
Unit IV : Compressed Air System and (HVAC): Types of air compressors, reciprocating vsscrew, compressor
efficiency, efficient compressor operation, Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and Refrigeration System:
Fans and blowers: Types, performance evaluation, efficient system operation, flow control strategies and
energy conservation opportunities. Pressure drop calculation.
Unit V: Pumps and Pumping System: Types, performance evaluation, efficient systemoperation, flow control
strategies and energy conservation opportunities. Energyconservation in boiler feed water pump, pumping
systems for municipal drinkingwater, and sewerage, agriculture pump sets. Cooling Tower: Types and
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
performanceevaluation, efficient system operation, flow control strategies and energy savingopportunities
assessment of cooling towers.
Unit VI: Energy, Environment and Climate change: Energy and environment, air pollution, climate change
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC),sustainable development, Kyoto
Protocol, Conference of Parties (COP), CleanDevelopment Mechanism (CDM), CDM Procedures case of
CDM, Prototype CarbonFund (PCF). Energy conservation in Buildings and Energy Conservation Building
Codes(ECBC): About Energy Conservation Building Codes (ECBC), building envelope, insulation, lighting,
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), fenestrations, water pumping, inverter and energy
storage/captive generation, elevators andescalators, star labeling for existing buildings, Energy Service
Companies basedcase studies.
Text Books:
1 Archie, W Culp. Principles of Energy Conservation:McGraw Hill, 1991.
2 P. O'Callaghan: Energy Management:McGraw - Hill Book Company, 1993.
3 Thuman A and Mehta D Paul, Handbook of Energy Engineering:the Fairmount Press.
Reference Books:
1. Amit Kumar Tyagi, Handbook on Energy Audits and Management: TERI
MajumderMilli, Energy Efficient Buildings: TERI
2. Paul O'Callaghan, Energy Management: McGraw Hill
3. Bureau of Energy Efficiency Study material for Energy Managers and Auditors Examination: Paper I to IV.
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Syllabus of Semester V, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET304-4 Course : ElectiveI, PLC AND SCADA
L: 3 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Outcomes
1. Concept and advantages of PLC
2. Standards which guide the programming of a PLC and communication protocols.
3. Concepts and design of DCS and SCADA systems
4. Interface of PLC, DCS and SCADA with protocols
5. Report generation from SCADA and DCS systems.
6. Concept of MMI and user interface panel design.
7. Wireless communication of DCS, SCADA and PLC systems.
8. Modern Factory Control Systems.
Unit 1: Programmable Logic Controllers: Automation: Basic Concepts and Need, Types of Processes and
Automation Strategies, Requirements of Batch and Sequential control Design of Relay Logics with electrical
accessories, Sequencing, Interlocking and latching concepts, PLC working along with Hardware details,
Programming of PLC as per IEC61131-3, Ladder Diagram and Functional Block diagram programming, HMI
Programming along with alarms and displays.
Unit 2: Introduction to DCS,DCS Introduction, functions, advantages and limitations,DCS components and
architecture, Specifications of DCS, Engineering and design details, SCADA-DCS Interface
Unit 3: Configuration software as per IEC-61131-3 standard, Types of Editors used for configuration software,
Functionalities of the Important Function Blocks, Ladder programming,
Unit 4: SCADA (Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition System), SCADA features, SCADA architecture,
Alarms, Events, Trends, Graphic generation, Report generation, Communication protocols, Interface with
Unit 5: MMI / HMI programming, Working principle & types of HMI, WinCE based HMI,
Unit 6: Industrial Communications, Introduction to Industrial Networking, Distributed I/O, device-level
networks, TCP/IP and industrial Ethernet Implementations, Wireless on plant-floors
Text Book :
1. Programmable Logic Controllers and Industrial Automation: An Introduction by Madhuchhanda Mitra
Penram International Publishing (India) Pvt Ltd.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VI, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET307 Course : Control System Engineering
L: 4 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:2 Hrs. Per week Total Credits : 9
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course, the students :
1. Will able to convert physical models into physical systems and then formulating the appropriate
mathematical model.
2. Will to convert mathematical models into the block diagrams/ signal flow graphs and then find the
transfer function of the system.
3. Understand the feedback characteristics of the control systems
4. Will be able to understand various time response specifications, perform time response analysis and
understand techniques of compensation for improving the system response.
5. Will be able to apply various tools to determine the absolute stability of the systems by applying Routh's
Criterion and to understand how the same can be applied to evaluate relative stability.
6. Will be able to apply classical method of root locus technique, draw root locus and to determine the roots
for a specified open loop gain and to determine the open loop gain for a specified damping of the
dominant roots.
7. Will be able to draw polar plots, bode plots and log magnitude vs. phase plots from the transfer functions
and also be able to determine the transfer functions from the Bode Plots.
8. Will be able to determine stability in frequency domain using polar plots and Bode plots.
9. Will have understanding of application of state variable analysis for control system representation.
Introduction, Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs
Introduction to need for automation and automatic control.Use of feedback, broad spectrum of system
application. Mathematical modeling (Electrical and Electromechanical) , transfer functions, block diagram,
signal flow graphs, application to elementary systems, simplifications. Effect of feedback on parameter
variations, disturbance signal, servomechanism and regulators. Control system components, electrical,
electromechanical, their functional analysis and input output representation.
Time Response Analysis
Time response of system, first order and second order system, standard inputs, concept of gain and time
constants. Steady state errors, type of control system, approximate methods for higher order system. Types of
VI Semester
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Stability of control systems, condition of stability, characteristics equation, Routh Hurwitz criterion, special
cases for determining stability, relative stability
Root Locus
Root location and effect on time response, elementary idea of root locus, Construction of root locus effect of
addition of pole and zero in proximity of imaginary axis.
Frequency Response
Frequency response method of analyzing linear system, Nyquist and bode plot, stability and accuracy analysis
from frequency response, open loop and close loop frequency response, Nyquist criterion, effect of variation
of gain and addition of pole and zero on response plot, stability margin in frequency response. Introduction to
basic Lag-Lead Compensator.
State Space Analysis
State variable method of analysis, characteristics of system state.Choice of state variables, representation of
vector matrix differential equation, standard form, relation between transfer function and state variables.
Text Books:
1. Automatic Control System:B.C.Kuo (P.H.I.)
2. Control System Analysis:Nagrath&Gopal
3. Linear System Design:D'azzo and Houpis (M.H.)
Reference Books:
1. Modern Control Theory: M. Gopal.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VI, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET308 Course : Electrical Drives and Their Control
L: 3 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course, the students will
1. know the classification and speed torque characteristics of common drive motors
2. demonstrate the ability to understand the characteristics under starting, running, and braking and speed
control of common motors.
3. know how to select motor for particular application in a drive.
4. have the ability to get the digital control of electric motor also plc programming and its application in
electrical drives.
5. understand what is the function of ac/dc contactors and relays, their magnetic structure.
6. understand operation, interruption, and rating, control circuit of contactors for automatic starting and
braking of ac/dc motors.
7. know motors used in ac/dc traction, their performance and desirable characteristics.
8. analyze the performance and suitability of motors for traction duty.
9. get idea about drives commonly used in industries.
10. be able to control the motors and apply the braking system in motors.
Factors Governing Selection of Electric Motors, Types of Drives and Types of Load, Starting of electric motors,
Speed control of Electric motors. Definition classification and speed torque characteristics of common drive
motors and their characteristics under starting, running, Electric Braking. Types of enclosures.
Selection of Motor: Insulating materials, Temperature rise in Electrical machines, Duty cycles, Power capacity
for continuous and intermittent periodic duties, Load equalization and flywheel effect. Brief idea about drives
commonly used in industries.
Control devices for industrial motors,AC and DC contactors and relays: Lock out contactors, magnetic
structure, operation , are interruption, contactor rating, H.V. contactors. Control circuits for automatic starting
and braking of DC motor and three phase induction motor. Control panel design for MCC.
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UNIT 4 :
Different systems of Traction. Train movement and energy consumption. Traction Motors: Motors used in
AC/DC traction, their performance and desirable characteristics, requirements and suitability of motor for
traction duty.
UNIT 5 :
Traction motor control Starting and speed control traction motors. Series parallel control with numerical.
Starting and speed control of 3-phase induction motors. Braking of traction motor.
UNIT 6 :
PLC, its programming and its applications in electrical drives.Digital control of Electric motor, Block diagram
arrangement, comparison with other methods of control.
Text books:
1. Utilization of Electric power and Electric Traction : J.B.Gupta
2. Modern Electrical Traction : H.Pratap
3. Programmable Logic Controllers and Industrial Automation an introduction: Madhuchhanda Mitra &
Samarjit Sen Gupta.
Reference Books:
1. A course in Electric Power:Soni, Gupta and Bhatnagar.
2. Art and Science of Utilization of Electrical Energy:H. Pratap.
3. Magnetic Control of Industrial Motors:Heumann
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VI, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET309 Course : Power Electronics
L: 4 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:2 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 9
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course,
1. The student should be able to draw the symbolic representation for various power electronic switches
and sketch their static and dynamic V-I characteristics.
2. The student should be able to compare the various switches on the basis of their operating parameters and
select the proper switch for desired application.
3. The student should be able to design and draw the control circuit to turn on and turn off the device in
4. The student should identify the different fault creating conditions and select proper protective
methodology to mitigate the problems.
5. The student should be able to select proper converter for converting the available source to the source
required for drive that is driving the load.
6. The student should be able to derive the expressions for output voltage, draw necessary output wave forms
and analyze the waveforms for each controller.
7. The student should be able to carry out Fourier analysis of output waveform of inverter and choppers.
8. The student should be able to understand the process of harmonic reduction by PWM method and by using
9. The student should be able to understand and apply the knowledge for designing the conversion process.
Unit 1 :
Thyristers : Static VI characteristics of SCR, TRIAC and DIAC, gate characteristics of SCR, SCR turn ON and turn
OFF process, Transient characteristics of SCR during turn ON and turn OFF, ratings and specifications of SCR,
series and parallel connections of SCRs, TRIAC and its applications, Unijunction transistors, Gate triggering
Unit 2 :
Line commutated converters : Working of single pulse converter with R, R-L and R-L-E load, two pulse
converter, three pulse converter and three phase six pulse bridge converter with highly inductive load, effect of
source inductance in converters, effect of freewheeling diode.
Unit 3 : Single phase and three phase half controlled converters with highly inductive load, Performance
parameters of converters, Cycloconverters ( Single Phase).
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Unit 4 :
Static controllable switches: VI Characteristic and working of MOSFET, Gate turn off thyristor(GTO) and
insulated gate bipolar transistor(IGBT), Protection of SCR, gate circuit protection, over voltage and over current
protection, snubber circuit design,
Unit 5 :
D.C. Choppers :Commutation of SCRs, various techniques, Principles of step down chopper, step up chopper,
classification of choppers, choppers using SCRs, Multiphase choppers, Practical application of Choppers.
Unit 6 :
Inverters : Classification of Inverters, Basic series resonant inverter, half bridge and full bridge series resonant
inverters. Single phase and three phase bridge inverters, causes of generation of harmonics and reduction
techniques using PWM method.
Text Books:
1. Power Electronics Circuits Devices &Application: M. H. Rashid
2. Thyristor& their application:G. K. Dubey& Joshi &Doralba
3. Industrial Power Electronics:DeodattaShingare.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VI, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET310 Course : Instrumentation
L: 3 Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course, the students will
1. know the various type, input / output, and time response of instruments
2. Understand the errors in measurement and statistical methods used.
3. Understand how to measure linear and angular distance, and conversion of these values in electrical
4. Understand how to measure force, torque, and speed, and conversion of these values in electrical
5. Understand how to measure pressure, flow and ph , and conversion of these values in electrical quantities.
6. Understand how to measure temperature, and conversion of these values in electrical quantities.
7. Understand how to convert these analog electrical signals to digital signals.
8. Understand how to transmit these digital signals over large distances.
Unit 1 :
Motion Measurement: Relative and absolute motion measurement, measurement of velocity and acceleration,
electrical transducers for motionmeasurement. LVDT, piezo electric transducers, variable inductance
transducers, measurement of shaft torque and power.
Unit 2 :
Temperature measurement: Law of thermo-electric circuits, thermocouples, cold junction compensation,
thermistor, radiation thermometry, broadband narrow band radiation methods. Two color pyrometers,
opticalpyrometers, temperature compensation of temperature sensors, heat flux sensors.
Unit 3:
Pressure measurement: Pressure measurement of gas and liquids. Flow andlevel measurements of gas and
liquids, Measurement of pH, Simultaneousmeasurement of volume, temperature and pressure of gas and
Unit 4:
Method of Analog to Digital Conversion: Errors in A to D conversion, Transmission of signals in analog and
digital forms. 4-20 ma, RS232, RS485.
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Unit 5:
Integrated Circuits in Instrumentation: Operational amplifiers, comparators, timers, function generators,
Schmitt trigger, Sample and holdcircuits, Multiplexer etc.
Unit - 6:
Data Acquisition Systems, SCADA
Text Books
1. Measurement System Application and Design:E.O. Doeblin in McGraw Hill.
2. Electronics Instrumentation and Measurement Technique:W.D. Cooper inPrenticehall.
3. Instrumentation of Engineering Measurements:Dalley, Railey, McConnelin John Wiley & Sons.
Reference Books
1 Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation: A.K.Sawhney.
2 Instrumentation Devices and Systems:Rangan in Tata McGraw Hill.
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Syllabus of Semester VI, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET313-1 Course: Open Elective-Automation
L: 3Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Outcomes
1. Automation strategy in a Plant, its design and implementation.
2. Standard protocols used in Plant Automation. How different protocols hand shake.
3. Implementation of PLC / DCS / SCADA platforms in Automation, its integration and communications.
4. Linking DCS with ERP, and its tools for report generation.
5. OPC support for Automation process.
6. Case study of application of Automation in different industries.
Unit 1:
Plant wide Control Systems and Automation Strategy: Evolution of instrumentation and control, Role of
automation in industries, Benefits of automation, Introduction to automation tools PLC, DCS, SCADA, Hybrid
DCS/PLC, Automation strategy evolution, Control system audit, performance criteria, Safety Systems
Advance Applications of PLC and SCADA: PLC programming methods as per IEC 61131, PLC applications for
batch process using SFC, Analog Control using PLC, PLC interface to SCADA/DCS using communication links
(RS232, RS485) and protocols (Modbus ASCII/RTU)
Instrumentation Standard Protocols: HART Protocol introduction, frame structure, programming,
implementation examples, Benefits, Advantages and Limitations. Foundation Fieldbus H1 introduction,
structure, programming, FDS configuration, implementation examples, Benefits, Advantages and Limitations.
Comparison with other Fieldbus standards including Device net, Profibus, Controlnet, CAN, Industrial
Ethernet etc.
Distributed Control Systems Basics: DCS introduction, functions, advantages and limitations, DCS as an
automation tool to support Enterprise Resources Planning, DCS Architecture of different makes, Latest trends
and developments.
Unit 5:
Distributed Control Systems Engineering and Design: DCS detail engineering, specifications, configuration
and programming, functions including database management, reporting, alarm management,
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communication, third party interface, control, display etc.Enhanced functions viz. Advance Process Control,
Batch application, Historical Data Management, OPC supports, Security and Access Control etc. Performance
Criteria for DCS and other automation tools.
Unit 6:
Application development and Automation for industry verticals: Application development and automation for
following industries Power, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Food and Beverages, Cement,
Pharmaceuticals, Automobile and Building Automation.
Text Books:
1. Distributed Computer Control for Industrial Automation, PoppovikBhatkar, Dekkar Publications.
2. Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Applications: Webb and Reis, PHI.
3. Computer Aided Process Control:S. K. Singh, PHI
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers: Garry Dunning, Thomson Learning.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VI, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET313-2 Course : Open Elective-Industrial Drives
L: 3Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits : 7
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course,
1. The student should be able to draw the complete block schematic diagram of an electric drive system, know
the functions of each component and understand the importance of automation in an industry.
2. The student should be able to write equivalent torque equation for motor load system, draw the
characteristics of different components of load torque and understand the concept of operating point.
3. The student should be able to appreciate and understand the concept of operation of D.C. motor.
4. The student should be able to appreciate and understand the concept of operation of Induction motor.
5. The student should be able to understand operation and control of rectifier and inverter.
Unit 1 :
Fundamentals of Mechanics and Mechanical Loads:
[1] Force, Torque, Mechanical power of a motor, kinetic energy of linear and rotational motion, calculation of
moment of inertia from mass, shape and dimensions, speed of a motor/load system, motor driving inertia load,
motor driving linear motion load, [2]-[4] steady-state stability of electric drive, classification of mechanical
load, components of load torques, constant torque loads, variable torque loads, constant horsepower loads,
determination of equivalent inertia and load torque of a motor feeding multiple loads through motion
converters, experimental determination of load torque and moment of inertia (retardation test), four- quadrant
operation, simple numerical on determination of motor horsepower rating for given mechanical loads.
Unit 2 :
AC Motor Drives:
[2] Basic elements of electric drive, [1] 3-Ph. Induction Motor: construction, principle of operation, types,
performance characteristics, starting and speed control methods.
[1] 3-Ph. Synchronous Motor: construction, principle of operation, types and performance. (Mathematical
treatment and numerical not expected)
Unit 3 :
DC & Special Motor Drives:
[1] DC Motor: construction, principle of operation, types, performance characteristics and speed control.
[2]-[6 ] Special types of industrial motor: Traction motor, Electric drive for Cranes.
(Mathematical treatment and numerical not expected)
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Unit 4 :
Power Electronic Control of Electric Motors:
[1],[7] Power semiconductor switches (diode, SCR and IGBT): basic construction and static characteristics.
Types of controllers, 1-phase Half and full wave uncontrolled/controlled AC to DC converters, 3-ph AC to DC
bridge type converter, 1-ph and 3-ph bridge type inverter, Sinusoidal pulse width modulation. (Mathematical
treatment and numerical not expected)
Unit 5 :
Industrial Motor Control, Selection of Electric Motor and Energy Conservation Aspects:
[1] Control diagrams, starting methods, inching and jogging, reversing the direction of rotation, plugging,
reduced voltage starting methods, [3] classes of motor duty, [4] General guidelines for selection of motors, [3]
selection of motor power rating, [3]-[4] measures for energy conservation in electric motors, use of variable
speed (frequency) drives.
Unit 6 :
Common types of Industrial load and specific application drives:
[2], [4] Fan load, pump load, turbo compressors, drives for textile mills, steel rolling mills and machine tools.
Textbooks :
[1] Theodore Wildi, Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems, Pearson Education Asia, Delhi.
[2] VedamSubrahmanyam, Electric Drives, Concepts & Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
[3] Gopal K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electric Drives, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
[4] M.V.Deshpande, Electric Motors, Applications and Control, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Reference books:
[5] H. Partab, Modern Electric Traction, DhanpatRai& Co., Delhi.
[6] J.B.Gupta, Utilization of Electric Power & Electric Traction, S.K.Kataria& Sons, New Delhi.
[7] M.H.Rashid, Power Electronics, Circuits, Devices & Applications, Pearson Education Asia, Delhi.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VI, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET313-3 Course: Open Elective-Energy Management and Audit
L: 3Hrs., T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Outcomes
1. What is the Energy scenario in the world, with special stress to India.
2. Financial implications of Energy Audits and Energy Management. Knowledge of ROI, ESCO, CUSU,
cash flow etc is discussed.
3. Details about Electrical Energy consumption, its uses, and its efficiency.
4. Details about Electrical Compressed Air Systems and HVAC, its uses, and its efficiency.
5. Details about Electrical Pumps and pumping systems, its uses, and its efficiency.
6. Energy efficiency funds available with International agencies like CDM, COP, UNFCC
7. Details of Energy efficient buildings, HVAC, pumping, inverters etc.
8. Other Energy sources economics
Unit I:
Energy Scenario: Basics of Energy and its various forms: Material and Energybalance: Facility as an energy
system, methods for preparing process flow, materialand energy balance diagrams.
Unit II :
Financial Management: Investment-need, appraisal and criteria, financial analysistechniques - simple
payback period, return on investment, net present value, internalrate of return, cash flows, risk and sensitivity
analysis; financing options, energyperformance contracts and role of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs).
Energy Monitoring and Targeting: CUSU, Energy Management Information Systems.
Unit III :
Electrical system: Electricity billing, electrical load management and maximumdemand control, power factor
improvement and its benefit, Electric motors: Types, losses in induction motors, motor efficiency, factors
affecting motor performance, rewinding and motor replacement issues, energy saving opportunities with
energyefficient motors. Star operation, voltage unbalance, energy efficient motors, softstarters with energy
saver, variable speed drives. Lighting System: Light source, choice of lighting, luminance requirements, and
energy conservation avenues. Diesel/Natural gas Power Generating systems: Factors affecting selection,
energyperformance assessment of diesel conservation avenues. Waste heat recovery.
Unit IV :
Compressed Air System and (HVAC): Types of air compressors, reciprocating vsscrew, compressor efficiency,
efficient compressor operation, Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and Refrigeration System: Fans and
blowers: Types, performanceevaluation, efficient system operation, flow control strategies and
energyconservation opportunities. Pressure drop calculation.
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Unit V:
Pumps and Pumping System: Types, performance evaluation, efficient systemoperation, flow control
strategies and energy conservation opportunities. Energyconservation in boiler feed water pump, pumping
systems for municipal drinkingwater, and sewerage, agriculture pump sets. Cooling Tower: Types and
performanceevaluation, efficient system operation, flow control strategies and energy savingopportunities
assessment of cooling towers.
Unit VI:
Energy, Environment and Climate change: Energy and environment, air pollution, climate change United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC),sustainable development, Kyoto Protocol,
Conference of Parties (COP), CleanDevelopment Mechanism (CDM), CDM Procedures case of CDM,
Prototype CarbonFund (PCF). Energy conservation in Buildings and Energy Conservation Building
Codes(ECBC): About Energy Conservation Building Codes (ECBC), building envelope,insulation, lighting,
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), fenestrations, water pumping, inverter and energy
storage/captive generation, elevators andescalators, star labeling for existing buildings, Energy Service
Companies basedcase studies.
Text Books:
1 Principles of Energy Conservation: Archie, W Culp McGraw Hill, 1991.
2 Energy Management:P. O'Callaghan McGraw - Hill Book Company, 1993.
3 Handbook of Energy Engineering:Thuman A and Mehta D Paul, the Fairmount Press.
Reference Books:
1 Handbook on Energy Audits and Management:Amit Kumar Tyagi:, TERI
2 Energy Efficient Buildings:MajumderMilli, TERI
3 Energy Management: Paul O'Callaghan, McGraw Hill
4 Bureau of Energy Efficiency Study material for Energy Managers and Auditors Examination: Paper I to IV.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET401 Course : Power System-II
L: 4Hrs. T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 9
Course Objectives
The course will prepare students
1. To understand the different types of faults in Power system
2. To analyze different types of faults
3. To study concept of power system stability and its types
4. To study stability analysis
5. To understand concept of economic operation of power system
6. To understand importance of neutral grounding and its types
7. To understand concept of series and shunt compensation
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course,
a) The students should be able to understand the difference between various types of faults in power
b) The students should be able to analyze various types of faults in power system
c) The students should be able to identify and take corrective action for the faults.
d) The students should be able to apply the knowledge for stable operation of power system
e) The students should be able to operate the power system in most economical way in practice
f) The students should be able to identify need of effective grounding in practice
g) The students should be able to analyze the performance of power system with effective compensation
h) The students should be able to apply various mathematical tools for the power system analysis
i) The students should be able to distinguish and analyze unbalanced and balanced operation of power
Unit I :
Symmetrical Components (10)
Symmetrical Component transformation, Three phase power in unbalanced circuit in terms of symmetrical
component, Sequence impedances of Generator, Transformer, Transmission line and Passive loads, Phase
shift in Star/delta three phase transformer (Yd1, Yd11 connection).
Unit II:
Symmetrical Fault (8)
Symmetrical fault analysis without and with pre-fault load currents, selection of circuit Breakers ratings, current
limiting reactors.
VII Semester
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Unit III:
Unsymmetrical Faults (8)
Unsymmetrical fault Analysis L-G, L-L-G, L-L, Open Conductors faults analysis using symmetrical
Unit IV:
Stability of Power System :- (10)
Steady state, dynamic and transient stability definition.
Dynamics of synchronous machine, swing equation, swing equation for machines swinging coherently and
Non-Coherently, power angle equation, Steady state stability studies.
Transient stability studies: - Swing curve, Equal Area criterion for transient stability, Application of equal area
criterion for different disturbances, Methods of improving transient stability.
Unit V:
Economic operation of Power system :- (6)
Introduction, Distribution of load between units within the plant, Optimum generation scheduling with and
without considering transmission losses, Representation of transmission loss using loss formula co-efficient,
Derivation of loss formula co-efficient, simulation of co-ordination equation on digital computer.Preliminary
concept of load dispatch centre.
Unit VI :
Neutral Grounding and Compensation( 6)
1. Grounding of Neutral in power system.
2. Shunt & series compensation-
Generalized equation, shunt reactor, compensation of very long line with intermediate switching station,
series capacitor compensation at line centre, shunt reactors at both ends and series capacitor in middle of line,
Elementary idea of sub-synchronous resonance problem and counter measures.
Text Books:
1. Power System Analysis,J.J.Grainger and W.D.Stevenson Jr.,McGrawHil.)
2. Modern Power System Analysis,I.J.Nagrath and D.P Kothari, McGraw Hill
3. Electrical Power SystemsByC.L.Wadhaw, New Age International
Reference Books:
1. Extra High Voltage A.C. Transmission Engineering, R.D. Begamudre, New Age International
2. Power System Analysis, Hadi Sadat, McGraw Hill
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET402 Course : High Voltage Engineering
L: 4Hrs.T: 1 Hrs P:2 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 9
Course Objectives
The course will prepare students
1. Making students aware with the breakdown mechanisms in dielectrics.
2. Making students aware with the over voltage phenomenon in power system and their protection.
3. Making students aware with the generation & measurement techniques of high voltage for testing purpose.
4. Making students aware with the non destructive and high voltage testing of electrical equipments.
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course,
a) The students get the knowledge about the cause of insulation failure in electrical equipments.
b) The students get the knowledge of the parameters on which the breakdown of insulation depends on.
c) The students get the knowledge regarding the lightning phenomenon and its effects in power system.
d) The students get the knowledge regarding the protection methodologies applied for power system and
equipment protection against over voltages.
e) The students get the knowledge about the different types of high voltage and currents and their generation
f) The students get the knowledge about the measurement techniques of these high voltage and currents.
g) The students get the knowledge of insulation modeling and its parameters.
h) The students get the knowledge regarding the measurement techniques of these parameters.
i) The students get the knowledge regarding the high voltage test techniques of the electrical equipments.
Unit 1 : Breakdown mechanism in Dielectrics (10)
Ionization processes in gaseous dielectrics, Townsend's criterion for break-down, break-down in electro-
negative gases, timelag for break-down, Streamer theory ofbreak-down in gases, Paschen's law, break-down in
non-uniform fields, corona discharges and introduction of corona, post break-down phenomenon and
applications, practical considerations in using gases for insulation purpose; break-down in vacuum; liquid as
insulators, conduction and break-down in pure and commercial liquids; break-down in solid dielectrics;
break-down in composite dielectrics.
Unit 2 : Lightning and Switching over voltages (8)
Lightning mechanism, types of lightning strokes, parameter and characteristics of lightning strokes, protection
of power system against lightning over voltages, types of lightning arresters, surge absorbers; types of switching
over voltages and their causes, protection against switching over voltages; Insulation coordination, BIL and SIL.
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Unit 3 : Travelling waves (8)
Travelling waves on transmission lines, reflection and transmission of waves, behavior of travelling waves at
transition points-typical cases, Bewley's lattice diagram.
Unit 4 : Generation of high voltage and currents (8)
Generation of high D.C. voltage by rectifier, voltage doublers and multiplier circuit, Van-de-Graff generator;
generation of high AC voltage by cascade transformers, resonant transformer; generation of high frequency AC
high voltage; impulse waveform, generation of impulse voltage, tripping and control of impulse generator;
generation of switching surges; generation of impulse current.
Unit 5 : Measurement of high voltage and current: - (8)
Measurement of high AC and DC voltages by micro ammeter, generating voltmeters, resistance and
capacitance potential divider, series impedance voltmeter, CVT, magnetic type potential transformers,
electrostatic voltmeter, peak reading AC voltmeters, sphere gap arrangement; measurement of impulse voltage
by potential dividers and peak reading voltmeters; measurement of high AC, DC and impulse currents :
Unit 6 : Non-destructive and high voltage testing of electrical apparatus :-(8)
Non-destructive testing: Significance of non-destructive testing, measurement of DC resistivity, measurement
of di-electric constant and loss-factor, partial discharge phenomenon and measurement, discharge detection in
power cables.
High voltage testing: Testing of insulators, bushings, isolators, circuit breakers, cables, transformers, lightning
arresters and power capacitors.
Text Books :
1. High Voltage Engineering, M.S.Naidu & V. Kama Raju, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
2. High Voltage Engineering, C. L.Wadhawa, New Age international (P) Ltd Publisher.
3. High Voltage Engineering,M.P.Chaurasiya,KhannaPublisher.
Reference Books :
1. Fundamentals of High Voltage Engineering,S.K.Singh,Dhanpatrai& Co.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET403-1 Course :Elective -II, EHVAC & HVDC Transmission
L: 3Hrs.T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Objectives
1. The course will prepare students to analyze the electrostatic and electromagnetic fields on the extra
high voltage (EHV) transmission lines.
2. The course will prepare students to understand the concept of power transfer in HVDC system.
3. The course will introduce students the methods used for power flow control in HVDC transmission system.
4. The course will make students familiar with the layout and systems used in HVDC substation .
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course,
a) The students should be able to calculate the power handling capacity of EHV AC transmission line,
b) The students should be able to calculate the surface voltage gradient on single and three phase AC and DC
transmission line, Corona inception voltage and capacitance of an object under EHV transmission line.
c) The students should be able to make selection between HVAC and HVDC transmission system.
d) The students should understand the concepts of AC to DC and DC to AC conversion and different methods
used for the power flow control in HVDC system.
e) The students should know the roll of earth return in HVDC transmission system.
f) The students should be familiar with the layout of HVDC substation.
g) The students should know about the harmonics in HVDC system and its mitigation technique.
h) The students should be familiar with the substation protection and insulation co-ordination schemes used
in HVDC.
i) The students should understand the philosophy of arc interruption and circuit breaker used in HVDC
Unit-1: (10)
Power Handling capacities of EHV AC transmission lines, Introduction to voltage gradient on EHV conductors,
Electric field of point charge, sphere gap, line-charge, single and three phase lines, and bundled conductors.
Maxwell's potential coefficients, Mangolelt Formula.
Unit2: (8)
Corona types, critical disruptive voltage, factors affecting corona, methods for reducing corona power loss,
corona current wave form, charge voltage diagram, audible noise and radio interference.
Electrostatic and electromagnetic fields of EHV lines, Electric shock and Threshold current, Capacitance of
long object, calculation of electrostatic field of A.C. Lines (3-ph. Single and double circuit lines only), Effect of
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high electrostatic field, measurement of electrostatic field, induced voltages in insulated ground wires,
electromagnetic interference.
Unit 3 : (10)
Comparison of EHV AC and HVDC transmission systems, HVDC converter: Rectifier and Inverter, Kinds of DC
link, Power flow control in HVDC system, Constant current, constant voltage, constant ignition and excitation
angle control, control characteristics.
Unit 4: (8)
Parallel operation of AC and DC links (Synchronous and Asynchronous links).
Earth electrode and earth returns : Introduction objectives, location and configuration, resistance of electrodes,
means of reducing earth electrode resistance, troubles caused by earth current and remedies.
Multi-terminal HVDC system : Introduction, 2 pole transmission, MTDC system with series and parallel
connected convertors, advantages and parallel connected converters, advantages and applications,
configurations and types.
Unit 5 : (8)
Harmonic Filters: Introduction, Filters, surge capacitors and Damping circuits, shunt filters, series filters, AC
filters, design of AC filters and tuned filers, double frequency and damped filters, cost considerations. DC
Harmonic filters.
Reactive power compensation: - Reactive power requirements of HVDC convertors, substations, effect of
Delay angle and extinction angle on reactive power.
Unit 6 : (8)
HVDC circuit breakers: Introduction, construction, principle, switching energy, interruption of DC current,
application of MRTB, Types of HVDC C.B., capability and characteristics of HVDC circuit breakers.
Introduction to HVDC substation protection against short-circuits and over-voltages, Difference between
insulation coordination of AC and DC systems, Surge-Arresters protection scheme, Insulation coordination
and protection margin.
Text Books :
1. EHV AC Transmission Engineering.Rakosh Das Begamudre, 4 Edition, New Age International Pvt. Limited.
2. EHV-AC and HVDC Transmission and Distribution Engineering,S.Rao,Khanna Publications.
3. Electrical Power System, C.L. Wadhwa, 2 Edition,New Age International Pvt. Limited.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET403-2 Course :Elective-II, Utilization of Electrical Energy
L: 3Hrs.T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Objectives
1. The students shall be able to apply knowledge of thermal and illumination effects of electric current and its
industrial application.
2. The students shall be able use electricity efficiently to generate cooling effects for various domestic,
commercial and industrial applications.
3. The students should have knowledge of energy efficient use of Air handling, fluid handling & DG systems
for industrial applications.
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course,
a. The students should be able to understand the process and application of different types Electric Heating &
Welding equipments.
b. The students should be able to understand basics of illumination and working principles of different light
c. The students shall be able to apply the principles of operation different apparatus used for Refrigeration &
Air-conditioning and air cooling.
d. The students should be able to understand the working principles of different types of fans & pumps and
assess energy saving opportunities in these systems.
e. The students should be able to select proper rating of DG sets, know the operational factors and adopt
various energy saving techniques for its efficient use.
Unit I: Electric Heating: (8)
i) Electric Heating : Types and methods of electrical heating, advantages of electrically produced heat, types
& application of electric heating equipment, transfer of heat.
ii) Resistance Ovens : General constructions, design of heating elements, efficiency & losses, radiant heating.
iii) Induction heating: Core type & core less induction furnace, indirect induction oven, high frequency eddy -
current heating.
iv) Dielectric heating: Principle and application.
v) Arc furnace : Direct & indirect arc furnace, power supply, characterizes & control.
Unit II: Electric Welding : (8)
i) Importance, Advantages & Disadvantages of welding, classification of welding processes.
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ii) Resistance welding, Butt welding, Spot welding, Projection welding, Seam welding.
iii) Electric arc welding: Carbon arc welding, metal arc welding, submerged arc welding.
iv) Ultrasonic welding, electron beam welding, laser beam welding.
Unit III: Illumination:(8)
Nature of light, terms used in illumination, solid angle, laws of illumination, polar curves, construction &
operation of light sources (Incandescent, Fluorescent Tube, Sodium Vapor Lamp, Mercury Vapor Lamp, Neon
Unit IV: Refrigeration & Air conditioning:(8)
Terminology, refrigeration cycle, refrigeration systems (Vapor compression, vapor absorption), domestic
refrigerator, water cooler, desert cooler.
Air conditioning: Factors involved in air conditioning, comfort air conditioning, industrial air conditioning,
effective temperature, summer / winter air conditioning systems, types of air conditioning systems, room air
conditioning, and central air conditioning.
Unit V: Fans & Pumps: (8)
Fans and Blowers: Fan types, fan performance evaluation & efficient system operation, fan design & selection
criteria, flow control strategies, fan performance assessment, energy saving opportunities.
Pumps: Pump types, system characteristics. Pump curves, factors affecting pump performance, efficient
pumping system operation, flow control strategies, energy conservation opportunities in pumping system.
Unit VI: (5)
Diesel Generating Systems: Introduction, selection and installation factors, operational factors, energy
performance assessment in DG sets, energy saving measures for DG sets.
Text Books:
1. Utilization of Electric Energy,E. Openshaw Taylor, Orient Longman.
2. Utilization of Electric Power & Electric Traction, J.B. Gupta, Kataria& Sons.
3. Art and Science of Utilization of Electrical Energy,H Partap, DhanpatRai& Sons, Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Guide book for National Certification Examination for Energy Managers and Energy Auditors, Bureau of
Energy Efficiency
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET403-3 Course : Elective-II, Advanced Control System
L: 3Hrs T: 1 Hrs P:0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Objectives
1. The course will develop the capability of analyzing the stability of a system and of designing simple
controllers to regulate system behavior.
2. The course will develop the ability to model and analyze continuous time linear time invariant system
using state variable approach.
3. The course will introduce different optimization techniques to achieve desired performance.
4. The course will give an idea about digital controller and technique for stability analysis of Digital Control
5. The course will develop the capability of analyzing Non-Linear Control System and its stability analysis
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course,
a. Students will be able to derive and design lag, lead and lag-lead compensator for improving performance of
the system.
b. Students will be able to analyze continuous time system using state space technique.
c. students will be able to derive and describe pole placement by state variable technique and condition for
controllability and observability of the system
d. Students will be able to derive and describe optimization techniques with and without constraint applied
to control system problems.
e. Students will be able to analyze discrete time control system, basic sampling theory and a/d& d/a
Unit I:
Design by state variable feedback : Review of state variable representation. Solution of state equation.
Controllability and Observability. Design of SVF
Unit II :
Optimal Control System: Performance Index(PI), Desirability of single P.I., Integral square error. Parameter
Optimization with & without constraints. Optimal control problem with T.F. approach for continuous time
system only.
Unit III:
Controller Tuning : Review of analog PID controller,PID tuning methods in process control (Ziegler-Nichols
tuning method) ,digital PID controllers.
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Unit IV:
Digital Control System: Representation of SDCS. Sample & Hold Circuit. Z Transform. Inverse Z- Transform
& solution of difference equation. Z & S domain relationship.
Unit V:
Stability by bilinear transformation & Jury's test. Comparison of time response of continuous and digital control
system ,Effect of sampling period on transient response characteristic Discritization of continuous time state
equation. Solution of Discrete time state equations. Controllability &Observability of Discrete time systems.
Unit VI:
Introduction to Non Linear Control System(NLCS): Types of non-linearities, characteristics of NLCS,
Describing function method for analysis, Stability analysis, Limit cycle and its stability. Difference between
describing function and phase plane method for analysis of NLCS.
Text Books:
1 Control System Analysis,Nagrath&Gopal.
2 Linear System Analysis,D'Azzo&Houpis.
3 Modern Control Engineering,Ogata.
Reference Books:
1 Control Systems:Principles and Design, M. Gopal.
2 Digital Control and State Variable Methods,M.Gopal
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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Syllabus of Semester VII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET404 Course : Power Semiconductor Based Drives
L: 3Hrs T: 1 Hrs P: 0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Objectives
1. The course will introduce the student to electric drive systems and there components.
2. The course will prepare the students to understand stability, dynamics and modes of operations of a drive
3. The course will give an insight to the student of four quadrant operation of a DC drive.
4. The course will prepare students to understand the working and speed control of Induction Motor,
Synchronous Motor and special purpose motor using power electronic controllers.
5. The course will prepare students to compare the performance of power electronics controlled traction
drive and non electric traction system.
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course,
a. The student should be able to draw the complete block schematic diagram of an electric drive system,
know the functions of each component and understand the importance of automation in an industry.
b. The student should be able to write equivalent torque equation for motor load system, draw the
characteristics of different components of load torque and understand the concept of operating point.
c. The student should be able to write the statement for steady state stability of drive system, derive the
condition for steady state stability.
d. The student should be able to appreciate and understand the concept of operation of D.C. motor in all the
four quadrants of torque speed plane.
e. The student should be able to select proper power electronic converter to control speed of D.C. motor
depending on the application of motor. He should also be understand the concept of regenerative braking
f. The student should be able to select proper power electronic controller to control speed of Induction motor
by varying Stator voltage, Input frequency, rotor resistance, Constant V/f control etc.
g. The student should be able to select proper power electronic controller to control the speed of
Synchronous motor using true synchronous mode and self control mode. He should also understand the
use of solar power for giving supply to special purpose motors and their operating mechanism.
h. The student should be able to compare the electric and non electric traction system with conventional
methods of operation of traction system.
Unit I:
Dynamics of electric drives and control of electric drives, energy conservation in electric drives.
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Unit II:
D.C. Motor drives, controlled rectifier fed D.C. Drives, single phase and three phase rectifier control of D.C.
separately excited motor.
Dual converter control of D.C. separately excited motor. Power factor supply harmonics and ripple in motor
current. Chopper controlled DC drives of separately excited DC motor chopper control of series motor, source
current harmonics.
Unit III:
Induction motor drives, stator voltage control, variable frequency control using voltage source inverter,
current source inverter &cyclo converter.
Unit IV:
Synchronous Motor Drives, starting, braking of synchronous motor, variable frequency control, self controlled
synchronous motor drive employing load commutated Thyristor inverter or cycloconverter, starting of large
synchronous motors.
Unit V:
Brushless DC motor, stepper motor, switched reluctance motor drives and eddy current drives. Introduction to
solar and battery powered droves.
Unit VI:
Traction drives, Conventional D.C. and A.C. traction drives, semiconductors converter controlled Drives,
25KV AC Traction using semiconductor converter controlled DC Motor. DC Traction using semiconductor,
chopper controlled DC motors, Poly Phase AC motors for traction drives
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of electric drives,G.K. Dubey.
2. Modern Electric Traction,H.Pratap.
3. Electric drives concepts and applications,V.Subramanan.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET405 Course : Switch Gear and Protection
L:4Hrs T: 1 Hrs P:2 Hrs. Per week Total Credits : 9
Course Objectives
The course will prepare students
1. To prepare students to understand general philosophy of protective relaying and faults.
2. To prepare the students to apply principles of relaying for protecting overhead lines
3. To prepare students to apply protective relaying for protecting various equipments
4. To prepare students to understand working principles, construction and application of circuit breakers.
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course,
a. The students will understand primary & backup protection, unit and non unit protection and fundamental
characteristics of protective relaying, concept of reach, over/under reach, types of abnormal conditions
and faults.
b. The students will understand construction and working principle, characteristic and torque equation of
different types of electromechanical relays.
c. The students will be able to apply principles of over current relaying for protection of medium and high
voltage lines, its advantages and limitations.
d. The students will be able to apply distance and carrier current relaying for protection of HV and EHV lines,
its advantages and limitations.
Unit 1:- General Philosophy of Protective Relaying(7)
Faults & their classification, Protective Zones, Primary Protection, Back up protection, Remote and Local Back
up, Selectivity, characteristics of CT & PTs for protection.
Unit2 :- Medium Voltage Line Protection:(7)
Over current relaying, directional over current relays, limitations of overcurrent relaying.
Unit 3:-High Voltage Line Protection :- (7)
Distance relays, carrier distance schemes, Unit carrier schemes.
Unit4 :- Equipment Protection : (10)
Principles of differential relaying, protection of generator, transformers and busbars by differential relaying and
other relays.
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Protection of Induction Motors against overloads, short circuits, thermal relays, miniature circuit breakers.
Unit5 :- Introduction to Static Relays :(8)
Comparison of static and electro mechanical relays, two input amplitude and phase comparators and their
duality, Generation of various distance relay characteristics using above comparators.
Unit6 :- Switchgear : (8)
Circuit breakers, Arc interruption theory, recovery and re-striking voltages, RRRV, breaking of inductive and
capacitive currents, C.B. ratings, different media of arc interruption, overview of oil circuit breakers,
construction and operation of Air blast, SF6 and vacuum breakers.
Text Books:
1. Art & Science of Protective Relaying,Mason.
2. Protective Relaying, Vol. I & II,Warrington.
3. Fundamentals of Power System Protection,Y. G. Paithankar, S. R. Bhide, PHI
Reference Books:
1. Switchgear and Protection,Ravindranath and Chander; New Age Int Publishers.
2. Power System Protection and Switchgear B. Ram, D.N. Vishwakarma, TMG.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VIII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET407 Course : Electrical Installation Design & Practices
L: 3Hrs. T: 1 Hrs P: 0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Objectives
The course will prepare students
1. The course will prepare students to understand methodology of load forecasting and assessment of
electrical loads, types of electric loads and selection of apparatus for controlling electrical power.
2. The course will prepare students to design the distribution system for residential, commercial, industrial
applications and utility distribution networks and illumination design
3. The course will prepare students to understand methods of installation, testing and commissioning of
electrical apparatus and conductors.
4. The course will prepare the students to understand statutory requirements related to electrical design,
safety and protection.
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course,
a. The students will understand concept of load forecasting, solve problems based on regression analysis.
b. The students will be able to draw single line diagrams with specifications for electrical distribution
networks for residential and commercial installations.
c. The students will be able to draw single line diagrams with specifications for distribution networks, motor
and power control centers for industrial installations and design reactive power compensation.
d. The students will be able to understand construction, types and selection of PVC/ XLPE cables and
overhead conductors
e. Students shall be able to explain working principle of electric lamps (Incandescent, fluorescent, mercury
vapor, sodium vapor) and design simple illumination systems
f. Students shall be able to design 11kV and 33 kV substations for utility and industrial installations and
specify the ratings and specifications of apparatus used
g. Students shall be able to understand procedure for receipt, storage, testing and commissioning of
transformers along with its accessories viz OTI, WTI, Silica Gel Breather, MOG, Buchholz relay etc
h. Students will be able to determine fault level at various locations in radial networks and be able to find
rating and location of series reactors
i. Students will understand the relevant provisions of IE rules for low medium and high voltage installations
j. Students will be able to understand provisions for system and equipment earthings as per IS 3043
Unit 1: (3)
Electrical load assessment: Concept of electrical load, categories of load, types of loads, connected load, demand
factor, Maximum demand, diversity factor, load factor, power factor, TOD Tariff, Industrial Electric Bills.
Cables, conductors &bus-bars:(4)
Construction, selection, installation, testing of LT/ HT cables, overload & short circuit ratings, rating factors;
Overhead line conductors.
Unit 2:(4)
VIII Semester
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Switching & protection devices: Types, specifications; selections of isolators, switches, switch fuse units, MCB,
MCCB, ACB, VCB, SF6 breakers, dropout/ horn gap fuses, AB switches, contactors for voltages upto 33 kV.
Various types of protective releases for above circuit breakers.
Symmetrical Short Circuit Calculations: (4)
Determining symmetrical short circuit currents at various locations for selecting proper circuit breaker rating &
determining value of series reactors for limiting short circuit current. Overcurrent protection with two phase
fault & one ground fault relays.
Unit 3:(4)
Electric supply to Induction Motors in industries: Types of motors, SLD and working of DOL/ Star-Delta/
Autotransformer starters; types, specifications, selection of power contactors, Overload relays, short circuit
protective devices.
Reactive power managementin industries: (4)
Reactive power compensation in industries using static capacitors, use of Power Triangle, Calculating payback
period for reduced system currents.
Unit 4:(4)
Transformers: Specifications, ratings, selection, installation, testing & commissioning. Substations:(4) 11kV &
33 kV, indoor/ outdoor substations, plan/ elevations.
Unit 5: (5)
Design of Industrial Electrical Installations: Preparing load list, assessing various factors associated with loads,
selection of transformer, design of PCC & MCC, selection of all the associated electrical apparatus, busbars,
cables, switchgear, protective devices, earthing system, testing, commissioning.
Illumination: (3)
Design definitions, polar curves, simple calculations, working principles of fluorescent, sodium vapor and
mercury vapors lamps.
Unit 6: (3)
Earthing (IS 3043): Necessity of earthing, concept of system & equipment earthing, definitions of various terms,
types of earthing, earth tester and measurement of earth resistance.
IE Rules: (3)
Important IE Rules applicable to residential, commercial & industrial installations.
Note : The scope of this subject shall cover installations up to 33 kV.
Text Books:
1. Electric Power Distribution, A. S. Pabla
2. Design of Electrical Installations, V. K. Jain, Amitabh Bajaj
3. Electrical Systems Design Data Handbook, M. K. Giridharan
Reference Book:
1. Indian Electricity Rules, Latest Edition
2. IS 3043, Code of Practice for Earthing.
3. Manufacturers' Catalogues & technical write-ups on their websites.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VIII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET408 Course : Computer Applications in Power Systems
L: 4Hrs. T: 1 Hrs P: 2 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 9
Course Objectives
1. The course will prepare the students to understand and describe geometric structure of a power system
2. The course will develop skills amongst the students for single phase and three phase representation of
networks with a background for formation of incidence and network matrices.
3. The course will develop an ability to develop algorithms for formation of Bus Impedance and Admittance
Matrices which will be helpful in short circuit analysis and to determine power flows and voltages in Load
flow analysis
4. The course will prepare students to learn solution techniques and for the THREE problems encountered
most in power system analysis, namely, short circuit, load flow and power system Stability.
5. The course will prepare students to learn Techniques to solve power system problems with a digital
computer by writing suitable programs in higher level language.
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course,
a. The students should know the Graph theory and How to form single phase Incidence and Network
Matrices. They should understand that Formation of appropriate Network Matrix is an integral part of
digital computer program for the solution of power system problems.
b. The students should be acquainted to Form Bus Impedance and Bus Admittance Matrices using Algorithm
and they should understand the steps for simulating the construction of Network by adding one element at
a time.
c. The students should know three phase representation of networks along with formation of Incidence
matrices. They should also learn to form only three phase Bus Incidence Matrix using algorithm.
d. The student should be geared with Ability determine power flows and system voltages during normal and
emergency conditions. They should understand the flow charts and elementary programming for
Numerical solution to linear and non linear algebraic equations.
e. The students should be able to simulate any symmetrical / unsymmetrical faults for a chosen power system
Network at any location for complete analysis under short circuit conditions. They should understand the
flow charts and elementary programming for achieving this task.
f. The student should understand the Transient behavior of the system resulting from fault conditions and
switching operations. They should understand the flow charts and elementary programming for Numerical
solution of swing equation / differential equations employed in Transient stability studies.
g. In general, the student should understand the impact of computers and its orientation for solving power
system problems in following steps : Problem defining, mathematical formation, selection of solution
techniques, program designing, programming, program verification and its Applications.
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Unit I : (10)
Incidence and Network Matrices: Graph Theory, Incidence Matrices, Primitive network, formation of network
matrices by Singular transformations.
Unit-II :-(8)
Algorithm for formation of Bus Impedance and Bus Admittance matrix for system without mutual coupling.
Unit III:(8)
Three Phase Networks: - Three phase balance network elements with balanced and unbalanced excitation.
Incidence and network matrices for three phase element.Algorithm for formation of three phase bus
impedance matrices without mutual coupling.
Unit IV:(8)
Load Flow Studies: - Power system load flow equations, solution technique :- Gauss Seidel, Newton Raphson
and fast decoupled technique with and without voltage control buses. Elementary flow charts and programs for
Load flow analysis.
Unit V: (8)
Short circuit studies:-Three phase network short circuit calculations using bus impendence matrix for balanced
and unbalanced faults. Computer program for short circuit studies on simple system.
Unit VI :(8)
Transient Stability Studies:-
Modeling of synchronous machine, power system network for transient stability studies, Numerical solution of
swing equation using Modified Euler and Rungekutta 4 order method. Elementary flow charts for the transient
stability study.
Text Books :
1. Computer method in power system analysis,Stag and El-Abiad. McGraw Hill.
2. Electric Energy System Theory and introduction,Oile I. Elgard.
3. Elements of power system analysis,William D. Stevenson.
Reference Books :
1. Computer Analysis of Power system,R.N.Dhar
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VIII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET409-1 Course : Elective-III, Embedded Systems
L: 3Hrs. T: 1 Hrs P: 0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Objective:
1. To understand functional building blocks of embedded system.
2. To introduce students to the concepts of embedded systems programming.
3. To apply interfacing techniques required for embedded system development.
4. To develop application based system with embedded programming.
5. To understand serial communication systems.
6. To understand Real Time Operating system.
Course Outcomes
a. Concept of Architecture and its available resources such as memory, flags, register structure etc.
b. To develop the logic of assembly language program.
c. Case study of Automatic Washing machine, Digital camera etc.
d. To understand concept of timer and serial communication.
e. To work with hardware and software interrupts.
f. To understand interfacing of I/O ports with LED Displays, Keyboards, ADCs, DACs, Stepper motors etc
with microcontroller.
g. To learn concepts and fundamentals of RTOS.
Unit I Introduction to Embedded System (9)
Introduction to functional building blocks of embedded systems Register, memory devices, ports, timer,
interrupt controllers using circuit block diagram representation for each categories.
Unit II Risc Processor Architecture & Instruction Set (9)
Structural units in a processor; selection of processor & memory devices; shared memory; DMA; interfacing
processor, memory and I/O units; memory management Cache mapping techniques, dynamic allocation -
CASE STUDY : Required Memory devices for an Automatic Washing machine, Chocolate vending machine
and for a Digital Camera and Voice recorder.
Unit - III Peripheral & Network Components (6)
I/O devices; timer & counting devices; serial communication using I2C, CAN, USB buses; parallel
communication using ISA, PCI, PCI/X buses, arm bus; interfacing with devices/ports, device drivers in a system
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Unit - IV Embedded Software Architecture (12)
Intel I/O instruction Transfer rate, latency; interrupt driven I/O - Non-maskable interrupts; software interrupts,
writing interrupt service routine in C & assembly languages; preventing interrupt overrun; disability interrupts.
Multi threaded programming Context switching, premature & non-premature multitasking, semaphores.
Scheduling Thread states, pending threads, context switching, round robin scheduling, priority based
scheduling, assigning priorities, deadlock, watch dog timers.
Unit - V Real Time Operating System (RTOS)
Introduction to basic concepts of RTOS, RTOS Interrupt handling, task scheduling; embedded system design
issues in system development process Action plan, use of target system, emulator, use of software tools.
Text Books
1. Embedded System Architecture, Programming, Design,P. Rajkamal, Tata McGraw Hill,2003.
2. Fundamentals of Embedded Software,Daniel W. Lewis 'Prentice Hall of India, 2004.
3. Embedded System Design A Unified Hardware & Software Introduction, Frank Vahid, John Wiley,
Reference Books
1. Embedded Real Time Systems Programming,Sriram V. Iyer, PankajGupte, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
2. Embedded System Design,Steve Heath, 2 Edition, Elsevier, 2003.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VIII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET409-2 Course : Elective- III, Power Quality
L: 3Hrs. T: 1 Hrs P: 0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Objectives
The course will prepare students
1. To familiarize the student with power quality issues such as sag, flicker, harmonic distortion, unbalance,
transients, etc.
2. To make the students acquainted with some power quality mitigating strategies,
3. To introduce the students about the measurements of power quality.
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course,
a. To understand the various power quality issues as sag, flicker, harmonic distortion, unbalance, transients, etc.
b. To suggest suitable mitigation strategies for some of the power quality issues
c. To select the tools required for the measurement of some of the power quality related issues.
Unit 1
Introduction to Electric Power Quality, Power Quality standards, Different Power Quality terms and
Unit 2
Voltage Sag and Interruptions, Sources of Voltage sag and interruptions, type and characteristics of voltage sag
and interruptions, Factors affecting characteristics of voltage sag and interruptions, behavior of different
equipments during voltage sag, concept of area of vulnerability, CBEMA and ITI Curves .
Unit 3
Voltage Swell and transient overvoltage, sources of overvoltage like capacitor switching, load switching,
lighting etc,various causes of voltage flicker and their effects. Short term and long term flickers, various means
to reduce flickers, Transient over voltages, sources, impulsive transients, switching transients, Effect of surge
impedance and line termination, control of transient voltages.
Unit 4
Harmonic distortions, voltage and current harmonics, THD, sources of harmonics, ill effects of harmonics,
interharmonics, harmonics filters, IEEE 519-1992 definitions, reactive power under harmonics, K-rated
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Unit 5
Voltage Unbalance, Impact on equipment performance, other power quality related issues like EMI, noise,
notching, DC offset , Typical wiring and grounding problems causing poor power quality, solution to wiring
and grounding problems.
Unit 6
Need of power quality monitoring and approaches followed in power quality monitoring. Power quality
monitoring objectives and requirements.Initial site survey.Power quality Instrumentation.Selection of power
quality monitors, selection of monitoring location and period. System wide and discrete power quality
monitoring.Setting thresholds on monitors, data collection and analysis.Selection of transducers. Harmonic
monitoring, Transient monitoring, event recording and flicker monitoring, Mitigation techniques at different
Text Books:
1. Electrical power system quality R. C. Dugan, Mark F. McGranghan, Surya santoso, H. Wayne Beaty,
Second edition, McGraw Hill.
2. Understanding power quality problems, voltage sag and interruptions - M. H.J. Bollen, IEEE press, 2000,
series on power engineering.
3. Power Quality by C.Sankaran, CRC Press
Reference Books:
1. IEEE std 519-1992/ IEEE std 1159 IEEE recommended practices and requirements for harmonics control in
electrical power system.
2. Power system quality assessment - J. Arrillaga, M.R. Watson, S. Chan, John Wiley and sons.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VIII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET409-3 Course : Elective-III, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks
L: 3Hrs. T: 1 Hrs P: 0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Objectives
1. Making students aware with soft computing techniques.
2. Making students aware with the crisp logic and fuzzy logic.
3. Making students aware with the advantages of fuzzy logic and its methodology.
4. Making students aware with the application of fuzzy logic to Electrical Engineering applications.
5. Making students aware with the biological neurons, learning process and types of learning.
6. Making students aware with the artificial neural networks.
7. Making students aware with the application of artificial neural networks to Electrical Engineering
8. Making students aware with the other artificial intelligence techniques.
Unit 1: Introduction:
1. Fuzzy sets, Approximate reasoning, Representing set of rules.
2. Fuzzy knowledge based.(FKBC)parameters. Introduction rule and data base inference engine, choice of
fuzzification and &de-fuzzification procedure
Unit 2: Nonlinear Fuzzy Control
Introduction, Control problem, FKBC as nonlinear transfer element, types of FKBC.
Unit 3: Adaptive Fuzzy Control
Introduction, design, and performance evaluation, main approach to design.
Unit-4: I. Fundamental concept of ANN.
II. Model of Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Learning & adaptation learning rules.
Feed Forward Network:
Classification Model, feature & decision regions, minimum distance, Classification, perceptron, delta learning
rules formultiperceptron layer, Generalized leaning rules, back propagation Algorithm, back propagation
training leaning factors.
Unit - 5: Recurrent Networks:
Mathematical foundation of discrete time gradient type hope field networks, transient response & relaxation
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Unit-6: Associative Memories & Self Organizing Networks:
Basic concept & performance analysis of recurrent associative memory, Bidirectional associative memory,
Hamming net & MAXNET Unsupervised laming of clusters, counter propagation network, feature mapping
self organizing feature maps, cluster discovery network (ART 1)
Text Books :
1. Introduction of Artificial Neural Networks, JacekZurada (JPH).
2. Neural Network & Fuzzy system, Bart Kosko (PHI).
3. Neural Networks: Comprehensive Foundation, Simon Hayking (Maxwell) Macmillan, Canada Inc).
Reference Book :
1. An Introduction to Fuzzy Control by D. Driankov (Narosa).
2. Fuzzy sets: Uncertainty & information by Klir&Folger (PHI)
3. Digital Image processing (AWFC) by Gonzalez.
4. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic Theory and applications by Gearge D. Klir / Bo Yuan.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VIII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET410-1 Course :Elective-IV, Flexible AC Transmission
L: 3Hrs. T: 1 Hrs P: 0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits : 7
Course Objectives
1. The course will give an insight to the student of converter topology.
2. The course will introduce the student to concepts of transmission line.
3. The course will introduce the objectives and method of shunt compensation.
4. The course will introduce the objectives and method of series compensation.
5. The course will introduce the shunt and series combine compensator and its application.
Course Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course,
a. The student should be able to understand four quadrant operation of converter.
b. The student should be able know configuration and working of converters
c. The student should be able to know effect of power factor on loading capability of transmission line.
d. The student should be able to know power flow and stability of interconnected system.
e. The student should also understand the concept of shunt compensation.
f. The student should be able to select proper shunt compensator.
g. The student should also be understand the concept of series compensation
h. The student should be able to select proper series compensator.
i. The student should also be understand the concept of shunt and series compensation
j. The student should be able to select proper shunt and series compensator.
k. Student should know the SSR phenomenon in power system and its damping.
Unit I:
FACTS Concept & general system consideration : Transmission inter connection, flow of power in an AC
system, Factor affecting the loading capability , Power flow & dynamic stability consideration of transmission
inter connection. Importance of controllable parameters, FACTS controller.
Unit II:
Voltage sourced & current sourced converters : Basic concept of voltage sourced converters , single phase full
wave bridge converter operation, single phase leg operation, square wave voltage harmonics for single phase
bridge, three phase full wave bridge converter, sequence of valve conduction process in each phase leg,
transformer connection for 12 pulse operation, three level voltage sourced converter, pulse width modulation
converter, generalize technique of harmonic elimination & voltage control, basic concepts of current sourced
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converter, Thyristor based converters (with gate turn on), current source converter with turn off devices.
Current source verses voltage source converter.
Unit III:
Static Shunt Compensators: SVC and STATCOM,
Objectives of shunt Compensation, Methods of Controllable Var Generation, Static Var Compensators SVC
and STATCOM, Comparison Between STATCOM and SVC, Static VAR System
Unit IV:
Static Series Compensators : GCSC, TSSC, TCSC and SSSC
Objectives of series Compensation, Variable Impedance, Type Series Compensators, Switching Converter
Type, Series Compensators, External (System) Control for Series Reactive Compensators.
Unit V:
Static Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators: TCVR and TCPAR
Objectives of Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators , Approaches to Thyristor-Controlled Voltage and Phase
Angle Regulators (TCVR and TCPARS) Switching Converter Based Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators,
Hydride Phase Angle Regulators.
Unit VI:
Combine Compensators (UPFC, IPFC) and Special Purpose FACTS Controllers
The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), Interline Power Flow Controllers Generalized and
Multifunctional FACTS Controllers, Sub synchronous Resonance, NGH-SSR Damping Scheme, Thyristor-
Controlled Braking Resistor(TCBR)
Text Books:
1. Understanding FACTS, Naryan G. Hingorani and Laszlo Gyigyi (Standard Publishers).
Reference Books:
1. Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS)'Yong Hua Song and Johns (IEEE Publishers).
2. Thyristor Based FACTS controllers for Electrical Transmission SystembyR.MohanMathur and Rajiv
K. Verma (IEEE Press)
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VIII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET410-2 Course : Elective-IV, Digital Signal Processing
L: 3Hrs. T: 1 Hrs P: 0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Course Objective:
1. The Course will prepare the students to understand the concept of discrete time system and its properties
2. The course will make the students understand the use of z transform for discrete LTI systems
3. The course will imparts the knowledge to students about the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT)
4. The course develops the students to know the designing of the FIR and IIR filters.
5. The course develops the students to know the different applications of DSP
Course Outcomes:
a. Plot discrete-time signals, evaluate their energy and power, check for periodicity, and evaluate the period
of a signal.
b. Identity properties of discrete-time systems such as time-invariance, stability, causality, and linearity.
c. Compute the linear and circular convolutions of discrete-time sequences.
d. Evaluate the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a sequence, relate it to the DTFT, and use the DFT to
compute the linear convolution of two sequences
e. Evaluate the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) of a sequence.
f. Evaluate and plot the frequency (magnitude and phase) response of linear time-invariant systems, and
identify all-pass and minimum phase systems.
g. Compute the z-transform of a sequence, identify its region of convergence, and compute the inverse z-
transform by different methods.
h. Use the z-transform to evaluate the transfer function of linear time-invariant systems and to identify the
corresponding zeros and poles.
i. Use the z-transform to determine difference equations from transfer function descriptions.
j. Representing the FIR and IIR filter with block diagram
k. Designing a IIR and FIR filter.
l. A/D and D/A application, speech recognition and many more applications of DSP
Unit 1:
Discrete time signals & systems, Discrete time signals, Discrete time systems, Linearity, causality, stability,
static dynamic, Time Invariance Time variance, classification of discrete time systems, linear convolution,
circular convolution, cross correlation, Autocorrelation.
Linear constant coefficient difference equations, sampling theorem & sampling process, Reconstruction of
sampling data, convolution.
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Unit 2:
Frequency domain representation of discrete time signals and systems, Fourier transform
of discrete time signals, properties of discrete time Fourier transformer,
Unit 3:
The Z - transform: Definition. Properties of the region of convergence for the Z- transform, Z - transform
properties, Inverse Z - transform using contour integration, complex convolution theorem, Parsevals theorem,
unilateral Z - transform, stability interpretation using Jury's array.
Unit 4:
Transform analysis of LTI system & structures for discrete - time system: Frequency response of LTI system,
relationship between magnitude & phase, all pass system, minimum phase system, linear system with
generalized linear phase.
Block diagram representation & signal flow graph representation of linear constant Coefficient difference
equations, basic structures for IIR systems, transposed forms, basic network structures for FIR systems, lattice
Unit 5 :
Filter design techniques: Design of discrete time IIR filters from continuous time filters. Frequency
transformations of low passIIR filters, Design of FIR filters by windowing, FIR filter design by Kaiser Window
method. Frequency sampling method.
Unit 6 :
Discrete Fourier Transform: Discrete Fourier series, properties of discrete Fourier series discrete Fourier
transform, properties of DFT, circular convolution using discrete Fourier transform. Decimation in time FFT
algorithm, decimation in frequency FFT, FFT of long sequences using overlap add & overlap save method.
Text Books :
1. Discrete time signal processing,2 Edition, Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer &Buch Pearson.
2. Digital Signal Processing - A Computer based approach,Sanjit K. Mitra.
Reference :
1. Digital signal processing Theory &Application, 3 Edition Prows and Manolakis, PHI Ltd.
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Syllabus of Semester VIII, B.E. Electrical Engineering
Course Code: EET410-3 Course : Elective-IV, EHV Substation Design & Erection
L: 3Hrs. T: 1 Hrs P: 0 Hrs. Per week Total Credits: 7
Unit - I Electrical substation General concept as referred to function, layout, voltage levels, types of
susurrations, features and necessity, Concept of EHV-AC and HVDC substation. Single line diagram.
Unit - II Introduction to EHV substation equipments like Bus bars, circuit breakers, power transformers CT &
PTs, Isolators and earth switches, lightening arrestors.
Unit - III Classification of substation on basis of configuration, Indoor and Outdoor, Application. General
specifications of substation. Bus bar system, bays and layout of EHV substation.
Unit - IV Principle of substation design, Terms and definitions, Stresses on equipments , all clearances,
maintenance zones, all type of substation structures, Dimensions of structures, preparation of layout drawing
using Autocad or other tools.
Unit-V Design concepts of substation bus bar system, material for bus bar, current carrying Capacity,
Insulation requirements, clearance. Different insulators used in substation, Design aspects of substation
earthing system.
Unit-VI Auxiliary supplies required in substation, Basic concept of protection, control and automation in
EHV substations, concept of power line carrier communication, planning for installation, commissioning and
testing of all equipments in EHV substation, Estimation of substation and agencies for providing the finance for
erecting substation, technical and commercial feasibility.
Text Books :
1. Electrical Substation Engineering and Practice,S. R. Rao, KhannaPublisher.
References :
1. Electrical Transmission &Distribution Ref. book by Westinghouse, USA.
2. Technical literature, Papers, Installation Manuals,ABB, Siemens, etc.