Chapter 6 - Blowers
Chapter 6 - Blowers
Chapter 6 - Blowers
The rotary blower evolved from a design of a water wheel invented by the Roots
brothers for their woolen mill. The device consisted of two counter-rotating wood-
en paddles or impellers inside a casing. Water, guided through the machine, forced
the impellers to rotate, turning the shaft and driving the machinery until the wood
swelled and the impellers stuck. After it had been re-built and prepared for
operation, the action of the rotors forced a quantity of air through the unit. The
brothers decided that they had a better blower than a water wheel, which led to the
rotary positive-displacement blower, now known throughout the world (sometimes
referred to as the Roots blower). Today there are several major blower manufac-
turers worldwide.
The first major use was in foundry cupola furnaces and the first two experi-
mental machines were tested in foundries. Many blowers were later manufactured
for this service, and, in 1872, the Engineering Journal recorded a large blower for
the West Cumberland Hematite Iron Works in England. Another major use was for
mine ventilation, a relatively new field. Rotary positive displacement blowers con-
stituted some of the largest installations of the 19
century. By 1870, several were
already in use for ventilating mines of the Comstock Lode.
Two of the largest blowers ever built were installed in England in 1877. The
impellers each had a diameter of 25 feet, 13 feet wide, and a blower capacity of
200,000 cubic feet per minute. A London engineering journal concluded that the
rotary positive displacement blower was the most efficient type thus far. Still other
early uses were in pneumatic conveying, aeration and agitation of liquid, supercharg-
ing and scavenging of large diesel engines, and for various vacuum processes.
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Of the many services to which the blowers were applied, perhaps the most
spectacular was in a subway constructed in 1867 beneath Broadway Avenue in
New York City. The blower had an iron casing 22 feet high and impellers 16 feet
long. The Western Tornado, as the blower was called, provided the power for a
22-seat passenger car which ran on tracks between Murray and Warren Streets. The
car was literally blown to one end, then sucked back on its return trip by the action
of the unit. The system was the subject of an article in The American Heritage of
Invention & Technology.
Technical Details
The rotary, positive displacement blower works on a very simple principle. See
Figure 6.1. As the drive shaft is rotated, the impellers turn in opposite directions
with very finite clearances between each other and between the rotors and the cas-
ing. As each impeller passes the inlet, a measured quantity of air is trapped between
the impellers and the casing. As the shafts continue to rotate, this
pocket of air is transported around the casing to the discharge side of the
machine, where it is then expelled through the port, against the pressure prevailing
in the discharge line. When this occurs, a back flow of air into the pocket from
the higher pressure discharge line produces a constant volume pressure rise, caus-
ing a pressure pulse resulting in noise. As a pocket of air is expelled four times
with each revolution of the drive shaft, or twice with each impeller, the fundamen-
tal frequency of the pressure pulse is four times the shaft speed.
Figure 6.1 Blower Operating Principle
The displacement, or swept volume, of the blower (not considering any leak-
age losses) is the theoretical volume, in cubic feet per revolution, which the unit
will transport from inlet to discharge in one revolution of the drive shaft. The term
is usually expressed as cfr. Figure 6.2 shows the area A which, when multi-
plied by the impeller length, represents the volume of each of the four pockets as
the machine rotates. Therefore, this volume times four is the displacement or cfr.
It is calculated by the following equation:
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Displacement (cfr) = K * GD
* CL/100
cfr = cubic ft. per revolution
K = Constant, depending upon impeller geometry
GD = Timing gear pitch diameter, in inches
CL = Cylinder (impeller) length, in inches
Figure 6.2 Theoretical Volume
It is important to note that the cfr multiplied by shaft speed (RPM) equals the
gross displacement of the machine in cubic feet per minute. Net displacement
will be discussed later.
While most applications for rotary positive displacement (PD) blowers involve
handling air, the machine also is capable of handling any number of gases, from
hydrogen to steam to natural gas to ethylene or, of course, nitrogen. Proper atten-
tion must be given to seals as well as performance calculations and limitations, all
of which will be discussed later. In addition, they perform very well under vacuum
conditions as well as pressure.
Further comments will be made later, relative to vacuum operation.
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Figure 6.3 Typical Positive Displacement Blower Assembly
The typical PD blower is constructed almost entirely of cast iron, with the
exceptions of shafts, bearings and timing gears. As in most products, there is some
special nomenclature (See Figure 6.3). The terms impellers and rotors are used
interchangeably. A rotor generally is considered as an assembly made up of impel-
ler and shaft(s) (Items 7, 12, 13, 14). There are different impeller designs or profiles
for special functions. The impellers are supported on anti-friction bearings (Item
31) by the end plates or, as they are more commonly called, headplates
(Item 1). In turn, the headplates on most models support the entire blower with feet
at their base. The cylinder (Item 2), which surrounds the impellers, is held in place
by the headplates, completes the enclosure for the impellers and also contains the
inlet and discharge ports.
There is some flexibility in the configuration of a rotary blower in terms of the
locations of gas connections and drive shaft. Depending on the model, the gas
connections can be either on the top and bottom of the unit, on the sides or a com-
bination. When the connections are on the top and bottom, the unit is designated as
a Horizontal machine and when the connections are on the sides, it is a Vertical
machine. The designation has nothing to do with the direction of gas flow but
comes from the orientation of the blower shafts, i.e., when a plane intersecting the
shafts is horizontal, the unit is so designated. Conversely, when the plane is verti-
cal, the machine is designated as vertical. Some units can have the inlet connection
on the top and the discharge on the side. Since a plane through the shafts estab-
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lishes the definition of the orientation, this would be a Horizontal machine. This
issue is critical when designating the specifics of a blower as some manufacturers
define the orientation differently.
Figure 6.4 Horizontal Blower
Figure 6.5 Vertical Blower
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Timing gears (Item 9) on one end of each rotor outside of the blower chamber
are critical parts, as they are responsible for maintaining the finite clearances
between the rotating impellers. These gears are typically of AGMA 11 or 12 qual-
ity. They are attached to the shafts by various means, depending upon the design.
Attachment must prevent any slippage, which would allow the impellers to go out
of timing, allowing rotor to rotor contact; a serious condition, eventually causing
Timing gears and gear-end bearings are oil lubricated and are enclosed in a
gearhouse or gearbox (Item 3). At the opposite end of the unit the bearings may be
either oil or grease lubricated, depending upon the design. Figure 6.3 shows a
pressure-lubricated unit with oil lube at both ends. The drive shaft on smaller units
normally is extended for either direct coupling or v-belt drive from the end opposite
the gears.
In the areas where the shafts pass through the headplates, lip-type oil seals
(Item 27) normally are used to restrict leakage of lubricant, although other types of
seals sometimes are used. Air from these blowers is oil free. As a precaution against
lubricant entering the air-stream, and in order to relieve the pressure across the lip
seal, which is not designed for any significant pressure differential, an area vented
to atmosphere is located between the lubricant seal and the air seal. In the case of
some gas blowers the lip seals are replaced by mechanical seals, which are
designed to seal against the gas pressure. In this case the vent areas are plugged to
prevent gas leakage to atmosphere. More information about gas seals will be pre-
sented later.
Typically, rotary blowers are designated by their gear diameter and impeller,
or cylinder, length. Thus a 6 x 12 (or 612) has a 6" diameter timing gear and a 12"
impeller or cylinder length. The impeller diameter is somewhat greater than the
gear diameter, depending on the specific design. Generally, the impeller OD is 1.5
to 1.625 times the gear diameter. Practically, the impeller length is no longer than
4 times the gear diameter. Any greater length increases displacement, to the point
where there are problems in physically getting the volume of air in and out of the
casing connections without serious aerodynamic losses and difficulty in maintain-
ing stability in the casing.
Theoretically there is no limit to the size of a PD blower, however the practical
aspects of the design impose certain limits. The largest size currently in production
in the world is the 36 x 72 which handles about 58,000 inlet cubic feet of gas per
minute, is rated at 12.5 psi pressure differential, runs at 513 rpm and requires a
3500 hp motor. Standard sizes stop at 20" - 26" gear diameter, depending on the
manufacturer, and are rated at about 43,000 cfm and 10 - 15 psi differential. The
smallest units are rated at less than 10 cfm, requiring fractional hp motors.
Practically speaking, the PD blower is limited to a compression ratio of about
2:1, due to temperature limits that we will discuss later. A 2:1 ratio means approx-
imately 15 psig on air pressure service or about 15" Hg vacuum on vacuum service.
As will be discussed later, there are ways to overcome this ratio limit with special
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designs. In terms of working pressure, these units normally are limited to 25 psig,
as a standard. Under certain conditions, or with specific sizes or designs, however,
this rule also can be circumvented.
Figure 6.6 Small Rotary Blower Figure 6.7 Large Rotary Blower
As discussed earlier, the two parameters used in blower sizing are gear diam-
eter and cylinder, or impeller length. These must be considered in the design phase.
Looking at a blower, it is obvious that the impellers are simple continuously loaded
beams, supported on both ends by the bearings. The loading across the beam is the
differential pressure between discharge and inlet. The bearings, of course, take all
of the radial load and, theoretically, there are no axial thrust loads unless timing
gears are helical type. Obviously, the larger the impeller/shaft diameter, the more
loading the rotor can take. Conversely, the longer the impeller, or the wider the
bearing span, the less loading the rotor can take without undue deflection. The pres-
sure differential acting on the impeller creates a loading with a value of the pressure
differential times the area of the impeller. A square blower is one in which the
gear diameter is equal to the impeller, or cylinder length. These considerations are
used in the design concept of a PD blower called square loading. The design
square loading of a blower line, simply stated, is the maximum pressure differential
that a square blower can withstand without harmful deflections that would
exceed the clearances within the unit and/or seriously detract from its life. As
stated earlier, the load capability is directly proportional to the diameter and
inversely proportional to the length of the impeller. Since the impeller diameter is
proportional to the gear diameter, the maximum load is directly proportional to the
gear diameter. Therefore, for any given size of unit, the following relationship is
Max. Press Dif = (DSL) (GD) / (IL)
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Max. Pressure Differential is in psi
Design Square Load is in psi
Gear Diameter is in inches
Impeller Length is in inches
Thus, within a line designed with a square loading of 18 psi, a size 10 x 10
would be capable of a maximum pressure differential of 18 psi, while a 10 x 30 in
the same line would be rated at 6 psi. The design considerations that come into play
when determining the square loading of a line of blowers are:
Shaft size, material and stiffness
Bearing size, rating and location
Impeller profile and stiffness
Gear design and location
Gear attachment design
As the bearings on a PD blower carry the radial load, and since the radial load
is directly proportional to the pressure differential, bearing load, therefore, is
dependent on the design square load.
Thermodynamic Cycle Theory
Figure 6.8 Thermodynamic Cycle Theory
A PD blower theoretically operates on a square card cycle. That is to say that
the power required is dependent upon the flow and the pressure. As Figure 6.8
shows, moving from A to D around the diagram, air enters the blower (A to B),
compresses it (B to C), expels it to the discharge (C to D). The cycle then is repeat-
ed with air entering at inlet pressure. The power is represented by the area inside the
square, showing that the power is proportional to the flow and pressure, or:
P 144 x Pressure (psi) x Flow (cfm)
ft-lb/min = lb/ft
x ft
hp = ft-lb/min x 1/33000
= 14433000 x Pressure (psi) x Flow (cfm)
= .00436 x Pressure Differential x Inlet Flow
hp = .00436 x Pressure Differential x cfr x rpm (excluding frictional hp)
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As with any machinery, there are limits to the manner in which a PD blower
can be applied. Specifically, these limits are:
Temperature rise
Discharge temperature
Pressure differential
Working pressure
Shaft speed
Temperature Rise
Temperature rise is defined as the difference between inlet and discharge tem-
perature. The increase in temperature is caused by the heat of compression, in
accordance with the gas laws, including inefficiencies. Going back to the basic
blower construction, it is evident that the impellers see, alternately, inlet and then
discharge temperature. Their average temperature should be the average between
those two values. The casing, on the other hand, will see not only inlet and dis-
charge temperature, but will also see ambient temperature on the external sur-
faces. The cylinder, therefore, will be at a lower average temperature than the
impellers. Therefore, the impellers will tend to grow more, and faster, than the
cylinder, creating a differential expansion, which causes the end clearance between
the impeller and the headplates to reduce. Further temperature rise due to increased
compression ratio will result in impeller-headplate contact, which will ultimately
cause failure of the blower.
Discharge Temperature
Several problems occur when the discharge temperature increases to levels
higher than recommended. Firstly, due to heat transfer, the lubricant begins to break
down at temperatures above its limits. When this occurs, not only does the lubricant
lose its qualities, but carbon begins to form, causing further problems to oil flow
and rubbing surfaces. The higher temperatures also can result in reduced bearing
life, as the bearing materials begin to break down due to the impaired lubricity.
Gear life can be affected for the same reasons. There also could be damaging ther-
mal distortion of parts, causing misalignment and, perhaps, even failure, due to the
extreme temperatures. Finally, seal failure likely would occur as the materials in the
seal parts are subjected to the higher thermal stresses.
Pressure Differential
There are specific problems related to exceeding the pressure differential
design ratings. We have related bearing life to pressure differential, and that the
bearings take the radial load caused by the pressure differential. Added load, there-
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fore, will bring about reduced bearing life. Increased pressure differential also
causes increased shaft stresses and there must be limits to avoid excessive deflec-
tions and possible fracture of the shafts.
The torque requirements of a rotary blower vary directly as do the pressure
differential. Since the timing gears see this torque, increased pressure differential
means increased loads on the gears. The gears have a finite design life, dependent
on pitch line speed and loading. Therefore, gear life is dependent upon pressure
Due to the deflections resulting from increased pressure differential, the clear-
ances on the inlet side of the unit, between the impellers and the cylinder, begin to
close up. This happens on the inlet side, because the force that causes the deflection
is equal to the pressure differential from discharge to inlet times the projected area
of the impeller. The pressure is higher on the discharge side, thereby forcing the
impellers to deflect toward the inlet. If deflection causes the available
clearances to be taken up, contact is made and the resulting rub can cause failure.
Increased compression ratio causes increased temperature rise. Assuming that
the inlet pressure remains constant, an increase in pressure differential means an
increase in compression ratio and, therefore, an increase in temperature rise.
Excessive temperature rise causes the end clearances to close up, causing the even-
tual rub and, thence, failure.
As previously stated, there is a definite pressure pulse that occurs four or six
times per revolution depending on number of lobes per rotor. This pulse is propor-
tional to the pressure differential and causes vibration and noise. Therefore, as the
pressure differential is increased, noise and vibration also increase. These vibra-
tions and noise levels are reasonable when held within limits, but excessive values
can be destructive.
Working Pressure
The normal maximum working pressure of a typical PD blower is 25 psig. This
limit basically is a result of the casing design. Exceeding the design value can result
in potentially damaging distortions, internal rubs and possibly even casing fracture.
As with any vessel containing air or gas, one must be extremely cautious about
controlling internal, or working, pressures.
Shaft Speed
Every blower is limited on shaft rotational speed. Displacement and torque are
proportional to rotational speed, affecting both bearing life and gear life. In addi-
tion, noise and vibration will increase, perhaps to dangerous levels, if the shaft
speed is allowed to rise beyond reasonable values. Also, as the rpm is increased,
the stresses on the rotating parts go up, approximately as the square of the rpm.
Excessive rpm, then, can result in break-up of the unit.
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This term in blowers refers to the leakage flow from discharge to inlet. Finite
clearances must be maintained within the PD blower for it to continue operating at
design efficiency.
As the blower impellers rotate, carrying the pockets of air from the inlet to
the discharge, one side of each impeller is exposed to discharge pressure while the
other side sees inlet pressure. There is a clearance, or leakage path, between the two
impellers and between the impellers and the casing. These leakage paths, along
with the pressure differential, allow a certain amount of air from the pocket to
slip back through from discharge to inlet. The ends of the impellers, in close
proximity to the headplates, are further leak paths. The total of these leak paths
must be accounted for in performance calculations. It has been shown for specific
applications that about 2/3 of the slip occurs between the impellers and between the
impellers and cylinder and 1/3 around the ends of the impellers. We will discuss the
specifics of this relationship later.
A feature of some air-moving and compressing devices is a ratio called
Volumetric Efficiency, or VE. We can apply this characteristic to the rotary
blower and slip becomes a part of the definition. VE is defined as the ratio,
expressed as a percentage, of the actual to theoretical (or ideal) displacement
(flow), or:
VE(%) = 100 x Actual Flow/Theoretical Flow (Displacement) where Actual
Flow is defined as actual inlet flow and Theoretical Flow is cfr x rpm.
Since slip detracts from the theoretical displacement and since slip can be
expressed as flow, the above becomes:
VE(%) = 100 x (Theoretical Flow-Slip Flow)/Theoretical Flow.
Gross and net displacement were discussed previously. The Theoretical Flow
from the above is gross displacement and the Actual Flow is net. Typical VEs for
a rotary blower range from about 95% for a large machine at maximum rpm/mini-
mum pressure differential to as low as 65% for a small machine at low rpm/high
pressure differential.
A means of reducing slip is to inject a controlled amount of water or other fluid
into the inlet of the blower along with the gas stream. This liquid disperses inside
the casing and tends to fill up the clearances, effectively reducing the available slip
paths. This concept is used most effectively on vacuum service where compression
ratios, and therefore slips, are relatively high when operating dry. The addition of
the liquid also reduces temperature rise and tends to flush out any contaminants,
which might otherwise build up on the internals. Certain precautions must be con-
sidered, however, and these will be treated later.
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Some of the blowers design features have already been discussed , however there
are many variations, not only from model to model, but also from manufacturer to
manufacturer. These include:
The most important part of the blower is the impeller. Impellers normally are
cast grey iron with a typical variation being cast ductile iron for greater strength. In
extreme cases, where corrosion or erosion resistance is required, they also can be
cast or fabricated of stainless steel or coated with various materials. The other
variation in impellers is in the profile. The typical impeller lobe profile is gener-
ated by an involute curve. This curve allows the impellers to rotate in conjunction
with and in close proximity to one another without coming into contact. It is an
efficient profile and relatively easy to form on various machine tools. When the
involute impeller rotates, however, there is a point at which the clearance locus
jumps from one point to another. As this occurs, there is a brief instant when a small
volume is trapped between the impellers. While this causes no problems on normal
air service, if there are significant or uncontrolled amounts of liquid entrained in
the gas stream, the effect is an attempt to compress this liquid as the impellers
continue to rotate. Liquid does not compress, so the impellers are forced apart by
the liquid for an instant. This can be damaging to the unit as it may cause internal
contact. Where there is a possibility of significant liquid entrainment, slightly dif-
ferent profiles can be selected.
These water-handling profiles are designed to allow a rolling or sweeping
motion to the clearance loci rather than the jumping motion as with the involute.
Therefore, there is no opportunity for the liquid to cause the deflection as with the
involute profile. Various profiles for this purpose do not provide as much displace-
ment as the involute. In addition, they are more difficult to form in the manufactur-
ing process. These profiles are very useful, however, when applying the PD blower
on vacuum service. In this service, a liquid, usually water, is purposely sprayed into
the blower inlet to aid in sealing the clearances to make the machine more efficient
and, as a bonus, the water keeps the unit cool, as it carries away the heat of com-
pression, allowing the unit to achieve a higher compression ratio.
Staging these units permits the compound machine to meet requirements as
low as 27" Hg. vacuum (3" Hg. absolute) or to a level near the vapor pressure of
the sealing liquid. While these special impeller profiles have been developed for
water-sealed applications, recent efforts to utilize the involute profile with a
reduced, controlled water flow have been quite successful.
Three standard profiles are utilized by most manufacturers - Involute, High
Displacement Liquid Passing, and Cycloidal, the latter two typically used for
water-sealed vacuum service. The three profiles are shown in Figure 6.9. Recalling
the previous discussion on displacement, which is calculated as:
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Displacement (cfr) = K x GD
x CL/100
The K for each profile varies, being greatest for the involute profile and
smallest for the cycloidal. The cycloidal, however, provides an impeller having a
high degree of tolerance for water flow. In fact, the cycloidal profile also has been
used as a water pump.
Figure 6.9 Comparison of Rotor Profiles
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Three Lobe Blowers
More recent designs include three lobe blowers with some changes in operat-
ing characteristics.
The basic operation of a rotary three lobe type position displacement blower
with precompression passage is illustrated (Figure 6.10) as follows:
In position 1
Flow is top/bottom from blower inlet to discharge, the left impeller is mounted on the driv-
ing shaft then rotates counterclockwise and delivers a volume into the discharge pressure
side. At the same time, space (B) between the impeller and the cylinder wall is filling with
another and equal volume at inlet pressure. It is about to be sealed off by the counterclock-
wise rotation of this impeller. The space (C) is progressively filled and compressed with
discharge volume through the precompression passage.
In position 2
The inlet area sealed in (B) and discharge pressure starts to enter space (A) through the
precompression passage as rotation continues.
In position 3
Volume (C) is delivered to the discharge pressure side in the same manner as volume (A).
Because of the almost complete pressure equalization through the precompression passage,
no sudden shock will occur.
In position 4
The inlet area volume sealed in (C) and the discharge pressurized volume entering space (B)
start to enter through the precompression passage in (C). Volume (A) is delivered to the
discharge side and the volume in (B) will also start delivering with (A) as soon as the rota-
tion reaches the outlet side.
Figure 6.10 Basic Operation of Three Lobe Blowers
Note: All blowers are available with either side/side or top/bottom connection.
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The bearings, which support the impellers, typically are of the anti-friction
type, either ball or some form of roller. Depending upon such parameters as square
loading, rpm, lubrication options and others, the manufacturer attempts to design
the most appropriate bearing into the unit, keeping in mind life, size, bearing clear-
ance, cost, availability and load carrying capability. Also important to the bearing
system is control of thrust or side movement of the impellers. There is no inherent
thrust generated by the impellers as they rotate but, due to the expansion process
brought about by the temperature rise within the blower, other considerations must
be taken into account to control axial movement of the rotors. Additionally, when
operating at the higher speeds of todays PD blowers, a slight contact of impeller
to headplate likely will continue in a degenerative mode, with contact causing
temperature, which, in turn causes further expansion and more contact, leading
eventually to failure. A positive control of the axial position of the impellers is
mandatory and some thrust capability in the chosen bearing system is necessary.
The use of a V-belt drive system causes severe side loads on the drive shaft and
bearings and such operation must be considered in the bearing design. Bearing life
can be grossly affected when V-belt drives are used in lieu of direct-connection.
Some manufacturers use an extra bearing on the drive shaft when such drives are
to be applied. Another solution is to use a jack-shaft for the blower sheave and
direct couple the shaft to the blower with a flexible coupling. This is a complicated
arrangement but does accomplish the desired result of reducing the drive shaft
bearing load.
Because the blower is equipped with rolling element bearings and gears, some
form of lubricant must be provided. Generally, the gears are located on the end
opposite the drive and are lubricated with oil, along with the bearings on that end.
The bearings on the drive end may be either grease or oil lubricated, depending on
the design and the temperatures at which the blower is expected to operate. Due to
the action of the gears, typically there is adequate splashing action on the gear end
so that no auxiliary slinger is needed to throw the oil onto the bearings. If the
blower is oil lubricated on the drive end, a slinger usually is required to obtain the
proper splashing action to direct the oil onto the bearings. On so-called splash-
lubricated machines, there is no need for pumps, coolers, piping, relief valves, etc.
in the lube system. Such a system, therefore, is quite simple and, other than peri-
odic oil changes, is also fairly maintenance free. Operation at high temperatures for
extended periods of time will cause deterioration of the lubricant, requiring more
frequent changes.
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Figure 6.11 Blower Equipped with Splash Lubrication
A pressure lubrication system, while more costly to purchase and maintain, is
considered better in the long run as it overcomes the disadvantages of the splash
system. It assures that the blower always will be supplied with a cool, clean flow
of oil to the critical components. The oil will last longer and the bearings and gears
will have a longer life expectancy. A pressure system can be furnished with an oil
cooler so that oil temperatures are held to ideal levels, even when the blower is
operating at high compression ratios with high ambient temperatures. Safety
devices, such as low oil pressure and high oil temperature switches can be supplied.
On critical service, where an unplanned shutdown cannot be tolerated, an auto-
matic auxiliary oil pump, which comes on at a reduced oil pressure indicating a loss
of the main pump, can be fitted into the system.
Figure 6.12 Blower Equipped with Pressure Lubrication
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The casing, made up of the headplates and cylinder, performs the function of
containing the gas and supporting the rotors, while also keeping the entire system
in alignment. The materials of construction normally are cast grey iron and the
normal design working pressure is 25 psig. With other materials, such as ductile
iron, and other designs, the casing pressure rating can be enhanced. Another con-
sideration is noise level and it has been demonstrated that the thicker the casing the
lower the noise.
Timing Gears
Timing gears must be of high quality with good tolerance control to properly
maintain the impeller to impeller clearances. A small inaccuracy in the gear profile
can bring about contact between the impellers. Poor quality gears also will cause
noise, although the gear pitch line velocities are relatively low at about 5000 fpm,
maximum. The gear type normally is straight spur, however helical designs are
used by some manufacturers. Helical gears produce a definite axial thrust on the
rotors and must be considered in the design and life calculations of the bearing
system. Most gears today are hardened and ground and of an AGMA quality of
11-12. Several methods are used to attach gears to shafts, but the most common is
either some form of taper fit or a dual tapered ring system which, when pulled up
axially, places an inward radial force on the gear hub, thus securing it to the shaft.
Both methods allow the impellers to be easily timed or adjusted in the circum-
ferential direction when assembled, or during repair procedures. Older types of
attachments utilize radial or axial pins to locate the gears to the shafts with holes
drilled and reamed on assembly. This method does not permit more than one or
perhaps two repairs before the shafts and gears must be replaced, due to the suc-
cessive numbers of holes through the parts.
Timing gears typically are mounted on the end of the blower opposite the drive
end to allow easier maintenance and re-timing. However, with the gears mounted
on the drive end of the blower, the drive torque is split at the gears prior to being
transmitted through the drive rotor, thus improving the torsional characteristics of
the rotor. Larger size blowers typically have the timing gears on the drive end.
Sealing systems for air blowers are relatively simple and the air seals usually
involve single or multiple labyrinths where the shafts pass through the headplates
with the adjacent space being vented to atmosphere. The lubrication seals gener-
ally are of the lip type to restrict leakage of the lube oil or grease. The vent area
between the air seal (labyrinth) and the lip seal allows the air being handled to
bleed to (or from, in the case of vacuum service) the atmosphere, thus keeping the
lubricant away from the air being handled. PD blowers, therefore, are considered
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Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
to be oil-free. This term must be used carefully, as the blower does not remove
any hydrocarbons which enter with the inlet air, nor can one guarantee that the unit,
under all operating conditions, will not present some trace of oil in the discharged
air-stream. It can be stated, for most practical applications, that the PD blower can
be considered essentially oil-free.
For gases which must be contained within the casing due to their cost or haz-
ardous nature, special seals, usually of the mechanical face variety, are used. Some
frames require the addition of a pressure lube system to provide cool, clean oil,
under pressure, to make the seal function properly. A typical mechanical seal is
pressurized by the units pressure lube system. This seal has been found to be very
reliable, provided the oil pressure is maintained and the oil is kept cool and clean.
Shafts, which support the impellers, are of several varieties. Some, especially
those which have a lower design square loading, are of steel and are pressed
through the impellers and then pinned radially through both parts. The disadvan-
tage of this design is that the shaft diameter is restricted, in order to have sufficient
material in the narrow, or waist section of the impeller to hold it to the shaft. One
alternative is to cast the impeller and shaft in one piece of a stronger material, usu-
ally ductile iron, in which case the shaft can be made the full diameter of the waist
section of the impeller. This design typically is used on blowers having a design
square loading of 25 psi and greater. Another approach is to flange mount a stub
shaft to each end of the impeller with high strength bolts and use taper pins for
locating purposes. An advantage of this design is that it permits replacement of the
shafts without replacing the entire impeller when only the shafts are damaged. The
stub shaft design is used for square loading up to about 40 psi.
The process of calculating the performance of a PD blower is relatively
simple. Certain facts needed for a blower selection are:
Inlet Pressure (psia)
Inlet Temperature (degrees R)
Molecular Weight of the Gas Being Handled *
(K value) of the Gas Being Handled **
Inlet Volume Requirement (icfm)
Discharge Pressure (psia)
* If air, calculate, using RH %. Also can use S.G. (MW/28.97; Dry Air = 1.0)
** If dry air, C
= 1.395
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Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
The term slip is the amount of air that slips back from discharge to inlet
through the clearances and is expressed in icfm. It is a loss that must be accounted
for in the shaft speed required to achieve the specified amount of delivered flow.
Slip depends upon the blower inlet conditions and discharge pressure. It also
depends upon the clearances within the blower, but for a given size, this parameter
is a constant. Each blower model, at any given set of conditions, can be expected
to slip a certain amount of air back to inlet. In order to calculate for the specific
set of conditions where the unit is expected to operate, we start with a known quan-
tity and then correct that figure for the actual conditions. The known quantity,
established through testing, is called 1 psi slip. This quantity is the rpm at which
the blower must operate, with the discharge blocked off, to establish a pressure of
1 psi on a manometer connected to the discharge port. The significance of this is
that, with the discharge blocked, all the air coming in at the inlet port is slipping
back to the inlet. Therefore, since the displacement times the rpm equals the flow
rate, and the displacement is constant for a given size, the slip can be expressed in
rpm and referred to a standard set of test conditions. The 1 psi slip then can be
calculated as follows:
Inlet Pressure = 14.7 psia
Inlet Temperature = 68F (528R)
Inlet S.G. = 1.0
Pressure Differential = 1.0 psi
To correct for actual or specified conditions, the following equation applies:
SLIP = 1 psi SLIP x (P x PS x T1/S.G./P1/TS)
1 psi SLIP = Blower rpm required to provide 1 psi on
air at standard conditions with a blanked
P = Operating pressure differential in psi.
S.G. = Specific Gravity of gas compared to dry
air at 1.0.
T1 = Operating inlet temp. in R (R = F + 460)
TS = Standard Inlet Temp. (528 R)
P1 = Operating Inlet Press. (psia)
PS = Standard Inlet Press. (14.7 psia)
Slip can be reduced if the unit is water injected, as will be discussed later.
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Inlet Volume/Shaft Speed
It has been pointed out that the PD blowers capacity is expressed as displace-
ment times rpm. The rpm, as used here, is effective rpm, or the actual shaft speed
less the slip rpm. The method of calculating either actual rpm for a given inlet flow
or flow for a given shaft rpm is shown in this equation:
= cfr x (rpm - slip)
= Volume Flow of Gas at Blower Inlet in cfm
cfr = Blower Displacement in ft
rpm = Blower Shaft Speed
slip = Calculated Slip in rpm
Conversely, for a given flow:
____ ____
rpm =
Brake Horsepower
As discussed earlier, a PD blower operates on a Square Card cycle. The
process for calculating the brake horsepower also includes a factor to take friction
losses into account. Thus, brake horsepower is a combination of two components:
bhp = ghp + fhp
bhp = Brake Horsepower at the Blower Shaft
ghp = Gas Horsepower
fhp = Friction Horsepower
As explained previously, ghp is calculated as follows:
ghp = K x rpm x P x cfr
K = Constant, depending upon pressure or vacuum, gear
speed & blower type (from empirically-established
curves and approx. = .00436)
rpm = Shaft Speed
P = Operating Differential Pressure in psi
cfr = Displacement in ft
Friction horsepower, fhp, is dependent upon rpm and model/size of blower and
is generally a calculated number, using an empirical figure as a starting point, and
corrected for rpm or gear speed by some exponent of the ratio of the standard to the
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Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
actual rpm. The actual number is available from curves. If the unit is water injected,
a further amount of HP must be added to pump the water.
Temperature Rise
Often it is necessary to estimate discharge temperature and sometimes an abso-
lute requirement to know delta-T, to insure that the application does not exceed the
maximum rating of the blower in question. Following is the equation for this cal-
culation, for air service:
T = bhp x T
= Temperature Rise in R (or F)
bhp = Calculated brake horsepower
= Inlet temperature in R
TRF = Temperature Rise Factor (Varies by Product
Line, Approx. = .90)
= Inlet Press. in psia
= Inlet Volume Flow in ft
Modifications in the above are required if the blower is handling a gas other
than air or if the unit is water injected.
The basic characteristic of PD blowers is that they provide a relatively constant
inlet volume under variable pressure conditions. These blowers provide high
volumetric efficiency and incorporate many design features that contribute to job
versatility and economical installation. There are no valves or vanes, reducing
maintenance and replacement costs. Completely enclosed construction achieves
compactness, provides protection against dust and makes the unit suitable for either
indoor or outdoor installations.
Pressure is not developed inside the blower, but by the demand of the system.
Discharge pressure, therefore, varies to meet the systems load conditions of pres-
sure vs. flow. Relief valves normally are required to relieve pressure when flow is
restricted to the point that the pressure can rise beyond design limits of the blower.
Volume is almost constant with pressure except for a slight increase in slip as
the pressure rises. Horsepower is nearly proportional to pressure differential and
rpm. At a given pressure differential, the hp is proportional to shaft speed (rpm). At
a constant rpm, hp is proportional to pressure differential. Thus, torque varies
directly with pressure differential. The unit is defined as a constant torque
machine for purposes of determining the necessary characteristics for drivers, espe-
cially variable speed motors. This is opposite from centrifugal compressors, which
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Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
are classified as variable torque devices.
The characteristics of the PD blower make it ideal for low pressure applica-
tions and vacuum service. It delivers essentially oil-free air and drivers can be sized
accurately to the pressure or vacuum requirements.
In two-stage operation, where the discharge flow of one higher displacement
machine is directed into the inlet of another, smaller displacement unit, higher pres-
sures or lower vacuum levels can be achieved at significant power savings. The
application of two-stage blowers normally is a job for the more advanced techni-
cian and these selections generally are done at the factory. The basic concept of
two-staging is that the actual flow from the first stage must be compressed to a
level that can be accepted by the smaller displacement second stage. Until the flow
from the first stage is compressed to a flow that the second stage can handle, the
pressure continues to rise across the first stage. It is critical that the first stage does
not exceed its maximum pressure differential. Therefore, the relative sizes of the
two stages are critical. As a vacuum pump, a two-stage blower typically utilizes an
inter-stage bypass to allow the excess flow to circumvent the second stage until the
compression ratio across the first stage is sufficient to permit the second stage to
accept the flow.
There are several methods used to select and determine the performance of a
blower for a given set of conditions. These are:
Performance charts
Performance curves
Computer Programs
Charts or curves are established from the basic calculations discussed earlier,
using the standard conditions in the process. As the calculation procedure allows
for variations in inlet temperature, pressure, S.G., etc., it is the best method to use
if accuracy is important. It can be a laborious task. However, computer programs
today simplify the process considerably, allowing any number of different sets of
conditions to be calculated with ease and rapidity.
This term scfm is used in many customer specifications but often is the source
of confusion. scfm means Standard cubic feet per minute but must be defined
properly since different people use different standards. (The definition of Standard
Air (or a Standard atmosphere) adopted by the Compressed Air & Gas Institute,
conforming with PNEUROP and ISO standards is:
Pressure = 14.5 psia (1 bar); Temperature = 68 F (20 C); Relative Humidity = 0%
ASME has used the definition of Standard air as:
Pressure = 14.7 psia; Temperature = 68 F; Relative Humidity = 36%
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Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
This gives air having a density of 0.075 lb/ft
. This is the definition for
Standard air used in this Section for PD blowers.
To convert from scfm to Inlet, or Actual flow (acfm) the standard and the
actual conditions prevailing at the point of measurement, in our case the inlet of the
blower, must be known. The equation for this conversion is as follows:
acfm = scfm x {[P
x PV
)] x T
x P
} / {[P
x PV
)] * T
x P
= Standard Pressure (psia)
= Atmospheric Pressure or Barometer (psia)
= Actual Pressure (psia)
= Standard Relative Humidity (Expressed as a Decimal)
= Actual Relative Humidity (Expressed as a Decimal)
= Saturated Vapor Pressure of Water at the Standard
Temperature (psi)*
= Saturated Vapor Pressure of Water at the Actual
Temperature (psi)*
= Standard Temperature (R) (F + 460)
= Actual Temperature (R)
*From Steam Tables
Relative Humidity, Temperature, Pressure and Barometer can have a profound
effect upon the blower selection, but most importantly, on the horsepower
calculated, since the bhp depends on the inlet volume used in the calculation. It is
essential that performance data sheets spell out acfm and also provide the actual
pressure, temperature and relative humidity conditions at the blower inlet.
Noise/Vibration Control
We have discussed the pulsation characteristic of the PD blower and the fact
that the discharge pressure pulse generated causes both noise and vibration. A very
effective way to reduce this inherent problem is the use of a wrap-around discharge
plenum and a jet opening that allows the pressure equalization within the blower
to take place in a controlled manner. By controlling the equalization, the internal
pressure pulsations are reduced, resulting in less audible popping and less shock
loading to the bearings and other blower components.
Compared with the conventional PD blower, the jet-assisted unit operates at
noise levels up to 5 dB quieter at comparable speeds and pressures. The jet-assisted
blower allows higher gear speeds at lower noise levels, permitting selection of
smaller size units at comparable noise. In fact, a conventional blower must run at
approximately two-thirds the jet-assisted unit speed for a similar noise level.
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Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
Obviously the vibration levels also are reduced, and life of bearings, gears and
other components is enhanced. Treating piping, silencers and other components
with sound absorbing materials helps further.
Gear Speed
Gear Speed has not yet been addressed in this guide. It is a significant cri-
terion, not only in noise considerations but in other rotary blower issues. Gear
speed is defined as the velocity of the timing gear at the pitch line diameter of the
gear. It is calculated by the following formula:
GEAR SPEED is in ft/min
GEAR DIAMETER is in inches
rpm is blower drive shaft speed
The selection of silencers depends upon the blower gear speed as well as other
criteria. Gear speed also is a parameter used in the calculation of bhp, in that
Friction Horsepower and the Gas Horsepower Factor, discussed earlier under
Performance Calculations, require a calculation of gear speed in order to establish
these elements.
Further reductions of noise and vibration can be effected by following these
Operate at slower rpm (or Gear Speed)
Supply a motor rated at 5 dBA less than the final desired noise level
Wrap silencers and piping with acoustic material
Isolate the blower and baseplate
Complete enclosures, while effective for noise reduction, are sometimes
inconvenient from a maintenance standpoint. However, in certain sensitive situa-
tions, this may be the only solution.
We have noted previously the option of liquid injection to improve a rotary blow-
ers performance. We now will address that subject for vacuum pumps, both single
and two-stage.
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Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
Injection of a liquid into the inlet of the blower performs three functions: 1)
Reduces the heat of compression, 2) Partially seals the clearances between the
impellers and the casing to reduce slip, and 3) Tends to clean out the internals to
help prevent build-up of solids. Another function of liquid injection can be to neu-
tralize the effects of an acidic or basic element in the gas stream with the addition
of a neutralizing agent into the injected liquid. This is a very special application,
however, and requires a very thorough understanding of the chemistry of the situ-
ation. We consider this option to be beyond the scope of this chapter, however one
should be aware of its possibilities.
The typical injection liquid is water so we will restrict the discussion to water.
Even tap water, which is entirely suitable for drinking, will contain certain amounts
of chemical compounds, which can precipitate out from the water under certain
temperature conditions. Scale typically is calcium carbonate. When water contain-
ing significant amounts of calcium carbonate is injected into the blower, given the
increase in temperature through the unit, the calcium carbonate can precipitate out
and adhere to the internals surfaces, the clearances inside the machine can be
eliminated and rubbing can occur. In operation, this soft, wet build-up is generally
wiped off as the unit rotates and there is no problem. However, when the system is
shut down and the build-up dries out, it expands, becomes hard and adheres more
strongly to the blower parts. Given enough time, the unit can be totally locked up
and any attempt to start the driver can cause serious damage to the driver, coupling
or blower.
Specifications have been developed by blower manufacturers, which spell out
the minimum requirements for seal water, including pH, hardness, maximum
amounts of various elements, turbidity and other critical concerns.
Many vacuum pump applications are in processes where there can be varying
amounts of water already in the gas stream, which will carry over to the vacuum
pump. Examples of such applications are vacuum filters and paper machine vacu-
um. Although typically there is equipment in the systems, such as separators, to
eliminate water carry-over, both for protection of the vacuum pump system and for
conservation of the process water, generally there is some water left in the gas. This
water also will contain contaminants, which can cause a build-up and must also be
dealt with.
In addition to the existence of contaminants in the carry-over liquid, the
amount of the carry-over must also be considered. Pumping the seal water requires
a certain additional horsepower, which can be calculated. This power is relatively
small when the injected amount is within the recommendations for the vacuum
pump or blower. When the total amount of injected and carry-over liquid is consid-
erable, however, the power to pump the liquid can exceed the capabilities of the
driver or another element of the vacuum pump system, including the pump itself.
Precautions must be taken to restrict the amount of carry-over liquid, typically with
inlet separators. The inlet separator will require a means of draining, since the
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Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
separator is under a vacuum. Draining the separator normally is accomplished with
either a pump or a barometric leg when sufficient height is available to provide
the water column necessary to overcome the vacuum level. The ingress of air at
such drains must be avoided or the vacuum level will be affected.
The injection liquid must be directed into the vacuum pump so as to disperse
within the pump and reach all the internals to do its job. A special nozzle (or sets
of nozzles in the largest units) is mounted at the inlet opening of the vacuum pump.
This nozzle atomizes the liquid and disperses it to all corners of the internals of the
pump. In order to ensure the proper control and cleanliness of the water, a seal
water control package will include the following items:
Solenoid valve
Flow meter with bypass valves
Flow switch
The solenoid valve normally is inter-connected with the driver so that the
water begins to flow when the driver is started and is turned off when the driver is
de-energized. This assures a flow of sealing water during operation. The strainer is
to ensure that there is no contaminant in the seal water supply that may clog the
flow nozzle or meter. The flow meter is used initially to set the proper amount of
water flow into the unit and is recorded in the instruction manual. After setting the
appropriate flow, the valves adjacent to the meter are adjusted so that the flow is
through the bypass and not through the meter. This is a precaution to protect the
flow meter and also to reduce the amount of contaminant build-up inside the meter,
which eventually may cause it to be unreadable. The flow switch is interconnected
with the driver starter system so that if the flow ceases during operation, the driver
will shut down.
It is good practice to operate the machine dry and unloaded for a period of time
just prior to shutdown in order to allow the internals to dry out to assist in prevent-
ing lock-up during shutdown.
The process of determining speeds, horsepowers, etc. for the water-sealed
blowers or vacuum pumps is very similar to dry blowers. The differences lie in the
calculation of slip, hp and discharge temperature. Gas and friction horsepower (ghp
& fhp respectively) are calculated in the same manner as dry units, however an
additional amount of hp must be added to allow for pumping the water. Discharge
temperature is calculated from compression ratio across the unit and knowledge of
the steam tables for purposes of determining the relationship between temperatures
and vapor pressures of water at those temperatures.
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Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
Actual inlet flow is calculated in accordance with the manufacturers proce-
dures, but the process roughly approximates the dry procedures, except for the
reduced slip resulting from the water sealing.
The power calculations for a water-sealed unit are identical to the calculations
for a dry machine except the power required to pump the water must be considered.
bhp = ghp + fhp + whp
bhp, ghp and fhp are as previously defined.
whp is the power to pump the amount of inlet water at the
gear speed of the unit.
The value depends on the manufacturer.
Note that whp can be significant. The total flow, including any from the sys-
tem, must be considered in this calculation and the user must be cautious about
possible overloads due to water flows significantly higher than the normal seal
water flow. Such overloads can shut down the driver on high power or, if extreme-
ly high, they can damage the pump or other drive train components.
Discharge Temperature
Normal calculation of estimated discharge temperature assumes that the inlet
and outlet flows are saturated with water vapor. From thermodynamics, at satura-
tion the partial pressure of the water in the air stream is equal to the vapor pressure
of steam at the temperature of the mixture. Therefore, assuming saturation of the
air stream at inlet and discharge, and knowing the saturation pressures of steam
from the steam tables, one can calculate the discharge temperature. The partial
pressure of the vapor in the inlet gas goes through the same compression as the air
from inlet to discharge and some of the seal water evaporates, thus maintaining
saturation at the discharge. Therefore, the partial pressure of the vapor on the dis-
charge side will be the partial pressure at inlet temperature multiplied by the com-
pression ratio of the vacuum pump. The corresponding temperature from the steam
tables gives the estimated discharge temperature of the mixture.
= CR x VP
= partial pressure of steam at discharge temperature
CR = compression ratio (P
in absolute pressures)
= partial pressure of steam at inlet temperature
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Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
From the steam tables, the discharge temperature of the mixture is the satura-
tion temperature at VP
The foregoing provides the basics for calculating performance for a water-
sealed single-stage rotary vacuum pump. The data sheets, curves, etc. referred to
are provided in the manufacturers data books for the products in question. In addi-
tion, individual performance charts and curves, developed from these procedures
are also available for estimating purposes.
Two-Stage Rotary Blowers and Vacuum Pumps
By arranging two PD blowers in series, the total differential pressure can be
Similarly, vacuum capability can be increased and power requirement
decreased with a two-stage arrangement.
The helical lobe blower is a two-rotor, positive displacement blower, providing
constant volume, variable pressure, oil free delivery of air. This is shown in Figure
6.13 and is commercially available in capacities ranging from 50 cfm to 6000 cfm
and pressures to 20 psig and with special designs to 35 psig. They can be config-
ured as two-stage blowers for pressures to 40 psig.
Figure 6.13 Helical Lobe Type Blower
The helical lobe blower employs two counter-rotating rotors, but unlike
straight lobe blowers, the rotor profiles are different and the number of lobes are
not necessarily equal. The meshing of the two helical lobe rotors provides con-
trolled compression (with internal volume reduction). Timing gears prevent rotor
to rotor contact.
The compression cycle, Figure 6.14, begins as rotation produces an increasing
interlobe cavity on the inlet side due to unmeshing of the rotor lobes. Air or gas is
drawn into the rotor chamber until the length of the interlobe cavity is filled. As
Compressed Air & Gas Institute 1300 Sumner Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
further rotation continues, meshing of the rotors reduces the volume of the inter-
lobe cavity. As the gas is moved axially along the rotor length, in the ever decreas-
ing interlobe cavity, internal compression occurs until the rotors uncover the dis-
charge port, releasing the gas to the discharge line.
Figure 6.14 Compression Cycle
The timing gears maintain close rotor clearances. The rotors do not touch each
other, the housing, or the bearing carriers. Although the clearances are small, lubri-
cation in the compression chamber is not required, thus insuring oil-free air
Figure 6.15 Typical Helical Blower Figure 6.16 Typical Blower Package
The trend today is for the design of this type of blower to become similar to the oil-
free rotary screw compressor. The supporting shafts usually are made integral with
the rotor body and of either ductile iron or steel. The rotor tip speeds can approach
100 m/s with either internal step-up gear drives, or high input shaft speeds.
Typical applications include: pneumatic conveying, chemical processing, dry
bulk transport, waste water treatment, process gas and air separation.
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Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
A blower requires a number of accessory items in the system to make a work-
ing installation. In addition, there are other accessories that sometimes are
specified to make the system more automated, quieter, easier to maintain, more
reliable, etc. The necessary accessories, generally, are:
Driver (Motor, Engine, Turbine, etc.)
Driver control (e.g., Motor Starter)
Connection to driver (Coupling, V-Belts, etc.)
Drive guard
Baseplate or other mounting device (Soleplates)
Relief valve
Other accessory items normally furnished are as follows:
Inlet and discharge silencers
Inlet filter (If on air service)
Expansion joints for air connections
Various pressure & temperature gauges
Additionally, any number of controls, safety switches, isolation valves, moni-
toring equipment and other items can be furnished at the discretion of the user. The
list will be somewhat different if the blower is handling a gas, as opposed to air.
Necessary accessories include:
The device most often used to drive the blower is an electric motor. Depending
upon the required bhp and blower speed, the motor may be sized to direct-connect
to the blower shaft or may be arranged for V-belt or gear drive. The motor manu-
facturer generally will want to know how the motor will be applied. In any case,
the worst conditions of blower rpm and pressure differential must be allowed for in
the selection of motor horsepower so that the motor will not be under-sized for any
operating conditions of the system. The maximum rated blower rpm must not be
exceeded. Too low a blower speed can result in a blower temperature rise, which
exceeds the limits, due to the loss of blower efficiency at slow speeds. In addition,
it is usually prudent to allow some tolerance in horsepower when sizing the motor.
Blower manufacturers typically will quote bhp with a 4% tolerance. This toler-
ance percentage should be considered in motor sizing. Also, in an induction motor,
there is a small amount of slip in the motor, e.g., an 1800 rpm induction motor
will actually run at about 1775 rpm when placed in service under load. Synchronous
motors, as the name infers, operate at the motors synchronous rpm without slip.
Synchronous motors seldom are used on PD blowers except in some high horse-
Compressed Air & Gas Institute 1300 Sumner Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
power, low rpm applications, and where there is a need to adjust the plants over-all
power factor.
When a variable speed motor is to be used, one must consider the speed range
of the system and not operate the unit too slowly due to potential temperature rise.
When using a variable speed driver, a torsional analysis may be required to locate
the torsional critical speeds so that considerations can be made in the application
of the drive system.
The method of starting the blower also should be considered when selecting
the motor. Although not recommended, should the blower be required to start up
under load, the increased starting torque should be considered in the motor speci-
fications. There also are recommended limits for maximum motor torque. Other
factors affecting the motor selection, such as voltage, enclosure, insulation, etc. are
usually a requirement of the user and are beyond the scope of this discussion.
Other driver choices, such as steam turbines, engines, gas turbines or others
may also be considered. Generally, as far as the blower is concerned, the same
considerations should be made, as with the motor drive. There are some special
concerns with engine drivers, however, especially with respect to the system tor-
sional responses. In such cases, a torsional analysis should be performed by the
engine manufacturer.
Controls for the driver must be coordinated with, and preferably be supplied
by, the vendor of the driver to ensure complete compatibility. The user will likely
have some input into the controls selection and there also will be some blower
requirements, especially if there are safety devices tied into the driver control.
Driver Connection
Devices to connect the blower to the driver are, for example:
Flexible couplings
V-belt Drives
Speed-increasing (or decreasing) Gearboxes
Universal Joints
When a blower is direct-coupled to its driver, the rpm of the driver must not
exceed the maximum speed rating of the blower. A flexible coupling such as the
grid type should always be used to connect the driver and blower shafts. It is
extremely important to install the coupling in accordance with the blower and cou-
pling manufacturers instructions in order to have a successful installation. Some
installations require Limited End Float couplings when the unit is driven by a
sleeve bearing motor. Always consult the blower manufacturer in these instances.
It is very important to carefully level and align the blower/driver when direct-
driven, due to the limitations of the coupling regarding mis-alignment.
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Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
V-belt Drives
It is not always possible to select a blower that can be economically direct-
connected, due to limitations of motor speeds and blower frames available. When
this is the case, it is usually convenient to use a V-belt drive and, with the proper
selection of sheaves and motor speed, one can come within a few rpm of the
blower speed required for the specified blower flow. Use the appropriate service
factors as spelled out in the drive manual in order to have a reliable long-lasting
system. Installation of the driver is less critical than for direct coupling, but its shaft
must be level and parallel with the blower shaft. The driver should be mounted on
the inlet side of a vertical blower (horizontal piping) and on the side nearest to the
shaft on a horizontal blower. The driver must also be mounted on an adjustable base
to permit installing, adjusting and removing the belts. The blower sheave should be
no more than 1/8 inch from the blower drive end cover so as to keep the overhang
to a minimum. Proper tension is critical and should be accomplished in accordance
with the drive manufacturers instructions. Excessive tension can cause bearing
failures while too little tension can cause slippage and premature belt failure.
Drive Guards
Any type of rotating drive connection should be protected by a stationary
guard to prevent injury. OSHA has defined certain standards for drive guards and
most blower suppliers furnish their guards in accordance with those standards.
Depending upon the installation, one may select a standard or a weather-protected
Blower Mounting Device
A fabricated baseplate normally is supplied for mounting of the blower and
driver. An option is to mount the units independently on soleplates. In either case,
it is recommended that the mounting device be grouted into a concrete foundation.
Follow the blower manufacturers instructions in that regard. Anchor bolts of the
type shown in Figure 6.17 are recommended for tying the soleplates or baseplate
into the foundation. Note also, the method of installing the grout, as shown in this
figure. Level and alignment are critical and the manufacturers instructions should
also be followed here. If the unit was shipped from the blower manufacturer
mounted on the baseplate along with the driver, it likely was aligned at the factory.
However, due to the possibility of the assembly being twisted during shipment,
thus disturbing the original alignment, the unit should be checked for alignment
and level before starting. The blower instruction book provides the procedure to
make these checks.
Compressed Air & Gas Institute 1300 Sumner Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
Figure 6.17 Typical Anchor Bolt
Relief Valve
Because the PD blower is a constant volume device, if the discharge line is
restricted for any reason, the unit will continue to pump air into the system, thus
raising the pressure in the discharge line and increasing the pressure differential
across the blower. Eventually, if the driver has sufficient power, the pressure dif-
ferential will reach a level that exceeds the rating of the blower. To preclude this
occurrence, the discharge line must be equipped with a pressure relief valve that is
set to open at a pre-set pressure well within the maximum allowable pressure
differential of the blower and sized for the full capacity of the blower. When the set
pressure is reached, the valve will begin to open, thus allowing the flow to escape
to the atmosphere and reducing the pressure. If the restriction is a complete block-
age, the valve will open fully and pass the entire flow of the blower. However, due
to the accumulation characteristics of the valve, the final pressure could be as
much as 10 or 25 % above the set pressure. The blower should be sized, therefore,
to withstand the accumulation pressure. The valve should be as close to the blower
discharge as possible. Note that, on vacuum service, the valve is on the inlet of the
The relief valve is not designed to function as a pressure regulator and should
not be used to set the pressure at which the system is to operate. There are other
types of devices for this purpose, such as pilot-operated, diaphragm-actuated
valves and these devices should be used for this function. The relief valve should
be considered only as a safety device.
Compressed Air & Gas Institute 1300 Sumner Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
Other Accessories
In addition to the above accessories considered as necessary for the successful,
safe operation of the blower system, the following may be considered desirable for
convenience, safety and/or comfort.
Inlet and Discharge Silencers
We have discussed the noise characteristics of the PD blower and the ways to
reduce the level. The most popular method is by use of silencers or mufflers. Nearly
every blower installation has at least an inlet or a discharge silencer as a part of the
package. There are several different styles and models of silencers and they are
selected based upon the following criteria:
Blower Capacity
Blower Discharge Pressure *
Blower Speed and Type
* Or inlet vacuum in case of a vacuum pump
There are four basic silencer types:
Absorption - unimpeded flow passage lined with acoustical material
behind a perforated annulus.
Chamber - internal baffles forming two or three unlined chambers inter-
connected by perforated tubes, tuned to subdue flow pulsations.
Combination - internal baffles forming unlined chambers inter-connected
by perforated tubes with extended acoustically packed sound absorbing
Silencer/Separator- chamber type silencer with drain allowing 95% water
removal from the air stream.
It has been found that the blower gear speed has an influence on the silencer
selection. Generally, at gear speeds below 3300 ft./min for the inlet silencer and
2700 ft./min for the discharge silencer selection, a chamber type is satisfactory.
Above those speeds, it is necessary to add an acoustical packed section or use the
combination type silencer, which has the pack built in. The packing absorbs the
higher frequencies, which tend to cause ringing of the silencer shell and/or piping.
In any case, the silencers should be mounted as close to the blower as possible, with
the acoustical pack section closest to the connection of the blower.
The selection charts are relatively simple to use, knowing the gear speed, flow
and pressure. Each manufacturer publishes its own list of the various types, so the
first thing to do, after determining the gear speed, is to select the type. Next, enter
the chart for inlet size selection with the inlet volume of the blower. Read directly
the inlet silencer size. The discharge silencer size is also based on the inlet volume,
but the discharge pressure is also a parameter. Find a silencer size, which will
handle the blower inlet volume at the operating pressure.
Compressed Air & Gas Institute 1300 Sumner Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
Sizing a silencer for vacuum service is similar, except the inlet silencer
usually is not required.
Silencers are available with different connection configurations to fit various
piping arrangements. Select the straight-through or other configuration, which best
fits the piping system design.
Typically, gas pumps are equipped with only discharge silencers as the inlet is
usually piped to a system and does not cause noise problems.
Inlet Filter
There are several reasons to use an inlet filter on a pressure blower air
application. Often, it is important to keep foreign material out of the system down-
stream of the blower, due to the systems inability to handle contaminants. An
example is the fine bubble diffusers utilized in wastewater treatment plants. These
diffusers, often made of porous ceramic material, are subject to clogging and must
be protected from foreign material. There are other considerations, such as clog-
ging of instrumentation, contamination of product, erosion of various parts of the
blower system, build-up on valves and other parts, etc.
Industrial dry-type filters are recommended on PD blowers. The filter medium
should be rated, as a minimum, 90% efficient on 10 micron particles and larger.
However, 99% efficiency is very easy to achieve with dry-type filters.
Intake filters are sized according to the face velocity across the filter medium.
The higher the face velocity, the faster the medium will load and require cleaning.
Therefore, ratings of dry-type filters are on the basis of differential pressure across
the filter, and vary according to manufacturers, but are approximately 1/2 - 1" H
when clean. As the filter medium becomes loaded with dust or dirt, pressure drop
across the filter is increased, causing a lower inlet pressure to the blower, resulting
in increased pressure differential across the blower and a drop in capacity. A
manometer or differential pressure gauge should be placed across the filter to deter-
mine when the filter should be cleaned or replaced.
Weather hoods are available to keep rain, snow and other foreign particles
away from the filter element.
Sizing of inlet filters is relatively simple and is similar to inlet silencers. The
only information required for filters mounted on the blower, is the inlet volume of
the blower. Should air be drawn from outside in an industrial atmosphere, where
there is a risk of heavier contamination, a heavy duty inlet filter should be consid-
Inlet filter-silencers also are available but in general, they do not do as good a
job of silencing.
Compressed Air & Gas Institute 1300 Sumner Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216/241-7333 Fax: 216/241-0105 E-mail:
Expansion Joints
Installation of spool-type expansion joints or flexible connectors at the blower
inlet and discharge is recommended to allow for any pipe movement due to expan-
sion from temperature change or incorrect piping alignment. The blower casing is
not constructed to absorb pipe strain and should therefore be protected from such
forces. In addition to the expansion joint on the discharge, it is also recommended
that control elements be added to minimize piping vibrations and to protect the
expansion joint.
Figure 6.18 Typical Blower Package Including Accessories