Inspiration Good geometric relationship Cool looking Interesting design Inspired by Frank Lloyd Wrights other work About Falling Water Falling-Water was created in 1936-1939 by Frank Lloyd Wright. Constructed on top of a water fall hence the name. Designed to be in harmony with nature. Geometry Wright used few shapes to create Falling-Water, these shapes include rectangles, pentagons, semi-circles, and squares. Wright mostly used semi-circles to grow around trees. Design Wright used only four materials to construct this building, these materials are, glass, sandstone, reinforced concrete, and steel. The main house is 3 stories and the guest house is 2 stories, including the servants quarters. Bibliography "Family Fun at Fallingwater." The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, n.d. Web. <http%3A%2F>. "FNF: INTELLECTUAL PRODUCTIVITY: FALLINGWATER - The Best All-timework of American Architecture (Frank Lloyd Wright) SOURCE: A Guideto Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water." FNF: INTELLECTUAL PRODUCTIVITY: FALLINGWATER - The Best All-timework of American Architecture (Frank Lloyd Wright) SOURCE: A Guideto Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.