This document contains a verification and certification of non-forum shopping signed by Pomilda L Dail. In the document, Ms. Dail states that:
1) She is the petitioner in this case and the same person in the above-described personal circumstances.
2) She voluntarily and freely caused the preparation and filing of the foregoing petition.
3) She has not commenced any other actions or proceedings involving the same issues in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or other tribunals.
This document contains a verification and certification of non-forum shopping signed by Pomilda L Dail. In the document, Ms. Dail states that:
1) She is the petitioner in this case and the same person in the above-described personal circumstances.
2) She voluntarily and freely caused the preparation and filing of the foregoing petition.
3) She has not commenced any other actions or proceedings involving the same issues in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or other tribunals.
This document contains a verification and certification of non-forum shopping signed by Pomilda L Dail. In the document, Ms. Dail states that:
1) She is the petitioner in this case and the same person in the above-described personal circumstances.
2) She voluntarily and freely caused the preparation and filing of the foregoing petition.
3) She has not commenced any other actions or proceedings involving the same issues in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or other tribunals.
This document contains a verification and certification of non-forum shopping signed by Pomilda L Dail. In the document, Ms. Dail states that:
1) She is the petitioner in this case and the same person in the above-described personal circumstances.
2) She voluntarily and freely caused the preparation and filing of the foregoing petition.
3) She has not commenced any other actions or proceedings involving the same issues in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or other tribunals.
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Republic of the Philippines)
x---------------------------------x VERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION ON NON-FORUM SHOPPING I, POMILDA L DA!I"L, of legal age, married, Filipio, ad a re!ide" of Da#ao Ci"$, P%ilippie!, af"er %a#ig &ee !'or "o i a((orda(e 'i"% la', do %ere&$ depo!e ad !"a"e "%a") *+ I am "%e Pe"i"ioer i "%i! i!"a" (a!e ad "%e #er$ !ame per!o i "%e a&o#e- de!(ri&ed per!oal (ir(,m!"a(e!- .+ I %a#e (a,!ed "%e prepara"io ad filig of "%e foregoig pe"i"io #ol,"aril$ ad freel$- /+ I %a#e read ad ,der!"ood "%e (o"e"! of "%e foregoig pe"i"io ad "%a" "%e !ame are "r,e ad (orre(" "o m$ o' per!oal 0o'ledge ad &a!ed o a,"%e"i( re(ord!- 1+ I %a#e o" (omme(ed a$ o"%er a("io or pro(eedig! i#ol#ig "%e !ame i!!,e! i "%e S,preme Co,r", "%e Co,r" of Appeal!, or differe" di#i!io! "%ereof, or a$ o"%er "ri&,al or age($, ad "o "%e &e!" of m$ 0o'ledge, iforma"io ad &elief, o !,(% a("io or pro(eedig i! pedig i "%e S,preme Co,r", Co,r" of Appeal!, or differe" di#i!io! "%ereof, or &efore a$ o"%er "ri&,al or age($+ S%o,ld I "%ereaf"er lear "%a" a !imilar a("io or pro(eedig %a! &ee filed or i! pedig &efore "%e S,preme Co,r", "%e Co,r" of Appeal!, or a$ o"%er "ri&,al or age($, I ,der"a0e "o repor" "%a" fa(" 'i"%i fi#e 234 da$! "%erefrom "o "%i! Hoora&le Co,r"+ I! #IT!"$$ #%"R"OF, I %a#e %ere,"o !e" m$ %ad "%i! 555 da$ of 555555555 i Da#ao Ci"$, P%ilippie!+ ALLA! A. M"!DO&A Affia" SU6SCRI6ED ad !'or "o &efore me, i "%e Ci"$ of Da#ao, "%i! 555555 da$ of 555555555.7*/, ATTY. AR!OLD V. DORIA Do(+ No+ 5555 No"ar$ P,&li( Page No+ 5555 U"il De(em&er /*, .7*/ 6oo0 No+ 5555 PTR No+ */.88*9 7*:7.:.7*/ Serie! of .7*/ I6P No+ 991/73 *.:.7:.7*. Roll No+ 3;/91 MC<E No+ III-77*=/7* Da"e I!!,ed) *7:*7:.7*7