Something Else
Something Else
Something Else
Ancient Rome is far from just togas, chariots, and merciless battles to the death in a
colosseum as the stereotypes may depict. With a rich, intelligent culture originating
thousands of years ago, they are not only intriguing and fascinating to study, but have left a
lasting impact on our world. The Romans have contributed to modern society in various
ways accommodating their government and notorious figures.
Initially, the Romans needed to develop a stable, dependable government after
overthrowing their preceding Estrucean conquerors. Once free, the Romans established a
republic, a government in which citizens elected representatives to rule on their behalf
(The Roman Republic). Slightly different from that of a democracy, the government was
held by two consuls, or leaders, who ruled the Roman Republic. A senate composed of
patricians elected these consuls (The Roman Republic). The abrupt success of this form
of government caused it to be mimicked by countless nations in the decades to come. As
point of fact, the modern United States government is based partly on Romes government
model. As well as founding a vital modern form of government, the Romans have provided
various figures of esteemed notoriety that have contributed to their ultimate success as well
as modern societys. Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor of the Roman
Empire, unified Romes divided empire through sheer perseverance and legalized the public
practice of Christianity. He called together many bishops for the Council of Nicaea at which
the exact nature of the Christian religion was defined ( Because of this,
Christianity spread promptly throughout the region and gradually became more popular on
a widespread scale. Without Constantines rule, Christianity would undoubtedly be at least
half as ubiquitous as it is today. Accompanying the feats of the Roman government and
famous leadership figures, the Romans have provided a plethora of innovative inventions
and ideas that have initiated the industrialization of our modern nation. Theyve founded the
basis of essential everyday merits including, Architecture, public welfare, the Latin
language, the Catholic faith, satire, and public health programs (Donn 1). With these
attributes, civilization has prospered throughout the world. Amongst these numerous
factors, it is blatantly clear that the ancient Romans have provided much to our current
civilization, and will continue to do so in the years to come.