Analysis: " Through What Transports of Patience" by Emily Dickinson
Analysis: " Through What Transports of Patience" by Emily Dickinson
Analysis: " Through What Transports of Patience" by Emily Dickinson
By Emily Dickinson
Through what transports of Patience [1]
I reached the stolid Bliss [2]
To breathe my Blank without thee [3]
Attest me this and this -- [4]
By that bleak exultation [5]
I won as near as this [6]
Thy privilege of dying [7]
Abbreviate me this -- [8]
Poem 1153 [F1265]
"Through what transports of Patience"
Analysis by David Preest
The 'thee' of line 4 is perhaps her beloved master, and Emily is describing the 'stolid Bliss' and the 'bleak Exultation' of at last after
'transports of Patience' being able to live her days without him. Various things in her behaviour 'attest' that she has reached this sort of bliss.
Then she prays by that same 'bleak Exultation,' which she only just managed to attain, that this state may be 'abbreviated' by his 'privilege
of dying,' as that will be one step nearer to them enjoying a less stolid bliss together in heaven.