MEN System of Earthning
MEN System of Earthning
MEN System of Earthning
01 May 2001
e l e c t r i c i a ns
A newsletter for electricians
Welcome to this first edition of the Electricians Newsletter. The Electricians Newsletter is an initiative of the Office of Energy and the Electrical Licensing Board. This newsletter and future editions will be used to inform electricians about important safety and technical issues. In this first edition, we focus on two important technical issues: 1. The Multiple Earthed Neutral (MEN) system of earthing Electricians whose email addresses are 2. Final sub-circuit design using the new Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 3000:2000 Wiring Rules and the new (August 2000) edition of the WA Electrical Requirements received at the Office of Energy by 30 June 2001 will be eligible to enter a draw for one of three prizes of trade tool vouchers, each valued at $100.00. Further information on this offer is also on page 5. We recommend you keep this newsletter, together with subsequent editions (which will also contain worked examples), to form a useful technical reference for your day-to-day work. Future editions of this newsletter will be available from the Office of Energys website and will be transmitted to electricians who have registered their email address details with the Office of Energy. Please refer to page 5 for details of how to register your email address.
in this issue...
The MEN System of Earthing Final Sub-Circuit Design How can you receive future copies of this electrical worker newsletter? How can you enter the draw for a Trade Tool Voucher prize? Change of Address Did You Know? Trainee Restricted Electrical Worker Electrocuted The WA Electrical Requirements (WAER) Document Specific Requirements for Residual Current Devices in WA
This first issue of the newsletter is also available on the Office of Energys website at: html/body_7.13.html
T E C H N I C A L & SA F E T Y D I V I S I O N
Telephone: (08) 9422 5200 Fax: (08) 9422 5244 Website:
May 2001
appliance or piece of equipment). If the MEN link was not in place, the return fault current path would be from E2 to E1 via the ground. The impedance of the ground is generally much higher than the MEN/NEUTRAL conductor path. This would limit the magnitude of the fault current to a value which may be insufficient to cause the protective device to operate. If the protective device does not operate, a life-threatening voltage may remain on the metallic enclosure of the appliance or equipment. The installation of the MEN link is therefore crucial to the safety of an electrical installation. How to Make the MEN Connection The MEN connection is a link between the main EARTH bar (or earth terminal/connection) and the
main NEUTRAL bar and should be made at the main switchboard. The MEN link needs to comply with Clause 5.6 of the Wiring Rules. Where to Make the MEN Connection Generally, the MEN connection needs to be made at the main switchboard. Where a switchboard is installed at a separate installation (ie. outbuildings and detached portions of an installation), particular attention must be given to the method of earthing and the MEN connection (refer to Clause 5.6.6 of the Wiring Rules). Once the installation has been tested, the MEN connection needs to be rechecked as a last task item. There have been several electrocutions and many serious electrical accidents where the MEN link was missing, and subsequent faults occurred in the installation.
Electrical Installation
L1 L2 L3
Neutral Bar MEN Link Earth Bar
May 2001
Note: Voltage drop limitations and current carrying capacity must be considered for all circuits. For 230/240V final sub circuits supplying socket outlets, single insulated appliances (Class I) and portable (in use) equipment, the maximum disconnect time must not exceed 0.4 seconds. For fixed and stationary equipment and other circuits, the maximum disconnect time must not exceed 5 seconds. A method is required to determine the fault-loop impedance so that the installed cables satisfy the impedance limits. Also, the tripping current and times of the circuit protective devices need to be considered. The Wiring Rules provides this information in an easy-to-read tabular format in Appendix B5. Table B5.1 (page 239) of the Wiring Rules lists both the minimum conductor size and the maximum circuit length limits which will ensure operation of the protective device, providing safety against indirect contact. To use the table, determine the required cable size and protective device rating and type. At the intersection of these values on the table, the maximum circuit length (metres) is shown. If the planned
circuit distance is greater, then the cable size or circuit protective equipment will need to be reassessed. Important Point: Earth Resistance The new Wiring Rules states that for all installations, the resistance of the protective earthing conductors must be low enough to permit the passage of current necessary to operate the protective device. (Clause of the superseded 1991 Wiring Rules Clause permitted 2 Ohms. This no longer applies). Table B4.1 of the Wiring Rules provides the maximum values of fault-loop impedance allowed for various circuit protection devices. The impedance values listed are for the entire fault-loop including the earth cable segment (refer to the definition at the start of this article). Fault-loop impedance should be measured (using a suitable instrument) when: the installation work is completed; checking and testing has been carried out; and power has been applied.
May 2001
Worked Example
The following is a worked example of final sub-circuit design. The Wiring Rules uses 230V for all calculations and data tables, in keeping with the international standard of 230V. For this reason, the calculations are also based on 230V, enabling direct tabular readings without applying correction factors. The Western Power supply voltage will remain at 240V (nominal) until advised otherwise. Cables designed (in terms of cable sizes) to work at 230V will operate satisfactorily at 240V. A commercial installation with a maximum demand (load) of 50A is to be supplied by a single-phase underground supply from the street mains. A socket outlet circuit with a route length of 55m is to be installed in the commercial building that uses V-75 insulated copper cable clipped to the timber joists in the insulated ceiling space. The following steps may be taken to determine cable size and circuit protective device type and size. Step 1: Calculate maximum allowable voltage drop. The nominal voltage is 230V. The maximum voltage drop from the point of supply (where the consumers mains joins to the distribution cables) to any part of the installation must not be more than 5%. This is to ensure that appliances will operate as intended. 5% Voltage Drop = 11.5V. This is the maximum allowable voltage drop. Step 2: Determine the cable sizes which satisfy volt drop requirements. (a) Consumers Mains Voltage Drop The consumers mains cable length is 15m underground in PVC conduit with a load of 50A. Note: The WA Electrical Requirements states the maximum
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demand current value can be used to determine the voltage drop in consumers mains. From the Selection of Cables Standard AS/NZS 3008.1.1: 1998 (Table 9 Column 16), a 10mm2 V75 cable has a current rating of 68A. The volt drop calculations (ensure you use the single phase mV/Am value of 3.86 x 1.155 from Table 42 of AS 3008, current = 50A and length = 15m) yields 3.3V. The maximum voltage drop allowable for the final sub-circuit is therefore 11.5-3.3 = 8.2V. (b) Sub-Circuit Voltage Drop Cable length is 55m. From AS 3008 (Table 9 Column 10 partially surrounded by insulation), 2.5mm2 cable has a rating of 18A. For cable overload protection, select a 16A MCB as the first choice. The current value to be used in volt drop calculations for final sub-circuits may be HALF of the protective device current rating (see Clause 3.6.2 of the Wiring Rules), therefore 16A/2=8A. Volt drop calculations (15.6 x 1.155 = 18.02mV/Am, 8A and 55m) yield 7.9V, which is within the 8.2V limit. Hence the 2.5mm2 cable with a 16A MCB is suitable for volt drop considerations. Notes: 1. If 1.5mm2 cable was used for the final sub-circuit, the resultant voltage drop would be 9.1V and, when added to the
consumers mains cable voltage drop of 3.3V, would yield a total voltage drop of 12.4V (5.4%) for a 10A MCB. This is too high. 2. If 6mm2 cable was used for the consumers mains, then the higher volt drop (5.6V) at the switchboard would require the installation of 4mm2 cable for the socket outlets, to comply with the installation voltage drop requirements. Step 3: Check earth loop impedance for compliance. Check that the circuit protective device (16A Type C) and the length of the sub-circuit (55m) satisfy the maximum earth-loop impedance value. From Table B5.1 of the Wiring Rules, the above power circuit protected by a Type C circuit breaker is suitable for a circuit length of up to 85m with a 16A protective device. Note that a 16A Type D circuit breaker with a 2.5mm2 conductor has a maximum circuit length of only 51m and would present a substantial safety hazard if used for the above example.
May 2001
How can you enter the draw for a Trade Tool Voucher prize?
Electricians who provide the Office of Energy with details of their email addresses will be entered into a draw to win one of three prizes of a Trade Tool Voucher, each valued at $100.00, sponsored by the MM Electrical Merchandising company. To be eligible to enter the draw, details of your email address must have reached the Office of Energy by 30 June 2001. Details provided by email or by registering on-line will be entered into the draw. The results will be posted on the Office of Energy website and the three winners will be notified by email by 11 July 2001. The Conditions of Entry to be eligible for this draw are: The prize must be redeemed before 31st August 2001. There can only be one entry per EW licence number. Employees of the Office of Energy are ineligible to enter the draw.
Change of Address
Electrical (and gas) workers can now advise the Office of Energy of their change of address or business details using the Internet. Changed details can be notified on the website page: body_3.1.3.html Electrical workers need to be aware that it is a requirement of the Electricity (Licensing) Regulations 1991 that their change of address details are notified immediately to the Office of Energy.
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May 2001
maintains standards of conduct of licence holders through investigations and, where appropriate, disciplinary action. /html/body_7.12.html
Alternative formats of the Electricians Newsletter may be available to meet the needs of people with disabilities. For enquiries on articles in the Electricians Newsletter, please contact Harry Hills Office of Energy, 20 Southport Street, West Leederville WA 6007, Telephone: (08) 9422 5208, Fax: (08) 9422 5244 Email:
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