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Notting Hill

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Notting Hill (1999) movie script

by Richard Curtis.
More info about this movie on IMDb.com

EXT. VARIOUS DAYS 'She' plays through the credits. Ex uisite !ootage o! A""a Scott ## the great $o%ie star o! our ti$e ## a" ideal ## the per!ect star a"d &o$a" ## her li!e !ull o! gla$our a"d sophisticatio" a"d $ystery. EXT. STREET # DAY 'ix through to (illia$) *+) relaxed) pleasa"t) i"!or$al. (e !ollo& hi$ as he &al,s do&" -orto.ello Road) carryi"g a load o! .read. It is spri"g. (I//IA' 0V.O.1 O! course) I'%e see" her !il$s a"d al&ays thought she &as) &ell) !a.ulous ## .ut) you ,"o&) $illio" $iles !ro$ the &orld I li%e i". (hich is here ## 2otti"g 3ill ## "ot a .ad place to .e... EXT. -ORTO4E//O ROAD # DAY It's a !ull !ruit $ar,et day. (I//IA' 0V.O.1 There's the $ar,et o" &ee,days) selli"g e%ery !ruit a"d %egeta.le ,"o&" to $a"... EXT. -ORTO4E//O ROAD # DAY A $a" i" de"i$s exits the tattoo studio.

(I//IA' 0V.O.1 The tattoo parlour ## &ith a guy outside &ho got dru", a"d "o& ca"'t re$e$.er &hy he chose 'I /o%e 5e"'... EXT. -ORTO4E//O ROAD # DAY (I//IA' 0V.O.1 The racial hair#dressers &here e%eryo"e co$es out loo,i"g li,e the 6oo,ie 'o"ster) &hether they li,e it or "ot... Sure e"ough) a girl exits &ith a huge threaded .lue .ou!!a"t. EXT. -ORTO4E//O ROAD # SATURDAY (I//IA' 0V.O.1 The" sudde"ly it's the &ee,e"d) a"d !ro$ .rea, o! day) hu"dreds o! stalls appears out o! "o&here) !illi"g -orto.ello Road right up to 2otti"g 3ill 7ate... A !ra"tic cro&ded -orto.ello $ar,et. (I//IA' 0V.O.1 ... a"d thousa"ds o! people .uy $illio"s o! a"ti ues) so$e ge"ui"e... The ca$era !i"ally settles o" a stall selli"g .eauti!ul stai"ed glass &i"do&s o! %arious si8es) so$e !eaturi"g .i.lical sce"es a"d sai"ts. (I//IA' 0V.O.1 ... a"d so$e "ot so ge"ui"e. EXT. 7O/4OR2E ROAD # DAY

(I//IA' 0V.O.1 A"d &hat's great is that lots o! !rie"ds ha%e e"ded up i" this part o! /o"do" ## that's To"y) architect tur"ed che!) &ho rece"tly i"%ested all the $o"ey he e%er ear"ed i" a "e& restaura"t... Shot o! To"y proudly setti"g out a .oard outside his restaura"t) the sig" still .ei"g pai"ted. 3e recei%es a"d appro%es a huge !resh sal$o". EXT. -ORTO4E//O ROAD # DAY (I//IA' 0V.O.1 So this is &here I spe"d $y days a"d years ## i" this s$all %illage i" the $iddle o! a city ## i" a house &ith a .lue door that $y &i!e a"d I .ought together... .e!ore she le!t $e !or a $a" &ho loo,ed li,e 3arriso" 9ord) o"ly e%e" ha"dso$er... (e arri%e outside his .lue#doored house :ust o!! -orto.ello. (I//IA' 0V.O.1 ... a"d &here I "o& lead a stra"ge hal!#li!e &ith a lodger called... I2T. (I//IA''S 3OUSE # DAY (I//IA' Spi,e; The house has !ar too $a"y thi"gs i" it. De!i"itely t&o# .achelor !lat. Spi,e appears. A" u"usual loo,i"g !ello&. 3e

has u"usual hair) u"usual !acial hair a"d a" u"usual (elsh acce"t< %ery &hite) as though his !lesh has "e%er see" the su". 3e &ears o"ly shorts. S-I5E E%e" he. 3ey) you could"'t help $e &ith a" i"credi.ly i$porta"t decisio") could you= (I//IA' This is i$porta"t i" co$pariso" to) let's say) &hether they should ca"cel third &orld de.t= S-I5E That's right ## I'$ at last goi"g out o" a date &ith the great >a"i"e a"d I :ust &a"t to .e sure I'%e pic,ed the right t#shirt. (I//IA' (hat are the choices= S-I5E (ell... &ait !or it... 03e pulls o" a t#shirt1 9irst there's this o"e... The t#shirt is &hite &ith a horri.le loo,i"g plastic alie" co$i"g out o! it) :a&s ope") .lood e%ery&here. It says 'I /o%e 4lood.' (I//IA' Yes ## $ight $a,e it hard to stri,e a really ro$a"tic "ote. S-I5E

-oi"t ta,e". 3e heads .ac, up the stairs... tal,s as he cha"ges... S-I5E I suspect you'll pre!er the "ext o"e. A"d he re#e"ters i" a &hite t#shirt) &ith a large arro&) poi"ti"g do&" to his !lies) sayi"g) '7et It 3ere.' S-I5E 6ool) huh= (I//IA' Yes ## she $ight thi", you do"'t ha%e true lo%e o" your $i"d. S-I5E (ould"'t &a"t that... 0a"d .ac, up he goes1 O,ay ## :ust o"e $ore. 3e co$es do&" &eari"g it. /ots o! hearts) sayi"g) 'You're the $ost .eauti!ul &o$a" i" the &orld.' (I//IA' (ell) yes) that's per!ect. (ell do"e. S-I5E Tha",s. 7reat. (I//IA' 7ood luc,. Spi,e tur"s a"d &al,s upstairs proudly. Re%eali"g that o" the .ac, o! the t#shirt) also pri"ted i" .ig letters) is &ritte" (ish $e luc,.

'9a"cy a !uc,=' EXT. -ORTO4E//O ROAD # DAY (I//IA' 0V.O.1 A"d so it &as :ust a"other hopeless (ed"esday) as I set o!! through the $ar,et to &or,) little suspecti"g that this &as the day &hich &ould cha"ge $y li!e !ore%er. This is &or,) .y the &ay) $y little tra%el .oo, shop... A s$all u"prete"tious store... "a$ed 'The Tra%el 4oo, 6o.' (I//IA' 0V.O.1 ... &hich) &ell) sells tra%el .oo,s ## a"d) to .e !ra", &ith you) does"'t al&ays sell $a"y o! those. (illia$ e"ters. I2T. T3E 4OO5S3O- # DAY It is a s$all shop) slightly chaotic) .oo,shel%es e%ery&here) &ith little secret .its rou"d cor"ers &ith e%e" $ore .oo,s. 'arti") (illia$'s sole e$ployee) is &aiti"g e"thusiastically. 3e is %ery ,ee") a" u"crusha.le opti$ist. -erhaps &ithout cause. A !e& seco"ds later) (illia$ sta"ds gloo$ily .ehi"d the des,. (I//IA' 6lassic. A.solutely classic. -ro!it !ro$ $a:or sales push ## $i"us .?4;r.0>*@A.

'ARTI2 Shall I go get a cappucci"o= pai". (I//IA' Yes) .etter get $e a hal!. a!!ord. 'ARI2 I get your logic.

Ease the

All I ca"

De$i#capu co$i"g up.

3e salutes a"d .olts out the door ## as he does) a &o$a" &al,s i". (e o"ly :ust gli$pse her. 6ut to (illia$ &or,i"g. 3e loo,s up casually. A"d sees so$ethi"g. 3is reactio" is hard to read. A!ter a pause... (I//IA' 6a" I help you= It is A""a Scott) the .iggest $o%ie star i" the &orld ## here ## i" his shop. The $ost di%i"e) su.tle) .eauti!ul &o$a" o" earth. (he" she spea,s she is %ery sel!#assured a"d sel!#co"tai"ed. A22A 2o) tha",s. I'll :ust loo, arou"d. (I//IA' 9i"e. She &a"ders o%er to a shel! as he &atches her ## a"d pic,s out a uite s$art co!!ee ta.le .oo,. (I//IA' That .oo,'s really "ot good ## :ust

i" case) you ,"o&) .ro&si"g tur"ed to .uyi"g. You'd .e &asti"g your $o"ey. A22A Really= Yes. good. (I//IA' This o"e though is... %ery

3e pic,s up a .oo, o" the cou"ter. (I//IA' I thi", the $a" &ho &rote it has actually .ee" to Tur,ey) &hich helps. There's also a %ery a$usi"g i"cide"t &ith a ,e.a.. A22A Tha",s. I'll thi", a.out it. (illia$ sudde"ly spies so$ethi"g odd o" the s$all TV $o"itor .eside hi$. (I//IA' I! you could :ust gi%e $e a seco"d. 3er eyes !ollo& hi$ as he $o%es to&ard the .ac, o! the shop a"d approaches a $a" i" slightly ill#!itti"g clothes. (I//IA' Excuse $e. T3IE9 Yes. (I//IA' 4ad "e&s. T3IE9

(hat= (I//IA' (e'%e got a security ca$era i" this .it o! the shop. T3IE9 So= (I//IA' So) I sa& you put that .oo, do&" your trousers. T3IE9 (hat .oo,= (I//IA' The o"e do&" your trousers. T3IE9 I ha%e"'t got a .oo, do&" $y trousers. (I//IA' Right ## &ell) the" &e ha%e so$ethi"g o! a" i$passe. I tell you &hat ## I'll call the police ## a"d) &hat ca" I say= ## I! I'$ &ro"g a.out the &hole .oo,#do&"#the#trousers sce"ario) I really apologi8e. T3IE9 O,ay ## &hat i! I did ha%e a .oo, do&" $y trousers= (I//IA' (ell) ideally) &he" I &e"t .ac, to the des,) you'd re$o%e the 6adoga" guide to 4ali !ro$ your trousers) a"d either &ipe it a"d put it .ac,) or .uy it. See you i" a sec. 3e retur"s to his des,. I" the $o"itor &e

:ust gli$pse) as does (illia$) the .oo, co$i"g out o! the trousers a"d put .ac, o" the shel%es. The thie! dri!ts out to&ards the door. A""a) &ho has o.ser%ed all this) is loo,i"g at a .lue .oo, o" the cou"ter. (I//IA' Sorry a.out that... A22A 2o) that's !i"e. I &as goi"g to steal o"e $ysel! .ut "o& I'%e cha"ged $y $i"d. Sig"ed .y the author) I see. (I//IA' Yes) &e could"'t stop hi$. I! you ca" !i"d a" u"sig"ed copy) it's &orth a" a.solute !ortu"e. She s$iles. Sudde"ly the thie! is there.

T3IE9 Excuse $e. A22A Yes. T3IE9 6a" I ha%e your autograph= A22A (hat's your "a$e= T3IE9 Ru!us. She sig"s his scru!!y piece o! paper. tries to read it. T3IE9 (hat does it say= 3e

A22A (ell) that's the sig"ature ## a"d a.o%e) it says 'Dear Ru!us ## you .elo"g i" :ail.' T3IE9 2ice o"e. (ould you li,e $y pho"e "u$.er= A22A Te$pti"g .ut... "o) tha", you. Thie! lea%es. A22A I thi", I &ill try this o"e. She ha"ds (illia$ a .?4;r.0>BC "ote a"d the .oo, he said &as ru..ish. 3e tal,s as he ha"dles the tra"sactio". (I//IA' Oh ## right ## o" seco"d thoughts $ay.e it &as"'t that .ad. Actually ## it's a sort o! $asterpiece really. 2o"e o! those childish ,e.a. stories you get i" so $a"y tra%el .oo,s these days. A"d I'll thro& i" o"e o! these !or !ree. 3e drops i" o"e o! the sig"ed .oo,s. (I//IA' Very use!ul !or lighti"g !ires) &rappi"g !ish) that sort o! thi"gs. She loo,s at hi$ &ith a slight s$ile. A22A Tha",s. A"d lea%es. She's out o! his li!e !ore%er.

(illia$ is a little da8ed. Seco"ds later 'arti" co$es .ac, i". 'ARTI2 6appucci"o as ordered. (I//IA' Tha",s. I do"'t thi", you'll .elie%e &ho &as :ust i" here. (ho= 'ARTI2 So$eo"e !a$ous=

4ut (illia$'s i""ate "atural E"glish discretio" ta,es o%er. (I//IA' 2o. 2o#o"e ## "o#o"e. They set a.out dri",i"g their co!!ees. 'ARTI2 (ould .e exciti"g i! so$eo"e !a$ous did co$e i"to the shop though) &ould"'t it= Do you ,"o& ## this is pretty i"credi.le actually ## I o"ce sa& Ri"go Starr. Or at least I thi", it &as Ri"go. It $ight ha%e .ee" that .ro,e !ro$ '9iddler O" The Roo!)' Toppy. (I//IA' Topol. 'ARTI2 That's right ## Topol. (I//IA' 4ut Ri"go Starr does"'t loo, a"ythi"g li,e Topol. 'ARTI2 2o) &ell... he &as uite a lo"g &ay

a&ay. (I//IA' So it could ha%e .ee" "either o! the$= 'ARTI2 I suppose so. Right. is it= (I//IA' It's "ot a classic a"ecdotes)

'ARTI2 2ot classic) "o. 'arti" sha,es his head. cappucci"o. (illia$ drai"s his

(I//IA' Right ## &a"t a"other o"e= 'ARTI2 Yes. 2o) &ait ## let's go cra8y ## I'll ha%e a" ora"ge :uice. EXT. -ORTO4E//O ROAD # DAY (illia$ sets o!!. I2T. 6O99EE S3O- # DAY (illia$ collects his :uice i" a co!!ee shop o" (est.our"e -ar, Road. EXT. -ORTO4E//O ROAD # DAY (illia$ s&i"gs out o! the little shop ## he tur"s the cor"er o! -orto.ello Road a"d .u$ps straight i"to A""a. The ora"ge :uice) i" its !oa$ cup) !lies. It soa,s

A""a. A22A Oh >esus. (I//IA' 3ere) let $e help. 3e gra.s so$e paper "ap,i"s a"d starts to clea" it o!! ## getti"g !ar too "ear her .reasts i" the pa"ic o! it... A22A (hat are you doi"g=; 3e :u$ps .ac,. (I//IA' 2othi"g) "othi"g... /oo,) I li%e :ust o%er the street ## you could get clea"ed up. A22A 2o tha", you. .ac,. I "eed to get $y car

(I//IA' I also ha%e a pho"e. I'$ co"!ide"t that i" !i%e $i"utes &e ca" ha%e you spic, a"d spa" a"d .ac, o" the street agai"... i" the "o"#prostitute se"se o.%iously. I" his di!!ide"t &ay) he is co"!ide"t) despite her .ei"g ge"ui"ely a""oyed. She tur"s a"d loo,s at hi$. A22A O,ay. So &hat does ':ust o%er the street' $ea" ## gi%e it to $e i" yards. (I//IA'

Eightee" yards. there.

That's $y house

3e does"'t lie ## it is eightee" yards a&ay. She loo,s do&". She loo,s up at hi$. I2T. (I//IA''S 3OUSE # 6ORRIDOR # DAY They e"ter. She carries a !e& stylish .ags.

(I//IA' 6o$e o" i". I'll :ust... (illia$ ru"s i" !urther ## it's a $ess. 3e ,ic,s so$e old shoes u"der the stairs) .i"s a" u"!i"ished pi88a a"d hides a plate o! .rea,!ast i" a cup.oard. She e"ters the ,itche". (I//IA' It's "ot that tidy) I !ear. A"d he guides her up the stairs) a!ter ta,i"g the .ag o! .oo,s !ro$ her... (I//IA' The .athroo$ is right at the top o! the stairs a"d there's a pho"e o" the des, up there. She heads upstairs. I2T. 5IT63E2 # DAY (illia$ is tidyi"g up !ra"tically. The" he hears A""a's !eet o" the stairs. She &al,s do&") &eari"g a short) spar,li"g .lac, top .e"eath her leather :ac,et. (ith her trai"ers still o". 3e

is da88led .y the sight o! her. (I//IA' (ould you li,e a cup o! tea .e!ore you go= A22A 2o tha",s. (I//IA' 6o!!ee= A22A 2o. (I//IA' Ora"ge :uice ## pro.a.ly "ot. 3e $o%es to his %ery e$pty !ridge ## a"d o!!ers its o"ly co"te"ts. (I//IA' So$ethi"g else cold ## co,e) &ater) so$e disgusti"g sugary dri", prete"di"g to ha%e so$ethi"g to do &ith !ruits o! the !orest= A22A Really) "o. (I//IA' (ould you li,e so$ethi"g to "i..le ## apricots) soa,ed i" ho"ey ## uite &hy) "o o"e ,"o&s ## .ecause it stops the$ tasti"g o! apricots) a"d $a,es the$ taste li,e ho"ey) a"d i! you &a"ted ho"ey) you'd :ust .uy ho"ey) i"stead o! apricots) .ut "e%ertheless ## there &e go ## yours i! you &a"t the$. A22A

2o. (I//IA' Do you al&ays say '"o' to e%erythi"g= -ause. 2o. 0pause1 I .etter .e goi"g. help. Tha",s !or your She loo,s at hi$ deep. A22A

(I//IA' You're &elco$e a"d) $ay I also say... hea%e"ly. It has ta,e" a lot to get this out loud. is "ot a s$ooth# tal,i"g $a". (I//IA' Ta,e $y o"e cha"ce to say it. A!ter you'%e read that terri.le .oo,) you're certai"ly "ot goi"g to .e co$i"g .ac, to the shop. She s$iles. She's cool. 3e

A22A Tha", you. Yes. (I//IA' (ell. 'y pleasure.

3e guides her to&ards the door. (I//IA' 2ice to $eet you. Surreal .ut "ice.

I" a slightly a&,&ard $o$e"t) he sho&s her out the door. 3e closes the door a"d sha,es his head i" &o"der.

The"... (I//IA' 'Surreal .ut "ice.' thi",i"g= (hat &as I

... 3e sha,es his head agai" i" horror a"d &a"ders .ac, alo"g the corridor i" sile"ce. There's a ,"oc, o" the door. 3e $o%es .ac,) casually... (I//IA' 6o$i"g. 3e ope"s the door. Oh hi. It's her.

(I//IA' 9orget so$ethi"g=

A22A I !orgot $y .ag. (I//IA' Oh right. 3e shoots i"to the ,itche" a"d pic,s up the !orgotte" shoppi"g .ag. The" retur"s a"d ha"ds it to her. (I//IA' 3ere &e go. A22A Tha",s. (ell... They sta"d i" that corridor ## i" that s$all space. Seco"d ti$e sayi"g good.ye. A stra"ge !eeli"g o! i"ti$acy. She lea"s !or&ard a"d she ,isses hi$. Total sile"ce. A real se"se o! the stra"ge"ess o! those lips) those !a$ous lips

o" his.

They part.

(I//IA' I apologi8e !or the 'surreal .ut "ice' co$$e"t. Disaster... A22A Do"'t &orry a.out it. I thought the apricot a"d ho"ey .usi"ess &as the real lo&poi"t. Sudde"ly there is a clic,i"g o! a ,ey i" the loc,. (I//IA' Oh $y 7od. 'y !lat$ate. I'$ sorry ## there's "o excuse !or hi$. Spi,e &al,s i". S-I5E 3i. A22A 3i. (I//IA' 3i. Spi,e &al,s past u"suspiciously a"d heads i"to the ,itche". S-I5E I'$ :ust goi"g to go i"to the ,itche" to get so$e !ood ## a"d the" I'$ goi"g to tell you a story that &ill $a,e your .alls shri", to the si8e o! raisi"s. A"d lea%es the$ i" the corridor. A22A -ro.a.ly .est "ot tell a"yo"e a.out this.

(I//IA' Right. 2o o"e. I $ea") I'll tell $ysel! so$eti$es .ut... do"'t &orry ## I &o"'t .elie%e it. A22A 4ye. A"d she lea%es) &ith :ust a touch o! (illia$'s ha"d. Spi,e co$es out o! the ,itche") eati"g so$ethi"g &hite out o! a styro!oa$ co"tai"er &ith a spoo". S-I5E There's so$ethi"g &ro"g &ith this yogurt. (I//IA' It's "ot yogurt ## it's $ayo""aise. S-I5E (ell) there you go. 0ta,es a"other .ig spoo"!ul1 O" !or a %ideo !est to"ight= I'%e got so$e a.solute classic. I2T. (I//IA''S /IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T The lights are o!!. (illia$ a"d Spi,e o" the couch) :ust the light !ro$ the TV playi"g o" their !aces. 6ut to the TV !ull scree". There is A""a. She is i" a stylish (oody Alle" type $oder" ro$a"tic co$edy) '7ra$ercy -ar,)' i" .lac, a"d &hite. I2T. 'A23ATTA2 ART 7A//ERY # DAY A""a's character ## (oody A""a ## is &al,i"g

arou"d the gallery &ith her !a$ous co#star) 'ichael. They should .e the per!ect couple) .ut there is te"sio". A""a is "ot happy. 'I63AE/ S$ile. A22A 2o. 'I63AE/ S$ile. A22A I'%e got "othi"g to s$ile a.out. 'I63AE/ O,ay i" a.out A seco"ds) I'$ goi"g to as, you to $arry $e. A"d a!ter a couple o! seco"ds ## &o& ## she s$iles. I2T. (I//IA''S /IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T S-I5E I$agi"e ## so$e&here i" the &orld there's a $a" &ho's allo&ed to ,iss her. (I//IA' Yes) she is !airly !a.ulous. I2T. 4OO5S3O- # DAY The "ext day. (illia$ a"d 'arti" existi"g. A" a""oy# i"g custo$er e"ters. 'r. S$ith. uietly co#

'R. S'IT3 Do you ha%e a"y .oo,s .y Dic,e"s=

(I//IA' 2o) &e're a tra%el .oo,shop. sell tra%el .oo,s.

(e o"ly

'R. S'IT3 Oh right. 3o& a.out that "e& >oh" 7risha$ thriller= (I//IA' 2o) that's a "o%el too. 'R. S'IT3 Oh right. 3a%e you got a copy o! '(i""ie the -ooh'= -ause. (I//IA' 'arti" ## your custo$er. 'ARTI2 6a" I help you= (illia$ loo,s up. At that $o$e"t the e"tire &i"do& is sudde"ly ta,e" up .y the huge side o! a .us) o.scuri"g the light ## a"d e"tirely co%ered &ith a portrait o! A""a ## !ro$ her "e& !il$) '3elix.' I2T. (I//IA''S 3OUSE # 6O2DORD/IVI27 ROO' # DAY (illia$ heads upstairs a"d pauses. co$i"g do&") &eari"g !ull .ody scu.a di%i"g gear. S-I5E 3ey. (I//IA' Spi,e

3i... I2T. (I//IA''S 5IT63E2 # DAY The t&o o! the$ !ixi"g a cup o! tea i" the ,itche". (I//IA' >ust i"cide"tally ## &hy are you &eari"g that= S-I5E Ah$ ## co$.i"atio" o! !actors really. 2o clea" clothes... (I//IA' There "e%er &ill .e) you ,"o&) u"less you actually clea" your clothes. S-I5E Right. Vicious circle. A"d the" I &as li,e rooti"g arou"d i" your thi"gs) a"d !ou"d this) a"d I thought ## cool. 5i"d o! spacey. EXT. (I//IA''S TERRA6E # DAY The t&o o! the$ o" the roo!top terrace) passi"g the day. (illia$ is readi"g 'The .oo,seller.' The terrace is s$all a"d the pla"ts are"'t great ## .ut it o%erloo,s /o"do" i" a rather &o"der!ul &ay. Spi,e still i" scu.a gear) goggles o". S-I5E There's so$ethi"g &ro"g &ith the goggles though... (I//IA' 2o) they &ere prescriptio") so I could

see all the !ishes properly. S-I5E 7roo%y. You should do $ore o! this stu!!. (I//IA' So ## a"y $essages= S-I5E Yeh) I &rote a couple do&". T&o= (I//IA' That's it=

S-I5E You &a"t $e to &rite do&" all your $essages= (illia$ closes his eyes i" exasperatio". (I//IA' (ho &ere the o"es you did"'t &rite do&" !ro$= S-I5E Ah$ let's see ## ah$. 2o. 7o"e co$pletely. Oh "o) &ait. There &as ## o"e !ro$ your $u$< she said do"'t !orget lu"ch a"d her leg's hurti"g agai". Right. (I//IA' 2o o"e else=

S-I5E A.solutely "ot. Spi,e lea"s .ac, a"d relaxes. S-I5E Though i! &e're goi"g !or this o.sessi%e &riti"g#do&"#all#$essages

thi"g ## so$e A$erica" girl called A""a called a !e& days ago. (illia$ !ree8es ## the" loo,s at Spi,e. (I//IA' (hat did she say= S-I5E (ell) it &as ge"ui"ely .i8arre... she said) hi ## it's A""a ## a"d the" she said) call $e at the Rit8 ## a"d the" ga%e hersel! a co$pletely di!!ere"t "a$e. (I//IA' (hich &as= S-I5E A.solutely "o idea. Re$e$.eri"g o"e "a$e's .ad e"ough... I2T. (I//IA''S /IVI27 ROO' # DAY (illia$ o" the pho"e. (e hear the !or$al $a" at the other e"d o! the pho"e. A"d the" i"tercut &ith hi$. (I//IA' 3ello. RITE 'A2 0V.O.1 'ay I help you) sir= (I//IA' Ah$) loo, this is a %ery odd situatio". I'$ a !rie"d o! A""a Scott's ## a"d she ra"g $e at ho$e the day .e!ore yesterday ## a"d le!t a $essage sayi"g she's stayi"g &ith you... I2T. RITE RE6E-TIO2 # DAY

RITE 'A2 I'$ sorry) &e do"'t ha%e a"yo"e o! that "a$e here) sir. (I//IA' 2o) that's right ## I ,"o& that. She said she's usi"g a"other "a$e ## .ut the pro.le$ is she le!t the $essage &ith $y !lat$ate) &hich &as a serious $ista,e. I2T. (I//IA''S /IVI27 ROO' (I//IA' 0co"t'd1 I$agi"e i! you &ill the stupidest perso" you'%e e%er $et ## are you doi"g that...= Spi,e happe"s to .e i" the !oregrou"d o! this shot. 3e's read# i"g a "e&spaper. RITE 'A2 Yes) sir. I ha%e hi$ i" $y $i"d. (I//IA' A"d the" dou.le it ## a"d that is the ## &hat ca" I say ## git I'$ li%i"g &ith a"d he ca""ot re$e$.er... S-I5E Try '9li"tsto"e.' (I//IA' 0to Spi,e1 (hat= S-I5E I thi", she said her "a$e &as '9li"tsto"e.' (I//IA'

Does '9li"tsto"e' $ea" a"ythi"g to you= RITE 'A2 I'll put you right through) sir. 9li"tsto"e is i"deed the $agic &ord. (I//IA' Oh $y 7od. 3e practices ho& to sou"d. 3ello. 3i. (e hear her %oice ## do"'t see her. (I//IA' 0caught out1 Oh hi. It's (illia$ Thac,er. ah$ I &or, i" a .oo,shop. A22A 0V.O.1 You played it pretty cool here) &aiti"g !or three days to call. (I//IA' 2o) I'%e "e%er played a"ythi"g cool i" $y e"tire li!e. Spi,e) &ho I'll sta. to death later) "e%er ga%e $e the $essage. A22A 0V.O.1 Oh ## O,ay. (I//IA' -erhaps I could drop rou"d !or tea or so$ethi"g= (I//IA' 3i. 3i. A22A 0V.O.1


A22A 0V.O.1 Yeh ## u"!ortu"ately) thi"gs are goi"g to .e pretty .usy) .ut... o,ay) let's gi%e it a try. 9our o'cloc, could .e good. (I//IA' Right. 7reat. 0he ha"gs up1 6lassic. 6lassic. EXT. RITE # DAY (illia$ :u$ps o!! a .us a"d &al,s to&ard the Rit8. 3e carries a s$all .u"ch o! roses. I2T. RITE 3OTE/ # DAY 3e approaches the li!ts. At the li!t) he pushes the .utto" a"d the doors ope". As he is getti"g i") (illia$ is :oi"ed .y a you"g $a". 3is "a$e is Tar ui". (I//IA' (hich !loor= TARFUI2 Three. (illia$ pushes the .utto". doors to close. I2T. RITE 6ORRIDOR # DAY The li!t la"ds. (illia$ gets out. So does Tar ui". Roo$s *C#*+ are to the le!t. *+#*G to the right. (illia$ heads right. So does Tar ui". (illia$ is pu88led. 3e slo&s do&" as he They &ait !or the

approaches roo$ *H. So does Tar ui". (illia$ spots) so does Tar ui". (illia$ poi"ts at the "u$.er. (I//IA' Are you sure you...= TARFUI2 Yes. Oh. (I//IA' Right.

3e ,"oc,s. A .right) &ell#tailored A$erica" girl ope"s the door. 5ARE2 3ello) I'$ 5are". Sorry ## thi"gs are ru""i"g a .it late. 3ere's the thi"g... She ha"ds the$ a %ery slic,) expe"si%ely produced press ,its) &ith the poster picture o! A""a) !or the !il$ '3elix.' I2T. T3E TRA9A/7AR SUITE A2TE#ROO' # DAY A !e& seco"ds later ## they e"ter the $ai" &aiti"g roo$. There are a "u$.er o! :our"alists &aiti"g !or their audie"ce. 5ARE2 (hat did you thi", o! the !il$= TARFUI2 'ar%ellous. '6lose E"cou"ters' $eets '>ea" De 9lorette.' Oscar# &i""i"g stu!!. They .oth tur" to (illia$ !or his opi"io".

(I//IA' I agree. 5ARE2 I'$ sorry. I did"'t get do&" &hat $aga8i"es you're !ro$. TARFUI2 'Ti$e Out.' 7reat. 5ARE2 A"d you...

(I//IA' 0seei"g it o" a co!!ee ta.le1 '3orse a"d 3ou"d.' The "a$e's (illia$ (hac,er. I thi", she $ight .e expecti"g $e. 5ARE2 O,ay ## ta,e a seat. I'll chec,.

They sit do&" as 5are" goes o!!. TARFUI2 You'%e .rought her !lo&ers= (illia$ goes !or the co%er#up. (I//IA' 2o ## they're... !or $y gra"d$other. She's i" a hospital "ear.y. Thought I'd ,ill t&o .irds &ith o"e sto"e. TARFUI2 I'$ sorry. (hich hospital= -ause. 3e's i" trou.le.

(I//IA' Do you $i"d $e "ot sayi"g ## it's a

rather distressi"g disease a"d the "a$e o! the hospital rather gi%es it a&ay. TARFUI2 Oh sure. O! course. 5ARE2 'r. Thac,er. Sa%ed .y the .ell. I2T. TRA9A/7AR SUIT 6ORRIDOR # DAY 5ARE2 You'%e got !i%e $i"utes. 3e is sho&" i" through .ig golde" doors. 5are" stays outside. I2T. T3E TRA9A/7AR SUITE SITTI27 ROO' # DAY There A""a is) !ra$ed i" the &i"do&. 7lorious. (I//IA' 3i. A22A 3ello. (I//IA' I .rought these) .ut clearly... There are lots o! other !lo&ers i" the roo$. A22A Oh "o) ho ## these are great. A !air a$ou"t o! te"sio". These t&o people hardly ,"o& each other ## a"d the !irst a"d last ti$e they $et) they ,issed.

(I//IA' Sorry a.out "ot ri"gi"g .ac,. The &hole t&o#"a$es co"cept &as totally too $uch !or $y !lat$a"'s pea#si8ed i"tellect. A22A 2o) it's a stupid pri%acy thi"g. I al&ays choose a cartoo" character ## last ti$e out) I &as 'rs. 4a$.i. At &hich $o$e"t >ere$y) 5are"'s .oss) co$es i". A !airly gra%e) authoritati%e !i!ty#year#old -R $a" co"sulti"g a list. >ERE'Y E%erythi"g o,ay= A22A Yes) tha",s. >ERE'Y A"d you are !ro$ '3orse a"d 3ou"d' $aga8i"e= (illia$ "ods. A22A Is that so= (illia$ shrugs his shoulders. >ere$y settles at a little des, i" the cor"er a"d $a,es "otes. A pause. (illia$ !eels he has to act the part. They sit i" chairs opposite each other. (I//IA' So I'll :ust !ire a&ay) shall I= A""a "ods.

(I//IA' Right. Ah$... the !il$'s great... a"d I :ust &o"dered ## &hether you e%er thought o! ha%i"g $ore... horses i" it= A22A Ah$ ## &ell ## &e &ould ha%e li,ed to ## .ut it &as di!!icult) o.%iously) .ei"g set i" space. (I//IA' O.%iously. Very di!!icult. >ere$y lea%es. (illia$ puts his head i" his ha"ds. pa"ic. 3e &as

(I//IA' I'$ sorry ## I arri%ed outside ## they thrust this thi"g i"to $y ha"d ## I did"'t ,"o& &hat to do. A22A 2o) it's $y !ault) I thought this &ould all .e o%er .y "o&. I :ust &a"ted to sort o! apologi8e !or the ,issi"g thi"g. I seriously do"'t ,"o& &hat got i" to $e. I :ust &a"ted to $a,e sure you &ere !i"e a.out it. (I//IA' A.solutely !i"e a.out it. Re#e"ter >ere$y. >ERE'Y Do re$e$.er that 'iss Scott is also ,ee" to tal, a.out her "ext pro:ect) &hich is shooti"g later i" the su$$er.

(I//IA' Oh yes ## excelle"t. Ah$ ## a"y horses i" that o"e= Or hou"ds) o! course. Our readers are e ually i"trigued .y .oth species. A22A It ta,es place o" a su.$ari"e. (I//IA' Yes. Right... 4ut i! there &ere horses) &ould you .e ridi"g the$ yoursel! or &ould you .e getti"g a stu"t horse perso" dou.le sort o! thi"g= >ere$y exits. (I//IA' I'$ :ust a co$plete $oro". Sorry. This is the sort o! thi"g that happe"s i" drea$s ## "ot i" real li!e. 7ood drea$s) o.%iously ## it's a drea$ to see you. A22A A"d &hat happe"s "ext i" the drea$= It's a challe"ge. (I//IA' (ell) I suppose i" the drea$ drea$ sce"ario. I :ust... ah$) cha"ge $y perso"ality) .ecause you ca" do that i" drea$s) a"d &al, across a"d ,iss the girl .ut you ,"o& it'll "e%er happe". -ause. The" they $o%e to&ards each other &he"... >ere$y e"ters. >ERE'Y Ti$e's up) I'$ a!raid. Sorry it &as so short. Did you get &hat you &a"ted=

(I//IA' Very "early. >ERE'Y 'ay.e ti$e !or o"e last (I//IA' Right. >ere$y goes out ## it's their last seco"ds. (I//IA' Are you .usy to"ight= A22A Yes. They loo, at each other. >ere$y e"ters) &ith a"other :our"alists i" to&. A""a a"d (illia$ sta"d a"d sha,e ha"ds !or$ally. A22A (ell) it &as "ice to $eet you. Surreal .ut "ice. (I//IA' Tha", you. You are '3orse a"d 3ou"d's' !a%orite actress. You a"d 4lac, 4eauty. Tied. I2T. TRA9A/7AR SUITE 6ORRIDOR # DAY (illia$ exits !airly despo"de"t a"d heads !or the door. Tar ui" is i" the corridor calli"g o" his $o.ile pho"e. TARFUI2 3o& &as she= (I//IA' uestio"=

9a.ulous. TARFUI2 (ait a $i"ute ## she too, your gra"d$other's !lo&ers= (illia$ ca"'t thi", his &ay out o! this. Yes. (I//IA' That's right. 4itch.

3e tur"s to go) .ut is accosted .y 5are". 5ARE2 I! you'd li,e to co$e &ith $e &e ca" rush you through the others. (I//IA' The others= I2T. RITE I2TERVIE( ROO' # DAY 5ARE2 'r. Thac,er's !ro$ '3orse a"d 3ou"d.' A !orty#year#old actor &ith great prese"ce &ar$ly sha,es (illia$'s ha"d. 'A/E /EAD -leased to $eet you. !il$= (I//IA' Ah... yes) e"or$ously. 'A/E /EAD (ell) !ire a&ay. (I//IA' Right) right. Ah$ ## did you e":oy $a,i"g the !il$= Did you li,e the

'A/E /EAD I did. (I//IA' A"y .it i" particular= 'A/E /EAD (ell) you tell $e &hich .it you li,ed $ost ## a"d I'll tell you i! I e":oyed $a,i"g it. (I//IA' Ah$ right) right) I li,ed the .it i" space %ery $uch. Did you e":oy $a,i"g that .it= I2T. RITE I2TERVIE( ROO' # DAY Sa$e roo$ sa$e seat) $i"utes later) &ith a $o"oli"gual !oreig" actor a"d a" i"terpreter. (I//IA' Did you ide"ti!y &ith the character you &ere playi"g= I2TER-RETER Te ide"ticaste co" el perso"a:e i"terpreta.as= 9OREI72 A6TOR 2o. I2TER-RETER 2o. Ah. -or (I//IA' (hy "ot= I2TER-RETER ue "o= 9OREI72 A6TOR ue

-or ue es u" ro.ot car"i%oro psicopata. I2TER-RETER 4ecause he is playi"g a psychopathic !lesh#eati"g ro.ot. (I//IA' 6lassic. I2T. RITE I2TERVIE( ROO' # DAY A"d "o& (illia$ is sitti"g opposite a" ele%e"# year#old A$erica" girl. (I//IA' Is this your !irst !il$= 7IR/ 2o ## it's $y BB"d. (I//IA' O! course it is. the BB= A"y !a%ourite a$o"g

7IR/ (or,i"g &ith /eo"ardo. (I//IA' Da Vi"ci= 7IR/ Di 6aprio. (I//IA' O! course. A"d is he your !a%ourite Italia" !il$ director= I2T. RITE 6ORRIDOR # DAY (illia$ e$erges trau$ati8ed i"to the corridor. It is !ull o!

ca$era cre&s.

A"d there is 5are".

5ARE2 'r. Thac,er= (I//IA' 0so &eary1 Yes= 5ARE2 3a%e you got a $o$e"t= I2T. A22A'S SUITE SITTI27 ROO' # DAY They ,"oc, o" her door. A22A 0V.O.1 6o$e i". (illia$ e"ters. A certai" "er%ous"ess. are alo"e agai". A22A Ah$. That thi"g I &as doi"g to"ight ## I'$ "ot doi"g it a"y $ore. I told the$ I had to spe"d the e%e"i"g &ith 4ritai"'s pre$ier e uestria" :our"alist. (I//IA' Oh &ell) great. -er!ect. Oh "o ## shittity .ric,itty ## it's $y sister's .irthday ## shit ## &e're $ea"t to .e ha%i"g di""er. A22A O,ay ## !i"e. (I//IA' 4ut "o) I'$ sure I ca" get out o! it. A22A 2o) I $ea") i! it's !i"e &ith you) They

I'll) you ,"o&) .e your date. (I//IA' You'll .e $y date at $y little sister's .irthday party= A22A I! that's all right. (I//IA' I'$ sure it's all right. 'y !rie"d 'ax is coo,i"g a"d he's ac,"o&ledged to .e the &orst coo, i" the &orld) .ut you ,"o&) you could hide the !ood i" your ha"d.ag or so$ethi"g. A22A O,ay. (I//IA' O,ay. I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 5IT63E2D/IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T 4ella a"d 'ax are i" the ,itche". 'AX 3e's .ri"gi"g a girl= 4E//A 'iracles do happe". 'AX Does the girl ha%e a "a$e= 4E//A 3e &ould"'t say. 'AX 6hrist) &hat is goi"g o" i" there= The o%e" see$s to .e s$o,i"g a little. The"

the .ell ri"gs. 'AX 0co"t'd1 Oh 7od. It's .ad ti$i"g. ,itche". 'ax shoots out o! the

I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 6ORRIDOR # 2I73T 'ax heads !or the door i$patie"tly. 3e ope"s it a"d tur"s .ac, &ithout loo,i"g at (illia$ a"d A""a sta"di"g there. 'AX 6o$e o" i". Vague !ood crisis.

(illia$ a"d A""a $o%e alo"g the corridor to the ,itche". I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 5IT63E2D/IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T 4ella is there. 4E//A 3iya ## sorry ## the gui"ea !o&l is pro%i"g $ore co$plicated tha" expected. (I//IA' 3e's coo,i"g gui"ea !o&l= 4E//A Do"'t e%e" as,. A22A 3i. 4E//A 3i. 7ood /ord ## you're the spitti"g i$age o!...

(I//IA' 4ella ## this is A""a. 4E//A Right. 0pause1 O,ay. 'AX 6risis o%er.

3e rises !ro$ his sto%e positio". 'ax. (I//IA' This is A""a.

'AX 3ello) A""a ah$... 03e recog"i8es her ## the &ord :ust !alls out1 Scott ## ha%e so$e &i"e. A22A Tha", you. Door .ell goes. I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 6ORRIDOR # 2I73T 'ax ope"s the door ## it is 3o"ey. 'AX 3i. She does a little pose) ha%i"g &or" a real party dress. 'AX Yes) 3appy 4irthday. They head .ac, alo"g the corridor. 'AX

/oo,) your .rother has .rought this girl) a"d ah$... I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 5IT63E2D/IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T They e"ter the ,itche". 3O2EY 3i guys. 0sees A""a1 Oh holy !uc,. (I//IA' 3u" ## this is A""a. A""a ## this is 3o"ey ## she's $y .a.y sitter. A22A 3iya. 3O2EY Oh 7od this is o"e o! those ,ey $o$e"ts i" li!e) &he" it's possi.le you ca" .e really) ge"ui"ely cool ## a"d I'$ goi"g to !ail a hu"dred perce"t. I a.solutely a"d totally a"d utterly adore you a"d I thi", you're the $ost .eauti!ul &o$a" i" the &orld a"d $ore i$porta"tly I ge"ui"ely .elie%e a"d ha%e .elie%ed !or so$e ti$e "o& that &e ca" .e .est !rie"ds. (hat do you thi",= A22A Ah$... I thi", that sou"ds ## you ,"o& ## luc,y $e. 3appy 4irthday. She ha"ds her a prese"t. 3O2EY Oh $y 7od. You ga%e $e a prese"t. (e're .est !rie"ds already. 'arry (ill ## he's a really "ice guy a"d

the" &e ca" .e sisters. A22A I'll thi", a.out it. The !ro"t door .ell goes. 'AX That'll .e 4er"ie. 3e heads out i"to the corridor to the !ro"t door. I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 6ORRIDOR # 2I73T 'ax ope"s the door. 'AX 3ello) 4er"ie. 4ER2IE I'$ sorry I'$ so late. at &or, agai") I !ear. the drai". 4olloc,sed up 'illio"s do&"

I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 5IT63E2D/IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T They e"ter the roo$. 'AX 4er"ie ## this is A""a. 4ER2IE 3ello) A""a. Delighted to $eet you. Does"'t recog"i8e her ## tur"s to 3o"ey. 4ER2IE 3o"ey 4u""y ## happy .irthday to you. 0ha"ds her a prese"t1 It's a hat. You do"'t ha%e to &ear it or a"ythi"g.

I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 5IT63E2D/IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T A $i"ute or t&o later ## they are sta"di"g) dri",i"g &i"e .e!ore di""er. 4er"ie &ith A""a o" their o&" ## (illia$ helpi"g 'ax i" the ,itche". 'AX You ha%e"'t slept &ith her) ha%e you= (I//IA' That is a cheap uestio" a"d the a"s&er is) o! course) "o co$$e"t. 'AX '2o co$$e"t' $ea"s 'yes.' (I//IA' 2o) it does"'t. 'AX Do you e%er $astur.ate= (I//IA' De!i"itely "o co$$e"t. 'AX You see ## it $ea"s 'yes.' The" o" to 4er"ie's co"%ersatio". 4ER2IE So tell $e A""a ## &hat do you do= A22A I'$ a" actress. 4ER2IE Sple"did. I'$ actually i" the stoc,# $ar,et) so "ot really si$ilar !ields)

though I ha%e do"e so$e a$ateur stu!! ## -.7. (odehouse) you ,"o& ## !arce) all that. 'Ooh ## care!ul there) %icar.' Al&ays i$agi"ed it's a pretty tough :o.) though) acti"g. I $ea" the &ages are a sca"dal) are"'t they= A22A (ell) they ca" .e. 4ER2IE I see !rie"ds !ro$ u"i%ersity ## cle%er chaps ## .ee" i" the .usi"ess lo"ger tha" you ## they're scrapi"g .y o" se%e") eight thousa"d a year. It's "o li!e. (hat sort o! acti"g do you do= A22A 9il$s $ai"ly. 4ER2IE Oh sple"did. (ell do"e. 3o&'s the pay i" $o%ies= I $ea") last !il$ you did) &hat did you get paid= A22A 9i!tee" $illio" dollars. 4ER2IE Right. Right. So that's... !airly good. O" the high side... ha%e you tried the "uts= 'AX Right ## I thi", &e're ready. They all $o%e to&ards the ,itche". A22A 0to 4ella1

I &o"der i! you could tell $e &here the...= 4E//A Oh) it's :ust do&" the corridor o" the right. 3O2EY I'll sho& you. A $o$e"t's sile"ce as they lea%e ## the" i" a split seco"d the others all tur" to (illia$. 4E//A Fuic,ly) uic,ly ## tal, %ery uic,ly &hat are you doi"g here &ith A""a Scott= 4ER2IE A""a Scott= 4E//A Yes. 4ER2IE The $o%ie star= 4E//A Yup. 4ER2IE Oh 7od. Oh 7od. Oh 7oddy 7od.

The horror o! his re$e$.ered co"%ersatio" slo&ly u"!olds. 3o"ey re#e"ters. 3O2EY I do"'t .elie%e it. I &al,ed i"to the loo &ith her. I &as still tal,i"g &he" she started u".utto"i"g her :ea"s... She had to as, $e to lea%e.

I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 6O2SERVATORY # 2I73T A little later. They are sat at di""er. 4ella "ext to A""a. 4E//A (hat do you thi", o! the gui"ea !o&l= A22A 0&hisperi"g1 I'$ a %egetaria". 4E//A Oh 7od. I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 6O2SERVATORY # 2I73T 'o%i"g o" through the e%e"i"g ## they are %ery relaxed) as they eat di""er. A !e& seco"ds &atchi"g the e%e"i"g goi"g &ell ## A""a is ta,i"g this i" ## real !rie"ds ## relaxed ## easy) teasi"g. A"d there's a ca,e. 3o"ey &ears 4er"ie's u"suita.le hat. A""a &atches (illia$ laughi"g at so$ethi"g a"d the" putti"g his head i" his ha"ds &ith $oc, sha$e. I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 6O2SERVATORY # 2I73T 6o!!ee ti$e. 'AX 3a%i"g you here) A""a) !ir$ly esta.lishes &hat I'%e lo"g suspected) that &e really are the $ost desperate hot o! u"der#achie%ers. 4ER2IE Sha$e;

'AX I'$ "ot sayi"g it's a .ad thi"g) i" !act) I thi", it's so$ethi"g &e should ta,e pride i". I'$ goi"g to gi%e the last .ro&"ie as a pri8e to the saddest act here. A little pause. 4er"ie. 4ER2IE (ell) o.%iously it's $e) is"'t it ## I &or, i" the 6ity i" a :o. I do"'t u"dersta"d a"d e%eryo"e ,eeps getti"g pro$oted a.o%e $e. I ha%e"'t had a girl!rie"ds si"ce... pu.erty a"d) &ell) the lo"g a"d short o! it is) "o.ody !a"cies $e) a"d i! these chee,s get a"y chu..ier) they "e%er &ill. 3O2EY 2o"se"se. I !a"cy you. .e!ore you got so !ar. Or I did The" (illia$ tur"s to 4er"ie.


'AX You see ## a"d u"less I'$ $uch $ista,e") your :o. still pays you rather a lot o! $o"ey) &hile 3o"ey here) she ear"s "othi"g !loggi"g her guts out at /o"do"'s seediest record store. 3O2EY Yes. A"d I do"'t ha%e hair ## I'%e got !eathers) a"d I'%e got !u""y goggly eyes) a"d I'$ attracted to cruel $e" a"d ... "o o"e'll e%er $arry $e .ecause $y .oosies ha%e actually started shri",i"g. 'AX

You see ## i"credi.ly sad. 4E//A O" the other ha"d) her .est !rie"d is A""a Scott. 3O2EY That's true) I ca"'t de"y it. "eeds $e) &hat ca" I say= She

4E//A A"d $ost o! her li$.s &or,. (hereas I'$ stuc, i" its thi"g day a"d "ight) i" a house !ull o! ra$ps. A"d to add i"sult to serious i":ury ## I'%e totally gi%e" up s$o,i"g) $y !a%ourite thi"g) a"d the truth is... &e ca"'t ha%e a .a.y. Dead sile"ce. (I//IA' 4ella. 4ella shrugs her shoulders. grie!#struc,. 2o. 4ER2IE 2ot true... 4er"ie is totally

4E//A 6'est la %ie... (e're luc,y i" lots o! &ays) .ut... Surely it's &orth a .ro&"ie. (illia$ reaches !or her ha"d. so$.re $ood. 'ax .rea,s the

'AX (ell) I do"'t ,"o&. /oo, at (illia$. Very u"success!ul pro!essio"ally. Di%orced. Used to

.e ha"dso$e) "o& ,i"d o! s uidgy arou"d the edges ## a"d a.solutely certai" "e%er to hear !ro$ A""a agai" a!ter she's heard that his "ic,"a$e at school &as 9loppy. They all laugh. (illia$. A""a s$iles across at

(I//IA' So I get the .ro&"ie= 'AX I thi", you do) yes. A22A (ait a $i"ute. (hat a.out $e=

'AX I'$ sorry= You thi", you deser%e the .ro&"ie= A22A (ell... a shot at it. (I//IA' You'll ha%e to pro%e it. This is a great .ro&"ie a"d I'$ goi"g to !ight !or it. State your clai$. A22A (ell) I'%e .ee" o" a diet si"ce I &as "i"etee") &hich $ea"s .asically I'%e .ee" hu"gry !or a decade. I'%e had a se ue"ce o! "ot "ice .oy!rie"ds ## o"e o! &ho$ hit $e< a"d e%ery ti$e $y heart gets .ro,e" it gets splashed across the "e&spapers as e"tertai"$e"t. 'ea"ti$e) it cost $illio"s to get $e loo,i"g li,e this... 3O2EY

Really= A22A Really ## a"d o"e day) "ot lo"g !ro$ "o&... (hile she says this) uiet settles arou"d the ta.le. The thi"g is ## she sort o! $ea"s it a"d is ope"i"g up to the$. A22A ... $y loo,s &ill go) they'll !i"d out I ca"'t act a"d I'll .eco$e a sad $iddle#aged &o$a" &ho loo,s a .it li,e so$eo"e &ho &as !a$ous !or a &hile. Sile"ce... they all loo, at her... the". 'AX 2ah;;; 2ice try) gorgeous ## .ut you do"'t !ool a"yo"e. The $ood is i"sta"tly .ro,e". They all laugh.

(I//IA' -athetic e!!ort to hog the .ro&"ie. I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 5IT63E2D/IVI27 ROO'D6ORRIDOR # 2I73T A""a a"d (illia$ are lea%i"g. A22A That &as such a great e%e"i"g. 'AX I'$ delighted. 3e holds out his ha"d to sha,e. hi$ o" the chee,. 3e stu$.les .ac, &ith :oy. She ,isses

A22A A"d $ay I say that's a gorgeous tie. 'AX 2o& you're lyi"g. A22A You're right. at acti"g. 'ax lo%es this. A22A 0to 4ella1 /o%ely to $eet you. 4E//A A"d you. I'll &ait till you'%e go"e .e!ore I tell hi$ you're a %egetaria". 'AX 2o; A22A 2ight) "ight) 3o"ey. 3O2EY I'$ so sorry a.out the loo thi"g. I $ea"t to lea%e .ut I :ust... loo,) ri"g $e i! you "eed so$eo"e to go shoppi"g &ith. I ,"o& lots o! "ice) cheap places... "ot that $o"ey "ecessarily... 0gi%es up1 "ice to $eet you. A"d 3o"ey gi%es her a huge hug. A22A You too ## !ro$ "o& o" you are $y style guru. I told you I &as .ad

A""a a"d (illia$ head out... 4er"ie tries to sa%e so$e dig"ity. 4ER2IE /o%e your &or,. They $o%e to the door a"d &a%e good.ye. EXT. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 3OUSE # 2I73T (illia$ a"d A""a step outside. 9ro$ i"side they hear a $assi%e a"d hysterical screa$ o! the !rie"ds letti"g out their true !eeli"gs. (illia$ is a little e$.arrassed. (I//IA' Sorry ## they al&ays do that &he" I lea%e the house. The house is i" /a"sdo&"e Road) o" the edge o! 2otti"g 3ill. They &al, !or a $o$e"t. A .it o! sile"ce. A22A 9loppy) huh= (I//IA' It's the hair; It's to do &ith the hair. A22A (hy is she i" a &heelchair= (I//IA' It &as a" accide"t ## a.out eightee" $o"ths ago. A22A A"d the preg"a"cy thi"g ## is that to do &ith the accide"t= (I//IA'

You ,"o&) I'$ "ot sure. I do"'t thi", they'd tried !or ,ids .e!ore) as !ate &ould ha%e it. They &al, i" sile"ce !or a $o$e"t. The"...

(I//IA' (ould you li,e to co$e... $y house is :ust...= She s$iles a"d sha,es her head. A22A Too co$plicated. (I//IA' That's !i"e. A22A 4usy to$orro&= (I//IA' I thought you &ere lea%i"g. A22A I &as. EXT. 2OTTI27 3I// 7ARDE2 # 2I73T A little later i" the &al,. A22A (hat's i" there= They are "o& &al,i"g .y a !i%e !oot raili"g) &ith !oliage .ehi"d it. (I//IA' 7arde"s. All these streets rou"d here ha%e these $ysterious co$$u"al garde"s i" the $iddle o! the$. They're li,e little %illages.

A22A /et's go i". (I//IA' Ah "o ## that's the poi"t ## they're pri%ate %illages ## o"ly the people &ho li%e rou"d the edges are allo&ed i". A22A You a.ide .y rules li,e that= (I//IA' Ah$... 3er loo, $a,es it clear that she is &aiti"g &ith i"terest o" the a"s&er to this. (I//IA' 3ec, "o ## other people do ## .ut "ot $e ## I :ust do &hat I &a"t. 3e rattles the gate) the" starts his cli$. ## .ut does"'t uite $a,e it) a"d !alls .ac, o"to the pa%e$e"t... (I//IA' 0casually1 (hoopsidaisies. A22A (hat did you say= (I//IA' 2othi"g. A22A Yes) you did. (I//IA' 2o) I did"'t.

A22A You said '&hoopsidaisies.' Ti"y pause. (I//IA' I do"'t thi", so. 2o o"e has said '&hoopsidaisies)' do they ## I $ea" u"less they're... A22A There's "o 'u"less.' 2o o"e has said I&hoopsidaisiesI !or !i!ty years a"d e%e" the" it &as o"ly little girls &ith .lo"de ri"glets. (I//IA' Exactly. 3ere &e go agai". 3e !ails) a"d u"!ortu"ately) spo"ta"eously... (I//IA' (hoopsidaisies. They loo, at each other. (I//IA' It's a disease I'%e got ## it's a cli"ical thi"g. I'$ ta,i"g pills a"d ha%i"g i":ectio"s ## it &o"'t last lo"g. A22A Step aside. She starts to cli$.. (I//IA' Actually .e care!ul A""a ## it's harder tha" it loo,s... 4ut she's already al$ost o%er.

(I//IA' Oh "o it's "ot ## it's easy. A !e& seco"ds later. garde". A22A 6o$e o") 9lops. (illia$ cla$.ers o%er &ith terri.le di!!iculty) dusts hi$sel! o!!) a"d heads to&ards &here she sta"ds. (I//IA' 2o& seriously ## &hat i" the &orld i" this garde" could $a,e that ordeal &orth&hile= She lea"s !or&ard ## a"d) !or the !irs ti$e si"ce the !irst ti$e ## she ,isses hi$. This ti$e a proper ,iss. A ti"y pause. (I//IA' 2ice garde". EXT. 'A7I6 7ARDE2 # 2I73T They &al, arou"d the garde". It's a $oo"lit drea$. (e see the lights o! the houses that surrou"d the garde". They co$e across a si"gle) si$ple &oode" .e"ch. A22A '9or >u"e) &ho lo%ed this garde" ## !ro$ >oseph &ho al&ays sat .eside her.' (e cut i" a"d see a" i"scriptio" car%ed i"to the &ood. She does"'t read the dates) car%ed .elo& ## '>u"e A""a :u$ps do&" i"to the

(ether.y) JGJA # JGGB.' She is slightly choc,ed .y it. A22A So$e people do spe"d their &hole li%es together. 3e "ods. They are sta"di"g o" either side o! the .e"ch) loo,i"g at each other. The ca$era glides a&ay !ro$ the$) up i"to the "ight s,y) lea%i"g the$ alo"e i" the garde". 'usic plays. I2T. (I//IA''S /IVI27 ROO' # EVE2I27 (illia$ i" a to&el rushes do&"stairs) ha%i"g :ust had a sho&er. 3e shoots past Spi,e. (I//IA' 4olloc,s) .olloc,s) .olloc,s. you see" $y glasses= S-I5E 2o) '!raid "ot. (I//IA' 4olloc,s. 0still searchi"g ## &ith "o help !ro$ Spi,e1 This happe"s e%ery ti$e I go to the ci"e$a. A%erage day) $y glasses are e%ery&here ## e%ery&here I loo,) glasses. 4ut the $o$e"t I "eed the$ they disappear. It's o"e o! li!e's real cruelties. S-I5E That's co$pared to) li,e) 3a%e

earth ua,es i" the 9ar East or testicular ca"cer= (I//IA' Oh shit) is that the ti$e= go. I ha%e to

I2T. (I//IA''S /IVI27 ROO'D6ORRIDOR # EVE2I27 3e spri"ts do&"stairs) "o& !ully dressed. (I//IA' 0"ot $ea"i"g it1 Tha",s !or your help o" the glasses thi"g. S-I5E 0si"cerely1 You're &elco$e. (I//IA' Sort o!. I2T. 6I2E'A # 2I73T 'id#!il$. (e $o%e across the audie"ce. there is i" the $iddle o! it) &e see A""a) &atchi"g the scree") a"d "ext to her) (illia$) &atchi"g the !il$ ,ee"ly) through his scu.a# di%i"g goggles. I2T. RESTAURA2T # 2I73T A %ery s$art >apa"ese restaura"t. (e see A""a a"d (illia$ sitti"g) "ear the e"d o! their $eal. A22A So &ho le!t &ho= (I//IA' A"d

Did you !i"d the$=

She le!t $e. A22A (hy= (I//IA' She sa& through $e. Uh#oh. A22A That's "ot good.

(e'%e .ee" a&are o! the co"%ersatio" at a "ear.y ta.le ## "o& &e ca" hear it. T&o slightly ro&dy $e". /A(RE26E 2o # 2o# 2o; 7i%e $e A""a Scott a"y day. (illia$ a"d A""a loo, at each other. 7ERA/D I did"'t li,e that last !il$ o! hers. 9ast asleep !ro$ the $o$e"t the lights &e"t do&". Agai" ## A""a reacts. /A(RE26E Do"'t really care &hat the !il$s are li,e. A"y !il$ &ith her i" it ## !i"e .y $e. 7ERA/D 2o ## "ot $y type at all really. I pre!er that other o"e ## .lo"de ## s&eet loo,i"g ## has a" orgas$ e%ery ti$e you ta,e her out !or a cup o! co!!ee. A""a $ouths ''eg Rya".' /A(RE26E

'eg Rya". (illia$ a"d A""a s$ile ## they're e":oyi"g it. 7ERA/D Drug#i"duced) I hear ## I .elie%e she's actually i" reha. as &e spea,. /A(RE26E (hate%er) she's so clearly up !or it. A""a's t&i",le !ades. /A(RE26E You ,"o& ## so$e girls) they're all 'stay a&ay chu$' .ut A""a) she's a.solutely gaggi"g !or it. Do you ,"o& that i" o%er !i!ty perce"t o! la"guages the &ord !or IactressI is the sa$e as the &ord !or Iprostitute.I This is horri.le. /A(RE26E A"d A""a is your de!i"iti%e actress ## so$eo"e really !ilthy you ca" :ust !lip o%er... (I//IA' Right) that's it. 3e gets up a"d goes rou"d the cor"er to the $e". There are i" !act !our o! the$) the t&o $ee,er $e") 7a%i" a"d 3arry) ha"gi"g o" the other guys' &itty &ords. (I//IA' I'$ sorry to distur. you guys .ut ## /A(RE26E 6a" I help you=

(I//IA' (ell) yes) I &ish I had"'t o%erheard your co"%ersatio" ## .ut I did a"d I :ust thi",) you ,"o&... 3e's "ot a %ery co"%i"ci"g or !righte"i"g !igure. (I//IA' ...the perso" you're tal,i"g a.out is a real perso" a"d I thi", she pro.a.ly deser%es a little .it $ore co"sideratio") rather tha" ha%i"g :er,s li,e you drooli"g o%er her... /A(RE26E Oh sod o!!) $ate. dad= (hat are you) her

A""a sudde"ly appears at his side a"d &hips hi$ a&ay &ithout .ei"g recog"i8ed. (I//IA' I'$ sorry. A22A 2o) that's !i"e. I lo%e that you tried... ti$e &as I'd ha%e do"e the sa$e. They &al, o" a"d the"... A22A I" !act ## gi%e $e a seco"d. A"d she &al,s straight .ac, to their ta.le. A22A 3i. /A(RE26E Oh $y 7od...

A22A I'$ sorry a.out $y !rie"d ## he's %ery se"siti%e. /A(RE26E 2o) loo,) I'$ sorry... A22A -lease) please ## let's :ust lea%e it there. I'$ sure you $ea"t "o har$) a"d I'$ sure it &as :ust !rie"dly .a"ter a"d I'$ sure you dic,s are all the si8e o! pea"uts. A per!ect $atch !or the si8e o! your .rai"s. E":oy your $eal. The tu"a's really good. A"d she &al,s a&ay. 7ERA/D You pric,. EXT. RITE AR6ADE # 2I73T They are &al,i"g. A22A I should"'t ha%e do"e that. should"'t ha%e do"e that. (I//IA' 2o) you &ere .rillia"t A22A I'$ rash a"d I'$ stupid a"d &hat a$ I doi"g &ith you= (I//IA' I do"'t ,"o&) I'$ a!raid. A22A I do"'t ,"o& either. I 7erald tur"s to /a&re"ce.

They ha%e arri%ed at the e"d o! the arcade. A22A 3ere &e are. 0pause1 Do you &a"t to co$e up= (I//IA' 0he hoes1 There see$ to .e lots o! reaso"s &hy I should"'t. A22A There are lots o! reaso"s. &a"t to co$e up= 3is loo, says yes. A22A 7i%e $e !i%e $i"utes. 3e &atches her go ## a"d sta"ds i" the street. 'usic plays. I2T. RITE 6ORRIDORDA22A'S SUITE # 2I73T (illia$ co$i"g alo"g the hotel corridor. ,"oc,s o" the door. A22A 3iya. There's so$ethi"g slightly a&ry. "otice. (I//IA' 3i. 3e ,isses her ge"tly o" the chee,. (I//IA' To .e a.le to do that is such a 3e does"'t 3e Do you

&o"der!ul thi"g. A22A 0pause1 You'%e got to go. (I//IA' (hy= A22A 4ecause $y .oy!rie"d) &ho I thought &as i" A$erica) is i" !act i" the "ext roo$. (I//IA' Your .oy!rie"d= 3e is duly shoc,ed. A22A Yes... >E99 0V.O.1 (ho is it= >e!! dri!ts i"to %ie& .ehi"d. 3e is a %ery !a$ous !il$ star a"d loo,s the part ## &ell .uilt) %ery ha"dso$e. U"sha%e") he has $agic char$) &hate%er he says. O%er a t# shirt) he &ears a shirt) &hich he u".utto"s as he tal,s. (I//IA' Ah$... roo$ ser%ice. >E99 3o& you doi"g= I thought you guys all &ore those pe"gui" coats. (I//IA' (ell) yes ## usually ## I'd :ust cha"ged to go ho$e ## .ut I thought She's tryi"g to .e cal$.

I'd :ust deal &ith this !i"al call. >E99 Oh great. 6ould you do $e a !a%our a"d try to get us so$e really cold &ater up here= (I//IA' I'll see &hat I ca" do. >E99 Still) "ot spar,li"g. (I//IA' A.solutely. Ice cold still &ater. >E99 U"less it's illegal i" the U5 to ser%e li uids .elo& roo$ te$perature< I do"'t &a"t you goi"g to :ail :ust to satis!y $y &hi$s... (I//IA' 2o) I'$ sure it'll .e !i"e. >E99 A"d $ay.e you could :ust adios the dishes a"d e$pty the trash. (I//IA' Right. A"d he does :ust that. plates a"d heads to the .i". Scoops up the t&o used

A22A Really ## do"'t do that ## I'$ sure this is "ot his :o.. >E99 I'$ sorry. Is this a pro.le$=

(I//IA' Ah ## "o. It's !i"e. >E99 (hat's your "a$e= (I//IA' Ah$... 4er"ie. >e!! slips hi$ a !i%er. >E99 Tha", you) 4er"ie. 0to A""a1 3ey ## "ice surprise) or "asty surprise= A22A 2ice surprise. 3e ,isses her. >E99 /iar. 0to (illia$1 She hates surprises. orderi"g= A22A I ha%e"'t decided. >E99 (ell) do"'t o%er#do it. I do"'t &a"t people sayi"g) 'There goes that !a$ous actor &ith the .ig) !at girl!rie"d.I 3e &a"ders o!! ta,i"g o!! his t#shirt. (I//IA' I .etter lea%e. A""a :ust "ods. (hat are you

(I//IA' ## this is a !airly stra"ge reality to .e !aced &ith. To .e ho"est) I do"'t reali8e... A22A I'$ sorry... I do"'t ,"o& &hat to say. (I//IA' I thi", good.ye is traditio"al. I2T. RITE 6ORRIDOR # 2I73T (illia$ &al,s a&ay. EXT. RITE # 2I73T (illia$ &al,s do&" the arcade outside the hotel. 3e is stu""ed. EXT. /O2DO2 4US # 2I73T (illia$ sits alo"e o" a .us. (e see hi$ through the side &i"do&. As it dri%es a&ay) &e see that the &hole .ac, o! the .us is ta,e" up &ith a huge picture o! A""a. I2T. (I//IA''S 4EDROO' # 2I73T 3e gets i"to his roo$ a"d sits o" the .ed. I2T. S-A6ES3I- # 2I73T Space A""a) i" the %ery hi#tech e"%iro"$e"t a"d a serious $oods) !aste"s the last clasps o" her u"i!or$. She ta,es a hel$et type thi"g) a"d places it o" her head.

I2T. 6O22E6T 6I2E'A # 2I73T 6ut rou"d to the 6oro"et ci"e$a &here this !il$ is sho&i"g. It's "ot !ull. The ca$era $o%es a"d !i"ds) sitti"g o" his o&"...(illia$. >ust &atchi"g. (e see a $o$e"tous !lash o! light !ro$ the scree" explode) re!lected i" his eye. I2T. (I//IA''S /IVI27 ROO' # EVE2I27 (illia$ is loo,i"g out the &i"do&) lost i" thought. Spi,e e"ters. S-I5E 6o$e o" ## ope" up ## this is $e ## Spi,ey ## I'$ i" co"tact &ith so$e uite i$porta"t spiritual %i.ratio"s. (hat's &ro"g= Spi,e settles o" the ar$ o! a chair. decides to ope" up a .it... (I//IA' (ell) o,ay. There's this girl... S-I5E Aha; I'd .ee" getti"g a !e$ale %i.e. 7ood. Spea, o") dear !rie"d. (I//IA' She's so$eo"e I :ust ca"'t ## so$eo"e &ho... sel!#e%ide"tly ca"'t .e $i"e ## a"d it's as i! I'%e ta,e" lo%e#heroi" ## a"d "o& I ca"'t e%e" ha%e it agai". I'%e ope"ed -a"dora's .ox. A"d there's trou.le i"side. (illia$

Spi,e "ods thought!ully. S-I5E Yeh. Yeh... tric,y... tric,y... I ,"e& a girl at school called -a"dora ... "e%er got to see her .ox though. 3e roars &ith laughter. (illia$ s$iles.

(I//IA' Tha",s. Yes ## %ery help!ul. I2T. TO2Y'S RESTAURA2T # 2I73T O"ly t&o ta.les are .ei"g used. (illia$ a"d his !rie"ds are o" their !irst course. 4er"ie reads a" IE%e"i"g Sta"dard)I &ith a picture o! A""a a"d >e!! at 3eathro& Airport. 'AX You did"'t ,"o& she had a .oy!rie"d= (I//IA' 2o ## did you= Their loo,s $a,e it o.%ious that e%eryo"e did. (I//IA' 4loody hell) I ca"'t .elie%e it ## $y &hole li!e rui"ed .ecause I do"'t read '3ello' $aga8i"e. 'AX /et's !ace !acts. This &as al&ays a "o#go situatio". A""a's a goddess a"d you ,"o& &hat happe"s to $ortals &ho get i"%ol%ed &ith the gods. (I//IA' 4uggered=

'AX E%ery ti$e. 4ut do"'t despair ## I thi", I ha%e the solutio" to your pro.le$s. (I//IA' Really= They all loo, to hi$ !or &ise &ords. 'AX 3er "a$e is Tessa a"d she &or,s i" the co"tracts depart$e"t. The hair) I ad$it) is u"!ashio"a.le !ri88y ## .ut she's as .right as a .utto" a"d ,isses li,e a "y$pho$a"iac o" death ro&. Appare"tly. I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 5IT63E2D/IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T The ,itche". (illia$ is loo,i"g u"easy. door.ell ri"gs. 'AX 2o& ## try. (illia$ "ods. 'ax heads o!! to the door. (e stay &ith (illia$ ## a"d :ust hear the door ope" a"d a %oice co$e do&" the corridor. TESSA 0V.O.1 I got co$pletely lost ## it's real di!!icult) is"'t it= E%erythi"g's got the &ord '5e"si"gto"' i" it ## 5e"si"gto" -ar, Road) 5e"si"gto" 7arde"s) 5e"si"gto" .loody -ar, 7arde"s... They reach the ,itche". Tessa is a lush girl A

&ith huge hair. 'AX Tessa ## this is 4ella $y &i!e. TESSA Oh hello) you're i" a &heelchair. 4E//A That's right. 'AX A"d this is (illia$. TESSA 3ello (illia$. 'ax has told $e e%erythi"g a.out you. (I//IA' 0!righte"ed1 3as he= 'AX (i"e= TESSA Oh yes please. get sloshed. 6o$e o") (illie) let's

She tur"s to ta,e the &i"e a"d (illia$ has a split seco"d to se"d a $essage o! pa"ic to 4ella. She agrees ## it's .ad. I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 5IT63E2D6O2SERVATORY # 2I73T 'ax &al,s o%er to the ta.le. (illia$ a"d a"other girl. 'AX 5e8iah ## so$e &oodcoc,= 3o"ey) 4ella)

5EEIA3 2o) tha", you ## I'$ a !ruitaria". 'AX I do"'t reali8e that. It is le!t to (illia$) &ho has .ee" set up here) to !ill the pause. (I//IA' A"d ah$ ## &hat's a !ruitaria" exactly= 5EEIA3 (e .elie%e that !ruits a"d %egeta.les ha%e !eeli"gs so &e thi", coo,i"g is cruel. (e o"ly eat thi"gs that ha%e actually !alle" !ro$ the tree or .ush ## that are) i" !act) dead already. (I//IA' Right. Right. I"teresti"g stu!!. 0pause1 So these carrots... 5EEIA3 3a%e .ee" $urdered) yes. (I//IA' 'urdered= -oor carrots. 3o& .eastly.

I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 6O2SERVATORY # 2I73T Ti$e !or co!!ee a"d chocolates. 4eside (illia$ sits the !i"al) per!ect girl. She is Rosie) uite you"g) s$artly dressed) ope"#hearted. It is :ust 'ax a"d (illia$ a"d 4ella a"d her. ROSIE Delicious co!!ee.

'AX Tha", you. I'$ sorry a.out the la$.. ROSIE 2o ## I thought it &as really) you ,"o&) i"teresti"g. (I//IA' I"teresti"g $ea"s i"edi.le. ROSIE Really i"edi.le ## yes that's right. They all laugh. It's goi"g %ery &ell.

I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 6ORRIDOR # 2I73T (illia$ is &ith Rosie .y the door ## :ust a.out to say good.ye. ROSIE 'ay.e &e'll $eet agai" so$e ti$e. Yes. (I//IA' That &ould .e... great.

She ,isses hi$ ge"tly o" the chee,. 3e ope"s the door ## she &al,s out. 3e shuts the door uietly a"d heads .ac, i"to the li%i"g roo$... I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S /IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T 'ax a"d 4ella &ait excitedly. 'AX (ell= (I//IA' She's per!ect) per!ect.

4E//A A"d= (illia$ $a,es a ge"tle) exasperated gesture) the"... (I//IA' I thi", you ha%e !orgotte"... 0he loo,s at the$1 &hat a" u"usual situatio" you ha%e here ## to !i"d so$eo"e you actually lo%e) &ho'll lo%e you ## the cha"ces are... al&ays $i"iscule. /oo, at $e ## "ot cou"ti"g the A$erica" ## I'%e o"ly lo%ed t&o girls i" $y &hole li!e) .oth total disasters. 'AX That's "ot !air. (I//IA' 2o really) o"e o! the$ $arries $e a"d the" lea%es $e uic,er tha" you ca" say I"dia"a >o"es ## a"d the other) &ho seriously ought to ha%e ,"o&" .etter) casually $arries $y .est !rie"d. 4E//A 0pause1 Still lo%es you though. (I//IA' I" a depressi"gly asexual &ay. 4E//A 0pause1 I "e%er !a"cied you $uch actually... They all roar &ith laughter. 4E//A

I $ea" I lo%ed you ## you &ere terri.ly !u""y. 4ut all that ,issi"g $y ears... (I//IA' Oh "o ## this is :ust getti"g &orse. I a$ goi"g to !i"d $ysel!) *C years !ro$ "o&) still o" this couch. 4E//A Do you &a"t to stay= (I//IA' (hy "ot ## all that a&aits $e at ho$e is a $astur.ati"g (elsh$a". 'usic starts to play to ta,e us through these sile"t sce"es. I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S /IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T 'ax li!ts 4ella o!! her couch a"d carries her upstairs. 'ix through ## (illia$ sits o" the couch do&"stairs ## eyes &ide ope" ## thi",i"g. I2T. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 5IT63E2D/IVI27 ROO' # DAY 'or"i"g. 'ax) all i" his suit !or the city... 4ella ,isses hi$ good.ye. (illia$ sees this !ro$ the ,itche". She is also dressed !or &or, ## a"d $o%es .ac, i"to the ,itche" to pac, her .rie!case &ith la& .oo,s !ro$ the ,itche" ta.le. EXT. 'AX A2D 4E//A'S 3OUSE # DAY (illia$ e$erges !ro$ the house) a little ru!!led !ro$ a "ight a&ay !ro$ ho$e) a heads o!!.

EXT. 2E(SA7E2T # DAY (illia$ &al,s past the "e&sage"t) headi"g !or ho$e. (e see) though he does"'t) a rac, o! ta.loid papers) all o! &hich see$ to ha%e %ery grai"y) gra..ed pictures o! A""a o" their !ro"t page. 3eadli"es ##'A""a Stu""a'## 'It's De!i"itely 3er;' a"d 'Scott o! -a"tartica.' I2T. (I//IA''S 4AT3ROO' # DAY (illia$ is sha%i"g. out to a"s&er it. The .ell goes. 3e heads

EXT.DI2T. (I//IA''S 3OUSE #DAY (illia$ arri%es at the door a"d ope"s it. There sta"ds a dar,# glassed A""a. 3i. A22A 6a" I co$e i"= (I//IA' 6o$e i". She $o%es i"side. 3er hair is a $ess ## her eyes are tired. 2othi"g ideali8ed. I2T. /IVI27 ROO' # DAY The t&o o! the$. A22A They &ere ta,e" years ago ## I ,"o& it &as... &ell) I &as poor a"d it happe"s a lot ## that's "ot a" excuse ## .ut to $a,e thi"gs &orse) it "o&

appears so$eo"e &as !il$i"g $e as &ell. So &hat &as a stupid photo# shoot "o& loo,s li,e a por"o !il$. A"d &ell... the pictures ha%e .ee" solid a"d they're e%ery&here. (illia$ sha,es his head. A22A I do"'t ,"o& &here to go. is surrou"ded. (I//IA' This is the place. A22A Tha", you. I'$ :ust i" /o"do" !or t&o days ## .ut) &ith your papers) it's the &orse place to .e. She's %ery sha,e". A22A These are such horri.le pictures. They're so grai"y... they $a,e $e loo, li,e... (I//IA' Do"'t thi", a.out it. (e'll sort it out. 2o& &hat &ould you li,e ## tea ... .ath...= A22A A .ath &ould .e great. I2T. (I//IA''S 6ORRIDOR # DAY Spi,e e"ters through the !ro"t door. (illia$ does"'t hear hi$. Spi,e is readi"g "e&spapers &ith the A""a pictures i" it. S-I5E The hotel

6hrist ali%e... .rillia"t... !a"tastic .... $ag"i!ice"t... 3e heads up the stairs. door) &al,s i". Ope"s the .athroo$

I2T. (I//IA''S 4AT3ROO' # DAY Spi,e heads !or the toilet ## u"does his 8ip... A22A You $ust .e Spi,e. She's i" the .ath. Spi,e tur"s i" shoc, ## a"d sidles out o! the .athroo$. I2T. (I//IA''S 6ORRIDOR # DAY Spi,e cal$s hi$sel! do&". .athroo$ door agai" ## a"d loo,s i". 3e the" ope"s the

I2T. (I//IA''S 4AT3ROO' # DAY A""a is still lyi"g lo& i" the .ath. A22A 3i. S-I5E >ust chec,i"g. I2T. 6ORRIDOR # DAY Spi,e co$es .ac, out i"to the corridor. to hea%e". S-I5E Tha", you) 7od. I2T. (I//IA''S 5IT63E2 # DAY /oo,s

(illia$ a"d A""a at the ,itche" ta.le) eati"g toast) dri"g,i"g tea. A22A I'$ really sorry a.out last ti$e. 3e :ust !le& i" ## I had "o idea ## i" !act) I had "o idea i! he'd e%er !ly i" agai". (I//IA' 2o) that's !i"e. It's "ot o!te" o"e has the opportu"ity to adios the plates o! a $a:or 3olly&ood star. It &as a thrill !or $e. 0she s$iles. -ause1 3o& is he= A22A I do"'t ,"o&. It got to the poi"t &here I could"'t re$e$.er a"y o! the reaso"s I lo%ed hi$. A"d you... a"d lo%e= (I//IA' (ell) there's a uestio" ## &ithout a" i"teresti"g a"s&er. A22A I ha%e thought a.out you. (I//IA' Oh "o "o ## "o. 3e does"'t thi", she has to tal, a.out this. A22A >ust a"yti$e I'%e tried to ,eep thi"gs "or$al &ith a"yo"e "or$al ## it's .ee" a disaster. (I//IA' I appreciate that a.solutely. 0cha"gi"g su.:ect

tact!ully1 Is that the !il$ you're doi"g= A22A Yes ## start i" /.A. o" Tuesday. (I//IA' (ould you li,e $e to ta,e you through your li"es= A22A (ould you= It's all tal,) tal,) tal,. (I//IA' 3a"d it o%er. 4asic plot= A22A I'$ a di!!icult .ut .rillia"t :u"ior o!!icer &ho i" a.out t&e"ty $i"utes &ill sa%e the &orld !ro$ "uclear disaster. (I//IA' (ell do"e you. EXT. TERRA6E # DAY A little later. script. They're i" the thic, o! the

(I//IA' ''essage !ro$ co$$a"d. (ould you li,e the$ to se"d i" the 35s=' A22A '2o) tur" o%er @ TRS's a"d tell the$ &e "eed radar !eed.ac, .e!ore the 59T's retur" at JG hu"dred ## the" i"!or$ the -e"tago" that &e'll .e "eedi"g .lac, star co%er !ro$ te" hu"dred through JB.J+' ## a"d do"'t you dare say o"e &ord a.out ho& $a"y $ista,es I $ade i"

that speech or I'll pelt you &ith oli%es. (I//IA' 'Very &ell) captai" ## I'll pass that o" straighta&ay.' A22A 'Tha", you.' $a,e= Ele%e". Da$". A22A 'A"d (ai"&right...' 3o& $a"y $ista,e did I


(I//IA' 6art&right. A22A '6art&right) (ai"&right) &hate%er your "a$e is) I pro$ised little >i$$y I'd .e ho$e !or his .irthday ## could you get a $essage through that I $ay .e a little late.' (I//IA' '6ertai"ly. A"d little >oh""y=' A22A 'y so"'s "a$e is >oh""y= (I//IA' Yup. A22A (ell) get a $essage through to hi$ too. (I//IA' 4rillia"t. 0the sce"e's o%er1

(ord per!ect I'd say. A22A (hat do you thi",= (I//IA' 7rippi"g. It's "ot >a"e Auste") it's "ot 3e"ry >a$es) .ut it's grippi"g. A22A You thi", I should do 3e"ry >a$es i"stead= (I//IA' I'$ sure you'd .e great i" 3e"ry >a$es. 4ut) you ,"o& ## this &riter's pretty da$" good too. A22A Yes ## I $ea" ## you "e%er get a"yo"e i" '(i"gs o! a Do%e' ha%i"g the "er%e to say 'i"!or$ the -e"tago" that &e "eed .lac, star co%er.' (I//IA' A"d I thi", the .oo, is the poorer !or it. A""a s$iles her .iggest s$ile o! the day. is helpi"g. I2T. (I//IA''S DI2I27 ROO' A""a a"d (illia$. Sat do&" at ta.le. a picture ha"gi"g o" the &all .ehi"d. There's 3e

A22A I ca"'t .elie%e you ha%e that picture o" your &all. It is a poster o! a 6hagall pai"ti"g o! a !loati"g &eddi"g couple)

&ith a goat as co$pa"y. (I//IA' You li,e 6hagall= A22A I do. It !eels li,e ho& .ei"g i" lo%e should .e. 9loati"g through a dar, .lue s,y. (I//IA' (ith a goat playi"g a %ioli". A22A Yes ## happi"ess &ould"'t .e happi"ess &ithout a %ioli"#playi"g goat. Spi,e e"ters &ith three pi88as. S-I5E Voila. 6ar"i%al 6alypso) !or the Fuee" o! 2otti"g 3ill ## peppero"i) pi"eapple a"d a little $ore peppero"i. A22A 9a"tastic. (I//IA' I do"'t $e"tio" that A""a's a %egetaria") did I= S-I5E 0pause1 I ha%e so$e pars"ip ste& !ro$ last &ee,. I! I :ust peel the s,i" o!!) it'll .e per!ect. I2T. (I//IA''S /IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T /ater i" the e%e"i"g. (illia$ a"d A""a o" their o&". They're sippi"g co!!ee. A !e& seco"ds o! :ust co#

existi"g. up.

A""a loo,s

A22A You'%e got .ig !eet. Yes. (I//IA' Al&ays ha%e had.

A22A You ,"o& &hat they say a.out $e" &ith .ig !eet= 2o. (I//IA' (hat's that=

A22A 4ig !eet ## large shoes. 3e laughs. I2T. (I//IA''S /IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T A !e& hours later ## eati"g ice#crea$ out o! the tu.. A22A The thi"g that's so irritati"g is that "o& I'$ so totally !ierce &he" it co$es to "udity clauses. (I//IA' You actually ha%e clauses i" your co"tact a.out "udity= A22A De!i"itely. 'You $ay sho& the de"t at the top o! the artist's .uttoc,s ## .ut "either chee,. I" the e%e"t o! a stu"t perso" .ei"g used) the artist $ust ha%e !ull co"sultatio".' (I//IA'

You ha%e a stu"t .otto$= A22A I could ha%e a stu"t .otto$) yes. (I//IA' (ould you .e te$pted to go !or a slightly .etter .otto$ tha" your o&"= A22A De!i"itely. Ths is i$porta"t stu!!. (I//IA' It's o"e hell o! a :o.. (hat do you put o" your passport= -ro!essio" ## 'el 7i.so"'s .otto$. A22A Actually) 'el does his o&" ass &or,. (hy &ould"'t he= It's delicious. (I//IA' The ice crea$ or 'el 7i.so"'s .otto$= A22A 4oth. I2T. (I//IA''S U-STAIRS 6ORRIDOR # 2I73T They are &al,i"g up the stairs ## a"d stop at the top. A22A Today has .e" a good day. (hich u"der the circu$sta"ces is... u"expected. (I//IA' (ell) tha", you. 0a&,&ard pause1 A"y&ay ## ti$e !or .ed. so!a#.ed. A22A


Right. -ause. She lea"s !or&ard) ,isses hi$ ge"tly) the" steps i"to the .edroo$ a"d closes the door. I2T. (I//IA''S /IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T (illia$ do&"stairs ## o" a so!a ## u"der a du%et. Eyes ope". Thi",i"g. -ause a"d pause. 3e &aits a"d &aits ## the ulti$ate 'year".' 4ut "othi"g happe"s. (illia$ gets o!! the so!a decisi%ely. Sits o" the side o! it. The" gets .ac, i" agai". -ause) pause) the"... i" the dar,"ess) a stair crea,s. There's so$eo"e there. (I//IA' 0to hi$sel!1 Oh $y 7od... 0the"...1 3ello. S-I5E 3ello. I &o"der i! I could ha%e a little &ord. 3e dri!ts rou"d the cor"er) hal!#"a,ed. (I//IA' Spi,e. S-I5E I do"'t &a"t to i"ter!ere) or a"ythi"g ... .ut she's split up !ro$ her .oy# !rie"d) that's right is"'t it= (I//IA'

'ay.e. S-I5E A"d she's i" your house. (I//IA' Yes. S-I5E A"d you get o" %ery &ell. (I//IA' Yes. S-I5E (ell) is"'t this perhaps a good opportu"ity to... slip her o"e= (I//IA' Spi,e. 9or 7od's sa,e ## she's i" trou.le ## get a grip. S-I5E Right. Right. You thi", it's the &ro"g $o$e"t. 9air e"ough. 0pause1 Do you $i"d i! I ha%e a go= (I//IA' Spi,e; S-I5E 2o ## you're right. (I//IA' I'll tal, to you i" the $or"i"g. S-I5E O,ay ## o,ay. o,ay. 'ight .e too late) .ut Drea$y

4ac, to (illia$ thi",i"g agai". at$osphere. A"d the"...

$ore !ootsteps o" the stairs. (I//IA' Oh please sod o!!. A22A O,ay. (I//IA' 2o; 2o. (ait. I... thought you &ere so$eo"e else. I thought you &ere Spi,e. I'$ delighted you're "ot. The dar,"ess o! the li%i"g roo$. i" the shado&. I2T. (I//IA''S /IVI27 ROO' # 2I73T A !e& $o$e"ts later. (illia$ a"d A""a sta"d i" the $iddle o! the roo$. 3e ,isses her "ec,. The" her shoulder. (hat a $iracle it is :ust to .e a.le to touch this girl's s,i". The" he loo,s at her !ace. That !ace. 3e is sudde"ly struc, .y &ho it is. (I//IA' (o&. A22A (hat= A"d the" gets o%er it straight a&ay. (I//IA' 2othi"g. A"d ,isses her. I2T. (I//IA''S 4EDROO' # 2I73T (e see A""a

The $iddle o! the "ight. They are .oth asleep ## a yard apart. I" sleep) her ar$ reaches out) touches his shoulder a"d the" she &riggles across a"d re#settles hersel!) te"derly) right "ext to hi$. 3e is "ot asleep a"d ,"o&s ho& extraordi"ary this all is. I2T. (I//IA''S 4EDROO' # DAY The $or"i"g. (I//IA' It still stri,es $e as) &ell) surreal) that I'$ allo&ed to see you "a,ed. A22A You a"d e%ery perso" i" this cou"try. (I//IA' Oh 7od yes ## I'$ sorry. A22A (hat is it a.out $e" a"d "udity= -articularly .reasts ## ho& ca" you .e so i"terested i" the$= (I//IA' (ell... A22A 2o seriously. I $ea") they're :ust .reasts. E%ery seco"d perso" i" the &orld has got the$... (I//IA' 'ore tha" that actually) &he" you thi", a.out it. You ,"o&) 'eatloa! has a %ery "ice pair...

A22A 4ut... they're odd#loo,i"g. They're !or $il,. Your $u$'s got the$. You $ust ha%e see" a thousa"d o! the$ ## &hat's the !uss a.out= (I//IA' 0pause1 Actually) I ca"'t thi", really ## let $e :ust ha%e a uic, loo,... 3e loo,s u"der the sheet at her .reasts. (I//IA' 2o) .eats $e. She laughs... A22A Rita 3ay&orth used to say ## 'they go to .ed &ith 7ilda ## they &a,e up &ith $e.' Do you !eel that= (I//IA' (ho &as 7ilda= A22A 3er $ost !a$ous part ## $e" &e"t to .ed &ith the drea$ ## a"d they did"'t li,e it &he" they &o,e up &ith the reality ## do you !eel that &ay &ith $e= (I//IA' 0pause1 You're lo%elier this $or"i"g tha" you ha%e e%er .ee". A22A 0%ery touched1 Oh. She loo,s at hi$ care!ully. The" leaps out o!

.ed. A22A I'll .e .ac,. I2T. (I//IA''S 4EDROO' # 'OR2I27 (illia$ o" the .ed. A""a &ith a tray o! toast a"d tea. A22A 4rea,!ast i" .ed. She heads across. .ed. The door ope"s. It is

Or lu"ch) or .ru"ch.

She s$iles a"d sits o" the

A22A 6a" I stay a .it lo"ger= (I//IA' Stay !ore%er. A22A Da$") I !orgot the :a$. The door.ell goes. A22A You get the door) I'll get the :a$. I2T.DEXT. (I//IA''S 6ORRIDOR # DAY (illia$ heads do&" the corridor a"d ope"s the door. Outside are hu"dreds o! papara88i ## a" explosio" o! ca$eras a"d uestio"s) o! "oise a"d light. The press see$ to !ill the e"tire street. (I//IA' >esus 6hrist.

3e co$es .ac, i"side) s"appi"g the door .ehi"d hi$. A""a is i" the ,itche". A22A (hat= (I//IA' Do"'t as,. She heads .ac, the corridor) &ith "o suspicio". A22A You're up to so$ethi"g... She thi",s he's !ooli"g arou"d. She ope"s the door) the sa$e explosio". I" a split seco"d she's i"side. A22A Oh $y 7od. A"d they got a photo o! you dressed li,e that= (I//IA' U"dressed li,e this) yes. A22A >esus. I2T. (I//IA''S 5IT63E2 # DAY A""a is o" the pho"e. Spi,e is .lithely headi"g do&"stairs to the ,itche" i" :ust his u"derpa"ts. S-I5E 'or"i"g) dari"g o"es. 3e does a thu$.s up to (illia$ ## %ery excited a.out &hat he ,"o&s &as a 'result.'

A22A 0o" the pho"e1 It's A""a. The press are here. 2o) there are hu"dreds o! the$. 'y .rillia"t pla" &as "ot so .rillia"t a!ter all. Yeh) I ,"o&) I ,"o&. >ust get $e out the". 0she ha"gs up1 Da$"it. She heads upstairs. (I//IA' I &ould"'t go outside. S-I5E (hy "ot= (I//IA' >ust ta,e $y &or, !or it. The $o$e"t (illia$ goes upstairs) Spi,e heads !or the !ro"t door. EXT. (I//IA''S 3OUSE # DAY 9ro$ outside ## &e see this scra&"y .lo,e i" the !ra$e o! the door&ay) i" his grey u"derpa"ts. A thousa"d photos. Spi,e poses athletically. I2T. (I//IA''S 6ORRIDOR # DAY Spi,e closes the door a"d &a"ders alo"g to a $irror i" the hall# &ay) $utteri"g. S-I5E 3o& did I loo,=

I"spects hi$sel!. S-I5E 2ot .ad. 2o .ad at all. (ell#chose" .rie!s) I'd say. 6hic,s lo%e grey. '$$$$. 2ice !ir$ .uttoc,s. I2T. (I//IA''S 4EDROO' # DAY (illia$ e"ters. al$ost dressed. 3e's u"happy !or her. She's

(I//IA' 3o& are you doi"g= A22A 3o& do you thi", I'$ doi"g= (I//IA' I do"'t ,"o& &hat happe"ed. A22A I do. Your !urry !rie"d thought he'd $a,e a .uc, or t&o telli"g the papers &here I &as. She's pac,i"g. (I//IA' That's "ot true. A22A Really= The e"tire 4ritish press :ust &o,e up this $or"i"g a"d thought '3ey ## I ,"o& &here A""a Scott is. She's i" that house &ith the .lue door i" 2otti"g 3ill.' A"d the" you go out i" your godda$" u"der&ear. S-I5E 0droppi"g i"1 I &e"t out i" $y godda$" u"der&ear too.

(I//IA' 7et out) Spi,e. 0he does1 I'$ so sorry. A22A This is such a $ess. I co$e to you to protect $ysel! agai"st $ore crappy gossip a"d "o& I'$ la"ded i" it all o%er agai". 9or 7od's sa,e) I'%e got a .oy!rie"d. (I//IA' You do= It's a di!!icult $o$e"t ## de!i"i"g &here they sta"d. A22A As !ar as they're co"cer"ed I do. A"d "o& to$orro& there'll .e pictures o! you i" e%ery "e&spapers !ro$ here to Ti$.u,tu. (I//IA' I ,"o&) I ,"o& ## .ut... :ust ## let's stay cal$... A22A You ca" stay cal$ ## it's the per!ect situatio" !or you ## $i"i$u$ i"put) $axi$u$ pu.licity. E%eryo"e you e%er .u$p i"to &ill ,"o&. '(ell do"e you ## you slept &ith that actress ## &e'%e see" the pictures.' (I//IA' That's spectacularly u"!air. A22A (ho ,"o&s) it $ay e%e" help .usi"ess. 4uy a .ori"g .oo, a.out Egypt !ro$ the

guy &ho scre&ed A""a Scott. She heads out. I2T. STAIRSD/IVI27 ROO' # DAY (I//IA' 2o& stop. Stop. I .eg you ## cal$ do&". 3a%e a cup o! tea. A22A I do"'t &a"t a godda$" cup o! tea. &a"t to go ho$e. The door.ell goes. (I//IA' Spi,e) chec, &ho that is... a"d !or 7od's sa,e put so$e clothes o". Spi,e lea"s $errily out o! the &i"do&. S-I5E /oo,s li,e a chau!!eur to $e. I2T. (I//IA''S 5IT63E2D6ORRIDOR # DAY They $o%e !ro$ the ,itche" i"to the corridor. A22A A"d re$e$.er ## Spi,e o&es you a" expe"si%e di""er. Or holiday ## depe"di"g i! he's got the .rai"s to get the goi"g rate o" .etrayal. (I//IA' That's "ot true. A"d &ait a $i"ute... this is cra8y .eha%ior. 6a"'t &e :ust laugh a.out this= Seriously ## i" the huge s&eep o! thi"gs) this stu!! does"'t $atter. S-I5E I

(hat he's goi"g to say "ext is ## there are people star%i"g i" the Suda". (I//IA' (ell) there are. A"d &e do"'t "eed to go a"y&here "ear that !ar. 'y .est !rie"d slipped ## she slipped do&"# stairs) crac,ed her .ac, a"d she's i" a &heelchair !or the rest o! her li!e. All I'$ as,i"g !or is a "or$al a$ou"t o! perspecti%e. A22A You're right< o! course) you're right. It's :ust that I'%e dealt &ith this gar.age !or te" years "o& ## you'%e had it !or te" $i"utes. Our perspecti%es are di!!ere"t. (I//IA' I $ea" ## today's "e&spapers &ill .e li"i"g to$orro&'s &aste paper .i"s. A22A Excuse $e= (I//IA' (ell) you ,"o& ## it's :ust o"e day. Today's papers &ill all ha%e .ee" thro&" a&ay to$orro&. A22A You really do"'t get it. This story gets !iled. E%ery ti$e a"yo"e &rites a"ythi"g a.out $e ## they'll dig up these photos. 2e&spapers last !ore%er. I'll regret this !ore%er. 3e ta,es this i". Right. That's the e"d.

(I//IA' 9i"e. I &ill do the opposite)

i! it's all right .y you ## a"d al&ays .e glad you ca$e. 4ut you're right ## you pro.a.ly .etter go. She loo,s at hi$. The door.ell goes agai". She ope"s the door. 'assi%e "oise a"d photos. Outside are her people) i"cludi"g 5are") a chau!!eur) t&o .odyguards. A"d the" the door is shut a"d they're all go"e. Sile"ce. I2T. (I//IA''S 5IT63E2D6ORRIDOR # DAY Spi,e a"d (illia$ sitti"g there. (I//IA' (as it you= S-I5E I suppose I $ight ha%e told o"e or t&o people do&" the pu.. (I//IA' Right. 3e puts his head i" his ha"ds. EXT. /O2DO2 # DAY As !ull) sad $usic plays ## (illia$ .egi"s to &al, through 2otti"g 3ill. This &al, ta,es six $o"ths... as he &al,s) the seaso"s actually a"d $agically cha"ge) !ro$ su$$er) through autu$" a"d &i"ter) .ac, i"to spri"g... 9irst it is su$$er ## su$$er !ruits a"d !lo&ers ## a six#$o"th preg"a"t &o$a" ## 3o"ey &ith a"other leather# It's o%er "o&. -ause.

:ac,et .oy!rie"d. As he &al,s o" the rai" starts to !all ## he tur"s up his coat collar ## u$.rellas appear. 9ollo&ed .y &i"ter coats ## chest"uts roasti"g ## 6hrist$as trees o" sale a"d the !irst hi"t o! s"o&. The" he co$es to 4le"hei$ 6resce"t) &hich is startli"g s"o&scape) !or the hu"dred yard) right across /ad.ro,e 7ro%e. 4y the ti$e he reaches the purple ca!e) the s"o& is $elti"g a"d i" a !e& yards) it is spri"g agai". 3e passes 3o"ey agai" ## argui"g &ith her .oy!rie"d) &al,i"g a&ay tear!ul. The" tur"s past 'the preg"a"t &o$a"' ## "o& holdi"g her three#$o"th .a.y. The ca$era holds o" her. I2T. 4OO5S3O- # DAY A grey day i" the .oo,shop. 'arti" a"d (illia$. As e%er. A !eeli"g that thi"gs i" there e%er cha"ge. Te" seco"ds pass. 3o"ey rushes i". Spi,e) still !eeli"g i" disgrace) co$es i" &ith her .ut li"gers i" the door&ay. 3O2EY 3a%e &e got so$ethi"g !or you. So$ethi"g &hich &ill $a,e you lo%e $e so $uch you'll &a"t to hug $e e%ery si"gle day !or the rest o! $y li!e.

(I//IA' 4li$ey. (hat's that= 3O2EY The pho"e "u$.er o! A""a Scott's age"t i" /o"do" a"d her age"t i" 2e& Yor,. You ca" ri"g her. You thi", a.out her all the ti$e ## "o& you ca" ri"g her; (I//IA' (ell) tha",s) that's great. 3O2EY It is great) is"'t it. See you to"ight. 3ey) 'arty## sexy cardy. A"d she rushes out. (illia$ loo,s at the piece o! paper) !olds it a"d the" places it ge"tly i" the gar.age .i". I2T. TO2Y'S RESTAURA2T # 2I73T 4ella .a"gs a spoo" o" a &i"e .ottle. !rie"ds are gathered i" the restaura"t. All the

4E//A I ha%e a little speech to $a,e ## I &o"'t sta"d up .ecause I ca"'t... .e .othered. Exactly a year ago today) this $a" here started the !i"est restaura"t i" /o"do". TO2Y Tha", you %ery $uch. 4E//A U"!ortu"ately ## "o o"e e%er ca$e to eat here. TO2Y A ti"y hiccough.

4E//A A"d so &e $ust !ace the !act that !ro$ "ext &ee,) &e ha%e to !i"d so$e&here "ear to eat. To"y's .ra%e !ace .rea,s. The drea$ is o%er.

4E//A I :ust &a"t to say to To"y ## do"'t ta,e it perso"ally. The $ore I thi", a.out thi"gs) the $ore I see "o rhy$e or reaso" i" li!e ## "o o"e ,"o&s &hy so$e thi"gs &or, out) a"d so$e thi"gs do"'t ## &hy so$e o! us get luc,y ## a"d so$e o! us... 4ER2IE ... get !ired. 4E//A 2o; 4ER2IE Yes) they're shi!ti"g the &hole out!it $uch $ore to&ards the tradi"g side ## a"d o! course... 0he o&"s up1 I &as total crap. They're all rather stu""ed. TO2Y So &e go do&" together; A toast to 4er"ie ## the &orst stoc,.ro,er i" the &hole &orld; They toast hi$. 3O2EY Si"ce it's a" e%e"i"g o! a""ou"ce$e"ts ... I'%e also got o"e) Ah$... I'%e decided to get e"gaged.

Total .e&ilder$e"t !ro$ the others. 3O2EY I'%e !ou"d $ysel! a "ice) slightly odd loo,i"g .lo,e &ho I ,"o& is goi"g to $a,e $e happy !or the rest o! $y li!e. Special cut to 4er"ie ## the shot sho&s he had special !eeli"gs !or 3o"ey. (I//IA' (ait a $i"ute ## I'$ your .rother a"d I do"'t ,"o& a"ythi"g a.out this. 'AX Is it so$eo"e &e ,"o&= Yes. 3O2EY I &ill ,eep you i"!or$ed.

As she sits do&") 3o"ey lea"s to&ards Spi,e a"d &hispers. 3O2EY 4y the &ay ## it's you. S-I5E 'e= Yes. 3O2EY (hat do you thi",=

S-I5E (ell) yes. 7roo%y. 'AX A"y $ore a""ou"ce$e"ts= (I//IA' Yes ## I !eel I $ust apologi8e to e%eryo"e !or $y .eha%ior !or the last six $o"ths. I ha%e) as you ,"o&) .ee"

slightly do&" i" the $outh. 'AX There's a" u"derstate$e"t. There are dead people o" .etter !or$. (I//IA' 4ut I &ish to $a,e it clear I'%e tur"ed a cor"er a"d he"ce!or&ard i"te"d to .e i$pressi%ely happy. I2T. TO2Y'S RESTAURA2T # 2I73T T&o hours later. They'%e had a %ery good ti$e. There's .ee" a chocolate ca,e. /ots o! alcohol. To"y is playi"g '4lue 'oo"' o" the pia"o) a"d 4er"ie :oi"s hi$) si"gi"g. At o"e ta.le 4ella a"d 3o"ey sit ## .eer a"d &i"e o" the ta.le. 4E//A I'$ really horri.ly dru",. Else&here) 'ax a" (illia$ are relaxed together. 'AX So ## you'%e laid the ghost. (I//IA' I .elie%e I ha%e. 'AX Do"'t gi%e a da$" a.out the !a$ous girl. (I//IA' 2o) do"'t thi", I do. 'AX (hich $ea"s you &o"'t .e distracted .y the !act that she's .ac, i" /o"do")

graspi"g her Oscar) a"d to .e !ou"d !il$i"g $ost days o" 3a$pstead 3eath. 3e puts do&" a copy o! the 'E%e"i"g Sta"dard' &ith a picture o! A""a o" its co%er. (I//IA' 0i$$ediate gloo$1 Oh 7od "o. 'AX So "ot o%er her) i" !act. EXT. 3A'-STEAD 3EAT3 # DAY 6ut to the &ide s&eep o! 3a$pstead 3eath. (illia$ e"tirely alo"e. 3e $arches up a hill... goes o%er the crest o! it ## a"d sees a huge !il$ cre& a"d hu"dreds o! extras i" !ro"t o! the radia"t &hite o! 5e"&ood 3ouse) &ith its la&" a"d its la,es. EXT. 5E2(OOD 3OUSE # DAY 2o& closer to the house) (illia$ approaches a .arrier ## &here he is hi$sel! approached. SE6URITY 6a" I help you= (I//IA' Yes ## I &as loo,i"g !or A""a Scott... SE6URITY Does she ,"o& you're co$i"g= (I//IA' 2o) "o. She does"'t.

SE6URITY I'$ a!raid I ca"'t really let you through the") sir. (I//IA' Oh right. I $ea") I a$ a !rie"d ## I'$ "ot a lu"atic .ut ## "o) you .asically... SE6URITY ... ca"'t let you through. At that $o$e"t ## thirty yards a&ay) (illia$ sees trailer door ope". Out o! it co$es A""a ## loo,i"g extraordi"ary ## i" a %el%et dressK !ull) .eauti!ul $a,e#upK rich) extra%aga"t hair. She has a "ecessary cluster o! people a.out her. 3air) $a,e#up) costu$e a"d the third assista"t &ho has collected her. She &al,s a !e& yards) a"d the" casually tur"s her head. A"d sees hi$. 3er !ace registers "ot :ut surprise) certai"ly "ot a si$ple s$ile. 3is .ei"g there is a co$plicated thi"g. 6ut .ac, to hi$. 3e does a s$all &a%e. She pauses as the &hole parapher"alia o! the upco$i"g sce"e passes .et&ee" the$. The $o%ie di%ides the$. 4ut the" she .egi"s to &al, through it) a"d !ollo&ed .y her cluster) she $a,es her &ay to&ards hi$. (he" she reaches hi$) the security guard sta"ds .ac, a pace) a"d her people hold .ac,. She does"'t really ,"o& &hat to say...

A22A This is certai"ly... ah... (I//IA' I o"ly !ou"d out you &ere here yesterday. A22A I &as goi"g to ri"g... .ut... I did"'t thi", you'd &a"t to... The third assista"t is u"der pressure. T3IRD A""a. She loo,s arou"d. The poor third is "er%ous ## a"d the !irst is approachi"g. A22A 0to (illia$1 It's "ot goi"g %ery &ell ## a"d it's our last day. (I//IA' A.solutely ## you're clearly %ery .usy. A22A 4ut... &ait... there are thi"gs to say. (I//IA' O,ay. A22A Dri", tea ## there's lots o! tea. She is s&ept a&ay) !our people touchi"g her hair a"d costu$e. 5ARE2 6o$e a"d ha%e a loo,...

EXT. 5E2(OOD -AR5 # DAY As they $a,e to&ards the set... 5ARE2 Are you a !a" o! 3e"ry >a$es= (I//IA' This is 3e"ry >a$es !il$= EXT. 5E2(OOD 3OUSE # DAY A co$plicated shot is a.out to happe" ## &ith &a%es o! extras ## a"d a huge $o%i"g cra"e. They e"d up "ext to the sou"d des,. 5ARE2 This is 3arry ## he'll gi%e you a pair o! headpho"es so you ca" hear the dialogue. 3arry the sou"d $a" is a pleasa"t) !i!ty#year# old .aldi"g !ello&. 3e ha"ds hi$ the headpho"es. 3ARRY 3ere &e go. The %olu$e co"trol is o" the side. (I//IA' That's great. (illia$) the headpho"es o") sur%eys the sce"e ## the cluster is a !ull JCC yards !ro$ the actio") to allo& a gracious s&eepi"g &ide#shot. 3e &atches A""a. She is &ith her co#star i" the 3e"ry >a$es !il$ ## let's call hi$ >a$es. >A'ES (e are li%i"g i" cloudcuc,oola"d ## &e'll "e%er get this do"e today.

A22A (e ha%e to. I'%e got to .e i" 2e& Yor, o" Thursday. >A'ES Oh) stop sho&i"g o!!. 3e studies a" actress a !e& yards to the le!t. >A'ES 7od) that's a" e"or$ous arse. A22A I'$ "ot liste"i"g. >A'ES 2o) .ut seriously ## it's "ot !air ## so $a"y tragic you"g tee"agers &ith a"orexia ## a"d that girl has a" arse she could per!ectly &ell share rou"d &ith at least te" other &o$e" ## a"d still .e .eg#.otto$ed. A22A I said I'$ "ot liste"i"g ## a"d I thi",) loo,i"g at so$ethi"g that !ir$) you a"d your droopy little excuse !or a" 'arse' &ould .e &ell#ad%ised to ,eep uiet. 4ac, .y the des,) (illia$ is liste"i"g a"d laughs. That's his girl. A""a prepares. A22A So I as, you &he" you're goi"g to tell e%eryo"e) a"d you say...= >A'ES 'To$orro& &ill .e soo" e"ough.' A22A A"d the" I... right.

>A'ES (ho &as that rather di!!icult chap you &ere tal,i"g to o" the &ay up= A22A Oh... "o o"e... "o o"e. >ust so$e... guy !ro$ the past. I do"'t ,"o& &hat he's doi"g here. 4it o! a" a&,&ard situatio". EXT. 3A'-STEAD 3EAT3 # DAY 6ut .ac, to (illia$ ## he has heard. (I//IA' O! course. 3e ta,es o!! the headpho"es a"d puts the$ ge"tly do&". (I//IA' Tha", you. 3ARRY A"yti$e. (illia$ &al,s a&ay. The $o$e"t o! hope is go"e. 3e could"'t ha%e had a clear re$i"der. I2T. (I//IA''S /IVI27 ROO' # EVE2I27 (illia$ is e$ptyi"g A""a Scott %ideos i"to a .ox. S-I5E (hat's goi"g o"= (I//IA' I'$ goi"g to thro& out these old %ideos. S-I5E

2o. You ca"'t .i" these. They're classics. I'$ "ot allo&i"g this. (I//IA' Right ## let's tal, a.out re"t... S-I5E /et $e help. (e do"'t &a"t all this shit clutteri"g up our li%es. I2T. 4A65ROO' O9 T3E 4OO5S3O- # DAY The "ext day. (illia$ is hard at &or,) doi"g the accou"ts i" a dar, s$all roo$ &ith !iles i" it. 'arti" pops his head i". 'ARTI2 I ha%e to distur. you &he" you're coo,i"g the .oo,s) .ut there's a deli%ery. (I//IA' 'arti") ca"'t you :ust deal &ith this yoursel!= 'ARTI2 4ut it's "ot !or the shop. It's !or you.

(I//IA' O,ay. Tell $e) &ould I ha%e to pay a &et rag as $uch as I pay you= They head out) 'arti" .ehi"d hi$) i"co$prehe"si%ely ru..i"g his ha"ds ## he's i" a %ery good $ood. I2T. 4OO5S3O- # DAY (illia$ e"ters ## a"d there sta"ds A""a ## i" a si$ple .lue s,irt a"d top.

A22A 3i. (I//IA' 3ello. A22A You disappeared. (I//IA' Yes ## I'$ sorry ## I had to lea%e... I did"'t &a"t to distur. you. A22A (ell... ho& ha%e you .ee"= (I//IA' 9i"e. E%erythi"g $uch the sa$e. (he" they cha"ge the la& Spi,e a"d I &ill $arry i$$ediately. (hereas you... I'%e &atched i" &o"der. A&ards) glory ... A22A Oh "o. It's all "o"se"se) .elie%e $e. I had "o idea ho& $uch "o"se"se it all &as ## .ut "o"se"se it all is... 0she's "er%ous1 (ell) yesterday &as our last day !il$i"g a"d so I'$ :ust o!! ## .ut I .rought you this !ro$ ho$e) a"d... It's uite a .ig &rapped parcel) !lat ## * !oot .y @ !oot) lea"i"g agai"st a .oo,shel!. A22A I thought I'd gi%e it to you. (I//IA' Tha", you. Shall I...

A22A 2o) do"'t ope" it yet ## I'll .e e$.arrassed. (I//IA' O,ay ## &ell) tha", you. I do"'t ,"o& &hat it's !or. 4ut tha", you a"y&ay. A22A I actually had it i" $y apart$e"t i" 2e& Yor, a"d :ust thought you'd... .ut) &he" it ca$e to it) I did"'t ,"o& ho& to call you... ha%i"g .eha%ed so... .adly) t&ice. So it's .ee" :ust sitti"g i" the hotel. 4ut the"... you ca$e) so I !igured... the thi"g is... the thi"g is ... (I//IA' (hat's the thi"g= The" the door pi"gs. custo$er) 'r. S$ith. I" &al,s the a""oyi"g

(I//IA' Do"'t e%e" thi", a.out it. i$$ediately.

7o a&ay

'r. S$ith is ta,e" a.ac, a"d there!ore co$pletely o.edie"t. Right. 'R. S'IT3 Sorry.

A"d he lea%es. (I//IA' You &ere sayi"g... A22A Yes. The thi"g is... I ha%e to go a&ay today .ut I &o"dered) i! I did"'t)

&hether you $ight let $e see you a .it... or) a lot $ay.e... see i! you could... li,e $e agai". -ause as (illia$ ta,es this i". (I//IA' 4ut yesterday... that actor as,ed you &ho I &as... a"d you :ust dis$issed $e out o! ha"d... I heard ## you had a $icropho"e... I had headpho"es. A22A You expect $e to tell the truth a.out $y li!e to the $ost i"discreet $a" i" E"gla"d= 'arti" edges up. 'ARTI2 Excuse $e ## it's your $other o" the pho"e. (I//IA' 6a" you tell her I'll ri"g her .ac,. 'ARTI2 I actually tried that tac, ## .ut she said you said that .e!ore a"d it's .ee" t&e"ty#!our hours) a"d her !oot that &as purple is "o& a sort o! .lac,ish color... (I//IA' O,ay ## per!ect ti$i"g as e%er ## hold the !ort !or a seco"d &ill you) 'arti"= 'arti" is le!t &ith A""a. 'ARTI2 6a" I :ust say) I thought '7host' &as a &o"der!ul !il$.

A22A Is that right= 'ARTI2 Yes... I'%e al&ays &o"dered &hat -atric, S&ay8e is li,e i" real li!e. A22A I ca"'t say I ,"o& -atric, all that &ell. 'ARTI2 Oh dear. 3e &as"'t !rie"dly duri"g the !il$i"g= A22A (ell) "o ## I'$ sure he &as !rie"dly ## to De$i 'oore ## &ho acted &ith hi$ i" '7host.' She's ,i"d i" here) "ot sarcastic. 'ARTI2 Oh right. Right. a .it o! a" ass. Sorry. Al&ays .ee"

(illia$ retur"s a little u"easy. 'ARTI2 A"y&ay... it's lo%ely to $eet you. I'$ a great !a" o! yours. A"d De$i's) o! course. 'arti" lea%es the$. (I//IA' Sorry a.out that. A22A That's !i"e. There's al&ays a pause &he" the :ury goes out to co"sider its %erdict.

She's a&aiti"g a" a"s&er. (I//IA' A""a. /oo, ## I'$ a !airly le%el# headed .lo,e. 2ot o!te" i" a"d out o! lo%e. 4ut... 3e ca"'t really express &hat he !eels. (I//IA' ... ca" I :ust say '"o' to your ,i"d re uest a"d lea%e it at that= A22A ... Yes) that's !i"e. O! course. I... you ,"o&... o! course... I'll :ust... .e getti"g alo"g the"... "ice to see you. (I//IA' The truth is... 3e !eels he $ust explai". (I//IA' ... &ith you) I'$ i" real da"ger. It too, li,e a per!ect situatio") apart !ro$ that !oul te$per o! yours ## .ut $y relati%ely i"experie"ced heart &ould) I !ear) "ot reco%er i! I &as o"ce agai" ... cast aside) &hich I &ould a.solutely expect to .e. There are too $a"y pictures o! you e%ery&here) too $a"y !il$s. You'd go a"d I'd .e... &ell) .uggered) .asically. A22A I see. 0pause1 That reality is a real '"o)' is"'t it= (I//IA'

I li%e i" 2otti"g 3ill. You li%e i" 4e%erly 3ills. E%eryo"e i" the &orld ,"o&s &ho you are. 'y $other has trou.le re$e$.eri"g $y "a$e. O,ay. -ause. A22A The !a$e thi"g is"'t really real) you ,"o&. Do"'t !orget ## I'$ also :ust a girl. Sta"di"g i" !ro"t o! a .oy. As,i"g hi$ to lo%e her. -ause. 4ye. The" tur"s a"d lea%es. /ea%i"g hi$. She ,isses hi$ o" the chee,. A22A A22A 9i"e. 9i"e. 7ood decisio".

I2T. TO2Y'S RESTAURA2T # DAY The restaura"t is i" the $iddle o! .ei"g deco"structed. The pictures are go"e o!! the &alls ## a ,ettle o" a lo"g exte"sio" lead is o" the .are ta.le .ehi"d. They're all sitti"g there. (I//IA' (hat do you thi",= 7ood $o%e=

3O2EY 7ood $o%e< &he" all is said a"d do"e) she's "othi"g special. I sa& her ta,i"g her pa"ts o!! a"d I de!i"itely gli$psed so$e cellulite do&" there. 4E//A 7ood decisio". All actresses are $ad

as s"a,es. (I//IA' To"y ## &hat do you thi",= TO2Y 2e%er $et her) "e%er &a"t to. (I//IA' 4rillia"t. 'ax= 'AX A.solutely. 7reat. 2e%er trust a %egetaria". Tha",s.

(I//IA' Excelle"t.

Spi,e e"ters. S-I5E I &as called a"d I ca$e. (hat's up=

3O2EY (illia$ has :ust tur"ed do&" A""a Scott. S-I5E You da!t pric,; 4ella is casually loo,i"g at the pai"ti"g that sits .eside (illia$. It is the origi"al o! the 6hagall) the poster o! &hich &as o" his &all. 4E//A This pai"ti"g is"'t the origi"al) is it= (I//IA' Yes) I thi", that o"e $ay .e. 4ER2IE 4ut she said she &a"ted to go out &ith

you= (I//IA' Yes ## sort o!... 4ER2IE That's "ice. (I//IA' (hat= 4ER2IE (ell) you ,"o&) a"y.ody sayi"g they &a"t to go out &ith you is... pretty great... is"'t it... (I//IA' It &as sort o! s&eet actually ## I $ea") I ,"o& she's a" actress a"d all that) so she ca" deli%er a li"e ## .ut she said that she $ight .e as !a$ous as ca" .e ## .ut also... that she &as :ust a girl) sta"di"g i" !ro"t o! a .oy) as,i"g hi$ to lo%e her. They ta,e i" the li"e. their attitudes. A pause. It totally re%erses

(I//IA' Oh sod a dog. I'%e $ade the &ro"g decisio") ha%e"'t I= They loo, at hi$. Spi,e does a .ig "od.

(I//IA' 'ax) ho& !ast is your car= EXT. TO2Y'S RESTAURA2T # DAY 'ax's car arri%es i" the street outside. pile i"to the car. They

'AX I! a"yo"e gets i" our &ay ## &e ha%e s$all "uclear de%ices. 4ER2IE A"d &e i"te"d to use the$; 'AX (here's 4ella= 3O2EY She's "ot co$i"g. 'AX Sod that. 4er"ie ## i" the .ac,; 3e shoots out o! his door) rushes rou"d a"d gra.s 4ella out o! the chair. 'AX 6o$e o") .a.e. EXT.DI2T. 6AR. STA2/EY 6RES6E2TD2OTTI27 3I// 7ATE # DAY 'ax's car is shooti"g up Sta"ley 6resce"t. are i"side a"d outside the car. 4E//A (here are you goi"g= 'AX Do&" 5e"si"gto" 6hurch Street) the" 5"ights.ridge) the" 3yde -ar, 6or"er. 6ra8y. 4E//A 7o alo"g 4ays&ater... (e

3O2EY That's right ## the" -ar, /a"e.

4ER2IE Or you could go right do&" to 6ro$&ell Road) a"d le!t. (I//IA' 2o; Sudde"ly the car sla$s to a halt. 'AX Stop right there; I &ill decide the route. All right= A// All right. 'AX >a$es 4o"d "e%er has to put up &ith this sort o! shit. EXT. -I66ADI//Y # DAY The car tur"s illegally right across -iccadilly the &ro"g &ay do&" a o"e#&ay street a"d e"ds up outside the Rit8. (illia$ spri"ts i"to the hotel. 4er"ie !ollo&s. 4ER2IE 4loody hell) this is !u". IT. RITE /O44Y # DAY (I//IA' Is 'iss Scott stayi"g here= It is the sa$e $a". RITE 'A2 2o) sir. (I//IA'

3o& a.out 'iss 9li"tsto"e= RITE 'A2 2o) sir. (I//IA' Or 4a$.i... or) I do"'t ,"o&) 4ea%is or 4utthead= 'a" sha,es his head. RITE 'A2 2o) sir. Right. (I//IA' Right. 9air e"ough. Tha",s.

3e tur"s despo"de"t a"d ta,es t&o steps &he" the Rit8 'a" stops hi$ i" his trac,s. RITE 'A2 There &as a 'iss -ocaho"tas i" roo$ JBL ## .ut she chec,ed out a" hour ago. I .elie%e she's holdi"g a press co"!ere"ce at The Sa%oy .e!ore !lyi"g to A$erica. (illia$ is %ery grate!ul. 3e ,isses the Rit8 'a". 4er"ie's also gratu!ul. 3e ,isses hi$ too. 4ER2IE (e ha%e li!t o!!;; A >apa"ese guest assu$es this is the &ay to .eha%e a"d the Rit8 'a" gets ,issed a third ti$e. EXT. /O2DO2 STREET # DAY The car speeds through /o"do". totally stuc, at a It gets

:u"ctio" &here "o o"e &ill let the$ i". S-I5E 4ugger this !or a .u"ch o! .a"a"as. 3e gets out o! the car a"d .oldly stops the tra!!ic co$i"g i" the opposite directio". Our car shoots past hi$. S-I5E 7o; They lea%e hi$ .ehi"d. &i"do& a"d shouts... 3O2EY You're $y hero. Spi,e &a%es &ildly ## he loses co"ce"tratio" a"d is %ery "early hit .y a car. EXT. T3E SAVOY # DAY They pull to a stop. 'AX 7o; I2T. T3E SAVOY # DAY (illia$ rushes up to the $ai" des,. (I//IA' Excuse $e) &here's the press co"!ere"ce= 'A2 AT SAVOY Are you a" accredited $e$.er o! the press= (I//IA' Yes... (illia$ leaps out. 3o"ey lea"s out the

3e !lashes a card. 'A2 AT SAVOY That's a 4loc,.uster %ideo $e$.ership card) sir. (I//IA' That's right... I &or, !or their i"# house $aga8i"e. 0$i$es uotatio" $ar,s1 ''o%ies are our .usi"ess.' 'A2 AT SAVOY I'$ sorry) sir... 3o"ey shoots i"to shot) pushi"g 4ella's chair. 4E//A 3e's &ith $e. 'A2 AT SAVOY A"d you are= 4E//A (riti"g a" article a.out ho& /o"do" hotels treat people i" &heelchairs. 'A2 AT SAVOY O! course) $ada$. It's i" the /a"caster Roo$. I'$ a!raid you're %ery late. 3O2EY 0to (illia$1 Ru"; I2T. SAVOR ROO' # DAY (illia$ ru"s) searchi"g. roo$) a"d e"ters. I2T. /A26ASTER ROO' # DAY At last !i"ds the

3uge roo$ ## !ull o! press. Ro& a!ter ro& o! :our"alists) ca$eras at the !ro"t) TV ca$eras at the .ac,. A""a clearly gi%es press co"!ere"ces %ery rarely) .ecause this o"e is positi%ely preside"tial. She sits at a ta.le at the e"d o! the roo$) .eside 5are"< o" her other side is >ere$y) the -R .oss) !ir$ly $arshalli"g the uestio"s. >ERE'Y Yes... You ## Do$i"ic. FUESTIO2ER J 3o& $uch lo"ger are you stayi"g i" the U5 the"= A22A 2o ti$e at all. I !ly out to"ight.

She's i" a slightly $ela"cholic a"d there!ore ho"est $ood. >ERE'Y (hich is &hy &e ha%e to rou"d it up "o&. 9i"al uestio"s. 3e poi"ts at a :our"alist he ,"o&s. FUESTIO2ER B Is your decisio" to ta,e a year o!! a"ythi"g to do &ith the ru$ours a.out >e!! a"d his prese"t leadi"g lady= A22A A.solutely "ot. FUESTIO2ER B Do you .elie%e the ru$ours=

A22A It's really "ot $y .usi"ess a"y $ore. Though I &ill say) !ro$ $y experie"ce) that ru$ours a.out >e!!... do te"d to .e true. They lo%e that a"s&er) a"d all scri..le i" their "ote .oo,s. 2ext uestio" co$es !ro$ so$eo"e straight right "ext to (illia$. FUESTIO2ER * /ast ti$e you &ere here) there &ere so$e !airly graphic photographs o! you a"d a you"g E"glish guy ## so &hat happe"ed there= A22A 3e &as :ust a !rie"d ## I thi", &e're still !rie"ds. >ERE'Y Yes) the ge"tle$a" i" the pi", shirt. 3e is poi"ti"g straight at (illia$) &ho has his ha"d up. (I//IA' Yes ## 'iss Scott ## are there a"y circu$sta"ces i" &hich you t&o $ight .e $ore tha" :ust !rie"ds= A""a sees &ho it is as,i"g. A22A I hoped there $ight .e ## .ut "o) I'$ assured there are"'t. (I//IA' A"d &hat &ould you say...

>ERE'Y 2o) it's :ust o"e

uestio" per perso". You &ere

A22A 2o) let hi$... as, a&ay. sayi"g=

(I//IA' Yes) I :ust &o"dered &hether i! it tur"ed out that this... perso"... OT3ER >OUR2A/IST 0to (illia$1 3is "a$e is Thac,er. (I//IA' Tha",s. I :ust &o"dered i! 'r. Thac,er reali8ed he'd .ee" a da!t pric, a"d got do&" o" his ,"ees a"d .egged you to reco"sider) &hether you &ould... reco"sider. (e cut to 'ax) 4ella) 4er"ie a"d 3o"ey) all &atchi"g. The" .ac, to A""a. A22A Yes) I'$ pretty sure I &ould. (I//IA' That's %ery good "e&s. The readers o! '3orse a"d 3ou"d' &ill .e a.solutely delighted. A""a &hispers so$ethi"g to >ere$y. >ERE'Y Do$i"ic ## i! you'd li,e to as, your uestio" agai"= FUESTIO2ER J Yes ## A""a ## ho& lo"g are you

i"te"di"g to stay here i" 4ritai"= -ause. A""a loo,s up at (illia$. 3e "ods.

A22A I"de!i"itely. They .oth s$ile ## sudde"ly the press gets &hat's goi"g o" ## $usic ## "oise ## they all tur" a"d !lash) !lash) !lash photos o! (illia$. 'ax a"d 4ella ,iss. 4er"ie ,isses a total stra"ger. Spi,e !i"ally $a,es it ## he's .right red !ro$ ru""i"g. S-I5E (hat happe"ed= 3O2EY It &as good. 3o"ey hugs hi$. Spi,e. It's a "e& experie"ce !or

6ut to (illia$'s !ace ## !lash a!ter !lash ## still loo,i"g at A""a. They are .oth s$ili"g. I2T.DEXT. T3E 3E'-E/ EE2 7ARDE2 (IT3 'ARFUEE2 # DAY A""a a"d (illia$ at their &eddi"g ## they ,iss a"d &al, i"to the cro&d. 3o"ey) a .rides$aid i" peach sati" ## she is surrou"ded .y at least !our other .rides$aids) all u"der !i%e. 2ear.y) To"y sta"di"g) glo&i"g) .eside his !a.ulous) pyra$idical &eddi"g ca,e.

(illia$'s $other is "ot uite happy &ith ho& he's loo,i"g. She tries to .rush his hair. 'ax) dressed i" the $ost de%astati"g 4o"d#li,e &hite tuxedo is da"ci"g &ith A""a ## thrilled. 3e does a rather !lashy little $o%e. 6ut to 4ella &ho is &atchi"g a"d laughi"g. 'arti") i" a" a&,&ard t&eed suit) is :iggli"g to the .eat o! a so"g) e"tirely happy i" the cor"er. EXT. /EI6ESTER SFUARE # 2I73T A huge pre$ier ## screa$i"g cro&ds ## A""a a"d (illia$ get out o! the car) she holdi"g his ha"d ## loo,i"g ulti$ately gorgeous ## he i" a .lac, tie that does"'t uite !it. 3e's startled. EXT. 7ARDE2 # DAY A pretty gree" co$$u"al garde". 6hildre" are playi"g) &atched .y $others) o"e o! &ho$ holds a "e& .a.y i" a papoose. A %ery old couple &a"der alo"g slo&ly. A s$all tai chi group $o%es $ysteriously. A"d as the ca$era glides) it passes a couple sitti"g o" a si"gle) si$ple &oode" .e"ch o%erloo,i"g the garde". 3e is readi"g) she is :ust loo,i"g out) totally relaxed) holdi"g his ha"d) preg"a"t. It is (illia$ a"d A""a.


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