Hfn2o Course Outline
Hfn2o Course Outline
Hfn2o Course Outline
O H F N 2
s t i n U e Cours
Unit 1
Food Choices
In this unit, we will look at why people eat the foods they do, and the various factors that inuence their food choices.
UTLINE H F N 2 O C O U R S Et iO m on.weebly.co
Unit 2
Nutrition & Health
We will look at the Canadian Food Guide in this unit, along with numerous other healthy eating guides, and discuss our nutritional requirements.
Unit 3
Food Preparation & Food Safety
This unit will focus on how to prepare and serve food safely, and teach students some key skills required in the kitchen.
Term Work: 70! " Observations: 5# " Conversations: 5# " Tests: 20# " Projects/Essays: 30# " Homework/Journals: 10# Final Evaluations: 30! " Culminating Task: 15# " Final Exam: 15# Contact Information E!mail: joshmorrison26@me.com Website Access foodhealthnutrition.weebly.com Username: Name_HFN2O Password: stanford
Unit 4
Food Needs of Individuals & Families
In this unit, we will take a deeper look into our bodys nutritional requirements, and discuss various factors that might impact our ability to meet those requirements.
Unit 5
Local & Global Foods
In the nal unit, we will examine the localvore movement, and look at the environmental impact of our local and global food choices.