Paris High School and Junior High Daily Announcements February 20th 2014 High School
Paris High School and Junior High Daily Announcements February 20th 2014 High School
Paris High School and Junior High Daily Announcements February 20th 2014 High School
Hart Career Center's Open House on Wednesday, February 26th from 5 - 8 p.m. SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINES: Buick Achievers Scholarship- Feb 28 Mo Association of Mutual Insurance Companies- Monroe and Ralls Co- March 1 FCS Scholarship- March 1 MFA Foundation due to Mrs. Youse- March 15 NEMO Old Threshers- March 20 MO Insurance Education Foundation- March 31 Shelter Insurance Scholarship- March 31 Cindy Hays Memorial Scholarship- April 15 JUNIOR HIGH:
ALL STUDENTS: Pick up info for Miss Paris and Jr. Miss Paris from Ms. Otto. Forms are due back on March 7th to Ms. Otto.
FCA will have a fifth-quarter activity following Friday night's basketball games. Grades 7-12 are welcome. Basketball, volleyball, movie, and FOOD. All rides must be here by 11:00.
TEACHERS & STAFF: Supervision this week: AMJH: Freitag AMHS: Long 1st Lunch Wisner 2nd Lunch: Long 3rd Lunch: Mason Supervision next week: AMJH: Long AMHS: Otto 1st Lunch: Turner 2nd Lunch: Crusha 3rd Lunch: W. Billington UPCOMING ACTIVITIES:
2-21 2-25