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As you love, you attract. You are today where your thoughts have brought you; You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. You cannot escape the result of your thoughts; But you can endure and learn, accept and be glad. You will realize the vision of your heart, not the idle wish. You will gravitate toward that which you secretly most love. n to your hands will be placed the e!act result you earn; "o more, no less. #hatever your present environment may be, You will fall, remain, or rise with your thoughts$ Your vision$ your ideal.% & Author 'nknown &

Angelic Light Healing Studio Timothy Van Minnen (Founder) Usui/ Karuna Ki Master/Teacher 083 4319960 t anminnen!yahoo"com #

INTRODUCTION: $s %e &e'in our (ourney o) hea*in'+ there are some im,ortant ,oints to consider" -o% does ener'etic hea*in' %or./ 0oes it come )rom %ithin ourse* es+ or )rom some e1terna* source/ 2s ener'etic hea*in' sim,*y a )orm o) 3)aith hea*in'4/ 5an one do dama'e throu'h ener'etic hea*in'/ To e1,*ore these ideas+ *et us e1amine the anatomy o) the $ura and its 5ha.ras+ the 3mind6&ody4 connection+ and the )orce re)erred to as Ki / 5hi / Uni ersa* 7i)e Force8 THE AURA: 1) WHAT IS THE AURA?

The $ura is an ener'y )ie*d surroundin' humans and anima*s" There is nothin' 3su,ernatura*4 a&out this+ as it is sim,*y an e*ectro6ma'netic )ie*d" 9cientists ha e de e*o,ed techno*o'y that can ta.e ,hotos o) the $ura usin' cameras simi*ar to :6 rays" ) THE !OUR SU"TLE "ODIES:

The $ura contains )our *ayers+ .no%n as the su&t*e &odies" Technica**y s,ea.in'+ these )our &odies aren;t rea**y *ayered+ &ut ,ro&a&*y i&rate at di))erent )re<uencies" =hat is im,ortant )or the hea*er to understand is that each su&t*e &ody corres,onds to a di))erent as,ect o) the human/anima*;s )unctionin'" The )our su&t*e &odies are8 ETHERIC "OD#: The >theric &ody corres,onds %ith the ,hysica* &ody" Thus ,hysica* in(uries or conditions %i** &e ,ic.ed u, in this ener'etic &ody" $ENTAL "OD#: The Menta* &ody corres,onds to the mind" 2n this ener'etic )ie*d+ one can ,ic. u, ne'ati e thou'ht ,atterns and memories" E$OTIONAL "OD#: The emotiona* &ody re*ates to the emotions" Thus+ one can e1,ect to )ind )ee*in's o) *o e/hate+ )ear/com)ort+ (oy/sorro% etc in this ener'etic rea*m" S%IRITUAL "OD#: The s,iritua* &ody re*ates to one;s s,iritua* de e*o,ment+ ,erce,tions+ and the ,ath one )o**o%s" ?ne may )ind a shi)t in ,erce,tions re'ardin' s,iritua* matters in this ener'y )ie*d" @ote that these are perceptions A there is no 3ri'ht4 re*i'ion or ,hi*oso,hyB =hat may &e ri'ht )or one ,erson may &e %ron' )or the ne1t" 2t is im,ortant to remain o&(ecti e+ and understand that s,iritua*ity is (as are many other as,ects o) *i)e) a su&(ecti e e1,erience" Cou cannot te** some&ody that their 9,iritua* &ody is un%e** &ecause they )o**o% the 3%ron'4 s,iritua* ,athB THE CHA&RAS: 5ha.ra is 9ans.rit )or 3%hee*4" 2t is used to si'ni)y the idea o) a turnin' centre o) ener'y %ithin the &ody" To those %ho ha e de e*o,ed their c*air oyance+ cha.ras mani)est as re o* in' discs o) *i'ht emer'in' )rom the &ody+ o)ten descri&ed as )unne*6sha,ed %hen ie%ed )rom the side" =hen ie%ed )rom the )ront+ they seem to ha e ,eta*s that can o,en and c*ose" The num&er o) ,eta*s is *o%est at the &ase cha.ra+ and increases as one mo es u, throu'h the cha.ra system" These centres are usua**y arran'ed in a ertica* )ashion" The cha.ras act as connection and trans)erra* ,oints )or the ener'y o) the &ody" The ener'y or &i that runs throu'h the &ody is stored and &oosted around the &ody &y 3su& stations4+ the same %ay that e*ectricity is ,i,ed around a country" The 5ha.ras a&sor&+ trans)orm and transmit ener'y ia the nadis into the centra* ner ous system+ the endocrine '*ands and into the &*ood to nourish the &ody" The cha.ras contro* the or'ans o) the ,hysica* &ody+ to'ether %ith the neuro6endocrina* system+ and a*so ita*iDe each o) the su&t*e &odies" The E main cha.ras are attached to the s,ine &y cords+ %hich ha e roots and are sha,ed *i.e the ,eta*s o) a )*o%er" Fesides the se en ma(or cha.ras+ sma**er ones are situated in the shou*ders+ .nees+ ears+ hands and )eet"

ROOT' "ASE CHA&RA (Ea)th * Red): 7ocated at the &ase o) the s,ine+ this cha.ra corres,onds to earth ener'y" 2ts co*our aries )rom a rosy red to )iery oran'e6 red" 2t 'o erns the $drena* G*ands+ and is our 3)*i'ht or )*i'ht4 cha.ra" 2t is res,onsi&*e )or dis,osin' o) any im,ure ener'y+ and corres,onds to the urinary system" 2t is a*so associated %ith ,hysica* sensation+ and ,rimiti e+ tri&a* instincts ()ami*y+ she*ter+ re,roduction)" ?*d resentment and ,ain is o)ten stored here" $ &*oc.a'e in the Fase 5ha.ra %i** sto, the )ree )*o% throu'h the %ho*e s,ine and thus a*so the *im&s" The Fase 5ha.ra;s i&ration corres,onds to earthy sounds such as drummin' or o ertone chantin'" 2nsecurities stemmin' )rom chi*dhood or )ami*y %i** a))ect this ener'y centre" (I am at peace with the world, the more peace and harmony I give the more I will receive). SACRAL CHA&RA (Wate) * O)ange): This centre is *ocated a )e% inches &e*o% the na e*+ in the centre o) the &ody" 2ts co*our is oran'e+ and it corres,onds to the e*ement o) %ater" 2t is associated %ith emotions+ and is in o* ed in a** )orms o) intimacy and inter,ersona* )ee*in's" 2t has a si'ni)icant connection to the endocrine '*ands situated in the 'onads" 2t houses the intestines+ the &*adder+ and %aste )actory o) our &ody" 2t contro*s our com,assion+ our re*ationshi,s+ and )reedom to e1,ress ourse* es" -o*din' on to issues causes consti,ationH &ein' cross %ith someone can cause &*adder ,ro&*ems (&ein' 3,issed o))4 %ith them)" This centre is %here the 3'ut )ee*in'4 comes )rom+ as its corres,ondence to the %ater e*ement ma.es it an im,ortant centre )or intuition and dreams" 2nsecurities o) a se1ua* nature %i** a))ect this cha.ra+ as it mana'es the emotional dimension o) se1" (I am fulfilled, and the more I share the more I will receive). SOLAR %LE+US CHA&RA (!i)e * #ello,): This cha.ra is *ocated at the so*ar ,*e1us+ (ust &e*o% the ri& ca'e" This ye**o% cha.ra corres,onds to )ire+ and is res,onsi&*e )or se*)6,reser ation+ sur i a* and se*)6esteem" 2t is the 3,o%er4 centre" 2t is re*ated to the ner ous system+ the adrena* '*ands and the *o%er 'astrointestina* tract" The 9o*ar I*e1us 5ha.ra a*so in)*uences the stomach+ *i er+ s,*een and 'a** &*adder" This cha.ra is the storehouse o) emotions+ an'er+ )ear and day6to6day issues" -ence a 3.notted stomach4+ 3&utter)*ies in the stomach4" 7o% se*)6esteem %i** a))ect this cha.ra" 5*eansin' the 9o*ar I*e1us 5ha.ra *eads to &etter understandin'+ ,eace and )or'i eness" (I am relaxed and at peace with the rest of the world) HEART CHA&RA (Ai) * -)een): This cha.ra is *ocated in the centre o) the chest area" 2t is 'reen+ and corres,onds to emotions such as sym,athy+ em,athy+ com,assion and unconditiona* *o e" $s a hea*er+ it is im,ortant to study this cha.ra;s ,rocess in de,th+ as it re*ates to com,assion" 2t is res,onsi&*e )or the meta&o*isin' o) the ener'y o) *o e that %e recei e )rom others" 2t is re*ated to the >*ement o) $ir" ?n the ,hysica* *e e*+ it is associated %ith the heart+ the circu*atory system and the immune system" $n ina&i*ity to acce,t *o e )rom others+ or emotiona* %ounds in the ,ast may a))ect this cha.ra" (I am Love. My love is continually expanding. The more I love myself, the more I have to give, and the more love I will receive.) THROAT CHA&RA (Ai) * "lue): This &*ue ener'y centre is res,onsi&*e )or s,eech and e1,ression" 2t is *ocated in the throat area" $ hea*thy throat cha.ra %i** he*, you 3s,ea. your truth4" The throat cha.ra is a*so said to &e re*ated to one;s (ud'ement o) se*) and others" Ihysica**y+ it is connected to the res,iratory system+ the oca* a,,aratus and 'o erns the Thyroid G*and (res,onsi&*e )or meta&o*ism)" Ieo,*e %ho are una&*e to e1,ress themse* es or ,ay attention to the %ay other ,eo,*e e1,ress themse* es+ may ha e ,ro&*ems %ith the throat cha.ra" $ tendency to (ud'e one;s se*) or others un)air*y+ %i** a*so a))ect this centre" F*oc.a'es in this cha.ra may cause sti)) nec.s+ sore throats+ headaches and ti'ht shou*ders" (I am able to express my thoughts and restore my mind in perfect health.) THIRD E#E ' "ROW CHA&RA (Ai) * Indigo): This cha.ra is res,onsi&*e )or the 'eneration o) the Menta* Fody" 7ocated in the centre o) the &ro%+ it contro*s c*air oyance and ,sychic e1,erience" The co*our is io*et or indi'o" =ithin the ,hysica* &ody+ it a))ects the *o%er &rain+ ears+ eyes and ner ous system" Ier)ect*y ,ositioned o er the ,ituitary and hy,otha*amus '*ands+ the entire endocrine system is contro**ed &y this cha.ra" ( o with your intuition or instinct.) CROWN CHA&RA: Iositioned on the to, o) the head+ this cha.ra is said to &e %here the sou* enters the &ody" 2t is 'o erned &y 39,irit4" This cha.ra may ary in co*our+ de,endin' on the indi idua*;s *e e* o) 9,iritua* de e*o,ment" 2t is usua**y descri&ed as &ri'ht %hite" =hen )u**y o,en+ this cha.ra co ers the %ho*e head" ?n the ,hysica* ,*ain+ it contro*s the hi'her )unctions o) the &rain and 'o erns the Iinea* G*and" Most hea*ers %i** a'ree that a*thou'h this centre can &e 'ent*y &a*anced+ it is &est not to inter)ere too much+ as there are hi'her ,o%ers *oo.in' a)ter the 5ro%n cha.ra" (I am an open channel for creative energy of the !niverse.)

E Minor 5ha.ras E Ma(or 5ha.ras Front Fac.

$INOR CHA&RAS: 2n addition to the E ma(or cha.ras discussed a&o e+ there are se era* sma**er ener'y centres in the aura" $t this ,oint+ %e shou*d note that there is a minor cha.ra on the ,a*m o) each hand+ %hich is im,ortant %hen trans)errin' ener'y+ and is thus o) 'reat si'ni)icance to the -ea*er" $nother ,air o) minor cha.ras is *ocated on the so*es o) the )eet+ thus connectin' us to the >arth" These t%o minor ener'y centres are im,ortant )or 'roundin'+ and a*so %hen dra%in' earth ener'y into the &ody and aura" $IND."OD# / $ANI!ESTATION: 2s it ,ossi&*e to will yourse*) sic./ -o% much ,o%er do our thou'hts ha e/ ?ne may de&ate )or hours re'ardin' to %hat e1tend %e create our o%n rea*ity throu'h our thou'hts and ,erce,tions" 2t has &een said that 3,erce,tion is the u*timate truth"4 Thin. a&out this )or a moment A i) you I>J5>2V> that your )ami*y *o es you+ it %i** ma.e no di))erence to you i) they rea**y don;t care much )or you at a**Kas *on' as you believe you are *o ed+ a *o in' )ami*y %i** &e ,art o) your rea*ity" Ta.e this a ste, )urther A Fo& &e*ie es that he %i** die o) a *un' disease one day" -e is youn' and hea*thy+ &ut e ery time he *i'hts a ci'arette+ he )ee*s 'ui*ty+ &ecause he is con inced that %hen he is o*der+ he %i** contract some ty,e o) *un' disease" =i** Fo& create his o%n *un' disease/ =here does disease come )rom/ 0oes it ori'inate )rom a irus or 'erm+ (i"e" inside the &ody)+ or is it dra%n )rom the e1terna* into the aura and then into the ,hysica* &ody/ >ner'etic hea*in' %or.s on the ,rinci,*e that ne'ati e thou'hts or emotions+ %hen he*d on to in the ener'y )ie*d+ %i** e entua**y mani)est in the ,hysica* &ody in the )orm o) a disease or other un,*easant condition" =hat are your ie%s on this theory/ 0oes this mean that a** ,eo,*e su))erin' i**ness ha e in )act in)*icted it on themse* es/ There are+ as yet+ no de)inite ans%ers to this <uestion" -o%e er+ %e shou*d consider that to a *ar'e e1tent+ %e can ,re ent i**ness throu'h our thou'ht ,atterns and &y re*easin' ne'ati e ,erce,tions and emotions" The hea*er *earns to remo e ne'ati e thou'hts and emotions in the )orm o) ener'y &*oc.a'es and tears or ho*es in the aura+ thus ,re entin' this ne'ati ity )rom mani)estin' in the ,hysica* &ody" There are a ariety o) thin's that can dama'e or %ea.en the $ura" 5hemica*s (%hether ,ain .i**ers+ anti&iotics or 3i**e'a*4 dru's)+ a*coho*+ meat and ne'ati e thou'ht ,atters a** ,*ay a si'ni)icant ,art in *o%erin' the $ura;s i&rations+ thus %ea.enin' the ener'y )ie*d" ?nce the $ura is %ea. or dama'ed+ it is )ar easier )or ne'ati e ener'y to reach the ,hysica* &ody+ mani)estin' as disease or ,ain" >ner'etic hea*in' a*so s,eeds u, the &ody;s natura* a&i*ity to hea*" THE ART O! HEALIN-: =here does hea*in' come )rom/ 0oes it come )rom %ithin the hea*er+ or )rom some e1terna* source/ Most hea*ers %i** a'ree that hea*in' is not a 'i)t 6 it is a &irthri'ht" 2t is somethin' %e are &orn %ith A as %ith intuition+ it is a ,art o) our 3sur i a* ,ac.a'e4+ that %e may choose to i'nore+ or choose to nurture" Fut %here does this ener'y come )rom/ Most hea*ers are o) the o,inion that they sim,*y 3)aci*itate4 a hea*in'" Fy this+ they mean that the 3,o%er4 comes )rom the uni ersa* *i)e )orce (a*so .no%n as 5h;i or Ki)+ and that the hea*er is sim,*y a esse* )or the 5h;i to )*o% throu'h" The Jei.i attunement a**o%s one to &e 3)ine tuned4 to the source o) this ener'y+ thus ena&*in' one to channe* more hea*in' Ki/5h;i" Furthermore+ it is acce,ted that i) a hea*er %ere to ,er)orm a hea*in' usin' on*y his/her own 5h;i+ he/she cou*d end u, drained o) ener'y" 2t is said that this ener'y has an 3inte**i'ence4 o) it;s o%nKthat i) the -ea*er;s intent is ,ure+ the ener'y %i** 'o %here it needs to+ and aid the hea*in' o) the ,erson/anima* in need" ENER-# / 0I"RATION: To understand the di))erence &et%een Jei.i and other )orms o) ener'y hea*in'+ one needs to ha e a c*oser *oo. at ho% ener'y %or.s" Cou ha e ,ro&a&*y heard ,eo,*e ta*.in' a&out 3hi'h i&ration4 and 3*o% i&ration4+ &ut %hat does it mean/ =hen ta*.in' a&out the i&rationa* *e e* o) somethin'+ %e are actua**y re)errin' to the fre"uency o) the ener'y;s %a e"

> erythin' in the uni erse sends out ener'y" 0o%n to the sma**est atom+ there is ener'y" For the ,ur,oses o) ener'y hea*in'+ %e sha** &e measurin' this ener'y in %a es" $s you are studyin' Jei.i and not ,hysics+ you can thin. o) the %a e )re<uency in terms o) music8 $ io*in %i** ma.e a hi'h ()re<uency) sound+ and a did'eridoo %i** ma.e a *o% ()re<uency) sound" =hat does this mean in terms o) hea*in'/ First %e must esta&*ish the di))erence &et%een ,ure ener'y and matter" $nythin' ,hysica* %i** ha e a much *o%er )re<uency than somethin' that is ,ure ener'y" 9o )or humans+ there is a *o%er ran'e o) i&rationa* )re<uency than )or+ say+ an an'e*ic &ein' / s,iritua* entity"

ENER-# "EIN-S / Healing ene)g31




HU$ANS / othe) 2h34ical 5eing4

7et us say )or the ,ur,oses o) this discussion+ that the a era'e human i&rates at a )re<uency o) L0" Jemem&er that the $ura acts as a .ind o) shie*d+ and so the hi'her the )re<uency at %hich the aura i&rates+ the stron'er our de)ensi e shie*d is" There are a num&er o) thin's that can a*ter the )re<uency at %hich %e i&rate" 9ome thin's %i** *o%er our i&ration" These inc*ude stress+ a*coho*+ dru's (%hether ,rescri,tion dru's or i**e'a* su&stances)+ meat+ ne'ati e thou'ht ,atterns or &e*ie)s etc" ?ther thin's %i** hei'hten the )re<uency o) our aura;s i&ration" These inc*ude a hea*thy *i)esty*e A hea*thy )ood+ a oidin' meat+ a*coho*+ dru's+ stress etc" =hat is im,ortant to understand is that a Jei.i attunement mo es your i&rationa* )re<uency u, &y se era* notches" For e1am,*e+ i) your aura;s )re<uency is L0 at the moment+ you %i** &e at a&out E0 a)ter your Jei.i 2 attunement" This is %hat ma.es Jei.i di))erent )rom other ener'y hea*in' methods" $ Jei.i ,ractitioner is a&*e to channe* a much *ar'er amount o) hea*in' ener'y+ as their auras and ,hysica* &odies are attuned to a hi'her )re<uency o) ener'y" The hi'her the )re<uency o) ener'y you are %or.in' %ith+ the more hea*in' e))ect it %i** ha e" That is %hat ma.es Jei.i hea*in' such a ,o%er)u* too*" $s your $ura;s )re<uency &ecomes hi'her+ you %i** )ind that 3*o% )re<uency4 thin's &ecome )ar *ess a,,ea*in'B ?nce you ha e &een attuned to Jei.i+ you may )ind that your &ody re(ects the thin's that %i** *o%er your )re<uency" WHAT IS REI&I? Jei.i is an ancient art o) *ayin' on o) hands" =hen e1,eriencin' ,ain+ the )irst thin' most ,eo,*e do is ,ut their hands on it" =hen a chi*d )a**s and scra,es his .nee+ the mother %ants to touch it (or .iss it) and ma.e it &etter" $ mother;s instinct is to ,*ace her hands on the sore or ,ained area" -uman touch con eys %armth+ serenity+ *o e+ carin' and healing1 =hen an anima* is in ,ain+ a do' or cat;s )irst instinct is to *ic. the ,ain)u* area A )or the same reasons that a ,erson a,,*ies touch %ith their hands" This sim,*e act is the &asis )or a** touch hea*in' techni<ues" The *i in' &ody+ anima* or human+ radiates %armth and ener'y" This ener'y is the *i)e )orce itse*)" 2n Ma,an the ener'y is termed &i and it is )rom this %ord that Jei.i is named" Fro.en do%n into t%o com,onent ,arts8 Jei is uni ersa*+ transcendenta* s,irit+ mysterious ,o%er+ essence (Ma,anese a*,ha&et)H Ki is descri&ed as the ita* *i)e )orce ener'y ery simi*ar to 5h;i o) the 5hinese" &i is a*so the ita* *i)e )orce o) the >arth+ the ,*anets+ the stars+ the hea ens+ and these sources o) ener'y a))ect the *i in' &ody;s Ki" > erythin' a*i e contains Ki and radiates it A it is the &ioma'netic ener'y o) the aura" =hat ma.es Jei.i di))erent )rom other hea*in' techni<ues is the attunement ,rocess" $ ,erson+ %ho has &een throu'h the ,rocess o) Jei.i attunements+ has e1,erienced a ery ancient techno*o'y )or )ine6tunin' the ,hysica* and etheric &odies to a hi'her i&ratory *e e*" 5ertain ener'y centers+ a*so .no%n as cha.ras+ are o,ened to ena&*e the ,erson to channe* (and i&rate) hi'her amounts o) *i)e ener'y or Ki" Jei.i is not a re*i'ion" This *i)e )orce ener'y is the source o) *i)e itse*)" =hi*e e erythin' that has *i)e has Ki+ a Jei.i attunement connects the recei er in an increased %ay to its *imit*ess source" ?n recei in' the )irst attunement in Jei.i 2+ the recei er &ecomes a channe* or )aci*itator )or this uni ersa* hea*in' ener'y" From the time o) the attunement and throu'h the rest o) their *i es+ a** the ,erson needs to do to connect %ith hea*in' Ki is to ,*ace their hands u,on themse* es+ or others+ and the ener'y %i** )*o% automatica**y"

Jecei in' an attunement is a ma'ic.a* 'i)t" -o%e er+ it does not 'i e the recei er anythin' ne%H it o2en4 and align4 ,hat ,a4 al)ead3 2a)t o6 the71 >ach de'ree;s attunement increases the ,o%er o) their a&i*ity to channe* Ki" 2t is the attunements themse* es that are Jei.i+ and %ithout this ,rocess A %hich can on*y &e ,assed on )rom Master/Teacher to student 6 the hea*in' system is not Jei.i+ &ut somethin' e*se" Jei.i is a %onder)u* too* to he*, one de e*o, conscious a%areness+ the ery .ey to en*i'htenment" Jei.i sho%s us %hat %e need to *earn a&out ourse* es" ?nce e1,erienced+ our *i es can ne er &e the same" =ith this ancient Ti&etan attunement+ you &ecome a%are o) the *i)e and ener'y o,eratin' on a** ,*anes and dimensions %ithin and around us" Cou &ecome a%are o) your o%n un*imited true ,otentia*" !IRST DE-REE REI&I First de'ree Jei.i attunes us to hea* the &ody" 2t is the hea*er;s (o& to act as a channe* )or the Jei.i ener'y" 2t is the c*ient;s (o& to as. )or the hea*in' and to a**o% the hea*in' to %or. a** the %ay do%n to the 0@$6*e e*" =e a** ha e %ithin us the ca,a&i*ity to hea*" 2t is %hen %e do not con)ront the issues in our *i es that %e ha e created to *earn our *essons+ that %e create stress and 3dis6ease4" 2) this 3dis6ease4 is *e)t unattended+ that is+ i) the stress is not dea*t %ith+ the 3dis6ease4 %i** mani)est itse*) into &odi*y 3dis6ease4 &y attac.in' at the &ody;s %ea.est ,oints" =hat %e must remem&er at a** times is that 3=e are 7i'ht4" =e must see the 7i'ht o) the Uni erse to %hich %e are connected as the hea*in' resource that it is" To &e'in to understand the connections to the uni ersa* ener'y+ %e must understand ho% %e are connected to it throu'h the cha.ras" There are se en &odi*y cha.ras throu'h %hich ener'y )*o%s throu'hout our &odies" =hen these ,oints are c*osed+ %e are un&a*anced and o,en to ne'ati e ener'y and 3dis6ease4" =hen these ,oints are o,en+ %e )unction harmonious*y in &ody+ mind and s,irit" THE E!!ECTS O! REI&I Jei.i a))ects each indi idua* in a ery ,ersona* %ay" The resu*ts o) e ery treatment are determined &y the needs o) each indi idua*" -ere are some common e1,eriences+ %hich seem to occur durin' most treatments8 Jei.i Jei.i Jei.i Jei.i Jei.i Jei.i Jei.i Jei.i Jei.i Jei.i 9u,,orts the &ody;s a&i*ity to hea* itse*)+ $maDin' ,ain6re*ie) <ua*ities" ita*iDes &oth &ody and sou* Je6esta&*ishes s,iritua* e<ui*i&rium and menta* %e**6&ein'" )unctions on a** *e e*s" =hether menta* or emotiona* hea*in' that is needed Fa*ances the &ody;s ener'ies c*eanses the &ody o) ,oisons *oosens u, &*oc.ed ener'y and ,romotes a state o) tota* re*a1ation ad(usts itse*) accordin' to the needs o) the reci,ient %i** %or. on a** anima*s+ ,*ants N Iets 2s an e1treme*y ,*easant+ ho*istic method o) hea*in'

The Jei.i treatment %i** ary %ith each ,ractitioner+ &ut the ,rimary )ocus %i** &e on any ,ain)u* or ,ro&*em areas o) the &ody+ and the endocrine system" The &asic Jei.i treatment co ers a** the ,oints o) the '*andu*ar system+ %hich in turn contro*s a** o) the hormones o) the &ody" ?n an >theric *e e*+ each o) the E main 5ha.ras+ or ener'y centers+ corres,onds to one o) the endocrine '*ands8 Iinea* A 5ro%n Iituitary A Third >ye Thyroid A Throat Thymus A -eart Iancreas A 9o*ar I*e1us Gonads (o aries and testes) A 9acra* $drena*s 6 Joot THE THREE LE0ELS O! INITIATIONS OR ATTUNE$ENTS TO THE REI&I ENER-# There are three initiations that Jei.i Masters 'o throu'h in order to attune their ener'y to the )our *e e*s o) Jei.i" initiation ,hysica**y attunes the initiate;s &ody to the Jei.i ener'y and to a ,articu*ar hea*in' *e e*" 11 !i)4t Deg)ee First de'ree attunes the hea*er to hea*in' the ,hysica* &ody *e e*" treatment on yourse*) and others" >ach

2t is at this *e e* that you *earn ho% to do a Jei.i

1 Second Deg)ee 9econd de'ree attunes the hea*er to hea*in' at the menta* and emotiona* *e e*s" 2t a**o%s you to )aci*itate menta* and emotiona* c*earin's" 2t is at this *e e* that you *earn three Jei.i sym&o*s and ho% to use them durin' an in6,erson treatment+ as %e** as ,er)ormin' an a&sentee or remote hea*in'" 81 $a4te)4 Deg)ee Master;s de'ree attunes the hea*er to hea*in' on the s,iritua* *e e* and to com,*ete mastery o) the Jei.i ener'ies" $t this *e e* you *earn to uti*ise the master sym&o*s and ho% com,*ete+ a )u** ,sychic sur'ery session on your c*ient;s" Cou %i** a*so *earn $d anced 9cannin' Techni<ues" -o% to send+ distant hea*in' usin' the master sym&o*s+ to hea* the ,ast+ ,resent and )uture" Cou %i** a*so &e 'i en the techni<ue to ,ro'ram the Jei.i to distant hea*in' at desi'nated times" L0 case studies needed to attend the Teachers 0e'ree"

91 Teache)4 Deg)ee The Teachers 0e'ree Cou %i** *earn ho% to ,ass the Jei.i $ttunements on to others+ &oth ,hysica**y and distant*y and ho% to ,ass the attunements on to e en anima*s" Cou %i** &e 'i en a 50 on com,*etion o) the c*ass %ith a** the Jei.i in)ormation+ a**o%in' you to teach a** )our *e e*s o) Jei.i THE REI&I STOR# The traditiona* Jei.i story &e'ins in the 1800;s+ &ut Jei.i %as ancient e en then" 2n)ormation &e)ore %ritten records can &e o&tained on*y throu'h meditation/channe**in'" =hen the human &ody )or this ,*anet %as desi'ned+ Jei.i %as incor,orated into the 'enetic codin' as a &irthri'ht )or a** ,eo,*e" Jei.i is ,art o) e ery one o) us" 2t %as once uni ersa* and %as ne er meant to &e *ost" $ccordin' to some+ chi*dren o) ear*y >arth+ in the ci i*iDation %e ca** Mu today+ recei ed Jei.i 2 trainin' at the &e'innin' o) ,rimary schoo*" They recei ed Jei.i O at the &e'innin' o) hi'h schoo*" The Master/Teacher;s trainin' %as re<uired )or educators and %as a ai*a&*e )or anyone %ho %anted it" =hen the ,eo,*e o) its root cu*ture *e)t the main*and o) Mu to co*oniDe %hat is no% 2ndia and Ti&et+ Jei.i continued %ith them+ thou'h Mu %as e entua**y *ost" The >arth chan'es that destroyed )irst Mu and then $t*antis resu*ted in se ere cu*tura* disor'aniDation+ causin' the hea*in' system to remain the .no%*ed'e o) a se*ected )e%" 2n the nineteenth century+ a Ma,anese man sou'ht the ori'ins o) ho% Fuddha hea*ed the sic. and )ound them in the ancient remains o) 9hi a;s ear*y cu*ture+ in the esoteric teachin's o) 2ndia" The traditiona* Jei.i story &e'ins in the mid 1800;s %ith 0r" Mi.ao Usui+ %ho %as ,rinci,a* o) the 0oshisha Uni ersity in Kyoto+ Ma,an" 9ome o) his students as.ed to &e sho%n the method &y %hich Mesus did hea*in'" $s it mentions in the Fi&*e+ 5hrist states+ 3Cou do as 2 ha e done+ and e en 'reater thin's4" The students %anted to .no% %hy there %eren;t many hea*ers in the %or*d today ,er)ormin' the same act" Usui %as stunned and una&*e to ans%er the <uestion+ and &ound &y his honour as 0ean+ 0r" Usui resi'ned" 0r" Usui then &e'an a 106year <uest to )ind and *earn the s.i**" -e tra e*ed to the United 9tates+ %here he *i ed )or E years" =hen he recei ed no )urther ans%ers+ he entered the Uni ersity o) 5hica'o and &ecame a 0octor o) Theo*o'y" -e a*so *earned ho% to read 9ans.rit+ the ancient scho*ar*y *an'ua'e o) 2ndia and Ti&et" 0r" Usui sti** )ound no ans%ers to his <uest to *earn the methods o) hea*in' and returned to Ma,an and resided in a Pen monastery" 2t %as here that he )ound the te1ts descri&in' the hea*in' )ormu*a+ %hich he cou*d no% read in the ori'ina* 9ans.rit" The materia* did not inc*ude in)ormation on ho% to acti ate the ener'y and ma.e it %or." $s has &een stated+ such o&scurin' o) in)ormation in the 9utras %as intentiona*+ done to .ee, the o)ten6,o%er)u* materia* )rom hands not ready to .no% and use it ,ro,er*y" -a%ayo Ta.ata descri&es this8 -e %ent into studyin' the 9ans.rit+ and %hen he *ater studied ery hard to master it+ he )ound a )ormu*a" Must as ,*ain as day" @othin' hard+ &ut ery sim,*e" 7i.e t%o and t%o e<ua*s )our K and so he said+ 3Very %e**+ 2; e )ound it" Fut no% 2 need to inter,ret this+ &ecause it %as %ritten OL00 years a'o and is ery ancient" Fut 2 ha e to 'o throu'h the test"4 The test %as a 36%ee. ,eriod o) meditation+ )astin' and ,rayer on Mt" Koriyama in Ma,an" -e chose this meditation site and ,i*ed O1 sma** stones in )ront o) him to mar. the time+ thro%in' a%ay one stone at the end o) each day" ?n the )ina* mornin' o) his <uest+ in the dar.est hour (ust &e)ore da%n+ Usui sa% a ,ro(ecti*e o) *i'ht comin' to%ard him" -is )irst res,onse %as to run )rom it+ &ut he had sou'ht *on' and hard )or a** those years A he (ust cou*d not 'i e u," -e decided to acce,t %hat %as comin' e en i) it meant death" The *i'ht struc. his third eye and he *ost consciousness )or a time" Then he sa% Qmi**ions and mi**ions o) rain&o% &u&&*es;+ and )ina**y the Jei.i sym&o*s as i) on a screen" $s he sa% each sym&o*+ he %as 'i en in)ormation a&out each o) them to acti ate the hea*in' ener'y" 2t %as the )irst Jei.i attunement+ and the ,sychic redisco ery o) an ancient method" Mi.ao Usui *e)t Mt" Koriyama .no%in' ho% to hea* as Fuddha and Mesus had hea*ed" =a*.in' do%n the mountain he e1,erienced %hat is traditiona**y .no%n as the )our mirac*es" First+ he stu&&ed his toe %a*.in'+ and instincti e*y ,ut his hands on it" -is hands &ecame hot and the torn toe %as hea*ed" 9econd*y+ he reached a house that ser ed ,i*'rims at the &ottom o) the mountain" -e as.ed )or a )u** mea*+ not %ise a)ter O1 days o) )astin' on %ater+ &ut ate it %ithout any discom)ort" Third*y+ the %oman ser in' the mea* %as a))*icted %ith toothache+ and her (a% had &een s%o**en )or days" I*acin' his hands on the sides o) her )ace+ the ,ain and s%e**in' &e'an to disa,,ear" ?n his return to the monastery+ he %as to*d that the director %as in &ed %ith arthritis" $s 0r" Usui shared his e1,eriences %ith the mon.+ and *aid his hands on the arthritic areas+ the ,ain disa,,eared" This %as the )ourth mirac*e" 0r" Usui decided to 'o and %or. in the Fe''ars Ruarter o) Kyoto" -e ho,ed to hea* the &e''ars so that they cou*d recei e ne% names at the tem,*e+ and thus &e reinte'rated into society" $)ter hea*in' each o) these ,eo,*e+ he as.ed that the ,erson start a ne% *i)e+ &ut he )ound the same )aces returnin'" 9eein' ,eo,*e that he thou'ht had &een hea*ed+ sti** &e''in' instead o) ma.in' an honest *i in'+ he &ecame discoura'ed" The ,eo,*e themse* es %ere an'ry+ &ecause %ith their disease hea*ed+ they cou*d no *on'er ma.e their %ay as &e''ars and %ou*d no% ha e to %or." 0r" Usui rea*iDed that hea*in' o) the 9,irit %as e ery &it as im,ortant as hea*in' o) the &ody" -e a*so rea*iDed that he had )ai*ed to teach them 'ratitude" -e sa% that &y ha in' 'i en the Jei.i a%ay he had )urther im,ressed the &e''ar ,attern+ i"e" Q.ee,in' them stuc.;" -e a*so rea*iDed the im,ortance o) an e1chan'e o) ener'y" Ieo,*e needed to 'i e &ac. )or %hat they had recei ed" $t this time+ 0r" Usui created the L ,rinci,*es o) Jei.i+ %hich are 'i en out at the end o) Jei.i 2" 2t %as a*so at this time the ,ur,oses o) the sym&o*s he had en isa'ed &ecame c*ear to him" -e %ou*d use them to attune ,eo,*e so that they cou*d ta.e res,onsi&i*ity )or their o%n %e**6&ein'" Fy he*,in' them am,*i)y their ener'y+ they cou*d ta.e a &i''er ste, to%ards their o%n mastershi," Mi.ao Usui undertoo. a ,i*'rima'e+ ta.in' Jei.i on )oot throu'h Ma,an+ carryin' a torch and *ecturin'" 0r" Usui &e'an to train teachers+ youn' men %ho %ou*d (oin him on his tra e*s" 2n this %ay+ he met 5hu(iro -ayashi+ a retired na a*

o))icer" -ayashi recei ed his Jei.i master;s trainin' )rom Usui in 19OL+ and &ecame Usui;s successor" 0r" Usui died in 1930+ ha in' attuned &et%een 16 and 18 Masters" 5hu(iro -ayashi trained teams o) Jei.i ,ractitioners+ &oth men and %omen+ inc*udin' 16 Masters+ in his *i)etime" -e o,ened a hea*in' c*inic in To.yo+ %here hea*ers %or.ed in 'rou,s on ,eo,*e %ho *i ed at the c*inic durin' their time o) hea*in'" Jei.i hea*ers a*so %ent to homes o) ,eo,*e %ho %ere una&*e to come to the c*inic" 2n 193L+ -a%ayo Ta.ata+ a youn' Ma,anese6$merican %oman )rom -a%aii a,,eared in -ayashi;s c*inic" 9he %as ery i** %ith a ariety o) or'anic disorders+ ha in' &een dia'nosed %ith a,,endicitis and a tumour as %e** as 'a**stones+ and a*so *ac.in' ener'y due to de,ression o er the death o) her hus&and a )e% years ear*ier" -a in' &een on the er'e o) sur'ery+ she heard the oice o) her *ate hus&and ur'in' her em,hatica**y to a oid the o,eration" $)ter con)errin' to the doctor her reser ations a&out sur'ery+ he recommended that she try the Jei.i c*inic" Ta.ata *i ed at the Jei.i c*inic and %as com,*ete*y hea*ed in mind+ &ody and s,irit %ithin months" 9he as.ed to &e trained in Jei.i &ut %as re)used at )irst+ not &ecause she %as a %oman+ &ut &ecause she %as a )orei'ner" -ayashi did not %ant the ,ractice o) Jei.i hea*in' to *ea e Ma,an at the time" -er ,ersistence )ina**y ,aid o)) and -a%ayo Ta.ata recei ed her )irst and second de'ree and returned to *i e in -a%aii )or O years" 2n the %inter o) 1938+ 5hu(iro -ayashi isited Ta.ata in -a%aii" 9he recei ed her Jei.i 222 trainin'+ and on Fe&ruary OO+ 1938+ -ayashi announced -a%ayo Ta.ata as a Master/Teacher and as his successor" -e a*so to*d her to come to him immediate*y %hen he summonsed her" 2n 1941+ Ta.ata a%o.e one mornin' to ,hysica**y see -ayashi standin' at the )oot o) her &ed" 9he .ne% this %as the summons and too. the ne1t a ai*a&*e &oat to To.yo" 0r" -ayashi %as a ,o%er)u* mystic" -e sensed that a %ar %as comin' and that a** in o* ed %ith Jei.i %ou*d ,erish and the c*inic %ou*d &e c*osed" $s a na a* o))icer not %antin' to &e dra)ted to ,artici,ate in the io*ence o) the comin' %ar+ -ayashi decided to ma.e his transition" ?n May 10+ 1941+ 5hu(iro -ayashi sto,,ed his o%n heart &y ,sychic means+ and conscious*y *e)t his &ody" The Great =ar he ,redicted %as =or*d =ar O" Jei.i %as no *on'er a ai*a&*e in Ma,an+ and the c*inic %as ta.en o er and %as no *on'er a**o%ed to o,erate as a hea*in' center" -a%ayo Ta.ata %as the means &y %hich Jei.i continued" 9he &rou'ht it )irst to -a%aii and then to the United 9tates and )ina**y to 5anada and to >uro,e" 9he *i ed to &e 80 years o) a'e+ &ut she a*%ays *oo.ed decades youn'er" 9he trained hundreds o) ,eo,*e in the Jei.i hea*in' system" 9he initiated OO Jei.i Master/Teachers" -a%ayo Ta.ata died on 11 0ecem&er 1980" 9ince -a%ayo Ta.ata;s death+ Jei.i has 'one throu'h many chan'es" 'randdau'hter+ has &een named the Grand Master o) Usui Traditiona* -ea*in'" Ihy**is Furumoto+ Ta.ata;s successor and

THE !I0E S%IRITUAL %RINCI%LES O! REI&I :u4t 6o) toda3; I ,ill let go o6 ange)1 :u4t 6o) toda3; I ,ill let go o6 ,o))31 Toda3; I ,ill count 73 7an3 5le44ing41 Toda3; I ,ill do 73 ,o)< hone4tl31 Toda3; I ,ill 5e <ind to e=e)3 li=ing c)eatu)e1 :u4t 6o) Toda3; I Will Let -o o6 Ange) To *et 'o o) an'er is to re*ease %hat is &*oc.in' us )rom *o in' unconditiona**y" $n'er is rea**y an unnecessary emotion+ %hich se,arates us )rom the Uni ersa* 5onsciousness" =hen our e1,ectations a&out ourse* es and others 'et the &est o) us+ %hen %e or they )ai* to satis)y these e1,ectations+ or our needs and desires+ then %e &ecome an'ry" The ,eo,*e %e are an'ry at ha e no rea*iDation o) our an'er" Most o) the time+ it hurts us more than it cou*d e er hurt them" Jemem&er that a** &ein's are &rou'ht into our *i es as a mirror+ and are the direct re)*ection o) the cause and e))ect created &y us" Throu'h the ,eo,*e %e &rin' into our *i es+ our mirrors+ %e can disco er the %ea. ,oints in our e'os" To &e an'ry is ery destructi e o) our inner harmony" Fe a%are o) %hat causes the an'er A (ust %hat is the e1,ectation and/or demand/ Fee* the emotion )u**y and re*ease it" $n'er is a reactionH the res,onse is *o e" #o not blame others by pointing out their faults. $ou will find upon self%examination that the faults you see in others are in you. &hen you correct yourself, the world becomes correct. 'ai (aba :u4t 6o) Toda3; I Will Let -o o6 Wo))3 =hen %e %orry+ %e ha e )or'otten that there is a di ine ,ur,ose in e erythin'" =hen %e are a%are that %e ha e *i ed each day the &est %e can+ %e .no% that the rest is u, to the Uni erse" =hen %e %orry+ %e se,arate ourse* es )rom the Uni ersa* %ho*eness" $*so+ %e are not trustin' that a** is in di ine order" To %orry creates more *imitations" 9urrender to the ,*an o) your hi'her se*)" $** is in di ine order" Je*ease and trust" )*othing is cast away by the mind. +s a conse"uence, grief, worry and misery continue to simmer in it. If only the mind can be taught renunciation, one can become a spiritually serene person., - 'ai (aba Toda3; I Will Count $3 $an3 "le44ing4

5ountin' our &*essin's means to &e 'rate)u* )or a** o) the a&undance in our *i es" =e are than.)u* not on*y )or %hat %e ha e recei ed+ &ut a*so )or %hat %e .no% and trust %i** &e ,ro ided" $s %e ac.no%*ed'e and 'i e than.s )or our e ery &*essin'+ *ar'e and sma**+ %e attract more &*essin's to us" ?ur )ear o) not ha in' (*ac.) .ee,s us )rom acce,tin' %hat is tru*y ours &y di ine ri'ht" =hat %e are a&*e to see+ %e sha** ha eH %hat %e thin.+ %e sha** create" 2) %e )ee* su&conscious*y un%orthy o) recei in' a&undance or &*essin's )rom the Uni erse+ %e %i** in some %ay &*oc. the )*o% o) *i)e;s riches and &*essin's to us" Jiches not on*y in a materia* sense+ &ut a*so riches emotiona**y+ menta**y and s,iritua**y" 32 see ho% a&undant*y 2 am &*essed in my *i)e" $** thin's nourish me and 2 am 'rate)u*"4 )To those who have an insight into life, everything has meaning. To those whose eyes are open, everything fits into place., - 'ai (aba Toda3; I Will Do $3 Wo)< Hone4tl3 To *i e *i)e honest*y is to &e a*i'ned %ith our hi'her se*);s ,ur,ose" Fy &ein' honest %ith ourse* es and )acin' the truth in a** matters+ %e can *i e a tru*y harmonious *i)e" Truth &rin's c*arity" =hen %e are honest %ith ourse* es+ %e ,ro(ect honesty onto others" Fy &ein' honest in our %or.+ this truth is rein)orced &y the resu*tin' *o e )or ourse* es and others" This honesty creates harmony in our *i es and in our %or*d" =e com,*ete the tas. %ith *ess e))ort" $s %e c*ear*y see and ac.no%*ed'e the *essons+ our *i)e o,ens &e)ore us" )Truth is your .ather Love is your Mother &isdom your son /eace is your daughter #evotion is your brother +nd spiritual see0ers are your friends, - 'ai (aba Toda3; I Will "e &ind to E=e)3 Li=ing C)eatu)e $s %e *o e and are .ind to a** *i in' creatures+ %e e1,erience a sense o) unity" =e are a** o) one source" Fy not &ein' .ind to someone %e are not actua**y *o in' and res,ectin' ourse* es+ )or %e are a ,art o) one another" =hen %e acce,t a** as,ects o) ourse* es+ then %e can acce,t others" 2t is a*%ays )rom ourse* es to others+ )rom others to ourse* es" =e are re)*ections o) the di ine *i'ht" Kindness is *o e" )#o not do unto another &hat you do not li0e To be done unto yourself. .or the other is you., - 'ai (aba THREE %RECE%TS O! REI&I 1" The client 7u4t ta<e )e42on4i5ilit3 6o) the healing1 2t is the c*ient %ho is res,onsi&*e )or hea*in' him or herse*)+ not the Jei.i ,ractitioner" The Jei.i ,ractitioner is on*y res,onsi&*e )or channe**in' the Jei.i ener'y to the c*ient" 2t is u, to the c*ient to acce,t the ener'y and )or a**o%in' hea*in' to ta.e ,*ace" The Rei<i 2)actitione) 7u4t al,a34 get 2e)7i44ion 6)o7 the 2e)4on>4 4oul o) 5eing to gi=e the7 a Rei<i t)eat7ent1 2dea**y+ the c*ient must er&a**y as. )or the hea*in'" $n e1ce,tion to this %ou*d &e an in)ant or someone in a coma" -o%e er+ you must sti** as. ,ermission )rom the ,erson;s -i'her se*) and the Jei.i ,ractitioner must a*%ays 'et ,ermission )rom the &ein';s sou* to 'i e them a Jei.i Treatment" An e?ual e@change 4hould ta<e 2lace 6o) 4e)=ice4 )ende)ed1 There are t%o reasons )or this ,rece,t" First+ %e a** thin. thin's are 3%orth*ess4 i) %e do not ha e to ,ay or 'et somethin' )ree" 9econd+ i) your ,ur,ose in *i)e is to &e a hea*er+ and su,,ort yourse*) %ith a di))erent nine6to6)i e (o&+ you are ta.in' hours a%ay )rom %hat you came here to do" 2) you recei e money )or the hea*in' %or. you are doin'+ then you are )u*)i**in' your *i)e;s ,ur,ose and are a&*e to *i e o)) the money you are 'ettin' &ac." This ener'y e1chan'e can a*so &e a &artered e1chan'e" 2n the instance o) )ami*y mem&ers %ho are a*%ays e1chan'in' ener'y+ you %i** .no% that you %i** &e 3,aid4 in one %ay or another and you %i** .no% %hat is ri'ht" NE0ER E0ER WOR& ON "RO&EN "ONESAAA $s Jei.i corres,onds stron'*y to the e*ement o) >arth+ it is e1treme*y ,otent %hen mendin' &ones" 2t is there)ore ery im,ortant that you ne=e) %or. on &ro.en &ones un*ess they ha e &een set &y a doctor and are in the correct ,ositionBBB 2t is a*so ad isa&*e to a=oid ,o)<ing on an35od3 ,ith auto.i77une di4o)de)4; o) an35od3 cu))entl3 unde)going che7othe)a231 THE HEALIN- SESSION ?nce you &e'in hea*in'+ the )u** mirac*e o) Jei.i starts to mani)est" The true ma'ic o) Jei.i is in the doin'" The )irst thin' a hea*er needs to .no% is ho% to ho*d their hands" Foth hands+ he*d ,a*ms do%n+ are used in Jei.i" They are ,*aced on the Jei.i ,ositions and rested 'ent*y there+ com,*ete*y re*a1ed+ %ith no e1erted ,ressure" The 7i)e6)orce ener'y+ or Ki+ that ,roduces hea*in' )*o%s throu'h the cha.ras in the center o) the ,a*ms o) the hands and the ti,s o) the )in'ers" Foth



hands can &e ,*aced on to, o) each other as %e**" The hands must &e on the recei er;s &ody or %or.in' (ust a&o e+ )or ma1imum ener'y to )*o% throu'h" > en thou'h the hands are a*%ays used in Jei.i+ ener'y can )*o% throu'h any ,art o) your &ody" 2) the so*es o) your )eet are &are and the intention to use Jei.i is there+ ener'y %i** )*o% throu'h the so*es" Jestin' your )eet on your mate;s *e' or &ac. a*so can &rin' )orth the ener'y" $roma thera,ists+ re)*e1o*o'ists or any other touch thera,ist %ho ha e Jei.i %i** a*%ays &e doin' hea*in' %hi*e doin' their treatment" >ner'y throu'h the hands can ha,,en at other times as %e**H )or e1am,*e artists; hands can start to heat u, %hi*e ,aintin'" =hi*e doin' hea*in'+ the hea*er may )ee* sensations o) heat+ co*d+ %ater )*o%in'+ i&ration+ trem&*in'+ ma'netism or e en ,ain mo in' throu'h their hands" The ,erson recei in' the hea*in' may )ee* the same thin's or di))erent+ or may e en )ee* nothin' at a**" The sensations chan'e )rom ,osition to ,osition+ hea*in' to hea*in'" Honou) 3ou) intuition and )e7e75e) the)e i4 no )ight o) ,)ong1 Very *itt*e conscious )ocusin' is re<uired %hen usin' Jei.i" Iut your hands do%n ,ith the intention to heal and the ener'y )*o%s A no matter %hat e*se you may &e doin' or thin.in' a&out at the time" =hen usin' Jei.i %ith do's+ cats and youn' chi*dren+ the hea*in' session is di))erent to that %ith human adu*ts" They ha e the a&i*ity o) a&sor&in' ener'y )ar more easi*y and <uic.*y than adu*t humans can" 5ats are ,articu*ar*y a%are o) Jei.i ener'y and ha e an attitude a&out it" They )ee* that they in ented it" 0o's are more *aid &ac. 6 Jei.i ener'y can tic.*e them" HEALIN- ANOTHER Cou must a*%ays ha e ,ermission )rom the c*ient and the c*ientSs Fein' or -i'her 9e*)" ?nce you ha e determined that you ha e this ,ermission+ the )o**o%in' ,rayer can &e said8 BLet the Rei<i Ene)g3 6lo, th)ough the highe4t le=el o6 t)eat7ent o6 CCCCCCCC1D Cou then te** the c*ient 32t is your (o& to a**o% the Jei.i >ner'y to 'o a** the %ay do%n to the ce**u*ar *e e*+ to hea*+ harmonise and &a*ance+ do%n to the 0@$6*e e*"4 THE HEALIN- SETTIN1" O" 3" 4" L" 6" E" 8" 9" 10" The room in %hich you do the hea*in' shou*d &e conduci e to harmonious ener'y ,atterns"

Foth the hea*er and c*ient shou*d &e com)orta&*e" The hea*er shou*d &e a&*e to %or. com)orta&*y+ %ithout strain" Ii**o%s and &*an.ets shou*d &e a ai*a&*e" The c*ient remains c*othed durin' the session" 2t is su''ested that (e%e*ry+ &e*ts+ shoes or &indin' outer 'arments &e remo ed" $*%ays %ash your hands and arms &e)ore and a)ter a hea*in'" 2t stands to reason that i) you are treatin' an o,en in)ection+ you shou*d %ear ,rotecti e steri*e '*o es" Meditati e music is conduci e to re*a1in' &oth the hea*er and the c*ient" care)u* that you do not scare your c*ients and ma.e them uncom)orta&*e" 5and*es and incense can &e used" Fe

$*%ays treat the entire &ody i) ,ossi&*e" This ,ro ides the tota* &a*ance necessary )or hea*in' to ta.e ,*ace" $*%ays remain ,ro)essiona*" 0o not touch the ,ri ate or re,roducti e areas o) the c*ient" 2t is not necessary to ma.e direct contact %ith the c*ientSs &ody )or Jei.i to enter into it" 5on ersation can &e he*,)u*+ &ut shou*d &e done in <uiet+ ca*min' tones" -and ,ressure shou*d &e so)t and 'ent*e" 5*eanse the room &y s,rayin' %ater around the room to *i)t and *i'hten the ener'y in the room"

REI&I SEL!.HEALIN- %OSITIONS 1" O" 3" 4" 7i'ht*y cu, your ,a*ms o er your eyes" This ,osition &a*ances the *e)t and ri'ht sides o) the &rain+ is %onder)u* )or headaches and eyestrain and 'ood )or sinuses" 2t a*so co ers the 3rd eye cha.ra" I*ace your hands o er the ears %ith the ti,s o) your )in'ers touchin' at the to, o) the head" This ,osition co ers the tem,*es and the cro%n o) the head" I*ace hands at the &ac. o) head+ co erin' the &ase o) the s.u** and cu,,in' the occi,ita* *o&es" This ,osition co ers the cro%n and third eye cha.ras )rom &ehind" Mo e your hands to the sides o) your )ace" I*ace your thum&s (ust &eneath the ears %ith your ,a*ms co erin' the chee.s" This is a ery com)ortin' ,osition"

4(a) I*ace one hand o er occi,ita* *o&es and the other hand o er the )orehead" This ,osition co ers &oth the ,inea* and ,ituitary '*ands and the hy,otha*amus" 2t is a 'ood ,osition )or re*ie in' headaches+ stress and tension" (This is an o,tiona* ,osition)" @o% 'o to the throat" 2) ,uttin' your hands on the throat &rin's on a ,anic reaction+ either ,*ace your hands a&o e the throat or on the co**ar&ones (ust &e*o% it" (=hen treatin' others+ a*%ays ,ut your hands &e*o% rather than on the throat center)" This ,osition co ers the thyroid and thymus '*ands" I*ace your hands side &y side o er the &reast&one or e en o er the &reasts i) hea*in' is needed there" I*ace your hands in o,,osite directions %ith )in'ers )acin' o er your *o%er ri&s+ &e*o% the &reasts+ at the so*ar ,*e1us area" This ,osition co ers the *i er+ 'a**&*adder+ s,*een and stomach" Cou may hear some interna* rum&*in' here" I*ace hands o er stomach area %ith the ti,s o) your )in'ers meetin' at the na e*" This co ers the %aist area" I*ace hands (ust a&o e ,u&ic &one on the ,e* is &ones+ %ith your )in'ers ,ointin' do%n%ards )ormin' a 3V4 &et%een the hands" The ener'y reaches the intestines and the root cha.ra )rom this ,osition" I*ace one hand on each .nee" This area ho*ds our )ears and an'ers" I*ace hands on so*es o) )eet or on to, o) )eet" I*ace thum&s on hi,s %ith )in'ers meetin' at the s,ine" I*ace hands on *o%er &ac. %ith )in'ers meetin' at coccy1"


6" E"

8" 9" 10" 11" 1O" 13"

1old each position for 2 to 3 minutes. HEALIN- OTHERS The Jei.i session )or others is actua**y the same hea*in' as a se*)6hea*in'+ %ith O e1ce,tions" First+ the hands reach out instead o) &ein' &rou'ht to onese*) and second+ %hen doin' hea*in' on others+ &e a%are o) &ody ,ri acy" Foth hea*er and c*ient must &e com)orta&*e" Al,a34 ha=e intention ,hile healing1 THE !RONT O! THE "OD# 1" -ee* o) hands at )orehead %ith )in'ers o er chee.&ones" (@o ,ressure o er eyes)" This treats the eyes+ )orehead and nose+ eyes (the eyes are the mirrors o) the sou* A unshed tears) and sinuses" The 3 rd eye is &a*anced+ stimu*atin' creati e isua*iDation and isions" The ,ituitary '*and is stimu*ated and thus the endocrine system as %e**" -ee* o) hand on to, o) head %ith )in'ers touchin' the ears" This &a*ances the *e)t and ri'ht hemis,heres o) the &rain" The *e)t6&rain concerns itse*) %ith Q.no%*ed'e;+ te**in' us that i) %e cannot ,ercei e it+ it does not e1ist" The ri'ht &rain is concerned %ith Q.no%in';" 2t .no%s that %e are s,iritua*+ un*imited and creati e Fein's stri in' )or en*i'htenment" (2n most cases %e are not e en a%are o) it)" 7i)t recei er;s head and s*ide hands underneath+ cu,,in' &oth hands at &ac. o) head+ co erin' occi,ita* *o&es" The hind&rain re*ays in)ormation to and )rom the *e)t and ri'ht hemis,heres and re*ates to our &a*ance and co6ordination" The ,inea* '*and is stimu*ated a**o%in' the ,erson treated to e1,erience a sense o) )u*)i**ment throu'h a*i'nment %ith the Uni ersa* 7i)e >ner'y (Jei.i)" 5u, the throat area %ith )in'erti,s touchin' each other+ &ut %ithout touchin' the throat" This im,ro es hea*th in the entire endocrine system+ and he*,s create a &a*anced meta&o*ism" 2t he*,s the ,erson to articu*ate and e1,ress him or herse*) emotiona**y" Grie) and de,ression ease" This stimu*ates a 'reater interest in s,iritua* a))airs" (This is an o,tiona* ,osition)" I*ace thum&s a*on' the co**ar&ones and connect the ti,s o) the )ore)in'ers+ )ormin' a heart sha,e &et%een the hands" This is the thymus area" 2t stren'thens the entire immune system and stimu*ates 'reater 9e*)6e1,ression" 2t hea*s )ee*in's o) &ein' sti)*ed" I*ace hands side &y side %ith thum&s touchin' &e*o% the ri'ht &reast" This co ers the *un's+ the *i er and the 'a**&*adder" The *un's are one o) the main e1cretory or'ans" Ihysica* distur&ances caused &y *ac. o) a))ection norma**y *od'e here" The *i er ,*ays a ery im,ortant ro*e in ,uri)yin' the )*uids o) the &ody" 5ritica* (ud'ement o) the se*) %ith )i1ed re'rets a&out the ,ast+ &itterness ('a** &*adder) and )ee*in's o) &ein' un(ust*y treated can a))ect the *atter t%o or'ans" I*ace hands side &y side %ith thum&s touchin' &e*o% the *e)t &reast" This co ers the s,*een+ the stomach+ the so*ar ,*e1us and the ,ancreas" The s,*een is a distri&utor o) ener'y and can &e ad erse*y a))ected &y discordant thou'hts" 2t has &een re'arded as the seat o) an'er+ hence the sayin' Q2 ented my s,*een;" The .ey %ords )or the stomach and the so*ar ,*e1us are stress and (ud'ement" Fein' (ud'menta* or a&sor&in' (ud'ement &y others can &e at the root o) a** ty,es o) stomach and re*ated i**s o) the entire a&domina* re'ion" 5onstant 'rie) and emotiona* shoc. and (ud'ment o) onese*) and others can a))ect the ,ancreas" This in turn can a))ect the di'esti e system" I*ace hands o er the na e* area %ith the )in'ers o) one hand a*most touchin' the %rist o) the other" The co*on and intestines ,er)orm a ita* )unction in the e*imination o) nutritiona* %aste matter" They can &e ad erse*y a))ected &y ho*din' on to the %aste o) our thou'hts and emotions" The di'esti e system uses a *ot o) our ener'y/)ire to sort the








%aste )rom our )ood" ?1y'en turns into Vita* 7i)e Force at our ,o%er center (ust &e*o% the na e* and is distri&uted throu'hout )rom this ,oint" This re'ion a*so records our conscious and su&6conscious stri in' )or emotiona* harmony+ the %aste o) %hich com&usts here a))*ictin' our emotiona* *i es and ro&&in' us o) our 7i)e Gi in' >ner'y" 9" I*ace &oth hands o er the ,e* ic &one+ %ith )in'erti,s o) the nearest hand touchin' the hee* o) the )urthest hand+ )ormin' a QV;" The o aries and the testes ,*ay an im,ortant ro*e in the maintenance o) a correct hormona* &a*ance" Fee*in's o) emotiona* con)*ict+ hosti*ity or 'ui*t to%ards the o,,osite se1 can &*oc. the creati e *i)e ener'y that ori'inates here" I*ace one hand on each .nee" Fein' )ear)u* o) chan'e can &*oc. here" $*so )ee*in's o) insecurity and uncertainty" I*ace hands on so*es o) )eet or on to, o) )eet" 0o the hee*s to 'round a ,erson %hen they ha e &een con)ined to &ed (ha in' your )eet o)) the 'round ma.e you *ose your sense o) 'ra ity and &a*ance)" $*so %hen %e *i e too much Qu, in our head; %e need to &e 'rounded"

10" 11"


I*ace your hands end to end &et%een the &reasts+ o er the heart area+ a*on' the &reast&one" @e er ,*ace your hands o er the &reasts o) a %oman you are not intimate %ith+ un*ess you ha e a'reed to do so" 2nstead ,*ace your hands a&o e the &ody+ %or.in' on the etheric &ody" ently as0 your client to turn over and lie on their front side.

THE "AC& O! THE "OD# ()ptional* 1" O" 3" I*ace hands side6&y6side o er the *e)t shou*der and u,,er &ac." >ner'y &*oc.s here due to sha**o% &reathin' ()ear o) *i)e syndrome)" 0isharmony in se1ua* re*ationshi,s %i** a*so &*oc. across the &ac. &et%een shou*ders" I*ace hands side6&y6side across the ri'ht shou*der and u,,er &ac." I*ace hands end to end across the %idth o) the &ac. o er the *un's" F*oc.a'es here can resu*t )rom c*osin' o)) the heart centre to recei in' *o e A &e*ie in' it;s ?K to carry the %or*d on your shou*ders+ &ut not to e1,ose your o%n u*nera&i*ity in *o e+ &ecause it can &e too ,ain)u*" ?ur ,rimary instinct is to ,rotect ourse* esH hence %e;** hunch )or%ard to shie*d our heart" I*ace hands end to end a*on' the %aist*ine to %or. the .idneys and adrena* '*ands" The .idneys are ery ita* e*imination or'ans" Trauma and shoc. %i** &*oc. here" $*so o er6sensiti ity+ ho*din' on to o*d ,ro&*ems in re*ationshi,s and ,ro(ectin' our de)iciencies and ,ro&*ems onto others" The adrena*s are the '*ands o) emotion and ,art o) the endocrine system" 2t sur'es )orth increased ener'y as needed on a** *e e*s" They are our ,o%erhouses o) stren'th" ?ur ,o%er can &e %asted on ne'ati e emotions causin' &ac. ,ain" =hen %e )ee* %e ha e no stren'th+ %e are drainin' our adrena*s &y our stron' emotiona* reaction" $*so %hen %e 'i e our ,o%er to someone e*se" I*ace hands side &y side o er the *o%er &ac. (sacra* area) in the midd*e o) the &ody" This is the centre o) our ,ersona* %i**" >ner'y &*oc.s due to o er6e1ertin' our %i** or su,,ressin' our %i**" Thus+ in the *atter case+ %e )ind that %e cross our *e's to Qc*ose o));" This ,inches the sciatic ner e resu*tin' in *o%er &ac.+ hi, and *e' ,ain+ ,re entin' us )rom Qmo in' )or%ard; %ith ease" I*ace one hand across the midd*e o) the &uttoc. (%ith thum& to the *o%er side) and the other hand &e*o% this one+ a*on' the &uttoc. crease %ith )in'ers touchin' the thum&" Fee*in's o) emotiona* con)*ict+ hosti*ity or 'ui*t to%ards the o,,osite se1 can &*oc. the creati e *i)e ener'y that ori'inates here" I*ace one hand on the &ac. o) each .nee" I*ace hands o er the so*es o) the )eet"




E" 8"


Rei<i Hand %o4ition4 (Othe))



Iositions 164+ -ea*er is &ehindH ,ositions L69 mo e to the sideH and ,osition 10 and 11 you %i** need to mo e )urther do%n" For the )eet you may mo e &e*o% or not" Je,eat same ,ositions on the &ac." 0iane 9tein+ +ll &omen +re 1ealers (Freedom+ 5$+ The 5rossin' Iress+ 1990) ,,"4L646

CHEC&IN- CHA&RAS: >ach 5ha.ra s,ins in a certain direction" $ hea*thy 5ha.ra %i** ha e a stron' s,in in the correct direction" For %omen+ the &ase6+ so*ar ,*e1us6+ throat6 and cro%n cha.ras (a*most a*%ays) s,in anti6c*oc.%ise+ and the others (a*most a*%ays) c*oc.6 %ise" For men+ it is (a*most a*%ays) the o,,osite" To test the cha.ras+ ho*d your ,endu*um a&o e the cha.ra" 2t %i** soon 'i e you a 'ood indication o) the cha.ra;s motion" 9tart at the &ase+ and mo e u,%ards" =hen %or.in' %ith the &ro%6 and cro%n cha.ras+ ma.e sure you %or. hi'h a&o e the &ody+ as these are ery sensiti e" CHA&RA "ALANCINI*ace ri'ht hand on &ase cha.ra (1) and *e)t hand on cro%n cha.ra (E)" -o*d this ,osition unti* you )ee* that &oth these cha.ras ha e &een &a*anced" I*ace ri'ht hand on the sacra* cha.ra (O) and the *e)t hand on the third eye cha.ra (6) and ho*d unti* &oth ha e &een &a*anced" I*ace ri'ht hand on the so*ar ,*e1us cha.ra (3) and the *e)t hand on the throat cha.ra (L)" &a*anced" -o*d unti* &oth ha e &een

I*ace &oth hands on the heart cha.ra (4) and ho*d unti* it is &a*anced" This is %here hea en and earth meet" (-ands shou*d &e *e)t o er ri'ht )or %omen+ and ri'ht o er *e)t )or men)" Note: All the4e 2o4ition4 a)e a5o=e the 5od31 This e1ercise can ta.e u, to 10 minutes+ and can &e used to com,*ete a hea*in' session+ or done on its o%n" When 3ou ha=e co72leted the healing 4e44ion; 4,ee2 the au)a in a cloc<,i4e di)ection to 6ini4h the t)eat7ent1 -ROUNDIN-: ?nce the hea*in' is com,*ete+ it is im,ortant to 'round the ,erson" -o*d their )eet in your hands+ and concentrate on the ener'etic connection to the earth" Usin' your midd*e )in'er ,*ace it on the so*ar ,*e1us ,oint under the )eet mo e your hands &ac. and menta**y say8 Q2 'round you 60cm &e*o% the sur)ace o) the earth"; 9ee roots 'ro%in' )rom the ,erson;s )eet into the 'round" -o*d this ,osition )or a )e% seconds" Than. a** the &ein's )or assistin' you" 5ut yourse*) o)) )rom your c*ient" =ash your hands and arms u, to the e*&o%s" Foth you and c*ient must ha e %ater a)ter%ards" $c.no%*ed'ements 0iane 9tein 6 >ssentia* Jei.i Mari -a** 6 Iractica* Jei.i Fran. $r(a a Ietter A Jei.i Fire 9hanu an der Fer'

Wh3 deto@?

Rei<i Deto@ note4:

=ith each Jei.i attunement+ your $ura %i** i&rate at a much hi'her )re<uency than &e)ore" This means you $ura (and &ody) %i** start re(ectin' thin's %ith a *o%er i&ration" This ,rocess is an automatic reaction to recei in' your attunement A you cannot a oid it or ma.e it sto,B 2t is recommended that durin' your O1 days o) deto1 you %or. only on yourse*)B What to e@2ect 6)o7 deto@: -ei'htened sensiti ity to chemica*s (a*coho*+ dru's+ nicotine+ ca))eine+ medication)" -ei'htened sensiti ity to meat and )ish" 5ra in' more %ater+ )resh )ruit and e'eta&*es" -ei'htened sensiti ity to other ,eo,*e;s emotions/thou'hts A you may )ind it di))icu*t to dea* %ith *ar'e cro%ds )or a %hi*e+ &ut it does 'et easierB 2ncreased need )or s*ee,"

Vi id dreams" 9udden chan'es in tem,erature" -ei'htened and more intense emotions" -eadaches (i) you don;t drin. enou'h %aterB)"

Ho, doe4 it ,o)<? Fe'innin' %ith the day you recei e your attunement (day 1)+ you %i** deto1 one cha.ra ,er day )or O1 days" 0urin' this time you %i** 'ain a *ot o) insi'ht into yourse*)+ the %or*d around you+ and a*so ho% your cha.ras re*ate to your dai*y e1,erience" To 'et the most out o) this e1,erience+ it is su''ested that you .ee, a (ourna* o) your insi'hts+ thou'hts+ emotions and dreams durin' this time" 7oo. out )or the )o**o%in'8 "a4e Cha<)a (Da3 1; E; 1F): 2ssues re*atin' to security A she*ter+ )ood+ money" Fe*ie)s a&out )ami*y and community" The ,hysica*/instinctua* as,ects o) se1" 9tones8 $Durite+ &*oodstone+ chrysoco**a+ o&sidian+ 'o*den ye**o% to,aD+ &*ac. tourma*ine+ carne*ian+ citrine+ red (as,er+ smo.y <uartD+ hematite" 5o*our8 Jed" ; G; 1F):

Sac)al Cha<)a (Da3

2ssues re*atin' to the emotional dimension o) se1" Femininity" 2ntuition" 0reams" 9tones8 F*ue (as,er+ red (as,er+ oran'e carne*ian+ to,aD+ oran'e ca*cite+ citrine+ moonstone" 5o*our8 ?ran'e"

Sola) %le@u4 Cha<)a (Da3 8; 1H; 1I): 2ssues re*atin' to se*)6esteem and se*)6conce,t" 2ssues a&out ,ersona* ,o%er" Ierce,tion o) 9e*)+ and ho% other ,eo,*e in)*uence this" 9tones8 Mas,er+ ti'er;s eye+ citrine+ ye**o% tourma*ine+ 'o*den &ery*+ rhodochrosite+ smithsonite" 5o*our8 Ce**o%"

Hea)t Cha<)a (Da3 9; 11; 1E): >motiona* issues" 2nsi'ht a&out ho% you ,ercei e your o%n emotion" Greater understandin' o) re*ationshi, dynamics" Greater connection to the Uni erse" 9tones8 KunDite+ rose <uartD+ 'reen <uartD+ a enturine+ ariscite+ red ca*cite+ %aterme*on tourma*ine+ ,eridot+ a,o,hy**ite+ ru&y+ chrysoco**a+ 'reen sa,,hire" 5o*our8 Green"

Th)oat Cha<)a (Da3 F; 1 ; 1G): 2nsi'hts a&out ho% you communicate %ith others" 2nsi'hts a&out ho% others ,ercei e your communication" 2ssues re*atin' to (ud'ement o) 9e*) and others" 2ssues re*atin' to &oundaries" 9tones8 $Durite+ tur<uoise+ amethyst+ a<uamarine+ &*ue to,aD+ &*ue tourma*ine+ &*ue o&sidian+ .yanite" 5o*our8 F*ue" H):

Thi)d E3e Cha<)a (Da3 J; 18;

-ei'htened ,sychic a&i*ities" Greater ,ers,ecti e and insi'ht" 9tones8 $,o,hy**ite+ soda*ite+ mo*da ite+ *a,is *aDu*i+ 'arnet+ ,ur,*e )*uorite+ amethyst" 5o*our8 Iur,*e"

C)o,n Cha<)a (Da3 I; 19;


Greater connection to the Uni erse/-i'her Io%er/God/Goddess" Greater insi'ht into your o%n s,iritua*ity" Fetter understandin' o) your *i)e ,ath and ,ur,ose" 9tones8 Iur,*e (as,er+ c*ear tourma*ine+ ,ur,*e sa,,hire+ se*enite+ a,o,hy**ite+ c*ear <uartD"


What ne@t? Cou are no% a <ua*i)ied Jei.i IractitionerB Cour Jei.i 2 trainin' ena&*e you to do treatments on a ,hysica* *e e*" 9hou*d you %ish to do treatments )or others+ a recommended )ee is a,,ro1imate*y JE0 ,er treatment" Fee* )ree to a*ter this i) you )ee* it is a,,ro,riate" -ood luc<A %ath4 o6 %)og)e44ion: Rei<i Cla44e4 Usui Jei.i ?ne 65ost8 JEL0 Usui 9econd 0e'ree A 5ost8 J800 Usui Masters 5*ass A 5ost8 J1L00 Usui Teachers 5*ass A 5ost8 JO800 En)ol7ent $nytime+ O0 case studies needed to ad ance 366 months a)ter rei.i one+ 30 case studies needed to ad ance 6 months to a year a)ter 9econd 0e'ree 6 L0 case studies needed to ad ance 2mmediate*y a)ter Masters 5*ass Jecei e this c*ass a)ter ta.in' Usui Jei.i ?ne Jecei e a)ter Karuna Ki 7e e* ?ne 5an &e com,*eted a)ter *e e* 1NO 2n Karuna Ki Jei.i+ and on*y a)ter Usui Master/Teachers 5*ass $nytime a)ter Usui Jei.i ?ne $nytime $)ter Usui Jei.i ?ne $)ter Usui Masters 5*ass $)ter Usui Masters 5*ass De4c)i2tion 7earn 9e*) hea*in'+ hea*in' others 7earn Jemote -ea*in' Techni<ues+ usin' the 3 rei.i sym&o*s 'i en in c*ass Jecei e the O ne% masters sym&o*s Usin' $d ance 9cannin' Techni<ues+ inc*udin' Isychic 9ur'ery 7earn ho% to Iass the Jei.i $ttunements+ distant*y+ ,hysica**y and on anima*s" 7earn ho% to teach a** )our *e e*s o) Usui Jei.i Jecei e 4 ne% ,o%er)u* -ea*in' 9ym&o*s+ -and Mudras+ and more Jecei e L ne% Io%er)u* -ea*in' 9ym&o*s and &e ascended into the archan'e* rea*ms Jecei e 3 @e% Io%er)u* -ea*in' 9ym&o*s+ 7earn ho% to teach a** *e e*s o) Karuna Ki Jei.i 7earn ho% to ma.e or'one *i)e )orce antennas" 5har'e e erythin' around you %ith ,ositi e ener'ies 9ame as or'one *i)e )orce &ut stron'er 2ncreases your rei.i ener'ies Fe attuned to many crysta* ener'ies"

1" O" 3"

4" L"

Karuna Ki Jei.i ?ne A 5ost8 JEL0 6" Karuna Ki Jei.i T%o6 5ost8 J800 E" Karuna Ki Masters/ Teachers A 5ost8 J1L00 8" ?r'one 7i)e Force A J300 9" Tachyon Jei.i A J300 10" Kunda*ini Jei.i6 J1L00 169 11" >therea* 5rysta*s J300




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