Tda 2030
Tda 2030
Tda 2030
March 1993
Symbol R th j-case Parameter Thermal resistance junction-case max Value 3 Unit C/W
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Refer to the test circuit, Vs = 14V, T amb = 25C unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Vs Id Ib Vos Ios Po Parameter Supply voltage Quiescent drain current Input bias current Input offset voltage Input offset current Output power d = 0.5% Gv = 30 dB f = 40 to 15,000 Hz RL = 4 RL = 8 d = 10% f = 1 KHz RL = 4 RL = 8 d Distortion Gv = 30 dB 18 11 W W Vs = 18V Test conditions Min. 6 40 0.2 2 20 Typ. Max. 18 60 2 20 200 Unit V mA A mV nA
12 8
14 9
% Hz M dB
B Ri Gv Gv eN iN SVR
Power Bandwidth (-3 dB) Input resistance (pin 1) Voltage gain (open loop) Voltage gain (closed loop) Input noise voltage Input noise current Supply voltage rejection
Gv = 30 dB Po = 12W
R L = 4
f = 1 kHz B = 22 Hz to 22 KHz
30 3 80
30.5 10 200
dB V pA dB
Id Tj
mA mA C
Figure 1. Output power vs. supply voltage Figure 2. Output power vs. supply voltage F ig u re 3 . Di stor ti on v s. output power
F ig u re 6 . Di stor ti on v s. frequency
Fig ure 8. Fre que nc y re sponse with different values of the rolloff capacitor C8 (see fig. 13)
Figure 10. Supply voltage rejection vs. voltage gain Figure 11. Power dissipation and efficiency vs. output power Figure 12. Maximum power dissipation vs. supply voltage (sine wave operation)
APPLICATION INFORMATION Figure 13. Typical amplifier with split power supply Figure 14. P.C. board and component layout for the circuit of fig. 13 (1 : 1 scale)
Figure 16. P.C. board and component layout for the circuit of fig. 15 (1 : 1 scale)
Figure 17. Bridge amplifier configuration with split power supply (Po = 28W, Vs = 14V)
PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS Printed circuit board The layout shown in Fig. 16 should be adopted by the designers. If different layouts are used, the ground points of input 1 and input 2 must be well decoupled from the ground return of the output in which a high current flows. Assembly suggestion No electrical isolation is needed between the packageand the heatsinkwith singlesupply voltage configuration. Application suggestions The recommended values of the components are those shown on application circuit of fig. 13. Different values can be used. The following table can help the designer.
Component R1 R2 R3 R4
Purpose Closed loop gain setting Closed loop gain setting Non inverting input biasing Frequency stability
Larger than recommended value Increase of gain Decrease of gain (*) Increase of input impedance Danger of osccilat. at high frequencies with induct. loads Poor high frequencies attenuation
Smaller than recommended value Decrease of gain (*) Increase of gain Decrease of input impedance
R5 C1 C2 C3, C4 C5, C6 C7 C8
Upper frequency cutoff Input DC decoupling Inverting DC decoupling Supply voltage bypass Supply voltage bypass Frequency stability Upper frequency cutoff
Danger of oscillation Increase of low frequencies cutoff Increase of low frequencies cutoff Danger of oscillation Danger of oscillation Danger of oscillation
Smaller bandwidth
Larger bandwidth
D1, D2
SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION The TDA2030 has an original circuit which limits the current of the output transistors. Fig. 18 shows that the maximum output current is a function of the collector emitter voltage; hence the output transistors work within their safe operating area (Fig. 2). This function can therefore be considered as being peak power limiting rather than simple current limiting. It reduces the possibility that the device gets damaged during an accidental short circuit from AC output to ground.
Figure 19. Safe operating area and collector characteristics of the protected power transistor
THERMAL SHUT-DOWN The presence of a thermal limiting circuit offers the following advantages: 1. An overload on the output (even if it is permanent), or an abovelimit ambient temperaturecan be easily supported since the Tj cannot be higher than 150C. 2. The heatsink can have a smaller factor of safety compared with that of a conventional circuit. There is no possibility of device damage due to high junction temperature.If for any reason, the junction temperature increases up to 150C, the thermal shut-down simply reduces the power dissipation at the current consumption. The maximum allowable power dissipation depends upon the size of the external heatsink (i.e. its thermal resistance); fig. 22 shows this dissipable power as a function of ambient temperature for different thermal resistance.
Figure 20. Output power and d ra i n cu r ren t vs. c ase temperature (RL = 4) Figure 21. Output power and d r a i n c u rr en t vs. c as e temperature (RL = 8) F i gu r e 2 2. Ma ximum allowable power dissipation vs. ambient temperature
Dimension : suggestion. The following table shows the length that the heatsink in fig.23 must have for several values of Ptot and Rth.
Ptot (W) Length of heatsink (mm) Rth of heatsink 12 60 8 40 6 30
( C/W)
DIM. MIN. A C D D1 E F F1 G G1 H2 H3 L L1 L2 L3 L5 L6 L7 M M1 Dia 3.65 2.6 15.1 6 4.5 4 3.85 0.144 10.05 17.85 15.75 21.4 22.5 3 15.8 6.6 0.102 0.594 0.236 0.177 0.157 0.152 2.4 1.2 0.35 0.8 1 3.4 6.8 10.4 10.4 0.396 0.703 0.620 0.843 0.886 0.118 0.622 0.260 mm TYP. MAX. 4.8 1.37 2.8 1.35 0.55 1.05 1.4 0.094 0.047 0.014 0.031 0.039 0.126 0.260 0.134 0.268 MIN. inch TYP. MAX. 0.189 0.054 0.110 0.053 0.022 0.041 0.055 0.142 0.276 0.409 0.409
L E L1 M1 A C D1 L2 L5 L3 D Dia. F L6
Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. 1994 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics - All Rights Reserved SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - France - Germany - Hong Kong - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - The Netherlands - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thaliand - United Kingdom - U.S.A.