Instructions For Online Registration
Instructions For Online Registration
Instructions For Online Registration
UserI$ %ass&ord
STEP 2: Type your username (roll number) and password assi n to you! "ou can see the below pa e
This pa e should be +ery self e,planatory! -ust fill in the bo,es with appropriate details!
Please make sure all the details what you ha+e entered. are +alid and true! /nce data entered. is final and can0t be chan ed! 1on0t use special characters like 2(sin le 3uote). $ (double 3uote) .etc! at unnecessary places! 4ll the te,t areas can ha+e ma,imum of only 255 characters! 4nd a+oid typin more than 25 characters in the same line! %se manual line breaks for better look of your resume!
'andatory fields which are marked as ( 6 ) should not be left as empty! %se 1ate time picker for choosin 1ate of &irth! %se only numbers while enterin C7P4. 7P4 or Percenta e! 1on0t use special characters like percenta e (8) or alphabets! 4fter finished typin your resume. accept the declaration before submit! 4fter submittin the resume. "ou can +iew and download your resume but you can0t edit the details! Try to use latest browser +ersions (E ! (!E 9 or later. firefo, #!: or later)! "ou are ad+ised to submit resume from the system with better internet connection facility!
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Check your details! /;CE "/% <(== (; "/%) )ES%'E 4;1 S%&'(T (T S%CCESS<%==". "/% CA() E1(T "/%) )ES%'E 4;"'/)E!>/?E@E) "/% C4; @(E? "/%) )ES%'E 4<TE) S%&'(SS(/;!
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