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Obstetrics and Gynecology Question Papers

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February 2009 [KU 555] Sub.

Code : 4085

FINAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Part II Paper V OBSTETRICS INCLUDING SOCIAL OBSTETRICS Q. P. Code : 524085 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30) 1. Classify Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy How would you manage a case of mild PIH at 32 wks of pregnancy. 2. List the factors that predispose to ATONIC post partum Haemorrhage (PPH),Describe the management of severe Atonic PPH in a primipara aged 24 years. II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50) 1. Medical management of unruptured ectopic pregnancy. 2. Differentiate true from false labour pains. 3. Define maternal mortality enumerate the causes. 4. Puerperal sepsis. 5. Management of patient with heart disease complicating pregnancy in labour. 6. Prophylactic outlet forceps. 7. What is BOH? Enumerate the causes of BOH. 8. Define episiotomy. What are the types and complications of episiotomy. 9. Assessment of cephalopelvic disproportion. 10. Ultrasonographic findings in Intrauterine death of foetus. III. Short Answer Questions : (10 x 2 = 20) 1. Bandles ring. 2. Causes of Breech presentation. 3. Write four advantages of LSCS over classical section. 4. Prevention of Rh-iso immunization. 5. Causes of unengaged head at term. 6. Sagittal suture and its importance. 7. Precipitate labour. 8. Universal precautions to be observed in treating HIV patient. 9. Inevitable Abortion. 10. External cephalic version. *****

August 2009 Sub. Code : 4085 FINAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Part II Paper V OBSTETRICS INCLUDING SOCIAL OBSTETRICS Q. P. Code : 524085 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30) 1. Define normal labour. Write the mechanism and management of normal labour. 2. Define antepartum hemorrhage. What are its causes? How do you diagnose and manage a case of placenta previa? II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50) 1. Management of eclampsia. 2. Predisposing factors for atonic PPH. 3. Delivery of after coming head in breech presentation. 4. Haematological changes in pregnancy. 5. Management of labour in heart disease complicating pregnancy. 6. Glycosuria in pregnancy. 7. Complications of twin pregnancy. 8. Complications of postmaturity. 9. Indications for induction of labour. 10. Neonatal convulsious. III. Short Answer Questions : 1. Missed abortion. 2. Hegars sign. 3. Aims of antenatal care. 4. Non stress test. 5. Precipitate labour. 6. Causes of obstructed labour. 7. Prevention of perinatal mortality. 8. Antihypenrtensives used in pregnancy. 9. Cephalhematoma. 10. Advantages of elective caesarean section. ***** (10 x 2 = 20) [KV 555]

February 2010 [KW 555] Sub. Code : 4085

FINAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Part II Paper V OBSTETRICS INCLUDING SOCIAL OBSTETRICS Q. P. Code : 524085 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30) 1. Define eclampsia. Describe eclamptic fits management in labour. 2. Define caesarean section and its various indications. Explain the management of previous lower segment caesarean section in labour. II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50) 1. Missed abortion. 2. Placentia succenturiata. 3. Cephalhematoma. 4. Couvelaire uterus. 5. Define and explain the management of deep transverse arrest. 6. Difference between constriction ring and contraction ring dystosia. 7. Causes of Intrauterine death (IUD) and diagnosis. 8. Anencephaly 9. Trial labour. 10. Craniotomy. III. Short Answer Questions : (10 x 2 = 20) 1. Braxtons Hichs contraction. 2. Decidual cast. 3. Complications of ARM. 4. Why should we cut short second stage of labour in severe PIH? 5. Indication for cervicotomy. 6. Universal precautions observed during delivery of HIV patient. 7. CHIGNON. 8. Causes of birth asphyxia. 9. Causes of difficulty in delivery after coming head in breech. 10. Indication of induction of labour. *****

August 2010 [KX 555] Sub. Code : 4085 FINAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Part II Paper V OBSTETRICS INCLUDING SOCIAL OBSTETRICS Q. P. Code : 524085 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions. Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30) 1. What are the causes of anaemia in pregnancy? Write diagnosis treatment and prevention of anaemia in pregnancy. 2. What are the causes of Breech presentation? How do you manage Breech presentation at 34-36 weeks of Pregnancy? II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50) 1. Physiology of lactation. 2. Haematological changes in pregnancy. 3. Define maternal mortality. What are the causes of maternal mortality? 4. Management of Placenta previa. 5. Hypotonic uterine inertia. 6. Neonatal jaundice. 7. Partogram. 8. Complications of Twin pregnancy. 9. Diagnosis of gestational diabetes. 10. Face to pubis delivery. III. Short Answer Questions : 1. Quickening. 2. Meconium aspiration syndrome. 3. Causes of puerperal pyrexia. 4. Prerequisites for application of outlet forceps. 5. Define normal labour. 6. Pre conceptional counselling. 7. Hegars sign. 8. Incomplete abortion. 9. Bandles ring. 10. Indications for induction of labour. ***** (10 x 2 = 20)

February 2011 Sub. Code : 4085 FINAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Part II Paper V OBSTETRICS INCLUDING SOCIAL OBSTETRICS Q. P. Code : 524085 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay questions : (2 x 10 = 20) 1. Define Preterm labour. Explain the etiology and management of Preterm labour. 2. What are all the causes of second trimester abortion and how do you manage a case of cervical incompetence. II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50) 1. Breast feeding. 2. Neonatal resuscitation. 3. Apgar score. 4. Complete perineal tear. 5. Fibroid complicating pregnancy. 6. Expectant management in placenta praevia. 7. Baby friendly hospital. 8. Inevitable abortion. 9. RH iso immunization. 10. Face to pubis delivery. III. Short Answer Questions : 1. Advantages of vaccum. 2. Indications for classical caesarian section. 3. Secondary arrest of labour. 4. Causes of maternal mortality. 5. Hematological changes during pregnancy. 6. Causes of mobile head at term. 7. Complications of VBAC. 8. Puerperal pyrexia. 9. Pathogenesis of preeclampsia. 10. Non reactive non stress test. 11. Aetiology of hyperemesis. 12. Classification of anemia in pregnancy. 13. Immunization during pregnancy. 14. Implantation. 15. Differential diagnosis of convulsions during pregnancy. ***** (15 x 2 = 30) [KY 555]

August 2011 [KZ 555] FINAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Part II Paper V OBSTETRICS INCLUDING SOCIAL OBSTETRICS Q.P. Code: 524085 Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 10 = 20) 1. Define intrauterine growth restriction. Describe the etiology, diagnosis and management of intrauterine growth restriction. 2. What are the causes for III stage complications? Explain the management of atonic postpartum hemorrhage. II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50) 1. Erythroblastosis foetalis. 2. Management of labour in heart disease complicating pregnancy. 3. Deep vein thrombosis. 4. Perinatal mortality. 5. Inversion of uterus. 6. Incoordinate uterine action. 7. Episiotomy. 8. Cord Prolapse. 9. RCH interventions. 10. Hydrocephalus. III. Short Answer Questions : (15 x 2 = 30) 1. Diagonal conjugate. 2. Importance of prenatal care. 3. HELLP syndrome. 4. Urinary tract changes during pregnancy. 5. Oral glucose challenge test. 6. Advantages of elective caesarian section. 7. Complications of induction of labour. 8. False labour pains. 9. Causes of bad obstetrics history. 10. Causes of lower abdominal pain during pregnancy. 11. Tests for ovulation. 12. Indication for internal podalic version. 13. Asymptomatic bacteriuria. 14. Causes for renal failure in obstetrics. 15. Hegars sign. ****** Sub. Code: 4085

February 2012
[LA 555] Sub. Code: 4085

THIRD MBBS DEGREE EXAMINATION - PART II REVISED NON-SEMESTER REGULATIONS PAPER V OBSTETRICS INCLUDING SOCIAL OBSTETRICS Q.P. Code: 524085 Time: Three hours Maximum: 40 Marks Answer ALL questions in the same order Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Elaborate on: (2X5=10) 1. Define Antepartum Haemorrhage. Discuss the aetiology, types, clinical features, differential diagnosis and management of placenta previa at 32 weeks of gestation. 2. What is Puerperium? Describe the complications of puerperium and its management. II. Write notes on: 1. Techniques of prenatal diagnosis. 2. USG in obstetrics. 3. Advantages of ventouse over forceps. 4. Conjoint twins. 5. Vulval hematoma. 6. Monitoring uterine activity during labour. 7. Internal iliac ligation. 8. 1st stage of labour. 9. CVS changes during pregnancy. 10. Prevention of preterm labour. III. Short Answers 1. Moulding. 2. Encirclage. 3. Pudendal block. 4. Restitution. 5. Placenta percreta. 6. Couveliare uterus. 7. Delivery of aftercoming head. 8. Scar dehiscence. 9. Recurrent abortions. 10. Mifepristone. 11. VBAC. 12. RCH interventions. 13. Magnesium sulphate in eclampsia. 14. Munrokerr Muller method. 15. Uterine inertia. ******* (15x1=15) (10X1.5=15)

AUGUST 2012 Sub. Code: 4085 THIRD YEAR M.B.B.S DEGREE EXAM Paper V OBSTETRICS INCLUDING SOCIAL OBSTETRICS Q. P. Code: 524085 Time: 180 Minutes Maximum: 40 marks Answer ALL questions in the same order. I. Elaborate on: Pages Time Marks (Max.)(Max.)(Max.) 1. Define postpartum haemorrhage. What are the types of Postpartum haemorrhage? Discuss in detail predisposing factors, clinical features and management of Atonic Postpartum haemorrohage. 16 25 5 2. Define Multiple Pregnancy. Discuss the aetiology, diagnosis, complications and management of Twin gestation during pregnancy. 16 25 5 II. Write notes on: 1. Hyperemesis gravidarum. 3 8 1.5 2. Biophysical profile. 3 8 1.5 3. Maternal mortality. 3 8 1.5 4. Deep transverse arrest. 3 8 1.5 5. Genital tract changes during pregnancy. 3 8 1.5 6. Ultrasonogram in first trimester. 3 8 1.5 7. Missed abortion. 3 8 1.5 8. Follow up of vesicular mole. 3 8 1.5 9. Intrauterine death. 3 8 1.5 10. Gestational Diabetes. 3 8 1.5 III. Short answers on: 1. Cervical Ripening. 1 5 1 2. Magnesium sulphage in Eclampsia. 1 5 1 3. Outlet forceps. 1 5 1 4. Engagement. 1 5 1 5. Bandls ring. 1 5 1 6. Pudendal Block. 1 5 1 7. Definition of Eclampsia. 1 5 1 8. Complications of Abruptio Placenta. 1 5 1 9. Vaginal birth after caesarean. 1 5 1 10. Manual Removal of Placenta. 1 5 1 11. Scar dehiscence 1 5 1 12. Precipitate labour. 1 5 1 13. Define puerperium. 1 5 1 14. Prophylaxis of Rh isoimmunisation 1 5 1 15. Prolonged Pregnancy-aetiology. 1 5 1 *******

[LB 555]

FEBRUARY 2013 Sub. Code: 4085 THIRD YEAR M.B.B.S DEGREE EXAM Paper V OBSTETRICS INCLUDING SOCIAL OBSTETRICS Q. P. Code: 524085 Time: 180 Minutes Maximum: 100 Marks I. Elaborate on: (2x15=30) 1. Classify hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, Etiopathogenesis, and clinical features, complications of pre Eclampsia and management of Eclampsia. 2. Define preterm labour. Explain the etiology and management of preterm labour. II. Write notes on: 1. Hyperemesis gravidarum. 2. Hematological changes during pregnancy. 3. Deep transverse arrest. 4. Puerperal sepsis. 5. Complete perineal tear. 6. Recurrent abortions. 7. Cephalhaematoma. 8. Birth asphyxia. 9. Vaginal Birth after Caesarean Section. 10. Screening for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. III. Short answers on: 1. Any 4 Indications for Ultrasound in obstetrics. 2. Immunisation during pregnancy. 3. Causes for mobile head at term. 4. Diameters of pelvic inlet. 5. Indications for outlet forceps. 6. Criteria for medical management of ectopic pregnancy. 7. Follow up post vesicular mole evacuation. 8. Indications for MTP under the MTP act. 9. Indications for caesarean hysterectomy. 10. Drugs used for cervical ripening. ******* (10x2=20) (10x5=50)

[LC 555]

AUGUST 2013 Sub. Code: 4085 THIRD YEAR M.B.B.S DEGREE EXAM Paper V OBSTETRICS INCLUDING SOCIAL OBSTETRICS Q. P. Code: 524085 Time: 180 Minutes Maximum: 40 Marks I. Elaborate on: 1. 2. (2x7.5=15)

[LD 555]

A primi with 26 weeks of pregnancy presents with haemoglobin of 7 gms. Discuss investigations and management in pregnancy and in labour What are the causes of rupture uterus? Signs and symptoms of obstructed labour and their management.

II. Write notes on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Episiotomy MgSo4 therapy in obstetrics Criteria of maternal mortality Causes of maternal mortality What is alert line, action line and their importance Neonatal complications in a diabetic mother Reactive non stress test External Cephalic version Indications and contraindication CVS changes during pregnancy Etiology and investigations of recurrent abortion. (10x1=10)

III. Short answers on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Prophylactic methergine Obstetric conjugate and its importance Mention differential diagnosis for pregnancy indications for classical caesarean section Define polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios Complications of artificial rupture of membranes What is incomplete abortion and management? Define postpartum heamorrhage Write the dose of Oxytocin in induction of labour and in postpartum haemorrhage What are the complications of suction evacuation?

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