A Brief History of Urban Expansion
A Brief History of Urban Expansion
A Brief History of Urban Expansion
With their industries, traffic jams and sleek buildings, cities are often seen as new develo ments in history. !n fact, the origin of cities goes back thousands of years and asses through at least three distinct hases. The first phase began between " to # thousand years ago with settlements that grew into what we call the river valley civili$ations of %eso otamia & resent'day !ra(), *gy t, !ndia and China. *arly on, the settlements de ended largely on agriculture and domesticated animals. +owever, as the civili$ations grew in si$e and trade routes grew in number, these settlemetns became centers for merchants, crafts eo le, traders and government officials. The division between ,town, and ,country,, ,urban, and ,rural, had begun. - similar ath was taken by later civili$ations such as the .reek, !ranian, /oman and the .reat 0imbabwe. The second phase in the develo ment of cities came much later with the industrial revolution in *uro e around the middle of the 12th century. 3actories needed a large labour force and a rise in commercial activity created new o for em loyment and a better life, numbers than ever before. The third phase began after the 5econd World War. The largest and fastest growth in the world6s urban o ulation has taken lace in the decades since 17"8. -s the world economy became more international and grew in si$e, cities all over the world began to grow larger at a very fast ace. %ost of this growth has been concentrated in -sia, 4atin -merica and -frica, although some 9.5. cities such as :hoenix and 4os -ngeles have been growing at the same ace.
-da ted from: United nations cyberschoolbus &;88#). - <rief +istory of 9rban *x ansion. /ecovered on =uly 1;th ;88#, htt :>>www8.un.org>cyberschoolbus>habitat>units>un8; g81.as
Una breve historia de la expansin urbana Con sus industrias, los atascos de trfico y elegantes edificios, las
c* Comen! tras la -egunda 0uerra &undial. +l ms grande y de ms rpido crecimiento en la poblacin urbana mundial ha tenido lugar en los decenios transcurridos desde 38"9. d* apso, poca, periodo, ciclo.
e* +s un fenmeno mundial creado a medida $ue la econom%a se hi!o internacional y creci de tamao