Writing For University
Writing For University
Writing For University
Learning outcomes
This section offers you opportunities to:
become more aware of any writing sub-skills that you need to develop get into the writing habit if you have been away from formal education learn how to get started on a piece of writing learn how to examine assignment titles develop a procedure for writing essays understand what is meant by concepts and concept pyramids develop strategies for organising your ideas, planning your writing, and structuring
learn how to complete the basic steps of writing an assignment, such as writing drafts
and editing
Academic writing
Writing a good assignment is both a challenge and one of the most rewarding aspects of study. Almost all students find their writing skills develop significantly at college. This is due partly to the additional practice, and partly to an increase in critical awareness developed by analysing issues from many perspectives. Writing cannot be separated from other processes such as reflection, goal-setting, organisation and research. This section looks at skills and stages common to many types of academic writing assignment. It takes you step by step through the different processes involved in writing a piece of course work such as an essay or report. As your writing skills develop and you become more aware of what is required, you can be more flexible and creative in your approach to writing. However, be wary of tutors who say they value individuality: this often means be individual within the conventions of our subject area. Make sure you know what is acceptable and what is not in your subject.
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
you have done. Jot down a list of five extra details you could add to give a fuller picture. Add something you know about someone elses ideas: from television, radio, or reading. Add a personal opinion about some aspect of what you wrote. Rewrite the piece, adding the new detail.
Read through it, underlining
sentences around change some of the words add more details change the order of the paragraphs around ask a question and turn what you have written into the answer write from the opposite point of view.
each major idea in a different colour. For each change of subject, change the colour. If a subject comes up again, use the colour you used before. When you have finished, check how often the colour changes. Rewrite the passage so that all the parts underlined in a given colour are grouped together.
Maybe some of these comments strike a chord with you? What do you find difficult about getting started on a piece of writing? The list below may clarify your thinking.
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Checking that you were going 5 about the task in the right way. Reflecting on how you would 6 do it better next time.
Academic writing follows a similar pattern of planning and decision-making. Suppose you were asked to write about The influence of theories on cloning animals. You may know very little about the subject, and you may have no clear opinion. But you can approach the writing task much as the activity you analysed above.
Steps taken
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
order you would be likely to carry them out. Consider a second order you could use. Then look below and compare your responses. Would your own suggested order suit you better?
next time Decide how you would do better Make an outline plan Put the ideas in order rviews, Research the subject (reading, inte experiments, etc.) t is Examine the title and decide wha required Write a rough draft interviews, Take notes from your reading (or experiments, etc.) include Select the relevant information to Write the final draft other Write out the references (books and sources of information) g for sense Read through the writing, checkin ons and small errors; make correcti d limit Check if your text is within the wor ting detail Separate main ideas from suppor and examples
Possible sequences
5 4 8 7 3 13 2 6 10 11 12 9 1 5 4 7 8 3 13 2 6 12 11 9 10 1
2 1 13
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Ive never tried that Talk out loud to yourself Tape-record yourself
Note down all the questions you can think of for a given topic In an ideas notebook On a set of index cards On a sheet of paper On the computer Add questions at any time at the beginning of an assignment when you get writers block
Where? What?
Wheel diagrams
evidence a example 2
Question banks
look to the centre to focus your thinking use this early on to get ideas rolling
Free writing
Give yourself three minutes Write as fast as you can all your ideas as they arrive Dont bother about sentences or punctuation its only a draft to get going
Questions: focus your reading help you structure and organise your writing help you develop an idea further generate ideas stimulate revision
Summing up Brainstorming
Write down everything you know and think about the topic Sum up your main idea in a few words or in one sentence
Word-processing allows you to: correct your work easily move text about change the order add details later present your work attractively
Free association
words and phrases fast
in any order if you want or any ideas redraft edit keep useful ons bits rd reo er secti chop up you r notes
enjoy yourself
a. Write ideas as they come. (2) b. Write in questions. (3) c. You can re-number the points later. (5) d. This is a useful method if you find spider notes and pattern notes messy. (1) e. Cross out irrelevant points. (4)
Writing for university 4
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
features of academic writing: aim to read the two quite close together.
writing tasks analysing the title structuring your writing drafting, editing, and proof-reading. The next chapter looks at more advanced
An essay is a piece of writing with a
What is an essay?
An essay is a piece of writing which is written to a set of writing conventions. The diagram below gives some brief answers to questions many new students ask.
particular structure and layout (see page 12). Usually is is written in a formal, academic style: the language is different from the way you speak, or the way you would write letters to a friend it is not conversational. You are expected to keep very strictly to the task set. You are usually given an essay title: often this is referred to as the question, even if it isnt actually What? worded as a question.
through writing
develop your writing skills express your views about a topic
Essays also help tutors to assess your progress, and to assess and grade your work. Ask your tutors why they give you essays to write they may have additional reasons.
Writing essays
How often? For whom?
write between two and eight essays each term, but this varies from course to course.
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
very carefully (page 8). What exactly is required? Ask your tutor early on if you are unsure. Write one line to sum up your basic opinion or argument. Adapt it as you proceed. Brainstorm or make pattern notes to record what you know. What do you need to read or find out?
Many sources of information are available to you, including:
books, articles, official reports, surveys lecture notes, data from laboratory work
research and look for the answers. Check the word limit to see how much information you can use for each point. Keep a notebook nearby to jot down ideas.
Keep asking yourself:
Do I need the information? How will I use this information?
Types of material
You can use any relevant material:
factual information ideas, theories,
Record information as you go along.
where you found information and ideas
for your references list. notes of themes, theories, dates, names, data, explanations, examples, details, evidence, page numbers.
Keep checking what you are doing. Careful planning:
helps to prevent repetition clarifies your thinking helps you organise your material.
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Adapt the structure and organise the writing into paragraphs. Make sure your argument is clear to readers. Check that you have included evidence and examples to support your points. Write out your references (or bibliography).
l Title
2 Introduction
out the order to introduce 3 Main argument notes Q (red) your ideas, using pattern evidence for notes Q, p. 34 notes or headings and evidence against: Q, p. 5 (orange) points. evaluation of evidence Work out how many Alternative theory: notes R (yellow) 4 words you can write on example of application each point. What must evidence for you leave out? evidence against (lemon) why not convincing Write a first draft. Write n) quickly: it is only a draft. 5 Alternative theory 2: notes S (gree nce evide of ation evalu You may find it easier to why not convincing type headings onto the ) computer first. 6 Underlying issues notes T (blue Start with whatever seems 7 Conclusions a easiest. b Keep going: dont worry c about style. To begin with, state things clearly and simply in short sentences.
7 Final drafts
Edit and check your final draft (see page 16).
Enjoy fine-
tuning your writing. Read it aloud to check that it is clearly written. Keep redrafting until you are happy with the text.
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
there some public or academic controversy you should know about? Are there important issues to include? Note your reflections on the title, and your opinions. What do you already know? Do you have evidence to back up your opinions? What do you not know yet? Where or how can you find out more?
the approach to take (see page 9). Underline words which guide you on how to select the subject matter of the assignment. Write out the title to help you take it in. How many sections are there to it? Write it out more fully, putting it in your own words. What is the assignment really looking for? What are the central questions? What topical issues does it refer to? Discuss the title with someone else. How does the title link to what you have read or heard in lectures? What else does it ask that you need to find out?
In your Introduction (the first paragraph of your writing), refer directly to the title in order to focus your reader. Say how you interpret the title. You can do this by rephrasing the title in your own words. (If you misunderstood the question, at least the reader will be aware of what has happened.)
Make notes
Write down in your own words exactly what the question requires. It may form a useful part of your introduction later.
Note obvious questions prompted by the
In your conclusion, refer back to the title to demonstrate to your reader that you are still answering the set question. Link your final sentence to the question contained in the title.
title: such as Why did this happen?, How often ? or How typical ? Ask yourself why this question was set. Is
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Bricks: paragraphs
Writing is organised into paragraphs, and each paragraph itself has a structure. Clear paragraphing assists the reader.
or on paper. Devise a working plan to guide your research. Make an outline plan for your writing. (See pages 11 and 13.)
Cement: wording
You can use language, such as linking words and emphasis, to highlight your point and show the direction of your argument.
Box B You probably found it quicker and easier to find the answers for Box B. If so, why was this the case?
Box A
more easily.
You will find it easier to draw up
follow your argument more easily. You will get in a mess if you dont. See page 11.
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Below are four steps you will need to take in organising information for an assignment. Each step makes the next one easier.
main theory evidence example Q big chart T link underlying issues S alternative theory 2 evidence against notes about S (green) notes about T (blue)
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Structuring an essay
1 Title/question
As stated earlier (page 8), every essay title contains an actual or implied question. The whole of your essay must focus on the title and address that question. In your introduction, explain what the essay is going to do.
Explain how you interpret the question. Identify issues that are you going to explore. Give a brief outline of how you will deal with each issue, and in which
2 Introduction
Paragraph 1
This paragraph covers the first thing your introduction said you would
The first sentence introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Other sentences develop the topic of the paragraph. Include relevant
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
A4 paper. (This may be about 300 words.) Check the overall word limit for your assignment. (This may be 1200 words.) How many pages of your writing or typing will your essay occupy? (For instance, 1200 words at 300 words/page will occupy 4 pages.) Take that many pieces of paper. Draw out in pencil how much space you will give to each section, item or topic, as in the sample essay below. How many words can you allocate to each section? Or to each topic or example? It may take a few attempts to get the balance right. Note how little you can write for each topic or example. If you wish, continue to plan out your essay, point by point, on these sheets. Notice how much space each item can take. With this spatial plan, can you now see:
how many pages of your writing your assignment will take? where sections or topics will be on the page? how your word limit divides up? how little or how much you need to read and note for each item?
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Writing drafts
The art of writing is in the craft of redrafting
Professional writers redraft many times before they are happy: writing rarely flows out all at once in its final version. Writing is easier if the research, planning and organising is already done and if you focus on different processes in each draft.
File management
If you intend to make major changes to a draft, save a copy of the document with a number at the end of the name (Filename2). Then edit the copy. If you change your mind, you can revert to the earlier draft, or use information from it. Divide long documents (over about 3000 words or which include graphics) into separate files, adding a, b, c and so on at the end of the filename. You will be able to move around the file and find information more quickly. Later you can paste the parts together into one long document, or start the page numbers for each part to follow on from the previous file. Working from a floppy disk is much slower than working from the hard disk. If you can, therefore, copy your essay file onto the hard disk. To save confusion about which copy you are working on, take the floppy out of the computer while you are working. When you finish a session, copy the file from the hard disk onto the floppy.
plan (the pyramid, or whatever), but leave these out of the final draft of an essay. Add in details below each heading. Link headings and points into sentences. Use your plan: keep looking back to it after writing each paragraph.
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Correct it
Re-work it into the appropriate structure Put sections into a better order Add details Change your mind
5 Style
Is the text easy to read? Is it too chatty? Or too stuffy? Are any sections confused? Is it precise enough? Is the style appropriate?
reading below.)
7 Presentation
Is the text legible? Does it look neat and well presented? Does it follow any presentation guidelines
1 Meaning
Does it make sense? Read it aloud slowly.
Edit your draft until you are happy that your draft is written as well as it can be. Then do some final proof-reading.
Read it once again aloud does it make sense? Look for mistakes such as typing and spelling
3 Evidence
Have you backed your argument with
4 References
Is the source of your information clear? Are your quotations accurate? Are references written correctly?
errors. Look up doubtful spellings or ask someone. If you used the computers spellchecker, check especially for words that may have been correctly spelt, but which were the wrong words such as there instead of their. When checking spellings, you may find it helpful to work backwards through your writing, word by word, to avoid drifting into skim-reading. Everyone has their own pattern of errors. If there are certain mistakes you make repeatedly, note these down and be particularly careful in checking for them.
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
pant. The text is not too chatty or flip ms. It is free of slang and colloquialis ectly. Technical vocabulary is used corr ere is The words used are my own. (Th no plagiarism.) The text is not repetitive. ly. The text can be read aloud easi
There is nothing the reader will confusing. The language is clear and find
Research material
There are sufficient examples and evidence to prove or illustrate my points. My own ideas and opinions are clear to the reader.
straightforward. line of The reader will easily follow the reasoning. It is clear which sentence in my point introduction summarises my view or argument. Sentences are of reasonable leng are uncomplicated. th and
The introduction is suitable. The conclusion is suitable. s Spelling, grammar and punctua correct. References are correct.
ed. Each paragraph is well structur Ideas are presented in the right It is clear how each paragraph link to the others. order.
tion are
The style is appropriate for my course.
The bibliography (if needed) is accurate. kI I have taken account of feedbac received for earlier work.
Stella Cottrell 1999, 2003, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.