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Spirit Quest - Journeys Out of The Body

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Journey Out-Of-Body

Byy SSyynneerrggyy

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Spirit-Quest: Journey Out-Of-Body

1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………Page 9


3. THEORY SECTION…………………………………..Page 27
 What Is An Out-Of-Body Experience?
 The OBE Throughout History
 Theories About OBEs
 The Invention Of The EEG; The Result Of A Psychic Event!
 Signposts Of OBEs
 The Multidimensional Universe
 The OBE Vehicles
 Nonphysical Form; Physical Energy
 OBE vs. Astral Projection
 The Planes Of Existence & Projection
o The Physical & Etheric Level
o The Physical & Etheric Planes
o Theory Of The Ether
o Etheric Subtle Body
o Etheric Projection
o The Astral Level
o The Astral Plane
o The Astral Body
o Astral Projection
o The Mental Level
o The Mental Plane

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o The Lower & Upper Mental Bodies

o Mental Projection
o The Higher Levels
o The Buddhic Plane
o The At(o)mic Plane
o The At(o)mic Limit & Great Planes
o The Anupadaka Plane
o The Adi Plane the ‘God’ Source
 The OBE Roadmap
 The Silver Cord
 Entities & Interactions
o Negative Entities
o About Astral Sex
o OBE Myth vs. Truth

4. RELATED EXPERIENCES……………………………...Page 65
 Dreams & Lucid Dreaming
 Sleep Paralysis
 Near Death Experiences
 Remote Viewing

o Beings Of Energy & Of Light
o The Electromagnetic Connection
o Duality During An OBE

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6. PRACTICAL SECTION………………………………...Page 81
 OBE Preliminaries
o Belief
o Relaxation
o Overcoming Fear
 Body Position
 Focused Relaxation
 Dissociate From The Physical
 Vibrational State
 Chakra Balancing
o Chakra Meditation
 Will-Power
o Affirmations
 Visualization
o The Mirror Method
o The Doorway Method
o Roll-Out Method
 Tactile Methods
 Power Of Suggestion
o Sleep Onset Suggestion Method
 Dream-Programming
 Crystals To Help Induce OBEs
 Herbs To Help Induce OBEs
 Brainwave Entrainment
 Keeping A Journal
 Controlling The Experience
 Traversing The Planes

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 Potential Setbacks
o Inability To Get Out
o Etheric Blindness
o Sticking To The Physical Body
o Inability To Move

7. CONCLUSION…………………………………………...Page 101

8. OBE INSPIRED POETRY……………………………….....Page 103

 Breath Of Souls
 Astral Entity

9. REFERENCES…………………………………..………….Page 105

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“In order to arrive at a place we do not know,

We must go by a way we do not know.”
- St. John of the Cross

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1. IIN

It is believed that each and every night when we go to sleep, our

spirit embarks upon a quest of wonder, far beyond the reaches of
our physical world. We leave our physical bodies behind, and travel
in spirit form, questing the wonders of our physical world, or even
wandering about on the other side of reality and witnessing the
underlying workings of our universe.

We do not tend to remember these journeys because during them,

our conscious mind is fast asleep. Instead we are functioning through
our subconscious mind, and since the conscious mind can not
correctly interpret these subconscious images, we remember only
vague details or nothing at all. It is quite possible that a good portion
of the dreams we remember, may have been excursions while out-

A small percentage of the population sometimes finds themselves in

the midst of a very real experience, while fully conscious of the
events they perceive. They may see their physical bodies from a
different vantage point. They may travel to other physical places.
When they wake, they have an instinctive knowledge that the
experience was real, but most are afraid to even talk about it for fear
of what others might think. These people have had spontaneous out-
of-body experiences, and I am fortunate to be one of them!

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Imagine waking up, floating above your body, and being able to move
simply by thought. You can go anywhere! You are truly free! To have
these experiences given to you, is a great gift. There are many
people who have had such experiences, in fact more than you might

For those who have not had spontaneous out-of-body experiences, it

is possible to learn to induce this state by will, and anyone who has
patience and the dedication to learn will eventually be able to achieve

Imagine being able to travel by thought, leaving your physical body

safely behind, and return at will!

The knowledge is nothing new. For centuries, Tibetan monks have

spent years of their lives in practice and meditation in order to attain
altered states of consciousness with ease. The shamans of the
Native American tribes have embarked upon their vision quests for
ages. The knowledge has also been passed down in hidden texts
shared with initiates of many Occult ‘secret societies’. Now it is
hidden no longer. You too can learn this faculty with perseverance!
Remember, you will eventually succeed! After all, this ability has been
known and practiced for a very long time, by many different cultures.
It is within all of us.

I have noticed that over the last decade or so, there seems to have
been a large shift in thought and belief about psychic and paranormal
phenomenon on a global scale. It seems that more and more people

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are realizing their potential goes well beyond their physical limits.
Out-Of-Body Experiences fall within these categories, along with
other psychic abilities such as telepathy. Either more people have
been experiencing these phenomena then before, or more are simply
willing to talk about their experiences. Either way, now is a good
time to start learning how you too can develop your ability, with
many books and tools available to you.

There is no easy way to achieve this goal however. There are many
aids out there to help you with your quest, but none of them will
ultimately make the experience happen. Only you can! You must
have the patience to learn, and the dedication to keep at it, even in
the eyes of failure and this book is but one tool to help you along
that path.

It is the goal of this guide to teach the basic theory and practice
required to induce the out-of-body experience by will, and while fully
conscious of the event. Within these pages you will find the theory
behind out-of-body experiences, a section on the practical exercises
and techniques to help you induce them on your own, a brief history
of my own experiences including journal entries, and some of my
personal observations on the subject. I have also included a section
with a selection of my OBE inspired poetry.

I wrote this for all the seekers…

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22.. M

First of all, I would like to say that I do not consider myself an expert
in this subject matter. I am just a normal person; fortunate enough
to have had some extraordinary things happen throughout the
journey of my life. This book is based largely on my own
experiences, along with information I have gathered along the way by
reading books and talking to others who have had similar

Ever since I was a young child, I have had strange experiences that
could not easily be explained. In my childhood years I did not
understand what was happening, though I always kept the knowledge
that they occurred tucked in the back of my mind. I was afraid to
mention the experiences to my parents, for fear of their reaction.

My father was a very religious man, having spent three of his younger
years in the seminary, studying to be a Catholic priest before he
decided he wanted a family instead. Any mention of the ‘Occult’
immediately put up red flags in the eyes of my Dad, as he would label
everything mysterious as a product of Devil worship. He had even
gone so far as to call the local priest to our home one afternoon
when a friend of mine had brought a book about Wicca over to
show me.

I was fortunate to have kept a dream journal though, and at about

the age of 14, I had a very vivid experience that would change my life:

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“Journal Entry - 03/10/1985 - A Journey Out-Of-Body

Last night, I woke up unable to move. I tried to shout out, but

even my voice was muffed. I felt like I was in panic but I could
not do anything about it. At first, I tried to fight the paralysis, but
my attempts were futile, so instead I succumbed to it and let
myself go.

The next thing I remember is standing in my room beside my

bed, and the images looked distorted. Everything was kind of
slow motion, and I found it hard to move around my room. I
thought something was wrong with me. I think I was thirsty,
because I remember trying to walk out my room to go get
myself a drink. I was standing by my bedroom door, and I tried
to leave the room, but my feet froze in position and I could not
move any further forward. In fact, the only part of my body that
I could move was my head.

I turned my head and looked back towards my bed, and what I

saw has forever changed me: there was a still figure laying there
in my bed, and that figure was me!

My next recollection is of strange rushing and static-like sounds,

and then the feeling of being slammed into my bed. When I
woke up, my heart was pounding and I did not know what
happened! Could this have been real?”

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For the longest time, I kept that experience to myself. Several years
went by, where I had a few similar experiences, and I kept writing
them down in my journal. I also started to gain an insatiable appetite
for the unknown. I became interested in the paranormal, psychic
abilities and the occult. I had this inner thirst for knowledge about
reality as we know it.

I remember a game I used to play with a close friend of mine, where

we would use a deck or cards and pull out the four aces. One of us
would hold up a card, and the other would guess which card it was.
We quickly got tired of only four possible answers, and moved on to
picking a number between one and fifty, and to our amazement, we
were accurate a surprising percentage of time.

During my late teens, there were many shows on television that

dealt with unexplained phenomenon, and I remember watching one
show where they interviewed a woman who had out-of-body
experiences. Her description was eerily similar to the experiences I
had been having. I do not remember the name of the program,
though I remember vague images of a woman standing in the living
room as if her body was standing through the coffee table, and she
was looking at her physical body on the floor.

I gained some solace in knowing that there were others out there
who were experiencing the same things. I still wasn’t completely sold
on the idea of actually leaving my physical body. The thought
somehow scared me, even though each time it happened, I had
always returned safely.

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When I was 21, I moved away from home temporarily for about a
year. During this time, I had bought a book by authors Denning and
Phillips called Astral Projection: The Out-Of-Body Experience. I know you
are not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but the artwork
depicting a woman floating over her body and about to leave through
a window is what caught my attention. That book opened the
doorway, and I realized that I was on the pathway of a journey that
had started for me long ago. There was no doubt, I was having out-
of-body experiences.

I must explain that this realization goes much deeper than the
experience itself! I began thinking that if you can travel outside your
physical body, then the human spirit must exist, and that means life
after death is real. And I started to ask myself, “...then how many
other unexplained phenomena are real?”

I had become aware of a universe for more vast than the physical
world we live in day to day! It was like a veil had been lifted from my
eyes and I was now seeing deeper into reality, a view that most
people seem not to be privy to.

From that first book, I tried a method to induce an out-of-body

experience by will and I was highly successful. I did not expect
anything to happen but I was amazed when something did! It was the
first time I was able to reproduce the experience with intent, and to
some degree control. I was better able to analyze what was
happening to me while in this state.

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Though I called this OBE #1 in my journal, it’s actually about the 5th
or 6th out-of-body experience that I can clearly recall, however the
previous experiences were all spontaneous and this one was planned.

“Journal Entry - 15/05/1997 - OBE #1 I Did It!

I began practicing a technique that I read in Denning and

Phillips’ book that instructs you to use a form of relaxation,
starting from your feet and working your way to your head, until
your whole body is numb. I achieved this state fairly easily. The
next part was a bit more difficult, as it instructed that I focus to
keep my mind awake at the exact point that sleep takes over. I
was able to do this, and then before I fell asleep, I was to simply
tell myself with intent, that I would have an OBE.

I really did not have any expectations about this, however I was
very surprised to find that it worked! I remember floating above
my physical body, facing upward. The perspective was about
several feet higher than where I would have been laying in the
bed. I looked toward the wall on the other side of the room, and
lifted my hand to look at it. I noticed my body was translucent. I
don’t know why I did that, except as a form of personal proof.
However, seeing myself like that had startled me slightly, and I
told myself that I wanted to go back right then.

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I had the same loud static noises as before, and the feelings of
being slammed in to the bed. I then awoke, thinking to myself
how awesome this is!”

Following that experience, I was able to successfully utilize that same

technique several more times over the next year or so. The
experiences were kind of vague and I remember passing through
doorways and hallways and then losing lucidity of the events. I so
much wanted to gain more control, and stay conscious throughout
the experience, but something seemed to be pulling me back as soon
as I realized I was out.

The short duration of the OBEs do not have any less impact on the
amount of awe you feel from the experience! It only takes a fleeting
moment of realization to cause such intense feelings of elation!

“Journal Entry - 24/08/1997 - An Interrupted Excursion…

I tried to induce an out-of-body experience again tonight. I used

the same method I have been using, putting a suggestion in my
head just before sleep.

This time I was only aware of a small portion of the experience,

before I lost my perception of it. I remember floating toward the
door in my room, and starting down the hallway. I only made it
about halfway down the hallway and then I don’t remember
anything past that point.

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When I awoke, I realized that my room mate had arrived home
late and was making noise in the room.”

It was at this point I started to think that physical sounds or stimuli

near the physical body while you are out might call you back at the
slightest distraction. It was a disappointment that I was pulled back so
soon, but at the same time I was glad to know that at the first signs
of trouble, I would be able to get back easily.

Since then, I have accumulated a plethora of books on the topics of

Out-Of-Body Experiences and Astral Projection. I likely have enough
books to open a library on the subject! I have studied the theory of
the universe on multiple levels, and the spiritual side to life. I have
tried to look at this from all sides: the scientific, the philosophical,
and the spiritual.

This is when I first became drawn to the Rosicrucians. Their

knowledge passed down through the ages, teaches of the
multidimensional nature of the universe, and ties science, religion and
philosophy together. Their teachings just made so much sense to
me. The Rosicrucians, once considered a very secretive society, now
allow membership to just about anyone who has the interest to join.

I still did not know why I was given the gift of spontaneous OBEs,
though they kept occurring and I have been lucky in that I have had
several opportunities to validate them on a personal level. One such
opportunity came when a close friend of mine participated in an
experiment with me. He is empathic (he has the ability to sense

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what people are feeling) and as I attempted to induce an OBE in his
presence, he was able to sense a duality in me while I was out-of-

Though most of my OBEs occurred at night, I have had several out-

of-body experiences happen in the day time when it was light in my
room. I had one such experience that was able to validate the actual
separation from my physical body in great detail!

“Journal Entry – 14/09/1998 - An Afternoon Excursion

I went for a nap this afternoon because I had been on duty the
night before and I was tired. I laid down and went to sleep
around 13:00. I awoke about an hour later in sleep paralysis,
and since it was light in my room and I could see everything
clearly, I was not frightened by it at all. I did not fight it, but I
instead closed my eyes and just let go, and tried to retain my
consciousness. What happened was amazing!

I literally, visually, passed through my eyelids! I could see myself

leaving, and moving through the skin. It was like in the movie
Ghost when he passes through the woman. That’s the only way I
can describe it!

I was then beside my bed and looking to the other side of my

room. In my mind, I told myself to move to the other side of the
room, toward the chair at my computer desk. With that
thought, I moved on command. Then I looked toward the

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window, and told myself to leave through it. That’s the last
point I remember. I lost awareness after that.”

That experience left no doubt in my mind that something was

actually leaving my physical body. I knew then, that it was not just a
function of my brain. I think I lost awareness after this point because
as I had looked toward the window, I was also given a vantage point
where I was able to see my physical body in my peripheral vision. It
seems that any thought of the physical will instantly pull you back.

Not all of my experiences were completely successful. I actually had

many times where I was pulled back to the physical immediately upon
realizing that I was out-of-body. I believe this is partly due to the
excitement felt upon realizing that I was out, and partly due to
thinking about the physical and of my physical body.

“Journal Entry – 04/05/1999 - A Fleeting Glimpse

I had another OBE tonight, but it lasted only moments. I gained

consciousness of the experience as I found myself floating
upward toward the ceiling. I got just near the corner where the
wall meets the ceiling, and then felt myself being pulled
backward. I did a full back-flip in the air, slammed back into my
physical body, and then I woke up.”

In 2001, my father passed away unexpectedly from illness, and I had

two very significant OBEs that followed:

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“Journal Entry - 17/10/2001 - A Final Farewell

My father passed away last night with my Mother and me at his

side. The two of us left the hospital and stayed up most of the
night talking, and around 5 am, I finally decided to try and get a
few hours sleep. When I did fall asleep, I had an out-of-body
experience - one that will forever be in my memory. I remember
walking beside my father. The scenery around was like a
convergence between two places. There was a kind of tower,
like an outpost. It was round and had a lookout position at the
top. We went inside. There were what looked to be consoles
around the inside of the lookout, and windows all around the

My father spoke to me and said ‘This is as far as you can go.

Don’t worry, it will be ok’

I realize that my description of the scenery is probably just how

my mind interpreted it, but I know I was really with him. His
words were my last memory before waking.”

“Journal Entry - 14/05/2002 - Reunited!

(We were in Norfolk, Virginia. We had to bring the ship to be

depermed. This is where we wrap large cables around the ship
to erase potentially dangerous magnetic signatures built up in
the hull. We wrap the large cables around the hull and pass

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electricity through them, effectively turning the ship into a large
electromagnet - which we sleep inside! I knew that
electromagnetic energy had to have something to do with OBEs,
so I decided to try to have an OBE. I lay down in my bunk and
focused on leaving my body.)

“I was dreaming that I was upstairs, in my mother's house; was

unaware that I was dreaming, as the usual unconscious mind
perceives. The house was the same, but somehow different:
colors were emanating from everything, as if it all had an aura,
even the inanimate objects. I heard my recently deceased father
call my name, from downstairs; I knew in the dream that he was
not alive, so with excitement I called out to him. As I kept calling
out to my father, I proceeded down the stairs (floating, as with
all my OBEs, but at this point I did not realize it was an OBE).

I saw my father sitting on the end of the coffee table. I went to

him and hugged him very frantically. Looking into his eyes, I
realized that it was him, but was younger, in his thirties— my
father had little hair since his younger years, but here he had a
full head of hair. He was much younger and healthier looking.
His eyes are what got to me: imagine seeing flecks of pure
energy dancing in someone's eyes. He looked more alive than a
person ever could in life.

He asked me, while looking directly into my eyes, how I was

since his death, that year. I replied, "I really miss you, Dad.

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There is something I want to ask you: can I reach you through
astral projection?"

Up until that moment, I was still unconscious of what was

happening. As soon I as I said the words "astral projection", I
suddenly realized that I was out of my body, already! The worst
part was that as soon as I realized that I was out-of-body, I
immediately returned to my physical state. I never got my
answer from him.

Before I re-entered and heard the buzzing sounds just before I

opened my physical eyes, I shouted, "No, I don't want to go
back, yet!"

What I find interesting is that my Father was the one who I was able
to contact through an OBE, when he was always the one who
warned me about the supposed dangers of psychic abilities and the
paranormal (due to his religious training and beliefs).

That out-of-body experience was to this day, the most vivid. I truly
believe that the electromagnetic field I was sleeping within was a
catalyst in that case.

In 2002, I was invited to be a guest on a radio show in the United

Kingdom. The show dealt with the topics of many unexplained
phenomenon, and I was invited to talk about my out-of-body
experiences, and the website Astral Society (A website devoted to
OBEs and other related subject matter, where I had been a staff

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member for some time). It gave me a chance to really open up about
the subject, as I was asked to describe my experiences in great detail.
I felt like it was time to be open with my family about it as well.

To my amazement, I learned that some of my other family members

have also had similar experiences. They are not that uncommon! In
fact other psychic abilities are common as well. I have also had a few
experiences with a phenomenon known as Spontaneous Remote
Viewing, and recently found out that my Mother has had these visions
occur as well. In these visions, you see through closed eyelids,
detailed scenery and movement in real time, just as if you were
watching through a pair of binoculars. Unlike with out-of-body
experiences, you are completely aware that you are still in your
physical body.

I have since learned how to induce my out-of-body experiences

more easily, and even differentiate between the different types of
experiences. I have gained some degree of control over them while I
am out. I also have had the opportunity to perform some
experiments of my own, utilizing electromagnetic fields, and
brainwave technology.

I must stress though that for every success there are a few failures. I
don’t propose to be an expert on this subject, but more or less
someone who was given a gift and wishes to share it with others.
There have been times when I tried to induce an out-of-body
experience, and got close, but failed. In fact, I can get to the
completely relaxed state right before separation quite easily, but

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sometimes I just can’t seem to leave the physical. Still, I strive to

“Journal Entry - 16/09/2003 – A Failed Attempt

For some reason my sleep was very odd last night. I woke up
kind of in sleep paralysis, but I was in and out of it. I could feel
the pull of a spontaneous OBE and thought I would try to get
out. I phased in and out of this state several times, but no
matter how hard I tried, I could not get myself to separate. I
think I was too over-tired and I eventually gave up and went to
back to sleep.”

My knowledge has increased dramatically over the years, and my

spirituality has blossomed. What as a child I did not understand, I
now regard as a precious gift. I wish that everyone could experience
the things that I have! It affects my artwork, and my music, and my
being. I find myself appreciating everything that life has to offer, and I
do not fear death because I feel that I have been given proof that I
will survive beyond this life.

I wish to share this same knowledge, this same gift with others who
also wish to journey toward enlightenment. It is my hope that others
will be able to experience the awe and learn to journey out-of-body.

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33.. T

What Is An Out-Of-Body Experience?

Simply put, an Out-Of-Body Experience (or OBE for short), is when

the consciousness separates from the physical body and can travel
and function independently thereof. It is commonly called Projection
because the consciousness is in essence, projected to another realm
not normally accessible from the physical reality.

More difficultly put, it is an experience that can change a person

forever! For some people, it is proof of life after death. For others, it
opens the door to a vast uncharted territory, and suddenly they feel
humbled and much smaller than they once did, recognizing and
marveling in the extent and beauty of the Universe. Still, for others it
remains a fearful mystery; one that they can not seem to put into

There are many different theories as to what an OBE actually is,

whether simply a function of the human brain, or something actually
leaving the physical body. We will look at the theories in more
depth later in the book, but for now I want to point out that the
exact cause of the OBE does not seem to have an affect on how
deeply a person is changed by it.

Out-Of-Body Experiences actually happen more often than you might


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There is a good chance that if you have never had one yourself, then
you might know someone who has. A survey conducted by the
sociology students of Duke University in 1954, concluded that about
27% of students had recalled having OBEs. It is not discussed widely,
and most people who have not experienced it, shrug it off as a vivid
dream. But for those who have experienced it, it feels much more
real than any dream could.

Actually, dreams and their mechanisms seem to be closely related to

OBEs and I will discuss this as well in a section about dreams and
lucid dreaming. For now, I will just mention that it is a common belief
that we all experience the out-of-body state every night, only we do
not remember. The reason could be that the experience seems to
only be governed by our subconscious and not our conscious mind.

Since the conscious mind can not correctly interpret the images from
the subconscious, we may only remember vague images that don’t
seem to make any sense. Your dreams may actually be snippets of
information that your subconscious gathered while out-of-body!

An out-of-body experience can happen spontaneously, for no specific

reason as it does for many people worldwide, including I. It can also
be learned through techniques in meditation, relaxation and will.
Anyone can learn how to do it with the right skills and knowledge.

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The OBE Throughout History

There have been many reports throughout history, from ancient

cultures to modern day including in literary works by prominent
authors, which describe the out-of-body experience.

Ancient Egyptians knew about OBEs and also the Astral Body, which
they referred to as the ‘ba’. The ancient Chinese also described the
ability to travel out-of-body at will. Aboriginal tribes throughout the
world practiced their vision quests. The Tibetan Book Of The Dead
describes a duplicate of the physical body called the ‘bardo body’
which can lift out of the physical body. Socrates, Plato, and Plotonius
all wrote about out-of-body experiences. Plato’s book The Republic
describes the OBE of Er.

More recent in history the author Earnest Hemmingway and the

poets Alfred Lord Tennyson and Edgar Allan Poe all claimed to have
had out-of-body experiences.

Theories On The Out-Of-Body Experience

Common OBE theories can be divided into two groups... those that
believe something leaves the physical body during an OBE, and those
that believe nothing leaves the physical body and that the OBE is
purely physiological in nature. Here are some of the more common

The Consciousness Separates And Leaves The Physical Body -

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To believe in this theory, we need to look at consciousness as

separate from the physical brain. Consciousness controls the brain
but is not a product of it. We all know that fields can exist around a
physical object like a magnet, even though we can not easily see
them. Consciousness can be thought of a field that extends far past
the physical brain, and uses the physical brain to interact with the
physical world.

Quantum physics theories actually allow for this possible explanation.

If consciousness exists separate from the brain, then it must be able
to leave the physical brain for periods of time. Quantum mechanics
allows for multiple dimensions, accounting where consciousness
might travel during an OBE.

We do not know all that there is to know with our current scientific
knowledge, and I believe that quantum physics is only beginning to
open the door to understanding phenomena like out-of-body
experiences. I believe that ultimately, it will be able to be proven by
science. We have just not gotten there yet.

Most major religions believe in a multidimensional universe, or that

this physical life is only one step our existence as spiritual beings.
Therefore, most people on the planet already believe in a life after
death of some sort. And if the belief of a world beyond the physical
exists in so many minds, then it should not be much of a step further
to believe that we can access the realms beyond this one while still in
this life, through meditation and prayer.

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Nothing Leaves The Physical Body;

Physiological Theories For OBEs:

I have a friend who is currently studying for his specialty in neurology

(a self proclaimed skeptic), and he was able to explain to me some of
the medical theories behind OBEs.

The OBE Is A Result Of Dissociation / Dislocation -

Dissociative phenomena are experienced as a disruption of the

normally integrated functions of memory, identity perception and
consciousness. This results in a feeling of separateness and in some
cases people reported seeing their physical body from a different
perspective. Dissociation and/or dislocation usually happen as a result
of a traumatic event, stress, or sleep deprivation. It is also linked to
Multiple Personality Disorder.

Dissociation may account for some OBE-like phenomena that happen

from an awake state, but do not explain those instances where an
OBE happened to patients during general anesthesia, or NDEs (Near
Death Experiences) where the person is clinically dead, for all intents
and purposes unconscious and unable to consciously experience the
dissociative phenomena.

Some neurologists would argue that the act of the brain dying, can
stimulate certain parts of the brain, and this may account for the

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The OBE Is Just A Dream -

The majority of OBEs happen spontaneously from within a sleep

state. This suggests that OBEs could really be vivid dreams or dreams
where one has become aware, called Lucid Dreaming, which will be
covered later in this book.

Evidence from experiments by Charles Tart in the 1960’s, have

shown that OBEs do not occur within a discrete measurable state,
and instead can happen in a variety of different states. Subjects that
successfully projected out-of-body while hooked up to an EEG
(electroencephalogram, where electrodes placed on the head can
measure brainwave activity) in Tart’s laboratory were shown to have
had their experience during periods of deep relaxation, heightened
awareness, but not exclusively during REM (Rapid Eye Movement)
sleep, which is when most dreams occur.

Also of note, are the OBEs that people have reported while being
under general anesthesia, and seeing the surgeon working on them as
they floated above the operating table. General anesthesia is known
to suppress REM sleep.

Dreams are commonly believed to be Astral Projections, where we

are not aware that we are projecting. Tart’s experiments only
conclude that an OBE can occur in many states. That does not mean
that REM can not be one of those states. It does however suggest
that not all OBEs occur during a state where we are dreaming.

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The OBE Is A Hypnapompic/Hypnagogic Hallucination -

Some people with a sleep disorder such as narcolepsy, sometimes

experience vivid imagery just as they are falling asleep or upon
waking. Another symptom of narcolepsy is sleep paralysis, where the
person wakes up unable to move for a brief period. These symptoms
are caused by elements of REM sleep intruding on the waking state.
However, people who do not have narcolepsy can also experience
both sleep paralysis and hypnagogic or hypnapompic hallucinations.

It has been suggested that OBEs could just be vivid imagery from
these hallucinations.

This theory could explain some of the OBE experiences, but since
Tart found that REM sleep does not necessarily have anything to do
with OBEs, and the fact that OBEs have occurred while people have
been under general anesthesia when they are most definitely not
waking up and experiencing hallucinations, it can not account for all
of the OBE type phenomena.

Also of note, is that with hypnapomic and hypnagogic hallucinations,

the imagery can be very different from person to person and very
dream-like in quality. Common images are vague shapes and
shadows that may already be in the room but are changed in the
mind of person having the hallucination to resemble something else.
I find it hard to believe that an OBE could be a hallucination because
for everyone who experiences it, the circumstances are exactly the

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same, except for the location where they are projecting. The sounds
and feelings experienced in an OBE do not seem to change much
between individuals. And Instead of having dreamlike imagery, an
OBE seems to fall on the opposite side of the spectrum, almost being
too real to be a fantasy created by the mind.

Sleep paralysis does play a role however, and is related to OBEs.

Many people report that they were in sleep paralysis immediately
prior to an OBE. It is from the paralysis state that the required
vibrations seem to develop. All though not all people report having
sleep paralysis episodes before their OBEs, it may just be that they
were unaware of the paralysis. Deep relaxation is definitely
necessary to induce an OBE, so maybe the complete body paralysis
(which is relaxation at its utmost) allows an OBE to happen more

I have had numerous OBEs occur in conjunction with sleep paralysis

episodes, where I would wake up unable to move anything but my
eyes, and then immediately feel strong vibrations and hear rushing
sounds in my ears. I think that when someone is in sleep paralysis,
they may already be half way out-of-body.

The Angular Gyrus, and Epilepsy –

As described by CNN news on 19 September 2002, Neurology

researchers in Switzerland reported that during a procedure for
epilepsy, a patient told them she had floated above her own body and
was watching herself. This happened when a particular part of the

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brain called the angular gyrus, in the right cortex, was stimulated by
an electrode… and it happened every time the angular gyrus was

The explanation is that OBEs could be caused by a misfiring of

certain parts of the brain while under stress. The angular gyrus is
thought to have a role in how the brain analyzes sensory information.

Of course, certain parts of the brain may indeed play a role in OBEs.
I have no doubts that something physiological needs to happen to
induce the consciousness to separate, and that maybe the angular
gyrus is part of the equation. Where our consciousness goes when it
separates, the scientists can not account for! In all the years of
neuroscience, they have yet to be able to pinpoint the exact point of
consciousness in our brains!

I do hope they continue their quest though, as any information they

can give us will help us to better understand how to induce the out-
of-body state by will!

The Invention Of The EEG; The Result Of A Psychic Event!

Did you know that the invention of the EEG, used by doctors
worldwide to diagnose many of conditions that skeptics attribute to
OBEs, was actually created as a result of a psychic event!? It’s true!

Hans Berger, a German physicist born in 1873, created the EEG after
a personally transforming event happened to him while serving in the

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cavalry. One afternoon during a training exercise, his horse reared,
throwing him on the road, directly in the path of a horse-drawn

Just as he realized he was about to be crushed by the tremendously

heavy equipment, the driver of the artillery battery was able to stop
the horses just in time.

Miles away at home, his sister had feelings of intense worry about the
well being of her brother, at the exact moment of Hans’s accident.
She sent a telegram immediately to Hans explaining her feelings.
When Hans realized that somehow his fear of dying reached his
sister who was far away from him physically, he became interested in
trying to prove such psychic phenomena by mapping brainwaves. In
the process he created the EEG that all the skeptical neurologists use
today to map the function of the brain through brainwaves! It is
through EEG that we also are able to understand the different
brainwave states, including REM sleep.

Hans had experienced telepathy, or the sending of thoughts over

distances, to a recipient. If thoughts can travel outside of the physical
body, then consciousness itself must be able to follow the same path!

Out-Of-Body Experience Signposts

OBEs are very common, and often dismissed as being a vivid dream.
Most people don’t even give the event a second thought. Having a
recollection of strange static-like or buzzing sounds, vibrations, sleep

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paralysis, and feelings of floating or flying upon waking, very well
could have been signs that an Out-Of-Body Experience took place.

The most commonly reported events occurring before, during, and

after OBEs:

Before Separation From The Physical Body –

Complete relaxation, detached awareness from physical body, sleep

paralysis, feeling of vibrations (these can be mild to very strong),
feelings of falling or spinning, and Rapid Eye Movements (REM) while
consciously awake.

When I try to induce an OBE, I can bring myself into this state very
easily. I relax every muscle in my body, and the vibrations and falling
feelings seem to happen on their own. For the spontaneously
occurring OBEs, I do not usually remember this stage.

At Separation From Physical Body –

Feeling as though being lifted up, loud static-like and intermittent

sounds - This is when OBE is usually imminent, though it can be
easily reversed at this point, usually by fear of what is about to
happen, or excitement, resulting in a loss of relaxation.

After Separation From Physical Body –

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Blurred visions of physical surroundings at first, ability to move by
thought and with fluid motion, seeing a silver shimmering cord
attached to your body, witnessing the physical body from a different
perspective, seeing other people go about their business and
apparently having no idea that you are there.

My vision during an OBE sometimes looks as if I am under water. I

turn my head to look around, and things kind of look slow motion.

Upon Return To The Physical Body –

Feeling of being ‘slammed’ into bed and hearing a loud static-like,

intermittent sounds

I have had the feeling of being slammed back into my bed many times!
It reminds me of two very strong magnets snapping together.

Upon Full Waking –

Recollection of images that seem too vivid to be a dream, memories

of physical places that you’ve never been to and strong feelings of
being somewhere, or interacting with a person that you know you
had no physical interaction with. You may also remember some or all
of the signposts above. Some of those dreams where you
commented on how real they seemed to be may have been out-of-
body experiences!

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The Multidimensional Universe

The term ‘Out-Of-Body Experience’ is used as a more broad

description which includes all of the different types of conscious
experiences that fall under it. It simply describes the perspective of
being consciously outside of the physical body. There is however
different types of OBEs that can occur, but to explain them we need
to understand the concept of our existence on multiple levels. The
Universe is not solely the physical realm that we can see, hear, touch,
taste and smell. It is made up of different levels of reality.

To different religions and belief systems, these levels go by different

names. In the Buddhist religion, there are 31 distinct realms or
planes of existence. To those of the Jewish Mysticism faith, there are
the ten Sefirot of the Kabalistic Tree Of Life. To the Christians, there
are the realms of Earth, Purgatory, Heaven, and Hell. To the student
of Occult and New Age teachings, there are the seven planes of

No matter by what names you call them, they seem to surface in all
the major religions. It seems to be a common belief; that of a
multidimensional existence. In this book, we will be looking
predominantly at the most common Occult or New Age teaching
regarding the planes of existence, which has roots in the Tantric
Buddhism tradition. Remember though that it does not matter that
there are differences in names and categorizing of the planes
between different religions and beliefs, only that they do exist and
are attainable through out-of-body experiences!

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As with the universe, the body is also much more than the physical
being, and it is the other parts which enable us to interact with the
higher dimensions, or planes of existence during life and to continue
to survive there after physical death. These levels are connected to
each other and to the planes of existence through energy fields or
conduits, most commonly called Chakras. The chakras can be
understood as doorways to ascending states of consciousness.

It is known through science that vibration plays an integral role to

our universe. String theory, which suggests that at the tiniest level,
everything is made up of vibrating strings of energy, states that quite
possibly the only difference between dimensional levels is the base
vibration or frequency. Just as the planes or dimensions vibrate at
different frequencies, so do the chakra energy centers and they can
be seen or sensed as different color emanations.

The seven chakra centers when in balance are thought to provide a

free flow of the life energy in us all. They influence health, well being,
emotions, and help form a connection to the nonphysical world as
well. That is why chakra balancing exercises are often performed
before attempting to induce an Out-Of-Body Experience.

The projection of the consciousness to different planes of existence

and interacting using the body’s corresponding nonphysical parts
called Subtle Bodies, is what makes up the different types of Out- Of-
Body Experiences. Some of the planes are accessible through an
OBE, while others are very much above our limit of reach. There is

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said to be seven steps back to the God Source or creation, and so
there are seven (major) planes of existence above the physical, and
also seven chakra energy centers. Seven really IS a magickal number!

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The Planes Of Existence, Chakras, & Subtle Bodies

Physical Plane-----------------Root Chakra---------------------------Physical Body

Etheric Plane--------------------------”-----------------------------------Etheric Body
Astral Plane--------------------Spleen Center----------------------------Astral Body
Lower Mental Plane-----------Solar Plexus-------------------Lower Mental Body
Upper Mental Plane------------Heart Center------------------Higher Mental Body
Buddhic Plane-------Throat Center/Third Eye Center---------------Limit of Self
At(o)mic Plane-----------------Crown Center
Anupadaka Plane
Adi Plane

The Chakras

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The OBE Vehicles

Just as your physical body is the vehicle that you use to interact with
the physical world, your subtle bodies are your vehicles to interact
with the different planes. And just as the planes exist at different
vibrational frequencies, so do your subtle bodies; only subtle because
you do not notice them during your everyday physical existence.

When we project we shift consciousness to the vehicle that

corresponds to the level or plane that we are visiting. It is believed
that you have a subtle body to correspond to the planes above the

You have an etheric body, which you use to interact in the etheric
plane, and an astral body which you use to interact with the astral
plane. These subtle bodies have recognizable form and shape, and are
the vehicles that your consciousness inhabits when you are out-of-
body. The mental plane is split into lower and higher sub-planes and
so there are lower and higher mental bodies to correspond to them.
This is the limit of the subtle bodies, as the higher mental plane is
also the limit of the awareness of the personal self. Above this, we
exist as a single point of consciousness.

Nonphysical Form; Physical Energy

Since the etheric level is close to the physical and is actually a part of
the physical plane, the etheric body has actually been recorded in the
physical by means of experiments utilizing pk meters. These

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instruments measure energy, and were placed in front of placards
displaying symbols, in such a way that it would be impossible to see
that placard without being directly in front of the pk meter. The
subjects would project and attempt to correctly identify the symbol.

On the occasions where the symbols were correctly identified, there

was a marked increase in the energy reading taken by the pk meter. I
do not recall where I once read this, so I can not comment on the
validity of these experiments, however if they are true, they could
prove that the etheric body can be recorded in the physical plane as
a form of energy.

There is also a slight but measurable weight decrease of the physical

body during exteriorization. Dutch scientists successfully measured
the weight of the physical body before, during and after a projection,
and found that during the OBE, there was a measurable decrease in
the weight of the physical body by about 2.25 grams.

There was a case in the United States where a test subject by the
name of Alex Tanous (who was able to OBE at will) projected to a
different location where a psychic medium named Christine Whiting
was waiting to see if she could perceive his presence. In this highly
successful experiment, Alex was able to project to the location, and
Christine was able to identify the exact location where he was
standing, and even more surprisingly, she was able to describe
exactly what he was wearing! This means that the physical energy of
a nonphysical form can be perceived by people who have some
degree of psychic ability.

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OBE vs. Astral Projection

Many authors on the subject of Out-Of-Body Experiences, seem to

incorrectly lump all OBEs into the definition of Astral Projection.
This leads beginners astray, as the experiences are very unique
compared to each other and deserve to be treated as such. Most
Out-Of-Body Experiences, especially those that are spontaneous,
occur on the etheric plane. These experiences are also sometimes
called Etheric Projection or Real-Time projections because the etheric
plane resides so close to the physical plane that physical surroundings
are perceived in real time. These experiences would be the typical
descriptions of floating over and seeing the physical body. Self
induced OBEs can also take place on the etheric plane.

The astral plane resides just above the etheric plane, and OBEs that
occur on this plane may be more mistaken for dreams due to their
obscure and mystical nature. It is believed that these OBEs called
Astral Projection, can help us access multitudes of information about
our existence and the underlying workings of our own physical
world. Thought can also induce imagery here, adding to the mystical
qualities of astral projections. Dreams are believed to be astral

The third plane above the physical is the mental plane, and not much
is known about it. This type of projection would be referred to as
mental projection. I have only ever read a few accounts of OBEs
traveling to this plane, and it is unsure whether the subjects were

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really there, or just on a higher sublevel of the astral plane. It is
uncertain just where the limit is reached during an OBE, though the
majority of experiences take place as either etheric or astral
projections. Mental projection would encompass any projection
above the realm of the astral plane.

The Planes Of Existence & Projection

The Physical & Etheric Planes

The Physical Plane is the lowest plane of the seven, and is where we
all consciously exist. It encompasses the world we see with our
physical eyes and interact with. It also includes the other planets, the
stars, and the galaxies. It is the physical universe as we know it. It
corresponds to a chakra energy point known as the ‘base, or root
center’ and is found to be located near the base of the spine. The
energy vibration for this chakra and level is represented by the color
emanation of red.

Included within the Physical Plane and lying just above it, is the
Etheric Plane which is like an overlay on top of the Physical Plane.
Though it is so closely connected to the physical, it is not visible
using physical senses. It is what connects everything in the Physical
Plane and also everything which is beyond our normal physical
senses. The Etheric Plane can actually be explained and understood
through modern science, even though we can not see it with the
physical senses.

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The Theory Of The Ether

We know that physical matter which appears to be solid is actually

the opposite. If you look at any physical object up close you will see
that it is made up of an immense number of electrons which are in
vibration and revolve round a central point which is known as a
neutron. Matter consists of atoms and these atoms are composed of
electrons and protons which are held together by electromagnetic
forces. Matter is built up of tiny electric charges, both positive and
negative which are not moving at random, but are connected
together in an orderly fashion by the invisible universal elements
called the Ether.

There are many varied vibrations of the Ether. One form of this
ethereal wave motion can be seen in the physical world as light.
There are other forms which give us heat, color, electricity,
ectoplasm, etc. This unseen Ether gives us the ability to live and to
think and to interact. The Ether is never at rest. It is a cosmic link
which is always in motion. It cannot be sensed using physical senses,
yet if it did not exist we would all be blind, deaf and cold as there
would be no medium to carry the sound and light and heat waves.

Matter itself is essentially etheric. Electrons in the atoms are particles

of negative electricity and the protons are considered by scientists as
being electric in nature. Both are etheric which means that physical
matter is simply Ether in a state of constant and varying vibration.

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This Ether is our connection between the physical senses and the
higher cosmic forces, or the nonphysical world. Our physical senses
only respond to a very limited range of these vibrations however.
Beyond this, the universe is teaming full of life and energies which
respond to higher ranges of vibrations, beyond what we can normally
hear or see or feel. Our ordinary senses (sight, smell, touch, taste,
and hearing) are greatly limited. We only experience a small amount
of what exists in the universe out there. For example, we see only a
limited range of light but we know through the advances of science
and an instrument known as a spectroscope that beyond that limited
range also exists ultraviolet light and infrared light. The ethereal
forces influence and control the Physical Plane in many ways. They
create form and hold together. They have the ability to give matter
life, vitality, and power. The Ether is the conduit of essential life
forces in the universe.

The Etheric Body

Living organisms (both animal and plant) are surrounded by and

influenced by the Ether just as inanimate objects like rocks and
metals are. The ethereal forces are gathered and concentrated in
living organisms and form what is called the Etheric Body, which
exists within and beyond the Physical Body and is an exact duplicate
of it, even down to the tiniest cell.

The Etheric Body which is also known as the vital body, extends
beyond the dense Physical Body just as the ethereal region of earth
extends beyond the dense physical part of the planet. The distance of

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this extension is about an inch and a half past the Physical Body and is
visible to some people as an energy emanation which is called the
Aura. It corresponds to the chakra point known as the ‘root center’.
It is found at the base of the spine, and the energy vibration found in
the Etheric Plane and the root center chakra emanates as a subtle

The Physical and Etheric bodies are both made up of physical energy,
and are both left behind when physical death occurs. The essentially
function together as one, but the Etheric Body can also function

Etheric Projection

The Etheric Body plays a very important role in physical life as well as
developing nonphysical and psychic abilities. Nearly all those who find
themselves in a spontaneous out-of-body experience will be in
Etheric Projection (projection to the Etheric Plane and consciously
working through the Etheric Body) which is why they can identify
physical objects, people and places. Most of my own excursions out-
of-body were ethereal in nature. Most descriptions of Out-Of- Body
Experiences are actually describing Etheric Projections.

During an Etheric Projection, you may encounter others who are

also out-of-body and communicate with them. I have also read that
earth-bound entities reside on the Etheric Plane unable to ascend to
the Astral, and you may also encounter them. (I must add though
that in all of my own experiences I have never encountered one.)

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People who have experienced Etheric Projection and looked into a

mirror have reported that they could see through themselves, as if
they were a ghost. This is likely due to the ethereal nature of the
Etheric Body which is normally beyond the physical senses. Since
these people have become conscious in their Etheric Body, they are
able to see beyond the limits of the physical senses and they describe
it as looking transparent and ‘not-quite’ physical.

I remember during one of my own Etheric Projections I had raised

my arm to look at it. I had thought to myself that if I was in fact
outside my physical body, I should be able to see some sort of
difference in the appearance of my arm, or have no visible arm at all.
My arm which I assure you was still there, looked pale and
translucent, and I could see an object on the other side of the room
through it. It was the major validating point in that experience, which
was also the first one I had ever successfully induced on my own.

Since the Etheric Plane resides so near the physical and basically the
Physical Plane is part of it, the Etheric Body tends to retain some of
the properties of the physical. It is made up of ethereal substance
(the Ether) which is somewhat dense in nature as compared to the
energy of the higher planes. During Etheric Projection, at first the
Etheric Body may also seem heavy and it may be difficult to move
about. Vision may be somewhat hindered and sounds may be

From my own personal experiences, I found that each time you are
out-of-body it becomes easier to move around freely and fully

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observe your surroundings. I believe this is because the more you
project, the more you are willing to let go of your stronghold to the
physical as you begin to lose your fears associated with being in this

The Astral Level

The Astral Plane

The third plane, the Astral Plane exists above the physical and Etheric
Planes and thus has a higher vibrational frequency. It is not made up
of matter in a physical sense and time and space are distorted as
compared to the physical. As a result, time can pass differently than
in the physical. Thought also plays an integral part to function in the
Astral Plane, and simply imagining something while there can cause it
to form.

Since this is where all of our hopes, desires, and dreams can
essentially become reality, it is also known as the emotional plane.
Residing here are many beings including people who are out-of-body
both consciously and sub-consciously, people who are dreaming, the
deceased, and even beings who never existed on the Physical Plane at
all. Communication with all of the above is possible while Astrally

The Astral Plane is made up of many sub planes, or levels. The

higher the level, the more light and beauty, while the lower levels
tend to be darker and more dense. Negative type entities can be

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encountered on the lower astral sub-planes, though they can do no
real harm to someone projecting there.

People who have successfully consciously projected to the Astral

Plane have described vivid colors and sounds, breathtaking landscapes
and scenery, and even some things beyond our comprehension. It is
said that the Akashic Records, a chronicle of all existence, resides in
the astral.

In my own few excursions to the Astral Plane, I saw exquisite beauty.

Everything including inanimate objects, had obvious auras of energy
emanating from them in vivid and bright colors. This is something I
had never witnessed on the Physical Plane or even during Etheric

The Astral Body

In our physical world our mind works with our Physical Body, using
the physical senses. Therefore, our Physical Body is a vehicle that we
use to interact with the physical world. The same principle applies
for when we are experiencing Astral Projection. When we are out-
of-body, we project our consciousness into a duplicate of ourselves
that exists outside of the physical world. The Astral Body (also
known as the emotional body or astrosome) is the vehicle we use to
interact with the non-physical world called the Astral Plane. Its’
chakra correlation is found just below the navel, and is called the
‘sacral’ center or ‘spleen’ center. The color of the energy vibrations
from this chakra center emanates as a subtle orange.

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People who have experienced Astral Projection have reported being

able to see their Astral Body just as they would see their Physical
Body. So it seems that the Astral Body is made up of a substance that
can interact with the Astral Plane just as the Physical Body interacts
with the Physical Plane. The reason for this is that the frequency of
the astral body is higher than that of the etheric or physical bodies
and is in vibratory sync with the Astral Plane. This substance which is
lighter than the ether, is sometimes referred to simply as astral
substance. The appearance of the Astral Body can be changed by will,
however most of the time it appears to be the same as the Physical

Astral Projection

An Out-Of-Body Experience in which the traveler finds their way to

The Astral Plane, is referred to as Astral Projection. Astral
projections are often confused as dreams due to their mystical
qualities. Actually, I believe that dreams ARE astral projections, but
we are just not conscious of the fact.

The Mental Level

The Mental Plane

The next plane above the Astral Plane, is called the Mental Plane. It is
a plane full of rainbows of vivid colors. It would be an impossible task
to try and rationalize this place. This plane can be described from its

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name and is full of thoughts, dreams, and ideas, which are manifested
as real objects. Those who find themselves here could be traveling
through and witnessing their own thoughts, or the thoughts of
others. It is a place of peace and utter bliss.

The Mental plane is divided into two parts, the Lower Mental Plane
and the Higher Mental Plane. Since the Lower Mental Plane overlaps
the Astral Plane, they can often be confused for one another. The
boundary between the Lower and Upper Mental planes is also the
boundary of what is referred to as the Lower Self and the Higher Self.

Time here is distorted even more than it is in the Astral Plane and it
is possible to see future or past events.

The Lower Mental Body & Mental Bodies

There are two subtle bodies that correspond to the Lower and
Higher Mental Planes. They are known as the Lower Mental Body
and the Higher Mental Body, and these are the vehicles one would
use to interact with these sub-planes.

The upper limit of the Higher Mental Plane is also the limit of the
awareness of the Personal Self and individuality as we know it, and so
is also the limit of the subtle bodies. The corresponding chakra point
for the limit of the Lower Mental Plane is known as the ‘solar plexus’
and is represented as the color yellow. It is located at the base of the
sternum. For the Upper Mental Plane, it is the ‘heart’ center and is
represented by the color green.

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Mental Projection

The Mental Plane is harder to reach than the previous two, but
nonetheless it is achievable during an Out-Of-Body Experience.
Traveling to and above the Mental Plane, is referred to as Mental
Projection, but this type of OBE is very rare.

The Higher Levels

The Buddhic Plane

The Buddhic plane which is also known as the intuitive plane, resides
just above the Upper Mental Plane. It is the last attainable plane to
humans while still living in a physical sense. There is no subtle body
as such that corresponds with this plane and the reason for this is
that it is above the highest limit of individuality, and exists as part of
the Higher Self. It is a place where everything exists in unity. It is a
place of universality and oneness; love and peace. If you were to
reach this place, you would likely not wish to return. It is a place
where you would feel like you were one with everything; an
understanding of your true nature with the universe and individuality
would have no meaning to you anymore. You would still retain the
awareness of the ‘Self‘, though you would feel as if you were one
with your own creation and being.

There are two chakra points which intersect the Buddhic Plane. The
one which corresponds to the middle of the Buddhic Plane can be

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found in the mid throat and is known as the ‘throat center’ It is
represented by the color emanation of blue. The upper boundary of
the Buddhic Plane is represented by the chakra point in the middle of
the forehead called the ‘brow or third-eye center’ and is emanated as
the color purple.

The At(o)mic Plane

Above the Buddhic Plane lies the At(o)mic Plane, which is the highest
limit of Material Being and where there exists no individuality. This is
a very spiritual place, which is filled with radiant silver light that
would be impossible for us to look at physically without being
blinded. In reaching this plane however, it would seem very bright yet
soft and filled with love.

Some people have claimed to have had visions of this plane but I have
found no reference to any live person reaching this place through
conscious projection. It is believed that only when we are finished
with our life cycles on the Physical Plane and ready to ascend
spiritually, can we actually reach this plane of existence.

The At(o)mic Limit & Great Planes

The upper boundary of the At(o)mic Plane is also known as the

At(o)mic Limit and the planes above this limit are referred to as the
Great Planes. The upper limit of the At(o)mic Plane corresponds to
the chakra center known as the ‘crown center’ which is located just
above the head and represented by a brilliant white color.

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The Anupadaka Plane

The Anupadaka plane is part of the Great Planes, and the first plane
of Non-Material Being. Therefore, if one could experience this realm,
they would be only a point of consciousness in a place where
everything is a part of everything else. It is said that this place is
where all paradoxes are tied together and would be beyond our
current limited comprehension. It is the upper boundary of Essential

There are no chakra points that correspond to this realm. It is also

said that millions of beings inhabit this place, but to try and
understand their nature would be futile. It could be compared to a
bacterium trying to understand the nature of a human; an impossible

The Adi Plane & ‘God’ Source

The Adi Plane is the highest plane of the seven planes of existence
and encompasses the sub-planes of Essential Light and Sound, and
Universal Intelligence. It is a place (like the Anupadaka Plane) which
we could never comprehend at our current level. It is the plane of
Non-Essential Form, and Completion. This plane is above the limit of
“Self” or “I AM” and is infinite, timeless, formless, changeless, and

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This is the last of the seven planes of existence, and is also the last
step back to the ‘God’ source or the source of all creation.

The OBE Roadmap

Being able to consciously induce OBEs can be a very exciting and

awe inspiring experience. In etheric projection you can travel to any
physical place and witness events there. There is no limit to where
you can go. People have even went into outer space during an out-
of-body experience! In astral travel, you can witness things
indescribable in the physical world, and gain knowledge about the
underlying function of life in the physical. You can even effect positive
change on the physical from within the astral! This often brings up
one of the most frequently asked questions about OBEs: “Can I get
lost?” The answer is that no, you can not get lost. You always seem
to know where to go and how to get there.

There is no easy explanation of how we have this uncanny ability for

directions...it just exists, although some spiritualists believe there is
an invisible energy grid that encompasses the earth, and that we may
be using this grid to navigate, at least in etheric or ‘real time’
projections where we see the physical world. These grid lines are
called Lay Lines. You also have the ability to find your way back to
the physical body, no matter what.

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The Silver Cord

You are always to remain connected to your physical body by an

infinitely stretchable cord of energy. It has been referred to as the
silver cord, because it appears to shimmer and looks silver in color.
It connects you to your physical body so that autonomic responses
like breathing can be sustained.

This cord can not be broken until physical death occurs, and nothing
that you can do while you are in an out-of-body experience can
sever it. This cord will allow you to find your way back, no matter
where you travel to in an OBE.

Though not everyone actually sees it, the silver cord is always there.
The silvery shimmering description could very well be just how we
can express it in words that people can understand. Myself, I believe
that the silver cord is really just a conduit of pure energy.....the
energy of our life source.

The Silver Cord has reference in the Christian Holy Bible:

Ecclesiastes 12:6-7
Remember him-before the silver cord is severed,
or the golden bowl is broken;
before the pitcher is shattered at the spring,
or the wheel broken at the well,
and the dust returns to the ground it came from,
and the spirit returns to God who gave it

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Entities And Interactions

While in an out-of-body experience, you have the ability to interact

with a number of different beings. These are as follows:

1. Other people who are consciously out-of-body as you are;

2. People who are unconsciously projecting or dreaming;
3. People who are deceased;
4. Beings who inhabit the higher planes and who were never human.

You can interact with another person who is consciously in an OBE.

Some groups of people set up a physical place and time and attempt
to meet there in an etheric projection OBE.

While in astral projection, you can interact with people who are
dreaming, though they will only tend to incorporate you into their
dream imagery and not remember the contact took place.

Many people have reported seeing deceased relatives or friends

during astral projection OBEs. They were able to communicate with
them, and gain assurance that their loved ones are okay and not
really very far away.

I have had one such experience where I was able to communicate

briefly with my Father who had passed away. I also believe that in
etheric projections you can possibly encounter earth bound spirits of

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the deceased who have not yet shed their etheric body and moved
on to the astral plane.

Beings that inhabit the higher planes that were never human, were
also interacted with by people who were projecting. These beings
have been referred to as angels, or elementals.

Negative Entities

I believe that no entities are truly evil, and those who are unkind are
actually tormented and in pain. In all of my personal experiences, I
have never encountered any negative beings, though others have
reported running into a malicious entity while in an OBE.

We know that entities of all types exist on the Astral Plane, which is
made up of many sub-levels. Negative entities usually reside on the
lower Astral, and feed off of fear. I have read accounts of people
who have engaged in psychic battle with these beings while out-of-
body and no real harm has come to them.

The most that these tormented entities can do to you is rob you of
energy, which in all likelihood will just send you immediately back to
the physical. You may wake up feeling more tired than usual.
Remember though, your ‘soul’ is eternal and can not be harmed.

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About Astral Sex

Astral Sex is a very misunderstood subject, because it’s less like

physical sex and more like an intermingling of energy and emotion.
Imagine your innermost and deepest feelings and then sharing them
with someone so that simultaneously you both feel whatever the
other person is feeling. These feelings are pure emotion, not physical
in nature, nor do they compare to any physical feeling at all. It’s like
feeling love on a whole new level.

In the physical world we are so consumed by the physical feeling of

pleasure that often times we lose the emotional aspect of
relationships. That’s why so many relationships fail these days. We
have become less able to communicate with others, especially those
close to us. If two people who love each other can project at the
same time, they can interact with each other, even if they are far
apart from each other on the physical plane. And when they interact
they can share in something much deeper than they have ever
experienced on the physical. Truly, two bodies become one.

This is achieved simply by both people desiring to connect in this

special way. Since it is believed that we all experience Astral
Projection every night as we sleep, it is entirely possible that many
dreams are really projections. Many people have described that when
their partner was away on business for example, they had a vivid
dream of being with their partner. In some cases, both people
remember having a similar dream. These dreams could have really
been Astral Projections.

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Out-Of-Body Experience Myth vs. Truth

Just as there are many theories surrounding the phenomenon of the

Out-Of-Body Experience, there too exist many myths and untruths
about it. The real truth is, that we don’t know as much as we would
like to about the experience. All of the information that we read
came about by others sharing their deeply personal experiences,
which are subject to their own interpretations. For those who have
not experienced an OBE, these sometimes highly descriptive
accounts can be hard for someone to understand. These people
either dismiss the experience as a dream or a fake, or in some
instances, they associate it with evil.

Throughout the ages, all types of psychic phenomenon and abilities

have been labeled by the Church as being deception delivered by evil.
Even the experiences had by highly religious monks while in deep
meditations, were thought to be only attainable by those who were
in such a high religious position. For the regular population, they
were never able to receive such gifts from above. So they kept their
secret gifts highly guarded for fears of being labeled a witch or allying
with the Devil.

As a race we have certainly come a long way since the religious reign
of the Middle Ages, but the thought that such phenomenon is evil still
exists to a degree. Trying to dispel this myth are the many normal,
everyday people who have experienced an OBE, either by will or in

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most cases spontaneously. In the past ten years or so, I have noticed
a good number of people coming forward to tell their stories.

The experiences described by those who have been in the OBE

state, including myself, though not always easy to understand or
interpret, almost never speak of evil, or deception. In fact, the
opposite is true. The descriptions are of beauty... such sounds and
colors and feelings that can not be expressed in words. It’s no
wonder that people can not understand when we try to explain!

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Dreams & Lucid Dreaming

Every night when we sleep, we go through several different cycles or

states, where the brain will operate at different brainwave
frequencies. When we are dreaming we are in REM (Rapid Eye
Movement) sleep. During this time, the mind is active and viewing
imagery. We are usually unaware that we are in a dream. We act in
our dream as if it were reality.

The imagery we see in a dream can be vague and mystical, not unlike
an astral projection. It is a common belief that dreams are really
astral projections, but we are not conscious of that fact. Since our
subconscious mind is in control of the experience, the imagery we
remember may not make sense. We are essentially wandering
around the astral plane without our conscious faculties intact.

Sometimes, you may find yourself in a dream, and aware that you are
dreaming. This phenomenon is referred to as lucid dreaming. This
can be achieved by will or it can sometimes happen spontaneously.
This is where it can start to get confusing.

If a dream is really an astral projection without conscious awareness,

and a lucid dream is where someone becomes consciously aware of
that they are dreaming, is that not then an astral projection? I believe
that lucid dreaming is a state kind of in between a conscious astral

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projection and dreaming; A state where you are aware that you are
creating imagery by thought, but not quite conscious to the fact that
you are out-of-body. All it takes to induce a fully conscious astral
projection from within a lucid dream, is to simply step out of the
fantasy imagery world your mind has created. Simply will yourself to.

It has been shown through experiments by Charles Tart in the 1960s

that not all OBEs happen during REM sleep, which is when dreams
usually occur. In fact, he could find no discrete OBE state when
comparing EEG readings between different subjects and their OBEs.
So a dream could possibly be an OBE, but OBEs are not all dreams.

Sleep Paralysis Overview

Sleep paralysis usually happens to people who have a sleep disorder

such as narcolepsy, but can also happen to those who do not have
narcolepsy (isolated sleep paralysis). In either case, it can be a
frightening incident where one wakes unable to move to a brief
period of time.

Every time we dream our brain sends out signals to paralyze the
extremities so that we do not physically act out our dreams. It is
completely normal and a necessary function of sleep or else
everyone would be thrashing around in their beds. This paralysis
usually wears off before we wake up.

During a sleep paralysis episode, the paralysis effect has not entirely
worn off before the person starts to become conscious. Sleep

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paralysis is an element of REM sleep that encroaches on the waking

Essentially, the person is partially awake and partially asleep, and

other elements of REM sleep can also ensue, such as experiencing
vivid dream imagery (called hypnagogic hallucinations if falling asleep,
and hypnapompic hallucinations if waking up).

If you ever find yourself in sleep paralysis and want to get out of it,
simply concentrate on your pinky finger and try to move just that
finger, then your hand, and by then you are usually out of it. Sleep
Paralysis only lasts moments but can feel like a lifetime. There is no
danger at all to the person who is experiencing sleep paralysis.

The Link Between Sleep Paralysis & OBEs:

There has long been thought that Sleep Paralysis is related to OBEs.
It has been my experience that this belief is true. I have had many
episodes of sleep paralysis where spontaneous OBEs often
immediately followed. I have also found that if I awaken in sleep
paralysis, the feeling of being dissociated from my physical body
makes it very easy to induce an OBE simply by will alone.

All of my sleep paralysis related OBEs have been etheric in nature.

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Near Death Experiences (NDEs)

Essentially, a Near Death Experience is an out-of-body experience,

but with a few differences. Near Death Experiences (or NDE for
short) are very similar to an etheric projection, in that the physical
surroundings can be seen and the visual point is usually floating over
the physical body to start with. People who have had NDEs, have
reported that they could hear and see their loved ones around them
in their hospital room, or maybe the surgeon working on them if
they were in surgery. Some have said that they could see their silver
cord shimmering behind them.

They are at this point in an etheric projection, but what differentiates

this from a regular OBE is that it is the threshold between physical
life and death. The physical body has died, and the consciousness is
now within the etheric body.

Those who have experienced NDEs were on the brink between this
world and the next. They have been clinically dead, their hearts
stopped beating for a time.

One difference between an NDE and an OBE is that during an NDE a

common sight is the tunnel and the light at the end. This is not
present with regular OBEs. It is my belief that this vantage point is
looking through the silver cord and into the next plane, like a conduit
or a wormhole of sorts.

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In etheric projection where we stay close to the physical, the silver
cord just remains as an attachment between our physical body and
our etheric body. In astral projection, we travel along the silver cord
on the outside, leaving it attached to the physical while our
consciousness enters the astral plane. In death, we pass through it
like a tunnel or a wormhole, and pull it with us collapsing it from the
inside, effectively cutting it off from the physical body as we travel
toward the light of the astral plane.

Unlike astral projection, this journey is one way, as we are taking the
seed with us. Once the silver cord is severed, it is impossible to
revive the physical body, or at least its consciousness. The physical
body can be kept on life support, but the consciousness can never

These are my own thoughts about the tunnel and the light.

Another feature of an NDE seems to be what as known as self

judgment. An entire life’s worth of flashbacks, all of the good and the
bad are replayed in their entirety, but this flashback may only take a
very short time to happen. It is the soul’s time to reflect on what it
has learned in this life and ultimately, it is the soul’s own judgment
that directs what happens next.

Some people have returned from the brink with stories of a hellish
place full of torment, and others have reported pure beauty. The
astral plane is divided into sub planes, the lowest of which are places
of sadness and despair. The highest sub planes are filled with beauty.

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All sub planes however retain the features of the astral plane, that
being thought creates, and qualities are mystical. So then, the
inhabitants of the lowest sub planes are creating their own hell, while
those in the higher sub planes are creating their paradise.

During a NDE, one can catch a glimpse of what is to come. Those

who have found themselves on the lower levels during a NDE have
looked at it as a chance to change their ways during this life.

Remote Viewing

In recent years I have had some experiences that seemed related to

OBEs but were happening while I was aware that I was still inside my
physical body. I would wake up after being asleep for awhile, and with
my eyes still closed, I could see through my eyelids.

The scenery was not of my immediate surroundings. One seemed to

include a valley with chalet style houses and mountains in the
background. I could make out wisps of smoke coming up from a
chimney. I do not know where this place was, but the imagery was
vivid. It was like I was watching from a higher point, looking down
into the valley, as if I was really there. I still get these visions once in
awhile. The imagery is not always clear at first. It is kind dark and
shadowy, lacking color and hard to focus. Only after I concentrate on
bringing it into focus, do I start to see the colors and details more

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I was not asleep for these occurrences. I know I was completely
awake. And these were not OBEs, as I knew I was still in my physical
body. But what were they?

Remote viewing is a phenomenon where someone can receive

images, sounds, and even smells from a remote place by
concentrating on that place, or as in my case spontaneously.
Sometimes the imagery is vague and consists of basic impressions of
shapes. Other times it can be so vivid it is like you are actually there
as an observer.

Remote Viewing is a separate phenomenon from the out-of-body

experience. It is a form of clairvoyance; a psychic ability.

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Having had some fairly vivid and intense experiences, and through
some personal experiments with OBEs, I have been able to make
some observations concerning the phenomenon:

Observation 1
We Are Beings Of Energy And Light

On the evening of October 16th, 2001, I experienced the most

devastating night of my life. I watched my Father pass away right in
front of me. It was sudden, and due to an illness and it was
unexpected. My Mother and I stood by his side in the hospital as he
slipped away.

I was distraught and every last bit of my soul wanted some sort of
proof that death was not the end. I had started to doubt my
experiences with OBEs, and starting imagining that death ends with
everything going black. I was scared at that thought of our imminent
destiny. In my quiet time alone, the day after he died, I asked him for
some proof that he was ok. I needed it.

The full days after my Father passed away, we received a 2.5 minute
long message on our answering machine. It was garbled, and sounded
like static. The voice that could be barely made out under all the
distortion, sounded almost electronic. The machine I should mention
was a digital machine, and had no tape. Since I am somewhat good

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with audio, I managed to clean up the message and to my awe, there
were things said in it that answered questions I had asked when I was
completely alone, the day after my Father died! There was no way it
could be a fake!

I can’t prove this to anyone of course, without being accused of

forging the message myself, but at least I know. I have proof for
myself. He heard me. He answered me.

Getting back to the topic of OBEs, something he had said in that

message prompted me to think. He distinctly said “Remember the
light”. That flooded me with memories of the exact point of
separation during an OBE. In the section about signposts, you might
recall reading about static-like sounds. Those sounds always
reminded me of energy, and it’s the only way I can describe them.
They were always there when I was either separating from my
physical body or returning. It was like when I was leaving the physical,
I was changing into a form that was pure energy.

I don’t believe that we currently know all there is to know about

energy, and how it behaves and interacts with the universe. I believe
that we are somehow a part of it, like a drop in an infinite pool. In
that moment between physical and nonphysical I felt connected to
everything and at the same time a part of everything....

I believe I got a small glimpse into our true nature. You might be
familiar with the words “As above; So Below” This phrase comes
from the Emerald Tablet, a revered magickal document in the western
occultism. It suggests that this world, the microcosm, is created in

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the exact image of the world above, the macrocosm. The universe is
God, and God is the universe. God is the light, and we are all a part
of that light. We are separate but we are one. Our ultimate journey
is back toward the light, toward God and our true identity.

I think this is what my father meant in his message.

Observation 2
The Electromagnetic Connection

I have always believed that there was some sort of connection

between OBEs and electromagnetic energy. This is due to several
reasons. The static-like rushing sounds that occur at separation seem
to sound exactly like electricity, and electromagnetic energy has been
proven to interact with the universe at an intrinsic level. I have
actually had the chance to test my theory! I have to tell you a little
bit about my career in order to explain how.

I am in the Navy, and serve on board a ship. Ship’s have a metal hull
which over time accumulates a magnetic signature from all the stored
up energy that the metal picks up. If left as is, this electromagnetic
signature would allow enemy nations to easily detect and classify a
warship. And even worse, the signature could set off a magnetic mine
if the ship sailed over one. In order to rectify this problem we need
to periodically erase the magnetic traces in the hull.

It’s a long drawn out process where the ship is wrapped in large
electric cables fore to aft, and then electricity is passed through the

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cables in timed bursts. At first the bursts are stronger and last
longer, and at the end the bursts are weaker and sorter in duration.
Essentially this turns the entire ship into a large electromagnet. (They
even tell us to not have credit cards etc within a few feet of the
outside of the hull) We stay inside all the time this happens, over a
period of a few days.

While off watch the first night, I decided to try an experiment. I tried
to have an OBE. Specifically I tried to Astral Project. I was not only
successful with minimal effort on my part, but it was also the most
vivid OBE I have had to this day!

As you recall, astral projection can sometimes be confused with a

dream, because of dreamlike qualities. To put this in perspective, try
imagining that you can see sound and hear color. That’s really the
only way I can describe it. Everything emanated with a colorful glow.
Inanimate objects had bright auras. The colors affected you inside,
and you could see vibrations all around, like music was in the air.

I also was able to contact my Father who passed away. I still

remember vividly how he looked. He took on the appearance of a
much younger man, about 30 years old (He was 53 when he passed
away), and in his eyes could see energy sparkling about. I was able to
get out one sentence before I realized that I was really there and
pulled back. I remember yelling “No! I don’t want to go back yet!”
and then I awoke in my bunk on the ship.

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That experience has led me to conclude that electromagnetic energy
acts as a catalyst for inducing Astral Projection (quite possibly etheric
projection as well), and help to maintain conscious clarity during the
experience. Even though I have projected many times since then, I
have not been able to have as vivid an experience as that one.

With regards to electromagnetic fields and etheric or real-time

projection, I know of a friend who during his OBE, decided to put his
etheric hand through his computer while he was out. When he later
checked his computer, he found his hard drive had been badly
damaged with many files missing, to the tune of about 10 gigabytes of
data. It was as if a magnet had been passed over it.

It seems that our etheric body gives off a rather strong

electromagnetic field itself!

Observation 3
Duality During An OBE : An Experiment With An Empath

I remember an experiment I once did with a close friend of mine

who confided in me that he has empathic abilities. Basically he can
sense the emotions of anyone he comes in contact with.

One afternoon, I lay down on the living room floor in his apartment,
and tried to induce an out-of-body experience. During this time, he
tried to focus on anything he was receiving empathically from me.

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The OBE was successful, and after I returned, he explained to me
that he had felt a distinct separation of me, like there were actually
two of me in the room. He described it as a shockwave in the room
that was me, and he could sense me in two distinct locations at one

Here is what he had to say about the experience:

“It's like this enormous wave of everything I had come to

associate with you emotionally exploded out of you and filled the
room. Then you were in two places at once for a moment. Then
it was gone. Like a rocket blasted off right next to me...

From the moment that I sensed a duality, it was like there were
two centers that were you; two distinct centers of emotions that
were you. One was a concentrated cloud, the other much larger,
but more vaporous.” - M. Campbell

For me, this experiment was proof that the etheric body can in fact
be sensed by a person with some degree of psychic ability. But
beyond that, it gave me in words, an explanation of the duality that
exists when you are out-of-body.

We already know that during an OBE, we are still connected to the

physical body through the silver cord. But even more than that, I
believe that we actually exist in both places at once. This is a bit
contradictory to the traditional thought that our consciousness
leaves the physical and is only connected with enough energy to

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maintain autonomic functions and to respond if the physical body is

I find myself understanding the idea that we actually exist as a single

point of consciousness, existing in multiple places at once. After all,
our subtle bodies are always there even though we can not always
perceive them. We only seem able to maintain an awareness of one
vantage point at a time however. So when we talk about separation
from the physical, it’s purely within that sense of shifting awareness
but we are still fully in the physical as well.

Scientific theory can shed some light on this. It comes from an

experiment I read about in quantum physics, where a particle was
proven to exist in two places at once. The particle did not split into
two separate particles that were similar; in fact it was shown that the
same particle actually existed in two different places at once.

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66.. PPRRA

Out-Of-Body Experience Preliminaries

If you read this far, and are serious about wanting to experience the
Out-Of-Body state, then a few things need to be stressed at this
point. Learning how to have an OBE takes dedication and patience,
and lots of practice! If you have experienced OBEs spontaneously at
some point in your life, you will already have an advantage. However,
please note that anyone can learn to project! It’s an inherent, albeit
dormant ability that we humans possess.

There are three key elements that are difficult to overcome: Belief,
Relaxation, and Fear.


Though relaxation and fear play a big role in successful separation,

belief is the key factor. If you set upon this journey with any doubt
that OBEs are real, you will undoubtedly fail. You need to have belief
in the experience, and belief in yourself and your abilities. This is
often difficult to overcome, since you can tell yourself you believe
that something is real, but until you experience it for yourself, you
still hold an inherent doubt. This is a product of the physical being,
and of society’s teachings. We are brought up to doubt that which
we can not understand. And the only way to understand is to

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One might think this an impossible obstacle to overcome, but daily

affirmations will help to reverse the cycle. They can be as simple as
reciting “I believe” several times at different points throughout the
day, or just before retiring for the night.


Relaxation is of utmost importance. Whatever helps you to relax is

beneficial. Relaxing may sound easier than it really is! You have to
completely let go of all that you know. If you are the least bit excited
about wanting to experience something, you will not be relaxed
enough to let go. Some people use candles, relaxing music, dim lights,
etc. There is a need for no distraction. Also, you can use Focused
Relaxation (discussed under methods) as a preliminary to other
methods, as well as using it alone as a primary method.

Overcoming Fear

The third element is fear. Humans have a built-in fear of the

unknown. It’s an inescapable part of our psyche. It is also very
difficult to overcome. How can you learn to not fear something that
you do not understand? You are going to be treading into an entirely
new territory; a journey that you must complete alone.

The best way to conquer fear is to realize that the only thing to fear
is fear itself. Listen to, or read the stories of the many people who
have been there. They will all tell you that the experience is not only

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safe, but the most rewarding inner spiritual journey that many of
them have had the chance to experience! Again, affirmations can also
help with this element.

Body Position

It is generally recommended that you position yourself on your back,

with your arms at your sides, but many people (including myself)
have induced OBEs while laying on their side. A small number of
people have had brief experiences from a sitting position.

I recommend just finding a position that you find most comfortable

and able to relax, and go with that.

I have found that I have more success if I am lying on my back and my

body is positioned so that I am lying North to South, with my head
pointing to the North. This lends more credence to the
electromagnetic theory.

Focused Relaxation

In order to achieve a fully conscious OBE, one must first attain the
body asleep / mind awake state. This requires deep relaxation. You
should make sure there are no outside influences that will disturb
you while you are attempting to relax. Unplug the telephone, shut
the door to keep the dog out, and send the kids to the neighbors
place. Remove any jewelry and wear loose fitting comfortable

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You can either be under the blankets or on top, but make sure the
blankets are not too heavy or constricting. Lay on your back, hands
by your sides, and being to breathe rhythmically: In 2-3-4, Out 2-3-4,
In 2-3-4, Out 2-3-4 and so on.

Start from the feet, and working upward, flex and relax the muscle
groups along the way. Flex, hold for 10 seconds, then release. Work
your way to your head, paying particular attention to the neck
muscles and the forehead where a lot of tension is usually stored.

Make sure to really feel the muscle groups relaxing as you let go. By
the time you have completely relaxed, your body may feel almost
numb. This is normal. This is what you want to happen. You will start
to lose perception of the physical.

You can use this as a preliminary to other methods, or as a method

by itself. Many people have achieved OBEs simply by this method
alone, and then just ‘letting go’.

Dissociate From The Physical

Not to be confused with the pathology of dissociation / dislocation

described earlier in this book. In this context I simply mean
separating yourself from the physical by blocking out the physical

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Once you are in the body asleep / mind awake state as achieved by
focuses relaxation, you will automatically start to lose sensation of
your physical body. You may even lose sensation of your bed below
you. This is normal, and is important as you want to separate as
much as possible from the physical.

What is happening is that you are phasing your consciousness out of

the physical and into a different realm, so the physical will start fade
from your (physical) senses.

Vibrational State

Once you achieve dissociation from the physical, you will start to feel
subtle vibrations in your body. This is energy coursing through you. It
is always there, but you do not normally feel it. Ancient Chinese
knew known about the paths of energy coursing through the body
and used that knowledge for acupuncture, which is still used today!
In the steps just before an OBE occurs you have just become aware
of this energy.

Once you feel the vibrations, try to move them up and down
through your body, and increase the frequency by will. It is from this
state that you will be able to induce separation for an out-of-body

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Chakra Balancing

Since the chakras are essentially energy doorways to higher

consciousness and higher planes, it makes sense that meditation on
these energy centers can increase the chances of successful
projection. Chakras can be imagined as orbs of energy, of the colors
of the rainbow. In fact, the colors are as an octave, as too is music,
and the layered universe. We can truly see how vibrations are the
basis of our existence.

Chakra Meditation

Performing this meditation will balance your chakra centers. This can
help you to induce OBEs because you will be more in tune to the
higher realms.

Begin by performing the Focused Relaxation method above, and

utilize rhythmic breathing. Visualize the Root Chakra, and imagine an
orb of red energy at the base of the spine. Feel its energy pulsing at
the base of your spine.

Move to the spleen center, just below the navel, and imagine it as an
orb of orange energy light, and feel its warmth in the center of your

Next is the solar plexus, at the base of the sternum. Imagine it as an

orb of yellow and feel its warmth and energy.

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Next move to the heart center, and imagine an orb of green light and
feel it coursing through your heart.

Next move to the throat center, and imagine an orb of blue light and
feel its energy pulsing in your throat.

Next move to the third eye center, and imagine an orb of indigo light
in the center of your forehead. Feel its energy and become aware of
this center just above and between your eyes. Pause here a moment,
and try to become aware of your third-eye. It is believed that the
pineal gland located just behind the center of your forehead, is
somehow connected to our sixth sense, and psychic experiences.

Lastly, move to the crown center. It is located at the top of your

head in the center. Imagine an orb of violet swirling energy. Feel its
influence flowing down through all of the other centers like a
This can be used prior to other OBE methods or as a meditation by


Once you can fully get yourself into the vibrational state as
previously covered, you will be in the state that is the stepping stone
to a fully conscious OBE. This is also the point when your
subconscious mind is most open to listening to what you want it to

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The human mind is an amazing thing! Many accomplishments have
been attributed to will alone. Remember the saying ‘Where there is a
will, there is a way!’? So if you really want to do something, you will
not let anything get in the way of achieving your goal. The same
practice applies to projection. You have to really want it. You have
to have the willpower to achieve it.

From the vibrational state, you simply tell yourself that you WILL
have an OBE. Don’t just make a meek attempt at telling yourself this;
you really need to have the full intent that you will indeed have an
experience! Do not worry if you fall asleep during this process, or
shortly after. And do not worry if you wake up and do not
remember having a conscious OBE. The message will eventually get
through to the subconscious. It may come faster to some than
others, and it just depends on the person.


An affirmation is simply a promise you make to yourself and

reinforce it by repeating it several times, regularly. Write it down on
a piece of paper, and recite it 3 times before you go to sleep each
night. It can be as simple as “Tonight when I go to sleep, I will have
an OBE and I will remember it when I wake up.”

Visualization Methods

Visualization requires a bit of patience and a good imagination. You

need to be able to close your eyes and accurately see a picture in
your mind’s eye that is totally of your own creation. Many people say

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that certain visualization techniques help them to have a fully
conscious OBE. All of these methods should be attempted from
within a fully relaxed, body asleep / mind awake state to be the most
successful. You can use any visualization that you feel comfortable
with, and even make up your own.

The Mirror Method

In this technique, you visualize that you are laying in a black room,
and there is a full length mirror above your head. In this mirror you
can clearly see your mirror image as if it were hovering above you
and looking down at you. Now, begin to really concentrate on this
mirror image. Imagine what it would be like to be the mirror image
and looking down at your body on the bed. Now, feel the pressure
of your body pushing into the bed below you. Gravity is pulling you
downward. Then switch thought to what it would feel like being in
the position of the mirror image, feeling the gravity from that
perspective. Keep switching from your perspective in the bed, to that
of the mirror image’s perspective. Then will yourself to actually be in
that perspective.

The Doorway Method

This technique requires visualizing a doorway. You are standing on

one side of the door looking through to a vast expanse. Behind you
is blackness, and before you, on the other side of the doorway lays a
world of wonder and mystique. Colors in purples, blues, pinks and
white, and clouds can be seen as far as the horizon. In the clouds you

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see pulsing electricity. This is pure energy. You feel the energy as the
hair on your arms stands. It has an almost magnetic pull to it, pulling
you. Concentrate on the expanse, and on the feelings pulling you
through the doorway. Realize that you must let go of everything,
your will must be strong enough. You must trust that you will be
safe. When you are ready... proceed through the doorway.

The Roll-Out Method

Once you are in the body asleep / mind awake state, your body will
feel distant and you may enter the state known as sleep paralysis.
You may feel unable to move your physical body, and may also feel
vibrations at this point. This state, though sometimes frightening, can
be easily used to induce an OBE, and one way to do this is to use the
roll-out method.

For this method, you simply roll out of your physical body, as if you
were going to roll over in your bed. This is actually part willpower
and part visualization. You need to will yourself to roll out of the
physical, but also be able to visualize it actually happening, and feel it

Tactile Methods

Tactile methods rely on using some sort of physical feeling to help

induce OBEs. Since it’s believed that the pineal gland (also referred
to as the third-eye) is at least partially responsible in projection,

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some people find that by placing an object such as a coin, on the
forehead will help to concentrate on that area.

Others report that they have had OBEs by submersing themselves in

a sensory deprivation tank. The ambient temperature of the water,
and the air are matched exactly to the body temperature, and no
sound, or light can penetrate. The water is of such a high salt content
that the body floats freely, and with the air temperate matching the
water temperature, the person lying still can not feel anything. In this
case, it is the absence of tactile stimuli that aids inducing an OBE.

The Power Of Suggestion

It has long been known that the human mind is very open to
suggestion when in a very relaxed state. Hypnotism has been used
for entertainment, past life regression, and in the medical community.
It can also be used to help induce OBEs, and you don’t need a
hypnotist to do it!

Sleep-Onset Suggestion Method

Once you get used to putting yourself into the body asleep / mind
awake state, you will be able to plant suggestions in your mind. The
trick is to start to recognize the exact point where sleep is taking
over. This is known as the hypnagogic state, and is where you are
losing conscious awareness and falling asleep.

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Maintain an image in your mind as you lay there. The image can be
anything but keep it simple. As soon as you start to see the image
change, you know that sleep is starting to take over. Play with this
state for awhile, by keeping yourself from falling asleep, and stay in
the hypnagogic state. Once you are well able to discern the exact
point where sleep takes over, you are ready to plant your suggestion.

At this point, in your mind tell yourself “I WILL have an OBE. I WILL
remember.” The suggestion has to be short an easy to recite. This
will be the very last conscious thought before sleep takes over and it
will remain with your subconscious mind. This is the method I have
used most often with success.

Dream Programming

Everyone dreams each and every night as we cycle through several

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stages of sleep. Most people do not
remember very much of their dreams on a nightly basis, but this can
be easily learned by keeping a dream journal. Keep your journal
beside your bed, and when you awaken, write down anything you
remember no matter how unimportant it seems. Your best
recollection of a dream is when you first wake up and then you tend
to lose it, unless it’s a particularly vivid one. After awhile, you will
automatically start to remember your dreams more. This is
important for the next step.

Once you have mastered remembering your dreams, you need to

start learning how to lucid dream. This is when you become aware

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during a dream. You are fully conscious that everything you are
experiencing is a dream. To do this, you need to give yourself a cue
before you go to sleep. And it has to be the same cue all the time.
This is ‘programming’ part. Tell yourself every night before you go to
sleep that if you see this cue (it can be anything special to you... a red
rubber ball for instance, or the moon), if you see this cue, you will
know you are in a dream. It may not happen right away, but with
practice it will happen in time, and when it does, you will have full
control over the dream experience.

Once you become aware in a dream, all you have to do is simply tell
yourself to project. Since it’s believed that dreams really are a form
of projection on the astral plane, all we are doing is simply becoming
aware of it. Once we become aware of it, the images that don’t make
sense as in a dream state, will start to become perceivable and
understandable. The conscious mind will take over from the
subconscious mind and you will be able to remember when you
wake up.

Crystals To Help Induce OBEs

People have long known the benefits of natural crystals. Certain

crystals possess energy vibrations that may help with dream recall
and out-of-body experiences. You can wear them around your neck
or place them under your pillow. Crystals specifically used to help
with OBEs are: amethyst, angelite, selenite, agate/blue lace, fluorite,
moldavite, and smithsonite. Also, a clear quartz crystal will amplify
the energy of other crystals used together.

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Herbs To Help Induce OBEs

Certain herbs have been mentioned in magickal texts throughout the

ages that are helpful with inducing OBEs. Usually these herbs are
mixed, and placed in a sachet and placed under the pillow. Some
herbs used are poisonous and should not be ingested. Some of the
herbs mentioned with regards to OBEs are: Mugwort, Dittany of
Crete, Marigold, Stillengia, Wormwood, and Yucca.

Brainwave Entrainment

There are many cd’s out there that claim to induce OBEs easily by
using embedded brainwave technology. They use frequencies that
would normally occur in the brain as we enter deeper states of
consciousness, in order to bring the brain into sync with these
frequencies. Some people find them helpful, and at the very least they
help you relax.

I have experimented with this myself, and even created some original
music tracks that I offer for free, which contain embedded brainwave
technology. In my experience, I find that the music can be both
relaxing and distracting. It has been suggested that the best
frequencies to use for this purpose are those that start in the beta
waking state, and then slowly cycle down to about 7 Hz.

You can use a program called Brainwave Generator that will allow
you create your own brainwave entrainment programs, though

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unless you have the full paid version, you will only be able to use the
preloaded samples.

Keeping A Journal

As mentioned in the dream programming section, it’s a good idea to

keep a dream/OBE journal on your bedside table. It will allow you to
jot down anything you remember immediately upon waking. It will
serve as two purposes.

The first is that you will preserve your memories to be read at a

later date. This will allow you to objectively analyze what you
remembered. You may have already been traveling out of body and
did not realize it, and reading over your journal may give clues to this
fact. The second is that if you do project, you will not forget the
experience. All too often people wake up from a vivid experience
and know that something happened, but then forget it as time goes
by and start doubting themselves about the experience ever being

Write down every detail that you recall, along with dates, and
anything that you feel may have contributed to your success. What
method did you use? What signposts do you remember? Were you
able to control the experience when you were out? Write down

Remember this is your journal and can be as personal as you want.

Nobody else ever has to read it. You can revisit earlier successes and

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failures as you go, and it will help you to realize what works and
what doesn’t. It will also give you the bigger picture that many people
do not see in their own lives.

Controlling The Experience

As you become able to induce astral or etheric projections, the next

step is to learn to control them to gain their full benefit. At first, you
may be so overwhelmed at being successful that you forget what it
was that you wanted to accomplish while out-of-body. This is
normal, as control comes naturally with time and practice. For the
time being, enjoy the ride and go where the experience takes you!

As you become more experienced, you will be able to better control

where you go and what you do while out-of-body. You can start by
essentially willing yourself to go places. Usually if you concentrate on
a place, you will go there.

Traversing The Planes

All that differentiates etheric projection from astral projection is the

vibrational frequency. If you find yourself in etheric projection and
you want to experience astral projection, simply concentrate on the
vibrations and increase them. If you are in astral projection and want
to experience real-time or etheric projection, do the opposite. This
can used to travel between the sub planes as well.

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Another way this has been expressed is in terms of substance. In
etheric form, you are more dense, so you concentrate on expelling
some etheric substance, and you will become less dense and rise. If
you want to cross to etheric from the astral, do the opposite and
draw in astral substance to make your form more dense. To do this,
visualize energy leaving or entering through your solar plexus, the
area in the center of your chest at the base of your ribcage.

Potential Setbacks

Just as with learning anything new, you may encounter some

potential setbacks as you learn to induce willed and fully conscious
OBEs. Do not be discouraged, as these are usually temporary, and
everyone experiences them. Even those most seasoned people
encounter problems projecting at times. Don’t give up! Learning
projection, and discovering the true nature of the universe can be a
lifelong journey!

Inability To Get Out

Sometimes you will be able to get close to projection, but just can
not make yourself separate. You may feel the vibrations and even get
as far as hearing the static sounds, but just can not get past this point.
Sometimes, you may be able to go in and out of the vibrational state
many times, and still not get out. Usually fears or inability to relax are
the culprits in these cases.

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Etheric Blindness

The first time you experience etheric projection, you may not have
full vision at first. In fact, it’s a pretty good chance you won’t be able
to see for the first few moments on your first successful etheric
projection. It may take a bit of time for your vision to align properly.

You may not be able to see at all, or your vision may look as if you
are underwater or cloudy. Know that this will improve the longer
you are out, and the more you project.

Sticking To The Physical Body

Sometimes you may be successful in separating from the physical

body but still remain in the immediate vicinity of it (in the case of
etheric projection), or feel constantly pulled toward it and back to
the physical (in the case of astral projection). The trick is to try and
NOT think about the physical body at all. If you even merely think
about your physical body, it can draw you back and out of your

I have had this happen many times, and it is a difficult thing to


Inability To Move

You may find at first that you can move around quite easily, and it
may seem as if you are floating above the ground rather than walking,

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however shortly after you may find yourself glued to the spot. You
can not move in any direction, except for maybe your eyes, and
occasionally your head. This usually happens in etheric projection and
is right before you are about to be pulled back to the physical to
awaken. The reasons can be many but I have found that the usual
culprit is that something has aroused your mind back in the physical
realm, usually a sound.

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77.. C

All through history, we have been traveling out-of-body, and

returning safely at the end of our journeys, yet there are many
disbelievers and fears have prevented us from exploring with
freedom. It has only been since the inception of our scientific based
society, that we started to doubt in this ability, only because we can
not prove it with our current knowledge of science. And those who
can not understand something tend to label it as fake, the result of a
disease process, or as something dangerous that should not be toyed
with. Others know of the ability but wish to conceal it from the
general population, making it a privilege available only to high ranking
religious mystics.

The Out-Of-Body Experience is a completely natural ability that has

been available to mankind throughout the ages. It has been recorded
many times by many different cultures, some of whom never had any
contact with each other. There are ancient texts describing the
ability and what an out-of-body experience is like. Prominent names
in history have openly shared their out-of-body experiences.

The truth is, that anyone can learn to travel out-of-body. It is a

completely safe practice that you can learn to induce by will. Just
think of the awe of knowing that you are more than your physical
shell. It gives completely new meaning to life! For those who practice
and learn to induce OBEs, the sky is no longer the limit!

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88.. O

Breath Of Souls

Breath of Souls - Breath of Life;

Embraced within the purest light;

Carried on the Astral Winds;

Questing valiant through the night;

Transcending sacred inner goals;

Emerging with profound insight;

As the mortal world rescinds;

Share in ecstasy’s delight.

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Astral Entity

Once I dreamt the rarest dream

Where mortal cares grew dim
I knew not more than was that world
T’was a dream of me and him
We played among the oceans vast
And climbed the mountains high
Flew among the falcon’s flight
And touched a crystal sky
Two trembling hearts had beat as one
Two souls so thick entwined
Where love so pure and rare existed
As the only of it’s kind
As one we were the light of stars,
The beams from forth the moon,
The source of life in all that world,
...Yet I awoke too soon.
Things yet unsaid, things yet undone
A fraught heart in despair
For chances lost the waking cost
Was more than it could bear
By morning’s dawn two shaking hands
Held clasped upon a weary head
Tried not to let the wet of tears
Descend upon an empty bed
And with the coming of each night
In the dark a desperate plea
That when sleep would enrapture
I’d feel him next to me
But only passes bitter time
And in the dark a haunting face
For once I had the rarest dream
And long now for that place.

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 Radin, Dean. Entangled Minds. New York: Simon &

Shuster, 2006

 Khei. Rosicrucian Fundamentals: A Synthesis Of Religion,

Science, And Philosophy.

 Denning & Phillips. Astral Projection Kit. Llewellyn

Publications, 1996

 Tart, Charles. Second Psychophysical Study Of Out-Of-

Body Experiences In A Selected Subject. Davis, CA: Journal
Of Parapsychology, 1967

 Walton, Marsha. Out-of-body experience clues may hide in

mind. CNN news: 19 September 2002

 Duerden, Tim. Subtle Energy Manual. Available Online


 Zammit, Victor. A Lawyer Presents the Case for the

Afterlife: Irrefutable Objective Evidence. Available Online

 Astral Society Website – http://www.astralsociety.com

 Excerpts from my own journal, e-mails I have received and

posts from my own website Spirit-Quest –

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