What Is It Made Up Of? Why Is There So Much Interest in It?
What Is It Made Up Of? Why Is There So Much Interest in It?
What Is It Made Up Of? Why Is There So Much Interest in It?
Being a contributor to the Code Project for quite some time now, it is commendable to see so many articles from various folks in the industry talk about the features of .NET and how a specific features work or what are some of the tips and tricks of the trade. This fever of .NET is very interesting to watch and rest assured that the storms caused by .NET will be as great as the storms caused by C++ when it was introduced. Walking down the website, I saw lots of articles on .NET, but I did not see one on: What is NET? What is it made up of? Why is there so much interest in it? This article is a dedication to the above answers. In this article, I will give an understanding of what is .NET and why it came into existence. We will also see some of the core building blocks of .NET and how it is layered. For a deeper insight into each of the building blocks, you anyways have lots of good articles on the Code Project web site. So happy reading!
Why .NET
The world of computing till date has been chaotic. We have had various languages struggling to interoperate with each other, developers undergoing huge learning curves to shift from one language to another or from one application type to another, non-standard ways of modeling applications and designing solutions and huge syntactic differences between languages. The list goes on.... Past years have seen some solace in the form of enterprise "glue" applications and standards like COM, which put-forth a binary standard of interoperability between application components. But in reality, this was not always true (VB COM found it very difficult to take on VC++ COM). Also, as applications increased in their reach, it was found that rather than reinventing the wheel for a solution, it was better to take the "service" of another applications specialized for a piece of work. Thus from a paradigm where applications replicated code to provide common services, we have moved to a paradigm where applications are built as "collaborative units" of components working together. This simple shift has led to the collapse of the current set of architectures and demanded a new programming model:
A model where applications can be built as reusable components and are sharable over the internet. A model that encourages applications to be shared as a "service" (read web services). A model that enables true "interoperability" wherein the language used is only a matter of choice, thus enabling organizations to take advantage of existing skill sets.
Enter .NET. The .NET Framework is a new computing platform developed by Microsoft that simplifies application development in the highly distributed environment of the internet. .NET is much more than just a platform for developing for the internet, but it is intended for this purpose predominantly, because here, others methods have failed in the past.
Overview of .NET
The .NET Framework has been developed to cater to the following objectives and requirements:
To provide a consistent object-oriented environment to develop applications. To provide a code execution environment that simplifies deployment and versioning. To provide a code execution environment that guarantees the safety of the code that is executing. This includes both code developed internally by an organization or for code developed by 3rd party vendors. To provide a code execution environment that eliminates the issues faced by scripted environments with respect to performance. To provide a common programming model where the choice of a programming language becomes a matter of choice.
The .NET Framework is made up of two major components: the common language runtime (CLR) and the framework class library (FCL). The CLR is the foundation of the .NET Framework and provides various services that applications can use. The CLR also forms the environment that other applications run on. The FCL is a collection of over 7000+ types that cater to all the services, and data structures that applications will ever need. The following diagram shows the .NET Framework, its hierarchy and the associated toolset. The diagram is so famous that you can spend some time memorizing its layout!!
At the base of the diagram, you see the operating system which can be (theoretically) any platform. The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the substrate that abstracts the underlying operating system from your code. The minute it does this, it means that your code has to run using the services provided by the CLR and we get a new name called managed code. The CLR provides its services to applications by providing a standard set of library classes that abstract all the tasks that you will ever need. These classes are called as the Base Class Libraries. On top of this, other development platforms and applications are built (like ASP.NET, ADO.NET and so on). Language compilers that need to generate code for the CLR must adhere to a common set of specifications as laid down by the Common Language Specification (CLS). Above this, you have all the popular .NET languages.
Visual Studio .NET, then is the "glue" that helps your generate .NET applications and provides an IDE that is excellent for collaborative development. In the subsequent sections, we will delve into the core layers of the .NET framework. Note that application development layers (like ADO.NET, ASP.NET etc) and development tools (VS.NET) are not dealt with.
Note that this conversion happens only once. Subsequent calls to the code will execute the native version only. Once the application dies down and is started again, this process is repeated. The following are some of the benefits of the CLR:
Performance improvements. The ability to easily use components developed in other languages. Extensible types provided by a class library.
New language features such as inheritance, interfaces, and overloading for object-oriented programming; support for explicit free threading that allows creation of multithreaded, scalable applications; support for structured exception handling and custom attributes.
Windows programmers coding in C, tend to rely on the Windows API and functions in third-party DLLs to get their job done. C++ programmers often use class libraries of their own creation or standard class libraries such as MFC. Visual Basic programmers use the Visual Basic API, which is an abstraction of the underlying operating system API. In the .NET Framework, all these anachronistic APIs are done away with. Rather a new set of functions branded as the framework class library are introduced which contain more than 7000 types. To make learning and using the FCL more manageable, Microsoft has divided the FCL into hierarchical namespaces. The FCL has about 100 namespaces in all. Each namespace holds classes and other types that share a common purpose. For example, much of the window manager portion of the Windows API is encapsulated in the System.Windows.Forms namespace. In this namespace classes that represent windows, dialog boxes, menus, and other elements commonly used in GUI applications are present. A separate namespace called System.Collections holds classes representing hash tables, resizable arrays, and other data containers. Yet another namespace, System.IO, contains classes for doing file I/O. The following diagram shows the FCL classes and their associated namespaces.
Use of kkkkkkkkkkiellllllllllllll
11. Run Keil uVision 4 by double clicking the "Keil uVision 4" icon from the desktop. Same can be done from Start menu.
Workingin Keil uVision4 : 1. This is evaluation version. So lets start with new project.
2. Thus tutorial demonstrates the LED blinking program for LPC2138. Do follow the steps. 3. Click Project from menu bar and select new uVision project.
4. Under the Create New Projectwindow, select the project folder in "Save in" and name the project under "File Name" . 5. Click Save
6. This will create a new project with new work environment. This will give you a new window.
7. The tutorial is based on EEDT6.0 hardware, which has LPC2138 mounted on it. Expand "NXP (founded by Philips)", select LPC2138 and click OK.
8. You will get above window. Please select Yes in order to add the startup code to your project for LPC2138. 9. There you go! Now start with programming of LPC2138. 10. As a part of demo the LED blinking program is given here for reference. 11. Under File Menu select New . 12. A new file will open where you can program your LPC2138 as per your need. 13. Write your code in the and save it with .c extension in the same project folder e.g. LED1.c 14. The window on the left side of the screen is Project Window. The Project window gives you the hierarchy of Target folder and Source group folder. 15. Right click on the "Source Code" and select Add files to Source Code.In the snapshot below it is seen as "SourceGroup1"
16. Locate LED1.c file by browsing window to include to the group folder. 18. Build Output window shows program is getting compiled and linked.
19. When you get a message of 0 Errors and 0 warnings then you program is ready to run without any queries.
20. Click Debugmenu bar and select Start/Stopdebugsession . Following window will appear. Click OK.
21. This will give you another window where you can see the simulation of the program.
22. This window gives the information regarding the Registers of LPC2138 with which we are working. There are some different supportive windows where you can see the different changes while simulation. 23. Again go to Debug menu and select Run. The code will start simulating. 24. Before going to the actual hardware we can see if the program really works as per our requirements. 25. In the sample program Port1 block is used for interfacing. 26. Go to Peripherals menu then select GPIO followed by Port 1. 27. Then you will get the following window where you can see your led is blinking from pin 16 to pin 23 of port 1. 28. This is a standard method to check the working of the program.
29. When you are done with the project then Stop from the Debug menu by clicking Start/stopthe Debug session. This will take you to the original window. 30. Now in order to download the code in the hardware we need to make hex file of the source code. 31. Click Flashmenu then to Configure Flash Tools. 32. Go to Output menu and then select Createhex file with Executablenameof the file. e.g. "Led"
33. Again go to Project menu and select Build Target. This will create hex file.
function */ long d; for (d = 0; d < 10000; d++); delay for LED flashes */ } int main (void) { unsigned int i; IODIR1 = 0x00FF0000; defined as Outputs */ while (1) { forever */ for (i = 1<<16; i < 1<<23; i <<= 1) { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 */ IOSET1 = i; LED */ wait (); function */ IOCLR1 = i; LED */ } for (i = 1<<23; i > 1<<16; i >>=1 ) { 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 */ IOSET1 = i; LED */ wait (); function */ IOCLR1 = i; LED */ } } }
/* only to
/* LED var */ /* P1.16..23 /* Loop /* Blink LED /* Turn on /* call wait /* Turn off /* Blink LED /* Turn on /* call wait /* Turn off
Programdownloadto LPC2138usingFlashMagic: FlashMagicis utility to downloadthe Hexfile to LPC2138processor. Download FlashMagic from http://www.flashmagictool.com and install it. You will need a Programmer Hardware to download the program from PC to the processor. You may use this USB based programmer for ARM In FlashMagic 1. Select the LPC2138 2. Select COM Port to which the Programmer is connected to. Keep 3. Check mark to Erase all Flash + 3. Browse and select your hex file from the project folder. (Under Setp software) as device. the baud rate as 2400. Code RD Prot 3 section of FlashMagic
4. Check the Verify after programming in step 4. (Optional) 5. Click Start to download the program 6. Once Finished, the LPC2138 mounted on the EEDT6.0 Kit should get back to Application mode and will start the application code.