TKT Unit 18
TKT Unit 18
TKT Unit 18
Porntip Bodeepongse
What are aims?
• Aims are what we want learners
to learn or be able to do at the
end of a lesson. Aims may focus
– A function or a grammatical
– Vocabulary of a particular topic
– Developing a language skills
Questions to ask in order to
identify and select the most
appropriate aims:
1. What do my learners already
2. What do they need to know?
**Now do Task 1.
Task 1
Main aim Subsidiary aims Personal aims
To practise making Grammar: to revise To improve my
polite requests in the modal auxiliary verbs organisation of the
context of making whiteboard; to give
Functional components:
holiday arrangements. clearer examples.
Could/Would you…..?
Example exponent:
Could you give me some Phonology: to focus on
information about intonation.
Vocabulary: to
consolidate lexis for
travel, accommodation
Speaking: to give
controlled oral practice
Why is setting aims important?
• They provide a purpose and
direction for teaching and learning.
• They enable teachers to focus on
what their learners need to
• They help teachers to select
appropriate materials and activities.
• They provide a framework for the
• They help teachers to anticipate
possible problems and build in
• They can serve as a reference point
for teachers to measure learners’
Which is more effective?
1. Learners will be able to use the
present perfect simple to describe
situations in their lives which began
in the past and are still continuing.