Chest X-Ray
Chest X-Ray
Chest X-Ray
Routinely obtained Pulmonary specialist consultation Inherent physical exam limitations Chest x-ray limitations Physical exam and chest x-ray provide compliment
Overexposure Underexposure
Sex of Patient
Male Female
Patient Position
Upright Supine
Inspiration Expiration
Systematic Approach
Bony Framework Soft Tissues Lung Fields and Hila Diaphragm and Pleural Spaces Mediastinum and Heart Abdomen and Neck
Systematic Approach
Bony Fragments
Ribs Sternum
Shoulder girdle Clavicles
Systematic Approach
Soft Tissues
Breast shadows Supraclavicular areas
Tissues along side of
Systematic Approach
Pulmonary arteries Pulmonary veins Linear and fine nodular shadows of pulmonary vessels
Systematic Approach
Systematic Approach
Right side
Inferior vena cava Right atrium Ascending aorta Superior vena cava
Systematic Approach
Left ventricle Left atrium Pulmonary artery Aortic arch Subclavian artery and vein
Systematic Approach
Gastric bubble Air under diaphragm Soft tissue mass Air bronchogram
Summary of Density
Poor inspiration Over or under penetration Rotation Forgetting the path of the x-ray beam
Lung Anatomy
Trachea Carina Right and Left Pulmonary Bronchi Secondary Bronchi Tertiary Bronchi Bronchioles Alveolar Duct Alveoli
Lung Anatomy
Right Lung
Superior lobe Middle lobe
Inferior lobe
Left Lung
Superior lobe Inferior lobe
PA View:
Extensive overlap Lower lobes extend
Lateral View:
Extent of lower lobes
The right upper lobe (RUL) occupies the upper 1/3 of the right lung. Posteriorly, the RUL is adjacent to the first three to five ribs. Anteriorly, the RUL extends inferiorly as far as the 4th right anterior rib
The right middle lobe is typically the smallest of the three, and appears triangular in shape, being narrowest near the hilum
The right lower lobe is the largest of all three lobes, separated from the others by the major fissure. Posteriorly, the RLL extend as far superiorly as the 6th thoracic vertebral body, and extends inferiorly to the diaphragm. Review of the lateral plain film surprisingly shows the superior extent of the RLL.
These lobes can be separated from one another by two fissures. The minor fissure separates the RUL from the RML, and thus represents the visceral pleural surfaces of both of these lobes. Oriented obliquely, the major fissure extends posteriorly and superiorly approximately to the level of the fourth vertebral body.
The lobar architecture of the left lung is slightly different than the right. Because there is no defined left minor fissure, there are only two lobes on the left; the left upper
These two lobes are separated by a major fissure, identical to that seen on the right side, although often slightly more inferior in location. The portion of the left lung that corresponds anatomically to the right middle lobe is incorporated into the left upper lobe.
PA View:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Aortic arch Pulmonary trunk Left atrial appendage Left ventricle Right ventricle Superior vena cava Right hemidiaphragm Left hemidiaphragm Horizontal fissure
Lateral View:
1. Oblique fissure 2. Horizontal fissure
An intra-thoracic radioopacity, if in anatomic contact with a border of heart or aorta, will obscure that border. An intrathoracic lesion not anatomically contiguous with a border or a normal structure will not obliterate that border.
Most disease states replace air with a pathological process Each tissue reacts to injury in a predictable fashion Lung injury or pathological states can be either a generalized or localized process
Liquid Density
Liquid density Increased air density
Infiltrate Diffuse alveolar Consolidation Diffuse interstitial Cavitation Mixed Mass Vascular Congestion Atelectasis
Lobar consolidation:
Alveolar space filled with
inflammatory exudate Interstitium and architecture remain intact The airway is patent Radiologically:
A density corresponding to a segment or lobe Airbronchogram, and No significant loss of lung volume
Density corresponding to a segment or lobe Significant loss of volume Compensatory hyperinflation of normal lungs
Complex problems
Case 1
A single, 3cm relatively thin-walled cavity is noted in the left midlung. This finding is most typical of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). One-third of SCC masses show cavitation
Case 2
LUL Atelectasis: Loss of heart borders/silhouetting. Notice over inflation on unaffected lung
Case 3
Case 4
Cavitation:cystic changes in the area of consolidation due to the bacterial destruction of lung tissue. Notice air fluid level.
Case 5
Case 6
COPD: increase in heart diameter, flattening of the diaphragm, and increase in the size of the retrosternal air space. In addition the upper lobes will become hyperlucent due to destruction of the lung tissue.
Case 7
Pseudotumor: fluid has filled the minor fissure creating a density that resembles a tumor (arrow). Recall that fluid and soft tissue are indistinguishable on plain film. Further analysis, however, reveals a classic pleural effusion in the right pleura. Note the right lateral gutter is blunted and the right diaphram is obscurred.
Case 8
Pneumonia:a large pneumonia consolidation in the right lower lobe. Knowledge of lobar and segmental anatomy is important in identifying the location of the infection
Case 9
CHF:a great deal of accentuated interstitial markings, Curly lines, and an enlarged heart. Normally indistinct upper lobe vessels are prominent but are also masked by interstitial edema.
Case 10
Chest wall lesion: arising off the chest wall and not the lung
Case 11
Pleural effusion: Note loss of left hemidiaphragm. Fluid drained via thoracentesis
Case 12
Lung Mass
Case 13
Case 15
Case 16
Case 17
Case 18
Case 19
Case 20
Case 21