London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) International Qualifications are provided by EDI, a leading educational services company and accredited awarding body. To find out more about the qualifications and services we offer visit
Introduction How can we help you? Language Qualifications Financial and Quantitative Qualifications Business, Administration and IT Qualifications Marketing and Customer Service Qualifications Diploma Qualifications Series Timetables Contact details 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 16 20
LCCI International Qualifications are awarded by EDI, a leading educational services company and accredited awarding body providing vocational and professional qualifications around the world. EDI is accredited by the UK qualifications regulators and numerous regulatory bodies and Ministries of Education around the world through the LCCI International Qualifications brand. LCCI International Qualifications have been offered globally for over 100 years and have a reputation for being relevant and fit for purpose in the international business market. As work-related qualifications, they provide students with the knowledge and skills to actually do the job, which is why they are trusted and valued by employers worldwide. As well as improving employability, LCCI International Qualifications give students the opportunity to progress into higher education as the qualifications are recognised by many professional bodies and universities. An up-to-date Accreditations and Recognitions document is available on our website, There are more than 5,000 schools, colleges, universities and language centres in around 120 countries offering LCCI International Qualifications, and every year approximately 250,000 students choose the qualifications to further their professional and academic careers. LCCI International Qualifications are available as single subjects or group awards across a range of business-related subject areas: Languages Financial and Quantitative Marketing and Customer Service Business, Administration and IT Pages 6 - 15 of this guide give a brief description of the qualifications offered within the different subject areas and their availability. For more detailed information on individual qualifications, please use the respective qualification product guides, which are available for download from our website,
Students Books EDI also offers a range of books to support students' learning and exam preparation. These include the How to Pass course books, covering the majority of the qualifications, and the more recent Passport to Success student workbooks for some of the financial and English language qualifications. The new student workbooks are written in easy to read language and have many student-friendly features such as highlighted helpful tips, chapter summaries and extensive exam-style practice questions. To obtain any of these books or any other teaching and learning resources, please download the Publications Order Form from our website, complete and return it to your local office or the EDI Enquiries Team (details on page 20).
Not yet an LCCI registered centre? If you are not currently an LCCI registered centre but would like to offer the qualifications, please visit our website for information on becoming a centre. Alternatively, please contact EDI or your local LCCI office using the relevant contact details on pages 20-22.
Language Qualifications
LCCI International Qualifications cover a comprehensive range of English language qualifications, which include General English, proficiency tests and Business English aligned to the Common European Framework (CEF).
Availability Description
On Demand This qualification is intended for candidates who work or intend to work in an accounts related function in their native language, and wish to develop and demonstrate their understanding and abilities to use key book-keeping and accounting vocabulary and terminology in English at CEF B2 (Vantage) level. JETSET Level 7, CEF C2, is designed for candidates wishing to take their knowledge and ability of the English language in reading, writing, listening and speaking to the highest level. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) description of the C2 level describes candidates as being able to understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. They can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. They can express themselves spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in the most complex situations.
Level 7
On Demand
English for Business (EfB) English for Commerce (EfC) English for Tourism (EfT) English Language Skills Assessment (ELSA) Foundation English Language Skills Assessment (FELSA) First Certificate for Teachers of Business English (FTBE) JETSET Practical Business English (PBE) Spoken English for Industry and Commerce (SEFIC) EDI Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (CertTEFL) German for Business
On Demand On Demand
Level 2
On Demand
This qualification, which is based on the International Accounting Standards, further develops candidates' understanding of the accounting principles for recording business transactions, as well as their ability to prepare and interpret accounts for different types of businesses. They are suitable for candidates working or intending to work in a role that involves maintaining financial records and preparing final accounts. This qualification introduces candidates to the importance of the ethical duties of an accounting professional. It develops their knowledge and understanding of the framework and principles of ethical behaviour in accounting and how these are applied in the work environment. The qualification is suitable for candidates pursuing a career in accounting or those who currently work in accounting and finance related roles. This qualification develops candidates understanding and application of basic auditing techniques. It introduces the auditors role and their limitations and includes concepts such as organisation risk and the principle of materiality. It is suitable for candidates who work or wish to work within an accounting role and for those wish to develop their own knowledge and understanding of auditing. This qualification develops candidates understanding and application of the principles of costing. It enables candidates to recognise different approaches to Cost Accounting and make informed and reasoned judgements to guide management. The qualification is suitable for candidates who wish to develop a general understanding of the use of Cost Accounting in organisations in order to broaden their career opportunities and progression. This qualification enables candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in making accounting adjustments and preparing the main financial statements for a sole trader. The qualification is suitable for candidates who already have basic book-keeping skills but wish to develop and evidence their knowledge and skills at a higher level. This qualification develops candidates knowledge and understanding of financial statements and their ability to interpret the information presented using ratios. This qualification is suitable for people who are non-specialist in financial accounting but who need to understand the language and principles of financial statements in order to broaden their career opportunities or improve their career progression. This qualification develops candidates ability to use a computerised accounting system to set up company information, make journal and ledger entries, carry out stock control processes and process routine payments and receipts. Candidates for this qualification must have book-keeping and accounting knowledge and skills equivalent to the LCCI Level 2 Book-keeping and Accounts qualification. This qualification is suitable for candidates who work or intend to work in an accounting role which requires the computerised processing of daily accounting transactions.
Level 3
On Demand
Level 3
On Demand
Level 3
On Demand
Award in Preparing Financial Statements for a Sole Trader Award in Understanding Financial Statements
Level 3
On Demand
Level 3
On Demand
Level 2
On Demand
Level 3
Availability Description
This qualification develops candidates ability to manage a computerised accounting system in order to provide management information. Candidates will learn how to process non-routine accounting transactions and print and analyse reports such as the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet. Candidates for this qualification must at least have bookkeeping and accounting knowledge and skills equivalent to the LCCI Level 2 Book-keeping and Accounts qualification. This qualification is suitable for candidates who work or intend to work in an advanced accounting role. This qualification will introduce candidates to the fundamental principles of credit management, and will develop their knowledge and understanding of the function of the credit management department and its role within an organisation. It is suitable for candidates who wish to develop a general understanding of credit management in order to broaden their career opportunities and progression.
On Demand
Level 2
On Demand
Level 3
On Demand
This qualification introduces candidates to the importance of monitoring business performance and develops their knowledge and understanding of the ways in which business performance can be improved and how improvements can be measured. It is suitable for candidates who wish to develop a general understanding of business improvement techniques in order to broaden their career opportunities and progression. This qualification introduces and develops candidates knowledge and understanding of the key models and frameworks used in strategy development and planning, and how these may be applied in given situations. It is suitable for candidates who wish to develop a general understanding of strategic planning in order to broaden their career opportunities and progression. The Business Principles and Practice qualifications develop candidates' knowledge and understanding of the nature and scope of business activity and the role it plays in society. The Level 2 qualification covers topic areas such as 'business and its environment' and 'structure and operations of business', while the Level 3 covers areas such as the development of business strategy and business improvement. The qualifications are suitable for candidates who want to develop their understanding in order to improve their business career opportunities and / or academic progression. These qualifications will replace Levels 2 and 3 Business Practice. The Business Administrative Principles and Practice qualifications develop candidates' knowledge and understanding of administrative practices, procedures and standards within the office environment. The qualifications are suitable for candidates who are currently working or preparing to work in roles such as team or departmental administrators, personal assistants or professional secretaries. These qualifications will replace Levels 1 to Level 3 Business Administration.
Level 3
On Demand
Level 2 Level 3
Level 1 to Level 4 Level 1 Level 2 and Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 and Level 3 Level 2 and Level 3 Level 2 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 4 Level 1 to Level 3 Level 2
On Demand On Demand World Series and On Demand On Demand World Series and On Demand On Demand On Demand On Demand World Series and On Demand On Demand On Demand On Demand On Demand On Demand
Availability Description
On Demand This qualification develops candidates knowledge and understanding of the main components and characteristics of the travel and tourism industry as well as the different roles of people within the industry. The qualification is suitable for those taking up a study of tourism for the first time, those who intend to seek employment in travel and tourism and those who are already working in the tourism industry.
Introductory Level 2 and Level 3 Level 2 and Level 3 Level 2 and Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 Level 2 and Level 3
On Demand On Demand
World Series and On Demand On Demand On Demand World Series and On Demand On Demand World Series and On Demand World Series and On Demand On Demand
Diploma Qualifications
Diplomas are a combination of subjects in related fields that create a comprehensive demonstration of ability, skills and knowledge in a specific subject area.
Specialised Diplomas
Diploma title
Specialised Diploma in Accounting & Finance
Level 3
Subject Combination
Mandatory Accounting or Accounting (IAS) Level 3 Business Statistics or Advanced Business Calculations Level 3 Professional Ethics in Accounting & Finance Level 3 Options (Select one from): Principles and Practice of Costing Level 3, Principles of Auditing Level 3, English for Accounting Level 3, Computerised Book-keeping Skills Level 2 or Computerised Accounting Skills Level 3, Introduction to Business Strategy and Planning Level 3, Measuring and Improving Business Performance Level 3
Level 3
Mandatory Management Accounting Level 3 Business Statistics or Advanced Business Calculations Level 3 Professional Ethics in Accounting and Finance Level 3 Options (Select one from): Preparing Financial Statements for Sole Traders Level 3, Measuring and Improving Business Performance Level 3, Introduction to Business Strategy and Planning Level 3, English for Accounting Level 3, Computerised Book-keeping Skills Level 2 or Computerised Accounting Skills Level 3, Understanding Financial Statements Level 3
Level 3
Subject Combination
Mandatory Cost Accounting Level 3 Business Statistics or Advanced Business Calculations Level 3 Professional Ethics in Accounting and Finance Level 3 Options (Select one from): Preparing Financial Statements for Sole Traders Level 3, English for Accounting Level 3, Computerised Book-keeping Skills Level 2 or Computerised Accounting Skills Level 3, Understanding Financial Statements Level 3, Introduction to Business Strategy and Planning Level 3, Measuring and Improving Business Performance Level 3
Level 3
Mandatory Business Practice (or revised qualification) Level 3 Business Statistics or Advanced Business Calculations Accounting or Accounting (IAS) Level 3 Options (Select one from): Principles and Practice of Costing Level 3, Principles of Credit Management Level 2, Computerised Book-keeping Skills Level 2 or Computerised Accounting Skills Level 3, English for Accounting Level 3, Professional Ethics in Accounting and Finance Level 3
Group Diplomas
Diploma title
Group Diploma in Management Accounting Group Diploma in Business and Industrial Administration Group Diploma in Marketing
Level 3
Subject Combination
Mandatory Management Accounting Level 3 Options Another two subjects from the Group Diploma pool of options*
Level 3
Mandatory Business and Industrial Administration Level 3 Options Another two subjects from the Group Diploma pool of options*
Level 3
Mandatory Marketing Level 3 Options Another two subjects from the Group Diploma pool of options*
Level 3
Mandatory Principles and Practice of Management Level 3 Business and Industrial Administration Level 3 Options Another subject from the Group Diploma pool of options*
Level 3
Mandatory Accounting or Accounting (IAS) Level 3 Options Another two subjects from the Group Diploma pool of options*
Level 3
Subject Combination
Mandatory Cost Accounting Level 3 Options Another two subjects from the Group Diploma pool of options*
Level 3
Mandatory Public Relations Level 3 Marketing Level 3 Options Another subject from the Group Diploma pool of options*
Level 3
Mandatory Selling and Sales Management Level 3 Marketing Level 3 Options Another subject from the Group Diploma pool of options*
Level 3
Mandatory Advertising Level 3 Marketing Level 3 Options Another subject from Group Diploma pool of options*
Diploma title
Diploma in Foundations of Business
Level 1
Subject Combination
Mandatory Book-keeping Level 1 Options Either English for Business Level 1 or English for Commerce Level 1, either Business Administration Level 1 or Commercial Calculations Level 1
Diploma in Administration
Level 1
Mandatory Business Administration Level 1 English for Business Level 1 Options (Select one from): Audio Transcription Level 1, Text Production Level 1, Practical ICT Skills Level 1
Level 1
Subject Combination
Mandatory Introductory Certificate in Marketing Travel and Tourism Level 1 Options (Select one from): English for Business Level 1 or English for Tourism Level 1
Level 2
Mandatory Book-keeping and Accounts Level 2 or Book-keeping and Accounts (IAS) Level 2 Business Administration Level 2 Business Calculations Level 2 Options Either English for Business Level 2 or English for Commerce Level 2. Any other two Level 2 subjects
Level 2
Mandatory Computerised Book-keeping Skills Level 2 or MYOB Computerised Accounting Level 2 Book-keeping and Accounts Level 2 or Book-keeping and Accounts (IAS) Level 2 Options Any other Level 2 subject
Level 2
Mandatory Book-keeping and Accounts Level 2 or Book-keeping and Accounts (IAS) Level 2 Options (Any other two subjects from the following): Business Calculations Level 2, Business Statistics Level 2, Cost Accounting Level 2, Practical ICT Skills Level 2, English for Business Level 2, English for Commerce Level 2, Computerised Book-keeping Skills Level 2 or MYOB Computerised Accounting Level 2
Diploma in Marketing
Level 2
Mandatory Customer Service Level 2 Marketing Level 2 eCommerce Level 2 or Practical ICT Skills Level 2 Contact Centre Skills Level 2 Mandatory Business Administration Level 2 Business Practice Level 3 or Meetings Level 2 Practical ICT Skills Level 2 Mandatory Business Administration Level 2 English for Business Level 2 Options (Choose one from): Audio Transcription Level 2, Text Production Level 2, Practical ICT Skills Level 2
Level 2
Level 2
Level 3
Subject Combination
Mandatory Business Administration Level 3 Business Practice or Meetings Level 3 English for Business Level 2 Options (Select one from): Audio Transcription Level 3, Text Production Level 3, Practical ICT Skills Level 3
Level 3
Mandatory Business Administration Level 3 Business Practice Level 3 or Meetings Level 3 Practical ICT Skills Level 3 Mandatory Computerised Accounting Skills Level 3 or MYOB Computerised Accounting Level 3 Accounting Level 3 or Accounting (IAS) Level 3 Options Any other Level 3 subject
Level 3
Level 3
Mandatory Business and Industrial Administration Level 3 Principles and Practice of Management Level 3 Options Another four Level 3 subjects: Accounting or Accounting (IAS), English for Business, Advanced Business Calculations, English for Commerce, Advertising, Practical ICT Skills, Business Administration, Business Practice, Business Statistics, Management Accounting, Cost Accounting, Marketing, Customer Service, Public Relations, Selling and Sales Management, Internet Marketing, Computerised Accounting, eCommerce
Diploma in Marketing
Level 3
Mandatory Marketing Level 3 Options (Select any 3 from): Advertising Level 3, Customer Service Level 3, Public Relations Level 3, Selling and Sales Management Level 3, Contact Centre Supervisory Skills Level 3
Level 3
Options (Select any 3 from): Accounting or Accounting (IAS) Level 3, Advanced Business Calculations Level 3, Advertising Level 3, Business Practice Level 3, Business Administration Level 3, Business and Industrial Administration Level 3, Business Statistics Level 3, Cost Accounting Level 3, Customer Service Level 3, English for Business Level 3 or English for Commerce Level 3, Management Accounting Level 3, Marketing Level 3, Principles and Practice of Management Level 3, Public Relations Level 3, Selling and Sales Management Level 3, Computerised Accounting Level 3 or Computerised Accounting Skills Level 3 Mandatory Principles and Practice of Management Level 3 English for Business Level 3 Meetings Level 3 Practical ICT Skills Level 3 Audio Transcription Level 4 or The Legal Environment Level 4
Level 4
Series Timetable
November World Series sittings 2010: Monday 8 November Monday 22 November 2010
Mon 8 Nov Tue 9 Nov
Level 1
Written English for Tourism Spoken English for Tourism
Level 2
Cost Accounting Public Relations Written English for Tourism Marketing
Level 3
Customer Service
Level 4
Wed 10 Nov
Text Production
Business Administration -
Mon 15 Nov
Customer Service
Audio Transcription
Wed 17 Nov
Commercial Calculations
English for Business Advertising Advanced Business Calculations Business and Industrial Administration
Thu 18 Nov
Fri 19 Nov
Mon 22 Nov
Business Administration
Please note; Tuesday 16 November has been identified as a primary holy day so examinations have not been scheduled for this date.
April World Series sittings 2011: Wednesday 6 April Tuesday 12 April 2011
Wed 6 April
Level 1
Level 2
English for Business
Level 3
Selling and Sales Management Business Statistics Marketing
Thu 7 April
Fri 8 April
Business Calculations
Mon 11 April
Tue 12 April
Business Statistics
April World Series sittings 2011: Wednesday 6 April Tuesday 12 April 2011
Wed 6 April
Level 1
Level 2
English for Business
Level 3
Selling and Sales Management Business Statistics Marketing
Thu 7 April
Fri 8 April
Business Calculations
Mon 11 April
Tue 12 April
Business Statistics
November World Series sittings 2011 : Monday 7 November Friday 11 November 2011
Mon 7 Nov
Level 1
Level 2
English for Business
Level 3
Selling and Sales Management Business Statistics Marketing
Tue 8 Nov
Wed 9 Nov
Business Calculations
Thu 10 Nov
Advanced Business Calculations Public Relations Business Administrative Principles and Practice Advertising Management Accounting
Fri 11 Nov
Business Statistics
Contact details
EDI head office
International House Siskin Parkway East Middlemarch Business Park Coventry, CV3 4PE UK Registered number: 3914767. Registered in England General enquiries Tel: +44 (0) 8707 202909 Email: Administration and Campus enquiries Tel: +44 (0) 8700 818008 Email:
In country support
Kenya Kenyan National Examinations Council NHC Building Aga Khan Walk PO Box 73598 Nairobi, Kenya T: + (254) 20 2473 44 or + (254) 20 2268 84 F: + (254) 226032 E: Malawi Malawi National Examinations Board Old Parliament Building PO Box 191 Zomba Malawi T: + (265) 525 277 or + (265) 524 124 F: +00 265 (01) 525 351 E: Mauritius Mrs P Koodoruth Examinations officer Mauritius Examinations Syndicate (MES) Reduit Mauritius T: + (230) 4546487 / 4545450 / 4038400 F: + (230) 454675 E: Sierra Leone Ruby Pratt West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Tower Hill PO Box 573 Sierra Leone T: + (232) 22 223581 F: + (232) 22 224052 E: Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Malawi Peter Zvanaka Mukwena Office Physical Address: LCCI International Qualifications SAMODA Office Suite 5th Floor Chiyedza Hse, Corner 1st Street & Kwame Nkrumah Ave, Harare, Zimbabwe Postal Address: P.O. Box HG426, Highlands Harare, Zimbabweb T: + (263) 4 762650/2 M: + (263) 912 237771 E:
South America Prof MSc Sandra Monica Szwarc Trends and Business Ltda Rua Augusta 2445 3rd Floor, Suite 06 Jardins So Paulo - CEP 01413-100 Brazil T: + (55) 11 3081 1837 F: + (55) 11 3086 2867 E: W: Brazil Ligia Pereira CNA Administrao Nacional Rua Cel. Oscar Porto, 800 Paraiso So Paulo - SP CEP 04003-004 Brazil T: + (55) 11 3053 3888 E: W: Guyana Juliette Persico Ministry of Education Exams Division Queens College Compound Camp and Thomas Roads Thomas Lands Georgetown Guyana T: + (592) 226 1094 F: + (592) 258511 E: Trinidad and Tobago Ms Hansani Peararay Ministry of Education Alexandra Street St Clair Port of Spain Trinidad T: + (001) 868 622 1365 F: + (001) 868 628 8555 E:
Singapore, Japan, India, Nepal, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Taiwan Ng Guan Lee LCCI International Qualifications Educational Resources Pte Ltd 167, Jalan Bukit Merah Connection 1 Tower 4 #02-13 Singapore 150167 T: +65 6412 0755 F: +65 6412 0754 E: W: Malaysia, Myanmar, Brunei, Thailand, Korea, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Philippines Ms Ng Boon Teen LCCI International Qualifications (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Suite 11.01, 11th Floor Menara Yayasan Selangor 18A Persiaran Barat 46000 Petaling Jaya Selangor Malaysia T: + (603) 7620 6366 F: + (603) 7620 6338 E: W: Sri Lanka Mr Neil Stephen LCCIIQ Sri Lanka No. 339 Galle Road Colombo 03 Sri Lanka T: +94 011 5739 120 (Customer Service) T: +94 011 5739 110 (Marketing) E: W: Hong Kong and Macau Samuel Li LCCI International Qualifications Educational Resources Room 2106, 21/F Hopewell Centre 183 Queen's Road East Wanchai Hong Kong SAR T: + (852) 3102 0100 F: + (852) 3102 0111 E: W:
Northern China, Beijing, Shanghai LCCI China (Shanghai) Ms Jessica Fan No 365 Xinhua Road Donghua University Technological Park BLK 2, Unit 3H Shanghai 200052 PR China T: + 8621 6473 8992 F: + 8621 5230 0045 E: W: LCCI China (Beijing) Ms Jessica Fan RM 801B, Chaowaimen Centre (Blk A) No. 26 CHaowai Street Chaoyang District Beijing 100020 PR China T: + 8610 8565 5756 F: + 8610 8565 5758 E: W: Southern China (Guangzhou) Ms Mesa Chen LCCI China Room A 11/F, YueYun Building No 3 Zhongshan Er Lu Guangzhou 510080 China T: + (86) 20 3762 0448 F: + (86) 20 2237 3703 E: W:
Cyprus, Malta, the Middle East and Turkey Adam Scott Educational Resources Cyprus 45 Stelios Kyriakides Street Kapsalos, Limassol 3080 Cyprus T: +357 25 737 329 F: + (357) 25 737392 E: W: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland and Slovakia Bob Mellor and Vicky Davison Bro Deutschland Platanenstr 5 07549 Gera Germany T: + (49) 365 7388519 F: + (49) 365 7388536 E: W: Hungary, Croatia and Ukraine Alan and Kriszti Godsave GB Resources Kft 1028 Budapest Fuvola u. 5/a Hungary T: + (361) 398 7181 F: + (361) 397 0716 E: W: Italy, Slovenia and Balkans Daniele Piacenti Global Input Via Caiazzo No.52 00132 Roma Italy T: + (39) 06 62279059 F: + (39) 06 233291004 E: W: Balkans Snezana Mitrovic T: + (381) 63 482081 W: Slovenia W:
Poland Dr Ewa Buat inMedia Polska Sp. z o.o. Rynek 36/37 50-102 Wroclaw Poland T: + (48) 71 3640917 F: + (48) 71 3640919 E: E: W: W: Romania Eva Borbely Str. Fantanele, Lama E, ap. 27 400294 Cluj-Napoca Romania T: + (40) 722 914907 F: + (40) 264 582283 E: W: Spain Leona and Lydia Fisher LCCI IQ Spain Calle Aribau 177 entio 1a 08036 Barcelona Spain T: + (34) 93 390 2725 F: + (34) 93 396 9960 E: W: Greece Anna Delimani LCCI Hellas BCED Best in Continuing Education and Development S.P Limited 11, Lykavitou Str. Athens 106 72 Greece T: +30 210 3638 997 F: +30 210 3638 934 E: W:
Middle East
Adam Scott Educational Resources Cyprus 45 Stelios Kyriakides Street Kapsalos, Limassol 3080 Cyprus T: + (357) 25 737 329 F: + (357) 25 737 392 E: W: Dr. Fouad Zein LCCI Lebanon AEI Sin-el-fil, Hayek Boulevard, Cherfane Design Bldg, 6th floor Beirut Lebanon T: + 00961 1 491 789 F: + 00961 1 491 789 E: W:
Share in the success of millions of students around the world using LCCI International Qualifications To find out more, contact the EDI enquiries team or your local office, who will: Explain how you can become an LCCI IQ accredited centre Provide you with more information on your chosen qualifications
EDI International House Siskin Parkway East Middlemarch Business Park Coventry CV3 4PE UK Tel. +44 (0) 8707 202909 Fax. +44 (0) 2476 516505 Email.