L E Cell
L E Cell
L E Cell
B.SC. M.L.T-Part II
Autoimmune disease are the diseases in which the immune system makes mistakes and instead of mediating protective function becomes the agressor. In autoimmune disease immune system is unable to distinguish between self and nonself components of body
Lupus Erythematosus is an autoimmune disorder which develops when the bodys own immune system that normally protects the body against invading infections,begins to attack patients own tissues. This occurs due to production of autoantibodies.
APOPTOSIS: Morphological events cell shrinkage organelle reduction mitochondrial leakage chromatin condensation nuclear fragmentation membrane blebbing & changes
A rare disease affecting babies born to women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Anti-ds-DNA antibody High titers of anti-ds-DNA antibodies are seem only in SLE.This test should be carried out on all patients suspected of having SLE.
ANAs can be divided into:
those directed against dsDNA those directed against ssDNA those directed against histones those directed against non-histone nuclear proteins : nucleic acid-protein complexes
The LE cell is usually a polymorpho nuclear neutrophil (rarely a monocyte or an eosinophil) that has ingeted the altered nucleus of another leukocyte
LE CELL PHENOMENON REQUIRE Four components:1. 2. 3. 4. Antinuclear antibody (LE factor) Nuclear protein material Complement Actively phagocyte neutrophils
LE factor is .an antinuclear factor (ANF) present in the serum of patients with lupus erythematosus. . antibody to nucleoprotien, chiefly histone, . acts in the presence of complement as an opsonizing agent; . rendering the sensitized nuclei which leads to the formation of LE body
LE cell
Direct method By using clotted blood By using defibrinated blood indirect method By using patient serum normal leukocytes
PROCEDURE:1. Obtain blood by veni puncture. Transfer 5 ml to a plain dry tube and leave at room temperature for 2-3hours after blood clots. 2. After blood clots, rim the clot and transfer the serum and clot to a special sieve and mash through the sieve with the pestle. 3. Collect the strainings in a petri dish. Fill one or more wintrobe hematocrit tube with the material collected. 4. Incubate wintrobe tube at 37C for 2 hours. 5. Centrifuge tube at approx 1000 rpm for 5-10 mins. 6. Discard supernatant serum, make 3 or 4 smears from buffy coat and stain with a Romanowsky stain. 7. Examine the slide carefully for the presence of LE cell.
5. Transfer the content of the tube to a wintrobe hematocrit tube. 6. Centrifuge the wintrobe tube for 10 mins at 150200 g(1200RPM) 7. Remove serum and take buffy coat and make 2-3 buffy coat films. 8. Allow the films to dry. 9. Stain with Romanowsky stain and look for LE cell.
6. Transfer the content to wintrobe hemotocrit tube. 7. Centrifuge at 150-200 g for 10 mins. 8. Remove serum and make buffy coat films. 9. Air dry and stain with Romanowsky stain.
1. Place the buffy coat film in staining rack and pour Leishman stain on the slide and wait for 1-2 mins for fixation by methanol.
2. Dilute with double the volume of stain by phosphate buffer of pH 6.8 and mix by blowing. 3. Allow to stand for 15-20 mins for staining. 4. Wash the stain just by lifting the slide and washing under slow running tap water. 5. Clean the backside of film and let it dry. 6. Observe the film under microscope.
L.E. cell is usually a neutrophillic leucocyte distended by an intra cytoplasmic homogenous red purple body i.e L.E body and the phagocytic cell,,appears large than normal. The inclusion in the L.E cell is homogenous and redder than the usual color of unaltered chromatin.
Slides should be examined for at least 10 mins before a negative report is given. In addition to L.E cells extra cellular material may also seen. The material should not be considered significance unless the characteristic L.E are also seen.
Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (75% cases). Lupoid hepatitis Drug reactions Rheumatoid Arthritis (3.6% patients) 90% of SLE cases are in women, usually of child bearing age
Tart cell is a monocyte rarely a neutrophil which has phagocytosed another cell or the nucleus of another cell. The phagocytosed material most often resembles a lymphocyte nucleus, in which case a definite nuclear pattern can be seen.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sample. Differentiation from Tart cell. Proper leucocyte trauma. Time given for L.E body phagocytosis. Precaution at the time of making buffy coat film.
ANA - abs directed against nuclear antigens. most frequent and highest in titer in SLE. Positive in 98% of SLE patients.
Frion in 1957 introduced the indirect immunoflourescence technique. PRINCIPLE The indirect immuno florescence antibody test is based on the development of nuclear florescence when antinuclear antibody is fixed to nuclear material which then reacts with FITC conjugated antihuman gamma globulin. This antibody reacts with the nuclei of a variety of cells like normal human leucocytes, cells from chronic myelocytic leukemia, leukocytes from various mammalian species. Normal rat liver is the most commonly used substrate. REAGENTS 1. Phosphate buffered saline pH 7.4. 2. Reagent grade acetone. 3. F.I.T.C conjugated antihuman fraction II.
4. Sodium meta silicate 5. Mounting medium SAMPLE Patient serum OTHER REQUIREMENTS Rat liver cryostat sections. PROCEDURE 1. Prepare cryostat cut rat liver section 2. Sections are mounted on sodium meta silicate coated slides (-20c). 3. Just before use the slides are fixed in acetone at room temp. for 10 mins and then air dried (one slide should be used for one test)
4. Approx 0.1 ml of the test serum is layered over tissue section with a pipette and incubated at room temp. for 30 mins in a moist chamber. 5. Known +ve and ve controls should be tested with each group of slides. 6. Excess serum is removed initially by directing a gentle stream of phosphate buffer saline across the slide and then by washing the tissue by giving 2 changes of phosphate buffer saline at 5 mins interval on oscillating shaker at 45 oscillation speed/min. 7. F.I.T.C conjugated polyvalent antihuman immunoglobin is layered over the tissue and incubated for 30 mins at room temp. 8. The slides are washed in phosphate buffer saline and then mounted with a coverslip in the barbital buffered glycerol solution. 9. The slides are then examined with a florescence microscope and the pattern is noted.
Patterns of IF staining
Four patterns of staining are seen: 1. Homogenous (diffuse) antibodies to dsDNA, histone strongly associated with SLE, drug induced SLE, RA 2. Speckled antibodies against non histone proteins Characteristic of SLE, Sjogren, Systemic Sclerosis 3. Nucleolar antibodies against ribosomal precursor of RNP seen in SLE,Systemic Sclerosis, Sjogren 4. Rim (peripheral) antibodies to dsDNA and soluble nucleoproteins characteristic of SLE
REAGENTS Microplate strips, Calibrators, +ve control, Wash buffer concentrate , Sample diluent, IgG HRP conjugate, Substrate TMB (3,3',5,5' Tetra methyl Benzidine, stop solution (0.5 MH2.SO4). PROCEDURE 1. Dilute serum/ plasma (1;101)with 1000l buffer +10 l serum. 2. Remove strips from pouch and put firmly into strip holder. 3. Wash wells one time with wash buffer immediately prior to use. Fill wells with 300 l wash buffer, soak for 20 sec in well and remove. 4. Dispense 100 l of calibrators, controls and diluted patient sample into approx wells. 5. Incubate at 37C for 30 mins. 6. Aspirate fluid from wells and wash well 3 times with wash buffer. 7. Dispense 100 l of conjugate into all wells and incubate for 30 mins.
Aspirate fluid from wells and wash 3 times with wash buffer. Dispense 100 l of substrate TMB into all wells and incubate for 10 mins in dark. 10. Dispense 50 l of stop solution into all wells. Read absorbance at 450 nm, max 30 mins after adding stop solution
8. 9.
ASSESMENT -ve Equivalent +ve SEMI QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION <351u/ml 35-55 1u/ml >551 u/ml QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION Ratio<1.0 Ratio 1.0-1.4 Ratio>1.4
Practical Hematology By John V.Dacie Laboratory Medicine Hematology By Miale John B-5th edition Clinical Aspects of Immunology By P.G.H.Gell ,R R A Coombs-3rd edition STITES Clinical Hematology By Wintrobe-9th edition Encyclopedia of Immunology By Roitt-Vol I,II,III Manual of Clinical Laboratory Immunology By Noel.R.Rose www.Google.com