Vocal Repertoire Performed: Gaetano Donizetti
Vocal Repertoire Performed: Gaetano Donizetti
Vocal Repertoire Performed: Gaetano Donizetti
Gia il Sole dal Gange, Alessandro Scarlatti Now Sleeps The Crimson Petal, Roger Quilter For Music, Robert Franz Oh Sleep, Why Dost Thou Leave Me? George Fredrick Handel Loveliest Of Trees, John Duke This little Rose, John Duke Pur dicesti, o bocca bella, Anotonio Lotti I hate Music! Leonard Bernstein Silent Noon, Ralph Vaughan Williams Come again, Sweet love, John Dowland Sapphische Ode Johannes Brahms The Monk and his Cat, Samuel Barber Calm is the Night, John Jacob Niles Blue Monday, Richard Walters Del cabello mas sutil, Fernando Obradors An die Musik, Fraz Schubert Intorno all'idol mio, Antonio Cesti Love Went- A-Riding, Frank Bridge Amor, Richard Walters Morgen! Richard Strauss Nel Cor Piu Non mi sento, Giovanni Paisiello Me voglio fa na casa, Gaetano Donizetti Must the Winter Come so soon? Samuel Barber Strike the viol, Henry Purcell O del mio dolce ador, Christoph Willibald von Gluck Voi, che sapete, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart El Vito, Fernado J. Obradors Sappihsche Ode, Johannes Brahms Vergebliches Standchen, Johannes Brahms Beau Soir, Claude Debussy
La Diva de lEmpire, Erik Satie Come Ready and See Me, Richard Hundley Loves Philosophy, Roger Quilter