CS-68 Bachelor in Computer Applications Term-End Examination June, 2012 Cs-68: Computer Networks
CS-68 Bachelor in Computer Applications Term-End Examination June, 2012 Cs-68: Computer Networks
CS-68 Bachelor in Computer Applications Term-End Examination June, 2012 Cs-68: Computer Networks
of Printed Pages : 2
June, 2012 CS-68 : COMPUTER NETWORKS Maximum Marks : 75 Time : 3 hours Note : Question one is compulsory. Attempt any three from the rest. 1. (a) Explain the characteristics of Baseband and Broadband coaxial cables. (b) What is the purpose of a DNS , when we can directly use an IP address ? If a DNS domain name is AAA.BBB.Com , how many labels are involved here ? What is the lowest level domain and what is the highest level domain in the above mentioned domain name ? (c) Explain the process of connection establishment and multiplexing in the transport layer protocol. (d) Explain the functioning of 7 layers of OSI model. Write any three stengths of OSI model. (e) Explain the classes of service defined for ATM. Give an example for each service class. 1
(a) Explain different categories of network. That is LAN, WAN and MAN. Also, explain a protocol associated with each of the LAN, WAN and MAN. (b) Explain the function of a modem. What are the modulation techniques used in modems ? (a) Explain the function of transparent bridges. Also, write any three advantages and 'two disadvantages of transparent bridges. (b) Why does congestion occur in data networks ? (a) Define data rate and signal rate. An analog signal carries 4 bits per signal. If 1000 signal elements are sent per second, then what will be the bit rate. (b) What are the two sliding windows protocols ? How do they work ? Explain. (a) Define Virtual circuit and datagram. Also, differentiate between virtual circuit subnet and datagram subnet. (b) What are the two popular approaches to packet switching ? Explain any one of them.
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