Iti Electrician
Iti Electrician
Iti Electrician
Iranna.C.Yavagall Post; Hdali Tq; Nragunda Dist; Gadag Pin No; 582207 : 8553655718 E-Mail Id:
Objective: To build a strong career in the industrial sector and improving the standard of the firm by involvement of my hard work in all fields of the job given to me and energizing my surroundings to achieve the highest expectation of the firm. Technical Qualification: SSLC ( 2003 2004 ) Passed with 63.52% [Govt High School Hadali] I.T.I in Electrician ( 2005 - 2007 ) Passed with 77.85% [Govt ITI Collage Naragunda] Working Experience:
Nature of Work All Electrical Maintenance All Electrical works DG & UPS Maintenance All Electrical works DG, UPS & A/C Maintenance
Period Aug 2008 to Feb 2009 Feb 2009 to Jun 2009 Jun 2009 Present working
Multi Technician
Electrical Technician
Electrical Skills : Maintained DGs [ 110 KVA, 250 KVA, 500 KVA ] Maintained UPSs [ 60 KVA, 100 KVA ] Maintained Lift and A/Cs
Personal Details
Fathers name Fathers occupation Date of birth Nationality Languages known Permanent address
: : : : : :
Channabasappa Former 01/08/1988 Hindoo Kannada, Hindi. English Iranna.C.Yavagall Post ; Hadli Tq ; Naragunda Dist ; Gadag
Pin No; 582207
I hereby declare that the above given information are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and can be supported by certificates in originals in case of any requirement.
Date : Place :
With Regards
[Iranna C Y]