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Submitted to: Mr. Irfan Bandukda

Submitted by:
Ali Raza Huzefa Mehtaji Arshad Nisar Faisal Khan

IQRA University Defence view, Shaheed-e-Millat Road Karachi

DATE: 01TH Aug, 2011


Huge market of direct and potential customers. We are located close to our major market that are food streets. We have experienced professionals for preparing salads all kinds. Dedicated workforce

Our product is a perishable item having little life. We have few competitors, which are selling product like ours. Due to the hot and dry climate heavy expenses are incurred to maintain freshness. We heavily depend upon supply chain management.

People are taking interest in having salad as a part of their meal and also enjoy eating it just alone. Karachi has a busy life so people are going for items that ready to eat. People are becoming health conscious so we have separate items for them. Consumption chances are high. Food is eaten 3 times a day and 21 times a week. Food is a habitual buying item so people are will to pay high to have something different. Mostly salad is eaten with dry dishes.

Our budget is little so we have a threat that competitors can easily copy our idea. Traffic jam is an important issue frequently occurring in Karachi. Power break down, inflation are our major issues of concern.

Products, Services or idea

We have wide range of multiple salads. We are selling it to restaurants. We are taking orders in bulk We take monthly orders and we supply on daily basis.

We will have salads bars in major food streets.

Geographic Region
Nazimabad Gulshan-e-Iqbal Bahadurabad Burns Road Food Court ( Natty Jetty Bridge)

Company Name:

The name of our company is SALATAH. Salatah is a Persian word which means salad. The reason behind choosing this name is that it sounds good and attractive. In Persian salad is also used as a part of meal. Sometime people use it as a meal as well.

Nature Of Business:

Nature of business of our company is Partnership

Vision: Our Company vision is to maintain profit by providing fresh salads to customers at reasonable
cost and to promote a healthy lifestyle Our vision captures the essence of who we are. Everything we do flows from our vision. We just don't happen to be a business that sells food; it's what we're all about. Our vision is about meeting consumers' needs and making food an easier, healthier, more enjoyable part of life. Our vision tells the world our employees, customers, consumers and the communities where we make and sell our products, what we care about. It captures the importance of health and wellness, but it also embodies all the ways we can eat and live better, such as the enjoyment of a dessert, the convenience of a microwave meal, the safety and value of our products and the services and solutions we provide.

Mission: To provide customers a freshest salad ingredient in a casual and comfortable environment
Its not just providing food and to take profit but to make environment better by making human life healthier, by providing Freshest Salad make people healthier and make them feel good.

Long Term Objective:

To be one of the biggest Salad selling sector around the world. o Our first five year milestone is to cover all major areas of Karachi o Next five years milestone would be to enter and capture major areas of Lahore. o After ten year we are planning to at international level.

Company Value:
Customers health, comfort, Quality services are number one to us We believe in giving respects to employees as we want them to give respect to customer. Surviving into a Market is to make a reasonable profit.

Customers Analysis:
Our Customer Analysis section of the business plan assesses the customer segments that we serve. We analyze our customers: Identify target customers

Identifying the characteristics of those segments Convey and satisfy the needs of these customers

The first step of our customer Analysis is that we have identified our targeted customers and then further analyzed on the basis of their demographic variables.

Customer Segment
1. Identify target customers We analyze our target customers who are measurable, accessible, durable, and profitable. We further analyze our customer on the basis of: We have also analyzed the customers on the basis of their demographic variables such as, family life cycle (young, older, married with children), Age : Every who grows teeth enough to chew can eat. And who so ever can pay for it can eat our salad. Income matters: 15000+ Youth now a day is really health conscious + they usually go out to try new stuff. House wife will have a helping hand in the kitchen as a ready made item will be their. Psychographic variables, Like Social Classes (Middle Class, Upper Middle, lower Upper. Behavioral variables, like (occasions). Like wedding

Geographic segmentation We analyzed our target customers on the basis of geographical factors such as population, fast food areas like Gulshan-Iqbal, Bahadur-Abad, Nazim-Abad. In these areas we further divide the target market according to the specific customers like restaurants, catering houses and general publics.

2. Convey the needs of these customers: After the identification of the target market, we meet the needs of the customers in three different ways. Customer benefit. Customer profile. Market customer

Customer benefit: Our product brings benefit to the customers in the form of value. The customer benefit is not the Unique Selling Advantage (USA). The customer benefit is included in the USA, but it focuses on the point of view of the customer and not of the investor. It implies that we put ourselves in the shoes of the customers. It means that the customers benefit is a more precise concept than the USA. There are two types of customer benefit: Functional and psychological benefits. Functional benefits: Functional benefits include factors like time, money, duration. We are very conscious about the functional benefit; our product is cost effective in term of price, delivery time and monthly base order. Psychological benefit: A psychological benefit gives to the customer a pleasant feeling such as healthy meal, pleasant and so on.

Customer Profile: Our customer profile describes the characteristics of the customers who could really benefit of our product. This include Business to business: The main characteristics are the company size, the products, and the location and so on. So we describe the required customer profile according to our product. Social characteristics: Middle and upper-middle class. Geographical area: Gulshan-Iqbal, Bahadur Abad, Nazim Abad. We concentrate on all these characteristics in order to collect information so that to channel effectively and satisfy our customer needs accordingly. Market Customer: Knowing the customer profile, we group all the persons sharing the same profile: It is our market customer.

Pricing strategy:
Our pricing strategy is Market Penetration Pricing Strategy. Since we are new in the market so we have kept our initial product price low in order to penetrate in the market and gain the market share. Once this is achieved our price will be raised reasonably.

Unit Costing:

Product Description:
Our product which we are selling is Salad. Why we choose salad is because its a meal which acts as an Appetizer salads, light salads (Side salads), main course Dessert salads. Its a cold dish of various mixtures of raw or cooked vegetables, usually seasoned with oil, vinegar, or other dressing A mixture containing a specified ingredient dressed with mayonnaise At the start of the business we are catering with only 4 types of salad Green salad { kachumbar} Fruit salad Italian Style Potato Salad Pasta Salad

Mostly home made item but enjoyed at outdoor due to its variants Eating fresh vegetables and fruit was always good for health. But now you can mix health with your own sweet and saltish taste wise. Salads was mostly concern with health but due to its current emerging varieties its the buzz of the day. Further product description is that; Garden Salad: A garden salad (also green salad or tossed salad) is a salad consisting mostly of fresh vegetables. The base for the salad is greens such as lettuce. The garden salad is served with a dressing, such as ranch dressing, honey mustard, Italian dressing, Thousand Island dressing, French dressing, or blue cheese dressing.

Fruit salad: Fruit salad (also called Macedonia) is a dish consisting of various kinds of fruit, served in a liquid, either in their own juices or syrup. In different forms fruit salad can be served as an appetizer, a side-salad, or a dessert. When served as an appetizer or as a dessert, a fruit salad is also known as a fruit cocktail. It must have a minimum of three fruits to make it a fruit salad. Italian Style Potato Salad:
Potato salad is a dish made from potatoes, Potato salad is often served with barbecue, roasts, hot dogs, fried chicken, hamburgers and cold sandwiches. It is generally considered casual fare, and as such is typically served at picnics, outdoor barbecues, and other casual meals and events.

Sweet and Sour Pasta Salad: Pasta salad is a dish prepared with one or more types of pasta, usually chilled, and most often tossed in a vinegar, oil or mayonnaise-based dressing. It is typically served as an appetizer or a main course. Promotional Strategy: We will be use Push Strategy to promote our products; we will use our company's sales force and trade promotion activities to create consumer demand for a product.As we are new in market we have to promote our product by push promotional strategy so as to aware them about our product.

Distribution Strategy:
We will be using Exclusive distribution in order to do an extreme form of selective distribution in which we our selves will be wholesaler, retailer or distributor in a specific geographical area.

Marketing Cost:
Marketing Cost Cable TV Cost Per Month Cost 10,000 Brochure Cost Brochure Unit Cost Circle Rectangle 3 2 Months Total Cost

3 30,000

Quantity Total Cost 5000 15000 5000 10000 25,000

Public Relation:
Public relation is field of maintaining public image for busineses.It is used to build a rapport with customers,employees,investor, voters or general public. Public relations provides an organization or individual exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that provide a third-party endorsement and do not direct payment. Common activities include

speaking at conferences, working with the media, crisis communications, social media engagement,and employee communication. A public relations campaign may be the best way to kick start the New business.It can help reach the target customer effectively. The best part is that it does not cost the entrepreneur too much.An entrepreneur can approach a public relations specialist to guide the campaign for a new business. However, a small business owner may decide to write a press release and send it to the local newspapers on his own. The first step in creating a successful public relation campaign for the new business is by determining the target market area. An entrepreneur will usually first try the traditional avenues

such as weekly newspapers, daily newspapers, regional business journals, free about-town advertising fliers and chamber of commerce newsletters. A lot of entrepreneur are now diveting into newer mediums for public relations such as podcasts and blogs. Radio and television are also important markets for broadcasting public relations messages. A new business owner should try to get the message aired during the news reports on local television networks. More recently in public relations, professionals are using technology as their main tool to get their messages to target audiences.The main thing is been done by us to use technology as a medium of getting message to a target audience.The medium that we are using sending direct messages to attract customer are, Annual Report Brochures Social Network

Business Networking:
Many business people contend business networking is a more cost-effective method of generating new business than advertising or public relations efforts. This is because business networking is a low-cost activity that involves more personal commitment than company money. As an example, a business network may agree to meet weekly or monthly with the purpose of exchanging business leads and referrals with fellow members. To complement this activity, members often meet outside this circle, on their own time, and build their own one-to-one relationship with the fellow member. Businesses are increasingly using business social networks as a means of growing their circle of business contacts and promoting themselves online.

We are using Online business networking and also face to face business networking in promoting business and growing business circle of contact. Now adays as busineess are expanding globally social networs are the easier mode to keep in touch with other contacts around the world.

Word of mouth:
Word-of-mouth promotion happens whenever one person tells others about the activity being advanced.Word of mouth refers to oral communication and the passing of information from person to person. we advertises our product through word of mouth in such a way not only we are explaining people about products features, at the same time,by building a strong relationship with customers whem they become satisfied they can advertise our product to their friends and family. We use following methods to efficiently advertise our product through word of mouth:

Educating people about our products and services Identifying people most likely to share their opinions Motivating friend circles to spread the information about the product Concentrating on social networking

Publicity is the spreading of information to gain public awareness for a product, person, service, cause or organization, and can be seen as a result of effective public relations planning. Product publicity is when an organization attempts to attract public interest about a product that it offers. Publicity falls under the giant umbrella of promotion, which is a component of marketing. Other elements of promotion include advertising, sales promotion, and personal selling.

We publicize our product through different ways

Conduct a poll or survey Send letters or place leaflets offering a discount on doorsteps Direct mail is another useful tool Talk show interview

Business Structure:
The nature of our business is partnership, where we are four partners. Each partners invested equally in the business.

Organogram of the business


Head of marketing Mr. Faisal khan & huzefa

Head of Account Mr. Arshad Nisar







PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Head of Production/ Procurement Mr. Ali Raza





Production Department: In each production department in different locations we have three employees. One is an experienced chef and the other two are assistants. So the total employees in three branches are 9 employees, 3 employees are chef and remaining 6 employees are assistants. The salary of chef is Rs.15000, while the salary of assistants employees is Rs.9000. Procurement Department In procurement department we have only 2 employees. Whose duties are to purchase the raw material from the whole sale market and supply it to branches. The salary of employee + driver is Rs.8000 while the salary of another one is Rs.5000 Account Department We have three account departments for all the branches. Which keep the record of all the accounts of each branch. Marketing Department We have separate marketing department for each branch. Each branch has 3 employees one is head and two are the assistants. The duties of the employees are to bring the contracts, sale and distribution of the products. The head is paid Rs. 12000, while the others are paid Rs.7000.

Hiring Phase Plan:

Hiring Process:

the hiring process of our company is not as complex as of those

MNCs. A sample ad is given in news paper and TV Cabal. The applicants are directly interviewed by the Mr. Ali Raza HOD. He makes the decision of selection and hiring.
Hiring Phase Plan: The hiring phase plan is mad in away that we have divided the hiring

plan in three different phases: I. II. Hiring Employees in the initial stage of the business. Hiring Employees in the period of marriages, like in the month of Sep-Nov, In Ramzan.


Hiring on Contract Base for Huge or grand events. We hire employees on daily wages basis.

Our HR cost only involves hiring cost of the employees. We dont have any HR cost like absenteeism, employees turn over etc. The only HR cost are:

Production Department
No of employees 4 Basic Salary of new employees 15000+9000+9000 No of Branches 3 Total Amount 99000

Marketing Department
No of employees 3 Basic Salary of New employee 12000+7000+7000 No of Branches 3 Commission 2% of sale Total Amount 78000

Procurement Department
No of employees 2 Basic Salary of new employee 8000+5000 No of Total Branches Amount 1-3 13000

Recruitment Cost News Paper Cost Cabale Cost

News paper Jang Tv

Time duration 1 day 1 day

Total Amount 4000 350


Account Department
No of employees 3 Basic Salary of new employee 10000+10000+10000 No of Total Branches Amount 1-3 30000

Total HR cost= Rs.224350

Job Analysis:
We designed our job analysis in a way where it can help us to identify and bring experienced, skilled and required employees to the firm. There are two statements that help us Job specification Job Description Job specification: According to our job specification, an applicant must be
intermediate passed cooking diploma is preferable Two years of Experience in relevant field

Job Description:

Skills and Specifications

Must have a passion and love for food Excellent communication skills both written and oral Public relations skills Excellent management and organizational skills Works well under pressure Good attention to detail

Duties and Responsibilities

Determines the ingredients and equipments to be kept in the kitchens inventory Decides the specials and the menu in general Decides on the portions of food to be served to the customers Determines which garnishes are to be used on the food Supervision of all kitchen staff Recruitment and training of kitchen staff Plans the menus Supervises inventory and stock control Ensures that health and safety standards are maintained in the kitchen Reviews the daily roster of the different tasks in the kitchen Distributes kitchens tasks to the employees

Profit and loss Statement:

Profit and Loss Statement (Monthly)

Cash Flow Statement:

Cash Flow Statement (Monthly)

Balance Sheet:

Source of funding:

At the title page our template is clearly visible. Why we have chosen this template is because its design and color, it contains Green and White color. Green, our salad main raw materials are vegetables and they are represented by green color as most of the vegetables are green. White color, generally known as the symbol of peace. The link between white color and our salad is that salad is a food item and People like to eat food in a clam and quiet place because they want peace while eating, so this is how white color suits our background. The abstract in green color, it looks like a splash. When where splash comes in your mind generally water comes in before eyes and water is connected to freshness mostly. So thats how the picture is also related to out salad and its Logo eat fresh be fresh. Our logo is a part of our template so its in the template.

Website Plan:
Name of the website:


Contents of the website: Home: On home, we will place 5 pictures as slides, we will also be placing pictures of our products in with short description and price. Moreover, we will also place specials of the week on bottom. Menu: Menu section will contains all the products and their description along with prices. Menu section will also be having an announcement section where we will be announcing our new products. Blog: It will contain blogs, comments of consumers, investors and many people all around the world. It will also contain section of events and news. Gallery: We will put images of our products as well as some images of our visitors in gallery section. Contact: Maps of our shops will be placed in this section, along with Address contact numbers and contact form as well. About us: In about us section we will place our group introduction, what we are, our mission statement and mission statement. Order Online: Customer can order online through website or by phone. They can also check the name of delivery boy and the time required to deliver. Franchise: Investors interested in doing business with us can also submit franchise application on our website.

Press: In press section, we will place our ads and videos posted on different Medias and reviews on these ads and videos. Loyalty Card: Loyalty card gives discount to consumers. Visitors can activate their card on website and can know the discount rates offered during different times throughout the year Bottom section on all pages: In bottom, we will place recent 2 blogs, links to the page of Salatah to social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. We will place a link of a page, which will show direction to our shops. We will also place Working hours of our shops at bottom.

Professional Organization Membership:

As our business is Food related business so that why we are affiliated with Pakistan Food

association, through PFA platform participants can share knowledge, develop synergies to
optimize business opportunities, they can seek collective business possibilities, rationalize legal and regulatory regimen. PFA was formed with an objective to optimize food and food related business both locally and internationally. PFA is a collective representation of food and allied industry the association represents number of food entrepreneurs, major chains, manufacturers, producers, importers, exporters, distributors and other food professionals. PFA will hold series of events, seminars, workshops and filed trips to share knowledge and to provide networking opportunities. PFA local and international members can share information about suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, importers and exporters. More than 100 members are associated with Pakistan food association which includes National food limited, Student biryani etc

How: To become a member of PFA requires certain documentation to be filling out and to standardize the business practices according to what is required to become member.

Address: 4th Floor, Park Tower, Shahra-e-Firdousi, Clifton, Karachi. Phone: 32416246-32427150 - Fax: 32420018 Email: pakfoodassociation@ymail.com Cell: 0333-3830231

When: When to become a member of PFA, it depends on how much you standardizing and practicing the business it could be after One year two year. What we have planning is to become an n official member after one of establishing a business. Why: Because it enhances governmental participation and promotion of the industry, including support
for local and foreign investment. To ease and make favorable, the regulatory and compliance framework, for the industry, for bringing matters of concern and critical issues to the governments preview. It will also support and facilitate the members to learn and adopt standardized business practices and system including ISO9000, 22000, HACCP, 14000, TQM, etc.

Milestone: From start we decided to rent a place from where we operate our business, It would be for five years afterword after getting profits in five year we shall go to buy a place. By starting a business the hiring phase of employees would take less than one months. Our starting five years milestone is to cover all major areas of Karachi after five years our focus would be to capture major ares of Lahore.

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