01 ALV Medium
01 ALV Medium
01 ALV Medium
This is a discussion on ALV reporting-a step by step operation manual about creating an ALV report of medium complexity. This documentation will not make you an expert in ALV. But, definitely, it will come handy at the time of need. It refers an example report YSUBALV, as a reference and will represent relevant blocks of the code at different areas of discussion.
Example: -...........................................................................................................................................3
Step 2: Selecting the variants (Optional)...................................................................................................................4 Step3 (Defining Output Characteristics)...................................................................................................................6 Step 4(Build up events table)...................................................................................................................................13 Step 5(Report Output list description).....................................................................................................................16 Step 6(Pass Selection-screen Information)..............................................................................................................21 Step 7(Deciding Sort Criteria).................................................................................................................................22 Step 8(Final Step)....................................................................................................................................................22
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ALV (ABAP LIST VIEWER) Sap provides a set of ALV (ABAP LIST VIEWER) function modules, which can be put into use to embellish the output of a report. This set of ALV functions is used to enhance the readability and functionality of any report output. Cases arise in sap when the output of a report contains columns extending more than 255 characters in length. In such cases, this set of ALV functions can help choose selected columns and arrange the different columns from a report output and also save different variants for report display. This is a very efficient tool for dynamically sorting and arranging the columns from a report output. The report output can contain up to 90 columns in the display with the wide array of display options. The commonly used ALV functions used for this purpose are; 1. REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_DEFAULT_GET 2. REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_F4 3. REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_EXISTENCE 4. REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET 5. REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE 6. REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE 7. REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY 8. REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY 9. REUSE_ALV_POPUP_TO_SELECT The different steps used for getting the above function modules into use are described below.
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ALV Documentation with Examples Lgort like mseg-lgort, menge like mseg-menge , meins like mseg-meins , dmbtr like mseg-dmbtr, ebeln like mseg-ebeln, icn(4) type c , sym(4) type c , excpt(2) type c , box(1), END OF I_TAB. *EJECT Data: begin of i_doc occurs 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE MSEG. Data: end of i_doc.
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ALV Documentation with Examples *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_VARIANT_INIT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Display default variant *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* Form SUB_VARIANT_INIT. I_VARIANT1-REPORT = SY-REPID. * Search default variant for the report CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_DEFAULT_GET' EXPORTING i_save = 'A' CHANGING cs_variant = i_variant1 EXCEPTIONS not_found = 2. * If default variant is found, use it as default. * Else, use the variant LAYOUT1. IF sy-subrc = 0. p_var = i_variant1-variant. ELSE. p_var = 'LAYOUT1'. ENDIF. endform. SUB_VARIANT_INIT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_CHECK_PVAR *&---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Once the user has entered variant, check about its existence *&---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM SUB_CHECK_PVAR. * If the name of the variable is not blank, check about its existence if not p_var is initial. clear i_variant. i_variant-report = sy-repid. i_variant-variant = p_var. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_EXISTENCE' EXPORTING I_SAVE = 'A' CHANGING CS_VARIANT = I_VARIANT. * If no such variant found, flash error message If sy-subrc ne 0 . Message e398(00) with 'No such variant exists'. Else. * If variant exists, use the variant name to populate structure * I_VARIANT1 which will be used for export parameter: IS_VARIANT * in the function module : REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY Clear i_variant1. Move p_var to i_variant1-variant. Move sy-repid to i_variant1-report. endif. Else. Clear i_variant. endif. ENDFORM. SUB_CHECK_PVAR 5 of 59
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_VARIANT_F4 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Display a list of various variants of the report when the User presses F4 key in the variant field *&---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Form SUB_VARIANT_F4. i_variant-report = sy-repid. * Utilizing the name of the report, this function module will search for a list of * variants and will fetch the selected one into the parameter field for variants CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_F4' EXPORTING IS_VARIANT = I_VARIANT I_SAVE = 'A' I_DISPLAY_VIA_GRID = 'X' IMPORTING ES_VARIANT = I_VARIANT1 EXCEPTIONS NOT_FOUND =1 PROGRAM_ERROR =2 OTHERS = 3. IF SY-SUBRC = 0. P_VAR = I_VARIANT1-VARIANT. ENDIF. endform. SUB_VARIANT_F4
3. The structure name is passed to ALV in the parameter I_STRUCTURE_NAME of the function module REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY. All the values entered in the catalog are specific to the particular field whose name is entered in the fieldname FIELDNAME of the fieldcat structure. The name of the table is also entered in the corr. Fieldname TABNAME of the structure. 6 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples The different possible attributes are: Row_pos (row position): Only relevant if the list output is to be multi-line (two or three lines) by default. So, this attribute can be used maintain certain level of alignment in the output. Value set: 0, 1 3 Col_pos (column position): This parameter is relevant when the fields in the output are to be different from the sequence of the fields in the internal table used for display. The parameter specifies the relative column position of the field in the list output. The column order can be changed interactively by the user. If this parameter is initial for all field catalog entries, columns appear in the internal table field sequence. Value set: 0, 1 60 Fieldname (field name): This is the name of the internal table field for which the parameters are passed in the catalog. Value set: internal output table field name (required parameter) Tabname (internal output table): Name of the internal output table that contains the field FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME above. Value set: SPACE, internal output table name. Ref_fieldname (reference field name): Name of the Data Dictionary field referred to. This parameter is only used when the internal output table field described by the current field catalog entry has a reference to the Data Dictionary (not a program field), and the field name in the internal output table is different from the name of the field in the Data Dictionary. If the field names are identical, naming the Data Dictionary structure or table in the FIELDCAT-REF_TABNAME parameter is sufficient. Value set: SPACE, Data Dictionary field name. Ref_tabname (reference table/structure field name): Structure or table name of the referred Data Dictionary field. This parameter is only used when the internal output table field described by the current field catalog entry has a Data Dictionary reference (not a program field). Value set: SPACE, name of a Data Dictionary structure or table
Link to currency unit Cfieldname (currency unit field name): This is used for currency fields that have a reference to any unit field. This is only relevant for amount columns with associated unit. This parameter contains the Name of the internal output table field containing the currency unit associated with the amount field FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME. The field in FIELDCAT-CFIELDNAME must have its own field catalog entry. Value set: SPACE, output table field name. Ctabname (internal currency unit field output table): Name of the internal output table containing the FIELDCAT-CFIELDNAME field. Value set: SPACE, output table field name.
Link to measurement unit Qfieldname (measurement unit field name): Only relevant for quantity columns with unit link. Name of the internal output table field containing the measurement unit associated with the quantity field FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME. The field in FIELDCAT-QFIELDNAME must have its own field catalog entry. Value set: SPACE, output table field name. Qtabname (internal measurement unit field output table): Name of the internal output table containing the FIELDCAT-QFIELDNAME field. Value set: SPACE, output table field name. 7 of 59
Outputlen (column width): This parameter is used if the desired output length for a field is desired to be different from the internal output table field. For fields with a Data Dictionary link this parameter can be left initial. For fields without a Data Dictionary link (program field) the parameter must be given the value of the desired field list output length (column width). Initial = column width is the output length of the referred Data Dictionary field (domain). N = column width is n characters. Value set: 0 (initial), n. Key (key column): By default, the system makes some fields in the output as key fields, provided the fields are key fields in their referencing table. Using this parameter, fields other than key fields of the referencing table can be made key field. This parameter is most important if the output needs to contain some field, which are not scrollable or cannot be hidden. If the internal output table contains fields that are key fields from different tables, then all those fields in the report output becomes un-scrollable and cannot be hidden. So, the fields in the output internal table should not be referenced from tables in which they are key fields. Instead, they should be referenced to the tables in which they are not key fields, incase they are not desired as key field in the output. 'X' = key field (key field output in color) and Key fields cannot be interactively hidden. Parameter FIELDCAT-NO_OUT must be left initial. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. Key_sel (hide-able key column): This parameter is only relevant for the fields which are made key fields using FIELDCAT-KEY = 'X'. Using this parameter the Key field can be hidden interactively. The key column sequence cannot be changed interactively by the user. The output is controlled by the FIELDCAT-NO_OUT parameter analogously to non-key fields. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. No_out (field in field list): This parameter is used to remove certain fields from the output during initial display. The user can however interactively choose the field for output from the field list in the display variant. 'X' = field is not displayed in the current list. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. Tech (technical field): This parameter is used to make certain field display only in the field catalog. The fields with this parameter set cannot be output in the list nor can they be displayed interactively from the catalog. 'X' = technical field. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. Emphasize (highlight columns in color): As name suggests, this field parameter is used to highlight certain field with chosen colors. Value set: SPACE, 'X' or 'Cxyz' (x:'1'-'9'; y,z: '0'=off ,'1'=on). 'X' = column is colored with the default column highlight color. 'Cxyz' = column is colored with a coded color: - C: Color (coding must begin with C) - X: color number - Y: bold - Z: inverse Hotspot (column as hotspot): This parameter is used to make certain field appear as hotspot i.e. a hand is displayed if the cursor is positioned on the field value. Single click on such fields cause the PICK OR F2 events to happen. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. 'X' = column cells are output as hotspots.
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Fix_column (fix column): This parameter is used to fix certain columns in the output. All columns to be fixed must have this flag, starting from the left. If a column without this flag is output, only the columns to the left of this column are fixed. The user can change the column fixing interactively. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. 'X' = column fixed (does not scroll horizontally). Do_sum (sum over column): the user can also call this function interactively. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. 'X' = a sum is calculated over this internal output table field. No_sum (sums forbidden): No sum can be calculated over this field, although the data type of the field would allow summing. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. Icon: The parameter displays certain column contents as icons. The internal output table column contents must be valid icon strings. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. 'X' = column contents to be output as an icon. Symbol: The internal output table column must be a valid symbol character. Value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = column contents are to be output as a symbol. Just (justification): This parameter is used for alignment of the contents of the output table. This is only relevant for CHAR or NUMC fields in the output internal table. The justification of the column header always follows the justification of the columns. Independent justification of the column header is not possible. Value set: SPACE, 'R', 'L', and C. ' ' = Default justification for this data type 'R' = right-justified output 'L' = left-justified output 'C' = centered output. Lzero (leading zeros): By default ALV outputs NUMC fields right-justified without leading zeros. Using this parameter only the NUMC fields can be displayed with leading zeroes. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. 'X' = output with leading zeros. No_sign (no +/- sign): This parameter is used to suppress the signs of the output fields. It is only relevant for the value fields. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. 'X' = value output without +/ sign. No_zero (suppress zeros): Only relevant for value fields. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. 'X' = suppress zeros. Edit_mask (field formatting): To apply the report output formatting options same as in the WRITE statement in report writing. Value set: SPACE, template.
The following parameters are used for customizing the texts in the heading of the output of the columns. The texts are taken from the Data Dictionary for fields with a Data Dictionary reference. If this is not desired, the text parameters can also be specified. The Data Dictionary texts are then ignored. If the user changes the column width interactively, the column header text with the appropriate length is always used. 9 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples The interactive function 'Optimize column width' takes account of both the field contents and the column headers: if all field contents are shorter than the shortest column header, the column width depends on the column header. The 'long field label' is also used in display variant definition, Sort, etc. Popup. seltext_l (long field label) seltext_m (medium field label) seltext_s (short field label) reptext_ddic (header) Analogous to the Data element main header Ddictxt (specify text): You can specify with values 'L', 'M', and 'S', the keyword that should always be used as column header. If the column width changes, no attempt is made in this case to find an appropriate header for the new output width. Value set: SPACE, 'L', 'M', and S.
*----------------------------------------------------------------------* Form SUB_PREPARE_FIELDCATALOG. X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 1. * First field to appear in ALV list X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'SYM'. * Name of the internal table field X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. * Name of the internal table X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Stat'. * Heading for the field X_FIELDCAT-SYMBOL = 'X'. * The field is going to contain a symbol * Append the specifications to the internal table for field catalog. APPEND X_FIELDCAT TO I_FIELDCAT. CLEAR X_FIELDCAT. X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS= 2. * Second field to appear in ALV list X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'MATNR'. * Name of the field in the internal table X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. * Name of the internal table X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'MatItem'. * Heading for the column * It is going to be the key field.The color for this field is going to be different X_FIELDCAT-KEY = 'X'. X_FIELDCAT-KEY_SEL = 'X'.
* Single click on the field will trigger double click event. Also, a hand will appear when the cursor navigates to the field
= 3. = 'MAKTG'. = 'I_TAB'. = 'Description'. = 50. = space. = 'C'. * The field is centre(C for centre, R and L for left and right) justified 10 of 59
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ALV Documentation with Examples The event end-of-page is always processed in ALV and only passed to the caller via callback. This is still the case, e.g. when the caller processes a details list which was not formatted by ALV (e.g. a popup with further information about selected list records which were displayed by ALV). In this case, end-of-page cannot be formatted by ALV analogously to the basic list, it must be handled completely by the caller. The event end-of-page still occurs in ALV. When ALV notices an end-of-page that was not caused by an ALV output, the form routine in FOREIGN_END_OF_PAGE is called. 10. Slis_ev_pf_status_set TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'PF_STATUS_SET'. If a user list status is to be set, it must be done in the form routine assigned to this event. The ALV function codes, which must not be active, are in the Parameter RT_EXTAB. This table must be passed with the SET PFSTATUS command (with inactive user function codes as well, if necessary). The STANDARD status of the function group SALV should be used as a template for a user-specific status. As this is a frequently used Callback event, its form routine can also be passed directly in the interface in the IMPORTING parameter I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET. 11. Slis_ev_list_modify TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'LIST_MODIFY'. LIST_MODIFY USING R_TABNAME TYPE SLIS_TABNAME R_INDEX LIKE SY-TABIX R_INDEX_ITEM LIKE SY-TABIX R_INDEX_SUM LIKE SY-TABIX. 12. Slis_ev_top_of_list TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'TOP_OF_LIST'. Information output at the start of the list 13. Slis_ev_end_of_page TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'END_OF_PAGE'. Information output at the end of a page. This is only called for printing. 14. Slis_ev_end_of_list TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'END_OF_LIST'. Information output at the end of the list 15. Slis_ev_after_line_output TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'AFTER_LINE_OUTPUT'. Output information after each output line. Should only be used in justified cases because it costs a lot of performance. 16. Slis_ev_before_line_output TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'BEFORE_LINE_OUTPUT'. Output information before each output line. Should only be used in justified cases because it costs a lot of performance. 17. Slis_ev_subtotal_text TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'SUBTOTAL_TEXT'. This event table (I_EVENTS) is now checked with the desired constants. If the desired constant is found, then the corresponding field for the FORM NAME is populated with the name of the routine containing the corresponding event. Sample code : FORMNAME_TOP_OF_PAGE TYPE SLIS_FORMNAME VALUE 'TOP_OF_PAGE', FORMNAME_END_OF_PAGE TYPE SLIS_FORMNAME VALUE 'END_OF_PAGE', FORMNAME_USER_COMMAND TYPE SLIS_FORMNAME VALUE 'USER_COMMAND'. DATA: L_I_EVENT TYPE SLIS_ALV_EVENT. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET' EXPORTING I_LIST_TYPE = 0 IMPORTING ET_EVENTS = I_EVENTS. READ TABLE I_EVENTS WITH KEY NAME = SLIS_EV_TOP_OF_PAGE INTO L_I_EVENT. IF SY-SUBRC = 0. MOVE FORMNAME_TOP_OF_PAGE TO L_I_EVENT-FORM. APPEND L_I_EVENT TO I_EVENTS. ENDIF. READ TABLE I_EVENTS WITH KEY NAME = SLIS_EV_END_OF_PAGE INTO L_I_EVENT. IF SY-SUBRC = 0. 14 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples MOVE FORMNAME_END_OF_PAGE TO L_I_EVENT-FORM. APPEND L_I_EVENT TO I_EVENTS. ENDIF. CLEAR L_I_EVENT. READ TABLE I_EVENTS WITH KEY NAME = SLIS_EV_USER_COMMAND INTO L_I_EVENT. IF SY-SUBRC = 0. MOVE FORMNAME_USER_COMMAND TO L_I_EVENT-FORM. APPEND L_I_EVENT TO I_EVENTS. ENDIF. This will prepare the events table for the report. The report will contain three forms for the above events: 1. FORM TOP_OF_PAGE: This form will contain the top of page event for the report i.e. header etc Using the function module REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE, the internal table containing the headings for top of page event can be passed to the list output. Also, any logo specific to the report can be passed to the function module. 2. FORM END_OF_PAGE: This form will contain the end of page event for the report i.e. footer etc 3. FORM USER_COMMAND: This form will contain the desired user command i.e. pick/line selection
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Exceptions 11. Lights_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldname: Internal output table field containing the codes of exceptions to be output. Output table field code: '1' = red traffic light '2' = yellow traffic light '3' = green traffic light Fieldname for exception Value set: SPACE, internal output table field name. 12. Lights_tabname TYPE slis_tabname: Name of the internal output table that contains the field in the parameter LIGHTS_FIELDNAME. If LIGHTS_FIELDNAME is not empty, this field must also be filled for hierarchical-sequential lists. Only relevant for hierarchical-sequential lists. Value set: SPACE, internal output table name. 13. Lights_rollname LIKE dfies-rollname: The documentation of this data element is displayed when you call F1 help for an exception column. Value set: SPACE, data element name. 14. Lights_condense (1) TYPE c : If a list record is output with 'red traffic light', each Subtotal that includes this record is also output with 'red traffic light'. Value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = the 'maximum' exception of the items in the subtotal is output at subtotal level. Sums 15. No_sumchoice (1) TYPE c: This parameter allows the choice for summing up Only by field catalog. Value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = fields which are to be summed, passed by the calling program (FIELDCAT-DO_SUM = 'X'). The user should not be able to change this value interactively. 16. No_totalline(1) TYPE c : Removes the option of having totals after sub-totals. Value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = no total record is to be output. Subtotals can still be calculated and output. The fields in the subtotals are flagged DO_SUM = 'X' in the field list. 17. No_subchoice(1) TYPE c : Does not allow the user to interactively change the field chosen for subtotals. Value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = value whose change triggers subtotals, provided by the calling program. The user should not be able to change this value interactively. 18. No_subtotals(1) TYPE c : No subtotals possible Value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = no subtotals. 19. Numc_sum(1) TYPE c : Totals only possible for NUMC-Fields. 20. No_unit_splitting TYPE c: No separate total lines by inh.units 21.totals_before_items TYPE c: Display totals before the items 22. Totals_only(1) TYPE c : Show only totals Value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = only total records are output. 23. Totals_text(60) TYPE c : Text for 1st col. in totals Value set: SPACE, string (max.60)
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ALV Documentation with Examples ' ' = The first column in the total record contains an appropriate number of '*'s to indicate the total by default. If the first column is wide enough, the string 'Total' is output after the asterisks. 'String = The string passed is output after the total indicated by '*', if the column is wide enough. 24. Subtotals_text(60) TYPE c : Texts for subtotals Value set: SPACE, string (max.60) ' ' = In the first column of subtotal records, the subtotal is indicated by an appropriate number of '*' by default. If the first column is not a subtotal criterion, the string 'Total' is output after the asterisks, if the column is wide enough. 'String = the string passed is output after the subtotal indicated by '*', if the column is wide enough and the first column is not a subtotal criterion. If it is a subtotal criterion, its value is repeated after the total, if the column is wide enough. Interaction 25. Box_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldname: Fieldname for checkbox in the report output. If the list has checkboxes at the start of records (for selecting several records), this parameter contains the internal output table field name indicated by the checkbox selection column. The field is a checkbox at the start of list records without a list header. Value set: SPACE, internal output table field name 26. Box_tabname TYPE slis_tabname: Name of the internal output table that contains the field in the parameter BOX_FIELDNAME. If BOX_FIELDNAME is not empty, this field must also be filled for hierarchical-sequential lists. Value set: SPACE, internal output table name. 27. Box_rollname LIKE dd03p-rollname: rollname for checkbox 28. Expand_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldname: fieldname flag expand. The user can show or hide the items by clicking on the folder symbol (hotspot). If the items for a header entry are only to be read by the calling program and passed to ALV when a header has been expanded interactively, this can be controlled via the CALLBACK event 'ITEM_DATA_EXPAND'. 29. Hotspot_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldname: Used to make the fieldname flag hotspot. 30. No_input(1) TYPE c : The fields are only display fields. Value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = all ready-for-input fields in a list are displayed as not ready-for-input. (Record selection checkboxes and fields which can be made ready-for-input via the field list parameter FIELDCAT-INPUT = 'X') 31. F2code LIKE sy-ucomm: To assign an ALV standard function code to double-click (F2), assign the function code to this parameter. Ex.: to assign the ALV standard function 'Detail' ('&ETA') to F2. => LAYOUT-F2CODE = '&ETA'. Value set: SPACE, function code 32. Confirmation_prompt: confirm. Prompt when leaving Value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = if one of the functions Back (F03)', Exit (F15)' or Cancel (F12)' occurs, a confirmation prompt appears. 33. Key_hotspot(1) TYPE c : The key fields are displayed as hotspot. The columns defined in the field catalog as key fields (FIELDCAT-KEY = 'X') are output as hotspots, i.e. clicking on a key column (highlighted in color in the list) calls the function under F2. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. 34. Reprep(1) TYPE c : report report interface active.
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ALV Documentation with Examples 35. Group_buttons (1) TYPE c : group-buttons for COL1 - COL5 . Group output fields via FIELDCATSP_GROUP in the field list, and pass the group name to the list module in the interface parameter IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. 36. No_keyfix(1) TYPE c : Used to make the key fields scrollable. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. ' ' = The key columns defined in the field catalog by FIELDCAT-KEY = 'X' are fixed in the list output. These columns do not scroll horizontally. The item table key columns are fixed in hierarchicalsequential lists. The header table key fields are not considered here. 'X' = key columns not fixed 37. Get_selinfos(1) TYPE c : To read selection screen. Value set: SPACE, 'X'. If the calling program is a report with an ABAP/4 selection screen, setting this parameter makes ALV read the selection screen again. If the selections are read successfully, a pushbutton, via which the user can call a popup which lists the report selections in a simple form, becomes active on the results list output by ALV. 38. group_change_edit(1) TYPE c : Settings by user for new group Value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = the user can enter a format option for each sort criterion in the sort/subtotal popup, for the list format when this value changes (e.g. new page or underline). No_scrolling(1) TYPE c : Does not allow scrolling of the list to the right. Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
40. Expand_all(1) TYPE c : Expand all positions Detailed screen 40. Detail_popup(1) TYPE c : show detail in popup. Value set: SPACE, 'X' ' ' = List record detail display in full-screen mode, with top-of-page. 'X' = list record detail display in popup (without top-of-page). 41. Detail_initial_lines(1) TYPE c : show also initial lines Value set: SPACE, 'X' ' ' = Only fields whose contents are not initial are output in the detail view. 'X' = initial field contents are also output in detail. 41. detail_titlebar(30) type c : Titlebar for detail screen Value set: SPACE, string (max.30) = ' Detail: Display' is output as the title of the detail window. 'String = the string passed is output as the title of the detail window.
Display variants 42. Header_text (20) TYPE c: Text for header button. Only relevant for hierarchical-sequential lists. You can toggle between display field and field list views via pushbuttons in the display variant definition popup for hierarchical-sequential lists. The views refer to the hierarchy level of the fields. This is technically a toggle between the header table and item table fields. Value set: SPACE, CHAR (20) ' ' = The header table field pushbutton text is 'Header' by default. CHAR (20) = header table field pushbutton text. 43.item_text(20) TYPE c : Text for item button. Only relevant for hierarchical-sequential lists. You can toggle the view between the display fields and the field list via pushbuttons in the display variant definition
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ALV Documentation with Examples popup for hierarchical-sequential lists. The views refer to the hierarchy level of the fields. This is technically a toggle between the header table and item table fields. Value set: SPACE, CHAR (20) ' ' = The pushbutton text for the item table fields is 'Item' by default. CHAR (20) = item table field pushbutton text. 44.default_ item(1) TYPE c : Items as default. Only relevant for hierarchical-sequential lists. Value set: SPACE, 'X' ' ' = The header table fields are displayed by default in the display variant definition popup. The user can switch to the item table fields interactively. 'X' = the item table fields are displayed by default in the display variant Definition Popup. The user can switch to the header table fields interactively. Colour 45. Info_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldname: infofield for listoutput. A whole list record can be colored individually using a color code in a column of the internal output table for the record. Assign the name of the field containing the color code to this parameter. Value set: SPACE, internal output table field name The internal output table field must be of type CHAR(3). The code must have the following syntax: 'Cxy': C = color (all codes must start with 'C') X = color number ('1'-'9') Y = bold ('0' = off, '1' = on) 46. Coltab_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldname: Cells can be colored individually using a color code which is contained in a column of the internal output table for the record containing the cell. Assign the name of the field to this parameter. Others 47. List_append(1) TYPE c : no call screen. It is only useful to output block-lists without specifying the above modules if the number of list blocks exceeds, or may exceed, the maximum number specified in the block module documentation. These operations are not possible for user-defined block lists.
Example code :
I_LAYOUT-f2code = ws_fcode. I_LAYOUT-zebra = 'X'. I_LAYOUT-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. I_LAYOUT-no_keyfix = 'X'. I_LAYOUT-get_selinfos = 'X'. I_LAYOUT-no_hotspot = 'X'. I_LAYOUT-no_input = 'X'. I_LAYOUT-hotspot_fieldname = FIELDNAME. I_LAYOUT-no_input = X. I_LAYOUT-no_vline = `X. I_LAYOUT-no_colhead = . I_LAYOUT-lights_condense = ` `. I_LAYOUT-totals_text = ` `. I_LAYOUT-subtotals_text = ` `. I_LAYOUT-totals_only = ` `. I_LAYOUT-key_hotspot = X. I_LAYOUT-detail_popup = X. I_LAYOUT-group_change_edit = X. I_LAYOUT-GROUP_BUTTONS = X.
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t_entries-mode: 'A' = output the selection info for the current table record in the info popup. 'D' = do not output select option or SELNAME parameter selection info in the popup. t_entries-selname: (only used in t_entries-mode = 'D') : Name of the select option or parameter. The following table fields are only used in t_entries-mode = 'A'. They contain the selection information to be added. t_entries-field: DDIC field name of the field for which selection information is to be output. t_entries-table: DDIC table names of t_entries-field. t_entries-stext: Field name in info popup. If t_entries-field and t_entries-table have been entered, this text is taken from DDIC. t_entries-valuf: Selection condition 'from' value (external format) t_entries-valut: Selection condition 'to' value (external format) t_entries-sign0: (I)nclusive (E)xclusive t_entries-option: All values of the select options Option field allowed.
21 of 59
22 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples IS_REPREP_ID: I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN: I_SCREEN_START_LINE: I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN: I_SCREEN_END_LINE: IT_EVENT_EXIT: IS_PRINT: IS_REPREP_ID: I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN: I_SCREEN_START_LINE: I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN: I_SCREEN_END_LINE: Initialization keys for Re/Re interface Coordinates for list in dialog box Coordinates for list in dialog box Coordinates for list in dialog box Coordinates for list in dialog box Standard fcode exit requests table Print information Initialization keys for Re/Re interface Coordinates for list in dialog box Coordinates for list in dialog box Coordinates for list in dialog box Coordinates for list in dialog box Delete list in CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND How the user left the list Tables Table with data to be displayed ---mandatory
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The field catalog describes the fields to be output in the list. Notes All interactions performed on the list refer directly to the internal output table. Sorting the list, for example, also involves a resorting of the internal output table passed (since it was passed by reference). An important factor determining the usability of the tool or of various generic functions (totals, subtotals) is the expected amount of data to be displayed.
Parameters :
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ALV Documentation with Examples tabindex : fieldname: endsum : sumindex : value : refresh : Index of the internal output table Field name Cursor is located on the totals line If >0, the cursor is located on a subtotals line Value of the field on the list (Exporting) List should be set up again again
o o o o o o o o o
row_stable: (Exporting) Keep row position when list is set up again exit : (Exporting) Exit list (and ALV)
o before_action: Call before standard action execution o after_action : Call after standard action execution, before list o ignore_multi : Internal use o sel_tab_field: Internal use The EXIT routine is called whenever a function unknown to the ALV is triggered or if the routine call before/after the execution of a standard function code has been defined by interface parameter IT_EVENT_EXIT. See also the documentation on parameter IT_EVENT_EXIT. The function code and the current cursor position are then passed on to the calling program through the EXIT routine. If the user has selected multiple rows by selecting checkboxes, the output table field designated as the checkbox contains the current state of the checkbox in the list. setup
EXIT routine for handling TOP-OF-PAGE Description If the caller specifies an EXIT routine, this routine must have the following form: FORM top_of_page. Module REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE can then be called within the EXIT routine. This module is responsible for formatting the header information and also ensures online HTML formatting. In the print preview or in batch mode, the text passed is then output in the normal format. If module REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE cannot be used, you must use two parameters instead. In I_CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE you pass the form routine that is responsible for normal formatting in batch mode or in the print preview mode. The form routine that is responsible for online formatting, is passed in parameter I_CALLBACK_HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE. If one of these parameters is not filled, top-of-page is not output in the respective mode. 28 of 59
EXIT routine for HTML TOP-OF-PAGE Description If function module REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE is not used in the form for CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE, the form routine must be passed in parameter I_CALLBACK_HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE for the online mode. The form should then have the following format: form top_of_page using cl_dd type ref to cl_dd_document. In the form, you can, for example, use methods of class CL_DD_DOCUMENT to display text in HTML format.
EXIT routine for HTML END-OF-LIST Description In this parameter, you can pass a form for the online handling of end-of-list. The form must have the followiong format: Form End_of_List using Cl_dd type ref to cl_dd_document.
Internal output table structure name Description If the internal output table is defined through an ABAP Dictionary structure (INCLUDE STRUCTURE struct or LIKE struct), you can automatically set up the field catalog by passing the structure name. The field catalog is then internally set up for this structure as follows: o All fields are on the list (NO_OUT = SPACE) except fields of data type CLNT. o The key fields of the Dictionary structure are adopted in the field catalog as key fields. o References to unit fields stored in the Dictionary are adopted provided that the reference fields are contained in the structure. o If you additionally pass a field catalog as parameter, the structure information is merged with this field catalog. For more information on how to set up the field catalog automatically, see the documentation on function module REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE.
Control title Description : Specifies the title of the control. This text is displayed above the grid.
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Grid settings Description If Top-of-Page or End-of-List are output online, these areas are displayed in a splitter above or below the list. Using I_GRID_SETTINGS you can reduce the default size to 0%. To do this, you use two fields: COLL_TOP_P: Sets Top-of-Page to 0% COLL_END_L: Sets End-of-List to 0%
List layout specifications Description Structure for describing the list to be output. The parameters are described and grouped based on the following categories: Display options Exceptions Totals Interaction Detail screen Color Other
Display options
colwidth_optimize Value range: SPACE, 'X' X' = Optimizes the column width to ensure that the content is displayed completely. no_colhead Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = Do not output column headings. zebra Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = Striped pattern (for wide lists, for example) no_vline Value range: SPACE, 'X' X' = Separate columns by SPACE.
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Exceptions lights_fieldname
Value range: SPACE, field name of the internal output table field of the internal output table that contains the coding of the exceptions to be output . Coding in the field of the output table: '1' = red traffic light '2' = yellow traffic light '3' = green traffic light
Value range: SPACE, table name of the internal output table Table name of the internal output table that contains the specified field in parameter LIGHTS_FIELDNAME.
Value range: SPACE, data element name The documentation defined for this data element is displayed when the F1 help for an exception column is called.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = The system outputs the 'maximum' exception of the items included in the total at subtotal level. Example: If a list row is output with a 'red traffic light', each subtotal included in this list row is also displayed with a 'red traffic light'.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = Value fields for which totals are calculated are communicated by the calling program (FIELDCAT-DO_SUM = 'X'). The user should not be allowed to change this pre-defined setting interactively.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = No overall totals line should be displayed. If required, subtotals can nevertheless be calculated and displayed. The fields which are used for calculating subtotals are to be marked with DO_SUM = 'X' in the field catalog.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = Characteristics at whose control level subtotals should be calculated are communicated by the calling program. The user should not be allowed to change this pre-defined setting interactively. See also the documentation on IMPORTING parameter IT_SORT.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = Calculating subtotals should not be allowed.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = Data is output in compressed format only at totals line level. Prerequisite: IMPORTING parameter IT_SORT is filled accordingly with the sort criteria and the subtotals indicator. See also the documentation on IMPORTING parameter IT_SORT. 31 of 59
Value range: SPACE, string (not more than 60) ' ' = In the first column, the standard system indicates the totals level by displaying an adequate number of '*' for the overall total.After the asterisks, the system displays the string 'total' provided that the column width of the first output column is large enough. If the column width is not sufficient, only the asterisks are displayed. 'string' = After the totals level indicated visually by means of '*', the system displays the string passed provided that the column width is sufficient.
Value range: SPACE, string (not more than 60) ' ' = In the first column, the standard system indicates the totals level by displaying an adequate number of '*' for the subtotals line. After the asterisks, the system displays the string *total* provided that the column width of the first output column is large enough and the characteristic of the first column is not a subtotal criterion. If the column width is not sufficient, only the asterisks are displayed. 'string' = After the totals level indicated visually by means of '*', the system displays the string passed provided that the column width is sufficient and the characteristic of the first column is not a subtotal criterion. If the characteristic is a subtotal criterion, the system repeats the characteristic value for which subtotals were calculated after the totals level provided that the column width is sufficient.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' ' ' = In the standard system, it is not possible to calculate totals for NUMC fields. 'X' = It is generally possible to calculate totals for NUMC fields. If this indicator is set, you can use parameter FIELDCAT-NO_SUM to control for each NUMC column whether totals can be calculated or not.
Interaction box_fieldname
Value range: SPACE, field name of the internal output table. If the list should have checkboxes at the beginning of each list row (to allow the user to select multiple rows at once), you must fill this parameter with the field name of the internal output table that represents the selection column for selecting rows with the help of checkboxes. The field is always displayed as a checkbox at the beginning of each list row without a list heading.
Value range: SPACE, table name of the internal output table
Value range: SPACE, function code Meaning when the ALV standard interface is used: If you want to assign a standard ALV function code to a double-click (F2), you must assign this function code to this parameter. Example: You want to assign the standard ALV function 'Detail' ('&ETA') to F2. => LAYOUT-F2CODE = '&ETA' Meaning if a self-defined interface is used:
Case 1:
You leave the standard ALV function code for F2 '&IC1' in the copied interface of the application. However, you want to have a function executed with F2 that is not assigned to F2 in the interface (standard ALV function or application function). You must communicate this function code to the ALV using parameter F2CODE.
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Case 2:
You remove the standard ALV function code for F2 '&IC1' from the interface of the application and use another function code instead (standard ALV function or application function). You must communicate this function code to the ALV using parameter F2CODE. This is required if you want to allow columns to be selected.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = If one of the functions 'Back(F03)', 'Exit(F15)' or 'Cancel(F12)' is triggered, the system asks the user if he wants to leave the list.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' The columns defined as key fields in the field catalog (FIELDCAT-KEY = 'X') are output as a hotspot. This means that single-clicking a key field (highlighted in color in the list) triggers the function assigned to F2.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = Enable report/report interface Prerequisite: Application system (=> report RKKBRSTI exists). The list module acts as a potential sender in the report/report interface (interface initialization, if required).
The calling report/module pool entered in I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM is declared to the report/report interface as the sender report with type RT=Report. If the sender report is assigned to receiver reports in table TRSTI, function code BEBx is set to active. ( x = function code class)
If sender RKTFGS15 has a receiver assignment for Report Writer report group 7KOI with function code class '3' (SAP setting), this receiver report group is called through the report/report interface at function code 'BEB3'. The selections passed to the report/report interface are the report selections and the key information of the selected row. For more information on the report/report interface, see the documentation on function group 'RSTI'.
Value range: SPACE, string (not more than 30) ' ' = The system displays 'Detail: Display' as the title of the detail screen. 'string' = The system displays the string passed as the title of the detail screen.
Value range: SPACE, field name of the internal output table. You can color an entire list row individually by using a color code that is set for each row in a column of the internal output table. You must assign the field name of the field with the color code to this parameter. 33 of 59
The field of the internal output table must be of type CHAR(3). The code must comply with the following syntax: 'Cxy': C = Color (each code must begin with 'C') x = Color number ('1'-'9') y = Intensified ('0' = off, '1' = on) Note: The color of the key column is not affected. If you also want to color the key column at row or cell level, you can use complex coloring which is described below for parameter COLTAB_FIELDNAME. For information on coloring columns, see the documentation on field catalog parameter FIELDCATEMPHASIZE of IMPORTING parameter IT_FIELDCAT.
Value range: SPACE, field name of the internal output table You can color cells individually by using a color code that is set for the row of the cells in a column of the internal output table. You must assign the field name of the field with the color code to this parameter. The field of the internal output table must be of type SLIS_T_SPECIALCOL_ALV. Principle: The field for the color code is filled in the row in which the cells to be colored are located. The field then contains an internal table of the above structure that includes the field names of the cells to be colored with the color code. The cell coordinates are therefore derived from the row position in which the color code is written and the column information contained in the color table. The row structure of the internal color table of type SLIS_T_SPECIALCOL_ALV is as follows: Farbtabelle-NAME = Field name of cell to be colored Farbtabelle-COLOR-COL = Color number (1 - 9) Farbtabelle-COLOR-INT = Intensified (0 = off, 1 = on) Farbtabelle-COLOR-INV = Inverse (0 = off, 1 = on) Farbtabelle-NOKEYCOL = Ignore key coloring ('X' = yes, ' ' = no) If parameter Farbtabelle-NAME is not filled, all color specifications refer to all fields. As a result, the entire row is colored. Default In many cases, the default layout settings can be kept so that you frequently do not need to pass this structure with modified flags.
Field catalog with field descriptions Description Field catalog containing the field descriptions of the fields to be considered for the list output (usually, this is a subset of the fields in the internal output table). Basically, you need a field catalog for each list output that uses the ALV. The field catalog associated with the output table is generated in the code of the caller. You can generate the field catalog automatically or semi-automatically by calling function module REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE. See also the documentation on function module : REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE.
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ALV Documentation with Examples The minimum values required for the field catalog are documented in the 'Default' section. The caller can optionally use all other parameters to assign non-standard output attributes to a field. It is only in the following cases that you are not required to generate the field catalog and pass it explicitly: The structure of the internal table to be output corresponds to a structure stored in the Data Dictionary and is referenced with LIKE or INCLUDE STRUCTURE in the declaration of the internal table. All fields of this structure should be output in the list. The structure name is declared to the ALV using parameter I_STRUCTURE_NAME. See also the documentation on IMPORTNG parameter I_STRUCTURE_NAME.
Value range: 0, 1 - 60 Only relevant if the relative column positions should by default not be identical to the sequence of the fields in the field catalog. The parameter determines the relative column position of the field in the list output. The column sequence can interactively be changed by the user. If this parameter is set to its initial value for each field catalog entry, the columns are arranged in the order of the fields in the field catalog.
Value range: Field name of the internal output table (required parameter) Field name of the field in the internal output table that is described by this field catalog entry. Reference to the Data Dictionary
Value range: SPACE, name of a structure or table in the Data Dictionary Structure or table name of the referenced field in the Data Dictionary. This parameter is only required if the field in the internal output table that is described by the current entry in the field catalog has a reference to the Data Dictionary (that is, is not a program field). Reference to fields with currency units/units of measure Each amount or quantity field of the internal output table whose decimal places are to be displayed with the proper unit in the list output, must comply with the following conventions: - The field is of data type QUAN or CURR (internal type P). (Physically, the field must actually belong to this data type. Overriding the physical data type with parameter FIELDCAT-DATATYPE has no effect.) - There is one field in the internal output table that contains the relevant unit. 35 of 59
- There is also an entry for the unit field in the field catalog. (If the unit should not be displayed as a column in the list and the user should not be able to show the unit interactively, for example, because the unit is always unique and therefore explicitly output by the caller in the list header, then you can assign parameter FIELDCAT-TECH = 'X' to the field catalog entry for the unit field. If a value field has a reference to a unit, this has the following effects when the list is output: - The decimal places are displayed with the proper unit. - An initial value field with reference to a non-initial unit is displayed as '0' (provided that FIELDCATNO_ZERO is initial). If unit-specific totals are calculated for this value field, the unit is considered in the analysis of whether homogeneous units exist. - An initial value field with reference to an initial unit is displayed as SPACE. If unit-specific totals are calculated for this value field, the unit SPACE has no effect on the homogeneity of the unit if the value field is initial. - For non-initial value fields with initial unit, the unit SPACE is considered as a unit when unit-specific totals are calculated. Reference to the currency unit
Value range: SPACE, name of a field of the output table Only relevant to amount columns with unit reference. Field name of the field in the internal output table that contains the currency unit for the amount field FIELDCATFIELDNAME. There must be a separate field catalog entry for the field specified in FIELDCAT-CFIELDNAME. Reference to the unit of measure
Value range: SPACE, name of a field of the output table Only relevant to quantity columns with unit reference. Field name of the field in the internal output table that contains the unit of measure for the amount field FIELDCATFIELDNAME. There must be a separate field catalog entry for the field specified in FIELDCAT-QFIELDNAME. Output options for a column
Value range: 0 (initial), n For fields with reference to the Data Dictionary you can leave this parameter set to initial. For fields without reference to the Data Dictionary (program fields) you must set the parameter to the desired field output length on the list (column width). initial = The column width is derived from the output length of the referenced field (domain) in the Data Dictionary. n = The column width is n characters.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = Key field (colored output for key fields) Key fields cannot be hidden interactively by the user. Parameter FIELDCAT-NO_OUT must be left set to initial. For exceptions, see the documentation on parameter FIELDCAT-KEY_SEL.
ALV Documentation with Examples Only relevant if FIELDCAT-KEY = 'X' Key field that can be hidden interactively by the user. The user cannot interactively change the sequence of the key columns. As with non-key fields, output control is performed using parameter FIELDCAT-NO_OUT.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = Field is not displayed on the current list. The field is available to the user in the field list and can be interactively selected as a display field. At row level, the user can use the detail function to display the content of these fields. See also the documentation on the 'Detail screen' section of parameter IS_LAYOUT.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = Technical field The field cannot be output on the list and cannot be shown interactively by the user. The field may only be used in the field catalog (not in IT_SORT, ...).
Value range: SPACE, 'X' or 'Cxyz' (x:'1'-'9'; y,z: '0'=off '1'=on) 'X' = The column is highlighted in the default color for color highlighting. 'Cxyz' = The column is highlighted in the coded color: - C: Color (coding must start with C) - x: Color number - y: Intensified - z: Inverse
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = The cells of the column are output as a hotspot.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = Totals are calculated for this field of the internal output table. This function can also be used interactively by the user.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = No totals may be calculated for this field although the data type of the field allows totalling. Formatting column contents
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = The column contents are displayed as an icon. The column contents of the internal output table must consist of valid icon strings (@xx@). The caller should consider the problem of printing icons.
icon (icon)
Value range: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = The column contents are output as a symbol. 37 of 59
symbol (symbol)
ALV Documentation with Examples The column contents of the internal output table must consist of valid symbol characters. The caller should consider the problem of printing symbols. Although symbols can generally be printed, they are not always shown correctly depending on the printer configuration.
Value range: SPACE, 'R', 'L', 'C' Only relevant to fields of data type CHAR or NUMC ' ' = Default justification according to data type 'R' = Right-justified output 'L' = Left-justified output 'C' = Centered output The justification of the column header depends on the justification of the column contents. You cannot justify the column header independently of the column contents.
just (justification)
Value range: SPACE, 'X' Only relevant to fields of data type NUMC By default, NUMC fields are output in the ALV right-justified without leading zeros. 'X' = Output with leading zeros
Value range: SPACE, 'X' Only relevant to value fields 'X' = Value output without +/- signs.
Value range: SPACE, 'X' Only relevant to value fields 'X' = Supress zeros
Value range: SPACE, mask mask = See documentation on the WRITE formatting option USING EDIT MASK mask Using mask = '== conv' you can force an output conversion conv.
The following parameters for texts are always required for program fields without reference to the Data Dictionary. For fields with reference to the Data Dictionary, the texts are retrieved from the Data Dictionary. If you do not want this, you can fill the text parameters also for fields with reference to the Data Dictionary. If you do this, the corresponding texts from the Data Dictionary will be ignored. If the user changes the column width interactively, the text with the appropriate length is always used as the column header. If the user optimizes the column width interactively, both the field contents and the column headings are considered for the list output: If all field contents are shorter than the shortest column heading, the column width is set based on the column heading. The long field label is also used in the dialog boxes for defining the display variant, the sort order, and so on.
seltext_m (medium field label) seltext_s (short field label) reptext_ddic (heading)
Same as the 'heading' for data element maintenance. When the list is output, the system does not necessarily retrieve the text stored here, but uses the text that fits best.
Value range: SPACE, 'L', 'M', 'S', 'R' Using possible values 'L', 'M', 'S', 'R' you can predefine the keyword that should always be retrieved as the column header. If the column width is changed, the system tries to find a heading that fits the new output width. Parameter for program fields without reference to the Data Dictionary See also the parameter in the 'Texts' section.
Value range: SPACE, data type from the Data Dictionary (CHAR, NUMC,...) Only relevant to fields without reference to the Data Dictionary. Data type of program field
Value range: 0 (initial), n Only relevant to fields without reference to the Data Dictionary whose output should nevertheless be modified using a conversion exit.
- FIELDCAT-EDIT_MASK = '==conv' See also the documentation on parameter FIELDCAT-EDIT_MASK - FIELDCAT-INTLEN = n See documentation on parameter FIELDCAT-INTLEN n = Field output length of the external display The column width FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN must not be equivalent to the output length of the external display (FIELDCAT-DDIC_OUTPUTLEN).
- FIELDCAT-EDIT_MASK = '==conv' See also the documentation on parameter FIELDCAT-EDIT_MASK - FIELDCAT-DDIC_OUTPUTLEN = n See also the documentation on parameter FIELDCAT-DDIC_OUTPUTLEN n = Field output length of the internal display
ALV Documentation with Examples FIELDCAT-ROLLNAME is initial, the documentation for the data element of the referenced field in the Data Dictionary is displayed. Other
- The report/report interface exists in the system. (function group RSTI, table TRSTI) - Parameter LAYOUT-REPREP = 'X' (See also the documentation on parameter LAYOUT-REPREP of IMPORTING parameter IS_LAYOUT) 'X' = If the report/report interface is called, the value of this field is passed as a selection criterion in the selected branch line of the interface. Default o For internal table fields with reference to a field defined in the Data Dictionary, it is normally sufficient to make the following specifications: - fieldname - ref_tabname Note: All fields not explicitly mentioned here are either not relevant in this context or are not released! All other information is retrieved by the ALV from the Data Dictionary. If you do not specify the relative column position (COL_POS), the fields are output in the list in the order in which they were added to the field catalog. REF_FIELDNAME must only be specified if the field name of the internal table field is not identical to the field name of the referenced field in the Data Dictionary. Priority rule: Specifications made in the field catalog take priority over specifications in the Data Dictionary. For internal table fields without reference to the Data Dictionary (program fields), it is normally sufficient to make the following specifications: fieldname outputlen datatype (without data type, character is the default) seltext_s 40 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples - seltext_l Note: If you assign a data element to parameter ROLLNAME, you can, for example, implement an F1 help for program fields.
Table of inactive function codes Description Optional IMPORTING parameter IT_EXCLUDING is an internal table. You must only fill this table if the caller uses the standard interface of the list tool but does not need certain interface functions and therefore wants to disable them. In this case, you must enter the function codes of these standard functions into the table.
Sort criteria for first list display Description Using internal table IT_SORT, the caller determines the sort order and/or the subtotalling of the basic list. The following fields of this internal table must be filled: o spos : Sort order o fieldname : Field name in the internal output table o up : 'X' = Sorted in ascending order o down : 'X' = Sorted in descending order o subtot : 'X' = Subtotals for control level changes o comp (INTERNAL USE ONLY) o expa Perquisites: IT_SORT-SUBTOT = 'X', that is, the sort criterion is also the subtotals criterion. If no complete breakdown but only a breakdown to totals level n that can be further expanded by the user should be displayed when the list is output for the first time, you must set the indicator for the totals level criterion of level n.
Filter criteria for first list output Description Table with filter criteria Using this parameter, you can pass on filter criteria resulting from explicitly loading a display variant in advance, for example, to list output. This table should never be set up 'manually'. 41 of 59
Selection information modification Description This parameter is currently not supported! Only relevant if layout parameter LAYOUT-GET_SELINFOS of IMPORTING structure IS_LAYOUT is set. Complex type for modifying information displayed on the selection dialog box: o mode: 'R' = Only entries passed in internal table IS_SEL_HIDE-T_ENTRIES are output on the dialog box. Selection information obtained by the list tool by reading the selection screen again (only if the report is called with selection screen) are replaced by the entries passed. 'S' = The selection information obtained by the list tool by reading the selection screen of the calling report again, are modified by the entries of table IS_SEL_HIDE-T_ENTRIES. o t_entries: Table with selection information
o t_entries-mode: 'A' = Display selection information of the current table row on the information dialog box. 'D' = Do not display selection information of the Select option or of parameter SELNAME on the dialog box. o t_entries-selname: (required only if t_entries-mode = 'D') name of Select option or parameter The following table fields are only required if t_entries-mode = 'A'. They contain the selection information to be added. o t_entries-field: DDIC field name of the field for which selection information is to be displayed o t_entries-table: DDIC table name of t_entries-field. o t_entries-stext: Field description on the information dialog box. If t_entries-field and t_entries-table were filled, this text is taken from the DDIC. o t_entries-valuf: Selection condition from-value (external format) o t_entries-valut: Selection condition to-value (external format) o t_entries-sign0: (I)nclusive (E)xclusive o t_entries-optio: All values of the option field of the Select option are allowed. The remaining fields are used internally and are irrelevant to the caller.
42 of 59
Initial variant active/inactive logic Description Initial variant maintenance active/inactive. . Prerequisite: Parameter IS_VARIANT is filled accordingly. See also the documentation on the IMPORTING parameter IS_VARIANT. Value Range SPACE = Definition of initial variants not allowed 'X' = Definition of initial variants allowed Default : SPACE
Variants can be saved Description Controls the save mode Prerequisite: Parameter IS_VARIANT is filled accordingly. See also the documentation on IMPORTING parameter IS_VARIANT. Value Range o ' ' = Display variants cannot be saved Defined display variants (such as delivered display variants) can be selected for presentation regardless of this indicator. However, changes cannot be saved. o 'X' = Standard save mode Display variants can be saved as standard display variants. Saving display variants as user-specific is not possible. o 'U' = User-specific save mode Display variants can only be saved as user-specific. o 'A' = Standard and user-specific save mode Display variants can be saved both as user-specific and as standard variants. Users make their choice on the dialog box for saving the display variant. Default : SPACE .
Variant information Description This structure is only relevant if display variants are to be saved and/or read. 43 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples Variant information including the name of the list variant that is used to output the list. To allow display variants to be read within the ALV, you must specify the access path using fields REPORT (required field), HANDLE (optional field) and/or LOG_GROUP (optional field). If you also want to allow display variants to be saved, you must additionally fill parameter I_SAVE accordingly. See also the documentation on IMPORTING parameter I_SAVE. A variant is uniquely described through: o The program to which the variant is assigned (REPORT) o The handle (HANDLE), if, for example, multiple lists with different structures and data are called in a program (I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM). The handle is a CHAR(4) field that must be uniquely defined and describes the assignment of the call to the current structure of the internal output table. Example: Depending on the user interaction, several types of lists can be output in program x. The user should be able to define display variants for each type of list. You provide this function to the user by assigning a HANDLE to each list. If variants for the program and the handle are saved, the handle must not be modified any more. o The logical group, if, for example, the same list is created with different settings through various transactions (LOG_GROUP). The logical group is a CHAR(4) that must be uniquely defined and specifies the assignment. Example: Program x is called through transactions T1 and T2. Depending on the transaction code, the fields available to the user through the field catalog differ in their assignment to different logical groups. If variants for the program and the logical group are saved, the logical group must not be modified any more. o The user name, if user-specific variants are saved (USERNAME). You do not have to fill this parameter manually since the variant name is unique. o The variant name (VARIANT). You only have to fill this parameter if this structure is to be used to read a concrete variant and the list is to be output with this variant. Value Range To call a list with a variant, you must specify the above fields. Default If the structure is initial, but saving is active (I_SAVE is not initial), then IS_VARIANT-REPORT = I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM is set. For a possible entries help for variants, function module REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_F4 is available.
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Example Code
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DATA: i_private TYPE slis_data_caller_exit, i_selfield TYPE slis_selfield, W_exit(1) TYPE c. PARAMETERS: p_title TYPE sy-title.
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ALV Documentation with Examples START-OF-SELECTION. SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE i_outtab. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_POPUP_TO_SELECT' EXPORTING i_title = p_title i_selection = 'X' i_zebra = 'X' * I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN =0 * I_SCREEN_START_LINE =0 * I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN =0 * I_SCREEN_END_LINE =0 i_checkbox_fieldname = 'W_CHK' * I_LINEMARK_FIELDNAME = * I_SCROLL_TO_SEL_LINE = 'X' i_tabname = 'I_OUTTAB' i_structure_name = 'SFLIGHT' * IT_FIELDCAT = * IT_EXCLUDING = * I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM = * I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND = * IS_PRIVATE = I_PRIVATE IMPORTING es_selfield = i_selfield e_exit = w_exit TABLES t_outtab = i_outtab EXCEPTIONS program_error =1 OTHERS = 2. * IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE i000(0k) WITH sy-subrc. ENDIF.
*****the internal table is modified with a cross sign for marking the rows selected LOOP AT i_outtab WHERE w_chk = 'X'. WRITE: / i_outtab-carrid, i_outtab-price. ENDLOOP.
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PARAMETERS : P_VAR LIKE DISVARIANT-VARIANT. initialization. v_repid = sy-repid. * Display default variant PERFORM SUB_VARIANT_INIT. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON P_VAR. * Once the user has entered variant, check about its existence PERFORM SUB_CHECK_PVAR. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR P_VAR. * Display a list of various variants of the report when the user presses F4 key in the variant field PERFORM SUB_VARIANT_F4. START-OF-SELECTION.
* Prepare field catalog for the main report. State the name of the field , name of internal table , various formatting options etc
PERFORM SUB_PREPARE_FIELDCATALOG. * Fetches records from database into table i_tab to be passed as export * parameter t_outtab in function module : REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY PERFORM SUB_SELECT_RECORD. * Populate stat and icon columns of internal table i_tab with specific * columns and symbols based on some logic for quantity and value fields. PERFORM SUB_MODIFY_RECORDS. * Defines the overall layout of the report PERFORM SUB_DETERMINE_ALV_LAYOUT. * Defines the sort sequence of the report PERFORM SUB_DETERMINE_SORT_SEQUENCE. * Defines the event table PERFORM SUB_EVENTTAB_BUILD USING I_EVENTS. * Things to be written at the top of the page PERFORM SUB_COMMENT_BUILD USING i_list_top_of_page. * Display the ALV list PERFORM SUB_SHOW_ALV_LIST. * struct_layout-hotspot_fieldname = 'X'. AT LINE-SELECTION. PERFORM SUB_HOTSPOT. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_VARIANT_INIT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Display default variant *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form SUB_VARIANT_INIT. I_VARIANT1-REPORT = SY-REPID. * Search default variant for the report CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_DEFAULT_GET' EXPORTING i_save = 'A' CHANGING cs_variant = i_variant1 EXCEPTIONS not_found = 2. * If default variant is found , use it as default. 49 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples * Else , use the variant LAYOUT1. IF sy-subrc = 0. p_var = i_variant1-variant. ELSE. p_var = 'LAYOUT1'. ENDIF. endform. " SUB_VARIANT_INIT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_CHECK_PVAR *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Once the user has entered variant, check about its existence *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM SUB_CHECK_PVAR. * If the name of the variable is not blank, check about its existence if not p_var is initial. clear i_variant. i_variant-report = sy-repid. i_variant-variant = p_var. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_EXISTENCE' EXPORTING I_SAVE = 'A' CHANGING CS_VARIANT = I_VARIANT. * If no such variant found , flash error message if sy-subrc ne 0 . message e398(00) with 'No such variant exists'. else. * If variant exists , use the variant name to populate structure * I_VARIANT1 which will be used for export parameter : IS_VARIANT * in the function module : REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY clear i_variant1. move p_var to i_variant1-variant. move sy-repid to i_variant1-report. endif. else. clear i_variant. endif. ENDFORM. " SUB_CHECK_PVAR *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_PREPARE_FIELDCATALOG *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Prepare field catalog for the main report. State the name of * the field , name of internal table , various formatting options etc *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form SUB_PREPARE_FIELDCATALOG. * First field to appear in ALV list X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 1. * Name of the internal table field X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'SYM'. * Name of the internal table X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. * Heading for the field X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Stat'. * The field is going to contain a symbol x_fieldcat-symbol = 'X'. 50 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples * Append the specifications to the internal table for field catalog. append X_fieldcat TO I_FIELDCAT. clear x_fieldcat. * Second field to appear in ALV list X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 2. * Name of the field in the internal table X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'MATNR'. * Name of the internal table X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. * Heading for the column X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'MatItem'. * It is going to be the key field.The color for this field is going to * be different X_fieldcat-key = 'X'. X_fieldcat-key_sel = 'X'. * Single click on the field will trigger double click event.Also, a hand * will appear when the cursor navigates to the field X_fieldcat-hotspot = 'X'. * The column and those left to it will not scroll X_fieldcat-fix_column = 'X'. * F1 help will come as it is referenced to DDIC table x_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'MSEG'. append X_fieldcat TO I_FIELDCAT. clear x_fieldcat. X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 3. X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'MAKTG'. X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Description'. * X_FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN = 50. x_fieldcat-hotspot = space. * The field is centre(C for centre, R and L for left and * right) justified x_fieldcat-just = 'C'. x_fieldcat-key = 'X'. x_fieldcat-fix_column = 'X'. * X_fieldcat-no_out = 'X'. X_fieldcat-fix_column = 'X'. append X_fieldcat TO I_FIELDCAT. clear x_fieldcat. X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 4. X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'CHARG'. X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Batch'. * X_FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN = 10. x_fieldcat-hotspot = space. append X_fieldcat TO I_FIELDCAT. clear x_fieldcat. X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 5. X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'EBELN'. X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Purchase Order'. * X_FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN = 14. 51 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples * The field will be colored differently(Cxyz) x_fieldcat-emphasize = 'C511'. * Initially the field will be hidden x_fieldcat-no_out = 'X'. append X_fieldcat TO I_FIELDCAT. clear x_fieldcat. X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 6. X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'MBLNR'. X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Document no'. * X_FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN = 14. x_fieldcat-emphasize = 'C711'. x_fieldcat-no_out = 'X'. append X_fieldcat TO I_FIELDCAT. clear x_fieldcat. X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 7. X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'WERKS'. X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Plant'. * X_FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN = 5. x_fieldcat-emphasize = 'C310'. append X_fieldcat TO I_FIELDCAT. clear x_fieldcat. X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 8. X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'LGORT'. X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'St.Loc'. * X_FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN = 7. * X_fieldcat-no_out = 'X'. append X_fieldcat TO I_FIELDCAT. clear x_fieldcat. X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 9. X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'MENGE'. X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Quantity'. X_FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN = 12. * Summation is allowed for this field x_fieldcat-do_sum = 'X'. X_FIELDCAT-ref_tabname = 'MSEG'. append X_fieldcat TO I_FIELDCAT. clear x_fieldcat. X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 10. X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'ICN'. X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = ''. X_FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN = 2. x_fieldcat-icon = 'X'. * X_fieldcat-no_out = 'X'. append X_fieldcat TO I_FIELDCAT. clear x_fieldcat.
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ALV Documentation with Examples X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 11. X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'MEINS'. X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Unit'. X_FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN = 5. x_fieldcat-qfieldname = 'MEINS'. append X_fieldcat TO I_FIELDCAT. clear x_fieldcat. X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 12. X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'DMBTR'. X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Local curr'. X_FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN = 12. x_fieldcat-INTTYPE = 'P'. x_fieldcat-just = 'R'. x_fieldcat-do_sum = 'X'. append X_fieldcat TO I_FIELDCAT. clear x_fieldcat. X_FIELDCAT-COL_POS = 13. X_FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'EXCPT'. X_FIELDCAT-TABNAME = 'I_TAB'. X_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = ''. X_FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN = 3. append X_fieldcat TO I_FIELDCAT. clear x_fieldcat. endform. " SUB_PREPARE_FIELDCATALOG *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_SELECT_RECORD *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Fetches records from database into table i_tab to be passed as export * parameter t_outtab in function module : REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form SUB_SELECT_RECORD. SELECT mblnr A~matnr A~maktg charg werks lgort menge meins dmbtr ebeln FROM makt as a join mseg as b on ( a~matnr = b~matnr ) INTO TABLE I_TAB where b~bwart = '101' . endform. " SUB_SELECT_RECORD *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_MODIFY_RECORDS *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Populate stat and icon columns of internal table i_tab with specific * columns and symbols based on some logic for quantity and value fields. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form SUB_MODIFY_RECORDS. loop at i_tab. if i_tab-dmbtr gt 10000. * Field icn of internal table is going to contain icon . For this column *icon_allowed is set in the field catalog table. For various icons,see * type pool <ICON> i_tab-icn = '@1V@'. modify i_tab transporting icn. endif. 53 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples if i_tab-menge gt 50. * Field icn of internal table is going to contain symbol . For this * column symbol_allowed is set in the field catalog table. For various * icons,see type pool <SYMBOL> i_tab-sym = 'N'. modify i_tab transporting sym. endif. IF I_TAB-WERKS NE 'SDC1'. * This field will contain lights , traffic signals : red.yellow,green * That this field will be used as a light will be specified in the * column of structure STRUCT_LAYOUT. I_TAB-EXCPT = '1'. MODIFY I_TAB TRANSPORTING EXCPT. endif. endloop. endform. " SUB_MODIFY_RECORDS *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_DETERMINE_ALV_LAYOUT * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Defines the overall structure of the report layout * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form SUB_DETERMINE_ALV_LAYOUT. * Field EXCPT will show the light signal STRUCT_LAYOUT-LIGHTS_FIELDNAME = 'EXCPT'. * Field BOS of the internal table will act as pushbutton and will appear * at the left of the grid display. User will press that to select a * record struct_layout-box_fieldname = 'BOX'. STRUCT_layout-totals_text = 'Totqty '. STRUCT_LAYOUT-ZEBRA = 'X'. struct_layout-confirmation_prompt = 'X'. struct_layout-detail_titlebar = 'Details of Storing'. struct_layout-no_sumchoice = 'X'. struct_layout-totals_only = 'X'. endform. " SUB_DETERMINE_ALV_LAYOUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_DETERMINE_SORT_SEQUENCE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Defines the sort sequence of the report *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form SUB_DETERMINE_SORT_SEQUENCE. X_sort-spos = 1. " Sort order X_sort-fieldname = 'MATNR'. X_sort-tabname = 'I_TAB'. X_sort-up = 'X'. X_sort-subtot = 'X'. " Sub total allowed append X_sort TO IT_SORT. clear X_sort. endform. " SUB_DETERMINE_SORT_SEQUENCE
54 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_SHOW_ALV_LIST *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Shows ALV list in grid form *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form SUB_SHOW_ALV_LIST. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM = V_REPID * Name of the program I_GRID_TITLE = 'Details of Storing' * title I_callback_pf_status_set = 'PF_STATUS_SET' * calls subroutine : PF_STATUS_SET i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND' * Calls subroutine : user_command IS_LAYOUT = STRUCT_LAYOUT * Overall structure of the report IT_FIELDCAT = I_FIELDCAT * Passes the field catg internal table IT_SORT = IT_SORT * Passes the sort sequence internal table I_DEFAULT = 'X' I_SAVE = 'A' IS_VARIANT = i_variant1 * fetches different events into internal table i_events it_events = i_events[] TABLES * Passes data table for ALV display T_OUTTAB = I_TAB EXCEPTIONS PROGRAM_ERROR =1 OTHERS = 2. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. endform. " SUB_SHOW_ALV_LIST *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form set_status *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Form used to set the Custom pf-status of the List Display *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * rt_extab : *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM pf_status_set USING i_rt_extab TYPE slis_t_extab. data : x_extab type slis_extab. x_extab-fcode = '&LFO'. append x_extab to i_rt_extab. * Pf-status STANDARD of program SAPLSALV is copied to ZSTANDARD of the * current program and the pushbutton for Information (okcode=&LFO) is * excluded SET PF-STATUS 'ZSTANDARD' excluding i_rt_extab . ENDFORM.
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ALV Documentation with Examples *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form user_command *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Form used to handle USER_COMMAND events *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * rf_ucomm: Function Code * rs : Internal Table containing the selection information. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM user_command USING rf_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm rs TYPE slis_selfield. data : v_mblnr like mseg-mblnr. case rf_ucomm. * A custom pushbutton for record deletion is set in the GUI status. When a record is selected , the field BOC for that *record becomes 'X'. * The records are traced and deleted and the fields are refreshed( rs of type slis_selfield is refreshed) when '&DEL'. "Print button clicked. delete i_tab where box = 'X'. rs-refresh = 'X'. * When the user selects a row and presses the Select pushbutton ( user defined ) from the application toolbar, the details * of the document will be shown in another ALV list when '&SEL'. PERFORM SUB_SELECT_DOCUMENT. * set parameter id 'MBN' field i_tab-mblnr. * call transaction 'MB03'. * Ok code for double click is &IC1 for ALV report when '&IC1'. perform sub_hotspot. endcase. ENDFORM. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_HOTSPOT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form SUB_HOTSPOT. message i398(00) with 'Hello'. endform. " SUB_HOTSPOT
56 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_VARIANT_F4 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Display a list of various variants of the report when the user presses F4 key in the variant field *------------------------------------------------------------------------* form SUB_VARIANT_F4. i_variant-report = sy-repid. * Utilising the name of the report , this function module will search for a list of variants and will fetch the selected one * into the parameter field for variants CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_F4' EXPORTING IS_VARIANT = I_VARIANT I_SAVE = 'A' I_DISPLAY_VIA_GRID = 'X' IMPORTING ES_VARIANT = I_VARIANT1 EXCEPTIONS NOT_FOUND =1 PROGRAM_ERROR =2 OTHERS = 3. IF SY-SUBRC = 0. P_VAR = I_VARIANT1-VARIANT. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " SUB_VARIANT_F4 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_SELECT_DOCUMENT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form SUB_SELECT_DOCUMENT. data : v_lines type i . read table i_tab with key box = 'X'. Select * from mseg INTO TABLE I_DOC WHERE MBLNR = I_TAB-MBLNR. IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0 . CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE' EXPORTING I_PROGRAM_NAME = V_REPID I_INTERNAL_TABNAME = 'I_DOC' I_STRUCTURE_NAME = 'MSEG' CHANGING CT_FIELDCAT = I_FIELDCAT1 EXCEPTIONS INCONSISTENT_INTERFACE =1 PROGRAM_ERROR =2 OTHERS = 3. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. clear struct_layout1. STRUCT_layout1-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. refresh it_sort. clear it_sort.
57 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM = V_REPID I_GRID_TITLE = 'Details of Document' IS_LAYOUT = STRUCT_LAYOUT1 IT_FIELDCAT = I_FIELDCAT1 i_structure_name = 'MSEG' I_DEFAULT = 'X' I_SAVE = 'A' TABLES T_OUTTAB = I_DOC EXCEPTIONS PROGRAM_ERROR =1 OTHERS =2 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. ENDIF. endform. " SUB_SELECT_DOCUMENT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_COMMENT_BUILD *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form SUB_COMMENT_BUILD using I_top_of_page TYPE slis_t_listheader. DATA: ls_line TYPE slis_listheader. ***Header CLEAR ls_line. ls_line-typ = 'H'. * LS_LINE-KEY: not used for this type ls_line-info = 'Heading list'. APPEND ls_line TO I_top_of_page. ***Selection CLEAR ls_line. ls_line-typ = 'S'. ls_line-key = 'Key 1'. ls_line-info = 'Material '. APPEND ls_line TO i_top_of_page. ls_line-key = 'Key 2'. ls_line-info = 'Document no'. APPEND ls_line TO I_top_of_page. ***Action CLEAR ls_line. endform. " SUB_COMMENT_BUILD
58 of 59
ALV Documentation with Examples *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_EVENTTAB_BUILD *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Defines the event table *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM sub_eventtab_build USING l_events TYPE slis_t_event. DATA: ls_event TYPE slis_alv_event. * Get the different events of the ALV CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET' EXPORTING i_list_type = 0 IMPORTING et_events = l_events. * Search the top of page events READ TABLE l_events WITH KEY name = slis_ev_top_of_page INTO ls_event. IF sy-subrc = 0. MOVE 'TOP_OF_PAGE' TO ls_event-form. APPEND ls_event TO l_events. ENDIF. endform. " SUB_EVENTTAB_BUILD *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM TOP_OF_PAGE * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * When TOP-OF-PAGE will be fired , this event will be called and it * will use the contents of i_list_top_of_page for output in the header *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM top_of_page. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE' EXPORTING i_logo = 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO' it_list_commentary = i_list_top_of_page. ENDFORM.
59 of 59