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👨‍💼 Antoine BOSSARD, Ph.D., Professor 🏛️ 神奈川大学 📧 abossard#kanagawa-u.ac.jp iD 0000-0001-9381-9346
🏫 Graduate School of Science 🏫 情報学部 計算機科学科 📮 3-27-1 Rokkakubashi, Yokohama, Japan 221-8686
🏛️ Kanagawa University 🏫 理学研究科 理学専攻 情報科学領域 📞 +81 (0) 45-481-5661
💡Research areas研究テーマ
Graph theory グラフ理論 Chinese characters 文字体系
Interconnection networks 相互結合網 Natural languages 自然言語
Routing problems 経路選択問題
Research diagram (graph theory) Research diagram (languages)
✒️ Authored books著書
De la définition d'une fonction injective de l'ensemble des caractères chinois dans N Traduction commentée de la première partie du Dictionarium anamitico–latinum de Jean-Louis Taberd Chinese Characters, Deciphered Characteres serici, clare
Lecture textbooks
Understanding Microcontrollers [Second Edition] A Gentle Introduction to Functional Programming in English [Third Edition]
💾 Released softwareソフトウェア開発
2022 A-IDE: a non-intrusive and cross-platform integrated development environment for AVR programming in assembly アセンブリ言語によるAVRプログラミングの開発環境.
2018 kameindex 🐢: a Unicode-capable index generation program for LaTeX that is compatible with makeindex ユニコード対象のLaTeX索引生成ツール.
📝 Papers (excerpt)研究業績 (抜粋)
2025 Best Paper Award with K. Kaneko, On pancyclicity and cycle embeddings in a torus-connected cycles network, Proc. The 17th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN) (in press), Bangkok, Thailand.
2024 An optimised PIC programmer also having a high pedagogical value, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Computer and Communication Engineering (CCCE), pp. 158–170, Oslo, Norway.
2023 with K. Kaneko and F. Harris, Jr., On the crossing number of a torus network, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E106-A(1):35–44.
2022 Best paper: Outstanding Paper Award Torus-connected toroids: an interconnection network for massively parallel systems, Proc. 19th Applied Computing Int. Conf. (AC), pp. 21–28, Lisbon, Portugal.
2022 Ontological and quantitative analyses of the kokuji characters of the Japanese writing system, Journal of Chinese Writing Systems, 6(2):137–145.
2022 Memory optimisation on AVR microcontrollers for IoT devices' minimalistic displays, Chips, 1(1):2–13.
2021 On the Erdős-Sós conjecture for stars, paths and some of their variants, Proc. 20th IEEE/ACIS Int. Summer Semi-Virtual Conf. on Computer and Information Science (ICIS Summer), pp. 49–53, Shanghai, China.
2021 On solving the decycling problem in a torus network, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021:5598173.
2021 On Japanese's quasi-characters and their representation on computer systems, Journal of Chinese Writing Systems, 4(4):313–324.
2020 with K. Kaneko, Cluster-fault tolerant routing in a torus, Sensors, 20(11):3286.
2019 with K. Kaneko, A new methodology for a functional and logic programming course, Proc. 20th ACM Ann. Conf. Information Technology Education (SIGITE), pp. 63–68, Tacoma, WA, USA.
2018 with K. Kaneko, Torus pairwise disjoint-path routing, Sensors, 18(11):3912.
2018 Outstanding Paper Award A grammar aware system for Latin document analysis and learning support, Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Teaching, Education, and Learning (ISTEL), pp. 22–36, Naha, Japan.
2016 with K. Kaneko, Set-to-set disjoint paths routing in Torus-Connected Cycles, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E99-D(11):2821–2823.
2015 with K. Kaneko, Torus-Connected Cycles: a simple and scalable topology for interconnection networks, Int. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 25(4):723–735.
2014 Best Paper Award with K. Kaneko, On hypercube routing and fault tolerance with bit constraint, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on Computing and Networking (CANDAR), pp. 40–49, Shizuoka City, Japan.
2014 with K. Kaneko, k-pairwise disjoint paths routing in perfect hierarchical hypercubes, The Journal of Supercomputing, 67(2):485–495.
2014 with K. Kaneko, Set-to-set disjoint paths routing in hierarchical cubic networks, The Computer Journal, 57(2):332–337.
2014 with K. Kaneko, Time optimal node-to-set disjoint paths routing in hypercubes, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 30(4):1087–1093.
2013 Best Paper Award with K. Kaneko, Set-to-set disjoint paths routing in hyper-star graphs, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Advanced Computing and Communications (ACC), pp. 47–52, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
2013 On the decycling problem in hierarchical hypercubes, Journal of Interconnection Networks, 14(2):1350006.1–1350006.13.
2012 with K. Kaneko, Node-to-set disjoint-path routing in hierarchical cubic networks, The Computer Journal, 55(12):1440–1446.
2012 with K. Kaneko, The set-to-set disjoint-path problem in perfect hierarchical hypercubes, The Computer Journal, 55(6):769–775.
2011 with K. Kaneko and S. Peng, A new node-to-set disjoint-path algorithm in perfect hierarchical hypercubes, The Computer Journal, 54(8):1372–1381.
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🤵‍♂️ Invited talks招待講演
2024 Deciphering Chinese characters: a journey where Asian and Western cultures meet, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan.
2023 Une approche cartésienne de l’écriture japonaise pour en faciliter le traitement informatique, INSA Lyon, Lyon, France.
2022 A computational approach to Chinese characters, Rochester Institute of Technology Croatia (RIT-Croatia), Dubrovnik, Croatia.
2017 High-performance graphics in Racket with DirectX, University of Nevada Reno (UNR), Reno, NV, USA.
2017 A computational approach to Chinese characters, 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI), Hamamatsu, Japan.
2016 A computational approach to Chinese characters, University of Nevada Reno (UNR), Reno, NV, USA.
👨‍🏫 Lectures (excerpt)担当科目 (抜粋)
2014 onwards Functional programming 関数プログラミング (Haskell, Prolog), TUAT 東京農工大学, KU 神奈川大学.
2015 onwards Computer architecture 計算機アーキテクチャ, KU 神奈川大学.
2015 onwards Special topics in graph theory グラフ理論特論, KU 神奈川大学 大学院.
2016 onwards English for information science 情報英語, KU 神奈川大学.
2015 onwards Introduction to computer systems 計算機システム基礎, KU 神奈川大学.
2013–2015, 2017–2019 Technical writing in English, AIIT 産業技術大学院大学.
2013–2014 An algorithmic approach to functional programming (Scheme), AIIT 産業技術大学院大学.
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🧑‍🎓 Graduate advising研究指導 (大学院)
2019 MS 修士 T. Tsurusashi, 相互結合網TCCにおける耐故障経路選択アルゴリズムの提案、開発及び評価, KU Graduate School of Science 神奈川大学 大学院 理学研究科.
2018 MS 修士 N. Hotta, On shortest path routing in Torus-Connected Cycles, KU Graduate School of Science 神奈川大学 大学院 理学研究科.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Social activities (excerpt)社会貢献 (抜粋)
Senior member of ACM, member of TUG.
2014–2021 Associate Editor, ISCA Int. Journal of Computers and Their Applications (IJCA).
2014 onwards Associate Managing Editor, IIAI Information Engineering Express (IEE).
Program Chair ISCA CATA 2017, ISCA CATA 2016, CCATS 2015.
Publication Chair IIAI AAI 2015.
Special Session Chair ISCA CAINE 2014.
Steering Committee ICESS 2022, ICESS 2020, ICESS 2019.
Program Committee Very regularly: IEEE/ACIS SNPD, IEEE/ACIS ICIS, IEEE/ACIS SERA, Baltic DB&IS, ISCA CATA, ISCA CAINE, IIAI ESKM, ACM/ACIS ACIT, amongst many others.
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💰Grants (excerpt)研究助成金 (抜粋)
2019 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 科学研究費 基盤研究(C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 日本学術振興会. jpy 3,400,000
2019 Research Grant 研究調査助成, The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation (公財) 電気通信普及財団. jpy 750,000
2018 Research Grant 研究調査助成, The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation (公財) 電気通信普及財団. jpy 775,000
2017 International Exchange Grant 国際交流援助, Yazaki Memorial Foundation for Science and Technology (公財) 矢崎科学技術振興記念財団. jpy 220,000
2017 Integrated Science Laboratory Joint Research Grant 総合理学研究所共同研究助成, KU 神奈川大学. jpy 800,000
2016 Oversea Travel Expense Grant 海外渡航旅費援助, The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation (公財) 電気通信普及財団. jpy 220,000
2015 International Technical Exchange Grant 国際技術交流援助, TEPCO Memorial Foundation (公財) 東電記念財団. jpy 200,000
2014 International Exchange Grant 国際交流援助, Research Foundation for the Electrotechnology of Chubu (公財) 中部電気利用基礎研究振興財団. jpy 120,000
2014 Young Researcher Support Grant 傾斜的研究費 (部局分) (若手奨励経費), AIIT 産業技術大学院大学. jpy 1,500,000
🗺️ Visited countries渡航歴
Austria Belgium Czech Republic Croatia Denmark England Estonia Finland France Germany Guernesey Italy Jersey Lithuania Norway Portugal Sweden Switzerland Vatican USA Canada China Japan Korea Philippines Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam Australia Fiji
Visited USA states
California Colorado Florida Hawaii Louisiana Nevada Washington
Visited Canadian provinces
Nova Scotia Québec