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Sacred Texts  Hinduism 






Ramakrishna (1833-86), was a Bengali Hindu sage. Although theoretically a high-caste Brahamin by birth, he came from a poor, low-caste village and had little or no education. He did not know a word of Sanskrit and his knowledge of the Vedas, Puranas, and Hindu Epics was obtained orally (in the Bengali language). In spite of this, he managed to convey in his aphorisms the essence of the Hindu religion. Ramakrishna also worshipped with Muslims and Christians, and propounded a simple approach to religious tolerance: "Creeds and sects matter nothing. Let every one perform with faith the devotions and practices of his creed. Faith is the only clue to get to God." (#200).

His often earthy sayings and short fables are immediately comprehensible to everyone, using vivid metaphors which employ everyday objects and settings to express deep Hindu philosophical concepts. This collection of sayings was collected by his followers after his death and translated by Max Müller.

PRODUCTION NOTES: this book uses the same transcription system as the Sacred Books of the East. Also, I have broken up the sayings, which comprise one huge chapter in the source book, into four separate files.

Title Page


The Mahâtmans
The Four Stages of Life
Samnyâsins or Saints
Ascetic Exercises or Yoga
Dayânanda Sarasvatî
Pawâri Bâba
Debendranâth Tagore
Rai Shaligrâm Saheb Bahadur
The Dialogic Process
Râmakrishna's Life
Remarks on Râmakrishna's Life
Mozoomdar's Judgement
Râmakrishna's Language
Râmakrishna's Wife
Râmakrishna's Influence on Keshub Chunder Sen
Ekam advitîyam. One without a Second
Gnôthi seautón
Final Conclusion, Tat tvamasi
The Sayings of Râmakrishna

The Sayings of Ramakrishna

The Sayings of Râmakrishna: 1-99
The Sayings of Râmakrishna: 100-199
The Sayings of Râmakrishna: 200-299
The Sayings of Râmakrishna: 300-395
Index to the Sayings