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SHREE SHOOKDEO JEE said,--O great king! it occurred once to Narud Jee to go and see how Shree Krishnù Chund carried on his domestic affairs with sixteen thousand one hundred and eight wives, with this thought in his mind, he came to Dwarka, and beheld outside the city high, lofty trees, flourishing, loaded with fruits and flowers, waving in the orchards, on which, pigeons, parrots, peacocks and other birds were sitting, and pouring forth pleasing notes; lotuses were blooming in elegant tanks, on which swarms of bees buzzed; on the banks geese, cranes and other birds were sporting about; in the flower gardens, the gardeners sang sweet strains, and throwing water high and low, saturated the different beds with it; in some places wheels and leather buckets were brought into play, and on the quays there were crowds of women carrying water on their heads: the beauty of whom cannot be described; to be appreciated, it must have been seen.

O great king! Narud Jee having beheld with delight the beautiful appearance of the forests and groves, saw on going into the city elegant, golden houses, covered with jewels, and shining brilliantly, on which flags and banners were waving. Wreaths and garlands of flowers were fastened upon each

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gate-way, at the doors were placed pillars of plantain and water-pots of gold, filled with sprouts. From the trellis-work, windows and lattices of each house, the smoke of the perfume, burnt at the time of worshipping, came curling forth, like a black cloud; in the midst of which the golden spires shone like lightning; in every dwelling there was worshipping and reading of prayers, and sacrifice and offering of gifts; and in every place people were engaged in adoration and meditation, songs and reading, and hearing the Pooranùs; here and there the descendants of Judoo were seated, forming a court, similar to that of Indrù, and joy was diffused throughout the city.

Having recited thus much of the history, Shree Shookdeo Jee said to the Raja Pureechit,--O great king! Narud Jee being highly gratified on entering the city, began to say, "To what house shall I go first to find Shree Krishnù Chund?" Saying this, O great king! to himself, Narud Jee went to Shree Rookmunee's house, where Shree Krishnù Chund was reclining at his ease, and who rose and stood up on seeing him; they brought a ewer of Rookmunee's filled with water; Krishnù, having washed Narud Jee's feet, and given him a seat, placed before him perfume, lamps and consecrated food, and offering adoration began to say to him with joined hands, "Happiness and wealth will follow the man in whose house the feet of good men fall. You have come and paid me, a householder, a visit in my house, for the sake of my salvation."

O great king! when Krishnù had thus spoken, Narud Jee giving him this blessing, "May you long live to protect Shree Rookmunee," went to the abode of Jamwutee, where he saw Huri playing at choupur. On seeing Narud Jee, Krishnù rose up; when, having given him a blessing, Narud went away again; after this he went to Sutbhama's and saw Shree Krishnù Chund seated, and having oil and perfumed paste applied to his body, Narud Jee returned thence in silence,

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because it is written in the Shastrùs "That at the time of the application of oil, a Raja should not make a salutation, nor a brahmin pronounce a benediction," Narud Jee then went to Kalindee's house, and there saw Huri asleep. O great king! Kalindee, on seeing Narud Jee, began to rub Huri's feet, and awoke him, Krishnù, on awaking, approached the sage; and having made an obeisance, said with joined hands "The feet of holy men are like the waters of places of pilgrimage; wherever they fall they purify." On hearing this and having given his blessing, Narud Jee rose, and went thence to the residence of Mittrabinda, he there saw brahmins being fed, and Shree Krishnù serving out food to them, Krishnù said, on seeing Narud Jee, "O great king! as you have done me the favour to come here, please partake of this food, and give me your leavings, and make pure my house." Narud Jee replied, "O great king! I will come again, after having gone round to a few other houses, be pleased to serve out food to the brahmins, and I will take what is left on my return." With these words, Narud Jee took leave and went to Sutya's house, and there saw Shree Beharee, the benefactor of his worshippers, sitting pleased, and amusing himself, on beholding this state of affairs, Narud Jee went away thence, and having then gone to Bhudra's abode, saw Huri eating, he returned thence to the house of Luchmuna, and there saw Krishnù bathing.

Having proceeded thus far in the narrative Shree Shookdeo said,--O great king! in this manner the sage, Narud Jee, went about to sixteen thousand one hundred and eight houses, but did not see a single house without Shree Krishnù in it, and wherever he beheld him he saw him engaged in some domestic occupation, having observed this custom Narud was astonished, "That there was not a house without Krishnù in it, wherever I go, there is the beloved Huri; thus has Krishnù spread about his pastimes. In each of the sixteen thousand one hundred and eight houses, the supporter of the hill (Krishnù)

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remains with one of his wives." The delighted sage said reflecting, "The deceptive power, which jogees are supposed to possess, belongs to thee, O lord of the Judoos! no one can understand this power; and who can escape from it?" O great king! when Narud Jee, in a state of astonishment, had thus spoken, Shree Krishnù Chund, the bestower of happiness said, "Narud! be not all grieved in thy mind; my delusive power is very mighty and has been spread over the whole world; it fascinates even me, who else has ability to escape from its influence, and who that has come into the world is not affected by it." Narud having heard this and bowing his head, said, beseechingly, "Take compassion on me, O lord of the Judoos! in order that veneration for thee may exist always in my thoughts and that my mind, being under the influence of delusion, may not desire objects of sense." Raja! Narud Jee having thus spoken, took leave of Krishnù, and, having made the usual parting salutation, returned to his own dwelling playing on the lute and singing. Shree Krishnù Chund Jee continued his pastimes at Dwarka.

Next: Chapter LXXI