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SHREE SHOOKDEO, the sage, said,--O great king! having seen the excessive violence of the hot season, the mighty king of the rains, taking compassion on the four-footed beasts, and birds and animals of the earth, and having collected clouds from all quarters, came forth to fight. At this time the thunder of the clouds was like the sounds of drums; and the clouds, of different colours, which were collected together, were brave and resolute heroes. In the midst of these the flashing of the lightning was as the glittering of arms. Here and there rows of cranes in their flight looked like white flags: frogs and peacocks sung praises, like bards, who accompany armies, and the continued rain fell in large drops like arrows.

Beholding the rainy season approach in this splendid style, the hot season abandoned the plains, and ran off with its life. Then the lord of the clouds, having rained upon the earth, conferred gladness upon it. She (the earth) having performed penance during eight months' separation from her lord, now compensated herself by enjoyment.

Her breasts came down and became cold. She was pregnant, and had eighteen sons; who, taking presents of fruits and flowers, went to pay respects to their father. The land of Brindabun

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appeared as beautiful at that time as a loving woman, adorned with ornaments. And on all sides the rivers, nullahs and tanks were full; on which were waterfowl of different kinds, adding beauty to the scene. The branches of lofty trees were waiving to and fro; and on them cuckoos, pigeons, parrots and other birds were pouring forth their mingled notes. And here and there the cowherdesses and cowherds, dressed in red and yellow dresses, and swinging, were singing melodies in high notes. Approaching them, Shree Krishnù and Bulram afforded them great pleasure by engaging in, and exhibiting, their youthful sports. In this delightful manner the rainy season passed away; then Shree Krishnù began to say to the cowherds' children, "Brothers! the pleasure-giving surud season has now come. Now all, I know, will enjoy great pleasure; now is the season of enjoyment and fine weather. The stars by night shine in the sky, brilliant as the passionless Bruhmù. For four months we have remained in the house; now that the surud season has come, let us give up all love for it, (the house). People run to and fro, occupied with their respective affairs. Princes proceed to conquer foreign countries."

Next: Chapter XXII