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Vignette: Ani standing, with both hands raised in prayer, before four gods who are seated on a pedestal in the form of Maat; before him is his heart set upon a pedestal.

Text [CHAPTER XXVII.]: (I) THE CHAPTER OF NOT LETTING THE HEART OF A MAN BE TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM IN THE UNDERWORLD.[1] Saith Osiris Ani: "Hail, ye who carry away hearts, [hail] ye who steal hearts! (2) ye have done.[2] Homage to you, O ye lords of eternity, ye possessors of everlastingness, " take ye not away this heart of Osiris Ani (3) in your grasp, this heart of Osiris. And cause ye not evil words to spring up against it; because this heart of Osiris Ani is the heart of the one of many names, the mighty one whose words are his limbs, and who sendeth forth his heart to dwell in (4) his body. {???} heart of Osiris Ani is pleasant unto the gods; he is victorious, he hath {???} gotten power over it; he hath not revealed what hath been done unto it. He {???} gotten power (5) over his own limbs. His heart obeyeth him, he is the lord thereof, it is in his body, and it shall never fall away therefrom. I, Osiris, the scribe Ani, victorious in peace, and triumphant in the beautiful Amenta and on the mountain of eternity, bid thee be obedient unto me in the underworld."

Appendix: The three following chapters, which do not occur in the Ani papyrus, form part of the group of the chapters relating to the heart. They are here supplied from Naville, Todtenbuch, Bd. I., Pl. xl., xlii., xxxix.

[1. In Naville's edition there follow the words hab-nef ab-f xenti xat-f temam ab-f er neteru sexem am-f, "his heart goeth to inhabit his body; his heart is perfect before the gods, he gaineth possession of it."

2. The reading of Naville's edition is better here. "Ye who steal hearts, and who make the heart of a man to come into existence according to that which hath been done by him; may it (i.e., his heart) be made strong by you."]

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Text [CHAPTER XXIXA.]:[1] (1) THE CHAPTER OF THE HEART NOT BEING CARRIED AWAY IN THE UNDERWORLD. He saith: "My heart (2) is with me, and it shall never come to pass that it shall be carried away. I am the lord of hearts, the slayer of the heart. (3) I live in right and in truth, and I have my being therein. I am Horus, a pure heart (4) within a pure body. I live by my word, and my heart doth live. Let not my heart be taken away (5), let it not be wounded, and may no wounds or gashes be dealt upon me because it hath been taken away[2] from me. (6) May I exist in the body of my father Seb, and in the body of my mother Nut. I have not done evil (7) against the gods; I have not sinned with boasting."

Vignette: The deceased adoring a heart.

Text [CHAPTER XXXA.]: (I) THE CHAPTER OF NOT (2) LETTING THE HEART OF A MAN BE DRIVEN AWAY FROM HIM IN THE UNDERWORLD. [He saith]: "My heart, my mother; my heart, my mother. My heart of my life upon earth. May naught rise up (3) against me in judgment in the presence of the lord of the trial; let it not be said concerning me and of that which I have done. 'He hath done deeds against that which is right and true'; may naught be against me in the presence of the great god, the lord of Amenta. Homage to thee, O my heart! Homage to thee, O my heart! Homage to you, O my reins![3] Homage to you, O ye gods who rule over the divine clouds, and who (5) are exalted by reason of your sceptres; speak ye comfortably unto Ra, and make me to prosper before Nehebka." And behold him, even though he be joined to the earth in the innermost parts thereof, and though he be laid upon it, he is not dead in Amenta, but is a glorified being therein.

Vignette: The deceased holding his heart to his breast with his left hand, and kneeling before a monster with a knife in its hand.

Text [CHAPTER XXVIII.]: (1) [THE CHAPTER OF] NOT LETTING THE HEART OF THE DECEASED BE CARRIED AWAY IN THE UNDERWORLD. [Saith he]: (2) "Hail, Lion-god! I am Un.[4] That which I hate is the block of the god. Let not this my heart be taken away from me by (3) the Fighter[5] in Annu. Hail thou who dost bind Osiris, and who hast seen Set! Hail thou who returnest after smiting and destroying him. (4) This heart sitteth and weepeth in the presence of Osiris; it hath with it the staff for which it entreated him. May there be given unto me for it, may there be decreed unto me for it the hidden things[6] of the heart in the (5) house of Usekh-hra; may

[1. See Naville, Todtenbuch, Bd. I., Bl. 40.

2. Understanding some word like ###; see the text in Lepsius.

3. Brugsch believes that the word means the liver or kidneys, or some special organ.; see Wörterbuch, p. 421.

4. Reading; another variant has "I am Ra."

5 I.e., the being represented in the vignette.

6 Var. ta ab, "warmth of heart."]

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there be granted unto it food at the bidding of the Eight.[1] Let not this my heart be "taken from me! I make thee to dwell in thy place, joining together hearts in (6) Sekhet-hetepu, and years of strength in all places of strength, carrying away food (?) at thy it moment with thy hand according to thy great strength. My heart is placed upon the altars of Tmu (7), who leadeth it to the den of Set; he hath given unto me my heart, whose will hath been done by the godlike rulers in Neter-khert. When they find the leg[2] and the swathings they bury them."

Vignette: Ani and his wife Thuthu, each holding the emblem of air in the left hand, and drinking water with the right from a pool, on the borders of which are palm trees laden with fruit.

Text [CHAPTER LVIII.]: (1) THE CHAPTER OF BREATHING THE AIR AND OF HAVING POWER OVER THE WATER IN THE UNDERWORLD. Saith Osiris Ani: "Open to me! Who art thou then, and whither dost thou fare? (2) I am one of you. Who is it with thee? It is Merti. Separate thou from him, each from each, when thou enterest the Mesqen. He letteth me sail to the temple of the divine beings who have found their faces(?). (4) The name of the boat is 'Assembler of Souls'; the name of the oars is 'Making the hair to stand on end'; the name it of the hold is 'Good'; (5) and the name of the rudder is 'Making straight for the middle' . . . . . . [3] . . . . . . (6) Grant ye to me vessels of milk together with cakes, loaves of bread, cups of drink, and flesh in the temple of (7) Anubis."

Rubric: If this chapter be known [by Ani] he shall go in after having come forth from the underworld.

Vignette: Ani kneeling beside a pool of water, where grows a sycamore tree; in the tree appears the goddess Nut pouring water into Ani's hands from a vessel

[1. Var. Re xemennu, "Mouth of Hermopolis."

2. This meaning is indicated by the determinative in the variant given by Naville, Todtenbuch, Bd. II., Bl. 95. The whole sentence may be a rubrical direction.

3 The text here appears to be corrupt, or at least some words have been omitted, for the equivalent passage in Lepsius reads ###. The variant reading indicated by ki t' et shows that this passage offered difficulties to the ancient Egyptian readers.]

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Text [CHAPTER LIX.]: (I) THE CHAPTER OF SNIFFING THE AIR, AND OF GETTING POWER OVER THE WATERS IN THE UNDERWORLD. Saith Osiris Ani: "Hail, sycamore tree of the goddess Nut! Grant thou to me of the water and the air which are in (2) thee. I embrace thy throne which is in Unnu,[l] and I watch and guard (3) the egg of the Great Cackler. It groweth, I grow; it liveth, I live; (4) it sniffeth the air, I sniff the air, I the Osiris Ani, in triumph."

Vignette: Ani seated upon a chair before a table of offerings; [2] in his right hand he holds the kherp sceptre[3] and in his left a staff.

Text [CHAPTER XLIV]: (I) THE CHAPTER OF NOT DYING A SECOND TIME IN THE UNDERWORLD.[4] Saith Osiris Ani: "My place of hiding is opened, my place of hiding is revealed! Light hath shone (2) in the darkness. The eye of Horus hath ordered my coming into being, and the god Apuat hath nursed me. I have hidden (3) myself with you, O ye stars that never set. My brow is like unto that of Ra; my face is open; (4) my heart is upon its throne; I utter words, and I know; in very truth, I am Ra himself. I am not treated with scorn, (5) and violence is not done unto me. Thy father, the son of Nut, liveth for thee. I am thy first-born, (6) and I see thy mysteries. I am crowned like unto the king of the gods, and I shall not die a second time in the underworld."

Vignette: The mummy of Ani embraced by Anubis, the god of the dead.

Text [CHAPTER XLV.]: (I) THE CHAPTER OF NOT CORRUPTING IN THE UNDERWORLD. Saith Osiris Ani: "O thou who art without motion like unto Osiris! O thou who art without motion like unto Osiris! (2) O thou whose

[1. I.e., Hermopolis.

2. For an account of the manner in which altars and other objects were represented on Egyptian monuments, see Borchardt, Die Darstellung innen verzierter Schalen aus Aegyptischen Denkmätern (in Aeg. Zeitschrift, Bd. XXXI., 1893, p. 1).

3. For a kherp sceptre in bronze, see No. 22,842 in the 2nd Egyptian Room.

4. Chapters CLXXV. and CLXXVI. bear the same title. For Chapter CLXXV. see Plate XXIX.

Chapter CLXXVI. (Naville, Todtenbuch, Bd. I., Pl. cc.) reads:--

"What I hate is the land of Abydos. May I never enter into the den, and may there never be done unto me any of those things which the gods hate, for I am . . . . pure within the Mesqet. May Neb-er-tcher give unto me his splendours on the day of the funeral in the presence of the Lord of Things."

"If this chapter be known [he] shall be in the condition of one who is acquitted in the underworld."]

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limbs are without motion like unto [those of] Osiris! Let not thy limbs be (3) without motion, let them not corrupt, let them not pass away, let them not decay; let it be (4) done unto me even as if I were the god Osiris."

Rubric: If this chapter be known by the Osiris Ani, he shall not corrupt in the underworld.

Vignette: A doorway. By one post stands the soul of Ani in the form of a human-headed hawk and by the other the bird.

Text: [CHAPTER XLVI.] (I) THE CHAPTER OF NOT PERISHING AND OF BECOMING ALIVE IN THE UNDERWORLD. Saith Osiris Ani: "Hail, (2) children of:' Shu! Hail, children of Shu, [children of] the place of the dawn, who as the children of light have gained possession of his crown. May I rise up and may I fare forth like Osiris."

Vignette: Ani the scribe standing with his back to a block and knife

Text: [CHAPTER XL.] (I) THE CHAPTER OF NOT ENTERING IN UNTO THE BLOCK. Saith Osiris Ani: "The four bones[1] of my neck and of my back are joined together for me in heaven by Ra, the guardian of the earth. (2) This was granted on the day when my rising up out of weakness upon my two feet was ordered, on the day (3) when the hair was cut off. The bones of my neck and of my back have been joined together by Set and by the company of the gods, even as they were (4) in the time that is past; may nothing happen to break them apart. Make ye [me] strong against my father's murderer. I have gotten power over the two earths. Nut hath joined together my bones, and [I] behold [them] as they were in the time that is past [and I] see [them] even in the same order as they were [when] the gods had not come into being (6) in visible forms.[2] I am Penti, I, Osiris the scribe Ani, triumphant, am the heir of the great gods."

Next: Plate XVII.