“AstroBin Image of the Day”,在此缩写为IOTD,是一个长期运行的系统,以促进美丽、有趣、奇特或其他惊人的天文摄影。它的目标是向更多人宣传天文摄影爱好者们的成果,从而增强人们对天文摄影的兴趣。
(Astrobin Image of the day 08/24/2024)
(Astrobin Image of the day 05/01/2024)
By Phil Brewer
Telescope: TS-Optics 200mm/8″ ONTC f/4 Newtonian (carbon tube)
Camera: QHY268M
Mount: iOptron CEM120
Frames: Chroma Blue 36 mm: 174×180″(8h 42′)
Chroma Green 36 mm: 166×180″(8h 18′)
Chroma H-alpha 3nm Bandpass 36 mm: 143×600″(23h 50′)
Chroma Lum 36 mm: 491×180″(24h 33′)
Chroma Red 36 mm: 162×180″(8h 6′)
Integration: 73h 29′
(Astrobin Image of the day 05/01/2024)
By Daniel Nimmervoll
Telescope: Lacerta 10″ f/4 Carbon Newton
Camera: QHY268M
Guiding: QHY OAG, QHY5III462C and PHD2
Mount: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro
Frames: Antlia V-Pro Blue 36 mm: 225×120″(7h 30′) (gain: 56.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Antlia V-Pro Green 36 mm: 225×120″(7h 30′) (gain: 56.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Antlia V-Pro Luminance 36 mm: 791×150″(32h 57′ 30″) (gain: 0.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Antlia V-Pro Red 36 mm: 225×120″(7h 30′) (gain: 56.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Integration: 55h 27′ 30″
(Astrobin IOTD 20240408)
作者:Charles Hagen
望远镜: Sky-Watcher Esprit 100ED
相机: QHY268M
赤道仪: Astro-Physics 900GTO
帧数: Antlia 3nm Narrowband H-alpha 36 mm: 160×1200″(53h 20′)
Antlia 3nm Narrowband H-alpha 36 mm: 410×300″(34h 10′)
Antlia Blue 36 mm: 126×300″(10h 30′)
Antlia Green 36 mm: 131×300″(10h 55′)
Antlia Luminance 36 mm: 347×300″(28h 55′)
Antlia Red 36 mm: 146×300″(12h 10′)
曝光时长: 150h
作者:Philip Bartlett
望远镜:Celestron EdgeHD 9.25″
赤道仪:Sky-Watcher NEQ6-Pro
帧数:Astronomik Deep-Sky Blue 36mm: 29×120″(58′)
Astronomik Deep-Sky Green 36mm: 30×120″(1h)
Astronomik Deep-Sky Red 36mm: 30×120″(1h)
Astronomik H-alpha CCD 6nm 36 mm: 104×300″(8h 40′)
Astronomik OIII CCD 6nm 36 mm: 87×300″(7h 15′)
作者:Sendhil Chinnasamy,Anis Abdul
望远镜:RCOS 12.5″ f/9 Carbon Truss Ritchey-Chrétien · RCOS 12.5″ f/9 Carbon Tube Ritchey-Chrétien
赤道仪:10Micron GM2000 HPS II · Astro-Physics 1200GTO
Astrodon Gen2 E-series Tru-Balance Lum 36mm: 369×600″(61h 30′)
Chroma Blue 2″: 43×600″(7h 10′)
Chroma Green 2″: 47×600″(7h 50′)
Chroma Lum 2″: 725×600″(120h 50′)
Chroma Red 2″: 41×600″(6h 50′)
曝光时长:204h 10′
作者:Kevin Morefield
望远镜:Planewave DeltaRho 350
赤道仪:Planewave L-600
Chroma Blue 50×50 mm: 100×120″(3h 20′)
Chroma Green 50×50 mm: 100×120″(3h 20′)
Chroma H-alpha 5nm Bandpass 50×50 mm: 27×300″(2h 15′)
Chroma H-alpha 5nm Bandpass 50×50 mm: 55×600″(9h 10′)
Chroma OIII 3nm Bandpass 50×50 mm: 13×300″(1h 5′)
Chroma OIII 3nm Bandpass 50×50 mm: 88×600″(14h 40′)
Chroma Red 50×50 mm: 121×120″(4h 2′)
Chroma SII 3nm Bandpass 50×50 mm: 94×300″(7h 50′)
Chroma SII 3nm Bandpass 50×50 mm: 37×600″(6h 10′)
曝光时长:51h 52′
作者:Charles Hagen
望远镜: Sky-Watcher Esprit 100ED
相机: QHY268M
赤道仪: Astro-Physics 900GTO
Antlia 3nm Narrowband H-alpha 36 mm: 19×1200″(6h 20′)
Antlia Blue 36 mm: 78×300″(6h 30′)
Antlia Green 36 mm: 80×300″(6h 40′)
Antlia Luminance 36 mm: 294×300″(24h 30′)
Antlia Red 36 mm: 84×300″(7h)
曝光时长: 51hours
作者:Daniel Nimmervoll
相机: QHY268M
望远镜: Lacerta 10″ f/4 Carbon Newton
赤道仪: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro
滤镜: Antlia V-Pro Blue 36 mm · Antlia V-Pro Green 36 mm · Antlia V-Pro Luminance 36 mm · Antlia V-Pro Red 36 mm
作者:Jose Carballada
相机: QHY294M Pro
望远镜: Takahashi Epsilon-160ED
赤道仪: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro
帧数: Baader Blue (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 120×60″(2h)
Baader Green (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 120×60″(2h)
Baader H-alpha 6.5nm (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 180×600″(30h)
Baader O-III 6.5nm (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 180×600″(30h)
Baader Red (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 120×60″(2h)
曝光时长: 66h
作者: Yannick Akar
望远镜: Celestron RASA 11”
赤道仪: iOptron CEM60/120
总计曝光时长: 146.3 hours
Baader Blue (CMOS-Optimized) 50×50 mm: 292×90″(7h 18′) (gain: 0.00) f/2.2 -10°C bin 1×1
Baader Green (CMOS-Optimized) 50×50 mm: 272×90″(6h 48′) (gain: 0.00) f/2.2 -10°C bin 1×1
Baader H-alpha Highspeed(f/2) Ultra-Narrowband 3.5nm (CMOS-Optimized) 50×50 mm: 1140×120″(38h) (gain: 56.00) f/2.2 -10°C bin 1×1
Baader H-alpha Highspeed(f/2) Ultra-Narrowband 3.5nm (CMOS-Optimized) 50×50 mm: 220×180″(11h) (gain: 56.00) f/2.2 -10°C bin 1×1
Baader O-III Highspeed(f/2) Ultra-Narrowband 4nm (CMOS-Optimized) 50×50 mm: 1100×180″(55h) (gain: 56.00) f/2.2 -10°C bin 1×1
Baader Red (CMOS-Optimized) 50×50 mm: 330×90″(8h 15′) (gain: 0.00) f/2.2 -10°C bin 1×1
IDAS LPS-P2 2″: 1200×60″(20h) (gain: 0.00) f/2.2 -10°C bin 1×1
作者:Telescope Live &SemiPro
望远镜: Planewave CDK24
相机: QHY600PH M
帧数: 71×300″(5h 55′)
Astrobin Image of the day 02/08/2024
作者:Matthias Olhoeft and Martin Voigt
望远镜: Takahashi Epsilon-160ED
相机: QHY268M Pro
帧数: Astronomik Deep-Sky Blue 36mm: 210×120″(7h)
Astronomik Deep-Sky Green 36mm: 210×120″(7h)
Astronomik Deep-Sky Red 36mm: 258×120″(8h 36′)
Astronomik L-2 Luminance UV/IR Block 36 mm: 348×120″(11h 36′)
曝光时长: 34h 12′
By Alex Helms
望远镜: AG Optical iDK 12.5 inch F6.7
相机: QHY600PH M
赤道仪: 10Micron GM1000 HPS
帧数: Antlia Blue 2″: 45×180″(2h 15′)Antlia Green 2″: 45×180″(2h 15′)
Antlia Luminance 2″: 103×600″(17h 10′)
Antlia Red 2″: 42×180″(2h 6′)
曝光时长: 23h 46′
作者:Matt Hughes
望远镜:Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4
相机:QHY600M PH
滤镜:Chroma H-alpha 5nm Bandpass 50 mm · Chroma OIII 3nm Bandpass 50 mm · Chroma SII 3nm Bandpass 50 mm
赤道仪:Astro-Physics 1100GTO-AE
Chroma H-alpha 5nm Bandpass 50 mm: 27×600″(4h 30′) (gain: 56.00) -10°C bin 1×1
Chroma OIII 3nm Bandpass 50 mm: 27×600″(4h 30′) (gain: 56.00) -10°C bin 1×1
Chroma SII 3nm Bandpass 50 mm: 28×600″(4h 40′) (gain: 56.00) -10°C bin 1×1
总计曝光时长: 13h 40′
作者:Kent Wood
望远镜: Planewave CDK17
相机: QHY600M PH
赤道仪: Astro-Physics 1600GTO
帧数: 99×600” (16h 30′)
作者:Christian Koll
相机: QHY600L
望远镜: Sky-Watcher Esprit 100ED
赤道仪: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro
帧数: Antlia 3nm Narrowband H-alpha 2″: 120×600″(20h)
Antlia 3nm Narrowband Oxygen III 2″: 120×600″(20h)
Antlia V-Pro Blue 2″: 60×120″(2h)
Antlia V-Pro Green 2″: 45×120″(1h 30′)
Antlia V-Pro Red 2″: 50×120″(1h 40′)
曝光总时长: 45h 10′
作者: Alex Ranous
望远镜: Astro-Physics StarFire GTX 130mm f/6.3 (3.5″)
相机: QHY268M
赤道仪: Astro-Physics 1100GTO-AE
滤镜: Astrodon H-alpha 5nm 36 mm · Astrodon OIII 3nm 36 mm · Astrodon SII 5nm 36 mm
总计曝光时长: 75h 10′
作者:Luigi Morrone
望远镜: Celestron EdgeHD 14″
相机: QHY5III200M
赤道仪: Fornax 51 / 52
滤镜: Baader IR-Pass 685nm 1.25″
史蒂芬五重星系 (IOTD 20230801)
望远镜: Planewave CDK20 (f/6.8 version)
赤道仪: Planewave L-500
Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Blue 50 mm: 23×300″(1h 55′)
Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Green 50 mm: 24×300″(2h)
Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Lum 50 mm: 67×300″(5h 35′)
Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Red 50 mm: 24×300″(2h)
总计曝光时长: 11h30′
作者:Kent Wood
相机:QHY600M PH
望远镜:Planewave CDK17
赤道仪:Astro-Physics 1600GTO
帧数: 103×600”
总计曝光时长: 17h 10′
作者: Daniel Nimmervoll
望远镜: Lacerta 10″ f/4 Carbon Newton
相机: QHY268M
赤道仪: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro
滤镜: Antlia V-Pro Blue 36 mm · Antlia V-Pro Green 36 mm · Antlia V-Pro Luminance 36 mm · Antlia V-Pro Red 36 mm
Antlia V-Pro Blue 36 mm: 73×120″(2h 26′) (gain: 56.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Antlia V-Pro Green 36 mm: 73×120″(2h 26′) (gain: 56.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Antlia V-Pro Luminance 36 mm: 387×150″(16h 7′ 30″) (gain: 0.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Antlia V-Pro Red 36 mm: 73×120″(2h 26′) (gain: 56.00) -15°C bin 1×1
曝光时长: 23h 25′ 30″
作者: https://www.astrobin.com/w22v8u/0/
望远镜: C14 Edge HD
相机: QHY5III200M
赤道仪: Fornax52 mount
滤镜: Chroma Blue 50 mm · Chroma Green 50 mm · Chroma Lum 50 mm · Chroma Red 50 mm
地点: Agerola-Amalfitan Coast-Italy
作者: Herbert Walter
望远镜: Several contributors IAS 10″ Newton
相机: QHY268M
赤道仪: 10Micron GM3000 HPS
帧数: 280×150″(11h 40′)
作者: Kyunghoon Lim
望远镜: Sky-Watcher Quattro 250P / 10-S
相机: QHY533M
Optolong Blue 36 mm: 45×90″(1h 7′ 30″) (gain: 60.00) f/4 -25°C bin 1×1
Optolong Green 36 mm: 43×90″(1h 4′ 30″) (gain: 60.00) f/4 -25°C bin 1×1
Optolong Red 36 mm: 46×90″(1h 9′) (gain: 60.00) f/4 -25°C bin 1×1
Optolong UV/IR cut 36 mm: 148×90″(3h 42′) (gain: 60.00) f/4 -25°C bin 1×1
曝光时长: 7h3′
Imaging Telescopes Or Lenses: Celestron C14 SC XLT
Imaging Cameras: QHYCCD QHY290M
Mount: iOptron CEM70
Exposure per frame: 15 ms
作者: Kevin Morefield
望远镜: Planewave CDK14
赤道仪: Planewave L-350
帧数: Astrodon H-alpha 5nm 50×50 mm: 39×900″(9h 45′) (gain: 25.00) -10°C bin 1×1
Astrodon OIII 3nm 50×50 mm: 40×900″(10h) (gain: 25.00) -10°C bin 1×1
Astrodon SII 3nm 50×50 mm: 40×900″(10h) (gain: 25.00) -10°C bin 1×1
曝光时长: 29h 45′
作者:Danniel Nimmervoll
望远镜: LACERTA NEWTON Teleskop Austria 10″/F4 Lacerta Newton 250/1000
赤道仪: Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro (modified)
滤镜: Astronomik UV/IR L2 · Optolong L-eXtreme 2″
导星镜: LACERTA NEWTON Teleskop Austria 10″/F4 Lacerta Newton 250/1000
导星相机: QHY5III462C
帧数: Astronomik UV/IR L2: 62×300″ (5h 10′) (gain: 0.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Optolong L-eXtreme 2″: 30×900″ (7h 30′) (gain: 60.00) -15°C bin 1×1
总计曝光 12h 40′

作者: Matt Harbison
相机: QHY 16200A
望远镜: William Optics FLT 132 Triplet APO Scope #2
赤道仪: Astro-Physics Mach 1 GTO
导星相机: QHY-5-L-II-M QHY5-II Mono
减焦镜: William Optics Reducer 0.80 #2
软件: PixInsight · Adobe Photoshop photoshop PS · Sequence Generator Pro · Adobe Lightroom LR
滤镜: Astrodon Blue Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 Astrodon Blue · Astrodon Green Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 Astrodon Green · Astrodon Red Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 Astrodon Red · Astrodon Lum Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 Astrodon Luminance · Astrodon Ha 3nm
配件: QHY Med OAG QHYOAG-M · Moonlite DRO focuser&rotator Moonlite DRO Focuser & Rotator · Optec Alnitak Flip-Flat Flat Fielder · Moonlite Crayford Focuser with motor
Astrodon Blue Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 Astrodon Blue: 80×180″ -15C bin 1×1
Astrodon Green Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 Astrodon Green: 80×180″ -15C bin 1×1
Astrodon Lum Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 Astrodon Luminance: 214×180″ -15C bin 1×1
Astrodon Red Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 Astrodon Red: 80×180″ -15C bin 1×1
曝光时长: 22.7 hours
分辨率: 4000×2988
作者: Ignacio Diaz Bobillo
望远镜: Astro-Physics 167 FLZ
相机: QHY 163M
滤镜: Astrodon Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 Blue · Astrodon Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 Red
配件: Astro-Physics Field Flattener
分辨率: 3409×2557
Chuck Manges
望远镜: Orion ED102TCF
赤道仪s: Orion Sirius EQ-G
导星镜头: Orion 50mm GuideScope
导星相机: Orion Star Shoot Planetary Imager & Autoguider
减焦镜: William Optics Field Flattener IV
滤镜: Baader L 36mm · Baader H-alpha 7nm 36mm · Baader Red, Green, Blue 36mm
帧数:Baader H-alpha 7nm 36mm: 36×1200″ (12h) -30C bin 1×1
曝光时长: 12h
作者:Ignacio Diaz Bobillo
望远镜: Astro-Physics 167 FLZ
相机: QHY 163M
赤道仪: Astro-Physics 1100 GTO
导星相机: QHY5L-II Mono
滤镜: Astrodon Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 OIII 3 nm · Astrodon Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 H-alpha 3 nm
Astrodon Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 H-alpha 3 nm: 48×180″ (2h 24′) -20C bin 1×1
Astrodon Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2 OIII 3 nm: 30×180″ (1h 30′) -20C bin 1×1
曝光时长: 3h 54′
Matt Harbison
望远镜: William Optics FLT 132 Triplet APO WOFLT132
相机: QHY 16200A
赤道仪: Astro-Physics Mach 1 GTO
导星相机: QHY-5-L-II-M QHY5-II Mono
滤镜: Astrodon Ha 3nm · Astrodon Tru-Balance LRGB E-Series Gen 2
配件: QHY Med OAG QHYOAG-M · Moonlite Crayford Focuser with motor
帧数: Astrodon Tru-Balance LRGB E-Series Gen 2: 480×180″ (24h) -15C bin 1×1
曝光时长: 24h
望远镜: Lunt 80mm ED Lunt 80 + Ca-K · Lunt Solar Systems Lunt 80 BF1800
相机: QHY 174MC Cooled QHY174MC Cooled
赤道仪: Astro-Physics 1100 GTO
滤镜: Lunt 1800 Blocking Filter
配件: Hinode Solar Guider · Lunt 1800 Blocking Filter · Lunt Ca-K 1800 Blocking Filter
分辨率: 5200×3250