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Brasão da PUC-Rio

Coordenação Central de Cooperação Internacional

Incoming Students


VISA: A student visa is required. The visa must be obtained BEFORE the student´s entrance in Brazil. A tourist visa cannot be transferred into a student visa inside the country. When the applicant is accepted, CCCI will send a LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE that will enable him/her to obtain a visa at a Brazilian Consulate.

A student visa is required. The process may take a few weeks, so begin early. Under NO circumstances should you apply for a tourist visa. They are valid for only 90 days and cannot be extended.

You must obtain the visa from the Brazilian consulate in your area of jurisdiction and in some cases; a personal visit to the consulate may be required. You should apply for a visa from the consulate whose area of jurisdiction includes your permanent home. If this is not possible or is very inconvenient, you may request that the consulate within the area of jurisdiction of your home institution accept and process your visa application.

In order to obtain your visa, you must provide the documents listed below. However, this list should not be considered all-inclusive. The Brazilian consulate processing the visa reserves the right to make other requirements when deemed necessary. Important: call the consulate in your particular area of jurisdiction to confirm the procedure, which might differ from  city or state.

Entry into Brazil must take place within 90 days from the date when the visa was issued. This visa is good for multiple entries, for the time of the visa's duration. If necessary, an extension may be obtained with the Federal Police in Brazil, if requested at least 30 days prior to its expiration. Student Visa (i.e. VITEM-I or VITEM IV) holders are not allowed to engage in any paid activity in Brazil.

More details: check the Pre-Departure Manual

Federal Police:  

Step by step to make the appointment

The Federal Police only accepts the students that are scheduled on the website.  If it passes 90 days after your arrival, there is the possibility that you have to pay a fine, which they will inform you once you are there, so be prepared.

The Brazilian authorities require International student to register their visa in the first 90 days of their arrival.

Students have to request an appointment at the federal Police website: https://www.gov.br/pf/pt-br/assuntos/imigracao

Make sure that you request your appointment within 05 days of your arrival to have enough time to pay the required fees and get official documents.

In case the students fail to register the visa within in the 90 days. They will pay a daily fine for the authorities and may jeopardize their stay in the country.

Federal Police - Registration - Step by step

Contact / Social Media


Rua Marquês de São Vicente 225,
Edifício Padre Leonel Franca - 8º andar, Gávea
CEP 22451-900
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - BRASIL

Office hours

Monday to Friday:
9h to 12h and 14h to 17h