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Our role in a clean energy future

Distributed energy resources have a place in our network

Careers at CitiPower and PowercorOur role in a clean energy future

The path to a clean energy future

We provide reliable, safe and affordable electricity, and manage a sophisticated system that enables renewable energy and greater energy efficiency.

Our teams are expanding our network capacity and participating in industry working groups to develop new rules and standards for the national electricity market.

Community batteries

How community batteries are helping to manage peak demand on days of high use.

The traditional model of electricity generation and distribution is a thing of the past.

There’s been a significant shift from the one-way flow of energy sourced from a small number of very large generators to the two-way flow of electricity from thousands of smaller generators – most of which are private homes with solar panels on their roofs.

But the transformation of our business does not end with energy flows. Our role has been expanded from solely providing network services to performing as a Distribution System Operator (DSO).

Being a DSO expands our traditional services role into three main functions:

  • Enabling homes and businesses that generate electricity to be connected to and export excess power into our network – while encouraging a shift in when power is used to optimise renewables.
  • Helping new trader services such as electricity aggregators to participate in the electricity market. By showing where there is capacity or constraint, we enable third parties to trade and move electricity through our network.
  • Maintaining system security and network stability in coordination with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).

Our purpose is to ensure all forms of distributed energy resources – including solar, batteries, smart appliances, electric vehicles and other future innovations – are integrated efficiently and flexibly into our network. By providing seamless access to our network, we are generating new value for all customers.